Eden Blue Gold Alfalfa

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Blue Gold Alfalfa

Blue Gold grew Blue Gold reversed Blue Gold produced

Alfalfa with an RFV Hollow Stem 5+ tons per acre on
of 227.2% and Crude Syndrome and yearling hay in a
Protein of 26.3%! grew hay over 2’ tall! drought on dry land!
Alfalfa is a nutrient gatheringwith
its ultra-deep tap roots.
Alfalfa is a nutrient gathering arena. Nutrition cures any in mass until the soil warms trition reverses the attacks We have always been taught to cut the Alfalfa pre-bloom
machine with its ultra-deep and every condition in up, but it is the first mine- when the plant sap is balan- because the protein is the highest and this is correct. What
tap roots. But most peo- any crop when properly ral that the Alfalfa is looking ced at 6.4 resistance (pH). has been failed to understand and explain is that the high
ple do not know that most balanced. Also problema- for very early. That’s why Fall protein content at pre-bloom in mostly un-digestible pro-
of the nutrition is gathered elemental application, and Alfalfa with Hollow Stem Sy- tein. This is why ‘any’ animal will not touch Alfalfa till it
tic is high Magnesium. High foliars are so important. As
from the atmosphere. The ndrome shows a Phosphate blooms about 20% when they have plenty of other forage
Magnesium pushes out Ni- the crop sleeps for the win- to eat. Because the animal knows the post-bloom Alfal-
of Boron deficiency. As Phos-
biggest mistake farmers trogen pound for pound and ter it messages the minerals phate of Boron is the activator fa carries a lower protein content, but the digestible pro-
make with Alfalfa is causes a shutdown in Alfal- for availability. It is looking tein is the highest at this phase of the plant production.
of Calcium. Calcium will not
fa from high/higher Mag- for Phosphate first, Nitrogen
trying to feed it too much move into the plant without
nesium which just escalates second, and very little Potas- Phosphate and the Boron The plant release co-enzymes at the start of bloom as
Potassium. If you look at the problems with Potas- sium third. So, Potassium is activator. Hollow Stem Syn- this is what increases the digestibility of the hay. This is
the stem of Alfalfa and see sium, Phosphate, and Cal- a distant third at 500% less drome is just a lack of pro- why dairy cows eat way more than they should of Alfalfa
little black dots, this is a cium. A good Magnesium than other major elements. per nutrition and a proper because of the lower pre-bloom digestibility. Animals will
pure sign of Potassium Ni- ration is 7 parts Calcium Boron level. It is like rickets eat a third less post-bloom Alfalfa with a high nutrient and
trate excess in the plant sap and 2 parts Magnesium. Foliar nutrient applications to humans. Just a deficiency. lower protein content. Watch the animals and they will
coming from the soil. Alfalfa that work, are the best avai- tell you every time when they are given a choice of fora-
is one crop that gets most To grow abundant Alfalfa lable asset the farmer has in ges to eat in front of them and will go after post-bloom Al-
Never use a chelated solu-
requires two key elements a poor or out of balance soil falfa every time when the RFV is right with the nutrients.
all its Potassium from the tion in western Alfalfa be-
in proper ratios; these two condition that is being re-
air. This Potassium overload cause of the high Calcium
elements will open the built. We do not have the time
will set back the growth to wait for years for the soil to ratios. The Alfalfa will lose
and will push the Calcium doors for all the other ele- its leaves because the chela-
balance so we foliar our way
availability out of the plant. ments to flood in. Available to production success as we te thins the protoplasm that
Phosphate at 750 pounds are rebuilding. Pest always at- holds the leaves to the stalk.
High Potassium will push per acre and available Cal- tacks the first cuttings mostly So chelates on a high car-
available Calcium around. cium at 3,000 pounds per because the phosphate is not bonate soil is a no-no; it will
High Potassium soils will acre. Without these two available in cooler temperatu- shed the leaves, especially
cause high Nitrate in the ce- key available elements, in res so the plant BRIXX levels during harvest. This is where
llulose, which in turn causes proper ratios, growing be- are low along with high salt the Phosphate is so impor-
nitrocellulose or gunpowder comes troublesome. High soils that drive up the plant tant in Western soils. You
Alfalfa because the avai- Potassium soils with little sap pH above 6.4 and ring must have that Phos-Cal-
lable Calcium was pushed Phosphate and pushed out the dinner bell for the pest. cium ratio intact if you will
out. Recommendations of Calcium creates a proble- Early foliar applications that begin to grow high yield
0-0-60 cause catastrophic matic situation whereby the are plant available with phos- Alfalfa in any soils. The real
conditions and pest con- insufficiency to catalyze the phate and micronutrients can potential for Alfalfa when all
trol budgets of $100+ per proper formation of pro- now utilize the pest budget nutrients are dialed in 100%
tein and other metabolites. towards nutrition where it is 20 tons per acre at 28%
acre. The understanding of
Phosphate is a cold tolerant belongs. Pest attack unheal- moisture with a six to six and
forage fertility is basically thy plants period; and nu-
mineral that is not available half month growing season.
appalling in the modern Ag

