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Case Report

Micromarsupialization combined with intralesional

corticosteroids to treat mucocele: A case report
Rajeshwari Javali, Basavaraj Bhagwati, Sharanamma Bhagwati1
Departments of Oral Medicine and Radiology and 1Periodontics, S.B. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Bidar,
Karnataka, India


Oral mucoceles are the most common benign lesions of the minor salivary gland in the oral mucosa. Various treatment
options include marsupialization, surgical excision, dissection, laser ablation, cryosurgery, electrocautery, and intralesional
steroid injections. However, most of them are invasive. The objective of this case report is to emphasize a less invasive
combination treatment procedure as an alternative for the invasive treatment of mucoceles. This therapy was performed
by using intralesional corticosteroid injection along with micromarsupialization to treat the mucocele on the lower labial
mucosa. Three intralesional dexamethasone (4 mg) injections followed by standard silk sutures with 1‑week interval over
a 3‑week duration demonstrated complete resolution of the mucocele. A 3‑month and 6‑month follow‑up revealed no
signs of recurrence. This combination therapy can be a noninvasive option to treat mucoceles as this treatment modality
is well‑tolerated by patients owing to its simple execution without any reported complications.
Key words: Intralesional, micromarsupialization, mucocele, steroids

Introduction Delbem[2] and Luiz,[3] respectively. We present a case

treated by a combination of these two techniques.

ucocele is a common lesion of the oral mucosa.
There are extravasation and retention type of
mucoceles. Extravasation mucocele results
Case Report
from broken salivary gland ducts and the consequent
A 22‑year‑old female patient reported to the Department
spillage into the surrounding soft tissues. Retention
of Oral Medicine and Radiology with a chief complaint
mucocele appears due to a decrease or an absence
of a painless swelling on the left lower labial mucosa
of glandular secretion produced by blockage of the
since 3 weeks [Figure 1]. There was a mild change in
salivary gland ducts.[1] In many cases, local surgical
the shape of the lower lip, for which the patient was
excision is necessary. Several other conservative
techniques have been used in the treatment of
mucoceles. Micromarsupialization and intralesional This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
corticosteroid injection have been used separately by Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0
License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the
Access this article online work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited and the
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How to cite this article: Javali R, Bhagwati B, Bhagwati S.

DOI: Micromarsupialization combined with intralesional corticosteroids
to treat mucocele: A case report. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol

Address for correspondence: Dr. Rajeshwari Javali, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology,
S.B. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Naubad, Bidar - 585 401, Karnataka, India. E‑mail:
Received: 16‑01‑2016  Accepted: 13‑08‑2016  Published: 08-09-2016

44 © 2016 Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Javali R et al.: Micromarsupialization and intralesional corticosteroids in mucocele

