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Parker Peltier

MC 3001 Peer Bio

14 January 2018

Mason Ramagos is a 20 year old from the small town of New Roads, Louisiana, but
he has big city dreams. He is mass communication major concentrating in public
relations at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Ramagos’ outgoing personality has already taken him to some pretty amazing
places. Mason joined a student organization in his sophomore year at LSU called the
Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). Within his first year in the
organization he was able to travel to the national conference in Boston,
Massachusetts to represent the LSU chapter of PRSSA. Ramagos understood the
conference began a strong foundation for his professional network and he
appreciated the skills that he gained from the experience. Ramagos gained
experience writing resumes and cover letters, as well as creating a business card
and using an elevator pitch to connect with professionals and members of PRSSA.

Life isn’t all about travel and connections for Ramagos. It is also about discovering
what he loves. He has not wasted any time finding internships and on-campus
experiences that pertain to his prospective field. Including everything from earning
an executive position in his fraternity to declaring a minor.

Ramagos is currently serving as the Public Relations chair of the Alpha Tau Omega
fraternity at LSU. The position has not only provided him with some real world
experience, but it has also taught him about working with and accommodating
people that want different things through compromise.

One of Ramagos’ passions is creativity. He found a great way to connect his two
passions of working with people and creating when he decided to pursue public
relations because he could minor in visual communication as a part of his degree at
LSU. This minor has inspired his future plans to do more creative work in corporate
or entertainment PR.

Looking back on everything, Ramagos understands that he is off to a great start, and
cannot wait to continue building on his professional and educational experiences in
the years to come.

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