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Law Office of Chad D. Morgan

Chad D. Morgan, Esq. SBN 291282
�� 1101 California Ave., Ste. 100
Corona, CA 92881
�� Tel: (951) 667-1927
�� Fax: (866) 495-9985
�� Attorney for Petitioner
Matt Woody
Superior Court of the State of California
for the County of Sacramento�
��� �
��� Matt Woody, Case No.:

��� Petitioner,
vs. Immediate Action Requested
��� Election Law Matter:
��� Rebecca Spencer in her official capacity as Priority Over All Civil Matters
Riverside County Registrar of Voters; CCP § 35; Elec. Code § 13314(a)(3)
��� Alex Padilla, in his official capacity as
Secretary of State; and
DOES 1 through 25, inclusive, Verified Petition for Alternative and/or
��� Peremptory Writ of Mandate;
Respondents; Complaint for Injunctive Relief
��� � [Elec. Code § 13314; CCP §§ 1085 & 526]�
��� Ken Calvert,

��� Real Party in Interest.

To the Honorable Judges of the Superior Court:
Petitioner Matt Woody, by this Verified Petition and Complaint for Injunctive
Relief, petitions this court for a Writ of Mandate and/or requests an Injunction directed to
Respondent and by this Petition alleges:
��� �


Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate�
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�� 1. Petitioner Matt Woody is, and all relevant times, was a registered voter and elector in
�� California’s 42nd Congressional District. He is beneficially interested in this action because he is
�� a registered voter in the District and is authorized by statute to bring this action. (Elec. Code §
�� 13313, subd. (b)(1); see also Elec. Code § 13314; Code Civ. Proc. § 1086.)
�� 2. Respondent Rebecca Spencer (“Registrar of Voters”) is, and at all
�� relevant times mentioned in this Petition, was the Registrar of Voters for the County of Riverside.
�� In this role, she is the County’s elections official, and as such, she is charged by law with
�� administering elections in the county and is responsible for the printing of ballots, ballot
��� pamphlets, sample ballots, and other election materials in the county. The Registrar of Voters is
��� named in her official capacity in accordance with Elections Code section 13313, subdivision
��� (b)(3).
3. Respondent Alex Padilla (“Secretary of State”) is, and at all relevant times
mentioned in this Petition was, the California Secretary of State. He is the State’s elections
official, and as such, he is charged by law with administering elections for state offices and has a
ministerial duty to comply with the Elections Code when carrying out his duties. He is named as
Respondent in this action pursuant to Elections Code section 13314, subdivision (a)(4) and is
named in his official capacity only.
��� 4. The true names of Respondent DOES 1 through 25, inclusive, are unknown to Petitioner,

��� who therefore brings this action against DOES 1 through 25, inclusive, by such fictitious names
��� and will seek leave of this Petition to show their true names, identities, and capacities when they
��� have been ascertained.
��� 5. Real Party in Interest Ken Calvert is the United States Representative for
��� California’s 42nd Congressional District and is running for reelection in the June 5, 2018 primary
��� election. Attached as Exhbit A is a true and correct copy of the candidate statement Calvert
��� submitted to appear in the sample ballot in connection with the primary election. This candidate
��� statement is the subject of this action, and Calvert is named as Real Party in Interest in


Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate�
Doc ID: 350495e9e0507d3b7ac34709cfc0d88d198b0c75

�� accordance with Elections Code section 13313, subdivision (b)(3).

�� 6. Petitioner is authorized to bring this action, because he is an elector in California’s 42nd
�� Confressional District. (Elec. Code § 13313, subd. (b)(1).)
7. Elections Code section 13313 authorizes a writ of mandate or injunction to correct
“material in [a candidate statement that] is false, misleading, or inconsistent with the
requirements of [the Elections Code].” (Elec. Code § 13313, subd. (b)(2).)
�� 8. This lawsuit is timely filed within the 10-day public examination period provided in the

��� Elections Code for the purpose of permitting judicial review of candidate statements. (Elec. Code
��� § 13314, subds. (a)-(b)(1).)
��� 9. Pursuant to Elections Code section 13314, subdivision (b), the Sacramento County
��� Superior Court is the exclusive venue for this action because the California Secretary of State is
��� named as Respondent.
10. The relief sought is within the jurisdiction of this Court.
First Cause of Action
��� Writ of Mandate (Code Civ. Proc.§ 1085; Elec. Code § 13314)
Candidate Statement
11. Petitioner realleges and incorporates by reference each preceding paragraph.
��� 12. Elections Code section 13307 allows candidates to submit a statement that includes the

