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Term 1 Definition 1

A low-pressure steam boiler has a

maximum allowable working pressure
(MAWP) of up to:

15 psi

Exam 1 Steam Boilers

Term 2 Definition 2

In a fire tube boiler, the heat and gases

of combus on pass:

through the tubes

Exam 1 Steam Boilers

Term 3 Definition 3

A fire tube boiler may be used:

in high or low pressure plants

Exam 1 Steam Boilers

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Term 4 Definition 4

Because of the large volume of water, the

boiler most likely to cause a boiler explosion

a fire tube boiler

Exam 1 Steam Boilers

Term 5 Definition 5

A horizontal return tubular (HRT) boiler is:

fire tube boiler

Exam 1 Steam Boilers

Term 6 Definition 6
A sudden drop in boiler steam pressure
without a corresponding drop in boiler
water temperature could result in:

a boiler explosion
Exam 1 Steam Boilers

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Term 7 Definition 7
The part of a boiler that has the
heat and gases of combustion on
one side and water on the other
side is known as the:

heating surface
Exam 1 Steam Boilers
Term 8 Definition 8

The comparison, or ra o, of heat

supplied in fuel to heat absorbed by
water is defined as:

thermal efficiency
Exam 1 Steam Boilers

Term 9 Definition 9

The steam and water drum of

water tube boilers is dished
(concave) to eliminate the need

Exam 1 Steam Boilers

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Term 10 Definition 10

Ver cal fire tube boilers require:

high ceilings, less floor space and the use of

stay bolts
Exam 1 Steam Boilers

Term 11 Definition 11

In a water tube boiler, the heat and

gases of combus on pass:

around the tubes

Exam 1 Steam Boilers

Term 12 Definition 12

The ___________ boiler has a

large volume of water in relation
to horse power size.
fire tube
Exam 1 Steam Boilers

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Term 13 Definition 13

The mudroom is the lowest part of the

water side of a:

water tube boiler

Exam 1 Steam Boilers

Term 14 Definition 14

Boiler plates and stay bolts are

subject to:

tensile stress
Exam 1 Steam Boilers

Term 15 Definition 15

Safety valve connections must be

approved by the:

Answer American society of

mechanical engineers (ASME)
Exam 1 Steam Boilers

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Term 16 Definition 16

The most important fitting on a

boiler is the:

safety valve
Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

Term 17 Definition 17

To prevent failure from pressure

over the MAWP, all steam boilers
must be equipped with at least

safety valve
Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

Term 18 Definition 18

A safety valve will:

prevent the boiler from exceeding its MAWP

Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

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Term 19 Definition 19

Safety valves are designed to:

pop open
Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

Term 20 Definition 20

Super heater safety valves are set to


before the main safety valves are opened

Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 21 Definition 21

When testing a safety valve by

hand, there must be:

at least 75% of the popping

Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

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Term 22 Definition 22

Any repairs to a safety valve

should be done by the:

safety valve manufacturer or

manufactures authorized
Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

Term 23 Definition 23

The se ng or adjus ng of a safety

valve should only be done by the:

qualified person who is familiar with the

construc on and opera on of a safety valve
Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 24 Definition 24

If it is necessary to test the

relieving capacity of a safety

an accumulation test is put

on the boiler
Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

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Term 25 Definition 25

The relieving capacity of a safety

valve is measured in:

pounds of steam per hour

capable of discharging under
a given pressure
Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

Term 26 Definition 26

The main purpose of a water column is


reduce turbulence in the gauge glass and to

get more accurate reading of the water level
in the boiler
Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 27 Definition 27
Try cocks are:

a secondary means of
determining water level in a
Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

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Term 28 Definition 28

The water column and gauge glass

should usually be blown down:

once a shi
Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 29 Definition 29

A steam pressure gauge is calibrated in:

pounds per square inch (PSI)

Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 30 Definition 30

A siphon protects the steam pressure

gauge from:

high temperature of steam

Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

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Term 31 Definition 31

The pressure at the base of a ver cal

foot of water is:

