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Richmond tot Sue Rehmond KET Pactic Tests Student's Book/ Sve Saad Oxt ist elit uo Ireland; Karen Saxby = 1.0. - Buenos Aes + Santillana, 2012. United Kingdom 120 p, + CD-ROM ; 28x20 om, ISBN 978-950-48-3133-0 © 2012 Ediciones Santillana, S.A. 4. Inglés. 2. Ensefianza de Lenguas Extranjeras. 3. Leandro N. Alem 720 Libros do Texto. roland, Sue I. Saxby, Karen Il Titulo C1001AAP Buenos Aires, Argentina Db 420.7 © Sue Elliott, Sue Ireland, Karan Saxby, 2010 First published by © Santillana Educacién, S.L/Richmond Publishing ®, 2010 ISBN: 978-960-46-3133-0 This Student's Book includes a GD-ROM, Publisher: Deborah Tricker Development Editor: Lily Khambata Proofreader: Eleanor Clements Design and Layout: Dave Kuzmicki Cover Design: Lorna Heaslip Audio Production: dsound recording Ltd. Publisher acknowledgements: The publishers would like to thank Annette Capel and Sue Ireland for their valuable feedback on this material. ‘The publishers would also like to thank all those who have given their kind permission to reproduce or adapt material for this book. Mlustrations: Aleix Pons. Queda hecho el depésito legal que marca la ley 11.723. Impreso en Argentina, Printed in Argentina, First Edition Published 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the Publisher, The Publisher has made every effort to traco the owner of copyright material; however, the Publisher will correct any involuntary omission at the earliest opportunity. Este libro se terminé de imprimir en diciembre de 2012, en Artes Gréficas Integradas, William Morris 1049, Florida - Vicente Lépez, Argentina. RICHMOND PRACTICE TESTS / ‘ Sue Elliott Sue Ireland Karen Saxby [QRichmond Contents Page Introduction ..... we 4 Practice Test 1 6 Reading & Writing ew Listen i823 24-26 Practice Test 2 27 Reading & Wating 27-38 Listening 39-44 Speak 45-47 Practice Test 3 48 Z Reading & Writing... 48-59 Listening 60-85 Speaking 66-68 Practice Test 4 69 Reading & Wilting - 9-80 Listening. 81-36 Speaking 87-89 Practice Test 5 90 Reading & Wilting ‘90-101 Listening 102-107 Speaking 108-110 Visual material se T1120 Introduction This book contains five Practice Tests for the Cambridge Key English Test examination. The tests show the kind of tasks and topics that could appear in the KET exam and help you to develop the skills you need to pass the exam. The CD-ROM will help you to propare for the computer-based version of the KET exam. Exam Format Lic tho KET oxam, each Practice Test in this book has three papers: Reading and Wiig, Listening and Speaking. Paper 1 - Reading and Writing ‘This paper lakes 1 hour and 10 minutes and carries 60% ofthe foal marks forthe exam. There are 58 questions inthis paper. Parts 1-5 test your reading of many diffrent types of ext, and Parts 6-9 test your reading and writing. 1 Match five sentences to eight notices. 6 Questions 2 Complete five sentences by choosing the covrect word from a choice of threo. 5 Questions 52) Complete five conversations. Choose the correct answer from a choice of three. ' 5 Quastions ‘3{b) Choose five sentences from eight possible answers. Put them in the correct place to 5 Questions ‘complete the conversation, z ee foe 7 wets 4 One ong text or three short texts, followed by seven questions. Choose the correct | 7 Questions | answer to the questions from three possible answers. 5 Fill in the spaces in an article. Choose the correct word from a choice of three to 8 Questions ‘complete the tex 6 | Use the prompts to identify and spell five words. 2 5 Questions 7 There are one or two texts with a total often words missing. White one word in each "16 Questions space. 8 Use information from one or wo short texts (advert, email, message ete) to complete | 5 Questions {ive spaces in anothor short toxt (form, diary, notes, etc). 9. Write a message of 25-35 words to a friend, You wil be asked to give three pieces of 7 Quostion information in your writing. Paper 2 - Listening This paper takes about 30 minutes and cartios 25% ofthe total marks forthe exam, Thete are 25 questions in this paper: You hear each part twice. 1” Listen to five short conversations and choose the correct picture. 2 Uso wo peel aig. end eich qustorsto fe othe ekhtpesble answers. Gvaions 23° Un er deco ta coro snort queens. ‘Boumetowe 4 Uses: oe camorsaion ad compee nto. - vest 5. stn tee pao peti and eons “| saeston Paper 3 - Speaking ‘This paper takes about 10 minutes and carries 25% of the total marks for the exam, You do this part of the exam with ‘one other candidate. 1, Answer the examiner's questions about you. Listen to your partner answering questions, 5-6 minutes | about him / hor, 1 2 Uso the information on thie cards to ask and answer questions with your partner. 3-4 minutos For more information: ‘wwwtichmondelt.convexams ‘ introduction. Practice Test 1 PAPER 1 Reading and Writing 1 hour 10 minutes nw Questions 1-5 Which notice (A H) says this (1 ~ 5)? For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A — H on your answer sheet. Example: 0 You need to pay to go to this beach party this evening. 1 You should not swim in the sea outside this area. 2 You can buy something to eat or drink if you walk this way. 3 You will have to wait if you want to travel to this place by boat today, 4 People should not cook food on this beach, 5 Phone this person to talk about water sports lessons. Trip to Shelly's Tsland : delayed by one hour 7 BEACHSPORT surfboards and swimming costumes summer sale now on ‘337650 ‘Shell Beach swimming between the green flags only today please Beach cai i Ice creams 3 cold drinks 3 sandwiches 100 metres 5 Sandy Campsite beach barbecue and dancing tonight £8 per person © 987764 Need to improve your swimming, surfing, windsurfing? call Jeanette 0885328 Bay Beach no barbecues or fires please put empty dink bottles and cans inthis bin Sw please Questions 6 - 10 Read the sentences about Tina’s school trip. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 6 - 10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example: 0 Next Friday, Tina and her . . will visit the history museum with their teacher. A. students B customers C classmates Answer: 0} ABC oo 6 Tina must be at school very -......e:ss:esee-e that morning. A early B soon Cc tast 7 The students will ........s:-ssseee+ee00++ {0 the museum by coach. A move B travel Cc visit 8 The students will find out about lots of . . explorers at the history museum. A. different B_ possible c several 9 The students won't. ++. the museum until three o'clock in the afternoon. A return B_ stop Cleave 10 Tina's excited because shed love to be a explorer one day! A pleasant © B__ famous © favourite Practice Test 1,, Paper i Questions 11-15 Cémplete the five conversations. For questions 11 — 15, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example: on a A Itisn'ta problem. Have you seen my Jacket anywhere? 11 What shall we do on Saturday? A That's a good idea! When can we do that? i f © Let's goto the park. i 12 I can't play tennis tomorrow, A Whata pity! Dortt be late. © Why weren't you there? i 13. Can you help me with this homework? A You're welcome. B_ Ofcourse I can, c 44 Where's your cousin now? A {think she's gone homie. : B It's on the table. i © No, sheisnt. 