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5 Research Based Strategies for

Providing Feedback to Students

By: Eva Burdzinski, Lauren Patrick & Melissa Barrett
Queens ABQ Primary – Spring 2018
Strategy #1: Feedback
Should be Immediate
★ Ex. BackChannel
★ Teachers can assess student responses in real-
time which allows them to provide students
with instant feedback as they are learning
Strategy #2: Give Students Time to Respond
to your Feedback
★ Ex. ‘RAR’ Time (Read and Respond) RAR: Can you
★ Dedicate time, during class, for students explain how you
know insects are
to read your feedback and then respond different from

to your comment mammals?

Strategy #3: Be Specific
★ Ex. Two Stars and a Wish
★ Provide feedback that tells the student
what they did well and what
specifically they need to improve on
Strategy #4: Ensure Feedback is
★ Ex. Steps to Success
★ With the student, the teacher can help to Success!

create clear and specific steps that will lead the

student to successfully attain their learning Step 4 ...

Step 3 ...

Step 2 ...

Step 1 ...
Strategy #5: Encourage Students to Self-Assess
★ Ex. Traffic Lights
★ Have students fill out a traffic light card to self-assess
where they are in their learning
Gathering Evidence of Student Achievement. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2018, from

New Zealand Ministry of Education. (n.d.). Effective feedback. Retrieved from

Reynolds, L. (n.d). 20 Ways to provide effective feedback for learning. Retrieved from

Stenger, M. (2014). 5 Research-based tips for providing students with meaningful feedback.
Retrieved from

Today's Meet. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2018, from

TodaysMeet. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2018, from

Wiggins, G. (2012). Seven keys to effective feedback. Feedback for Learning, 70(1), p.10-16.
Retrieved from

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