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The Journal of Educational Research

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Speedometry: A vehicle for promoting interest and

engagement through integrated STEM instruction

Gale M. Sinatra, Ananya Mukhopadhyay, Taylor N. Allbright, Julie A. Marsh &

Morgan S. Polikoff

To cite this article: Gale M. Sinatra, Ananya Mukhopadhyay, Taylor N. Allbright, Julie A. Marsh
& Morgan S. Polikoff (2017) Speedometry: A vehicle for promoting interest and engagement
through integrated STEM instruction, The Journal of Educational Research, 110:3, 308-316, DOI:

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Published online: 21 Feb 2017.

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2017, VOL. 110, NO. 3, 308–316

Speedometry: A vehicle for promoting interest and engagement through integrated

STEM instruction
Gale M. Sinatra, Ananya Mukhopadhyay, Taylor N. Allbright, Julie A. Marsh, and Morgan S. Polikoff
Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA


The curriculum, Hot Wheels Speedometry (Mattel, El Segundo, CA, USA), was designed to align with the Received 21 June 2016
Next Generation Science Standards for science and the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. Revised 9 December 2016
Our objective was to develop, implement, and evaluate the impact of this integrated science, technology, Accepted 12 December 2016
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curriculum on students’ knowledge, interest, and engagement. The KEYWORDS
authors conducted the study in a district where students were predominantly from communities under- Engagement; integrated
represented in STEM fields. The findings indicate that student individual interest developed. Furthermore, STEM; interest
students demonstrated affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement along their progression of
interest development. The study shows promise for the development of interest and engagement in
under-represented groups through the use of an integrated STEM curriculum.

Educators, researchers, and policymakers have expressed con- Roehrig, 2012). For teachers, an integrated STEM approach
cern about the declining quality of science, technology, engi- represents a significant shift in instructional practice (Furtak,
neering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the U.S. for Seidel, Iverson, & Briggs, 2012; Minner, Levy, & Century,
quite some time (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2010). One major challenge is a lack of high-quality, engaging
2007). STEM students often report they are unmotivated and integrated STEM curriculum materials that teachers can adopt
disengaged (National Research Council & Institute of Medi- and use with minimal professional development. As noted by
cine, 2004). Over the course of K–12 schooling, STEM engage- Stohlmann et al. (2012), “issues related to supporting teachers,
ment tends to decrease (Vedder-Weiss & Fortus, 2011, 2012), teaching practices, teacher efficacy, and materials needed to
which results in underenrollment and lack of persistence in implement integrated STEM education are vital to consider”
STEM majors in higher education. Gender and racial/ethnic (p. 29). Thus, our motivation was to develop an integrated
minority gaps persist in STEM career interest and engagement STEM curriculum that used Hot Wheels (Mattel, El Segundo,
(see National Research Council, 2011; Sadler, Sonnert, Hazari, CA, USA) cars, tracks, and other materials to teach science,
& Tai, 2012). This is most unfortunate because STEM careers mathematics, and engineering in an integrated fashion in an
can have strong earning potentials for students from under- elementary school setting.
represented groups (Melguizo & Wolniak, 2012). The curriculum, Hot Wheels Speedometry (Mattel), was
A number of initiatives have been advanced to improve the state designed to capitalize on the features of an integrated STEM
of affairs in STEM education. The National Governors Association curriculum as described above as well as align with the Next
Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers Generation Science Standards for science and the Common
(2010) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead Core State Standards for mathematics. Our objective was to
States, 2013) have called for the integration of the STEM content develop, implement, and evaluate the impact of this integrated
areas with a focus shifting toward engaging in the practices of doing STEM curriculum on students’ knowledge of and motivation to
STEM (e.g., authentic inquiry) rather than learning science or engage with the content. Specifically, in regards to motivation,
mathematics content in isolation. According to the Framework for we examined students’ interest, emotions, and engagement. We
STEM Integration in the Classroom (Johnson, Peters-Burton, & next turn to a review of the interest and engagement literature
Moore, 2015), there are six key elements for the design of integrated that informed our research.
STEM learning environments. They must (a) be motivating and
engaging, (b) include engineering design challenges, (c) have stu-
dents learn from failure and redesign based on their learning, (d)
Interest and engagement
be standards based, (e) be student centered, and (f) emphasize Engagement and interest are two distinct, yet interrelated
teamwork and communication skills. aspects of student motivation that impact learning outcomes.
There has been a call for improving teachers’ preparedness Engagement is a multidimensional construct including behav-
to provide integrated STEM instruction (Stohlmann, Moore, & ioral, cognitive, and affective processes of learners interacting

