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I hereby declare that the project entitled “Measurement of Brand awareness and
Brand Perceptionof Loreal Paris” submitted for the MMS Degree is my original work
and the project has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, internship,
fellowship or any other similar titles.

Signature of the Student:

Place: Mumbai


This is to certify that the project entitled “Measurement of Brand awareness and
Brand Perception of L’Oreal Paris” is the bonafide work carried out, Mumbai during
the year 2018, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of
Master of Management Studies and that the project has not formed the basis for the
award previously of any degree, diploma, internship, fellowship or any other similar title.

Signature of the Guide:

Place: Mumbai


“It is not possible to prepare a project report without the assistance & encouragement of
other people. This one is certainly no exception.” On the very outset of this report, I
would like to extend my sincere & heartfelt obligation towards our Director Dr D.Y. Patil
for giving me an opportunity to do this project and also all the facility members for their
precious support.

I would express my gratitude to Prof. for her guidance and support to complete the
project report.

I wish to acknowledge the support of my family, friends, and each and every member
contributed to this project.

The project highlights on the topic of “The measurement of brand awareness and brand
perception” The main purpose of the study is to determine the brand image, perception,
attitudes and behavior of the target audience with regard to the corporate L’Oreal Paris
brand as well as the products and personality of the L’Oreal Paris. This also denotes the
purchasing pattern of customers towards the brand.

The research methodology adopted for this study is descriptive. A descriptive study is
undertaken in order to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of the variable
of interest in a situation.

As far as data is concerned structured undisguised questionnaire was used to collect the
primary data. The sampling technique involved in this research is stratified sample, and
the questionnaires are distributed to a sample size of 100 Analysis techniques are used to
obtain finding and arrange information in a logical sequence from the raw data collected.
The tools that are used for analysis are Charts, Percentage, Analysis, and Interval

From this study we can come to conclusion that high level of brand awareness is an
important driver with regard to influencing purchasing behavior. Majority of the
customers believe that the branded products will have a good quality, the opinion about
the branded products will always be positive among the customers.

This research clearly reveals that branded products are always status related and enhances
the sales of the products. L’Oreal has to develop actions to enhance the brand imagery
that this group associates with the L’Oreal brand positively. These actions should lead to
long-term strategic and market-related benefits (e.g. market share) for L’Oreal within the
target audience of this study.

The average person is exposed to 2500 advertising messages per day through various
media channels such as billboards, magazines and newspapers, television, radio, online
etc. As human beings, we have a limited amount of ‘storage space’ in which we retain
these brands and it is therefore very important for the future success of brands that the
people in charge of managing them are aware of who the target audience is, what it is in
their lives that they want brands to fulfill, and how the current image, perception or
attitude of YOUR brand compares to that of your competitors’ brands. Nowadays, a
successful brand can be a determining factor in whether or not a business is successful
(Haig, 2004). The process of branding involves creating and managing an identity for
your brand through which a clear message is expressed. It is important that the values and
images associated with the brand are clearly identified by the organization, regularly
‘checked’ to determine whether they are (still) relevant and consistently portrayed at
every touch point with the consumer. It is vital that the manufacturers / marketers of the
brand understand what the consumers’ wants and needs are and that they are able to
anticipate what they will be in the future. ‘Smart’ organizations understand how
important it is to create an emotional link between brands and consumers, and even form
relationships with them, in order to create a situation of loyal consumers rather than just
satisfied consumers. The purpose of this research report is to perform a brand audit in
order to measure the brand image of the corporate L’Oreal brand. This will / should prove
to be valuable information for L’Oreal as it will inform them as to whether or not their
current brand positioning is aligned with what the consumer desires, and through
uncovering the current brand image profile, L’Oreal will be aware of whether or not
action is needed in order to improve the image.

Beauty and personal care (BPC) market in the country is expected to touch USD 10
billion by 2021 growing at an annual rate of 5-6 per cent on the back of evolving
consumer awareness and aspirations, according to a report by IBHA.

