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Appendix 1
Subjects : Physics
Class / Semester : XI / 2
Topic : Sound Wave
Sub Topic : Characteristics, Sources and the Propagation Speed of
Sound Wave
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes (2 JP)

A. Core Competencies
1. Living and practicing the religious teachings that he embraces.
2. Demonstrate honest, disciplinary, responsible, caring (peasant, cooperative,
tolerant, peaceful) behavior, courteous, responsive and proactive and show
attitude as part of the solution to problems in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment and in placing self as a reflection of the
nation in the association of the world.
3. Understand, apply, analyze factual, conceptual, procedural based knowledge
want to know about science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with
the insights of humanity, nationality, state and civilization related to the
cause of phenomena and events, and apply knowledge, procedural in the
field of specific study in accordance with his talents and interests to solve
4. Processing, reasoning and chanting in the realm of concrete and abstract
spheres is related to the development of the self-taught learners and able to
use methods according to scientific rules.
B. Basic competencies
3.10 Applying the concepts and principles of sound waves in the technology
4.10 Conducting experiments on the following sound waves presentation and its

C. Indicator
1. Know the characteristics of sound waves and their causes
2. Analyze the basic properties of sound waves
3. Rapidly analyzes the sound wave propagation of various substances (solid,
liquid, and gas)
4. Applying sound waves according to their frequency
5. Understand a material or object that can be used as a sound source
6. Apply the fundamental frequency that occurs to a sound source
Conducting an experiment to calculate the speed of the sound in the air
D. Learning objectives
After the process of searching for information, ask, discuss and experiment,
the learner can:
1. Know the characteristics of sound waves and their causes appropriately
2. Analyze the basic properties of sound waves well and correctly
3. Rapidly analyzes the sound wave propagation of various substances (solid,
liquid, and gas) appropriately
4. Applying sound waves according to their frequency appropriately
5. Understand a material or object that can be used as a sound source correctly
6. Apply the fundamental frequency that occurs to a sound source well
Conducting an experiment to calculate the speed of the sound in the air well

E. Subject matter

F. Approaches, models and methods

Experiment Class
Approach : Scientific
Model : Guided Inquiry
Method : Talking, question and answer, discussion, experiments,
exercise, brainstorming, and assignment
Control Class
Model : Conventional Learning
Method : Talking, question and answer, discussion and assignment

G. Media / tools and materials

Experiment Class
Media : Laptop and infocus, power point, whiteboard and
Tools and materials :
Control Class
Media : Whiteboard and markers

H. Learning Resources:
1. Kamajaya, K danWawan P. 2016. Fisika. Bandung: Grafindo
2. Purwoko. 2009. Physics. Jakarta: Yudhistira
3. Kanginan, Marthen. 2015. Fisikauntuk SMA/MA Kelas XII. Jakarta:
4. Internet

I. Learning Activities
Experimental Classroom learning steps (2x45 minutes)
Activities Phases of Teacher Activity Student activities Scientific Time
Guided approach Allocation

Introduction Open-  The teacher opens the lesson  Students answer greetings, 5 minutes
Invitation to by greeting, praying and pray and answer teachers Observe
inquiry open checking the attendance of about
minds the students.
stimulate  Teachers provide motivation  Students listen and answer
curiosity to students by conveying the teacher questions based on
benefits of subject matter in their knowledge
everyday life.
 The teacher conveys the  Students listen, and
material coverage and Listening to the learning
explanation of activity objectives, the range of
description according to the material, and a description
syllabus of the activities conveyed
by the teacher

 Divide the students into  Students joins each group

groups of 5-6 people per
 Teachers ask questions to  Observe the questions given
stimulate students' thinking: by the teacher
When you hear the sound of  Students ask questions
klaxon motorcycle or car, how about the teacher's
does the klaxon of motorcycle or questions
car sound when its distance to  Students collect information
you is getting closer? And how  To answer questions with
if the klaxon of motorcycle or his group
car sound is distance with you
farther away?