CONTACT Gale M. Sinatra Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California, 3470 Trousdale Parkway, Waite Phillips Hall, Los
Angeles, CA 90089-4036.
© 2017 Taylor & Francis

with their curricular environments (Fredricks, Blumenfield, & Interest development

Paris, 2004; Hidi & Renninger, 2006; Sinatra, Heddy, &
Multiple perspectives have been proposed describing interest as
Lombardi, 2015). Interest has been characterized as “the psy-
it relates to learning. Hidi and Renninger (2006) described
chological state of a person during engagement as well as the
interest as both a psychological state and a motivational vari-
cognitive and affective motivational disposition of that person
able—thus both stable and shifting. Krapp, Hidi, and Ren-
to reengage with particular content” (Renninger & Hidi, 2016,
ninger (1992) suggested three perspectives to categorize
p. 72). Although research on interest and engagement have his-
interest, including personal interest (self or dispositional),
torically remained discrete in the scholarly landscape, recent
interestingness (curricular or environmental), and interest as a
research suggests potential benefits of examining processes of
cognitive state (situational interest). Individual interest occurs
engagement through the lens of interest development (Larson,
when a student begins to relate to, find value in, and potentially
2014; Hidi & Renninger, 2006). Framed this way, interest
identify with content, which holds across time. Interestingness
potentially serves as a mediator for engagement and other
refers to interest induced through features of the learning envi-
related motivational and emotional factors such curiosity,
ronment. Situational interest refers to activities, content, or
attention, and goal setting (Alexander & Murphy, 1998; Durik
events, which hook a student’s attention temporarily. Other
& Harackiewicz, 2003; Hidi, Renninger, & Krapp, 2004).
scholars have identified separately, topic interest in which,
interest is driven specifically due to the subject matter (Ainley,
Forms of engagement 2012).
Behavioral engagement
Behavioral engagement can be defined as involvement in one’s Four phase model of interest development
own learning and academic tasks (Finn & Rock, 1997; Sinatra
et al., 2015). Various observational indicators of behavioral Based on previous theoretical foundations, Hidi and Renninger
engagement include demonstrated effort (e.g., neatness, timeli- (2006) proposed a model that suggests interest develops
ness), attention (e.g., eye contact, leaning forward during dis- through four phases, including (a) triggered situational, (b)
cussions), and self-directed academic behavior (e.g., note maintained situational, (c) emerging individual, and (d) well-
taking, asking relevant questions, and exhibiting resiliency developed individual interest.
despite academic challenges).
Triggered situational interest
Affective engagement Triggered situational interest can be considered the initial hook
Affective engagement can be defined as students’ emotional reac- for a student to be drawn into a particular content area or topic.
tions to academic experiences (Pekrun & Linnenbrink-Garcia, In this first phase, interest is triggered by environmental factors
2012; Skinner & Belmont, 1993). Pekrun’s (2006) taxonomy of such as novelty, humor, personal relevance, interesting tasks,
academic emotions posits that emotions function across a dual and activities, as well as developmentally appropriate challenge
axis of positive versus negative and activating versus deactivating and intensity (Renninger & Hidi, 2002; Sadoski, 2001). Often,
academic emotions. Emotions that are activating are associated triggered situational interest is related to environmental factors
with increased engagement, whereas deactivating emotions may such as instructional processes or the actions of the instructor
lead to disengagement. For instance, excitement, which is both (Hidi & Renninger, 2006). That is, students may have their
positive and activating, leads to high engagement and attention interest triggered but if no support is provided interest will be
in the classroom. In contrast, relief, a deactivating emotion, may lost (Renninger & Su, 2012). Although temporary and fleeting,
result in disengagement with the material or context even though triggering interest is the important step that may allow for
it is a positive emotion. Theoretically both negative and positive development into further more dispositional phases
activating emotions could lead to engagement. However, (Renninger, 2000).
research to date has shown positive emotions promote engage- In the triggered situational interest phase, learner character-
ment, whereas negative emotions are more likely to promote dis- istics often include fleeting attention to content and higher lev-
engagement (Broughton, Sinatra, & Nussbaum, 2011; Heddy & els of affect. Even after learners have their interest triggered,
Sinatra, 2013). they may still experience either positive or negative emotions.
For example, whether an activity makes students either happy
Cognitive engagement or sad, they may still find themselves interested. Having student
Once a student invests psychological and cognitive efforts to ideas heard and respected during this early phase is essential
understand, goes beyond the requirement of the activity, uses because if a student feels undervalued then interest will be lost
flexible problem solving, and chooses challenging tasks, it is quickly (Hidi & Renninger, 2006; Renninger & Su, 2012).
assumed that a student is cognitively engaged (Fredricks et al.,
2004). Cognitive engagement is often associated with self-regu- Maintained situational interest
lated learning (which also relates to behavioral components of Maintained situational interest is defined as a, psychological
self-directed learning) (Schunk, Meece, & Pintrich, 2013). Self- state that involves focused attention and persistence over an
regulatory processes include planning, monitoring, and evalu- extended period, and/or reoccurs and persists (Hidi & Ren-
ating one’s own thinking and learning strategies (Skinner & ninger, 2006). Interest may be maintained if tasks are person-
Belmont, 1993; Zimmerman, 1990) and can be considered a ally relevant and meaningful (Harackiewicz, Barron, Tauer,
metacognitive form of effort (Cleary & Zimmerman, 2012). Carter, & Elliot, 2000). This phase of interest is also generally