On a global comparison, per capita spend in India at USD 7 (about Rs 450) on BPC is
significantly lower than that in developed nations and the market is estimated to be USD
8 billion, according to the Indian Beauty and Hygiene Association (IBHA).

Yet, the expansion of the market is in line with India's GDP growth, it said, adding the
rural market will also start driving growth.

"There is a paradigm shift in consumer preference from looking good to feeling good,
and the industry is innovating to address the evolving consumer awareness and
aspirations," IBHA said in its report.

The BPC industry is categorized into five segments –

 body care,
 hair care,
 face care,
 hand care and
 Colour cosmetics.
While the market is predominantly urban, going forward, growth is expected to rise in
rural markets too.
Godrej Group Chairman Adi Godrej, who is also a member of IBHA, said consumer
behaviors and spending patterns have shifted and continue to shift as incomes rise and
Indian society evolves.
According to the report, body care is the largest category and grew at about 4 per cent
CAGR between 2014 and 2016 while colour cosmetics were the fastest growing
category, at 12 per cent.

The L’Oreal Group is a French cosmetics and beauty company, headquartered in Clichy,
Hauts-de-Seine, France. It is the world's largest cosmetics company, and has a registered
office in Paris It has developed activities in the field of cosmetics, concentrating on hair
colour, skin care, sun protection, make-up, perfumes and hair care, the company is active
in the dermatological, tissue engineering and pharmaceutical fields and is the top
nanotechnology patent-holder in the United States.

LOREAL IN INDIA L’Oreal, the world leader in cosmetics, is synonymous with beauty,
innovation and scientific excellence in more than 130 countries. In India, they employ
over 1,000 people across six sites including: four regional offices, a factory in Chakan,
Pune and their headquarters in Mumbai. Our continuous commitment to research and
development ensures we continue to deliver innovative, safe, high quality products to
Indians. Success starts with the people. Most people of L’Oreal Paris are precious asset -
respect for people, their ideas and differences, is the only path to sustainable long-term
growth. That's why they value individual talent over process and structure. They embrace
responsibility to their employees, their consumers, their environment and the
communities in which they operate.

In India, L’Oreal has encouraged scientific education for women through their
Scholarship programme ‘For Young Women in Science’ in association with their global
partners - UNESCO. Our programme ‘Hairdressers Against AIDS’ fights against
ignorance about AIDS by training a network of hairdressers about AIDS prevention so
they can pass the message on to the public. ‘Beautiful Beginnings’ provides training in
beauty services to underprivileged women.

L’Oreal Paris offer variety of products which includes:

Skin care

Hair care
Make up

Hair color

Talent, style, passion, commitment. L’Oreal Paris has chosen spokes models that inspire
women and men the world over.

Indian models who have been Brand ambassador of L'Oréal Paris are:

 Aishwarya Rai Bachan

 Freida Pinto
 Sonam Kapoor
 Katrina Kaif
Research methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a
field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles
associated with a branch of knowledge.

Need of the study

A brand awareness and Brand perception survey was needed because of following

1) To know the consumer perception toward L’Oreal Paris.

2) To know how does consumer feel about the products of L’Oreal Paris?
3) To know awareness of L’Oreal Paris brand amongst respondents.
4) To know how the sales can be boosted.
5) To know how to create brand equity of L’Oreal Paris.
6) To know effectiveness of advertisement on creating Brand image.
7) To know if the brand is adding value to products or not.
8) To know if the cost of L’Oreal Paris is reasonable or not.
9) To know if people are aware of brand ambassadors of L’Oreal Paris or not.
10) To know the satisfaction level of consumers for L’Oreal Paris.
11) To compare the brand with other brands.
12) To know which product is most popular amongst users.

Objective of the study

Primary objective

To measure the brand awareness and brand perception.