15 Toll me about the dance! A. Its about me too. B_ 'mlistening. We didn't go. Questions 16-20 Complete the conversation between two friends. ‘What does Lucy say to Marie? For questions 16 — 20, mark the correct letter A — H on your answer sheet. Example: Marie: Hi Lucy. Did you watch the pop. concert on TV last night? Lucy: 0... Answer; 0 A BCDEFGH omooooN Marie: It started at seven and finished at ten. Lucy: 16 Marie: Lots of different ones but ‘Kylio's People’ were brilliant. Do you fike their music? Lucy: 17 Marie: Fd like to borrow that! The concert's going to be on TV again at the weekend. Lucy: 18 Mario: I's on channel four on Saturday at 6.30. Id like to watch it again, actually. Lucy: 19 Marie: Wow, yes! Thanks! But is that OK with your parents? Lucy: 20 | think they're great. My sister gave me their new CD for my birthday. | don’t know all the words to the song. What time was it on? Would you like to come here? We can watch it on the big screen in our living room. They'd prefer to go there tomorrow. ‘They won't mind, They'll want to watch it tool | was doing my homework. Which bands were playing? When? Do you know? Practice Test 1, Pap Questions 21-27 Read the article about Wendy's holiday in Peru, South America. Ate sentences 21 ~ 27 ‘Right (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). For questions 21 - 27, mark A, B or Con your answer sheet, My jungle adventure i i Since I returned from my ten-day holiday in Peru, friends have asked me, “Where have you been?” I love answering, “Oh! I went to South America! Twent there with my parents. There were ten of us in the group but we'd never met each other before. On the first day, we travelled with a guide for eight hours up the river to our jungle camp. It was so exciting to be in the Amazon rainforest! Noisy parrots and monkeys filled the trees and I saw insects of all sizes and colours on the paths around our tents, ‘We always felt safe when our guide, Omar, was with us. Omar could speak English, French and Spanish and came from a village far away on the other side of the mountains. One day he took us down the river in a wooden boat made from a single tree. Another day, he took us into the jungle and found all kinds of unusual trees and flowers for us to look at. He even cooked a lovely sweet rice dish for us to eat before we went to bed at night. My holiday in Peru was a great adventure and I'll never forget it. Example: 0 Wendy stayed in South America for ten days. A Right B Wrong © Doosnit say Answer: 0. A BoC 21, Wendy knew everyone in the group before they went on holiday together. A Right B_ Wrong © Doesn't say 22 The journey to the jungle camp took more than a day. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 23. Wendy saw different types of insects at the campsite. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 24 The group were never afraid because Omar looked after them so well. A Right B_ Wrong C Doesn't say 25 Omar built the boat himsetf, A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say 26 Omar showed the group lots of interesting jungle plants. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 27 Wendy helped Omar to make the meal at the end of each day. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Practice Test 1, Pape: Questions 28 ~35 Read the article about films. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 28 - 35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet, ‘The people (0) made the earliest films wanted to show how animals moved. ‘The first ‘moving picture’ was of a horse called Sallie Gardner. (28) .. sees WAS ‘made in the USA in 1878, ‘Ten years (29) ...,........» the first film was made in England, ‘This film, which we can still watch today, showed (80) ...........-..- people walking in a garden, It seems early film-makers weren't interested in making movies that (31) .... stories. People waited another 25 years (32) .. +++. See those! Filmmakers couldn't use colour (33) add sound to these early films, so very often (34) . Played a piano in the cinema, Modern films are very different, aren't (35) Example: 0 A who what whose 2A It She He 29 A late later latest 30 A fow lots some 31 A telling told tolls 32 to of for 33 but because or 34 A someone anyone no one 35 A they you we (RBG ana Writing (13° Practice Test 1; Paj Questions 36 - 40 Read the descriptions of some things you can see in the countryside, What is the word for each one? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word. For questions 36 — 40, write the words on your answer sheet. Example: 0 This is smaller than a town, People live here. Ree Answer: 0° village: 36 People can swim or sail a boat here, SESE 37 Cars travel on this from one town to another. Pe 38 You have to open this to go into a farm or a garden. oat 39 A farmer can grow vegelables or keep animals in this. foo 40 These have wings and can sing and fly in the sky. Aca i t i ; Questions 41 - 50 Complete the letter. Write ONE word for each space. For questions 41 — 50, write the words on your answer sheet, Example: “0° for Hello Grondmal Thonks (0) .. the money you sent me ©). Im going (41) .. buy new book with (42) «lim really Interested (43) .. space so want to read more (AA) cnn. the moon ahd oll the other plonets 100, (45) on... love to be an astfonaut Dad says he can (46) me to the bookshop on Saturday. (47) . ‘they haven't got a good book there, we can get one online. (48) ... you use the internet much? There (49) three computers in our classroom, We use the internet (50) nse lot in our Geography and Science lessons, Love, Ben xx 15 Practice Test-1,Papéi Questions 51 - 55 Read the advert and the email. Fill in the information in Robert's notes. For questions §1 — 55, write the words on your answer sheet. Car racing at Napier Stadium { August 7th and 21st buy tickets online (£25 - £40) { race programme starts at 11 a.m. (special coaches leave from Larton Station) An amazing day out! ‘To: Robert _ From: Steve __ Bo you want Yo come to the fist roe in ‘August? My aunt and uncle wil take us in their | car but we'll need to leave my place at 8.30 that morning, Text me (066554924) to say yos | ‘or no, We only have to pay £5 each to get in because my uncle's a team mechanic there. ‘See you soon, Stove Robert’s notes Car racing ‘Steve's phone number: 066554924 Date: 51 Cost of my ticket: 52 £ Place: 53 Leave Steve's house at: 54 au, Travel there by: 55 i i Question 56 Your English friend, Nick, has got a good dictionary. Write Nick an email + ask to borrow his dictionary * tell him why you need it * say when you can collect it. Write 25 ~ 35 words. Write the email on your answer sheet, 7 Practice Test 1; Pape PAPER 2 Listening Approx. 