externally supported by instructors and environmental factors Research question

(Renninger & Hidi, 2002; Wolters, 1998). Instructional pro-
These theories of engagement and interest informed the
cesses to maintain interest include meaningful assignments,
research question for this study: to what extent did an inte-
inquiry, project-based learning, guided discovery opportunities,
grated STEM curriculum impact learning, engagement, and
and small group discussions (Heddy, Sinatra, & Seli, 2013;
interest for students, particularly from communities tradition-
Mitchell, 1993).
ally under-represented in STEM fields?
To maintain situational interest, instructors may connect
material to students’ prior knowledge and experiences. In con-
trast to triggered situational interest, learning in the maintained Method
phase is distinguished by experiencing positive emotions; initial
Speedometry curriculum development and design
negative reactions have been replaced with positive emotions
and high task value due to guided meaning making. Our research team, along with in-service teacher consultants,
designed Speedometry to be an integrated STEM curriculum
for fourth-grade students with the goal of promoting knowl-
Emerging individual interest
edge, interest, and positive emotions. The curriculum empha-
Emerging individual interest is the psychological state of a rela-
sizes active small group engagement in scientific practices such
tively enduring disposition to seek reengagement with particu-
as designing experiments, gathering and recording data, and
lar content (Renninger & Su, 2012). Knowledge, value, and
writing up and orally reporting results. Engineering practices
positive emotions are components of emerging individual
were embedded within the lessons as students had to design
interest (Pekrun & Linnenbrink-Garcia, 2012). Students are
and construct their own ramps and car combinations to test
more likely to reengage with materials and content by generat-
their hypotheses, but also to compare different designs and pre-
ing their own questions as guided by their own sense of curios-
dict differential outcomes. Grade 4 was chosen as there was
ity on the topics. These self-generated questions lead to
strong alignment between the curriculum content and the Next
self-regulation and goal-directed behavior. Thus, emerging situ-
Generation Science Standards for this grade level.
ational interest is not externally driven, but rather internally
Speedometry was designed to be two units of five lessons
guided and self-generated by learners.
each.1 The incorporation of Hot Wheels cars and tracks was
When students transition from situational to individual
intentional to trigger situational interest. The first unit, “Speed
interest they begin to independently re-engage with content in
Ramps,” has students explore potential and kinetic energy.
their own time. Also, as students build a solid foundation of
Unit 2, “Mini Collision Course,” engages students in exploring
knowledge with regard to the topic of interest their emotions
the relationship between energy and force. Each lesson is
subsequently remain and continue to become more positive. As
designed to last between 45 min and 1 hr, for a total of approxi-
the information becomes increasingly personally relevant and
mately 10 hr of instruction. The lessons can be done once a day
tied to one’s self-concept, value for the content increases as
for two weeks on consecutive days or they can be spread over
well. Although individually directed, the subject may not be
more days as needed. The average time to complete both units
infused with a student’s identity yet in this phase.
in our sample was 10 days.
Lessons were constructed using the 5E instructional model
Well-developed individual interest as a guide. The 5 Es (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and
The fourth phase is characterized by high stored knowledge Evaluate) were well aligned with our objectives of providing
(prior knowledge), perceived value, and positive affect around opportunities for teachers and students to participate together
content (Pekrun & Linnenbrink-Garcia, 2012; Renninger, in learning activities, building on prior knowledge and experi-
2000). Immersion is one descriptor to well-developed individ- ence, to construct understandings (Bybee et al., 2006). Speed-
ual interest. In fact, students’ attention can become effortless, ometry was also designed to integrate science, mathematics,
entering a sense of flow, which is a loss of sense of time and and engineering content. Zemelman, Daniels, and Hyde (2005)
space because one is so cognitively immersed in the situation describe 10 best practices for integrated STEM education.
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). Students in this phase of interest are These include, (a) the use of manipulatives and hands-on learn-
almost entirely self-regulated in their pursuit of knowledge and ing, (b) cooperative learning, (c) discussion and inquiry, (d)
external support is not needed (Renninger, Bachrach, & Posey, questioning and conjectures, (e) justification of thinking, (f)
2008). Well-developed interest is the most sought after form of writing for reflection and problem solving, (g) a problem solv-
interest but rarely occurs (Renninger & Su, 2012). ing approach, (h) integration of technology, (i) teacher serves
Self-generated curiosity questions become refined and spe- as a facilitator, and (j) assessment is used as a part of instruc-
cific. Learners may seek critical feedback from the instructor tion. With the exception of technology integration, Speedome-
for self-improvement, and rather than get upset, they are likely try by design meets nine of these 10 best practices.
to pursue improvement and expend effort to correct the mis- Speedometry was piloted in 16 classrooms in three schools.
takes. New positive emotions other than enjoyment begin to Based on the pilot testing, the research team, in collaboration
arise such as hope and pride. Value is extremely high due to with the expert in-service teacher consultants, revised Speed-
the content becoming an integral component of one’s self-con- ometry into its current, final form. Once the curriculum was
cept and identity. For instance, students may identify with finalized our research team partnered with a local school dis-
other professionals in the field, and may even plan for a career trict to conduct a district-wide randomized-control trial (RCT)
in similar fields to content area. with nearly 2,000 students to assess the curriculum’s overall

