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Commercial in Confidence

Release Notes

MX-ONE Telephony Switch Service Pack 7

Aastra Telecom Sweden AB

SE-126 37 Hägersten, Sweden
Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

Release Notes for MX-ONE Telephony Switch Service Pack 7

SP7........................................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Revision Information........................................................................................................................... 3
2 Prerequisites...................................................................................................................................... 3
3 MX-ONE TSW SP7 update campaign................................................................................................3
4 Included CNA Files............................................................................................................................. 3
4.1 Implementation Instruction.......................................................................................................... 4
4.1.1 General implementation instruction......................................................................................4
4.1.2 Implementation Instruction for Updating SP6 to SP7...........................................................5
5 Information......................................................................................................................................... 8
6 PROM and Firmware.......................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Firmware..................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Updated PROM Files.................................................................................................................. 9
7 Applications........................................................................................................................................ 9
8 Hardware............................................................................................................................................ 9
8.1 Required Hardware..................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 New Hardware or Products.........................................................................................................9
8.3 HW Updated for Other Reasons................................................................................................10
8.4 Discontinued Products.............................................................................................................. 10
9 SW Correction Information............................................................................................................... 10
9.1 Solved Fault Reports................................................................................................................. 10
10 New Features & Enhancement.....................................................................................................10
10.1 Forced Release..................................................................................................................... 11
10.2 Emergency Notification, EN...................................................................................................11
10.3 Enable suffix dialing for Hong Kong with no line reversal.......................................................11
10.4 Increase ENT capacity...........................................................................................................11
10.5 Faulty line indication ELU 34 with FW R8A............................................................................11
10.6 DIVLEG2 ON/OFF.................................................................................................................11
10.7 DECT frequency for Brazil (1910 to 1920 MHz )....................................................................11
10.8 Enable parking of intruded calls for Solidus eCare.................................................................11
11 Documents.................................................................................................................................... 11

Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN


1 Revision Information
The first revision of this document is A.

2 Prerequisites
The source system for this release is ASB 501 04 R12

Secure that the system is stable; with two valid reload directories on the HDU containing the
latest changes. A system update must be performed during a period with low traffic.

It is strongly recommended to use a Network Interface Unit NIU or NIU2 board with network

The Service Assistant Manager (SAM) Toolbox 6.0 build 3 shall be used to regenerate
exchange data.

3 MX-ONE TSW SP7 update campaign

Aastra Telecom AB offer a MX-ONE TSW SP7 update campaign to simplify and encourage the
roll-out of SP7 on the MX-ONE TSW installed base; the campaign gives you a 50% discount on
the Easy SW Upgrade service.

To take advantage of the update campaign “MX-ONE TSW to SP7”; Please create a Service
Request with Service Type = “Technical Consultancy” and ModelID = “AA Update campaign:
MX-ONE TSW SPx to SP7 System Dump” the request will follow the Easy SW update process
and is valid for all updates from a MX-ONE TSW SPx system.

4 Included CNA Files

To download a CNA file, click on the link for the appropriate Application System in the table below.

Table: 3-1. Application System Download Files

Application System
United Kingdom

Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

Saudi Arabia
The Netherlands
Hong Kong µ-law
New Zealand
North America
South Africa
Hong Kong a-law
Korea, Republic of

4.1 Implementation Instruction

4.1.1 General implementation instruction

The CNA files are used for automatic update by the SAM Toolbox Software Distributor
application (For more information read the manual). The following steps should be performed:

Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

1. Copy all .cfg files, which are placed in the subdirectories ... TSWxx.SP7 esd helpfile.* to
the Distribution files (.CFG, .INI) path defined in the menu item Options>Settings.
2. Set up the job in the ESD by choosing the menu item Job list>New>Job list file and follow
the Job Wizard.

a. The ESD tool can be used if the customer's PABX is entered into the customer
database, which is administrated by the Customer Database Administrator.

b. Select the file TSWsp06toSP7xx.cfg for updating from TSW SP6 to SP7 ( xx
denotes the application system version, for example st for standard system).

c. Select Continue with or without firmware switching. If continue without firmware

switching is selected, the firmware update shall be done manually after the system
update has been completed.

