The Prince Answers

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Justin Mancino

AP World History

1. Why does Machiavelli suggest that every prince ought to desire to be “clement and not cruel”?
What does he warn about regarding “too much mercy” by rulers?
Machiavelli suggests clemency over cruelty because it allows the princes to keep their
subjects united and loyal without the prince receiving hatred. Machiavelli warns that too
much mercy can result in disorder, causing murders and robberies.

2.Why does Machiavelli believe it is “safer to be feared than loved?”

Machiavelli believes that a prince that is feared more than loved, will be offered the
blood, property, life and children of his people. Also, Machiavelli states that, “love is
preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every
opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which
never fails.” This means one who evokes fear will forever be feared and obeyed.

3. What does Machiavelli mean by the phrase, “fear preserves you by a dread of punishment that
never fails”?
This quote displays that one who is feared is always going to be feared, usually by dread
or being afraid of punishment, which in turn never fails to promote fear and dominance.

4. What advice does Machiavelli give to a leader when “it is necessary for him to proceed against
the life of someone”? How does Machiavelli explain this advice?
Machiavelli writes that a leader should proceed against the life of someone for
“proper justification and for manifest cause”. Machiavelli goes on to explain this as to how
quickly man can forget the death of someone for vengeance.

5. Machiavelli warns to “avoid hatred.” Why do you think he believed princes that were hated
would not be successful?
Machiavelli believes that a leader who hated will be turn against by his subjects.
Therefore leading to disorder. He thinks that if they don't win love that they should stay
away from their citizens properties and women to keep peace.

6. What evidence of the influence of the humanist movement can you find in Machiavelli’s
Machiavelli shows signs of humanism in the way he writes and quotes from the classical
time period of Greece and Rome. He quotes from the “mouth of dido”, “Hence Virgil,
through the mouth of Dido, excuses the inhumanity of her reign owing to its being new,
Res dura, et regni novitas me talia cogunt
Moliri, et late fines custode tueri.
Humanism, many times, focused on ancient languages- which Machiavelli uses
7. Using information from class discussion and the textbook/internet, consider other generals
and political leaders who attained success by the use of fear. Name at least two and explain why
you would place them in this category.
Two political leaders in history that gained success by fear were Adolf Hitler and Joseph
Stalin. Adolf Hitler would launch huge political campaigns often killing many people,
striking fear in everyone all across Europe. Stalin was known for his brutal dictatorship
and executing his officials and closest friends, putting a blanket of fear over his subjects.
Though Machiavelli suggests for leaders to avoid hatred, these two leaders had received
much disdain. Yet, the fear set in was enough to keep both citizens and soldiers ordered
and obedient… for some time.

8. Could a political leader rule effectively today by following Machiavelli’s principles, explain
your answer. In your view, are there leaders who seek to be effective leaders by ruling in this
manner? Which current world or national leaders might meet this criterion?
By today's standards, using the principles of fear over love wouldn't be as effective. A lot
of its ineffectiveness comes from modern ideals such as ethnocentrism, where one group
sees their actions as the right thing and a different group sees it as wrong and radical,
sparking wars and of course hatred. In the present day, there are many leaders and groups
who lead by fear, rapidly expanding groups such as ISIS and North Korea are using fear
and threats to obtain obedience and order. Yet, under Machiavelli’s rules, he stated that to
avoid hatred you should take one's property or women… ISIS has fail to obey this notion
by invading surrounding villages and taking women. North Korea dictates a lot of its
power into its military and puts numerous restrictions on its citizens, striking fear with
punishment, another ideal of Machiavelli, and fear to other nations.

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