effectiveness. The quantitative results of the RCT are presented Table 1. Characteristics of case study teachers.
elsewhere (Polikoff, Le, Danielson, Sinatra, & Marsh, 2016). Teaching Comfort with Familiarity with
To answer our research question here, we drew on quali- Teacher Gender experiencea science inquiry
tative case study data collected during the RCT. Our instru-
1 M Low Low Low
mental case study approach uses a single bounded system of 2 M Low Moderate Low
the Speedometry intervention to further our understanding 3 F High High High
of the broader issue of student engagement in STEM (Stake, 4 M Moderate High Moderate
5 F High Moderate Low
2005). We used qualitative methods of observations, inter- 6 F Moderate Low Low
views, and focus groups to gain insights on students’ subjec- 7 F Low Low Low
tive experiences and perceptions regarding the curriculum
Note. Only teachers 1 and 2 came from the same school.
intervention. a
Low D less than 15 years of teaching experience; moderate D 15–30 years of
teaching experience; high D 30 or more years of teaching experience. The distinc-
Teacher professional development tion of low years of teaching is relative. The case study sample—and the overall
sample for the study—is made up of experienced teachers. Only one teacher in
Teacher professional development (PD) was provided in a dis- the overall sample was truly early-career.
trict-wide in-service PD workshop where teachers were intro-
duced to the Speedometry curriculum through a brief
PowerPoint presentation delivered by the research team. Then, and the 5E model. Seven of these 10 teachers agreed to partici-
teachers watched a series of 14 prerecorded brief (a few minutes pate in the study; Table 1 presents the characteristics of our
each) videos describing the learning goals of each lesson and a case study sample.
step-by-step guide to lesson implementation. The PD was From these seven classrooms, we asked students to partici-
intentionally very minimal with the entire session lasting pate in focus groups. Ultimately, focus groups were conducted
around 60 min. The purpose of the brief PD was to ascertain if in five of the classrooms with 4–6 student participants selected
teachers could enact Speedometry effectively with only the by their teachers using criteria we provided. We asked teachers
online resources provided free on the website, thus increasing to select a sample of students that represented variation in aca-
the chance of broader impact. demic ability, affect, participation level during the lessons, and
gender. In total there were 28 students who participated in
focus groups. Of the student focus group participants, 13 were
Site selection
boys and 15 were girls.
We partnered with a midsized, urban Southern California
school district of nearly 30,000 students, of which, approxi-
Data collection
mately 2,000 were enrolled in the Grade 4. The students of this
district represent communities that currently experience bar- To understand student engagement, interest, and emotions
riers to accessing STEM majors and careers: over 90% of the regarding the Speedometry curriculum, we conducted class-
students in our district identify as Hispanic or Latino, and over room observations, student focus groups, and semistructured
85% qualify for free or reduced-price meals due to low family interviews with teachers. The use of multiple data sources
income. Roughly half of all fourth-grade students are classified allowed researchers to triangulate our findings across multi-
as English language learners. Moreover, high school course ple perspectives (Creswell, 2007). In each participating class-
completion in our case study district suggests low rates of col- room, we observed three 60–90 min Speedometry lessons,
lege attainment: in the 2014–2015 school year, less than a third visiting once at the beginning of the curriculum intervention,
of graduating seniors had completed the minimum course once in the middle, and once near the end. We recorded the
requirements for admission into a four-year California state behavior of teachers and students as they experienced the
university. curriculum using an observation protocol, allowing us to
interpret what was observed, rather than relying solely on
secondary accounts (Merriam, 2009). We also took informal
Study sample
notes and memos throughout the data collection process,
District administrators asked all fourth-grade teachers to and, after each observation, researchers wrote an analytic
implement the Speedometry curriculum and participate in the memo to capture their experience and begin preliminary
RCT. In this article, we focus on case study data collected from analysis (Salda~na, 2013).
a sample of seven participating teachers and their students. For the focus groups, which lasted from 15 to 50 min, we
During an initial professional development session, we invited used a semistructured protocol to explore students’ experiences
teachers to volunteer to participate in the qualitative case study and perceptions of the Speedometry curriculum. We also inter-
by expressing interest on a written survey. Teachers were viewed each of the seven case study teachers prior to, during,
offered a small honorarium for their participation and were immediately after, and three months after implementing the
assured anonymity. Of the teachers who expressed interest, we curriculum, for a total of four interviews per teacher. Teacher
selected a sample of 10 participants using criterion sampling. interviews were conducted in person, ranged from 20 to 60 min
We drew from a presurvey administered to teachers to build a in length, and included questions regarding teacher perceptions
sample that included both men and women, and that repre- of student behavior, content knowledge, engagement, and
sented a range of self-reported confidence with science, teach- interest. Focus groups and interviews were audio recorded and
ing experience, and familiarity with inquiry science instruction subsequently transcribed.