2 / B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa / 3
dry land Alfalfa: Alva, Oaklahoma LAB RESULTS Oklahoma State University Lab Results on Kirk Brown’s Alfalfa Harvest using Blue Gold

er a c r e o n a n e w ly Oklahoma State
University, after
“5+ ton s p l d !
d d r y l a n d fie completing tests
establish e of the harvest,
agreed that
the harvest
drought. Each year requires
more fertilizer and more pes-
ticides in order to produce
marginal results compared to held a quality
the previous year harvest.
We researched and deve- seldom seen
loped Blue Gold to set the
agricultural industry back on
in the industry.
track. Using this new techno-
logy, one Alfalfa farmer, Kirk
Brown in Alva, Oklahoma, has •• TEST ON 5TH CUTTING ALFALFA
seen some unprecedented re-
sults. His Alfalfa field has un-
•• DRY MATTER 85.1%
dergone the 5-year drought •• MOISTURE 14.9%
condition like everyone else,
and yet instead of the tradi- •• CRUDE PROTEIN 26.3%
Through the decade, on maximizing harvest qua- tional 1-2 ton per acre on dry
DRY LAND Alfalfa: land established fields, he •• ADF 23.4%
industries have risen up on lity and quantity have been
has received the benefit of
ALVA, OAKLAHOMA the pedestal of technology, dismal in fact.
5+ tons per acre on a newly
•• NDF 28.9%
FARMER: KIRK BROWN advancing and maximizing
capabilities and availabili- Farmers in Oklahoma and
established dry land field. •• RFV 227.2%
Kirk has seen more than just
ties. Texas may reap only one
Blue Gold produced 5 cuttings Alfalfa crop and one Ber-
increased quantitative ear- •• TDN 70.7%
in Oklahoma in the middle of nings. He has seen a quality
a drought on dry land Alfalfa.
Today the agricultural muda Grass crop this year. of his crop unlike ever befo- •• NET ENERGY ON 5TH CUTTING ALFALFA
industry has been opera- Compare this to the normal re In fact, Oklahoma State
ting under a technology of three according to Larry University, after completing •• MAINT. (MCAL/lb) 0.75
developed only 60 years Redmon, a forage specialist their tests of the harvest,
ago. However, due to en- at Texas A&M University. He agreed that his harvest held
•• LACT. (MCALB/lb) 0.73
vironmental and entropic commented last year about a quality seldom seen in the •• GAIN. (MCAL/lb) 0.48
side effects, recent reports the continuing plaguing industry.

4 / B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa / 5
OSU Lab results for The OSU tests show unbelievable re-
sults. Kirk used zero pesticides or her-
1st - 5th Alfalfa cuttings: bicides during the growth of this ama-
zing quality crop, while using Blue Gold!

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Due to environmental chemical conditions, the water-holding ca-
pacity of the soil today results in minimal water availability to
crops. By helping this one problem, Eden Solutions has seen
Blue Gold fields produce larger yields, have increased root
depth, and an overall improved harvest quality.



3rd CUTTING 21.5%

4th CUTTING 24.5%
5th CUTTING 26.3%



148.5% 227.2% 171.6%

s iste n t re v ie w o f Blu e GOLD is

The con a s li ttle as
g e is s e e n in
that chan

if n ot w it h in 2 4 h ours!
three days
8 / B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa / 9
This stretch of kansas Alfalfa near the
road was treated with only one application
Increase Your Yields of Blue Gold. it is greener and leafier!

