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5 Best Mates
Relationships (1)
1 Write the letters in the correct order to make a type of person or a group of people.
1 c/e/m/s/l/s/t/a/a _____
2 l/u/c/g/l/e/a/o/e _____
3 h/e/u/b/r/g/o/n/i _____
4 l/u/l/y/b _____
5 e/t/r/e/a/e/h/h/a/d/c _____
6 h/o/c/a/c _____
7 n/a/g/g _____
8 a/e/m/e/t/a/t/m _____

2 Match the verbs 1–8 to the correct words or phrases a–j.

tell the truth a someone’s feelings
b the truth
1 call ____________ c someone names
2 get ____________ d secrets
3 have ____________ e a good impression
4 hurt ____________ f someone into trouble
5 keep ____________ g rumours
6 make ____________ h lies
7 spread ____________ i a crush on someone
8 tell ____________ j excuses

Phrasal verbs
3 Complete the sentences with one word from each box. Use the correct form of the verbs.

give hand pick run stick trip

in on out of up up up for

1 I really wanted to organise a great weekend with my friends but I’ve

______ ideas for things to do and I’m worried they’ll get bored. Can you
think of any more?
2 All those students who didn’t ______ their homework will have to stay
after school.
3 Why didn’t you ______ me when the bullies attacked me?
4 Just because Maria said no when you asked her to the cinema doesn’t mean you should
______ . Try again next week. Maybe she was busy this weekend.
5 I was winning the race but I ______ and fell over just before the finish.
6 There are three boys in Year 12 who are terrible bullies. They are always
______ children from Year 7 and 8.


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Best Mates 5
Adjective + preposition Verb + preposition
4 Circle the correct words. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
words from the box and a preposition.
1 A: I feel guilty 1of / about / for what I said to
Angie. accuse apologise confide tease

B: Yes, you were quite mean 2for / to / of her.

2 A: Mr Jenkins is very popular 3with / for / to the


B: Yes, David was never interested 4from / to / in

Geography before.

1 The teacher ______

3 A: I’m bored 5from / of / for hearing about Paul’s Barry ______ cheating.

B: You’re just jealous 6for / from / of him.

4 A: You must be very pleased 7with / for / of your

exam results.

B: I am and my parents are really proud

with / of / for me, too.
2 Lucy ______ ______ her
friend Danni when she had problems.

Verb antonyms
5 Complete the sentences with the opposite of the
verbs in bold. The first letter is given.
Kelly denied being asleep in the lesson but admitted
that she was looking out of the window.
1 Our head teacher praised some of the class for
working hard but c____ those who hadn’t
handed in their homework.
2 Children should be encouraged to think for 3 Harry ______ ______
themselves but this exam d____ any breaking Mr Smith’s window.
independent thought.
3 Mia and I wanted to be in the school play. I was
accepted but she was r____ .
4 I ignored you because you were being silly. If you
said something important, I would p____
a____ to you.

4 Will was ______ ______

his new hairstyle when he arrived at school.

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Grammar Past modals
3 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the
Modal verbs
words in brackets.
1 Rewrite the sentences using verbs from the box.
A: The exam was terrible.
B: Why?
able to can can’t have to
might mustn’t needn’t ought to A: I 1_________ (have to / write)
three essays in two hours.
My dad can speak five languages. B: 2_________ (you able / choose)
My dad is able to speak five languages. which essays to write?
1 May I go home early today? A: Well, there were five choices so there were two we
. (not have to / do)
B: How do you think you did?
A: Not very well. I 4_________
2 You should tell the truth.
(ought / work) harder.
B: Yes, you 5_________ (should /
not / buy) a new computer game two weeks before
3 I must be home by 10.00 p.m. the exams started. You 6_________
(might / have) more time to study.
A: I didn’t buy it. My parents gave it to me for my
4 You don’t have to do this homework tonight. birthday. They 7_________ (must
/ be) crazy.