30 minutes eteideiveetaenso Pa Questions 1-5 You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For questions 1 ~ 5, put a tick (7) under the right answer. Example: 0 Where do the git!’s grandparents live now? 7 = 1 What is David doing now? A nt? Practice Test 1, Pap ” Questions 6 - 10 Listen to George talking to a friend about a party. What will each person bring to the party? For questions 6~ 10, write a letter (A ~H) next to each person. You will hear the conversation twice. Example: 0 Alison G People Things to bring to the party 6 Paul Cl A ball 7 Becky B cups 8 Stefan © drinks 9 Caroline OC D food 40 Neil E music F pencils G plates Ho quiz i | | i t i i i i i i i sin Questions 11 - 15 Listen to a girl talking to her friend about a sports project. For questions 11-15, tick (V) A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice. Example: 0 Richard Mains is a famous 11 What nationality is Richard? 12 How old was Richard when he learned to skate? 13. Who was Richard's coach when he started playing hockey? 14 What was Richard's first team called? 15 When was Richard's first international game? skateboarder. ice hockey player. footballer. Canadian British American 14 his cousin his sports teacher his father the All Stars the Silver Bears the Red Socks 2005 2006 2009 Practice Test 1, Pay Questions 16 - 20 You will hear a teacher telling a student about a writing competition. Listen and complete questions 16 - 20. You will hear the conversation twice. English Club writing competition == Competition to write: Ashort story Age of writers: or younger Name of story: Send story to: Last date to enter competition: Number to call for more information: ‘~masnninnesnennsninemimnsrmssiuniesataatnuiritinnreitatnnininestintmantitnasennteinamnivemnnnianenieinns ® Questions 21 - 25 You will hear a woman on the radio talking about some classes at a summer school. Listen and complete questions 21 ~ 25. You will hear the information twice. Summer School - North Road College Classes in: acting Day: 21 oe Classes begin at: 22 am. Cost per week: 23E 1 Go there by: qe ee Take to first class: 25 ae You now have eight minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet. @istening (23 = Practice Test 1, Paper PAPER 3 Speaking 8-10 minutes ETH 65-6 minutes) Examiner: Good moming / alternoon / evening. Can I have your mark sheets, please? I'm ____ and this is He / She is just going to listen to us. {to Candidate A] Now, what's your name? Thank you. [to Candidate B] And, what's your name? Thank you. [to Candidate A] What's your surname? How do you spell it? Thank you. ‘ {to Candidate B) And, what's your sumame? How do you spell it? Thank you. The examiner will now ask you and your partner a few questions about your life — for example, about your family, your hobbies, your school / work, and the things you like and dislike, Here are some examples of questions you might be asked: “tartan natn iene Questions about you Family When is your birthday? / How old are you? Tell me something about your family. Where do you live? / Where do you Do you have any brothers or sisters? / come from? Do you have a big family? ‘What do your parents do? / What are your mother and father’s jobs? ‘School / Work Free time - a What's your favourite subject at school? What are your hobbies? i Do you like studying English? What do you lke to do at the weekend? What time do lessons start in the morning? What did you do last weekend? Is your schoo! large or small? ‘What are you going to do next weekend? What is your job? / Where do you work? Examiner: Thank you. In the next part you are going to talk to each other. (3-4 minutes) In this part of the test you must talk to your partner, ‘The examiner will give each person a card. On one card is some information, for example an advertisement or an invitation. On the other card there are some words. You must use these words to help you form five questions to ask your partner about the information on his / her card. ‘The person with the question card asks their questions, The other person uses the information card to answer the questions. Use the cards on pages 111 - 112 to practise speaking with a partner, Examiner: Candidate A, here is some information about a new cinema. Candidate B, you don’t know anything about the new cinema, so ask your partner some questions about it. Now B, ask A your questions about the cinema and A, you answer them. Candidate A — your answers Candidate B - your questions Castletown , ema | CINEMAS i * where / cinema? + open every day? * name / film? The newest and most " = * café? exciting films in town! * student tickets £7 opposite Green Park all tickets £6.50 cinema café open 5 p.m.—10 p.m. now showing Monkey Island closed Mondays After four or five questions, the examiner will stop you. Candidates swap roles. The examiner will give | you two different cards so you can do the activity again. Practice Test-1, Pape: Examiner: — Candidate B, here is some information about a new clothes shop. Candidate A, you don’t know anything about the new clothes shop, so ask your partner some questions about it. Now A, ask B your questions about the clothes shop, and B, you answer them. Candidate B - your answers Candidate A — your questions Wew dethes shop what / sell? address? opens next Saturday! | hich day / open? ] hv 10am-pm WV phone number? Jeans, T-shirts and shoes: for boys and girls Sas what time / close? one free gift for every customer! 121, Clifton Street © o7ssaczs Examiner: Thank you very much. That is the end of the test. Practice Test 2 © Test2 PAPER 1 Reading and Writing —_1 hour 10 minutes Lz Questions 1-5 Which notice (A - H) says this (1 - 5)? For questions 1 5, mark the correct letter A - H on your answer sheet. Example: 0 You cannot ride your bike here. Answer; 0: A CDE F GH amos 1 Ifyou buy this to eat you'll get some extra food, A WILD WEST FASHIONS Ploase ack an assistant before {aking jeans into the changing rooms 2 Customers will soon be able to do their h eee eee shopping here later. i. Solent Shopping Centre | ‘open 09:00 ~ 20:00 | 3 Ifyou want to read this, you'll pay much less for it at the moment. c aI 4 Someone here will help you find what you ace cps wari every auncer! want to buy. Tony's Takeaway Cliff's Restaurant Evening Menu free drink with every meal 5 You must speak toa member of staff first if you want to try on these clothes. E Clothes Superstore Can't find what you're looking for? Askat information desk 7 Barrow Bookshop | “What to Rat” } now half-price £24 £12 } G Nicholson’s Department Store {rom Friday this store wil stay open unt 9 p.m. "The Music Man’ on sate hore from next Monday Oniy 5101 ‘and Writing (27) Practice Test 2, Pape: Questions 6 — 10 Read the sentences about Anita and her friends. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 6 - 10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example: 0 My iriend Wiliam is . ... at finding things! A special B well © good Answer 0 ABC some friends in a café. 6 Last week, William and | . A showed B met C took 7 Weeach hada of cake and a cold drink there. A. pair B part © piece 8 When we left the café, | wanted to my sunglasses on. A wear B put © cary 9 Helt because | couldn't find them in my bag. A worried B difficult © heavy 10° My friends . .. everywhere, then William said, “Anita, they're on your head!" A looked B watched Cc saw est 2 Questions 11-15 Complete the five conversations. For questions 11 ~ 15, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. A. No, it’s in the fridge. B Shall | doit now? Example: ‘Would you like a sandwich now? n 12 13 14 15 How much is that cake, please? This picture's really lovely. Look at this text message! What was your lesson like? Have you been to that museum? The chocolate one? It's great, thank yout No, it was cheap. I think so too. Yes, she is. Do you want another one? | can’t show you. Who sent it? So do we! Yes, let's do that! Itends at two thirty. Interesting and fun. When was it? W's tomorrow. Not yet. Practice Test 2, Paper Questions 16-20 ‘Complete the conversation between two friends. What does Nicos say to Susan? For questions 16 — 20, mark the correct letter A - H on your answer sheet. Example: ‘Susan: Nicos! | can't go to the schoo! disco next week! Nicos: 0 Susan: I'm fine, but I'm going to the airport Where is she flying from? with my parents, Why not? Are you okay? Nicos: 16 What does she do? Susan: Mum's best friend is coming to stay with us. We're going there to meet her. Well, do you want to be a teacher? Nicos: 17... Oh! Are you going on holiday? Susan: She lives in Greece. She comes to Maybe she's filming an advertisement, visit us quite often. | like her. I don't know yet. It's really hard to decide, Nicos: 18 Do you? Why? Susan: She's really friendly, She's interesting too. She's got an amazing job. Nicos: 19... Susan: She's an actress. What do you want to do when you leave school? Nicos: 20... Susan: Yes itis. Anyway, bye for now! Questions 21-27 Read the article about three students who entered a spelling competition and then answer the questions. For questions 21 - 27, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Spelling success Ian Billingsworth Tan has loved reading since he started school at five. He wanted to get every word right in the competition and only made one mistake! “That was OK,” he said, “because it was the hardest word in the competition.” Ian reads one of his many dictionaries before going to sleep each night. He enjoys that more than reading stories and wants to teach English one day like his mother, He won second prize. Elsa Sinita “Tt was the least difficult word that [had a problem with!” Elsa laughed. “My mum was really surprised. She's a journalist, and she’s helped me with spelling since I was little, but I suppose everyone makes mistakes sometimes,” Esa stayed awake all night before the competition because she was worrying about the questions. She couldn't believe that she came third. Elsa thinks checking words online is easier than looking in dictionaries, 80 she doesn't use one. She prefers writing on her laptop to reading books. Roger Ames Roger's English teacher wasn't surprised when Roger spelled every word, including some really difficult ones, correctly. “Roger likes using his grandfather's old dictionary at school. He used it to practise almost every day. His parents, all his other teachers and Lwere really happy that he won.” Roger was taught to read when he was only three and hopes to write stories for a newspaper one day. iting (31 Practice Test 2, Paper 1 Example: 0 21 23 24 25 26 27 fo) Which student learnt to read before the age of five? A lan B Elsa © Roger Answer: Which student enjoys reading more than one dictionary? A tan B Elsa © Roger Which student didn't sleep the night before the competition? A lan B Elsa C Roger Which student has a parent who is an English teacher? A lan B Elsa Roger Which student wants to be a journalist one day? A lan B Elsa © Roger Which student was surprised at the end of the competition? A lan B Elsa Roger ‘Which student made no mistakes at all in the competition? A lan B Elsa © Roger Which student couldn't spell the most difficult word in the competition? A lan B Elsa © Roger Questions 28 - 35 Read the article about a new book called Wild World. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 28 ~ 35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Wild World Why Like this book, by Calvin Lott ‘This book is full of interesting information (0) . that blue whales are the (28) .. elephants can eat 200 kilos (29) . hours a day just eating! wild animals. Did you know animals in the world today? Or that adult . food each day? (30) .... . spend 16 You can find out how and when different animals (81) ... countries too, I learnt that rabbits only live in Australia (32) ... ‘Thomas Austin took 24 rabbits there from England as pets in 1859. ... living in other aman called ‘The pictures (33) ............... the back page of the book are great, and all the difficult words (34)... explained too. Iike the book. (35) .. is fun and really ‘casy to find the things you want toread, RBTing ind Writing (0 Practice Test 2, Pape Example: 0 A about over above Answer: 0. 28 A large larger largest 29 A of for from 30 A Their They Them 31 A begins began beginning 32 A because so but 33 A at to on 34 A have do are 35 A Here It There epramamneeiet ei ittrininainnt Questions 36 - 40 Read the descriptions of some things you can see on a desk. What is the word for each one? “The first lottor is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word. For questions 36 — 40, write the words on your answer sheet. Example: 0 This is made of plastic or metal and you use it to write with. Answer: 36 You may use this for playing games or for doing your homework. eo eee 37. This is made of metal and you can use it to open a door. kL 38 You can take pictures with this, ou 39 You can turn this on to help you see better. 40 Look at this when you want to know the time. Coe nd Writing 35 Practice Test 2, Paper SS Questions 41 - 50 = ‘Complete the email Write ONE word for each space. I i For questions 41 — 60, write the words on your answer sheet, Exemple: 0° about ~ Hello Glorio! | enjoyed reading (0) your family You asked me (41) vse tll You ‘bout mine, 1 42) ensene Got tWO brothers. One is a yoor older (48) rnnnunns me and the other is three years younger. (44) names are Tony and George. Tony loves : skateboarding and George tkes watching cartoons (48) . _ television Dad's an engineer: He (46) oncunnen- 10 travel for his job quite often. My mum a nurse before (48) . (47)... 1. got married. My granddad lives (49) home with us. (80) nesses YOUr grandparents live with you? White back soon! Sally ‘Questions 51-55 Read the email and the advertisement. Fill in the information in Odette's notes. For questions 51 — 55, write the words on your answer sheet. To: Karl i From: Odette and Gemma ; ‘Thanks for telling us about these day courses. They'te doing some at Welter College too. but these look more fun. | hope we don’t fave towork with the younger children! We | can go this Friday but not on Saturday, and it’s easier to catch a bus there than to go on the Underground, so let's do that. i Bye! Fun Summer Day Courses kite-making, face-painting, story-telling 9-12s £5 > 13-16s £7.50 10:00 - 16: Blake College more information ® 8554308 {9a.m. —12p.m. Monday — Saturday) ae eet et Odette’s notes Summer day course Go with: Where: Course starts at: Day: Cost each for one day: Travel there by: Gemma and Karl. 51 52 am. 37 Question 56 Read the email from your English friend, Rachel. Hil I want to go swimming. Where is the swimming pool you go to? When is it open? How much does it cost to swim there? Rachel Write an email to Rachel. Answer the questions. Write 25 ~ 35 words. Write the email on your answer sheet. PAPER 2 Listening Approx. 