Farmers in Oklahoma and Texas

may reap only one Alfalfa crop
and one Bermuda Grass crop this
year. Compare this to the normal WITHOUT Blue Gold
of three according to Larry
Redmon, a forage specialist at
Texas A&M University.
WITH Blue Gold

Blue Gold was designed to jam the soil through the roots via later on; fall off with pest and resistance (pH) below 6.4 will lock
as many nutrients into the plant electrical stimulation. Simply, it disease pressure, because the out calcium, magnesium, potas-
as possible. We know the ave- makes soil nutrients rush into the soil was mined in a short time sium and available salts. Resistan-
plants via the roots. It mines the of nutrients. This means the soil ce above 6.4 locks out, phosphate,
rage soil is mostly biologically
soil of nutrients very efficient- is beaten up and needs mineral sulfur, silica and all micronutrients.
and nutritionally dead from ex-
ly which is a very good thing as input so you can get those ama- The farther away the plant sap
perience. Many soils are so abu-
long as we are good stewards by zing results; including NO pest resistance slides away from 6.4
sed with tillage of topsoil loss
replinishing nutrients to the soil.or disease as well as increased the greater the lockout of these
and the chemical onslaught.
yeilds continuously. We see, and nutrients and pest and disease
We have seen as much as recieve ourselves, 100% of the pressures rush into the plant. This
All life begins with the soil. is why a working foliar program
Soil is a living organism that 225 pounds of calcium lea- time when the soil is tuned up.
ve the soil into the plants per is so important to high produc-
needs care all year long. Eden’s tion; you get your results back in
Blue Gold solutions are impres- year with five foliar feeds on Plant sap analysis testing along
farm crops. We know people with plant sap resistance (pH) 24 hrs. and make the correction
sively effective through foliar in the plant within 48 hrs to in-
and soil feeding at inducing the with marginal soil health use monitoring tells us exactly what
crease production all the while.
plant to pull up nutrients from Blue Gold solutions and get ex- is available or lacking in the plant
cellent results instantly and then instantly upon testing. A plant sap

10 / B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa / 1 1
Pesticide, Herbicide, Fungicide free Alfalfa
Blue Goldutilizes electrical and mag- soils and correct incorrect polarities ly take it to the plant for immediate
netic interactions through extreme in the soil. When this same power use, via osmosis! With this increa-
micronization to create a ‘bio-sour- effects nutrient inputs combined sed nutrient and water penetration,
ced’ natural wetting agent. We with the wetting agent, enabling up while also correcting many nutrient
have combined herbal powders, ra- to 90% less fertilizer and nutrient lock-up issues in soils, users can
re-earth mineral sources, exotic inputs needed! The solution is a We- often get away with in using as li-
sea plants, clays, and supernatu- tting Agent, and NOP compliant for ttle as 10% of their standard fertili-
ral plant extracts to create Blue Gold. certified organic programs with cer-
zing rates along with the Blue Gold. In
tifier’s approval. It will also increase
We use a Proprietary Low Heat Pro-
some small garden cases depending
the water holding capacity of your
cess that does not degrade enzymes; soil. With Blue Gold, your water will pe- on soil quality and crop type, once
what we like to call ‘Synergist Techno- netrate deeper and wider with the the soil is corrected, no additional
logy’, to convert these bio-nutrients nutrients, than ever before. Most fertilizer is required to maintain
into a revolutionary Saponin product Blue Gold users are able to reduce their plant health and production with re-
for Amazing Results . Additionally, the water consumption by 20-25 percent! plishing soil nutrients via compost
process provides a natural negative and worm castings. Blue Gold is a su-
polarity to the final solution, with the Blue Gold has truly embraced the world pernatural solution. With increased
perfect pH of 6.4, enabling enhanced of sub-particle mathematics and elec- nutrition and hydration availability
surfactant penetrability properties. trical polarity. You have to think of comes: increased drought resistan-
Blue Gold as a super effective natural ce, reduction in pest and disease
Wetting agents are known to make bio-nutrient delivery system. Not only pressure, increased brix, etc throu-
water wetting, and through enhan- is it bio-sourced, but it will bond with
gh nutritionally balanced soils.

correct soil lock up issues

ced water properties can remediate whatever nutrients are mixed with it,
carbon chain and chloride lockup in convert it, correct polarity, and direct-

12 / B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa / 1 3
James Farm in Utah had a 50% larger yield on the 4th cropping of Alfalfa

from 1-2 to 5 tons per acre

his is dry land Alfalfa in
Cherokee, Oklahoma. The field
usually produces 1-2 cuttings
per year. This picture shows his 4th
cutting while using Blue Gold with
enough time for a 5th cutting! In his
best year, the farmer told us he usually
gets 1-2 tons per acre, and this year
his Blue Gold Alfalfa is approaching
5 tons per acre! All of this during
an ongoing drought condition.

