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The Clinton Daily News

A familiar face but one that’s Daily News offices for an lowered in 2015 to 2 percent
been fairly scarce in these interview. Asked what his for the first 36 months of pro-
parts the last several years goals would be as governor, duction from new wells.
was back in Clinton Thursday, he started with the big one. Finally, he would eliminate
stumping for a new job. Drew “We’ve got to fix the budget,” the capital gains deduction
Edmondson, Oklahoma’s at- he said. that state citizens and busi-
torney general for 16 years And that would mean in- nesses get when they sell
from 1995 to 2011, was here creasing revenues, or what Oklahoma-based properties
looking for votes he hopes will people pay in taxes, although or stocks. He said that over a
help him win the Democratic he didn’t use those words. five-year period, that cost the
Party’s nomination for gover- Specifically, he favors a state $465 million.
nor and ultimately the state $1.50-per-pack cigarette tax Essential core services of
governorship. increase, which the Oklahoma government which must be
Already the leading fund- Legislature has consistently funded, he said, are health, CDN | Staff Photo
raiser in either party among refused. He also wants to mental health, the Depart-
2018 gubernatorial hopefuls, restore the Gross Produc- ment of Human Services, Former attorney general Drew Edmondson, left, now a
Edmondson hosted another tion Tax on oil and gas to 7 Department of Corrections, candidate for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination,
fund-raiser here. percent of production, which visited in Clinton last week with former district attorney
He also visited the Clinton was what it was before it was See EDMONDSON, page 3 Dennis Smith, center, and local farmer Jack Carpenter.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Clinton Daily News

EDMONDSON: Opposes term limits M

FROM PAGE 1 how to get things done.” Edmondson indicated
Mar Rather than disappear- Oklahoma schools have
roads and highways, and ing, he said the power just been heading the wrong fi
20 of course education. went to lobbyists and long- way these days. t
Asked about eliminat- term state employees. “House Bill 1017 t
ing sales tax exemptions “In the old days if passed in 1990 lowered i
2018 on certain products and
services, Edmondson
there was a crazy bill,
the leader killed it,” he
class sizes and provided
mentor teachers in ev-
said, “They all need to declared. ery classroom,” he said. a
be reviewed.” But he Edmondson was asked “There was a classroom m
Page also said he’d seen a list how he would get re- size of 20 students. To- —
A003 that would bring in
$6.7 billion if the exemp-
sults. He said party lines
have to be crossed, that
day all those reforms are
Clip tions were taken off, is, Democrats must work It’s been about three t
headed by raw materi- with Republicans and years now since a pris- f
resized als purchased for use vice versa. oner was executed in d
34% by manufacturers and “We always tried to get Oklahoma. Asked how n
finished products sold both on our bills” when that could be changed, d
From by manufacturers to he was attorney general, or if it should be, Ed-
A001 retailers, but he said he he said. Then he added, mondson indicated the c
would not disturb them. “I will talk to anybody – executions are back- s
On the other hand, he at least once.” logged because there o
said, “If there are items One way he thinks he wasn’t a suitable lethal b
that 45 states charge tax could get the two parties substance to end the if
on and we don’t,” it might talking to each other is lives of society’s worst.
be time to look at doing so. through informal get- But he indicated that
Social issues he was togethers he would host may be about to change,
questioned about includ- at the governor’s man- as there’s a substance
ed medical marijuana, sion. “I want to open the called nitrogen hypoxia
which Oklahomans will governor’s home, have which works very well.
be voting on in about us talk to each other,” He said when he was
three months. he said. “I don’t think attorney general, no
“I’m prepared to vote that’s happening now.” execution was ever held
yes,” said Edmondson. Instead, he said the up for that reason. L
“I think the score is in.” two sides are yelling No other states are
As the bill is presently more at each other than presently using nitrogen
written, he called it “a they’re talking. hypoxia, he said, and it
little loose” and said The subject returned to is being challenged. But w
the Legislature needs to education and this year’s he said in some Scan- t
tighten it after it passes. hottest topic – pay raises dinavian countries it’s B
“The thing that wor- for teachers. He indi- being used for assisted T
ries me about it,” he cated the average raise suicides. L
said, “is you’ll be able to nationwide is $19,000. Finally, Edmondson
go to any medical practi- “We can’t afford that,” he was asked if abortion is s
tioner and get a card (to said, “but $5,000 would a settled issue.
buy marijuana legally be a good start.” “I don’t know what we
for medicinal purposes). But all the education can pass in that arena
It’s not symptom specif- money can’t go to teach- that’s constitutional,” he y
ic; it’s not ailment spe- ers either, he opined. answered. “Since May 1, S
cific. I think it’s written “The schools themselves nobody has even asked –
loosely on purpose.” are hurting too,” he said. me about it. It would l
He was also favorable “We need to make sure be up to Congress and Y
to hemp, which is in the our schools are safe, and the federal courts. We r
same plant family as secure. I’m more in favor can probably bring the a
marijuana. Edmondson of securing the front numbers down with age- t
said it’s been illegal to door. I don’t think arming related education and i
grow since 1937 but the teachers is a good idea.” birth control.” t
2014 Farm Bill authorized Y
some experimentation. 0RQWKUX)ULGD\DPSP o
“Several states have 6DWXUGD\VE\DSSRLQWPHQWRQO\
already started pilot a
projects . . . overseen by
a university,” he said, ; 
adding that prior to 1937 :*DU\%OYG 7KHVHFUHWWRJHWWLQJDKHDG
hemp was widely used to &OLQWRQ2N LVJHWWLQJVWDUWHG
make “ropes, fabrics, a 
whole bunch of stuff.”   J
But he didn’t see hemp
becoming a boon to state
revenues. b
Asked his position on *HWD4XRWHIURP\RXU
term limits for legisla- 6PDUW3KRQH ,
tors, Edmondson de- B
clared, “I was opposed to s
term limits. If you’ve got L
a bad legislator, you can a
get rid of him every year Y
(there’s an election).”
But with the law now
in effect, he said some
inexperienced and not- p
so-good lawmakers have
taken the place of good 3JM Roofing Juan Martinez
long-term legislators.
“Power doesn’t disap- & Construction Owner

pear (with the elimina-
tion of an elected offi- All Types of Roofing ‡)UHHHVWLPDWHV c
cial using it),” he said. Guaranteed Lowest Prices ‡)XOOLQVXUDQFH t
“Power rested in long- d
term members of the in SW Oklahoma ‡3URIHVVLRQDO <
Legislature who knew We offer quality ‡)DVWZRUN f
Central Oklahoma D

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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