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Reading Comprehension Text

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
1 What if the world ended tomorrow, where would you get your favorite drink? That's the

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situation faced by Arthur Dent, totally normal English guy (favorite drink: tea). Arthur isn't a
hero, he's actually pretty boring, but after Earth is destroyed, Arthur is thrust into a series of
crazy adventures that he's totally unprepared for. That might sound like a tragedy but take
5 it from us: it's totally a comedy. Lots of comedies begin with the destruction of Earth, right?
To understand The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, we have to understand something

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about Douglas Adams: he was very tall. Also, he was British, so his role models were
British sketch comedy writers like Monty Python alumni John Cleese. So if you want to sit
down and read a serious book about aliens destroying Earth, may we recommend H.G.
10 Wells’ War of the Worlds? Because The Hitchhiker's Guide is hilarious.
Of course, even if you laugh in the face of death and destruction, that doesn't solve

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anything: you can laugh, but people are still going to die. This sets the dark and comic tone
for Hitchhiker's Guide. It gives it a gallows humor that tries to always look on the bright side
of life—comparatively speaking, that is. Even when Adams's characters face certain death,
15 they always have enough time to point out how ridiculous and absurd the situation is.
What you also need to know about The Hitchhiker's Guide is that it didn't start its life as a

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novel. First, it started as a tadpole. It started as a radio show, then a book version, then a
play staged in 1979, a TV. series, a computer game and finally, a movie. So if someone
asks you if you like Hitchhiker's Guide, you have our permission to ask them "Which one?"
20 and then list all the different versions to show that you are way smarter than they are.
Certain aspects of Hitchhiker's Guide get tweaked from version to version, but in all the

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versions, Arthur's adventures in space are with lots of crazy digressions and anecdotes on
the side. That's a large part of what makes this book what it is—the many asides and
digressions. Even though it was very digressive and weird (or maybe because it was very
25 weird), Hitchhiker's Guide became a huge hit in almost all versions.
Lots of people have read this book, and in-jokes from it have seeped into culture and daily
life. Not to make you paranoid, but they're around you right now. For example, Altavista's Parrafo 6
first translation service was named Babel Fish, after the Babel fish in this book; the band
Radiohead named a song "Paranoid Android" after Marvin; and the International
30 Astronomical Union named an asteroid after Arthur Dent
Which is super-good for us since we get one of the funniest, most quotable science fiction
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comedies ever written. Once you read this book, not only will you start to repeat some of
33 these quotes, but you'll start to see them all over, as if these quotes were hunting you.
Reading Comprehension Text
Answer Sheet
I.- En el texto hay seis párrafos, escriba la idea principal de cada uno en español.
(5 ptos c/u = 30 ptos total).

0-1 0.- La presentación del personaje principal y el argumento de la

serie “The hitchhiker guide to the galaxy”


II.- De acuerdo con el contexto, encuentra un sinonimo para las palabras en

negritas (5 pts c/u = 30 pts total)
Palabra sinonimo

0 - Linea 2 “Normal” Typical

1.- Linea 8 “ Alumni ”

2.- Linea 12 “ Tone ”
3.- Linea 14 “ Face ”
4.- Linea 20 “ Versions”
5.- Linea 22 “ Anecdotes”
6.- Linea 26 “ Seeped ”

III.- Mencione a lo que hace referencia dentro del texto la palabra subrayada.
Linea 4 “He’s”
Linea 12 “This”
Linea 15 “They”
Linea 17 “It”
Linea 26 “It”
Linea 33 “Them”
Reading Comprehension Text
IV.- Escribe un resumen del texto en Español.(20 ptos)
Reading Comprehension Text
Answer Key
I.- En el texto hay seis párrafos, escriba la idea principal de cada uno en español.
(5 ptos c/u = 30 ptos total).

0-1 0.- La presentación del personaje principal y el argumento de la

serie “The hitchhiker guide to the galaxy”

2.- La descripción del escritor Douglas Adams, y sus influencias.

3.- La descripción del estilo de la serie.
4.- Las diferentes versiones que han existido de la serie.
5.- Las características de la serie y lo que la hacen única.
6.- Referencias culturales que han surgido a partir de la serie.
7.- Recomendación para el consumo de la serie.

II.- De acuerdo con el contexto, encuentra un sinonimo para las palabras en

negritas (5 pts c/u = 30 pts total)
Palabra sinonimo

0 - Linea 2 “Normal” Typical

1.- Linea 8 “ Alumni ” Member

2.- Linea 12 “ Tone ” Style
3.- Linea 14 “ Face ” Deal
4.- Linea 20 “ Versions” Adaptations
5.- Linea 22 “ Anecdotes” Adventures
6.- Linea 26 “ Seeped ” Leaked

III.- Mencione a lo que hace referencia dentro del texto la palabra subrayada.
Linea 4 “He’s” Arthur Dent
Linea 12 “This” The pessimistic yet comedic tone.
Linea 15 “They” Adam’s Characters
Linea 17 “It” The hitchhiker guide series.
Linea 26 “It” The hitchhiker guide series.
Linea 33 “Them” Quotes and References
Source : The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Introduction In A Nutshell

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