Note: Several of the IO handling units is changed by removing or loading the unit from the
system. The impact of this is that the authority class for commands handled by those units will
have default authority class after the ESD is ready. Therefore, if the authority classes used in
the system are changed from default values, it is necessary to reinitiate them again to the
wanted classes.

See the instruction described below and consult the readme file that can be found in
the subdirectory .../ TSWxx.SP7/ Miscellaneous/.

4.1.2 Implementation Instruction for Updating SP6 to SP7

Implementation Instruction for updating of TSW to SP7.
SP7 is based on a properly updated TSW to SP6.
SP7 does not include all fault corrections prior SP6 and the implementation instruction for SP7
does not consider manual actions which were required for updating from any SP to SP6.
This means it is MANDATORY to have TSW already updated to SP6 in order to perform a
successful update to SP7.

There are some manual actions required during updating to SP7 and there is obviously a risk
to lose some data by mistake and therefore we recommend to take out all data with PCREGEN
before starting the update, in that case some steps below may be skipped..
It is assumed that the CNA is already downloaded and stored at the regular location.
Manual actions are necessary before and after the ESD process.

Manual actions to be performed before starting the ESD:

1. Block all IPLU/ELU32 for IP-Extensions (BLDBI)
2. Do IPURI for all IP extensions (IPURI:DIR=ALL)
3. Print Domain DATA (IPGDP)
4. Print IPLU/ELU32 Board DATA (IPBOP)
5. Print IPLU/ELU32 Board DATA (RINIP)
6. Remove Domain DATA (IPGDE)
7. Remove IPLU/ELU32 Board (RINIE)
8. Remove IPLU/ELU32 Board (IPBOE)
Start the ESD

Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

After ESD has stopped perform the following steps:
10. Initiate IPLU/ELU32 Board (IPBOI)+
11. Initiate IPLU/ELU32 Board (RINII)
12. Initiate Domain DATA (IPGDI)
13. Register the IP phones
14. Make a DUMP (DUSYI)
After the ESD process some Program units with changed data area have to be
swapped manually.
General preparations for swap of AUMx, GHH, GPP,LRP1,MMP
1. Transferring of relevant program units to HDU
Please note: There are 10 AUMx units, named AUM1 to AUM10.
Only some of those will be loaded on the exchange, depending upon the
number of LIMs used.

1.1 Perform CNPUP to check out which AUMx Program units are loaded in the system.
1.2 Connect to HDU with a ftpclient (MDDT, FTPpro)
1.3 Create a directory /SYSN/USR1/SES/DR/ADD/P either with the ftpclient or
by MML Command FIDII
1.4 Create a direcory /SYSN/USR1/SES/DR/ADD/D either with the ftpclient or
by MMLCommand FIDII
1.5 Transfer all required AUMx.P, GHH.P, GPP.P, LRP1.P, MMP.P from your
CNA/tswst.sp07/ESD/units directory to directory /SYSN/USR1/SES/DR/ADD/P
1.6 Transfer all required AUMx.D, GHH.D, GPP.D, LRP1.D, MMP.D from your
CNA/tswst.sp07/ESD/units to directory /SYSN/USR1/SES/DR/ADD/D

2. Stopping relevant Traffic Recording items.

Traffic Recording for Common Bell and PBX Groups need to be stopped.
2.1 Print Traffic Recording Directory
2.2 Halt Traffic Recording for Common Bell (TRMHI:MENO)
2.3 Halt Traffic Recording for PBX Group (TRMHI:MENO)
2.4 Save Traffic Recording datas
2.5 End Traffic Recording Measurements (TRMEE)

