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NPM : 021421019
Program Studi : Physiotherapy
Judul : Age as Risk Factor to Lymphedema Ocurrence on Breast Cancer Patients in
Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta at 2015
Aim of Study:The objective of this study is to investigating age as a risk factor to
lymphedema occurrence on breast cancer patients in Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta
Methode of Study: This study use further analysis as a design of study which using the data
from studi “Observasi Klinis Pasien Kanker Payudara dengan atau tanpa Limfedema di
Rumah Sakit Dharmais Jakartadan RSU Banjarmasin”in 2015with design study case-
controland multicenterapproachment.
Result:From study result of 50 subjects in Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta, it found
out that the average of patienst age is 53,5 ±10,5with mode 49. Age with higher risk is ≥ 50
tahun and 55,6% subject meet this qualification. In thisstudy,breast cancer patients following
mastectomy has tendency 2,1 times higher to have lymphedema than patients without
mastectomy. However, p value showing unsignificant result (p>0,05). Breast cancer patients
with higher education has a risk up to 5 times for having lymphedema, than breast cancer
patients with lower education, and p value showing significant difference (p= 0,03). Breast
cancer patients with IMT ≥23 has tendency 0,56 times (OR=0,56; 95% CI= 0,16-1,91) for
having lymphedema than breast cancer patients with IMT < 23. However, p value showing
that there is no significnt relationship (p=0,35) between IMT with risk factor of lymphedema.
Conclusion: Breast cancer patiens with high risk age (≥ 50 years) has a higher tendency for
having lymphedema than patients with age < 50 years old. Instead of age, breast cancer
patients with higher education has a higher risk for having lymphedema.
Keyword:Risk Factor Lymphedema, Lymphedema, Breast Cancer

Program Studi Fisioterapi STIKes Binawan

NPM : 021421016
Program Studi : Physiotherapy
Title : Probability of Depression Level on Breast Cancer Patients with and without
Lymphedema Following Chemotherapy in Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais
Jakarta at 2015
Tujuan Penelitian: The objective of this study is to investigate on probability of depression
level on breast cancer patients with and without lymphedema following chemotherapy in RS
Dharmais Jakarta at 2015.
Metode Penelitian: This study use further analysisas a design of study which using the data
from studi “Observasi Klinis Pasien Kanker Payudara dengan atau tanpa Limfedema di
Rumah Sakit Dharmais Jakartadan RSU Banjarmasin” in 2015 with design study case-
control and multicenterapproachment. Depression level determined with Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI).
Hasil:The result of this study show that 55,6% of breast cancer patiens have a depression.
Breast cancer patients with lymphedema has tendency 2 times for having depression than
breast cancer patients without lymphedema (OR=2,0; 95% CI= 0,46-8,55), but there is no
significant difference between group of patients with lymphedema and without lymphedema
(p= 0,34). In this study, based on education, the greates amount of patiens who has
depression is in breast cancer patients with higher education following chemotherapy (52%).
Breast cancer patients with higher education has tendency 0,4 times for having depression
(OR=0,46, CI= 0,07-2,99). There is no significant difference on depression level between
breast cancer patients with higher education versus lower education (p= 0,41). Breat cancer
patients who is unemployed has a highest depression (42,1%) and tendency 0,5 times for
having depression than breast cancer patients who is employed (OR= 0,51; 95% CI= 0,12-
2,24). Breast cancer patients with high rish age following chemotherapy has tendency 0,7
times for having depression than breast cancer patients without chemotherapy (OR=0,72;
95% CI= 0,15-3,42).
Kesimpulan: Breast cancer patients with lymphedema has a higher tendency for having
depression than breast cancer patients without lymphedema, eventhough there is no
significant difference between two group of patients. This is cause by many factors that
affecting level of depression sucah as education, employment, and age.
Program Studi Fisioterapi STIKes Binawan
Kata Kunci: Depression, Chemotherapy, Lymphedema, Breast Cancer