Data analysis posttest data were gathered). Finally, students who experienced
the Speedometry curriculum reported greater interest than the
We coded transcripts and observation notes using NVivo quali-
control students and less negative emotions about learning sci-
tative data analysis software (QSR International). Our coding
ence and math as measured with two self-report surveys
was a cyclical process; we refined our understanding of the data
designed by the research team (full details of the interest and
through multiple phases of analysis (Salda~ na, 2013). In our first
emotions survey results can seen elsewhere, Polikoff et al.,
phase, we used descriptive coding (Salda~ na, 2013) to categorize
2016). Interaction models showed the treatment was equally
the data corpus by the basic topics that emerged in the notes
effective in terms of knowledge, interest, and emotions regard-
and transcripts. Our initial codes included background, instruc-
less of gender, ELL status, and disability status.
tional processes and experiences, factors mediating learning
and enactment, and how implementation affected students.
Then, within these broad categories, we engaged in further Qualitative findings on engagement and interest
descriptive coding: for example, we subcoded data under how
We began our analysis by first independently identifying
implementation affected students for student engagement and
whether and how each of the four phases of interest develop-
interest, student learning, and the role of student gender. Mem-
ment manifested in the data as well as the three forms of
bers of our research team collaboratively developed our coding
engagement. During a secondary level of analysis using matri-
tree and, to ensure inter-researcher reliability, two researchers
ces to identify emerging themes and patterns we found that
double coded and compared codes across eight randomly
much of our engagement data corresponded categorically with
selected documents (15% of the total number of documents).
our interest data. This finding supports Hidi and Renninger’s
Of the 331 codes compared, 97% were at 80% agreement or
(2006) discussion of viewing interest as a mediator of engage-
higher, and 99% were at 70% agreement or higher. We assessed
ment and learning. Thus in reporting the findings we laid out
differences among the codes that fell below 70% agreement and
engagement and learning outcomes across the four phases of
recoded until reaching that threshold.
interest development as identified in the data. Although they
In our second phase of analysis, we returned to the data
are distinct constructs they are related in terms of student expe-
under the descriptive codes that were relevant to our current
riences and outcomes.
inquiry, including (a) factors mediating learning and enact-
ment and (b) how implementation affected students. Using a
Triggered situational interest and affective engagement
provisional coding approach (Miles & Huberman, 1994;
We saw multiple instances of triggered situational interest
Salda~na, 2013), we developed a coding tree using our theoreti-
where students were drawn in by anticipating the fun they
cal frameworks for engagement (behavioral, cognitive, affec-
expected to experience from interacting with toys that were
tive) and the four phases of interest development (triggered
familiar to them. This stage of interest development was also
situational, maintained situational, emerging individual, and
closely aligned with affective engagement. Researchers catego-
well-developed individual). The data were classified across the
rized student emotions based on observations and field notes as
categories of engagement and interest as characterized within
primarily positive activating emotions (chiefly—excitement).
the literature. A secondary matrix analysis (Miles, Huberman,
Echoing others, one teacher described her students’ reactions
& Salda~ na, 2013) was conducted to identify and categorize the
to the lessons in this way: “Oh, just the kids are so excited. I
instructional practices from the curriculum to coded data on
mean, I haven’t really even unpacked anything yet, but they
engagement and interest.
just see the Hot Wheels sign, and they’re all excited.”
A different teacher described her own motivation to teach
Findings increasing due to positive student response to the lessons:
“Again I’m not enthusiastic about teaching science because I
Brief report of RCT findings
struggle with it myself, personally. I have been excited to use
Before turning to the qualitative data presented here to answer this curriculum in the classroom because I see how excited the
our research question, we briefly summarize the overall results students are about it.” Similarly, students described their own
from the quantitative analysis of the large scale RCT to provide reactions during the focus groups. One explained, “Yes…well,
context for our findings. Details of the analyses and results sometimes we do learn in fun ways, but this was different
from the RCT can be seen in Polikoff et al. (2016). The RCT because we actually got to touch the cars and make ramps.”
was conducted in 17 schools with 57 teachers and over 1,900 Affective engagement results were in some cases indistinguish-
students as participants. Nine teachers were dropped (for vari- able from instances of triggered situational interest. One
ous reasons), leaving a total of 48 in the final analytic sample. teacher said, “[the students] found joy. They found excitement
Results based on an observational protocol indicated that in themselves. Learning on their own without somebody telling
Speedometry was implemented with high fidelity with over them.”
90% of curriculum elements implemented as intended. Student
knowledge, as assessed by a 20-item knowledge assessment Potential impact on learning. It seemed that the early trig-
developed by an external assessment company, revealed a 0.41 gered situational interest might in fact have influenced the
standard deviation increase in content knowledge assessment learning process quite a bit. Teachers clearly valued students’
scores from pre to post, which was a significant gain over the immediate attention and affective engagement toward the les-
business-as-usual control group (those classrooms randomly sons. However, teachers at points also viewed this added
assigned to delay implementation of Speedemetry until after dimension of excess excitement about the materials to be a