��� “name, age, and occupation of the candidate and a brief description, of no more than [250]
��� words, of the candidate’s education and qualifications expressed by the candidate himself or
��� herself.” (Elec. Code § 13313, subd. (a)(1); see also Elec. Code § 13107.5 [word limit for
��� Congressional candidates is 250 words].)
��� 13. During the 10-day examination period, any voter may seek a writ of mandate to delete any
��� material that is “false, misleading, or inconsistent with the requirements of [the Elections
��� Code].” (Elec. Code § 13313, subd. (b)(2).)


Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate�
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�� 14. Ken Calvert’s candidate statement is inconsistent with the requirements of the Elections
�� Code because it has more than 255 words. Petitioner is informed and believes that the Registrar of
�� Voters accepted Calvert’s statement has having only 248 words. Petitioner is further informed
�� and believes that the Registrar of Voters misapplied Elections Code section 9, which allows some
�� phrases to count as one word, to help Calvert bring his statement under the applicable word limit.
�� 15. Based on notations on the face of the statement, Petitioner is informed and believes that
�� the Registrar of Voter’s first counted 260 words for Calvert’s statements. After making
�� adjustments, they reduced it to 253 words. With more adjustments he helped Calvert construe
�� his statement as having 248 words.
16. When correctly counted, Calvert’s statement has 255 words.
��� 17. The following hyphenated words, which were counted as one word, should be counted as

��� two words because they do not “appear in any generally available standard reference dictionary,
��� published in the United States at any time within the 10 calendar years immediately preceding the
��� election for which the words are counted”: job-killing, red-tape, and government-run. (Elec.
��� Code § 9, subd. (a)(5).) Correctly counting these hyphenated-words would add three words to
��� the Registrar’s count.
��� 18. The following phrases, which were counted as one word, should be counted as separate
��� words because there is no justification for counting these separate words as one word: “global
��� economy,” “rule of law,” and “terrorist groups.” Correctly counting these phrases would add
��� four words to the Registrar’s count.
19. Petitioner does not have an adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. Indeed, a writ
of mandate or injunctive relief is Petitioner’s exclusive remedy to prevent the Real Party in
Interest’s candidate statement from being printed in elections materials with false or misleading
information or statements that are inconsistent with the Elections Code. (Elec. Code § 13313.)


Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate�
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�� 20. The issuance of a timely peremptory writ of mandate or injunction will not substantially
�� interfere with the conduct of the election because Respondent has ample time to correct and print
�� ballot pamphlets as necessary prior to the June 5, 2018 primary election.
�� 21. This action is filed within the 10-day public review period. (See Elec. Code § 13313].) To
�� this end, the Legislature contemplated that challenges filed during this time frame could be
�� resolved without interfering with the conduct of the election.
�� 22. Petitioner does not have a plain, speedy, or adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law
�� because Petitioner is entitled to judicial review, and this Petition for Writ of Mandate is the
�� appropriate procedure to do so.
��� Wherefore, Petitioner prays that the Court:
��� 1. Issue an Alternative Writ of Mandate ordering that Respondent delete Calvert’s
��� statement because it violates the Elections Code, or in the alternative, delete portions of
��� Calvert’s statement such that it complies with the 250-word limitation;
��� 2. Award Petitioner his attorneys’ fees and costs reasonably incurred herein; and
��� 3. For such other and further relief as the Court deems proper.
��� Respectfully Submitted,
DATE: March 19, 2018
Law Office of Chad D. Morgan
��� Chad D. Morgan Esq.
Attorney for Petitioner
��� Matt Woody
��� �
� �


Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate�
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I, Matt Woody declare that I am the Petitioner in the above-entitled action. I have read
the foregoing Verified Petition for Alternative and/or Peremptory Writ of Mandate;
Complaint for Injunctive Relief and know the contents thereof to be true to my own knowledge,
except as to those statements made upon information and belief, and as to them, I believe them to
be true.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on March 19, 2018.
��� Matt Woody, Petitioner



Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate�
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Exhibit A



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Doc ID: 350495e9e0507d3b7ac34709cfc0d88d198b0c75
Audit Trail


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DOCUMENT ID 350495e9e0507d3b7ac34709cfc0d88d198b0c75

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03/19/2018 The document has been completed.

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