Secondary objective

The following are considered to be the secondary objectives of this research study:

1) To measure / determine the brand image, perceptions, attitudes and behavior of

the target audience with regard to the corporate L’Oreal brand as well as the
products and personality of the L’Oreal brand.
2) To measure / determine the value drivers for the target audience when purchasing
cosmetic, hair and body products.
3) To interpret the results of the measurements based on statistical analysis
Scope of the study

This study helps to find the impact of the brand name among customers with reference to:

1) Find how far people are aware and attracted towards the brand name of L’Oreal
2) Find the relationship between the quality of the product and brand name of
L’Oreal Paris.
3) Find the satisfaction level of the customers in different ways towards L’Oreal

Limitations of the study:

1) The survey was limited to Mumbai city due to the limitation of time.
2) The study was conducted under of assumption that the information given by the
respondents is authentic.
3) Most of the respondents are students and are not earning anything so result may
confine to students only.
4) The respondents were reluctant to answer due to their busy schedule.
5) Many respondents were biased in their responses.

Source of Data:

The two main types of data for present study have been primary data and secondary data.

A) Primary data:

Primary data is collected in the form of questionnaire. Through the questionnaire which
consists of a number of questions printed in a definite order on a set of forms, the
respondents were expected to read and understand the questions itself. The respondents
need to answer the questions on their own and according to their perception.

B) Secondary data:

Secondary data consists of information that already exists. Somewhere, having been
collected for specific purpose in the study. The secondary data for this study was
collected from various books, internet etc. The methodology adopted to collect the
primary data was interview schedule, which includes a structured questionnaire to be
given to the respondents, the respondents would be guided by the interviewer to fill the
questionnaire and direct observation method was also adopted.



1) Age of Respondents

 Below 20
 21-40
 41-60
 60 above


22% below 20
60 above

The above diagram represents age group of respondents.

Age group below 20 -40 have 54%

2) Gender of Respondents

 Male
 Female



3) Occupation of Respondents:

 Government employee
 Private Employee
 Self Employee
 Student
 Others

Private Employee

Self Employee

4) Income Level:

 below 25000
 26000- 50000
 51000- 75000
 76000- 100000
 above 100000

below 25000
26000- 50000
51000- 75000
76000- 100000
above 100000

(B) Survey Questions:

1. Are you aware of L’Oreal Paris?

 Yes
 No




The above diagram represents the awareness of L’Oreal brand.
It is been observed that 98 % of respondents are aware about the L’Oreal
Brand and only 2% are unaware of L’Oreal brand.
2. What makes you to buy L’Oreal Paris?

 Price
 Quality
 Packaging
 Fragrance
 Brand image


52% Fragrance
Brand Image

The above diagram represents the buying aspects of L’Oreal product.
Around 52% of respondents buy L’Oreal product due to quality, 29% due to
Brand Image and 7% due to attractive packaging, 6%due to fragrance and
6% due to price.
3. L’Oreal Paris would be your 1st preference?

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

3% 8%

Strongly Agree
52% Strongly Disagree

The above diagram represents the preference towards L’Oreal brand.
It is observed that 52% of respondents would agree, 36% are neutral only 3% disagree
with the preference towards L’Oreal brand.
4. How do you know about L’Oreal Paris?

 Advertisement
 Friends
 Internet
 Word of Mouth influence
 Magazine


17% Friends

68% Word of Mouth influence


The above diagram represents the information access to consumer about the brand.

It is been observed that 68% of respondents know the brand through advertisement, 17%
by internet, 5% by friends, 8% by magazine and only 2% by word of mouth.
5. Which product of L’Oreal Paris do you think is best?

 Skin care
 Make up
 Hair color
 Hair care

9% Skin Care
Make up

Hair colour
Hair care

It is been observed that 79% of respondents feels that L’Oreal Paris in best for hair care
followed by 9% for make up, 8%for skin care and 4% for hair colour.
6. Do you think L’Oreal Paris is costly?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe




It is been observed that 88% of respondents feel that L’Oreal Paris product is costlier
whereas only 9% says that is economical (not costlier).
7. How do you feel about the advertisement?