3. 0btaining the relevant data before the Program unit swap

3.1 AUMxPrint Central authorization DATA (AUCOP)
3.2 GHHPrint Common Bell Data Print (CBDAP:GRP=ALL);
3.3 Print Group Do Not Disturb Print (GDNDP:GRP=XXX OR GDNDP:DIR=YYY)
3.4 Print Group Hunting Data Print (GHDAP:GRP=ALL)
3.5 Print Name Identity Individual for GH and CB (NIINP:GRP=)
3.6 Print Voice mail data (VMPOP:GRP=ALL)
3.7 Print Voice Mail Generic Extension (VMGEP)
3.8 Print Interception Service Group (ISEPP:GRP)
3.9 Print Recorded Voice Announcement Group (RAGAP:GRP=ALL)
3.10 Print Call Diversion Individual Data (CDIDP:DIR)
3.11 Print Group call Pickup Data Print (GPDAP:GRP=ALL)
3.12 Print Night Switch Data Print (NSDAP)
Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

3.13 Print Common Public Directory Data (CPDNP)

3.14 LRP1Print External Number Table Data(LCDDP:TAB=ENT)
3.15 Print the Number Length Table (LCDDP:TAB=NLT)
3.16 Print the Exceptions Table (LCDDP:TAB=DNT1)
3.17 Print the Number Table (LCDDP:TAB=DNT2)
3.18 Print the Fictitious Destination Table (LCDDP:TAB=FDT)
3.19 Print the Private Network Routing Destination Table (LCDDP:TAB=PNR)
3.20 Print the Fictitious Route choice Data (LCDDP:TAB=RCT)
3.21 Print all Emergency Extension DATA (SPEXP; Note down all output lines
with OPT = "E")
3.22 Print Conference release option and the Number of external lines that
can be included in one conference call (SYDAP)
3.23 Print PARNUMs 223, 90, 7 and 95 (ASPAP)
3.24 Print Traffic Matrix for Conference Connections (TCMAP)

4.0 Removing all data from the relevant program units

Data from AUM and GPP will be properly removed by removing the PU's.
4.1 Remove all Common Bell Group Member End (CBGME:GRP=xx,DIR=ALL)
4.2 Remove all Group Do Not Disturb End(GDNDE:DIR=xx)
4.3 Remove all Group Announcement for GH Groups (RAGAE:GRP)
4.4 Remove all Voice Mail Groups (VMPOE:GRP)
4.5 Remove all Voice Mail Generic Extension Group (VMGEE)
4.6 Remove all Interception Service Group (ISEPE:GRP)
4.7 Remove all Group Hunting Group Member End(GHGME:GRP=xx,DIR=ALL)
4.8 Remove all Group Hunting GRoup End(GHGRE:GRP=XX)
4.9. Remove all Night Switch COmmon End(NSCOE)
4.10 Remove Common Public Directory Data (CPDNE)
4.11 Remove all External Number Table Data(LCDDE:TAB=ENT)
4.12 Remove all Exceptions Table (LCDDE:TAB=DNT1)
4.13 Remove all Number Table (LCDDE:TAB=DNT2)
4.14 Remove all Fictitious Destination Table (LCDDE:TAB=FDT)
4.15 Remove Emergency Extensions (SPEXE)

5.0 Swapping the program units

5.1 Print the Configuration program information of all AUMx loaded in
the system (CNPIP)
5.2 Remove all loaded AUMx from the LIMs in which the common function
unit is loaded and passive (LAPUR)
5.3 Remove all loaded AUMx from the LIM in which the common function
unit is loaded, and active (LAPUR)
5.4 Remove GHH (LAPUR)
5.5 Remove GPP (LAPUR)
5.6 Remove LRP1 (LAPUR)
5.7 Remove MMP (LAPUR)
5.8 Load new AUMx in all LIMs in which the previous versions of AUMx
were previously loaded (LAPUL)
Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