30 minutes Questions 1-5 You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For questions 1-5, put a tick (7) under the right answer. Example: 0 Whatis the boy's shoe size? 1 What will Kevin have for lunch? A 2 What will the weather be like this afternoon? Practice Test 2, Paper 2 3 What are they watching on TV now? emer wails Questions 6 - 10 Listen to Marcus talking to his friend about different holidays. ‘What kind of holiday did Marcus have in each country? For questions 6 — 10, write a letter (A — H) next to each country. ‘You will hear the conversation twice. Example: 0 Mexico E Countries Kind of hotiday 6 Italy A camping 7 Sweden B climbing 8 India “| C cycling 9 Australia | D~ drawing 40 Japan E fishing F horse riding G skiing H walking Practice Test 2, Papi Questions 11-15 Listen to a student talking to Anna about a singing competition. For questions 11 ~ 15, tick (7) A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice. Example: 0 Who does Anna like singing with most? A her mother her music teacher Cc hersister 11 Anna first heard about the singing competition when she A read a newspaper. B listened to the radio. © spoke to her father. 12. The youngest person in the competition was, A 10. I B12, c 15. 13 Where was the singing competition? A. atthe theatre B inthe sports centre © atthe university 14 How did Anna feel before she started to sing? A tired happy C excited 15 Which song did Anna sing in the competition? A ‘Hurry Up’ B ‘Jumping Jack’ ‘My Mistake’ Questions 16 - 20 ‘You will hear a sports coach telling a student, Angela, about a basketball game. Listen and complete questions 16 — 20. You will hear the conversation twice. Basketball game Wear: red T-shirt Date: Game against: Team will travel to college by: 18 Game will begin at: “19° p.m. School mobile number: 20 Practice Test 2,Pé Questions 21 — 25 You will hear a telephone message from a teacher about some homework. Listen and complete questions 21 - 25. You will hear the information twice. Homework Teacher's name: Mrs Parks Subject: Read page number: 22 a Write about: 2B a: Give to teacher on: 24 - Take to next class: 25 ‘You now have eight minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet. eterna nnn eemteneiaeneinnnmeiaetcs PAPER 3 Speaking 8-10 minutes EYEE 65-6 minutes) Examiner: Good morning / afternoon / evening. Can | have your mark sheets, please? Im ______and this is He | She is just going to listen to us. {to Candidate A] Now, what's your name? Thank you. {to Candidate 8] And, what's your name? Thank you. [to Candidate A} What's your surname? *, How do you spelt it? \ Thank you. {to Candidate 8] And, what's your surname? How do you spell it? Thank you. The examiner will now ask you and your partner a few questions about your life ~ for example, about your family, your hobbies, your school / work, and the things you like and dislike. Here are some examples of questions you might be asked: Questions about you Family When is your birthday? / How old are you? Tell me something about your family. ‘Where do you live? / Where do you Do you have any brothers or sisters? / ‘come from? Do you have a big family? What do your parents do? / What are your mother and father’s jobs? ‘School /Work Free e ‘What's your favourite subject at school? What are your hobbies? Do you like studying English? ‘What do you like to do at the weekend? What time do lessons start in the morning? What did you do last weekend? 1s your schoo! large or small? What are you going to do next weekend? What is your job? / Where do you work? Examiner: — Thank you. In the next part you are going to talk to each other Practice Test 2, Paper 3 GET] (3-4 minutes) In this part of the test you must talk to your partner. The examiner will give each person a card. On one card is some information, for example an advertisement or an invitation. On the other card there are some words, You must use these words to help you form five questions to ask your partner about the information on his / her card. The person with the question card asks their questions. The other person uses the information card to answer the questions. Use the cards on pages 113 - 114 to practise speaking with a partner. Examiner: Candidate A, here is some information about a new magazine. Candidate B, you don't know anything about the new magazine, so ask your partner some questions about it. Now B, ask A your questions about the magazine and A, you answer them. Candidate A ~ your answers Candidate B - your questions —— ae i: Beet oe Games World ee a new magazine for 12-16 year olds © price? Read about your favourite * when /-buy? | video games + for adults? . j in the shops every Friday get yours now! * what / about? * name? After four or five questions, the examiner will stop you, Candidates swap roles. The examiner will give you two different cards so you can do the activity again. I | [ Examiner: Candidate B, here is some information about a new TV programme. Candidate A, you don't know anything about the new TV programme, so ask your partner some questions about it. Now A, ask B your questions about the TV programme, and B, you answer them. Candidate B — your answers Candidate A - your questions (~ Don't miss a great new TV programme Masic Screen New TV programme 4 which day? * name? channel? what / this week? * start ©? every Thursday % 7.15-8p.m. % channel 9 This week: How to make a music video Visit our website for more information Examiner: Thank you very much. That is the end of the test. Practice Test 3 PAPER 1 Reading and Writing 1 hour 10 minutes Questions 1-5 Which notice (A - H) says this (1-5)? For questions 1 ~ 5, mark the correct letter A — H on your answer sheet, Example: © You should leave the things you Answer; 0. 2A" ate carrying outside. ae 1 You may not use these computers for downloading music or playing games. A No coats or schoolbags inside the computer room 2 Extra things for your computer are cheaper at the moment, ; ~ | ua 7 Used laptop for sale Includes carrying bag, mouse end CD-ROMs 3° Ifyou dont use the computer for fong, you ‘won't have to pay anything. © Summer sale © c 4. You should tell someone if you want to Al keyboards and screens send an email or surf the internet. half price this week 5 Email this person if you want to buy a D saa eta rte one are for schoolwork only 7 Hell Has anyone seen vay laptor? Please tell Janie, class 48 F Internet Café First 10 minutes free then £2 per 30 minutes G 4 Ashton Library Please ask a member of staff before using these computers @) Questions 6 - 10 Read the sentences about buying some shoes. Choose the best word (A, B of C) for each space. For questions 6 ~ 10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example: 0 Polly wanted to ... A buy B sell © spend Answer: 0: 6 — She went toa shoe shop and .. . on several pairs, A kept B tried C took 7 The shoes were all too big, too small, or the .. A bad B_ strange © wrong 8 Polly went home and A looked B saw watched 9 Polly A felt B filled © found . some shoes that were just what she wanted. 