0.433 PSI
Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 32 Definition 32

The boiler vent is located at the:

highest part of the steam

side of the boiler
Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

Term 33 Definition 33

The boiler vent is open when

warming up a boiler until:

there is 10 to 15 psi of steam

pressure on the boiler
Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

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Term 34 Definition 34

Saturated steam is steam at:

its corresponding temperature and pressure

Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 35 Definition 35

When steam is superheated the:

temperature increases with no increase in

Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 36 Definition 36

Soot should be:

removed from boiler tubes for be er heat


Exam 2 Steam Boilers &


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Term 37 Definition 37

Boilers in ba ery equipped with

manhole openings must have
___________ according to the ASME

two main steam stop valves

Exam 2 Steam Boilers &
Term 38 Definition 38

Main boiler stop valves must be:

os&y gate (outside stem &

Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

Term 39 Definition 39
The ASME Code will allow an
automatic non-return valve to be
used as a main steam stop valve.
If one is used it must be:

installed as close to the shell

of the boiler as practical on
the main steam line
Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

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Term 40 Definition 40

The main steam stop valve should be

gate valves because they:

offer no restric on to the flow of steam

Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 41 Definition 41
When the boiler is equipped with
hand operated, main steam stop
valves, to cut the boiler in on the
line, the steam pressure on the
incoming boiler should be:

slightly lower than line

Exam 2 SteamTerm
42 & Fittings Definition 42

When a boiler is being inspected,

the two main steam stop valves

closed, locked, and tagged

Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

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Term 43 Definition 43

During boiler warm-up, to remove any

condensate trapped between the two
boiler stop valves the:

free blowing drain should be


Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

Term 44 Definition 44

According to the ASME code,

boilers operating at 100 psi or
over must have:

2 bottom blowdown valves

Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

Term 45 Definition 45
When blowing down a boiler
equipped with a quick opening
valve and a screw type valve, the
quick opening valve is:

opened first and closed last

Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

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Term 46 Definition 46

If a quick opening valve is used as a

bo om blowdown valve, it must be

between the boiler and the slow opening

(screw type) valve
Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 47 Definition 47

The maximum size of the bo om

blowdown line and the surface blow
down line is:

Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

Term 48 Definition 48

Bo om blowdown lines on a water

tube boiler are located on the:

mud drum
Exam 2 Steam Boilers &

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Term 49 Definition 49

The most accurate means of

deciding the frequency of
blowdown of a boiler is
determined by a:

boiler water analysis

Exam 2 Steam Boilers & Fittings

Term 50 Definition 50

Oxygen and other non-

condensable gases are
separated from the feed

in the open deaerator feed

water heater
Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems
Term 51 Definition 51

The four systems required to

operate a steam boiler are:

steam, feed water, fuel, &

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

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Term 52 Definition 52

In order to produce 1 pound

of steam, it is necessary to

1 pound of water
Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems
Term 53 Definition 53

Steam that has lost its heat

and has turned back into
water is:

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems
Term 54 Definition 54

A safe and efficient boiler

plant should include
__________ pumps.

one steam & one electric

feed water
Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

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Term 55 Definition 55

On a boiler burning low

pressure gas, the volume
(amount) of gas burned is
controlled by the:

volume of air passing

through the Venturi tube
Exam 3 Boiler Room
Term 56 Systems Definition 56

On the fuel oil system, the

purpose of the duplex
strainers on the suc on line
between the tank and fuel
pump is to:

allow the strainer to be

cleaned without securing
the boiler
Term 57 Definition 57

A dra fan located between

the boiler and chimney is
used in a:

induced dra system

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

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Term 58 Definition 58

The open feed water heater

is located:

above the feed water pumps

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

Term 59 Definition 59

Number ____ fuel oil must

be heated in order to be

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems
Term 60 Definition 60

Pulverized coal has the

consistency of talcum
powder so that it:

can come in closer contact

with the oxygen for
complete combus on
Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

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Term 61 Definition 61

Dra is defined as a
difference in pressure that

Air or gasses to flow

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

Term 62 Definition 62

Air is mixed inside the

burner register in a:

high-pressure gas system

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

Term 63 Definition 63

Natural dra is produced by


difference in temperature of
a column of gas inside the
chimney from a column air
outside the chimney
Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

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Term 64 Definition 64

Pulverized coal is burned in

_______ in the furnace.

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

Term 65 Definition 65

Gas leaks should be located

and repaired by a:

gas company representa ve

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems
Term 66 Definition 66

If a boiler that was online is

down because of low steam
pressure, the cause is:

either a flame failure or low-

water condi on
Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

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Term 67 Definition 67

When performing a
hydrosta c test the pressure
on the boiler should be
increased to:

1½ Times the safety valve

se ng
Exam 3 Boiler Room
Term 68 Systems Definition 68

A furnace explosion can be

caused by:

an accumula on of
combus ble gases
Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems
Term 69 Definition 69