 Excellent
 Good
 Fair
 Bad
 Worst


92% Worst

The above diagram represent the attractiveness of Loreal Paris advertisement.
It is been observed that 92% feels good about advertisement, 6% feels excellent whereas
only 2% feel it is fair.
8. How frequently do you purchase L’Oreal Paris products?

 Vey often
 Regular
 Sometimes
 Occasionally
 Never buy


6% 8%

Very Often
33% Sometimes
51% Ocassionally

The above diagram represents the buying pattern of Loreal Paris products.
33% of respondents are regular buyer, 51% respondent buy sometimes, 6% are
occasional buyer whereas only 2% never purchased a Loreal Paris product.
9. Is L’Oreal Paris is available in all outlets?

 Yes
 No



The above diagram represents the availability of L’Oreal Paris products in outlet.
It is been observed that 77% respondents says that products are available at outlets
whereas 23% say that L’Oreal products are not available at outlets.
10. Who is the Indian brand ambassador of L’Oreal Paris?


20% Katrina Kaif

Aishwarya Rai
Sonam Kapoor
65% Deepika Padukone
Don't Know

It is been observed that 65% says the Aishwarya Rai is the brand ambassador of L’Oreal
Paris, 20% says Deepika Padukone, 12% says Sonam Kapoor, 3% says |Katrina Kaif.
11. Are you aware of various men’s product?

 Yes
 No




The above diagram represents the awareness of L’Oreal Paris men’s product.
It is been observed that 87% are aware about men’s product of L’Oreal Paris, whereas
13% are unaware about men product offering.
12. What is your satisfactory level towards L’Oreal Paris?

 Highly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Dissatisfied
 Highly dissatisfied

7% 6%
Highly satisfied
Highly dissatisfied

The above diagram represents the satisfaction level of L’Oreal Paris product.
It is been observed that 6% are highly satisfied, 29% are Satisfied, 58% are neutral, and
only 7 % are dissatisfied.
13. How L’Oreal Paris is price compared to other products?

 Very high
 High
 Same
 Low
 Very Low


15% Very high
Very low

The above diagram represents the price comparison of L’Oreal Paris product with other
It is been observed that 74% feels the price is high 15% feels it is very high, 9% say it is
same and only 2% says that price is low compare to other brands.
14. Does L’Oreal Paris gives result as it is promising?

 Yes
 Some extent
 No



Some extent



It is been observed that 83% of respondents say that L’Oreal Paris products gives result
as per promise made by the brand, 16% say to some extent, and only1% says that it does
not give any result as per the promise.
15. What is your budget for cosmetics per month?

 Below 500
 500 – 1000
 Above 1000


Below 500
500 - 1000
32% 58%
above 1000

The above diagram estimates the budget for cosmetic per month.
It is been observed as 58% of respondents have below 500 budget for cosmetic, 32%
have budget of 500-1000 range whereas 10% have budget above 1000.
16. What is the 1st word comes to your mind when you hear L’Oreal

 Quality
 Brand
 Cost
 Service
 Fragrances


8% Quality


51% Service


The above diagram represents the brand identity of L’Oreal Paris product.

It is been observed as brand constitutes of 51% , quality comprises of 39%, whereas 8%

comprises of price.
17. Do you think L’Oreal Paris is status oriented?

 Yes
 No





It is been observed as 97% of respondents feels that L’Oreal Paris is status oriented and
only3% feels that it is not status oriented.
18. Do you think L’Oreal is the leader of the cosmetic industry?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe




It is been observed as 94% of respondents consider Loreal Paris is a market leader in
cosmetic industry. Only 6% feel it is not a leader in cosmetic industry.
19. Would you continue to buy L’Oreal Paris even if price rises?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe




It in been observed that 94% would continue to but a L’Oreal Paris product even if the
price rises and 6% wouldn’t buy if the price rises.
20. Would you prefer L’Oreal Paris brand to your family, friends and

 Yes
 No




The above diagram represents the recommendation of L’Oreal Paris product by
respondents to his\her family, friends and relatives.