esthetically concerned and visited our Department Discussion

for its treatment. Past medical and family history
was noncontributory. Patient was under orthodontic Mucocele is a common lesion and affects the general
treatment since 4 months and provided a positive population. When located on the floor of the mouth,
history of lip biting. Upon examination, the lesion these lesions are called ranulas because the inflammation
appeared as a well‑circumscribed, dome‑shaped bluish resembles the belly of a frog.[4] Yamasoba et al.[5] highlight
swelling, measuring approximately 2 cm × 1.5 cm in two crucial etiological factors in mucoceles, namely,
size, smooth surfaced, nontender, and fluctuant with traumatism and obstruction of salivary gland ducts.
no other abnormality. A diagnosis of mucocele was A study by Bagán et al.[6] showed that 5% were retention
made. Although a bluish lesion developing after trauma mucoceles whereas the other 95% were extravasation.
is suggestive of mucocele, a differential diagnosis They proposed that extravasation mucoceles undergo
of vascular malformation, such as lymphangioma, three evolutionary phases. In the first phase, mucous
soft tissue neoplasm, such as schwannoma, salivary spills diffusely from the excretory duct into conjunctive
gland tumors, and cysticercosis was considered. The tissues where some leucocytes and histiocytes are found.
patient was administered a combination therapy of Granulomas appear during the resorption phase where
micromarsupialization and intralesional injection histocytes, macrophages, and giant multinucleated cells
of dexamethasone. The technique was performed are associated with a foreign body reaction. In the final
as follows: The area was disinfected with 0.1% phase, connective cells form a pseudocapsule without
iodine; a topical anesthetic was applied to cover the epithelium around the mucosa. Retention mucoceles
entire lesion for approximately 3 minutes, 1 ml of are formed by dilation of the duct secondary to its
dexamethasone (4 mg/2 ml) was injected into the obstruction or are caused by a sialolith or dense mucosa.
base of the lesion with an insulin needle [Figure 2]. The majority of retention cysts develop in the ducts of
After injection, micromarsupialization was performed the major salivary glands.[5]
to drain the mucus and reduce the size of lesion.
This technique consisted of passing a thick silk The incidence of mucoceles is generally high, 2.5 lesions
suture through the internal part of the lesion along per 1000 patients, frequently in the second decade of
its widest diameter followed by making a surgical life,[7,8] and rarely among children under 1 year of age.
knot [Figures 3 and 4]. After 1 week, the size of the lesion According to several studies, there is no difference
was reduced [Figure 5], and the same procedure was between genders[5,6,7] and no difference in the clinical
repeated. On the third visit, the size of the lesion further presentation of retention and extravasation mucocele.
decreased and the patient received the last injection Mucocele presents as bluish, soft, and transparent
and suture. This process (intralesional injection of cystic swelling. The blue color is caused by vascular
dexamethasone combined with micromarsupialization) congestion, cyanosis of the tissue above, and the
was repeated 3 times at 1‑week intervals. Complete accumulation of fluid below. Coloration can also vary
resolution was observed after 3 weeks [Figure 6]. After depending on the size of the lesion, proximity to the
3 and 6 months of follow‑up, there was no history or surface, and upper tissue elasticity.[7,9] Lesion duration
sign of recurrence or local discomfort. is not constant, varying from a few days to 3 years. [5]

Figure 1: Mucocele on the lower labial mucosa Figure 2: Intralesional administration of dexamethasone

Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology | Jan‑Mar 2016 | Vol 28 | Issue 1 45

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Javali R et al.: Micromarsupialization and intralesional corticosteroids in mucocele

Figure 3: Micromarsupialization using suture Figure 4: Surgical knot with suture

Figure 5: Regression in the size of the lesion after the first week of Figure 6: Complete resolution of the mucocele after the third week
the patient. The mucus content of the lesion is the reason
The lower lip is the most frequent site for a mucocele why we only need to anesthetize the mucosa that covers
because it is the most probable place for a trauma. the lesion. The immediate extravasation of mucus after
The main accepted treatment for mucocele is surgical the passage of the suture and consequent reduction of the
management. However, Yamasoba et al. showed a 2.8% lesion in volume is a fundamental clinical characteristic
recurrence in lesions which were removed surgically.[5] for the diagnosis of mucus retention phenomena. If the
Other treatment options are laser ablation, cryosurgery, extravasation does not occur, biopsy and histopathologic
electrocautery, intralesional steroid injections, OK‑432, analysis are recommended.
gamma‑linolenic acid, and micromarsupialization.
We treated a mucocele by a combination therapy. The Conclusion
proposed mechanism was: Injection of a high‑potency
corticosteroid to promote the shrinkage of dilated The combination of micromarsupialization and
salivary ducts or pools similar to a sclerosing agent.[3] intralesional injection of corticosteroid is an alternative
The introduction of a suture which, according to the to be considered because it is a simple procedure with
literature, causes epithelialization around the suture, a good prognosis.
establishing new excretory ducts between the surface
and the underlying salivary gland tissue and leading Financial support and sponsorship
to the disappearance of the lesion. [10] An important Nil.
factor observed during the execution of the technique is
that only topical anesthesia over the lesion needs to be Conflicts of interest
applied that considerably favors cooperative behavior of There are no conflicts of interest.

46 Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology | Jan‑Mar 2016 | Vol 28 | Issue 1

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Javali R et al.: Micromarsupialization and intralesional corticosteroids in mucocele

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