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King Post Design Check: Zone 5 Section 3 (Case 1 - Steel strut remain at SS4 level)

Size: UB 400 x 400 x 283



Grade = S355

D= 428.0 mm; B= 407.0 mm; t= 20.0 mm; T= 35.0 mm;

d= 314.0 mm; b = B/2 = 203.5 mm; u= 0.854 x= 11.60

Ag = A = 361 cm^2; lx = 119200 cm^4; ly = 39360 cm^4; rx = 18.2 cm;

ry = 10.4 cm; Sx = 6311 cm^3; Sy = 2941 cm^3; Zx = 5570 cm^3;

Zy = 1934 cm^3; Avy = t x D = 85.6 cm^2;

Steel grade; S 355 ; ρy = 345 N/mm^2 ρyw = ρy ; ke = 1.1

ε= √( 275 N/mm^2/ ρy) = 0.893

E (Steel modulus elasticity); E = 205000000 kN/m^2


Location: Zone 5 Section 3 (Case 1 - Steel strut remain at SS4 level)

Strut Size:

Typ RC strut; width; B = 1000 mm Depth; = 1000 mm

Span/ length Lo = 9.535 m
Strut spacing; = 9 m
Concrete; fcu = 35 N/mm^2
AC = BxD
= ### cm^2

Number of King Post = 1 (Number of King Post in strut mid span)

Runner beam size

width; B = 300 mm Depth; = 1000 mm

Span/ length Lr = 9 m

King Post Size;

Column length; = 17.7 m

Unit weight = 2.83 kN/m

Steel; fy = 460 N/mm^2

h0 = 4.0 m
h1 = 4.0 m
h2 = 4.4 m
h3 = 5.3 m

Load chase down of King Post;

Ultimate strut axial load; 2.5 % of this ultimate load will be applied on the post as axial
forces. Total maximum ultimate strut force above.

N.cs1 = 7484 kN ( 7484 kN / 1 king post)

N.cs2 = ### kN ( ### kN / 1 king post)
N.cs3 = ### kN ( ### kN / 1 king post)
N.ss4 = ### kN ( ### kN / 1 king post)

Deck load, N0:

The load under layer of CS1 struts
Ultimate support reaction obtained from Staad Pro (See Section 3 CS1 1000x1000-100T-2KP)

Maximum support reaction = 531.78 kN

Runner beam self weight = 1.4 x 0.3 x 1 x 9 x 24

= 90.72 kN

Strut restraint force = 0.025 x 7484

= 187.11 kN

Ultimate Load = 531.78 + 90.72 + 187.11

= 809.61 kN

Deck load, N1:

The load under layer of CS2 struts
DL: due to strut s/w N2dl = 1.4 x 24 x 8.5
= 285.6 kN

Runner beam self weight = 1.4 x 0.3 x 1 x 9 x 24

= 90.72 kN

Live load = 1.6 x 1.5 x 8.5

= 20.4 kN

Strut restraint force = 0.025 x ###

= 465.81 kN

Ultimate Load = 285.6 + 90.72 + 20.4 + 466 +

= 862.53 kN

Deck load, N2:

The load under layer of CS3 struts

DL: due to strut s/w N2dl = 1.4 x 24 x 8.5

= 285.6 kN

Runner beam self weight = 1.4 x 0.3 x 1 x 9 x 24

= 90.72 kN

Live load = 1.6 x 1.5 x 8.5

= 20.4 kN

Strut restraint force = 0.025 x ###

= 498.96 kN

Ultimate Load = 285.6 + 90.72 + 20.4 + 499

= 895.68 kN

Deck load, N3:

The load under layer of SS4 struts
S.F kN/m m
DL: due to strut s/w N3dl = 1.4 x 2.17 x 8.5
= 25.82 kN

Runner beam self weight = 1.4 x 1.72 x 9

= 21.672 kN

Live load = 1.6 x 1.5 x 8.5

= 20.4 kN

Strut restraint force = 0.025 x ###

= 292.33 kN

Ultimate Load = 25.823 + 21.67 + 20.4 + 292

= 360.22 kN

Total design load = 809.61 + 863 + 895.68 + 360

= 2928 kN

Maximum ultimate moment (Major axis)

= Pδ δ = span / 300
= 2928 x 0.02 = 5300 / 300
= 58.561 kNm = 17.67 mm < 20 mm

Maximum ultimate moment (Minor axis)