10 Polly sent her. by omail and the shoes arrived the next day. A bill Border C ticket Practice Test 3, Pape: Questions 11-15 Complete the five conversations. For questions 11~15, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example: Where do you come from? B The park. © Home. Answer: 41 Why do you want to go home early? A I's not too late. don't think so. © I don't feel well, 42 What do you think of the new science teacher? = A_—He's boring. B It’s too difficult, C Imsure heis. 13. Let's meet outside the swimming pool. ‘A Shall we go? What time? © No, I dont. 44 Can | borrow that book after you? A. Sony, leant. B_ I'mafraid it's not mine. © I didnt know. 15. This is Céline, my French pen-friend, A Hi nice to meet you. That'll be lovely. © What's it called? @ st 3 ‘Questions 16-20 Complete the conversation between two friends. What does Elena say to Matt? For questions 16 ~ 20, mark the correct letter A ~ H on your answer sheet. Example: Matt: Hey Elena, How's it going? Elena: 0 Answer, 0A. BCD E-F-GH Sosa oS Matt: Good. Have you got anything A. It’s opposite the museum, isn't it? planned for Sunday? B_ Fine thanks. How about you? Elena: 16... i © Idon't know Laura, Matt; How about coming on a bike ride instead, with me and some friends? D No problem. I'll get some drinks too. Elena: 17... E _I'mnot sure yet. | might go to the cinema with my sister. Why? Matt: We're meeting at Laura's house at 11. You know where that is, don't you? F That sounds fun! Tell me more. Elena: 18 G _ Yes, we live in the country. Matt: That's right. Would your sister like to 7 come too? H_ Maybe. Will any of her friends be there? Elena: 19. Matt; Sure. Jane's coming too. Oh, can you bring some sandwiches? Elona: 20 secre Matt: Great, See you Sunday! Practice Test 3; Pape Questions 21 - 27 Read the article about an amazing dog. Are sentences 21 ~ 27 ‘Right’ (A) or'Wrong' (B)? IF there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). For questions 21 - 27, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. An amazing dog Jan Griffith lives in north-east Australia. One day she and her husband Dave went sailing, taking their large dog, Sophie, with them. Sadly, during a storm, Sophie fell off the boat and into the water, Jan and Dave went back to look for her, but without any luck. Jan was sure that she was dead, In fact, without anyone knowing, Sophie swam to an island ten kilometres away. Very few people live there and when the islanders first saw Sophie running around she looked thin and hungry. Four months later Sophie was seen by the islanders again, She looked fatter and healthier. This was when they called the police, who came to take her back to north- east Australia, ‘The Griffith family heard that the police were bringing a dog back from the island. ‘Twas sure it wasn't Sophie,’ said Jan ‘but we decided to meet the boat anyway. When it arrived I saw her and called her name. She got really excited and ran over to us immediately. I have no idea what she ate for four months on the island. She's quite happy back at home with us now but we certainly won't take her sailing again!” Example: 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 Jan Griffith is married. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say The weather was bad when Sophie fell into the sea. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Jan and Dave spent several days looking for Sophie. A Right B Wrong Doesn't say Somebody saw Sophie swimming to the island, A. Right B Wrong © Doesn't say ‘Sophie ate food that the islanders gave her. A Right B Wrong © Doesnt say The police were called because Sophie looked unwell. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Sophie spent less than six months on the island, A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say As soon as Sophie heard Jan speak, she remembered her. A Right B Wrong Doesn't say Practice Test 3, Paper’ Questions 28 - 35 Read the atticle about Thanksgiving, a holiday in the USA. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 28 — 35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Thanksgiving ‘Thanksgiving is the (0) ... .- holiday of the year in the United States. It goes back to 1621, (28) . a group of men and women sailed to America from England, hoping for a better life. (29) the first year that the group were in Amorica, the people who were (30) . living there showed them (31) . togrow vegetables and catch wild turkeys, birds (92) ............... large chickens, for food. At the end of that year, they had a festival meal together. Since then, Thanksgiving (33) become a time for Americans to remember (34) - history. On the last Thursday in November, almost (35) travels by plane, train and car to be with family and enjoy a dinner of roast turkey, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie, Example: 0 A big bigger biggest 28 A when if so 29 A At During On 30 A yet just already 31 A what how which 32 A as about like \ 33 A has doss is 34 A tis their its 35 A everyone someone anyone Practice Test 3, Paper Questions 36 - 40 Read the descriptions of some things you can find in a bedroom. What is the word for each one? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word. For questions 36 — 40, write the words on your answer sheet, Example: © You look at this when you comb your hair. m____ Answer: 0 fairror” 36 These are in front of the window and you usually close them at night. eee 37 You can put this big paper picture on the wall. pee 38° This is often made of wood and is a good place for your books. s 39 40 This comfortable seat is big enough for two or three people. You can put your head on this when you go to sleep. - Questions 41-50 Complete the email Write ONE word for each space. For questions 41 50, write the words on your answer sheet. Hi Susie! | must (0) you about last week. (41) ‘the radio station in our town, best frlend Remi and | visited Ih W98 Such (42) ooeninon €xeiting day. We met Henry O10, (4) vans ROS FS ‘own radio show, First we had a chat (44) .... w. Our hobbies, Then Henry let (45) play our favourite song. (4B)... the visit, Henry sent us each a T-shirt _ the name of the radio station on the front: “n cc) . you ever been on the radio? | (49).... love to have a job in radio or Practice Test 3, Paper 1 ‘Questions 51-55 Read the note and the email. Complete the information on the booking form. For questions 51 — 55, write the words on your answer sheet. On 16th July there will be an adventure day | at Mepal Lake or King's Forest. The cost is | £14 for each centre, normally it’s £20. | There will be a bus from the school, or you | can go by car. Bring a picnic, or enough | money for lunch at a pizza restaurant. Please return the form by 17th June. Mum Can you fill in this form? V'm not a good swimmer so the forest trip's better for me. I'l go on the bus with my friends. I hate pizza so can you make me @ picnic? Tharks! Bonnie x Adventure day Booking form Pupil’s name: Bonnie Knight % Adventure day at: 51. et Date: 52 oe Price: 33 ‘Travel by: 54 Lunch: 55. aoe Question 56 Read the note from your English friend, Thomas. Hello! { want fo come to your school concert tomorrow. What time does it start? What are you going to do in if? What should { wear? Thomas Wiite a note to Thomas. Answer the questions. Write 25 ~ 35 words. Write the note on your answer sheet. 