An Operator DOEB Service Center BFTS, BFQ, BFBS, BLBPS, Bngbs

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Request, Permit, Approval, Renew delivery

An operator DOEB service center BFTS, BFQ, BFBS, BLBPS, BNGBS

An operator submits a request for a permit
Examine primary document Examine data to process for a
license, a renew of expiration date, an
and record registration . permit license (new operation,
approval for a location such as oil tank farm,
renew expiration date).
service location, gas plant.

Manage documents at the announcement A document by an

of DOEB. operator is

Direct delivery - A document by an

operator is correct.
- Process for a permit
1. The operator makes a fee payment and license.
obtain a permit license at DOEB - Notify the operator
service. Permit license + fee to pay for a fee
2. The operator makes a fee payment at a balance delivery charge at a post
post office and bank as receives a office or DOEB
Receive a notification of the fee payment. permit license with receipt by One- service center.
stop service.

Note: BCA = Bureau of Central Administrative BNGBS = Bureau of Natural Gas Business Safety
BLPBS = Bureau of Liquefied Petroleum Business Safety BFBS = Bureau of Fuel Business Safety
BFQ = Bureau of Fuel Quality BFTS = Bureau of Fuel Trade and Stockpile
Bureau of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Business Safety
Division Mission Period of finished process (days)
1. An approval of the gas station, gas
25 days
filling station, gas filling room.

2. An approval of gas filling pod. 25 days

3. An approval of a gas transport
25 days
4. A request for a gas establishment
25 days
and gas feeding distribution.
5. A request for a reserved gas
25 days
6. A permit for a gas service station,
15 days
gas filling station, gas filling room.

7. A permit for a gas filling field. 25 days

8. A permit for a gas selling store. 25 days

9. A permit for a gas transport
15 days
10. A permit of a warrant for a gas
establishment and gas feeding 15 days
11. A permit for a warrant for a
15 days
reserved gas barn.
Bureau of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Business Safety

Division Mission Period of finished process (days)

12. A renew of a permit license and
its transfer for a gas service station, 15 days
gas filling station, gas filling room.
13. A renew of a permit license for a
gas filling field. 15 days
14. A renew of a permit license and
its transfer for a gas transport
vehicle. 15 days
15. A renew of a permit license for a
gas selling store. 15 days
16. An examination of supervision of
25 days (after the day of
a gas delivery tank, transferred tank
in a period of 5 years
Bureau of Fuel Quality

Division Mission Period of finished process (days)

1. An approval for a fuel does not
6 days
comply with DOEB specification.
2. An approval for an additive
ingredient combining in fuel. 14 days
3. An approval for selling community
biodiesel. -

4. An approval for selling biodiesel. -

5. An approval for a property and
quality of the application of a
lubricant. 14 days
6. A renew for an approval for a
property and quality of the
application of a lubricant. -
Bureau of Fuel Business Safety

Division Mission Period of finished process (days)

1. An approval for a construction plan
Fuel Bank Division
of fuel bank. 32 days
2. A renew of permit license for fuel
bank. 32 days
3. A release of permit license for fuel
bank. 16 days
4. A renew of permit license for a
service station type C of 2. 16 days
5. A renew of permit license for
aircraft service 16 days
Bureau of Fuel Business Safety

Division Mission Period of finished process (days)

1. A renew of permit license for
Reserved Fuel Location
reserved fuel location type 3 15 days
2. An approval for a construction plan
of reserved fuel location type 3. 15 days
3. a permit license for a reserved fuel
location type 3. 15 days

1. An approval of building, modifying,

Fuel service station changing a service station. 25 days
2. An approval of building a service
station. 25 days
3. A renew of permit license for a
service station. 15 days
4. A permit license for a service
station. 15 days
5. A permit license for modifying and
changing a service station. 15 days
6. A transfer of a permit license for a
service station. 15 days
Bureau of Natural Gas Business Safety

Division Mission Period of finished process (days)

1. Applying for a permit license for a
Location possession of hazardous materials 45 days
2. A request for a permit license and
a form for a permission fee. 23 days
3. Applying for a renew of permit
license. 40 days
4. A request for a permission to
renew the documents and a form for
permission fee. 5 days

1. Applying for a permit license for a

service station possession of hazardous materials. 45 days
2. A request for a permission and a
form for permission fee. 22 days
3. Applying for a renew of permit
license. 40 days
4. A request for a permission to
renew the documents and a form for
permission fee. 5 days
Bureau of Natural Gas Business Safety
Division Mission Period of finished process (days)
1. A request for an enrollment of
Development and regulatory designing engineer for a location for
standards natural gas. 30 days
2. A request for a certificate for an
engineer to test and examine a
location for natural gas. 30 days
3. A request for a certificate for an
examiner to examine eletrical system
at a location for natural gas. 30 days
4. A request for a lecturer training at
a location for natural gas. 30 days
5. A request for a worker at natural
gas. 30 days
6. A request for a certificate for an
engineer to test and examine a
natural gas service station. 30 days
7. A request for a certificate for an
examiner to examine eletrical system
at a natural gas service station. 30 days
8. A request for a certificate for a
lecturer training at a natural gas
service station. 30 days
9. A request for a worker at a natural
gas service station. 30 days
Bureau of Business Service and Fuel Stockpile
Division Mission Period of finished process (days)
1. Consider to provide an approval for annual import of
Policy and business standard fuel. 7 days
2. Consider to allow these to process for gas instead 2 days
- A request for identifying mark of a person with
assigning gas.
- A request for a permission/ a renew for expiry date of a
- A request for changing subject/canceling the

Fuel stockpile 1. An approval a location for fuel stockpile by law. 2 days

2. An approval for assigning another related person for
fuel stockpile by law. 2 days
3. A request for an approval of annual quantitative
trade/ A request for an approval of annual changing
- in a quarter 30 days
- in general time 3 days
4. An approval of ingredient of distilling fuel. 3 days
5. An approval of ingredient of a combination from fuel
elements to a ready fuel. 7 days
6. An approval of a storage for fuel stockpile. 3 days
Bureau of Business Service and Fuel Stockpile
Division Mission Period of finished process (days)

Permission 1. Obtaining the registration from oil merchant.

- Export merchant (section 10) (form NP. 102) 2 -4 hours

- Service Station (section 11) (form NP.103)

2. Obtaining it to the notification of oil carrier (section
12) (form NP.108) 2-4 hours

3. The notice of change informed from oil merchant

- Export merchant (section 10) (form NP.107)
- Service Station (section 11) and oil carrier (section 12)
(form NP.109) 4 hours
4. Considering to allow the oil merchant section 7
(form NP.101) 32 days
5. Making a notice of change from oil merchant
section 7 (form NP.107) 4 hours

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