= 0 kNm (from staad pro, due to fixed support at GL)

Shear force (Minor axis) = 0 kN (No vehicle load acting on the kingpost, therefore no braking force)
L= 5300 mm
LLT = 5300 mm; KLT = 1.00 ; LE_LT = LLT x KLT = 5300 mm
Lx = 5300 mm; Kx = 1.00 ; Lex = Lx x Kx = 5300 mm
Ly = 5300 mm; Ky = 1.00 ; Ley = Ly x Ky = 5300 mm cl.4.3.5&4.7.3

Internal forces & moments on member under factored loading for uls design:
Ft = 0 kN; Fc = 2928 kN; n = Fc/ (A x py) = 0.2351
Fvy = 0 kN; Fvy = 0 kN;
Mx = 58.6 kNm; My = 0.0 kNm;

Moments for member buckling check

MLT= 58.6 kNm;

Section classification
b/T = 5.81 ; d/t = 15.7 ; 120*ε /(1+2*r2) = 72.872
r1 = Fc/dtpyw = 1.351 but -1<r1≤1
r1 = 1.000

r2 = Fc/(Ag x pyw) = 0.235 Section classification is Class 1 Plastic

Cl.3.5.1 - 3.5.5

Shear capacity (x-axis)

Pvy = 0.6pyAv ; (Av =tD)
= 0.6 x 345 x 20.0 x 428.0 / 1000
= 1772 kN > 0 OK! Cl.4.2.3

Fvy/Pvy = 0 / 1771.9
= 0.000

Shear capacity (y-axis)

Pvy = 0.6pyAv ; (Av =0.9 x 2TB)
= 0.6 x 345 x 0.9 x 2 x 35.0 x 407.0 / 1000
= 5308 kN > 0 OK! Cl.4.2.3

Fvy/Pvy = 0 / 5307.7
= 0.000

Moment capacity (x-axis)

Mcx = py x Sx (Class 1 Plastic)
= 345 x 1000 x 6311 x 0.000001
= 2177 kNm (but less than 1.5xpy x Zx, 1.2xpy x Zx)
Mx = 58.6 kNm < Mcx OK!
Check Mx ≤ Mcx; Pass -moment

Moment capacity (y-axis)

Mcy = py x Sy (Class 1 Plastic)
= 345 x 1000 x 2941 x 0.000001
= 1015 kNm (but less than 1.5xpy x Zx, 1.2xpy x Zx)
My = 0.0 kNm < Mcx OK!
Check My ≤ Mcy; Pass -moment
Lateral torsional buckling

LE_LT = 5300 mm ; λ = LE_LT / ry = 51 ;

η = 0.5 ; x = 11.60 ; u = 0.854

ν = 1 / (1+0.05 (λ / x)² ) ^0.25 Annex B.2.3

= 0.84

βw = Zx/Sx Cl.
= 0.883

λLT = u x v x λ x √ (βw)
= 0.854 x 0.84 x 51 x√ 0.883
= 35 Annex B.2.3

λL0 = 0.4 x (π^2 x E/py)^0.5 Annex B.2.2

= 31

pE = π² E / λLT² Annex B.2.1

= 1697 N/mm^2

ηLT = αLT (λLT - λL0)/1000 but ηLT ≥ 0 Annex B.2.2

= 7.0 x ( 35 - 31 )/ 1000
= 0.03

ØLT = (py + (ηLT + 1)pE)/ 2 Annex B.2.1

= 1044 N/mm^2

Pb = pE x py / ØLT+(ØLT² - pE x py)^0.5 Annex B.2.1

= 334 N/mm^2

Mb = pb x Sx (Class 1 Plastic)
= 334 x 1000 x 6311 x 1E-06
= 2106 kNm

MLT = 58.6 kNm ; mLT = 1.00 ; Mb/mLT = 2105.7 kNm

Check MLT ≤ Mb/mLT; Pass -lat.tors.buckling

Cl. B

Compression resistance - strut buckling about x-axis

Fc = 2928 kN; Lex = 5.3 m; λx = Lex / rx = 29

Strut curve (a) applies; λ0 = 0.2 x (π^2 x E/py)^0.5 αx = 2.0

= 15

ηx = αx (λx - λ0)/1000 but ηx ≥ 0

= 2.0 x ( 29 - 15 )/ 1000
= 0.028

pEx = π² E / λ²
= 2386 N/mm^2

Øx = (py + (ηx + 1)pEx)/ 2

= 1398 N/mm^2

pcx = pEx x py / Øx+(Øx² - pEx x py)^0.5

= 334 N/mm^2

Pcx = A x pcx
= ### x 334 Check Fc ≤ Pcx; Pass -compression
= ### kN > 2928 kN OK! Cl.4.7.4 & Annex C
Compression resistance - strut buckling about y-axis
Fc = 2928 kN; Ley = 5.3 m; λy = Ley / ry = 51

