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ABC History Facts

SANTIAGO: Welcome to ABC History Facts, the show that brings the oldest mystery’s to live by
reviewing them. In today’s episode, we will be taking a look at the mystery of the Egyptian
pyramids at Giza

SANTIAGO: Shrouded in rumors and legends, the pyramids at Giza, Egypt, are the last remaining of
the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Since the early days of Western exploration of the sites,
elaborate traps and vast stores of golden treasures have birthed stories of curses, unexplained
deaths and injuries.

EDWIN: While archeologists understand why the pyramids were constructed, many questions
about their history, composition and structure remain unsolved. Who Built the Pyramids? Many
movies, books and other works of historical fiction centering around life in ancient Egypt

SANTIAGO: Although it has been documented that ancient Egyptians employed slaves or servants,
modern archeological research shows that Egyptian workers actually constructed the pyramids.

EDWIN: Villages and remains of pyramid workers have shed light not only on the ethnicity and sex
of the workers, but also on the amenities available to workers. Workers' villages included not only
craftsmen relating to the pyramid's construction but also cooks, bakers, priests and medicine men.

SANTIAGO: When Were They Built? Though the pyramids are one of the most recognizable
symbols of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, these immense, complex tombs were only built during
distinct portions of the ancient Egyptian civilization. The first known pyramid, the Step Pyramid of
Djoser, has been dated to around 2630 B.C during the third dynasty, and most of the larger
pyramids, including the Pyramids of Giza, were constructed shortly after, with the Great Pyramid
being built around 2530 B.C.

EDWIN: After this initial burst of building, pyramid construction stopped entirely at the end of the
sixth dynasty, around 2200 B.C. During the 12th to 14th dynasties, between 2000 B.C. and 1700
B.C., pyramid building experienced a brief renaissance, though the results were not as
monumental as the earlier period.

SANTIAGO: How Were They Built? One of the enduring mysteries of the pyramids centers around
how they were constructed. The fact that they have endured for more than 4,000 years is
testament enough to their sound construction, but archeologists and structural engineers also
marvel at the precise sizing of the individual blocks.

EDWIN: Archaeologist believe the limestone blocks were quarried and shaped using copper
chisels, the hardest metal known to the Egyptians at that time. While films often depict thousands
of workers carrying or pulling the limestone blocks, which weigh an average of 2.5 tons, the blocks
were typically floated from the quarry sites to the construction locations during the frequent Nile
River floods.
SANTIAGO: After reviewing these facts we are going to present to you three questions for this
subject in discussion; How did the civilization of Egypt was capable to build such amazing
buildings? Do you think there is mystery behind such technological advanced buildings? And lastly,
do you think that the aliens did interfere on the construction of such technological buildings?

EDWIN: That’s it for today’s show. Don’t forget to stay in tune with us with our social media.

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