distraction from students accomplishing set tasks. Teachers Potential impact on learning. Students demonstrating main-
often noted the higher volume in each lesson, which was both a tained interest attests to the nature of the integrated curriculum
sign of engagement and potentially disruptive toward learning. at this point. The students were having fun even though there
The curriculum was designed to initially allow students to pur- were some academic challenges associated with the activities.
sue their triggered interest and explore in a less structured They had to do mathematics in order to do science, but even
way—what students viewed as play. However, several teachers so, students were drawn in. Persistence and risk taking emerged
distinguished between playing for fun and playing for learning, as themes at this phase of interest development. One teacher
which presented an ongoing potential tension in interest devel- described: “I feel like the kids maybe have more confidence in
opment and its impact on student outcomes. In some cases trying things that don’t work because of this, [because] they
teachers were concerned that playing for fun may interrupt stu- realize it’s okay if it doesn’t work. [They are saying] “Let’s try
dents reaching lesson objectives. it, and if it doesn’t work, what are we gonna change?”” She
The highly social nature of Speedometry meant much described an example of how one student group had a problem
more interaction between students as well as between the with their track, in that the cars would not stay on it. The stu-
students and their teacher. At some points students would dents finally discovered that there was a bump half way
disengage if social interactions created negative emotions. through and they problem solved ideas on how to fix the track
In one classroom observation, we noted frustration arising issue.
from a teacher trying to persuade students to follow a spe- Students also noticed that their teachers taught differently,
cific process. One student ended up disengaging and putting and these new interactions with their teachers also made the
her head down on the desk. While this was an anomaly, it lessons more fun. One focus group conversation between stu-
is important to note that the social aspect of learning cre- dents illustrates this outcome:
ated situations much more dependent on teacher and stu-
S1: Well, I think he said he was being fun, and instead of when
dent affect. Furthermore, as the literature on interest we’re doing our Cornell Notes and telling us to hurry up, and stuff,
development repeatedly notes, students must feel respected he had fun with it. He would tell us how ta do it, get books, and he
and heard in these early stages of interest building in order wasn’t really mean, like mad and stuff.
to move forward to more advanced phases.
S2: Well, yeah, and he didn’t really care what we did with the tracks.
Maintained situational interest and behavioral engagement He said, “Be creative. Do loops. Do something to make it go faster.”
Triggered interest gave way to maintained situational interest.
In this phase, evidence of both affective and behavioral engage-
ment emerged in the data. Not only did we find data supporting
Emerging individual interest and cognitive engagement
ongoing positive activating emotions, but additional behavioral
We saw several instances of students moving deeper into their
data suggesting effort, persistence, and participation. In one
own individual interest by showing engagement and pursuing
classroom observation a researcher described:
questions on their own. In describing the role her students
Students are going into their backpacks and desks to find things to played during Speedometry, one teacher said, “Students are sci-
use as bumpers (evidence of initiative). Students are writing in their entists. They are creating their own plan/experiment and carry-
notebooks. Students are creating their ramps and using books to
ing it out. Students document the procedures for their
elevate the ramps—all on their own. Teacher does not need to assist
students in setting up ramps, books, and cars. Students rearrange experiment.” The planning, problem solving, and follow
chairs to create the optimal environment for experimentation. through that students were involved in on their own suggests
that students were cognitively engaged.
Observation data additionally depicted descriptions of stu- Individual interest and cognitive engagement were also
dents actively participating in groups, asking questions, talking demonstrated through repeated examples of student transfer of
to one another, and engaging in the scientific inquiry process knowledge and clearer direction in their self-concept develop-
in a multitude of other ways. The interaction of each of the 5E’s ment toward STEM careers. One student described his experi-
in the curriculum allowed students to move between exploring ence trying Speedometry on his own at home in an example of
and explaining, meaning students could continue to follow out of school transfer: “I’m actually experimenting. One time
their own curiosity, thus maintaining their active interest in the from the table I put books up, and I just built the ramp and I
lessons. One teacher noted: was like, “Dad, look what I did.””
The kids were really excited every single lesson. I thought, wow. Students conversing during focus groups discussed other
After ten days of Hot Wheels that some of them might get bored, questions that were developing that they could not pursue dur-
but they didn’t. Every day was a new investigation, a new discovery, ing class but wanted to find out more about in the future. One
some new learning. They loved it. I think they could probably go student stated: “We want make our own stuff, like the tracks.
We want to know how to make some cars that could stay on a
Whereas another teacher reflected, mountain that won’t fall over and all that.” Another student
described other interests with which he was identifying as a
It came alive. A lot of dialogue versus just sitting there quietly and
perhaps being bored to death with just reading the dry material
result of enjoying Speedometry: “I’m really interested in robot-
from the textbook. They got to work hands-on and try to design ics now, so what I would wanna do is create some kind of thing
their ramps and all that. I think it was very engaging and very that at the same time [I can] have fun and also help people.
powerful. You know how people are born without some [body] parts and

