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IBPS RRB PO : Mains Reasoning Memory Based : Solutions

Directions (1-5):

8. (c)
9. (a)
10. (a)
1. (e) 11. (c)
2. (d) Directions (12-16):
3. (b) Month Date Persons Colour/Fruit
4. (a) March 7 E APPLE
5. (d) March 9 B GREEN
6. (c); For (a)- This can’t be hypothesized from the given March 16 A YELLOW
statement because preference in the sense of popularity March 19 D BANANA
has been given to mobile instead of T.V.
For (b)- This can’t be hypothesized from the given
July 9 H RED
statement because there is direct comparison between T.V
and mobile phone in statement. There is nothing July 16 G BLUE
mentioned about outdoor activities in the statement. July 19 C MANGO
For (c)- This can be hypothesized from the given statement 12. (a)
as it is mentioned in the given statement that youngsters 13. (b)
spend most of their time on mobile phones. 14. (a)
For (d)- This can’t be hypothesized from the given 15. (a)
statement because nothing is mentioned about that older 16. (c)
generation is comfortable in using mobile phones or not. Directions (17-21):
For (e)- This can’t be hypothesized from the given 17. (c); Either from I or II the code of ‘Celebration’ will be—‘ni’.
statement because it is a course of action, it cannot be an 18. (d); From-I
7. (d); For (a)-This can’t be assumed from the given statement
because there is no any comparison between mosquitoes
and other animals in the statement.
For (b)- This can’t be assumed from the given statement
because Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya are considered as
dangerous diseases but is not said anything about From, II
treatment of these diseases.
For (c)- This can’t be assumed from the given statement
there is no discussion about any stats in the statement.
For (d)- This can be assumed from the given statement as it
is mentioned in the given statement that Protect yourself
and your family from mosquitoes during travelling. so it can
be assumed that there are more chances to get infected
from mosquitoes while travelling . 19. (e); D>E>C>A>F>B
For (e)- This can’t be assumed from the given statement 20. (e);
because there is only a suggestion that protect yourself and
your family from mosquitoes during traveling , it does not
mean all travelers are suffering from mentioned diseases.
Directions (8-11): 21. (d) | | | ADDA247.COM

Step V: 765 know 373 beautiful181 utility visible 272 emerge
514 peak 866
Step VI: utility 765 know 373 beautiful181 272 emerge 514 peak
866 visible
28. (d)
Directions (22-26): 29. (c)
Person Date City 30. (d)
Q 7 Pune 31. (b)
R 9 Pune 32. (b)
S 9 Patna 33. (c); For (a)- This statement does not substantiates the given
T 7 Chandigarh statement as it mentioned that Our education system
th today encourages excellence whereas given statement
U 9 Patna
V 7
Kochi states that Education has been a problem in our country.
W 4
Patna For (b)- This statement does not substantiates the given
X 7
Patna statement because it mentioned that Our new education
Y 4
Kochi system creates entrepreneurs and foundation of a
Z 2
Pune knowledge based economy.
For (c)- This statement substantiates the given statement
22. (d)
as it mentioned that India needs internet and technology if
23. (e)
it has to teach all population in remote villages which is
24. (c)
also mentioned in the given statement that Half the
25. (d)
country does not even today have access to proper
26. (a)
education, and only a small fraction can go to university.
27. (c); For (a)- This can’t be the reason behind more number
For (d)- This statement does not substantiates the given
of accidents at night as population increase could not lead
statement because it mentioned that Our education system
to more number of accidents during night.
is geared towards teaching and testing knowledge whereas
For (b)- This could not be the appropriate reason as
given statement states that Education has been a problem
preference does not matter too much for the reason of
in our country.
death during night time.
For (e)- This statement does not substantiates the given
For (c)- This could be the major cause behind more number
statement because it mentioned that We may have the
of accidents at night as improper installation of traffic
most number of engineering graduates in the world
signal and lightning arrangement is the major reason
whereas given statement states that Half the country does
behind it.
not even today have access to proper education, and only a
For (d)- This could not be the major cause of the given
small fraction can go to university.
statement as the traffic rules are same in both day and
Directions (34-38):
night time also.
For (e)- This could not be the major cause behind more
number of accidents at night as Traffic violation is a
punishable offence in India.
Directions (28-32):
Logic: - There are six numbers and six words in the input. In the 34. (c)
first step the numbers are arranged in ascending order from 35. (d)
both the ends with a natural number starting from 1 at unit 36. (c)
place in left end number and with a natural number 2 at unit 37. (a)
place in right end number. After that in second step the words 38. (a)
are arranged in alphabetical order from both the ends. And 39. (b); For (a) It may be the possible approach but can’t be the
then again number are arranged in third step and words are best suited option as dowry is like stubborn custom which
arranged in forth step and so on. cannot be eradicate easily.
Input: peak 18 utility 76 emerge 27 beautiful 37 51 visible 86 For (b) It will be the best suited option as it is necessary to
know change the thinking of people but most important thing is
Step I: 181 peak utility 76 emerge beautiful 37 51 visible 86 to make dowry system as illegal and make it as punishable
know 272 offence.
Step II: beautiful 181 peak utility 76 37 51 visible 86 know 272 For (c) It will not make any major changes in the thinking of
emerge persons.
Step III: 373 beautiful 181 peak utility 76 visible 86 know 272 For (d) It is right that it has been set in the nerves of people
emerge 514 as one of the necessities but it has not suggested any
Step IV: know 373 beautiful181 utility 76 visible 86 272 emerge action to get out this stubborn custom.
514 peak | | | ADDA247.COM
For (e) It will make some impact all over India, as others
states will follow Mr. Kumar but this step will not uproot it.
40. (a); In the above question we have to find which
statements do not support the given statement.
For I-This statement is in line with the above statement
because it supports the given statement as it describes that
the meeting between Trump and Modi will strengthen the
ties between India and US.
For II-This statement is not in line with the given statement
as it states about Narendra Modi’s visit to Sri lanka
whereas the given statement describes Modi’s first
meeting with Trump.
For III-This statement is also in line with the given
statement as it describes that the meeting of Modi and
Trump will further make strong bilateral relation between
both the countries.
For IV-This is also in line with the given statement because
this statement states that this meeting will give an
opportunity to make strong partnership between India and
US. | | | ADDA247.COM


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