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Resonation Shawl

Approx 6-10 oz of yarn and appropriate sized needles, shawl pictured used 6 oz, 450 yds of DK
weight handspun yarn
6 stitchmarkers, Note: You may wish to use a slightly different marker to denote the center stitch.
circular needles, approx 42-60” long, size needed for gauge
small scale to measure remaining yarn

Gauge varies based on yarn selected:

approx 7(5, 4) sts per inch on size US 4(6, 8) with sock ( DK, worsted ) yarn

k, p, yo
pm – place marker
sm – slip marker
st - stitch
RS – right side
WS – wrong side
k2tog – knit two together
S2KP – slip 2 together, knit next st, pass
slipped stitches over.

Ga rt er Stitch Variation: Knit all stitches in each WS row.

Stockinette Section:
CO 5 sts.
1 (RS): K2, yo, pm (center), k1, yo, pm, k2.
2 (WS): K2, sm, p to 2 sts before end of row, slipping center marker as you go, k2.
3 (RS): K2, *yo, k to marker, yo, sm, k1; repeat from * once more, k1.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 until you have used 30-35% of your yarn, ending after working a RS row with

Copyright 2012 by Dena Stelly
a multiple of 16 - 1 stitches in between yarn overs.
Note: For garter stitch variation, repeat rows 2 and 3 until appropriately 50-60% of your yarn is
used, ending by working a WS row, then continue on to the appropriate row of the border chart
as determined by the following:
For a multiple of 16 stitches -1 (+1, +3, +5, +7, +9, +11, +13, +15) between yo's begin border
chart on row 1 (3, 5, 7, 25, 27, 29, 31, 1). Example: 101 is 96 sts (a mult of 16) + 5 extra, so begin
border chart with row 7. If working with the written directions, you will also need to place two
additional stitchmarkers on the first patterened border row worked.

Transition to Garter Stitch:

4 (WS, row 18 of body chart): K2, sm, k to 1 st
before center marker, p1, sm, k to end of row.
5 (RS): Repeat row 3.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 seven times.
Repeat rows 4 and 5 once more.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 three times.
Repeat rows 4, 5, 2 and 3 once more.
Repeat rows 4 and 5 two more times.
Repeat row 4 once more.
Note: You may add an additional rows in garter stitch at this point before beginning the border if
so desired. You should have approx. 50% of your yarn remaining when beginning the border
section. If working additional garter stitch rows, refer to the note above on where to begin the
border chart.

Feather and Fan Border: (Begin Border Chart)

6 (RS, row 1 border chart): K2, *yo, [(k1, yo) three times, k2tog twice, S2KP, k2tog twice, yo, (k1, yo)
twice] repeat to 1 st before marker, pm, k1, yo, sm, k1; repeat from * once more, k1.
7 (WS): Slipping markers as you go, k to 1 st before center marker, p1, sm, k to end of row.
8 (RS): Slipping additional markers as you go, k2, yo, k to center marker, yo, sm, k1; yo, k to last
marker, yo, sm, k2.
9 (WS): Repeat row 7.
10 (RS, border chart row 5): K2, *yo, k2tog, yo, [(k1, yo) three times, k2tog twice, S2KP, k2tog twice,
yo, (k1, yo) twice] repeat to marker, sm, k1, yo, k2tog, yo, sm, k1; repeat from * once more, k1.

Copyright 2012 by Dena Stelly
11-13: Repeat rows 7-9.
14 (RS, border chart row 7): K2, *yo, S2KP, yo, k1, yo [(k1, yo) three times, k2tog twice, S2KP, k2tog
twice, yo, (k1, yo) twice] repeat to marker, sm, (k1, yo) twice, S2KP, yo, sm, k1; repeat from * once
more, k1.
15-17: Repeat rows 7-9.
18 (RS): K2, *yo, k2tog twice, (k1, yo)twice, [(k1, yo) three times, k2tog twice, S2KP, k2tog twice, yo,
(k1, yo) twice] repeat to marker, sm, (k1, yo) twice, k1, k2tog twice, yo, sm, k1; repeat from * once
more, k1.
19-21: Repeat rows 7-9.
22 (RS): K2, *yo, k2tog three times, yo, (k1, yo)twice, [(k1, yo) three times, k2tog twice, S2KP, k2tog
twice, yo, (k1, yo) twice] repeat to marker, sm, (k1, yo) three times, k2tog three times, yo, sm, k1;
repeat from * once more, k1.
23-25: Repeat rows 7-9.
26 (RS): K2, *yo, k2, k2tog three times, yo, (k1, yo)twice, [(k1, yo) three times, k2tog twice, S2KP,
k2tog twice, yo, (k1, yo) twice] repeat to marker, sm, (k1, yo) three times, k2tog three times, k2, yo,
sm, k1; repeat from * once more, k1.
27-29: Repeat rows 7-9.
30 (RS, border chart row 25): K2, *(yo, k1)twice, k2tog four times, yo, (k1, yo)twice, [(k1, yo) three
times, k2tog twice, S2KP, k2tog twice, yo, (k1, yo) twice] repeat to marker, sm, (k1, yo) three times,
k2tog four times, (k1, yo)twice, sm, k1; repeat from * once more, k1.
31-33: Repeat rows 7-9.
34 (RS, border chart row 29): K2, *yo, (k1, yo)twice, k2tog five times, yo, (k1, yo)twice, [(k1, yo)
three times, k2tog twice, S2KP, k2tog twice, yo, (k1, yo) twice] repeat to marker, sm, (k1, yo) three
times, k2tog five times, (yo, k1)twice, yo, sm, k1; repeat from * once more, k1.
35-37: Repeat rows 7-9.

If desired repeat additional rows of the border beginning with row 6. (Shawl pictured uses an
additional 8 rows of the border pattern.)
Bind off after completing a repeat of row 8 or 9 and weave in ends, using the first end of yarn to
whipstitch the first 5 stitches together.

You may sell finished items from this pattern. Please include a link to on any listings.

Copyright 2012 by Dena Stelly
Body Chart:

Copyright 2012 by Dena Stelly
Border Chart:




Copyright 2012 by Dena Stelly

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