29 PAPER 2 Listening Approx. 30 minutes Practice Tes Questions 1-5 You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. For questions 1 — 5, put a tick (/) under the right answer. Example: 0 How many people went to the party? 7 17 70 1 2 3 Which part of the boy's body hurts the most? i of ie at] 5 c 4. How much is a ticket for tonight's match? | 8 What food will the git make? ~Practice Test 3, Paper ! Questions 6 - 10 Listen to Gemma talking to Billy about her birthday presents. ‘What present did each person give her this year? For questions 6 ~ 10, write a letter (A - H) next to each person. You will hear the conversation twice. Example: 0 Billy A People Present 6 Gemma's mum A. book 7 Gemma’s sister B chocolates @ —Gemma's brother © money 9 Gemma's grandmother [_ | D_ music CD 40 Carla E purse \ F socks G sweater H toy Questions 11-15 Listen to Sara talking to her friend Adam about going to the theatre. For questions 11 ~ 16, tick (7) A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice, Example: 0 Sara has got tickets for A. Thursday. v Friday. ‘Saturday, 11 The sebts aro A atthe tront. at the back. in the middle. 12 How much did Sara pay for each ticket? A £750 £10 Cc £12.50 43. The play is about a boy who wants to be A asinger. a teacher. Cc anactor. 14° Sara and Adam will meet at A 5.45. | B 6.15. © 6.30. 45 What will Sara and Adam do after the show? A gohome do some maths homework have a cup of coffee @ Questions 16-20 You will hear a telephone conversation about tennis lessons. Listen and complete questions 16 - 20. You will hear the conversation twice. ENNIS LESSON Level: practice Day: Start time: Cost of one lesson: Teacher’s name: Must wear: Questions 21 - 25 ‘You will hear some information about a newspaper. Listen and complete questions 21 - 25. You will hear the information twice. New newspaper Name: Teenage Times Read about: Prizes: Cost of one Teenage Times: ‘Telephone number for school discounts: Buy Teenage Times from: You now have eight minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet. Practice Test 3, Paper PAPER 3 Speaking 8-10 minutes ETE (5-6 minutes) Examiner: Good moming / afternoon / evening. Can I have your mark sheets, please? Ym —__and this is He | She is just going to listen to us. {to Candidate A} Now, what’s your name? Thank you. [to Candidate B] And, what's your name? Thank you. {to Candidate A] What's your surname? How do you spell it? Thank you. {to Candidate 8] And, what's your sumame? How do you spell it? Thank you. The examiner will now ask you and your partner a few questions about your life ~ for example, about your family, your hobbies, your school / work, and the things you like and dislike. Here are some examples of questions you might be asked: Questions about you Family : When is your birthday? / How old are you? Tell me something about your family Where do you live? / Where do you Do you have any brothers or sisters? / come from? Do you have a big family? What do your parents do? / What are your mother and father's jobs? ‘School / Work Free time What's your favourite subject at school? What are your hobbies? Do you like studying English? What do you like to do at the weekend? What time do lessons start in the morning? ‘What did you do last weekend? ls your school large or small? What are you going to do next weekend? What is your job? / Where do you work? Examiner: Thank you. In the next part you are going to talk to each other. ETE (3-4 minutes) In this part of the test you must talk to your partner. ‘The examiner will give each person a card, On one card is some information, for example an advertisement or an invitation, On the other card there are some words. You must use these words to help you form five questions to ask your partner about the information on his / her card. The person with the question card asks their questions. The other person uses the information card to answer the questions. Use the cards on pages 115 ~ 116 to practise speaking with a partner. Examiner: Candidate A, here is some information about a bookshop. Candidate B, you don't know anything about the bookshop, so ask your partner some questions about it. Now B, ask A your questions about the bookshop and A, you answer them. Candidate A ~ your answers Candidate B — your questions Bookshop | Bailey’s International Books 24 Harrison Road . 2 + name? when / open? geta drink? books for students? j address? | x Coursebooks and dictionaries in many languages Open Monday to Saturday Coffee shop with newspapers and magazines from around the world Alter four or five questions, the examiner will stop you. Candidates swap roles. The examiner will give you two different cards so you can do the activity again. Speaking (67' Practice Test 3, Paper Examiner: Candidate B, here is some information about an art competition. Candidate A, you don't know anything about the art competition, so ask your partner some questions about it. Now A, ask B your questions about the art competition, and B, you answer them. Candidate B - your enswers Candidate A- your questions ART COMPETITION ART COMPETITION for children aged 8-16. © what / paint? “PAINT A PICEURE OF SOME FLOWERS before Monday 12th June, when | endz Lots of exciting prizes! © for adults? what / win? more information? " Find out more at WWWARTCOMP.COM Examiner: — Thank you very much. That is the end of the test. * @ Practice Test 4 PAPER 1 Reading and Writing —_1 hour 10 minutes Questions 1-5 Which notice (AH) says this (1-5)? For questions 1 ~5, mark the correct letter A ~ H on your answer sheet, Example: 0 You can buy things for playing sports here. Answer: 1 You should put these things back in their place, A POOL CLOSED FOR CLEANING OPEN AGAIN IN HALF AN HOUR 2 You will have to wait if you want to swim. B Please take off outdoor shoes 3 See this person if you have lost before entering sports hall something. 