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Winnie Eldama Arobo - Level 3 Award in Education and Training

Task 1

Learning outcome 1: Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in

education and training

U1 AC 1.2 – Summarise key aspects of legislation, regularity requirements and

codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities.


According to Gravells (2014) it is important that you keep up to date with all relevant
legislations that are specific to the area of work that concerns your role.

From my research, I have found the following legislation, regulations and codes of
practice to be applicable my role.

The Medical and Dental Practitioners Act 1998

This is main piece of legislation within Uganda which set the standards and criteria
for all Doctors, Physicians, Nurses and Dental practitioners, this forms the basis of
the code of practice for health carers in Uganda.

The Persons with Disability Act (2006)

This act deals primarily with disable persons accessing education, and has 4 main
aims as below:
• The Right of all children, including those with temporary and permanent needs
for educational adjustments to attend school.
• The Right of all children to attend school in their home communities in inclusive
• The Right of all children to participate in a child-centered education meeting
individual needs.
• The Right of all children to participate in quality education that is meaningful for
each individual

Winnie Eldama Arobo - Level 3 Award in Education and Training

Task 1

Learning outcome 1: Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in

education and training

U1 AC 1.2 – Summarise key aspects of legislation, regularity requirements and

codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities, Continued.

The Food and Drugs Act 1964

This act set the requirements for the administration, supply, and purchase of all
medicinal drugs in Uganda. The act also empowers the Minister of Health to
constitute a Food Hygiene Advisory Committee. The Committee is composed of
technical experts drawn from key stakeholders in the Food Industry. Its mandate is to
advise the Minister to regulate on any matters of food hygiene and safety in Uganda.
This Committee is in place with Director of Health Services as the Chairperson and
the Director National Bureau of Standards as Vice Chairperson.

Children (amendment) Act (2016)

This was designed to protect children. It gives responsibility to Local Authorities to

make enquiries when anyone contacts them with concerns about child abuse.

Access to Information Act (2005)

Gives citizens of Uganda the opportunity to request to see the information public
bodies hold about them.

Data Protection and Privacy Bill (2016)

Made provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to

individuals, including the obtaining, holding, use or disclosure of such information in

Copyright Act (1964) relates to the copying, adapting and distributing of materials,
which includes computer programs and materials found via the internet.

Winnie Eldama Arobo - Level 3 Award in Education and Training

Task 1

Learning outcome 1: Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in

education and training

U1 AC 1.2 – Summarise key aspects of legislation, regularity requirements and

codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities, Continued.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (2006)

This the Ugandan equivalent of the UK Health and Safety Act which imposes
obligations on all staff within an organisation commensurate with their role and
responsibility. It states that risk assessments should be carried out where necessary,
and safe systems of working must be identified and implemented to protect the
safety and health of all workers. In the event of an accident, particularly one resulting
in death or serious injury, an investigation by the Occupational Safety and Health
Commissioner may result in the prosecution.

The act also covers the requirements for the provision of suitable facilities for
administering first aid and the requirements for suitably qualified personnel to
administer first aid.

The following are also covered by the act:

• fire safety
• provision and use of forklift trucks, construction plant and workplace transport
• manual handling of people and loads
• Hazardous chemicals, gases, oils and fuels
• Provision and use of non-powered work equipment
• Occupational hygiene

International Labour Office (ILO)

The International Labour Organization is a United Nations agency dealing with

labour problems, particularly international labour standards, social protection, and
work opportunities for all.

Winnie Eldama Arobo - Level 3 Award in Education and Training

Task 1

Learning outcome 1: Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in

education and training

U1 AC 1.2 – Summarise key aspects of legislation, regularity requirements and

codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities, Continued.

The Uganda Gender Policy (2007)

This is in sorts an equality policy, but only in the concept of equality that in principle ensure
that woman in Uganda have the same rights as and are treated as equals with men.

Codes of practice

The Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Uganda Public Service

As its name suggests, this COP sets the standards for the professional conduct and
ethics of all workers within not just the health care sector but also the police and
other public services.

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