Strut curve (b) applies; λ0 = 0.2 x (π^2 x E/py)^0.5 αy = 3.5

= 15

ηy = αy (λy - λ0)/1000 but ηy ≥ 0

= 3.5 x ( 51 - 15 )/ 1000
= 0.125

pEy = π² E / λ²
= 779 N/mm^2

Øy = (py + (ηy + 1)pEy)/ 2

= 611 N/mm^2

pcy = pEy x py / Øy+(Øy² - pEy x py)^0.5

= 288 N/mm^2

Pcy = A x pcy
= ### x 288 Check Fc ≤ Pcx; Pass -compression
= ### kN > 2928 kN OK! Cl.4.7.4 & Annex C

Compression member with moments, local capacity (simplied method)

Fvy / Pvy = 0 ; Cross-section capacity not affected by shear

Fc / Ag x py = 2928 x 1000 / ### x 345

= 0.235

Mx / Mcx = 58.6 / 2177.3

= 0.027

My / Mcy = 0.0 / 1014.6

= 0

Fc/(Ag x py) + Mx/Mcx + My/Mcy = 0.26 ≤ 1 OK!

Pass - combined compression & moment, local

capacity Cl.
Member buckling resistance (simplified method)
Mx = 58.6 kNm ; mx = 1.00
My = 0.0 kNm ; my = 1.00

Pc = MIN(Pcx, Pcy)
= ### kN

Fc / Pc + mx x Mx/ (py x Zx) + my x My/ (py x Zy)

= 2928 / ### + 1.00 x 58.6 +
345 x 5570 x 1E-03
1.00 x 0.0
345 x 1934 x 1E-03

= 0.312 ≤ 1

Fc / Pcy + mLT x MLT/ Mb + my x My/ py x Zy

= 2928 / ### + 1.00 x 58.6 / 2106 +
1.00 x 0.0 / 345 x 1934 x 1E-03
= 0.309 ≤ 1

Pass - member buckling resistance


Member buckling resistance (more exact method)

Mx = 58.6 kNm ; mx = 1.00 my = 1.00
My = 0.0 kNm ; myx = 1.00
MLT = 58.6 kNm mLT = 1.00

For major axis in-plane buckling;

Fc / Pcx + mx x Mx/Mcx (1+0.5 x Fc/Pcx) + 0.5 x myxMy/Mcy
= 2928 + 1.00 x 58.6 x( 1 + 0.5 x 2928 )
12067 2177.3 ###

+( 0.5 x 1.00 x 0.0 )


= 0.2728 ≤ 1

For lateral-torsional buckling;

Fc/Pcy + mLT x MLT / Mb + (my xMy/Mcy) x (1 + Fc/Pcy)

= 2928 + 1.00 x 58.6 + 1.00 x 0.0 x( 1 + 2928 )

10397 2106 1014.645 ###

= 0.3094 ≤ 1

For interactive buckling

mx x Mx (1+0.5(Fc/Pcx)) + my x My (1+Fc/Pcy)
Mcx (1 - Fc/Pcx) Mcy (1 - Fc/Pcy)

= 1.00 x 58.6 ( 1 + 0.5 x 2928.041 / ### ) +

2177 x ( 1 - 2928 / ### )

1.00 x 0.0 ( 1 + 2928 / 10397 )

1015 x ( 1 - 2928 / ### )

= 0.0398 + 0
= 0.0398 ≤ 1 Pass - member buckling resistance
King Post Foundation (Section 3)

Ultimate design load = 2928 kN

Total service load; = 2928 / 1.4

= 2091 kN

Foundation; 1000 diameter bored pile; D = 1000 mm

Allowable concrete compressive force

= 0.25 fcu
= 0.25 x 30 x 1000 ^2 x 3.142 / 4
= 5891 kN > 2091.46 OK!

Allowable Pile capacity = 6189 kN > 2091 OK!