The ASME code requires

that boilers be inspected
internally and externally

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

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Term 70 Definition 70

When someone finds an

unsafe condi on in a plant,
that person should report it

The immediate supervisor

Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

Term 71 Definition 71

A fire that is caused by oil,

gas, grease, or paint would
be classified as a class:

B fire
Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems
Term 72 Definition 72

The low-water fuel cut off

control should be blown

once a shi
Exam 3 Boiler Room Systems

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Term 73 Definition 73

The automa c city water

make up valve found on an
open feed water heater is
used to:

maintain a water level in the

feed water heater if there
are insufficient condensate
Term 74 Definition 74

The purpose of a feed water

regulator is to:

maintain a consistent water

level in the boiler
Exam 4: Steam & Water
Term 75 Definition 75

The sequence of three

numbers found on the data
plate a ached to a
reciproca ng feed water
pump indicates the:

diameter of steam piston,

diameter of water piston,

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Term 76 Definition 76

A reciproca ng feed water

pump must have a safety
relief valve located between

pump and the discharge

Exam 4: Steam & Water
Term 77 Definition 77

An economizer is used in
large boiler plants to heat:

Feed water using gases of

combus on
Exam 4: Steam & Water

Term 78 Definition 78

Centrifugal feed water

pumps can be started with
their discharge valves:

Open or closed
Exam 4: Steam & Water

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Term 79 Definition 79

Water temperature that is

too high in the open feed
water heater could cause:

The feed water pump to

become steam bound
Exam 4: Steam & Water
Term 80 Definition 80

Water temperature that is

too low in the open feed
water heater could cause:

oxygen pi ng in the boiler

Exam 4: Steam &
Term 81 Definition 81

In a low pressure gas burner,

a __________ shuts off the
gas supply if a li le water
condi on exists.

manual reset valve

Exam 5: Fuel Burning

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Term 82 Definition 82

An indica on of a dirty fuel

oil strainer would be
________ across the

A large pressure drop

Term 83 Definition 83

Duplex strainers are found

on ___________ of the fuel
oil pump.

both the suc on and

discharge sides
Exam 5: Fuel Burning
Term 84 Definition 84

Fuel oil heaters must be

used when burning number
____ fuel oil.

Exam 5: Fuel Burning

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Term 85 Definition 85

A gas pressure regulator is

used to control the:

desired pressure at the

Exam 5: Fuel Burning
Term 86 Definition 86

A solenoid valve is a direct

ac ng valve in the gas
system and is used:

as an automa c gas shut off

Exam 5: Fuel Burning Equipment
Term 87 Definition 87

Blowers are used in high-

pressure gas system to:

supply air for combus on

Exam 5: Fuel Burning

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Term 88 Definition 88

The air-to-gas ra o is
maintained by a:

Air damper, bu erfly valve,

modula ng motor and
Exam 5: Fuel Burning
Term 89 Definition 89

The gas pressure reducing

valve in the low pressure gas
system produces the gas
pressure to:

Zero PSI
Exam 5: Fuel Burning
Term 90 Definition 90

Boilers are equipped with a

combina on gas/fuel oil
burner for:

more flexible opera on

Exam 5: Fuel Burning

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Term 91 Definition 91

Pulverized coal burns:

in suspension
Exam 5: Fuel Burning
Term 92 Definition 92

The volume of gas to the

burner in a high-pressure
gas system is controlled by

bu erfly valve
Exam 5: Fuel
Term 93 Definition 93

In order to burn 1 lb of fuel,

approximately ______ lb of
air is needed.

Exam 6: Dra

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Term 94 Definition 94

Dra is measured in:

inches or tenths of an inch

of a ver cal water column
Exam 6: Dra
Term 95 Definition 95

To reduce the heat loss of

flue gas going to the
chimney, boilers are
equipped with:

economizers and air heaters

Exam 6: Dra
Term 96 Definition 96

The amount of dra

available in a natural dra
system is dependent on the:

height of the chimney

Exam 6: Dra

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Term 97 Definition 97

The gases of combus on

leaving a boiler that has
natural dra are controlled

outlet dampers
Term 98 Definition 98

Rank refers to the _______

of the coal.

degree of hardness
Exam 7: Combus on
Term 99 Definition 99

Bituminous coal has a high

_______ content.

vola le
Exam 7: Combus on

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Term 100 Definition 100

Anthracite coal has a high

________ content.

Exam 7: Combus on
Term 101 Definition 101

_______ coal is the type of

coal most likely to have
problems with spontaneous
combus on when being

Exam 7: Combus on
Term 102 Definition 102

Air that controls the

combus on efficiency is:

secondary air
Exam 7: Combus on

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Term 103 Definition 103

Air supply to the burner that

is more than the theore cal
amount needed to burn fuel

excess air
Exam 7: Combus on

Term 104 Definition 104

Air needed for the

combus on of fuel is made
up of approximately ____%
oxygen and ____% nitrogen.