all that, but to make it easier [for them] to actually move implications for STEM identity development for historically
around.” under-represented students in STEM fields.

Potential impact on learning. Students that we observed who

reached the individual interest phase indicated that aspects of Under-represented students in STEM
play initially triggered their situational interest. This then may As previously discussed, the highly diverse population of stu-
have facilitated personal curiosity and independent questioning dents at the school district of implementation at times meant
and exploration even as the curriculum progressed to more that students in most classrooms had encountered a range of
structured activities and objectives. It is important to keep in challenges pertaining to their academic experiences. These
mind that individual interest development can have particularly challenges could include English language learner needs, Indi-
positive implications for under-represented students’ learning vidualized Education Plans (IEPs), and sometimes lack of
in STEM. However, this phase of self-regulated and self- home support.
directed interest, which has shown to promote learning, does From our analysis, themes of familiarity and accessibility as
not always emerge in more traditional STEM classroom mediators for learning emerged from the data. The Hot Wheels
settings. toys have a familiar association with playing at home, and
some students that normally felt disconnected from STEM
Well-developed individual interest started making connections to STEM topics that were already
The final phase of interest development did not appear as in their everyday lives. The curriculum, driven by exploration
clearly as the other phases of interest development (as would be and play, continued the positive familiarity associations and
expected) during this intervention. Well-developed individual extended to a fun accessible experience of low stakes interaction
interest takes months or even years to develop. However, prom- with STEM. It was also an opportunity for students to feel suc-
ising indicators that these students may move toward this phase cessful. This outcome cannot be over stated for students that
can been seen in the way they discussed their futures during the do not experience familiarity and accessibility toward STEM on
focus group interviews. When asked, students across several a more frequent basis. One teacher recalled: “I can’t remember
classrooms discussed similar sentiments. what it was, but a student, said, “Oh, that’s an example of
S1: Well, I wanted to be a cardiologist and it kind of deals potential and kinetic energy”—it just was so powerful because
with math and science and stuff because you need to he’s one of those kids where it’s sometimes hard to get him to
know how much medicine to give the person, and you focus, but he was focused.”
need to add it the way in their age, and then give it. Another teacher described:
S2: Because I think science and math, I really like both, and
they’re both fun. I got entertained with all the experi- I like their enthusiasm, just watching their faces. Even the students
that have IEPs have really engaged. I have one student who has not
ments, all the data. It has math in it, which it, it’s one of been yet labeled being an autistic child or student, but we know
my favorite subjects in school, and also science. It’s fun. I that that’s coming up. They’re testing her outside. She’s even
wanna go in NASA. become so verbal. I see her very engaged and participating, and try-
S3: I wanna be engineer and architect where I can design, ing to remind the kids, or bringing them together. “Okay, now wait
like, new robots to find life on different planets and—I a minute, you’re not doing it. Let’s all work together. We all need to
work together, guys.” I’ve seen that.
think I wanna be a engineer too cuz by doing Speedome-
try, I learned that you can make things and do different The familiarity component could be viewed as related to
ways how to make it work. Maybe I could be an triggered situational interest, whereas the accessibility poten-
engineer. tially mediated maintained situational interest. In other words,
However, in terms of other classroom behavioral character- as students felt more comfortable in the lessons and experi-
istics such as creative flow and individual expertise, not surpris- enced success they moved forward and remained engaged. As
ingly, we found no data to support full development of the one teacher explained,
