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Visiting the doctor

Visitar al doctor

Questions your teacher will ask

Preguntas que te hará tu profesor

How do you feel today?

¿Cómo te sientes hoy?
Which health problems do you often have?
¿Qué problemas de salud presentas a menudo?

Useful language
Lenguaje útil

Common health problems

Problemas de salud comunes
a stomachache dolor de estómago a headache dolor de cabeza
a fever fiebre a runny nose escurrimiento nasal
a sore throat dolor de garganta a cough tos

Dialogue you’ll practice in the class (key sentences are highlighted)

Diálogo que practicarás en clase (las oraciones clave están resaltadas)

A: How do you feel today?

B: Not very good, doctor.
A: What’s the problem?
B: I have a fever and a bad stomachache.
A: Is there anything else?
B: Well, yes. I’m very tired.
A: Are you sleeping well?
B: No, I’m not.
A: OK. I think you need to rest and take some cold medicine.

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