Core Immerse-Build  Build students' initial  Observe the animation Observe 75 minutes
background knowledge by displaying presented Gathering
knowledge about Characteristics, Sources  Associate the previous information
connect to and the Propagation Speed of question with the animation Ask
content Sound Wave displayed Communicate
discover Associate
interesting  To guide students to formulate  Formulate a research
ideas problems and to propose an problem based on the
inquiry hypothesis based on occurrence or phenomenon
the questions presented. presented and submit a
 Divide the student work sheet hypothesis to the problem
(LKS) to the group that has that has been formulated
been formed  Questionable about LKS
Explore contents when something is
interesting not understood
search ideas
around dip  Guiding students plan  Planning on problem
problem solving, preparing solving, preparing

necessary tools and materials necessary tools and

and cutting tools and materials and preparing
materials tools and materials
 Gather information to help
Identify-Pause answer questions
and ponder  Guiding students to  Conducting experiments
identify inquiry investigate to retrieve data according to existing
question  Identifying students' thinking procedures
direction to solve problem and LKS  Asking things that are not
direction) understood

Gather-  Guiding students to collect  Collect supporting

Gather important and in-depth information for practicum
important information from  Give questions or opinions
information go investigation about the practicum done
broad go deep  Guiding students to collect  Collect supporting
important and in-depth information for practicum

information from  Gather important and in-

investigations depth information from the
Create- Reflect
on learning go  Guiding students to create a  Produce an investigation
beyond facts to report containing the report based on the facts
make meaning knowledge of each group's obtained in the investigation
create to investigation and facilitating and relate it to the questions
communicate each group to develop their given by the teacher
investigation results

Share- Learn
from each  Guiding students to convey  Communicates the results
other share (share) the results of his of the investigation and
learning tell investigation and listen to the listens to other group
your story results of his friend's inquiry presentations and compares
the results of the inquiry
with each other

 Associate experiment
results with teacher
 Asking things that are less
understood to the renderer
 Observe the group of
presenters in
communicating the results
of the investigation
 Drawing conclusions from
the investigation
Evaluate  Evaluate the content and the  Observe the teacher in
achievement of learning process and the drawing conclusions
learning goals conclusion of the inquiry  Asking things that are not
reflect on understood to the teacher
contents reflect
on process

Closing  The teacher informs the lesson  The student listens to the Observe 10 minutes
plan for the next meeting teacher submitting the activity
 Teacher closes the lesson with plan for the next meeting
prayer and greetings  Students pray and answer their

Steps of Classroom Control learning activities (2x45 minutes)

No Activities Teacher activities Student activities Method Time

1 preliminary  The teacher opens the lesson by  The student answers the greeting and Talking 5 minutes
greeting, praying, and checking the answers the teacher about the student and
attendance of the students attendance Question &
 The teacher gives apperception:  Students listen and answer teacher Answer
Have you ever shouted on the edge questions based on their knowledge
or empty room? What happens to
the sounds issued?
 Teachers provide motivation to  Students listen, and listen to the
students by conveying the benefits objectives of the subject, the scope of

of lessons in everyday life the material, and the descriptions of

 The teacher conveys the lesson the activities the teachers present
objectives or basic competencies to
be achieved
 The teacher conveys the material
coverage and explanation of
activity description according to
the syllabus
2 Core  Conveying material on the  Students take notes and listen Lecture 75
Characteristics, Sources and the minutes
Propagation Speed of Sound
 Provide sample questions and ask  Students do the questions Ask
students to take notes
 Provide opportunities for students  Students ask
to ask questions
 Giving question training to  Students do the questions Assignment

3 Closing  Make inferences about the  The student listens to the teacher Lecture 10
material discussed conveying the conclusions about the minutes
 Give homework to students material being studied, taking notes,
 The teacher informs the lesson and listening to the activity plan for
plan for the next meeting the next meeting
 Master closes the lesson by  Students pray and answer their
praying and greeting greetings
J. Assessment Learning Outcomes

Assessment Technique : Test and non-Test

Forms of Assessment : Essay

Example : Attached

Technique : Assessment of Knowledge

LKS (Attached)

Medan, 2018

Yuliana Hakim


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