Ecas-Ej Consultants Pte Ltd
ConsultingCivil & Structural Engineers
Accredited Checking Organisation
Geotechnical Design of Steel Pile

Project: 912DL AC checking Designed by:

Pile Location: Date:
Ref. Borehole: DT2465 Checked by:
Remark: 1000mm Date:

Diameter of Bored Pile 1.2 m

Concrete Grade 40 fcu 40 N/mm2 (NOTE: concrete stress limited to 7.5N/mm2)
fy 460 N/mm2 (NOTE: grade 40 concrete is still recommended)
Skin Friction

Ks adopted for all soil 2.5 2.5 (NOTE: value of coefficient Ks is between 2 to 5)
(NOTE: suggest adopting Ks as 3.5 in preliminary design)

Depth Depth N- Old Shaft Unit skin End Bearing
Soil Type Friction
from to value Alluvium? length (m) friction (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
G-VI 19.8 21.0 20 1.2 50 226.3 1400
G-VI 21.0 23.0 17 2 42.5 320.6 1190
G-VI 23.0 25.0 15 2 37.5 282.9 1050
G-VI 25.0 27.0 17 2 42.5 320.6 1190
G-VI 27.0 28.0 23 1 57.5 216.9 1610
G-V 28.0 29.5 100 1.5 150 848.6 5000
G-III 29.5 31.5 100 2 800 6034.3 7500
G-II 31.5 34.5 100 3 800 9051.4 10000
G-I 34.5 36.5 100 2 800 6034.3 10000
G-I 36.5 42.3 100 5.8 800 17499.4 10000
Total 22.5 40835.1

Ultimate Pile Shaft Capacity, Qs (kN) = 40835.1 KN, or 4162.6 Tonne

Base Resistance
For G-V, G-VI, fb = 70N kPa < 5000 kPa 1
For G-III and G-IV, fb = 7500 kPa 2
For G-I and G-II, fb = 10000 kPa 3
Choose Soil Type at Base (1 or 2 or 3) = 3

b) Computation of Base Resistance Computation for NSF

Length of pile from GL 22.5 m Thickness of soil above soft soil = m

Enter '1' for Soil and '2' for Rock at Pile Toe not used Average N value of this soil layer =
N-value at used for base resistance Thickness of soft soil = 0.0 m
Value of Kb adopted 6.0 6.0 Cu value of soft soil = 0.0 KN/m2
Unconfined Comp. Strength of Rock not used MPa Contribution from soil above soft soil = 0.0 KN
Unit point bearing (max. limit = 10,000KN/m2) 10,000.0 KN/m2 Contribution from soft soil = 0.0 KN
Area of Pile Toe 1.1310 m2 Nutral Axis = 0.0 m
Total NSF (kN) 0.0 KN, or 0.0 Tonne
(NOTE: value of coefficient Kb is between 6 to 9) Unfactored NSF (kN) 0.0

Ultimate Pile End Bearing Capacity, Qp (kN) = 11,309.7 KN, or 1,152.9 Tonne
Total geotechnical Capacity, Qp (kN) = 52,144.9 KN, or 5,315.5 Tonne
Factor of Safety Case 1 Case 2
Skin Friction 1.5 2.5
End Bearing 3 2.5
Allowable Capacity (kN) 30,993.3 20,858 KN

Allowable Geotechnical Capacity of Bore Pile

Allowable Pile Geotechnical Capacity, Q (kN) = 20,858.0 KN, or 2,126.2 Tonne
Allowable Structural Capacity of Bored Pile
Allowable concrete stress (N/mm2)= 7.5 N/mm2
Allowable Pile Structural Capacity, Qa (kN)= 8,401.0 KN, or 856.4 Tonne
Provided rebar RA 18 T 25 8,835.7 mm2
RB 0 T 0 0.0 mm2
area of steel reinforcement provided (mm2) = 8,835.7 mm2
% reinforcement for concrete pile = 0.78 %

Preferably, the geotechnical capacity is more than the structural capacity - Yes - geotechnical capacity is more

Design Pile Capacity Adopted, Qa (ton)= 8,401.0 kN Compression

Tension pile capacity check

S.F for Geo Capacity = 3.5 (only shaft friction)
S.F for structural capacity = 2 (only provided rebar)
Allowable geo capacity = 11667 kN
Allowable structural capacity = 2357 kN

Safe working load for compression pile = 8401 kN

Safe working load for tension pile = 2357 kN
Length of pile from cut off level = 22.5 m

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