It is been observed the 94% would recommend to others and 6% refused to recommend
the L’Oreal Paris products.
 It is been observed that 98 % of respondents are aware about the L’Oreal
Brand and only 2% are unaware of L’Oreal brand.
 Around 52% of respondents buy L’Oreal product due to quality, 29% due to
brand image.
 It is observed that 52% of respondents would agree with the preference towards
L’Oreal brand over other brand.
 It is been observed that 68% of respondents know the brand through
 It is been observed that 92% feels good about advertisement.
 79% of respondents feels that L’Oreal Paris in best for hair care.
 It is been observed that 88% of respondents feel that L’Oreal Paris product is
 33% of respondents are regular buyer of L’Oreal products.
 77% respondents say that products are available at outlets whereas 23% say that
L’Oreal products are not available at outlets.
 65% says the Aishwarya Rai is the brand ambassador of L’Oreal Paris this shows
the familiarity of actress with brand and consumers.
 87% are aware about men’s product of L’Oreal Paris, whereas 13% are unaware
about men product offering.
 6% are highly satisfied, 29% are Satisfied, 58% are neutral, and only 7 % are
dissatisfied with the L’Oreal products.
 83% of respondents say that L’Oreal Paris products gives result as per promise
made by the brand.
 58% of respondents have below 500 budgets for cosmetic.
 97% of respondents feels that L’Oreal Paris is status oriented.
 94% of respondents consider L’Oreal Paris is a market leader in cosmetic
 94% would continue to but a L’Oreal Paris product even if the price rises.
 94% would recommend L’Oreal products to friends, family and relatives.

The various tests conducted on the data obtained from the implementation of the
questionnaire allowed me to understand the various drivers for purchasing personal care
products. I could identify that a high level of brand awareness is an important driver with
regard to influencing purchasing behavior. A few analyses with regards to the desirability
for the brand indicated that there was a difference in the levels of desire according to
ethnicity. It was shown that the ethnic group which had the most desire for the brand also
displayed the most positive behavior with regard to purchases (behavior). Further tests
were performed which gave a clear indication that it is possible to see the effect that a
favorable perception / attitude of the corporate / product L’Oreal brand has on
influencing behavioral intention and ultimately the end behavior (purchases). In terms of
identifying whether or not the current value proposition of L’Oreal is suited to the target
audience, the overall impression of the author is that it would be a strategically important
move if L’Oreal were to try to develop a stronger emotional bond with their target
audience, a well as to find ways in which to ‘sell’ to the consumer unique self-expressive
benefits which can be gained when using L’Oreal branded products. The survey also
revealed the weaker presence of L’Oreal amongst the black ethnic group. The author
believes that this weakly tapped market could be a valuable additional income stream for
L’Oreal if they were to develop actions to enhance the brand imagery that this group
associates with the L’Oreal brand positively. These actions should lead to long-term
strategic and market-related benefits (e.g. market share) for L’Oreal within the target
audience of this study.
L’Oreal Paris concentrate on marketing and communication efforts and adjust its
advertising accordingly, in order to reflect a more accepted brand imagery for the ethnic
group with respect to the L’Oreal brand, through meeting the desires, social and self-
expressive needs of the this group more accurately. By identifying what it is that this
segment values the most in personal care products, the brand can adjust its value
proposition accordingly in order to increase its market share. By providing a superior
value proposition, and meeting the problems, desires and needs of the consumer more
appropriately, the brand can head towards enhancing and improving the customer
satisfaction and loyalty metrics. The survey did give an indication that the respondents
valued functional and emotional benefits the most when using L’Oreal products, but it is
important for the organization to keep in mind that in this industry, functional benefits are
very easily imitated. The organization has a more endurable, and sustainable competitive
advantage when they consider their brand from a product perspective, an organization
perspective, a person perspective, as well as from a symbolic perspective. When the
brand only fixates on the product at hand, they are very susceptible to imitation. Only by
viewing the brand from the other three perspectives is the brand able to derive a more
durable and sustainable value proposition. I suggest that L’Oreal focus on developing
brand strategies concerned with being able effectively to improve the satisfaction of
emotional needs on the part of the population in question. Solid and enduring brand
relationships are important developments in this regard, and a manner in which this can
be achieved is by encouraging loyalty (considered a brand asset) towards the brand by
using tools such as incentive programs for the consumer. Through creating a loyal
consumer base there is more of a guarantee of future sales and profits, which in turn
contributes to positive brand equity ,Incentives, or frequent- purchasing programs, are
just some of the ways in which L’Oreal can improve the preference for and loyalty
towards the brand, which in turn would discourage brand switching.

