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The main issue identified with the The Movement Athlete app: Rigid User Experience.

The app has been designed for the end user, but it is not addressed to him/her directly. The
language and reinforcements do not involve the user. It lacks of engagement.

Other issue: in the file Our Customer Analysis I have noticed that people can buy this app but do
not act on it, does not feel the need to get involved or they had an injury so on. We have to
design this gamified experience so hat ANY user will start using it immediately. Even if it just
becomes a Socializer, entering the gamified experience for 1 week just to get used to it or even if
he gets motivated to start right away with the tasks given by the design and trainers.

A must: We also need a narrative voice – these being a game dynamic element. Once the user
eneters the app, the experience there is a need for a cover voice for each of the tasks and the
environment. We’ll work on the narrative voice. It is an element of creating instant anchoring for
Auditive users.

Another identified need Addressing users’ with our objectives: Engagement, results, feedback,
anchoring users so that they come back and reuse the app's features, users advocating for the use
of this app towards prospects, being the latest fitness app fuss. This is just a short outline, Your
needs are much more as I have identified. I will make sure to create this gamified experience
to cover your needs and the users’ needs.

TIP: we need to create a story for the users. Let them choose their time resources: create 1h
activities, or even 5-10 minute ones. Rewards and transparent progress bars are a must for any of
those. In the initial presentation narrative story we will introduce the feedback from your
customers: hopes and dreams, wishes, disappointments, etc. anything to tell them about their
present life situation and to lead them towards what they are about to achieve. I will use NLP
techniques to create the story.

Gamification dynamic issue! In the Pitch deck – The App – Uniquely Gamified Training
program: We will tell them What’s in it for them directly. People do not have the patience to
read about you! Let me rewrite the content + we need a narrative voice: engaging and FUN! The
content of the narration here can be: short affirmations, short worries, inputs or the same as the
written content We have to brainstorm on that. This first step is VERY IMPORTANT!

 Short info: we will have to work on the visual elements as well, related to the context.
Giving away free competitive elements for the Visual users is BAD. You will have to
remove the competitor’s logos from here: Bodyweight Training, see in the deck. A visual
user will feel the need to click any of those logos or even search for your competitors. We
will build another way to show the competitive advantages!

More tips will follow once I’m on the job. We need to design and redesign what you already
have so that you gain an advantage and not loose it. We need to position you above the market
alternatives through this gamified experience for your users.
Game Mechanics and Game Dynamics Plan – A Whole Gamified Design for
The Movement Athlete *Draft

1. Data and Methods. Actual Status of the product – an analyze through Gamification,
NLP and Customer Psychology view. To see where you are and what we can change.

Analyze the following:

User’s identity: Know who they are so that we know what fits their needs.

User’s behavior: We will use the files with their feedback for this step. Know what they lack of,
what expectations they have, do they have alternatives or not to this app, how much time they
invest or they are willing to invest, what drives them, etc. For each of these we will create an
input an anchoring gamified activity. We will cover up their mental objections by doing so and
we will provide fulfillment point.

User’s demographics: Can help us create challenges between different locations. Groups can be
formed, engagement risen, fun, collaboration, traffic on the app x times more than for a singular
person and so on. I can develop this idea and others at their own time.

The communication this product has with its users. Some ideas can be found in the text above
with the suggestions I have made. Other input will be offered after we start the collaboration and
it will focus on a gamified manner to communicate with your users also. Why? Because they are
not just simple user, we need to turn them into players! And the way we create the narrative
discourse and interaction is how we actually lead, manage and master this whole experience for
them. So let me design this gamification dynamics element as well.

Analyze all the Gamification dynamics you are using already and thos who can be implemented.
Without the dynamics, the gamification mechanics are like a car without fuel! There will be no
psychology behind this whole planning to support a successful product for a long-term.

A complete analyze of the game elements, mechanics that you have implemented by now. What
is ok and what is not. Suggestions will not be offered at this step, but during the next steps we
will work concretely on mechanics, dynamics, testing and implementation. Complete analyze of
your Golden Circle and suggestions of mechanics.

Once we start more work might appear at each stage.

