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Froilan Bhoyd P.

Ceriales February 09, 2018

Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics IV

(Final Demonstration)
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Visualize the volume of a solid using non-standard unit.
b. Count the number of non-standard units like balls, beans and stones in order to
determine the volume of a solid figure.
c. Show patience in finding the volume using non-standard units.
d. Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of non-standard unit of measurements to
determine the volume of a solid figure.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Visualizing the Volume of a Solid Using Non-Standard Units
Reference/s: K-12 Grade 4 Curriculum Guide, LM Math Grade 4 pages 222 to 224
Materials: Rectangle boxes, marbles, pebbles, beans, balls
Value Focus: Patience in doing the task, orderliness

III. Instructional Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

“Good Morning Class!” “Good Morning Sir!”

“Let us all stand and get ready for the “In the name of the father, and of the son
prayer.” and of the holy spirit… Amen.”

“Before you take your sit, please pick up (Students pick up pieces of paper under
pieces of paper under your desk.” their desk.)

“Class, what day is today?” “Today is February 09, 2018.”

“Very good! What about the weather for “The weather for today is Sunny Day.”

“Great! Since today is a Sunny Day you

have to level with the weather, you must
be active, energetic and enthusiastic the
whole day.”

1. Attendance
“Now, let me check your attendance.
Using the pole of absentees, let’s find
out if who is not here.”

“Group leaders listen, all you have to do

is to look around and check your group
mates, if any member is absent, write
his/her name on the flaglet and put it in
the hole. Clear?” “Crystal.”

“Okay, group 1 who is absent in your “John is absent Sir.”

group?” (Then the group leader writes John’s
name on the flaglet and puts it in the

“What about Group 2?” “Nobody is absent Sir.”

“Very Good!”

‘This time, let’s have Group 3.” “Nobody is absent Sir.”

“What about group 4?” “Cedric is absent Sir.”

(The group leader writes Cedric’s name
on the flaglet and puts it in the hole.)

(After all the groups were finished, the

teacher will check the pole of

“As what we can see in the pole, Cedric

and John are absent.

“As we go along with our lesson today, I

want you to remember 5 things when
you are inside the classroom.”

(The teacher will raise his hand.)

“First, my thumb represents the eyes. So

you should always look at me when I
will discuss in front. Understood?” “Yes Sir.”

“Second, when I raise my index finger,

it should mean silence. So you have to
be quiet as always as possible. Clear?” “Crystal!”
“Third, when I will start my discussion,
nobody should be talking, Aside from
not talking, you also need to…?” “Listen.”

“Fourth, when I raise my ring finger you

have to cooperate in all the activities.”

“Lastly, when I raise my pinky finger,

you have to be reminded of the time.
When I say you finish your work in 5
minutes, you should finish it in 5
minutes. Clear? “Crystal.”

“Again, are the rules clear?” “Yes Sir.”

2. Drill

“Now, let me check your knowledge on

multiplication facts.

“If you want to answer just raise your

hand. Bim?” “Bam!”

“Let’s start. What is 4 x 5?” (One student raises his hand.)

“Yes Mark.” “20 Sir.”

“Very Good. What about 8 x 3?” “24 Sir.”

“You are Correct!”

3. Review

“Let’s have a review.”

“Who can recall the meaning of (One student raises her hand)
a solid?”

“Yes Mary.” “Solid is a three –dimensional object.”

“Very Good. What else?” (Another student raises her hand.)

“Sir, solid has depth, width and height”

“Now who can give me an (One student raises his hand.)
example of a solid figure?”

“Yes Mae.” “Sir, a box.”

“Great. A box is an example of a

solid figure.”

“Who can give me another “A cabinet Sir.”


“Then, what is the shape of the “Rectangle.”


“Yes, the cabinet is rectangular

in shape and solid as a figure.

4. Energizer

“Are we still good?” “Yes Sir.”

“Do you like to sing a song?” “Yes Sir.”

“Let’s sing a song today. Listen,

the song goes this way”.

