Manufacturing Process of Gardenia Philippines

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School of Graduate Studies

Central Philippine University

Jaro, Iloilo City


Presented to:
Dr. Hernani B. Miralles, CPA.
Faculty, College of Graduate Studies
Central Philippine University
Iloilo City

In partial fulfilment
Of the Course Requirements
In Production and Operations Management
MBA 723

Submitted by:
Joynen A. Baldevarona
March 20, 2017

Company Overview

Gardenia Bakeries Philippines, Inc. operates as a bread manufacturing company. It offers various
bakery products, including loaves, buns and toasts, and snack cakes through supermarkets, groceries,
convenience, and variety stores. The company was founded in 1997 and is based in Biñan, the
Philippines with additional operations in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand; and Asia. Gardenia Bakeries
Philippines Inc. operates as a subsidiary of QAF Ltd. (

Gardenia Bakeries Philippines offers a wide array of superior bakery products such as white, wheat
and health breads, flavored loaves, pandesal and snack items like snack cakes, muffins and toasts. Their
breads are known for their good taste, freshness, softness, oven-baked aroma and nutritive value. One
popular product is the Classic White Bread, which is a cholesterol free and bromate free bread. It has
zero transfat, and is vitamin and mineral fortified, exceeding DOH recommendations.

Process Flowchart

Ingredient Sponge
Fermentation Dough Mixing Dividing
Preparation Mixing

Rounding Moulding Final Proofing Baking

Automatic G-Lock
Depanning Cooling Slicing
Bagging Sealing

Production Line

1.Ingredient Preparation

2. Sponge Mixing
50% of the bread's ingredients are mixed and fermented in a cold room to develop the bread's aroma.
Once fermented, the other 50% of the ingredients are added in and mixed with the fermented dough.

3. Fermentation

4. Dough Mixing
5. Dividing

6. Rounding
7. Intermediate Proofing

8. Moulding
9. Final Proofing

10. Baking
11. Depanning

12. Cooling

Baked loaves are placed on a spiral cooler that has several open and turning circles, allowing air
to freely go around the hot bread to cool it down prior to being packed and sealed.
Slicing, Bagging, Packing
The cooled loaves travel through an automatic slicer, then move on to an automatic bagger that
stuffs the sliced bread into its familiar packaging. The G-lock is also attached at this point to seal
the loaf. The bagged bread then moves to the final stage where these are placed on trays and
sent to a distribution center where it is held prior to being loaded into feeder trucks.

13. Slicing

14. Automatic Bagging

15. G-lock Sealing

16. Metal Detection

17. Distribution

Quality Control/Assurance

Throughout the manufacturing process, several techniques are included to assure the quality of the
bread. In the dividing/rounding stage, cut dough are passed through a check weigher so that every
loaf weighs the same. Cut dough that are over- or underweight drop from the conveyor belt into a
pan. The dough collected here is put back into the mixer.

In every 1000 loaves baked, one is randomly selected for quality check. Here, several parameters are
tested (e.g. temperature). This bread is also sent to the laboratory and is subjected to several tests.

In the packaging system, visual and physical testing is done by the QC analyst

Before the slicing stage, every bread is passed through a metal detector to ensure that the bread are
free of metal contaminants(e.g. Lead)

Gardenia has been ISO 9001:2008 certified and HACCP(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)
certified since 2003.

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