2. Expert Interview and Ideas for an effective team communication,
structure and collaboration

We have talked about a Skype meeting after I send you this plan.
I suggest we have the Skype meeting after I am being approved for the job.

Skype meetings ideas:

Let’s fix our needs. I need to know yours also regarding my work, financial,
my presence among the team, follow-up of this project, anything.

I need to work 8h/day. Be paid per milestone at the end of each week.
Milestones will represent tasks for me and members of the team as we will
establish for each step. So during the working week, I will meet the persons
we need for each of those steps. Meetings need to be established on a
common platform and agreed before the meeting day.

I understand the docs need to be sent on GoogleDocs. I need to know the

internal communication channels for me and other members of this team.

At the end of the week a file with what has been accomplished need to be
done by me or the supervisor of this project. At the end of each milestone we
need to know what was accomplished and what we changed, who did it and
how. Analysis of context and users. Let’s do it in our Skype and use it after.
Who is who and how can we work together. Does someone manage this?

Will I be a transparent member of your team? If so, will my picture and

description be on your site? My desire is to help you until the end of this
project. The membership it’s a matter for you to decide.

If we externalize the work outside Upwork, I suggest we externalize the

payment also. I have accepted your payment fees, but Upwork is taking even
more from the payment you make. So I end up with less money. Please
consider the above ideas.
3. Making the Design

Key Tools for the Gamified Design we have:

Autonomy through self-endorsed goals and activities. User behavior triggers suggestions: The
recommended feature lights up and sends a
Competence through goal achievement
Relatedness through competition and collaboration
Fun through activities

Plus  Self-regulatory behavior change techniques we need to make visible:

-player’s discrepancy between behavior and goal

Dynamics • He can opt-in for a daily, achievable goals program. But let’s give him alternatives
for time-line independent activities of 5-10 minutes. Task he can do during a break at work.
Mechanics • Self-monitoring
Mechanics • Feedback on his own behavior

This step will be powerful and I will need individual time to work and time with member of
the team.

a. Establishing the game dynamics through different lenses

People are scared of the effects of their choices on their own life. We place thm
situationally where they are and lead them into our app’s experience. Tempt
them as professionally as we can. Gamification dynamics is how we sell our
product through the manner we will design it!! This step is a MUST

b. Establishing the game mechanics

c. Working with different team members to develop and implement game
mechanics and dynamics.

What you have expressed is only a smart part of what we need to do:


- Creating ongoing engagement within the app - building loops so the user comes back every day
- Sharing mechanisms - eg creating a video of their progress
- Reward mechanism - this program is all about achieving new and new things and user should be
- Community etc “

We will use what we have and re-built the approach plus build a REAL GAMIFIED product app!

See the example. We cannot create increased engagement, higher motivational levels, a specific
interaction with the user so that he feels he owns the game, the game is part of his life from now,
the game is a daily must even …for his health, and we cannot create great loyalty like this. Why?
Because the Dashboard as it is does not address to the user/player and gives him no message to
carry outside his experience, to others.

While working at the gamification dynamics and mechanics we will take the Neuro-
logical Levels of Change into consideration, a Dilt’s product for acknowledging how the
app impacts user’s life. It is great also for the design of mechanics.

We will also be guided by this one right here:

To know: Gamification and neural activity

While trying to gain an understanding of the behaviours and expected responses of an

individual or team, it can also be important to consider what is happening in the brain
that affects people’s behaviour. There has been significant study into the neural activity
inside the brain when a person is undertaking exciting and addictive tasks and while
there has been no specific study into the impact of gamification within the brain, it could
be assumed that the effect is similar to that of gaming, gambling and other competitive
activities which release specific chemicals to create feelings of excitement, euphoria
and pleasure. It has even been hypothesised that gamification aims to activate the
brain’s natural reward system through the release of a chemical known as dopamine,
giving a feeling of satisfaction and happiness. By tapping into a person’s neural system
and rewarding them, this activation should then fuel the motivation to continue and
become further engaged in the activity.
Here is how I need us to work on this project:

This is an example:
Trust me, this draft is just a small point to start and to show you some ideas to start
from.The actual hard work cannot be disclosed until I am sure I am the one accepted for
this project. The whole work will be done step by step and I imagine it to be a success!

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