fourth phase. The intervention lasted only a couple of weeks,
and there were not opportunities or sufficient time to become Because they saw it as playing, for the most part. I think a lot of the
students figured, I can do this. One little guy, he’s getting speech
totally immersed. The subject matter was limited to basic phys-
support and has an IEP, and I saw him really—getting involved in
ics, and, given their resources, students at this age level cannot building the ramp. I felt like I could see his confidence growing
be expected to pursue advanced concepts in STEM on their because he felt like, this is mine—I’m good at this, and I can do it.
own. However if Speedometry, or other integrated STEM activ-
ities, were presented in the following grades, well-developed
individual interest could certainly emerge in some of these
Teacher instructional processes fostering interest and
Potential impact on learning. Although observationally we did Teachers are integral to the development of student interest
not see evidence of well-developed individual interest, what did and engagement. In our observations and interviews, we identi-
emerge is what theoretically has been described as an aspect of fied several key processes that teachers employed in the Speed-
identity development—possible selves (Markus & Nurius, 1986; ometry curriculum that shaped the way students interacted
Oyserman & Markus, 1990). When STEM careers are aligned with the activities, including grouping, modeling, scaffolding,
with hoped-for future selves, this may have positive and questioning. The Speedometry curriculum design required

teachers to assemble students in groups, yet teachers themselves We also found clear alignment of the forms of engage-
were free to determine group composition and selection pro- ment with each phase of interest development. As such, this
cesses. Student groups varied in their learning needs and the study is one of few to specifically map interest and engage-
speed of progression through activities, presenting challenges ment theories together as a singular conceptual framework.
for whole-class instruction. As a result, many teachers differen- This integrated conceptual framework potentially could be
tiated their modeling and scaffolding differently to accommo- used to support future studies on interest and engagement
date the unique needs of each group. Finally, teachers often development for learning.
took on a facilitation role by raising new questions to each Speedometry was not intended to transform the way STEM
group, shifting the initiative of determining next steps and pri- is taught, or even replace entire specific units. It was intended
mary decision-making back on to the students. For a more primarily as a vehicle to draw in and promote integrated STEM
thorough examination of teacher practice and learning during engagement with students and to help students connect to
the intervention see Marsh et al. (2016). STEM subjects through the scientific method of inquiry. Our
Teacher affect was also instrumental in facilitating student results were promising in showing that students who have his-
engagement. While it is difficult to attribute all positive teacher torically felt disconnected toward STEM showcased evidence of
affect with student engagement, it was often clear that negative interest development as well as multiple forms of engagement.
teacher emotions and reactions led students to disengage and This is particularly relevant for considering how to promote
thus falter in their progress of interest development. As shown STEM for other under-represented students.
in a previous example, frustrated teachers were sometimes an
indicator for disengaged student groups and students showing
less value toward the activities over the course of the lesson Note
(e.g., student with head on her desk). 1. The curriculum is available in both English and Spanish on the
Speedometry website (
Speedometry/index.html). Teachers can request a free kit of materials
Limitations to use in their classroom. In addition to these free downloadable
documents and materials, 14 professional development videos are
Instrumental case studies yield insights into complex and available on the website to assist teachers who wish to use the curricu-
nuanced processes, but they are not intended to be generaliz- lum in their classrooms.
able (Stake, 2005); thus, this study is not representative of all
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