Jar. We Believe That You Can Help Us in Developing This Product For The Market's Satisfaction

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Good Day,

We are Group 3 in 2AAC’s Marketing subject and we plan to sell Oreo Cheesecake in a
jar. We believe that you can help us in developing this product for the market’s satisfaction.
Here are 12 questions that we request you to answer in order to help us. Don’t worry it will only
take you 2-3 minutes to answer. Thank you very much.

Name(Optional) : _______________________________________________________


1. Cheesecakes must be made with natural ingredients

o Agree
o Not necessary
o Disagree
2. Cheesecake must be healthy and nutritious
o Agree
o Not necessary
o Disagree
3. The cheesecake is for all ages
o Agree
o Not necessary
o Disagree
4. What do you think about the idea of using a jar as its container instead of a plastic one?
o A bright idea!
o Very economical
o Too costly
o Not necessary
o I prefer plastic containers
5. Aside from the typical Blueberry (and other fruits) toppings for cheesecakes, do you
think chocolate bars or cookies can be a good alternative?
o Yes, I would definitely try it!
o No, I prefer the fruits
6. If you selected Yes in item 5, which of the following would you like to add to your
o Snickers
o Reese’s
o Hershey’s
o Oreos
o Toblerone
7. Select the item/s that you want to go along with your Cheesecake
o A spoon/fork
o An excellent packaging design
o A sanitary napkin
o Others, please specify ___________
8. How do you want your Cheesecake made
o Baked
o Non-baked
9. How much sugar content of a cheesecake are you willing to eat?
o 100%
o 50%
o 0%
10. Which among these do you prefer best?
o Sliced Cheesecake in a plastic container
o Sliced Cheesecake in a paper-made container
o Cheesecake in a plastic jar
o Cheesecake in a glass jar


1. Do you think the product name is somewhat catchy?
o Yes
o Not really
2. Where do you buy your favorite Cheesecake?
o Cafe
o Grocery Store
o Homemade
o Others, please specify _____________
3. How much are you willing to pay for one Oreo Cheesecake in a Jar?
o 45 Pesos
o 50 Pesos
o 100 Pesos
o 100 Pesos and above
4. When do you usually eat your Cheesecake?
o Breakfast
o Snacks
o Lunch (as dessert)
o Dinner (as dessert)
o Occasional only
5. Is packaging and design important to you in choosing which product to buy?
o Yes
o Not necessary
6. Do you consider buying a cheesecake from young individuals?
o Yes
o No
7. Is good preparation necessary for you to buy a certain product?
o Yes
o No
8. Is good endorsement important to you in choosing which product to buy?
o Yes
o No


1. Do you like Cheesecake?

o Yes
o No
2. How often do you eat cheesecake?
o Once a month
o Twice a month
o More than twice a month
3. Please choose one answer
o I am willing to buy a homemade cheesecake
o I prefer factory-made cheesecake
o I don’t see the difference between the two
4. Please rate the following:
o Starbucks Coffee

Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor

o Red Ribbon

Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor

o Goldilocks

Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor


5. Do you prefer Cheesecake over other kinds of cake? Why? Why not?
o Yes, because ___________________________________
o No, because ___________________________________
6. Please select one answer only
o I am willing to buy a homemade cheesecake
o I prefer buying branded cheesecake
7. Why do you like eating cheesecake?
o Because of its smooth texture
o Because of its exciting toppings
o Because of its balanced taste

“Ut In Omnibus Glorificetur Deus”

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