Mathematics, mathematics
kalisod, kalisod, dili kana tinu-
od, dili kana tinu-od kasayon,

“Mathematics, mathematics “Mathematics, mathematics kalisod,

ready sing!” kalisod, dili kana tinu-od, dili kana tinu-
od kasayon, kasayon.”

“Is mathematics fun and easy?” “Yes Sir!”

“Yes, it is easy most especially

when you will listen to your

(Live Storytelling)

Now, Do you want to listen to a “Yes Sir.”


Do you want to be part of a “Yes Sir.”


“As I will read the story,

remember the 5 points or rules I
have gave you a while ago. “

“That is to look, listen, be quiet,

cooperate and be time-

“The title of the story is IT’S


“The story goes this way.”

“It was a day of celebration and

festivity at Mathemato Town.
Franco a barrio boy woke up so
early and felt excited about the
idea that at last it’s fiesta in
town. He cannot wait to see his
special friends and enjoy the
memorable day. He then wore
his favorite costume and brought
his father’s gift to him – the
black guitar. While he was going
to town he met his friend...”

(The teacher calls a student’s

“His friend’s name is Ashley. “

“Hi Ashley.” “Hello Mike.”

“Happy Fiesta, would you come “Sure.”

with me to the town?”

(Then the student follows the


“As they walked together, they

saw three boxes. The boxes were
labeled A, B and C.”
“Franco and Ashley brought the
box with them and continue

“While walking, Franco played

his guitar and sang his favorite
song. Then suddenly they saw
their friend, Mike called his

“How are you Ethan?” “I’m good. How about you?”

“I’m good too. It’s Fiesta.”

“Would you come with us?” “Sure.”

(The student then follows the


“As they walked together, Mike

the barrio boy saw 240 beans, he
transferred the 240 beans to the
box A and it filled the box.”

“On the other side, Ashley saw a

lot of balls.”

“Can you help Ashley in (The class responds.)

counting the balls?” “Yes Sir.”

“Let’s count the balls

altogether.” “1, 2, 3, 4…24.”

“Then about 24 balls filled the


“As they were approaching the

town, Ethan saw something on
the ground.”

(The teacher will ask the class.)

“What did Ethan see?” “Ethan saw marbles Sir.”

“Very Good! Ethan saw


“Let’s count the marbles “1,2,3,4…34”


“About 34 marbles filled the


“As they reached the town, they

put aside the things they have
collected and participated in all
the activities for it is FIESTA!

(Ethan and Axle return to their


“Let’s give a fireworks clap to (Students give fireworks clap to Ethan

Ethan and Axle.” and Ashley.)

“Class, who loves going to “Me Sir.”


“Who else?” (Students raise their hands.)

“Great! Well, Filipinos love

fiestas. The word "fiesta" will
always bring a smile to the face
of almost any Filipino. After all,
a fiesta is a special time with
friends, a time for fellowship,
food, and lots of activities.

It is always accompanied with

music, food and colorful designs.

“Class, when you were still a

child, do you love to collect
things like Mike and his
friends?” “Yes Sir.”

“What things did you collect

when you were still a child?” (One student raises his hand.)

“Yes Luis.” “I had collected marbles when I was still a

child, Sir.”
“Question: Is it important to “Yes, Sir.”
collect things?”

“Well, collecting things for other

people is a form of a hobby, to
some it’s their source of


“Question number 1: Did Mike “Yes Sir.”

and his friends get the same size
of boxes?”

Question number 2: Did Mike, (One student raises his hand.)

Axle and Ethan get the same “No Sir.”
amount of materials inside the

“Do they have the same (One student raises his hand.)
volume?” “No Sir.”

“Who says they get the same (Some students raise their hands.)
number of units for the volume
of the box?”

“Well let’s find out.”

“Based on the story, what do you (One student raises his hand.)
think is our lesson today?”

“Yes Brent.” “Our lesson for today is all about

“Very good. Our lesson for today
has something to do with

“It’s Visualizing the Volume of a

Solid Using Non-Standard


“From the activity a while ago,

did Mike and his friends get the
same number of units for the
volume of the box?” “No Sir.”