21; 79
Exam 7: Combus on
Term 105 Definition 105

Number ____ fuel oil must

be heated to reach the
required temperature for
combus on.

Exam 7: Combus on

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Term 106 Definition 106

Higher numbered fuel oil's

produce ______ lower
number fuel oils.

more BTU per gallon then

Exam 7:Term
on Definition 107

The hea ng value of a fuel is

expressed in:

Bri sh thermal units (BTU)

Exam 7: Combus on
Term 108 Definition 108

The on / off pressure control

must be connected to the:

highest part of the steam

side of the boiler
Exam 8: Combus on

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Term 109 Definition 109

A steam siphon ensures that

______ does not enter the
boiler pressure control.

Exam 8: Combus on
Term 110 Definition 110

Mercury-tube pressure
control will only be accurate
when it is installed:

in a ver cal posi on

Exam 8:Term
on Definition 111

The two scales found on the

boiler pressure control are
used to:

set the opera ng steam

pressure range of the boiler
Exam 8: Combus on

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Term 112 Definition 112

The purpose of the boiler

modula ng pressure control
is to:

regulate the high and low

firing rates of the burner
Exam 8: Combus on
Term 113 Definition 113

To eliminate the danger of a

furnace explosion deeming
start up, the firing sequence
must first allow for:

a pre-purge period
Exam 8: Combus on
Term 114 Definition 114

The purpose of the scanner

is to provide:

both the pilot & the main

Exam 8: Combus on

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Term 115 Definition 115

The posi oning combus on

control system used on older
boilers cannot func on

Air pressure
Term 116 Definition 116

The metering combus on

control system is sensi ve to
changes in:

steam flow and pressure

Exam 8: Combus on
Term 117 Definition 117

The posi oning combus on

control system is sensi ve to
changes in the:

steam header
Exam 8:
Combus on

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Term 118 Definition 118

Absolute pressure is equal


gauge pressure plus

atmospheric pressure
Exam 9:Term
119 Definition 119

A boiler steam pressure

gauge should have a range

1&1/2 to 2 mes the safety

valve se ng
Exam 9: Instruments
Term 120 Definition 120

The boiler steam pressure

gauge must be connected to
the _______ of the boiler.

highest part of the steam


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Term 121 Definition 121

The boiler steam pressure

gauge is protected from high
temperatures by:

A siphon
Exam 9:Term
122 Definition 122

Liquids in a tank maybe

measured from a remote
loca on using a:

Exam 9: Instruments
Term 123 Definition 123

The rotameter flow meter

consists of a:

float in a tapered tube

Exam 9:

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Term 124 Definition 124

Boiler water must be

condi oned to prevent:

forma on of scale, oxygen

pi ng, & carryover
Exam 10: Boiler Water
Term 125 Definition 125

Boiler water having high

alkalinity could develop:

caus c embri lement

Exam 10: Boiler Water

Term 126 Definition 126

Deposits of calcium and

magnesium carbonate on
the boiler hea ng surface


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Term 127 Definition 127

Cracking of the boiler metal

along the seams and tube
ends is caused by:

caus c embri lement

Exam 10:Term
Water Definition 128

Chemicals added to the

boiler water change the
scale-forming salts into:

A non-adhering sludge
Exam 10:Term
Water Definition 129

Oxygen in the boiler will


pi ng of boiler metal
Exam 10: Boiler Water

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Term 130 Definition 130

Oxygen present in the boiler

water is removed by:

hea ng the feed water and

using sodium sulfite
Exam 10: Boiler Water

Term 131 Definition 131

The frequency of blowing

down a steam boiler is best
ascertained by the:

daily tes ng of boiler water

Exam 10:Term
Water Definition 132

Closer control of boiler

water chemical
concentra ons is maintained

con nuous blow downs

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Term 133 Definition 133

When taking over a shi , the

boiler operator must first

The water level on all boilers

that are on the line by
blowing down the water
column and gauge glass
Exam 11: Steam Boiler
Term 134 Definition 134

