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Section A [ 45 marks ]

Answer all questions in this section.

1. In a survey , people were asked how long they spent on surfing the internet in
a day ,on average. The median time was 3 hours 36 minutes , the upper quartile
was 4 hours 42 minutes and the interquartile range was 3 hours 12 minutes .
The longest time taken was 5 hours 12 minutes and the shortest time taken was
30 minutes .

(a) Represent the information by a box- and-whisker plot , using a scale of

2 cm to represent 60 minutes [4 marks]

(b) State the shape of the distribution. [1 mark ]

1 1 1
2. Events A and B are such that P(A) = , P(B│A) = 4 and P(A  B ) = .
3 6
Find P(B) . [4 marks]

A third event C is such that A and C are independent with P(A C) =
and P(BC) = .

Find P(C) and show that B and C are mutually exclusive. [3 marks]

3. At a flower pot kiln , 20 % of the pots produced are cracked .

(a) Find the smallest value of n if there is a probability of at least 0.85

that a random sample of n flower pots produced by the kiln , will
contain at least one cracked pot . [5 marks]

(b) Using a suitable approximation , estimate the probability that there will be
at most 349 cracked pots out of 2000 pots produced by the kiln . [4 marks]
4. The distribution of the speed of a car, X , has mean μ km per hour and standard
deviation  km per hour . A random sample of 120 car is taken from the
population. The mean speed of the sample is denoted by X .
State the approximate distribution of X and the theorem used . [ 3 marks]

The sample values are summarised by

∑(𝑥 − 100) = −221 , ∑(𝑥 − 100)2 = 4708 .

(a) Find unbiased estimates of μ and  2 . [3 marks]

(b) Explain why X is an unbiased estimator of μ . [1 marks]

(c) Determine an approximate symmetric 96 % confidence interval for μ . [3 marks]

Give your numerical answers correct to 2 decimal places .

5. A telephone enquiry service is so busy that only 80 % of calls to it are

successfully connected. It may be assumed that all calls are independent .

After improving the facilities , the management arranges for a random sample

of 150 calls to be made to the service and it is found that 132 of these calls

are successfully connected. Test at the 5 % significance level , whether the

successful connection rate has improved. [5 marks]

6. The number of accidents per day on a stretch of motorway was recorded for
100 days and the following results obtained.

Number of accidents 0 1 2 3 4
Frequency 44 32 9 10 5

Carry out a χ2 goodness of fit test at 1 % significance level , to determine

whether the Poisson distribution with mean 1 is an appropriate model for
these data . [9 marks]
Section B [ 15 marks]
Answer any one question in this section.

7. When a certain type of cell is subjected to radiation, the cell may die , survive as
1 1 1
a single cell or divide into two cells with probabilities , , respectively .
2 3 6
Two cells are independently subjected to radiation . The random variable X
represents the total number of cells in existence after this experiment.

(a) Find the probability distribution of X . [4 marks]

(b) Evaluate E(X) and standard deviation of X . [4 marks]

(c) Find the cumulative distribution function of X . [3 marks]

(d) Ten independent observations of X are taken and the random variable T
is the number of times that X = 0 is obtained .
Find P(T 3) . [4 marks]

8. (a) A random variable Y is known to have a normal distribution with

variance 2.82. The mean of the distribution of Y is denoted by μ .
A random sample of 64 observations of Y has mean 4.74 .
Test at 10% significance level , the null hypothesis μ = 5 against
the alternative hypothesis μ < 5 . [5 marks]

Find the largest level of significance at which the test would result in
rejection of the null hypothesis . [3 marks]

(b) In a survey into things that people most commonly fear, 43 people out
of a random sample of 200 people said they are afraid of flying.

(i) Given that a symmetric 90 % confidence interval of the proportion

of the population , p ,who are afraid of flying is ( 0.167 , 0.263 ) ,
and if the testing of H0 : p = 0.25 against H1 : p  0.25 at 10%
significance level is carried out , explain how this confidence
interval can be used to test the hypothesis. [3 marks]

(ii) Estimate the sample size that will be needed if it is intended that
the resulting 90% confidence interval for p should have a
width of 0.05 . [4 marks]

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can” ~ Arthur Ashe

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