Back up your grammar

5 You can’t use a mobile phone during the film.
4 Complete the answers using the prompts.

6 This could be the pizza restaurant that Sam told us 1 A: Natalie is telling everyone my secrets.
B: _______ (You / shouldn’t / tell)
them to her.
7 It’s not possible that we’re late.
2 A: I’ll make you a cake for your birthday.

2 Circle the correct word. B: _______ . (You / not / have)

My mum’s going to buy one for me.
1 A: Excuse me, 1ought / could / need we camp here,
3 A: I think that light we saw in the sky last night
B: Yes, of course.
was a spaceship.
A: How much is it for one night?
B: Don’t worry. You 2can’t / mustn’t / don’t have to
B: _______ (It / can’t / be) a
pay anything.
spaceship. There aren’t any.
2 A: Do we 3need / can / able to be eighteen to get
into this club?
B: No, but you 4might / have to / can have some ID. 4 A: My little brother can swim and he’s only five.
A: I’ve left mine at home. 5Could / May / Might you
let me in, please? B: That’s not very young. _______
B: Sorry. I 6can / must / might get into trouble. (I / able / swim) when I was three.
3 A: The French girl, Sylvie, is really nice. I’d love to get
to know her better. 5 A: I spent two hours searching on the Internet
B: You 7ought / should / must to learn French. for some good CDs for Tom.
A: I 8can / able / could speak French. Well, a little bit.
B: If you 9need to / are able to/ have to say: ‘Do B: _______ . (You / needn’t / do)
you want to go to the cinema tonight?’, that’s There’s a new CD shop in town with lots of
38 enough. good, cheap CDs in stock.

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Best Mates 5
Use Your English 3 Choose the correct answer.

Why are celebrity

1 Complete the sentences with words from the box.
There is one extra word you do not need.

bully colleagues crush

magazines so popular?
gang impression neighbour Why do we read celebrity magazines? When
they show photos of the stars’ houses and
1 I think Dan’s got a _______ on our holidays we get 1__ of them and wish
French teacher! our lives were as exciting. So perhaps people
2 I don’t like my job but at least my buy them to dream? I don’t think so. People
work _______ are friendly. get bored 2__ reading about perfect lives.
Magazines understand this and realise how
3 I’m worried about the _______ that cruel people are. They 3__ rumours
Johnny has joined. They’re not very nice. about relationships, they 4__ about the
4 Our next-door _______ always stars’ secrets and happily tell the world. The
shouts at me when I kick my ball into his garden. magazines are like the school 5__ attacking
those who can’t fight back. They 6__ people
5 On your first day in class, it’s important to make a
names in giant headlines, they 7__ people’s
good _______ on the teacher.
feelings by telling the world how bad their last
film, CD or football match was. They don’t even
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of always 8__ the truth. If a celebrity does
words from the box. There is one extra word you do 9__
up for himself or herself and demands
not need.
that the magazine corrects the lies it has told,
it’s never on page one; no, you have to search
child class flat friend member neighbour
somewhere at the bottom of page thirteen. In
small writing, it says: ‘We 10__ for printing
1 A: Can I join the youth club? the story about … last week.’ No one ever
B: Of course. ______ costs €10 a year. actually reads this but everyone remembers
2 A: Your brother comes back home a lot, doesn’t he? the false headlines. Sometimes the stars get
B: Yes, he doesn’t like his ______ . They so upset that they attack back. Then they are
keep drinking his milk and playing loud music. for getting angry.