“If no, what do you mean by “Volume is the amount of space an object
volume?” takes up.”

“Very well said John. Volume is

the amount of space an object
takes up or the amount of space a
solid figure occupies.”

“If we will connect or relate it to

actual life, one example of
volume in your home would be
the number of marbles or toys
you put in your rectangular
boxes or drawers.

“So, you are all correct! Mike

and his friends did not get the
same number of units for the
volume of the box. Since non-
standard units do not give the
same measure of the volume for
the same container.”

What’s your basis of saying that (One student raises his hand.)
they have different volumes? “The bases are the marbles, beans and

“Very Good!”

“In other words, they are what

we called the non-standard

“What are the non-standard units “We have the balls, marbles and beans.
being used in these boxes?” They are used as non-standard units for
measuring the volume of the box.”

“Let’s compare the number of units that

fill the boxes.”

“Why are there more beans than balls (One student raises her hand.)
that filled the box?”
“Yes Reena.” “Because beans are smaller than marbles

“Exactly! When a non-standard unit

used is small, more units are needed to
fill a container.”

“Another question, why do you think

these balls is lesser than the marbles?” “Sir it’s because balls are bigger than the

“You’re right! When the non-standard

unit being used is bigger, fewer units are
needed to fill the container.”

“Do non-standard units give consistent “No Sir.”


“Very Good. Does it give accurate “Still no, Sir.”


“Fantastic! Non-standard units do not

give consistent and accurate measure of
the volume of a container.”

“How do you measure volume?” (One student answer.)

“By using non-standard units.”
(The teacher will provide the class more


“Do you want to have an activity?” “Yes Sir!”

“Do you want to find the volume of a “Yes Sir.”

solid figure using non-standard units?”

“Let’s try to find the volume of these

boxes by group.”

“For Group no.1: Find the volume of the

following container using Balls as a
non-standard unit:

“For Group no.2: Find the volume of the

following container using Marbles as a
non-standard unit:


“Class, you work on that in 5 minutes.”

Always remember the rules I gave you,
keep quiet, cooperate, be time conscious
and let’s respect one another.”

“Ready work!”

(The teacher facilitates the group


(After 5 mins.)

“Okay let’s check your work. (One student raises his hands and explains
Group 1 I need 1 representative in front the answer.)
to report your work.”

“This time let’s have Group no.2” (Group 2 presents their work.)

“Since all of you got the correct answer, “Bim bam, bim bam, bini – bini bam, bini
let’s give a Bim-Bam Clap to bam, bini – bini bam bim bam.”


Class, what do you use in measuring (One student raise his hand)

“Yes Tine” “We use non-standard units.”

“Excellent! What are examples of non- “Sir we have marbles, balls and beans.”
standard units?”

“Does it give consistent volumes?” “No sir. Non-standard units do not give
consistent volumes.”

“Exactly, non-standard units do not give

a consistent and accurate measurement
of the volume of a container.”

“If the non-standard unit for example is “We fill more units inside the container.”
smaller. What do we do?”

“What if bigger?” If bigger it means fewer units are only

needed to fill the container.

“Check, so did you understand our “Yes Sir.”

lesson today?”

Do you have any question? “None Sir.”

IV. Evaluation
(Performance-based Evaluation)
Read and answer each question. Visualize and count the number of volume in the
following solid figures.

1. Using a non-standard unit, which will give the greater number of volume? Why?
Visualize the volume and explain your answer.

A. B.

Balls Mongo seeds

2. Which will give a fewer number of volume? Why? Visualize the volume and explain your
3. How important are the non-standard units in our everyday life? Explain your answer in a
form of a dance, a song, a yell or in a role-play. Do question number 3 by group.

V. Assignment
(Enriching the day’s lesson)

Find the volume of a tetra pack of juice using the following materials:
1.) Pebbles 2.) Mongo seeds 3.)Marbles

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