The low water fuel cut off

control can be tested:

by blowing down the low-

water fuel cut off or allowing
the water level in the boiler
to drop
Exam 11:Term
135 Boiler Definition 135

The purpose of a flame

failure control is to protect
the boiler from:

A possible furnace explosion

Exam 11: Steam Boiler
Opera on

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Term 136 Definition 136

A er establishing the proper

boiler water level, the
burner may be lit a er:

purging the furnace

Exam 11: Steam Boiler
Opera on
Term 137 Definition 137

The automa c non-return

valve on a boiler being cut in
on a line should be open to
when the steam pressure on
the boiler reaches:

75% to 85% of the line

Term 138 Definition 138

It is good opera ng
procedure to test the safety
valve on an incoming boiler
by hand:

before the boiler is cut in on

the line
Exam 11: Steam Boiler

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Term 139 Definition 139

When cu ng a boiler in on a
line equipped with two hand
operated steam stop valves,
the pressure on the boiler
should be ______ line

slightly lower than. (75% to

Term 140 Definition 140

Boilers equipped with a

superheater must be
protected during warm-up

keeping the superheater

drain valve open un l the
boiler is cut in on the line
Term 141 Definition 141

Superheaters are prevented

from overhea ng by the
circula on of:

Exam 11: Steam Boiler
Opera on

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Term 142 Definition 142

When the steam pressure in

the boiler has dropped to 10
psi or 15 psi the ______
should be opened.

boiler vent
Exam 11: Steam Boiler
Opera on
Term 143 Definition 143

A er a boiler has had major

repair work made on its
steam or water side or has
developed a low-water
condi on, it should be
subjected to:

a hydrosta c test
Term 144 Definition 144

Flame failure controls use a:

flame scanner
Exam 11: Steam Boiler
Opera on

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Term 145 Definition 145

If there is a danger of the

boiler freezing, the boiler
should be laid up:

completely dry
Exam 11:Term
Boiler Definition 146

A low water fuel cut off:

shuts off the fuel supply

Exam 11: Steam Boiler
Opera on
Term 147 Definition 147

A boiler that has

experienced a low water
condi on should be:

Thoroughly examined for

signs of overhea ng
& Hydrosta c tested

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Term 148 Definition 148

A high water level condi on

in the boiler can be
corrected by using:

bo om blow down
Exam 11: Steam
Boiler Opera on
Term 149 Definition 149

High pressure steam boilers generally

operate at pressures

Above 15 psi and over 6 boiler

Sample Test

Term 150 Definition 150

Pressure gauges should never have a

range less than

1½ mes the safety valve set pressure

Sample Test

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Term 151 Definition 151

A er water is blown out of a siphon,

why should live steam never be
allowed to enter a Bourdin tube?

Live steam will damage the pressure

Sample Test

Term 152 Definition 152

All of the following are essen al to

maintain the proper fuel oil pressure
with fuel oil accessories EXCEPT
Obtaining the correct difference in
pressure inside and outside the boiler.
Sample Test

Term 153 Definition 153

Which of the following could be

dangerous to safe opera on of a low
pressure boiler?

Adding water to an opera ng boiler

when the water level cannot be seen in
the gauge glass tube
Sample Test

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Term 154 Definition 154

Which of the following is best if a low-

pressure boiler does not have an air

Vent the boiler with the try cocks

Sample Test

Term 155 Definition 155

What is the purpose of an evapora on

test on a low pressure boiler?

To test the low water cutoff control

Sample Test

Term 156 Definition 156

Following flame failure, controls must

de-energize fuel and igni on circuits

Within 4 seconds
Sample Test

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Term 157 Definition 157

How can an operator prevent damage

to the tubes while using a cleaner to
remove scale from boiler tubes?

Never allow the cleaner to stay in one

Sample Test

Term 158 Definition 158

In a steam boiler, which of the

following should never be placed
between the safety relief valve and the

A shut-off valve
Sample Test

Term 159 Definition 159

Which of these should be used on live

electrical fires?

Class C ex nguishers
Sample Test

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Term 160 Definition 160

If certain grades of fuel oil are not

preheated properly, they may cause

Poor combus on and high fuel

consump on
Sample Test

54 of 54 3/20/2018, 10:14 AM

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