 Aaker, D. A., 1991. Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a
Brand Name.
 Philip Kotlar., Marketing Management.
 Research Methodology – C.R. Kothari



Survey on Measurement of Brand Awareness and Brand Perception of
L’Oreal Paris

I am Dhanashree Vilas Sawant VI semester M.M.S student of Bharati

Vidyapeeth Institute of Management and Research Mumbai.
This is the survey conducted as a part of my Final project in partial
fulfillment of Post Graduate under the University of Mumbai. The
information given by you will be purely used for academic purpose and will
be kept confidential.
I will be very much obliged if you spare sometime for answering the
question below.

Demographic information

Name: ______________________________
Age: ___________
Gender: O Male O Female

Occupation: O Government employee O Private Employee O Self

O Student O Others

Income Level: O below 25000 O 26000- 50000 O 51000- 75000

O 76000- 100000 O above 100000

L’Oreal Paris Survey

1. Are you aware of L’Oreal Paris?

 Yes
 No

2. What makes you to buy L’Oreal Paris?

 Price
 Quality
 Packaging
 Fragrance
 Brand image

3. L’Oreal Paris would be your 1st preference

 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

4. How do you know about L’Oreal Paris?

 Advertisement
 Friends
 Internet
 Word of Mouth influence
 Magazine

5. Which product of L’Oreal Paris do you think is best ?

 Skin care
 Make up
 Hair color
 Hair care

6. Do you think L’Oreal Paris is costly?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe

7. How do you feel about the advertisement?

 Excellent
 Good
 Fair
 Bad
 Worst
8. How frequently do you purchase L’Oreal Paris products?
 Vey often
 Regular
 Sometimes
 Occasionally
 Never buy

9. Is L’Oreal Paris is available in all outlets?

 Yes
 No

10. Who is the Indian brand ambassador of L’Oreal Paris?

11. Are you aware of various men’s product?

 Yes
 No

12. What is your satisfactory level towards L’Oreal Paris?

 Highly satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Dissatisfied
 Highly dissatisfied

13. How L’Oreal Paris is price compared to other products?

 Very high
 High
 Same
 Low
 Very Low
14. Does L’Oreal Paris gives result as it is promising?
 Yes
 Some extent
 No

15. What is your budget for cosmetics per month?

 Below 500
 500 – 1000
 Above 1000

16. What is the 1st word comes to your mind when you hear L’Oreal
 Quality
 Brand
 Cost
 Service
 Fragrances

17. Do you think L’Oreal Paris is status oriented?

 Yes
 No

18. Do you think L’Oreal is the leader of the cosmetic industry?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe

19. If “no” then who according to you is the leader?


20. Would you continue to buy L’Oreal Paris even if price rises?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe
21. Would you prefer L’Oreal Paris brand to your family, friends and
 Yes
 No

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