Health Unit Assessment

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Multiple Choice
1. A sourceof simplecarbohydrates is
a. seeds c. fruits
b. brownrice d. potatoes

2. Therisk of obesity,heartdisease, & canceris increased

by a diethigh in
a. fat c. cholesterol
b. saturatedfat d. all of the above

3. Vitamin _ is an exampleof a fat solublevitamin.

a.A c.C
b.B d. noneofthe above

4. Essentialaminoacids
a. arevitaminsthat dissolvein fat.
b. arethe nine aminoacidsthe body cannotproduce
c. comefrom grains,legumes,nuts,andseeds
d. areunitsofenergyproducedby protein.

5. Unsaturated
fat is in the form of at roorntemperature
a. liquid c. gas
b. solid d. none ofthe above

6. High calciumcheesecontains
a. 3 gramsof calcium(or more)per serving
b. 20%or moreof the Daily Value
c. morethan.5 gramsof calciumper serving
d. no morethan60 milligramsof calciumper serving

7. providefew vitamins& mineralsandarehigh in sugarsandfats.

a. Fruits
b. Meats, poultry, fish, dry beans,eggs,& nuts
c. Milk, yogffi, & cheese
d. Fats,oils, & sweets

8. The only way to get all the nutrients you need is

a. to drink alcohol in moderation
b. to eat a combination of foods
c. to eat the samefoods over and over again
d. to eat a vegetariandiet

9. The recommendedamount of protein for males is

_ grams.
a. 50 c. 63
b. 70 d. 90
10. to -.--- mg. of sodiumis an adequate
amountof sodiumin a
a. 1000-3000 c. 50-75
b. 6000-12000 d. 150-l7s

I l. Anemiais definedasa lackof in the diet.

a. sodium c. calcium
b. iron d. protein

12. Saturatedfatscomefrom
a. plants c. animals
b. processed foods d. noneofthe above

13. is madeup of 75%o

a. Fruits c. Meats
b. Grains d. Poultrv

14. All of the following axesourcesof caloriesexcept

a. protein c. fats
b. vitamins d. carbohydrates

15. Thebody'spreferredsourceofenergyis
a. carbohydrates c. fats
b. vitamins d. protein

16. A diethighin hasbeenlinkedto high bloodpressure.

a. iron c. protein
b. sodium d. calcium

17. The mostcommonform of fat circulatingin the body is

a. saturated c. unsaturated
b. cholesterol d. triglyceride

1. VitaminB12 is a goodsourceof energy.

2'. A personcansurvivelongerwithout waterthanhe canwithout certain


3. complex carbohydrates
provideonewith shortterm energy.

4. Proteinis the body'spreferredenergysource.

5. Essentialaminoacidsareaminoacidsthatthe adultbc,dycansynthesizein adequate

6. Malesneedmoreproteinthanfemales.

7. Fatsolublevitaminscanbe takenin excesswithoutanydanger.

8. Unsaturated
fat is solid at roomtemperature.

9. The simplestform of carbohydrates

is sugar.

10' If an excessamountof proteinis ingested,

it is converted
to wasteandis removed
from the body.

11. A vegetarian
is unableto consumeall of theessential
12. Excessiron may increase
therisk of heartdisease.

13. "My Pyramid"is the samefor everyone.

A. Calorie B. Protein C. Aminohcids
D. IncompleteProtein E. Cornplete Protein F. Fat
G. SaturatedFat H. Unsaturated Fat I. Water
J. Cholesterol K. Enriched L. Fortification
M. More N. Triglyceride O. Fresh
P. Natural Q. Nutrients R. RDA
S. Empty-calorieFoods T. ExpirationDate U. Freshness Date
V. Sell Date W. Less

l. A type of fat from plant products and is liquicl at room

A from plant sourcesthat doesnot containall of the essential
?' ltfln amino acids.
3. A fat-like substancemadeby the trody and found in certain.loods.
4. The building blocks of protein.
5. A unit of energythat is receivedfrom food.
6' Food label that requiresthe food to contain25o/olessof
a nutrient or of caloriesthan a
7. A nutrient that provides energy and helps the body
store and use vitamins.
8' A nutrient that is involved wittr alt body processes,
makesup the basicpart of the
blood, and helpswith wasteremoval.
9. Food label that requiresthe food to contain l0o./o
or more of a nutrienitor of calories
than a comparablefood.
l0' A type of fat from dairy products & is solid
at room tempererture.
I1. The processof adding certainnutrientsnot
12. A nutrient that is neededfor growth & repur.
13. A proteinthat containsall of the essentialaminoacids.
14. Foodsthat haveliule or no nutritionalvalue.
15' only foodsthat areraw, unprocessed, containno preservatives, andhaveneverbeen
frozenor heated.
16' The food is minimally processed with no artificial for syntheticingredients.Usedfor
meat& poultry only.
17' Suggests the amountsof 19essentialnutrientsthatmostpeopleneeddaily to stay
18. substances in food that the bodyneedsto functionproperly.
19. Lastdateproductshouldbe sold.
20. Lastdateyou shoulduseor consumetheproduct.
21. Lastdatea food is thoughtto be fresh.
22. Nutrientslost in processingareaddedback.
23. Most commonform of fat circulatingin the body.

Short Answer
l. of the dietsstudied,which diet is basedon a point system?

2. Whatarethe expertssayingaboutthe Atkins Diet?

3. How is the south BeachDiet similarto the Atkins Diet?

4. Whatis the emphasisof the Subwaydiet?

5. Whataresomenegativesof the JennyCraigDiet?

6. Whatis the mosteffectiveway to loseweight?

7. List 3 differencesin the old food guidepyramidascompared

to the Mypyramid.

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