NPM : 021421024
Program Studi : Physiotherapy
Judul : Probability of Quality of Life Level on Breast Cancer Patients with and
without Lymphedema Before and After Following Complex Decongestive
Therapy (CDT) in Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta at 2015.
Tujuan Penelitian: The objective of this study is to investigate on probability of quality of
life level on breast cancer patients with and without lymphedema following Complex
Decongestive Therapy (CDT) in RS Dharmais Jakarta at 2015.
Metode Penelitian: This study use further analysisas a design of study which using the data
from studi “Observasi Klinis Pasien Kanker Payudara dengan atau tanpa Limfedema di
Rumah Sakit Dharmais Jakartadan RSU Banjarmasin” in 2015 with design study case-
control and multicenterapproachment. Quality of Life level determined EQ-5D-5L.
Hasil: Untuk domain mobilitas pasien kanker payudara tanpa limfedema memiliki jumlah
yang tertinggi yang mengalami masalah ringan baik pada awal pemberian CDT maupun pada
akhir pemberian CDT yakni sebanyak 92% dan berisiko 4,4 kali lipat cenderung mengalami
masalah pada awal CDT, dan memiliki kecenderungan 2,8 kali lipat pada akhir pemberian
tetapi tidak berbeda signifikant antara kedua kelompok (P>0,05). Pasien kanker payudara
dengan limfedema memiliki nilai tertinggi pada masalah perawatan diri yakni sebanyak 80%,
dan 0,64 kali cenderung mengalami masalah ringan (OR=0,64, 95% CI 0,17-2,38). Pada
akhir pemberian CDT, nilai tertinggi pada pasien kanker payudara tanpa limfedema yang
mengalami masalah ringan yakni sebanyak 80%, dan cenderung 1,5 kali lipat mengalami
masalah (OR=1,55, 95% CI=0,41-5,77). Berdasarkan domain aktifitas biasa, pasien kanker
payudara tanpa limfedema memiliki nilai lebih tinggi pada awal CDT yakni sebanyak 68%,
serta cenderung 1,4 kali lipat mengalami masalah ringan (OR=1,4, 95%CI 0,44-4,52, dan
pada akhir pemberian CDT sebanyak 84%, dan mengalami kecenderungan 4,1 kali lipat
mengalami masalah ringan serta terdapat perbedaan yang signifikant antara pasien kanker
payudara dengan tanpa limfedema (p<0,05). Pasien kanker payudara tanpa limfedema pada
awal dan akhir pemberian CDT memiliki nilai tertinggi pada masalah nyeri/

Program Studi Fisioterapi STIKes Binawan

ketidaknyamanan ringan yakni sebesar 72%, dan 1,2 kali lipat memiliki kecenderungan
mengalami masalah nyeri/ ketidaknyamanan pada awal CDT dan 84% pada akhir
CDT.Probabilitas tingkat kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara berdasarkan domain cemas/
depresi tertinggi pada awal CDT terdapat pada pasien kanker payudara tanpa limfedema yaitu
sebanyak 21 subyek (84%). Pasien kanker payudara tanpa limfedema 2 kali lipat lebih
cenderung mengalami masalah cemas/depresi berat. Setelah pemberian CDT (akhir),
presentasi tertinggi terdapat pada pasien kanker payudara tanpa limfedema yaitu sebanyak 21
Kesimpulan: Kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara dengan dan tanpa limfedema tidak
berbeda signifikant. Pasien kanker payudara dengan limfedema umumnya mengalami
penurunan kualitas hidup setelah pemberian CDT, yang diketahui melalui peningkatan
jumlah subyek yang mengalami masalah berat pada hampir setiap domain kualitas hidup.
Pasien kanker payudara tanpa limfedema cenderung mengalami penurunan kualitas hidup
setelah pemberian CDT hampir pada setiap lima domain kualitas hidup.
Kata Kunci: Kualitas Hidup, Complex Decongestive Therapy/ Complete decongestive
therapy, Limfedema, Kanker Payudara

Program Studi Fisioterapi STIKes Binawan


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