5.9 Load GHH in LIM1(LAPUL)

5.10 Load GPP in all LIMs (LAPUL)
5.11 Load LRP1 in all LIMs (LAPUL)
5.12 Load MMP in all LIMs (LAPUL)
5.13 Run Startphase 1.5 (SFCEI)
5.14 Start all AUMx that were loaded newly(SFPUI)
5.15 Start GHH in LIM 1(SFPUI)
5.16 Start GPP in all Lims(SFPUI)
5.17 Start LRP1 in all Lims (SFPUI)
5.18 Start MMP in all Lims (SFPUI)

6.0 Reinitiating of all relevant data in the swapped Program units

6.1 Initiate Central authorization Codes (AUCOI)
6.2 Initiate Common Bell group Initiate (CBELI)
6.3 Initiate Common Bell Group Member Initiate (CBGMI)
6.4 Initiate Group Do Not Disturb Initiate (GDNDI)
6.5 Initiate Group Hunting Group Initiate (GHGRI)
6.6 Initiate Group Hunting Group Member Initiate (GHGMI)
6.7 Initiate Voice mail Groups (VMPOI:GRP)
6.8 Initiate Generic Extension Voice Mail Groups (VMGEI)
6.9 Initiate Interception Service Groups (ISEPI:GRP)
6.10 Initiate Name Identity Individual for GH and CB (NIINI:GRP=)
6.11 Initiate Recorded Announcement Groups (RAGAI:GRP)
6.12 Initiate Call Diversion Individual Data (CDINI:DIR)
6.13 Initiate Group call Pickup Group Initiate (GPGRI)
6.14 Initiate Group call Pickup Group Member Initiate (GPGMI)
6.15 Initiate Group call Pickup Answer Group Initiate (GPAGI)
6.16 Initiate Night Switch COmmon Initiate (NSCOI)
6.17 Initiate External Number Table Data(LCDDI:TAB=ENT)
6.18 Initiate Fictitious Destination Table (LCDDI:TAB=FDT)
6.19 Initiate all Exeptions Table (LCDDI:TAB=DNT1)
6.20 Initiate all Number Table (LCDDI:TAB=DNT2)
6.21 Initiate Emergency Extensions (SPEXI)
6.22 Set the conference release option and the Number of external
lines that can be included in one conference call (SYDAS)
6.23 Set PARNUMs 223, 90, 7 and 95 (ASPAC)
6.24 Set the Traffic Matrix for Conference Connections (TCMAS)
7.0 Final steps
7.1 Make a dump (DUSYI)

5 Information
Known issues:

 Remote extension over TLP30 MFC requires FR 115343 in unit RMP

 TLU83: ALS70 Direct Dialing (DID) signaling is not working

 TLU83:Board doesn’t’ support paging

Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

6 PROM and Firmware

6.1 Firmware

All firmware and the related PRIs can be down loaded from the Firmware download web page on
the Knowledge Base.

For firmware down loading details, see document Operational directions for configuration of
board level software, down loading 6/154 31-CNA 103 256 Uen, which can be found in the CPI

6.2 Updated PROM Files


7 Applications
All application software and related PRIs can be down loaded from the Application download web
page on the Knowledge Base.

8 Hardware
8.1 Required Hardware

There is no specific required hardware (HW) for this release.

8.2 New Hardware or Products

The products listed in this section are either new or, in some cases, replacement for existing hardware.
The ordering tool has been updated accordingly.

Product name Product number

Aastra 7433ip DBC43301/012
Aastra 7434ip DBC4341/012
Key Panel Unit, BSB D. Grey DBY41211/02-R1B
Display Panel Unit, BSB D.Grey DBY41221/02-R1B
Handset D.Grey BSB Dialog 5000 RLG40802/02-R1A
AC/DC Adapt.110-240V/5V Basta EU RES141319/1-R1B
AC/DC Adapt.110-240V/5V Basta US RES141319/2-R1B
AC/DC Adapt.110-240V/5V Basta UK RES141319/3-R1B
ELU34/1 ROF1375064/1-R3B
MFU ROF1375348/11-R1C
ELU33 ROF1375062/1-R3A
GJUG5 ROF1375389/2-R8A
LOG2 for LPU5 ROA1194275/12-R1A

Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

8.3 HW Updated for Other Reasons

A list of updated HW can be found on the Hardware PRI web page on the Knowledge Base. The
corresponding PRIs can be down loaded from this page.

