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Lesson Plan Template

Suad Taleb- H00283472

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
I need to work on this semester about language development.

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
Practice more about my grammar, by prepare well before starting the lesson that all my sentences it is
correct, and share the sentences with other people who is a higher level in English to make sure that
what I say for children it be correct sentences.

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
When I get my MST and MCT evaluation.

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (MOE code and words):

By the end of the lesson the children will be able to:
KG 2-3 English- reading the story
about the shapes. - To identify and understand the different
- To learn new words about the shapes, and
shapes in the sea.
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

- Sands. - Prepare that all resources and materials are read

for kids to used.
- Sand shapes such as star, rectangle and
another shape. - Prepare the marker for whiteboard and
- Flashcard about the shapes.
- Whiteboard.
Key vocabulary
- Pen or marker for whiteboard.
Shapes, star finish, oval, rectangle, triangle, circle.
- Eliminator shapes that according to the
- Playdough.
Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

- I will welcome the children in the class, and introduce myself.

- I will tell the children that I’m going to explain the story about shapes in the seashore.
And ask children some question such as:
-What do you in the cover page.
-How many shapes do you see?
- can you point and found those shapes in the classroom.
After that, say the name of the story and what it means in the author and illustration for the story.
Then, I start the reading the story and ask question through reading and before moving to next page.
To engage and motive them while they are lesson to the story.
After I finish reading the story I ask them if they like the story or not.
Time: 15 min

And what they learn from this story.

However, I explain to them what they will do in each canter and show them the model of how it will be

the final product in each canter, so it be easy to them to understand what they will start doing.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Name of the activity: Using the flashcard about different shapes to draw the shapes.
It will be in the reading and writing area.

What the teacher does?

- I show to children the material they need to use it in this activity.
- I will explain to children the rules about activity:
The rules are:
-Sharing the materials with your group member.
-Don't through the flashcard to another canter or to your friends.
- If you need any help raise your hand your hand.

- Then, I will explain the activity to them,

each child will have a white board and pen or marker for whiteboard. Then, they
see the different shapes in the flashcards.
Then, say they name of it and try to be drawing the shapes.

What the children do?

-They will listen to my rules.

- follow to the instruction.
- take the marker and whiteboard.
- Say the name of the shapes they have.
- start drawing the different shapes they know.

I will sit with this group, observe children through doing the activity to see if they
understand the concept by asking them some question, and assist them if they need any
Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Activity name: Using the blocks to make different shapes.

It will be in blocks canter.

What the teacher will do?

-I will provide the materials in the table (different bocks have different size and shape)

- I will explain to them what they will do:

they will use the block and start the shapes they know such as: triangle, circle, square, then they will
start doing what they know about the shapes.

What the children will do?

- They see the resources.

- Follow the teacher instruction.

- Using the block that have different size, colour and doing verity shapes they know.

Independent Experience (small group activity 3)

Name of the activity: using the Eliminator paper that have different shapes.

It will be in math canter.

What the teacher will do?

- I show to children the material they need to use it in this activity.

- I will explain to kids what they will do.
- They will take the eliminator paper that include different shapes, and take the
- They will make small circle with play bough and put it in different corner of the shape.
What the children will do?
They will see the resources.
- follow to the instruction.
- take the play bough to make a small circle.
- Say the name of the shapes they have.
- Start making shapes above the eliminator paper.
Evaluate children about their work.
- I will Call all students in circle area.
- I will ask them question about the lesson and activity.
To see how much, they understand the concept.
Such as:
- What you do in each canter?
- What did you feel are you lave those activity?
- What did you learn through this lesson?
- What it is the new things that you learn from the story and the activity.

What children will do?

- Came to circle area.
- listen to my question.
- Answer my question and say their opinion about the lesson.
5 min

- And give their experiences and opinion through listing to the story and doing the different kid

of the activity.


Using Checklist.

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