3 A: Mike’s agreed to have his birthday party a week I say that we should 12__ these magazines
later so that I can go. and let the celebrities live their private lives in
B: Wow, you must be pleased. That shows private.
real ______ . Janine Philips, Class 9D
4 A: I have to tidy my room, do my homework, study
for exams, be home early …
B: And they say ______ is the best 1 A proud B jealous C popular D guilty
time of your life! 2 A about B from C of D to
5 A: Your mum looks worried. 3 A hurt B spread C keep D tease
B: My little sister’s having a party today and she’s 4 A pick on B treat like C find out D trip up
invited twenty-one of her ______ ! 5 A neighbour B coach C colleague D bully
6 A tell B call C say D make
7 A hurt B accuse C tease D trip
8 A say B call C tell D keep
9 A stick B keep C make D trip
10 A interfere B apologise C confide D depend
11 A rejected B discouraged C denied D criticised
12 A accept B ignore C admit D deny


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4 Choose the sentence a–c that has a similar meaning to 5 Choose the correct answer.
the sentences 1–5.
1 That was an awful concert. We should ___ to
1 You shouldn’t have criticised Eleanor’s singing. the cinema.
a It wasn’t right to criticise Eleanor’s singing. A go C had gone
b Try not to criticise Eleanor’s singing. B went D have gone
c It’s not possible that you criticised Eleanor’s singing. 2 Careful! You ___ have had an accident.
2 We weren’t able to finish our project. A must C could
a We didn’t have to finish our project. B can’t D can
b We shouldn’t have finished our project. 3 How were you ___ to keep the secret for so
c It wasn’t possible to finish our project. long?
3 You needn’t worry about cleaning up. A could C possible
a You don’t have to clean up. B able D should
b You mustn’t clean up. 4 You don’t ___ take sandwiches. We’ll stop at a
c You won’t be able to clean up. restaurant.
4 Tom can’t have gone out. A need to C ought to
a Tom isn’t allowed to go out. B must D should
b It’s not possible that Tom has gone out. 5 ‘ ___ I ask a question?’ ‘Yes, of course.’
c Tom didn’t have to go out. A Need C May
5 We didn’t have to pay for anything. B Have D Ought
a We got everything without paying. 6 You ___ to tell someone about being bullied.
b We couldn’t afford anything. A should C must
c We shouldn’t have paid for anything. B ought D could
6 Complete the article with one word in each gap.

Club 33 that, it was just a case of waiting … for about ten

or fifteen years! The actual length of time depends
Some clubs are difficult to join. Sometimes 7____
whether any members die. No one
membership is very expensive. Sometimes you
seems to leave the club – that could 8____
have 1____ know someone who is already
because it cost them about $10,000 to join. That’s
a member. There is even an exclusive club in
not all, though. Even if you are patient and don’t give
Disneyland, California. Its name is Club 33. Members 9____
and you pay your membership fee, you
able to eat at a private restaurant
still have to pay another $2000 or so every year!
near the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. To get in,
Maybe we should 10____ chosen a different
you 3____ press a hidden button on the wall
club to join.
and tell the doorman your name. We decided that
we wanted to get past that door and see what was In the end, we didn’t become members but we
inside. But how? able to get invited in as guests.
What was it like? Superb! The waiters treated us
It’s not easy. 4____ attention and we’ll 12____
kings and queens and the food was
tell you what we did. First, we 5____ to
contact Disneyland. They sent us several forms
and brochures and we found 6____ that Our advice: Try to make friends with a member and
the next stage was to send an official form. After get invited for a meal.


There were no transformation exercises in this unit of the workbook.

How does that make you feel?
Thank goodness, they’re really difficult.
It doesn’t make any difference – all exercises are the same.
That’s a shame, they’re my favourite.


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Best Mates 5
Skills backup
Listening (CD track 6)
1 You will hear ten short conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked a question. Choose the correct
answer, A, B or C.

1 6


2 7


3 8


4 9


5 10

blonde red brown


Writing: An essay
1 Read the writing task. Then write your essay.
Writing Tips
1 Think of a few arguments that support and
a few arguments that disagree with the
Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving
your opinion on the following statement:
2 Make a plan for your essay. Keep opposite
‘A good friend doesn’t criticise you.’
arguments in separate paragraphs.
Write your essay in 120–180 words.
3 Remember to use connecting words.