The HW is not mandatory to update. It is to be introduced where a problem occurs, that is

described in the Reason for Revision section in the PRI.

8.4 Discontinued Products

The products listed below have been phased out.

Product name Product number

Adapter for Peltor headsets DPYNB22025/2-R1B
Power Adapter AU for
Power Adapter AU for DT590/DT2 DT590/DT2
Desktop charger, DT4xx CP AU NTM/DPYNB22001/3-R1B
Headset Hearing Protection DT4 RLF50148/1-R1B
DT590 Cordless Phone DPANB 240 01/1
DT590 Cordless Phone 1900-1920 MHz DPANB 240 01/2
DT590 Cordless Phone 1910-1930 MHz DPANB 240 01/3
DT590 Cordless Phone US DPANB 240 01/4
DT590 Bluetooth module DPY 901 549/1
DT590 Bluetooth module DPA 200 01/1
DT292 DPA 200 03/1
DT292 DPA 200 04/1
Battery Door DT290 (15 pieces) NTK/SXANB 101 175/10
Carrying Case for DT290 DPYNB 101 40/1
Power adapter EU for DT288/DT2xx,
DT59X NTM/BMLNB 101 17/1
CTS2 ROFBS19761/2
Alarm equipment NTM144237
QRG LZV 103 011

9 SW Correction Information
This section describes the software correction information for this release.

9.1 Solved Fault Reports

Reported faults are corrected in each AS CNA file and listed below:

 Slogan list for SP7

10New Features & Enhancement

Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

10.1 Forced Release

Using the forced release functionality, an outgoing, external call can be disconnected when the
accumulated number of pulses spent on the call has reached a certain amount. To indicate that
the number of pulses spent on a call approaches the maximum amount, a warning can be
presented to the caller when one pulse remains. The warning is presented as a tone signal or
an RVA message.

10.2 Emergency Notification, EN

Using the emergency notification feature, emergency messages can be broadcasted to digital,
analog, and IP extensions in MX-ONE TSW. Emergency notification feature requires an
emergency notification license per LIM

10.3 Enable suffix dialing for Hong Kong with no line reversal
MX-ONE Telephony Switch SP7 supports suffix dialling of digits 01, 99, 10 for Hong Kong

10.4 Increase ENT capacity

ENT entries capacity is increased to 7000

10.5 Faulty line indication ELU 34 with FW R8A

ELU34 board with FW R8A have support for faulty line detection. Faulty installation with a
branch conneted to ground will be detected and shown in BLFDP command.


In TSW SP7 it is possible to turn on/off DIVLEG2 function by programming VARI

10.7 DECT frequency for Brazil (1910 to 1920 MHz )

Adaption too the new requirements from the Brazilian Agency of Telecom,
the DECT systems are only allowed to use the frequency range from 1910 to 1920 Mhz

10.8 Enable parking of intruded calls for Solidus eCare.

In a call centre, where intrusion is used for supervisory listening-in on agents an agent, it is
now possible to park, inquire and transfer a call even when being monitored. This function is
enabled by setting PARNUM: 234=1.

11 Documents
The Customer Product Information (CPI) has been updated with a number of new documents
as listed in the table below. Download the new version of CPI from the Knowledge Base.

Document name Document number Rev Short description

Document news SP7 31/1570-ASB 501 04-7 A

Product Introduction ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0060 / EN

© 2008 Aastra Technologies Limited. All rights reserved.

This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, or translated into another language,
without prior written consent of Aastra Technologies Limited, Concord, Ontario, Canada.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AASTRA shall not be liable for errors
contained herein nor for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance or use of this material.

Aastra Technologies Limited

Concord, Ontario, Canada.


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