4 These students must practise indoors c Red swimsuit left in changing room today. Ask Miss Harris at reception 5 There is a match later today. D Football game against Winthorpe School Bus leaves at 1.30 p.m, E F Srorts DerarrMent [AFTER YOUR GAME PIEASE RETURN BALLS TO CORRECT BOX G H Volleyball match next Thursday See Mr Ellis for tickets sading and Writing (69° Practice Test 4, Papé Questions 6 - 10 Read the sentences about learning to drive. Choose the best word (A, B or G) for each space. For questions 6 ~ 10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example: 0 Maggie to learn to drive a car. A wanted B thought Cc said 6 Maggie toa driving school to have some lessons, A arrived B got went . a written test. 7 First Maggie had to A take B put C say 8 Maggie drove very ... ... during her first lesson, A soflly B_ slowly C quietly 9 The teacher told Maggie she was a very A. certain B sale C strong 10 Maggie she will get her driving licence soon. A hopes B prefers © decides Questions 11 ~ 15 Complete the five conversations. For questions 11 — 15, mark A, B or G on your answer sheet. Example: : A. Five minutes ago. ‘When does the concert start? B Inhalf an hour. 11 What shalll we do tomorrow? A I don't mind, Itll be great. That's a good idea. 12 Dortt forget the film starts at six. A Yes, itis. Ifyou like, C Iilbe ready. 13 Have you ever eaten a mango? A Youhad it. I don't think so. cits OK, 14 I didn't find anything to buy in town yesterday. A Why not? Where was it? © Did you? 15. Can { bring a friend to the party? A Itsnice. Of course. Dontt worry. Practice Test 4, F ‘Questions 16-20 ‘Complete the conversation between two friends. What does Sarah say to Matt? For questions 16 — 20, mark the correct letter A - H on your answer sheet. Example: Matt: Are you coming to the park tonight? Sarah: 0 .. Matt: We're just going to play tennis. You're welcome to join us. Sarah: 16... ‘Matt; Why's that? Will you come in his car? Sarah; 17... Matt: Well, we can give you a lif, then. Do you have a racket? Sarah: 18 Matt: OK. Anyway, how long is it since you played? Sarah; 19... Matt; You'll need to practise then! Sarah; 20... Mait: I'm sure you will. Hope to see you tomorrow! ) Oh, I'l be fine, Vil borrow one - that won't be a problern. hope so, I's a long way to walk if| don’, Wil be great fun, wor't it? Why? Are you doing something special? | think ?m good enough to pay. Really? I'm not sure. I'll have to ask my brother, \ can't remember. Maybe the last time was at school. Questions 21-27 Read the article about three swimmers and then answer the questions, For questions 21 — 27, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Jon Iwent swimming at Blue Lake with a big group of friends. Everyone said it was 120 metres to the bottom so I was a bit afraid because I’m not a strong swimmer. But we were the only people there, so I decided to go into the lake and it was amazing, There were so many fish! I used my special underwater camera and took wonderful pictures of them. ‘The water felt warm ~even in late spring. Sam ‘There were quite a few swimmers at the lake when I was there, but it’s big 300 metres across — so it didn’t matter: And I found I could see really well when I was swimming under the water — it wasn’t dirty, like many lakes. There were lots of fish with bright colours, but [forgot my camera, sadly. I usually take that with me. Anyway, I only swam for about 20 minutes — it was really cold! Ben I couldn't wait to swim in the wonderfull blue water of the lake but it’s a long way to the bottom and not very warm, so it could be dangerous if you can't swim well. But for good swimmers, like me, it's great - and there was almost no one around when I was there. ‘The fish were beautiful too, so I'll take some photos next time! Remember to pack some snacks ~ there isn’t a café there. Practice Test 4, Pape: Example: 0 ‘Who liked the colour of the lake? A Jon B Sam © Ben Answer: at 22 23 24 25 26 27 Who got good photos of the fish swimming in the lake? A don B Sam Cc Ben Who found a lot of people already at the lake on the day he went? A Jon B Sam © Ben Who was surprised that the water in the lake was so clear? A Jon B Sam Cc Ben ‘Who says the lake isn't a good place for some people to swim? A Jon B Sam © Ben ‘Who didn't swim for long because of the temperature of the water? A Jon B Sam Cc Ben Who was worried about going into the water? A Jon B Sam Cc Ben Who tells other swimmers what to take with them? A Jon B Sam © Ben Questions 28 - 35 Read the article about zoos, Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 28 - 35, mark A, B or Con your answer sheet. Going to the zoo ‘The first zoo opened in China nearly a thousand years (0) +. -Ithad many different kinds (28) . birds and unusual fish in it, but only (29) richest people in the country could visit it. The first 200 (80) . anyone could visit opened in France in 1793. It was called “The Plant Garden’. There (31)... wild animals, a museum and beautiful gardens there too, ‘Today, London Zoo has been open for nearly 160 years and more than 15,000 animals (82)... . there. Zoos are important (33) . visitors can see wild animals there, Scientists can study wild animals in z00s too. (34) . work helps us all (35). understand animals and ourselves better. \d Writing (75 Practice Test 4; Paper Example: 0 A ago since before 28 A trom off of 239A any a the 30 A which what who 31 A were was is 32 A living live lives 33 A but or because 34 A His Their Your 35 A as for to Questions 36 - 40 Read the descriptions of some things made of paper. What is the word for each one? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word. For questions 36 — 40, write the words on your answer sheet. Example: 0 You write this to give someone information. Answer: 0 message 36 37 38 39 You cab buy this every day to find out what is happening in the world. You can put a birthday card in this to send it. A book has lots of these in it You usually have to fill this in to get a new job. You might send this to a pen-friend instead of an email. anawriting (7) Practice Test 4; Paper. Questions 41-50 Complete the emails. Write ONE word for each space. For questions 41 ~ 50, write the words on your answer sheet. Example: 0.4 Hi Alicia, Tim working on (0) ..nnmon- NEW project at school. My teacher says tve (41) +o find out as much (42) vw | con about the history (48) recs My town, It sounds interesting, doestt (48) vac onenn? But don't know where (AB) ceux SOPH Con you help me? Hope to hear from you, Eric Hello Erle, ‘ Have you been to (46)... ‘own brary yer? It usually has books on local history. > Also (47). .. don't you try tolking 4o your neighbours? (48) wil certainly: remember 0 (49) vccocnwm OF things about the area (50) ..cnnou You want ‘ond help you -just ask come Alicia Questions 51 - 55 Read the poster and the email. Fill in the information in Charlotte's notes. For questions 51 — 55, write the words on your answer sheet. Hi Charlotte, I’ve got the tickets -there were none for Saturday so we have to go the day before. Use you at the gates - 730, OK? Bring me your ticket money tomorrow. Lucky wete still at college - it costs less! Oh, and I'll get drinks, but we'll need something to sit on - can you bring an old blanket? Don't forget! Kristina SUMMER ROCK CONCERT Staveing the hand ‘Marovian’ ot FAIRHAVEN PARK Friday 25th ond Saturday 26th July 7A5 pm Tickets: adults £15 / students £10 Charlotte’s notes Rock concert Name of band: Marovian Where: 51) a Date: 52. Time to meet Kristina: 53 pin. Give Kristina: 54 €.. Remember to take: 55.

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