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Isaac Helms History: P5 Computer: P3

Where Did My Clothes Come From Column1 Where'd I Get My Clothes?

Country: # of Clothing:
China 36
Vietnam 24
Bangladesh 3
Haiti 7 USA
Pakistan 2 20%
El Salvador 2
India 3
USA 19

So in our history we are India 38%
doing a project about what countries our 3%
clothes came from. I'm honestly shocked
El Salvador
from where 100 of my clothes came from. 2%
I wish America could be more sel-
sufficient, becaue only one brand of my Pakistan
clothes came from thw USA. We would
have cheaper clothes and more brand
clothing. In our historyclass, we learned Haiti
about the different countries and trade. I 7%
realized that if we were enemies with
China than we wouldn't have a lot of
clothing or supplies because that's where Bangladesh
we get most of our supplies from, even
our cars. To me, USA could more self-
sufficient so we all could find way to help
other countries in return for their help. Vietnam

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