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1 You are going to read about four
classmates. Read the text quickly
and match the people (A–D) with
the photos (1–4).

2 3

A Terry B Lottie
Terry’s very sporty. He goes to a gym twice a week Lottie’s really funny. She’s Paolo’s ex but they still get
so he’s very strong. He’s got short hair and always on very well so there’s no problem. She’s now going
wears T-shirts or tennis shirts. He tries hard in class out with Sam, who is Paolo’s friend. Sometimes they
but he’s not very good at exams. He spends too go out together so I guess Paolo isn’t jealous. Lottie
much time doing sports. Terry lives with his mum is popular with everyone. She’s also got a nice dad
and grandmother. His dad left his mum a few years who always picks us up from parties or the cinema.
ago but I don’t think Terry is very upset by it. His Lottie’s really good at keeping secrets and giving
dad didn’t like him playing sports all the time and people advice. Everyone at school confides in her but,
they had big arguments about his exam grades. His strangely, she doesn’t confide in her school friends.
mum is much more relaxed. Terry is a good person She’s got an aunt who lives near her. They’re very close
to have as a friend. He hates bullies and he’ll always and Lottie tells her all her problems. Last year, Lottie
stick up for people who are being bullied. Because came to school with a braces on her teeth and she
he’s so big, even children in higher years are a little was teased about it a lot. She laughed with everyone
afraid of him. I remember when we were in class and I only found out she was upset much later on.
8 some boys in class 11 were bullying us but Terry Lottie’s main interests are clothes, but not fashionable
went right up to them and told them to stop and ones. She likes to go to charity shops and find strange
they did. things to wear and she loves wearing hats.


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Best Mates 5

C Scott D Katie
Scott is the joker of the class. He doesn’t take Katie is really quiet and hard working. She never goes
anything seriously at school. He’s always getting out without her sister and they always stay together
into trouble for forgetting his homework but and talk together. I think her sister is the same as
he never seems to worry. His parents are really her. She gets very good marks for her homework
cool. They know he’s not interested in going to but doesn’t do very well in exams. I think she gets
university and they don’t try to force him. His very anxious at exam time. People like her but she
passion is music. He plays the guitar and music is hasn’t got any close friends because people can’t get
the most important thing in his life. The only other to know her very easily. I think her parents still treat
thing he really cares about is his pet rat. He spends her like a little girl and tell her what she should and
all his money on CDs and he often goes to concerts shouldn’t do all the time. They still make her wear a
with his dad. They both like the same bands. Scott ponytail! She never criticises them, though. Not to us.
listens to old bands that his dad liked when he Maybe that’s what she talks about with her sister. I
was young and his dad listens to new music that sometimes see her in town on a Saturday afternoon.
Scott plays to him. I know Scott wants to be in a She’s always with her parents but sometimes I see
band but he doesn’t get on with the other students her staring into shop windows, especially clothes
in the class who play music so he’s trying to find shops. Then her mum shouts ‘Come on’ and she
people outside school. wakes up from her dream.

2 Choose one of the people (A–D) for each question. The people may be chosen more than once.

Which classmate:
shares an interest with a parent? 1

has only one parent at home? 2

spends Saturdays with his/her family? 3

has an animal at home? 4

is friendly with a previous boy/girl friend? 5

doesn’t like everyone in the class? 6

wears the same type of clothes all the time? 7

had a problem with his/her appearance? 8

has a parent who takes people home? 9

isn’t given a choice about his/her appearance? 10

doesn’t do well at school despite working hard? 11 12

doesn’t always do his/her schoolwork? 13

14 15
helps when his/her friends are in trouble?
16 17
is very close to one relative?
worries about something at school?


We’re halfway through the book. Are you making as much progress
as you would like?
In the text, Katie gets anxious before exams. Do you? What
advice would you give Katie to try to help her at exam time?


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