This is irrigated round up ready Alfalfa

(lower yields) in Utah on Blue Gold.

14 / B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa / 1 5
lfalfa in Utah on James Farm. Usually this hay produces 1 stalk with no lateral
branching. As you can see, they are very pleased with the additional lateral
branching and leaf sets of the Alfalfa stalks they usually do not get. They
are excited with the quantity and quality of the Blue Gold hay. This hay is over 2'
ch a n
A s needed!ge
tall! Also, their

hay always has
had Hollow Stem
Syndrome; since
the Blue Gold
the stems are

all closing up. GMO Alfalfa (like below) has tendencies to turn
yellow in growth. This comes from high plant
This is a sign
of nutritional sap resistance (pH) that locks out Calcium, very year
value and Magnesium, Potassium, and available salts.
farms and
heavier crop
yields over growers are
previous yields!
having to use more
Look how THICK fertilizer, pesticide,
this hay is. This
produces more tons
fungicide, and
per acre. Alfalfa
lower leaf produc-
herbicide inputs
tion is THICK
on Blue Gold.
with diminishing
results. Every year
is a decrease in
yields and harvest.
This GMO
Blue Gold solutions,
Alfalfa had help you detach
severe ye-
from this vicious
before race to the bottom
Blue Gold. The
farmer said declining cycle
his GMO
Alfalfa never
and achieve
produced like
this, and is
Amazing Results!
ecstatic that
The non yielding GMO Alfalfa produces he is getting
and yields more. The internode spacing such dense
16 / B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa here is not normal with GMO Alfalfa, tall growth. B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa / 1 7

but it is on the Blue Gold program

SUSTAINABLE SOIL: For the last few decades, the cocktails of various chemical plants. Invasive pests do not

Agriculture industry has mar- solutions just to achieve no- have a pancreas and can not
ustainable soil will absorb keted the primary (and often minal results in reducing pest, process sugar, meaning your
well and it will warm up sole) use of three ingredients to weed, and disease pressure. high brix healthy plants are in-
quickly in the Spring. It push fields towards the appea- herently pest resistant. Pests
rance of a quality crop. There The USDA performed a study. will not target a healthy plant,
will not crust after tillage or is no doubt that the combina- Today’s corn is 700% less in but rather the sick plants.
planting. Your soil will soak up tion of NPK, in the beginning, Manganese, 437% less Calcium, They are showing you the
heavy rains and have no standing yielded increase. However, and 56% less Magnesium. The- plants that you should not be
water, with little to no runoff. It the long-term side effects are se are bone-chilling numbers. harvesting and eating! How do
will store moisture for drought beginning to show. Genera- In another study by the USDA, the plants become sick? Sick
periods by absorbing up to lly, the average American NPK since 1975 agriculture has seen depleted soil management
3" of rain in 20 minutes and farmer utilizes 1/3 of his bud- the greatest loss of vitamins practices and minimal pho-
have an abundance of bacteria get for nutritional inputs, and and minerals in fruits and ve- tosynthesis photon exchan-
2/3 of his budget for chemical getables than ever recorded: ge (sugars) to the root zone
and other microbial life. It will solutions to fight pests, disea- • Apples: Vitamin A down 41% to feed the microbial armies
be a suitable environment to ses, and weeds. Something is • Sweet Peppers: Vitamin C down 31% who process the micro/macro
support very high populations wrong when you are having • Watercress: Iron down 88%
soil nutrients to plant availa-
of soil organisms. Your soil will to spend less on nutrition!
• Broccoli: Calcium and Vitamin A down 50%
ble organic mineral sources. If
resist erosion and nutrient loss A historic example has been
it is not a water-soluble orga-
from runoff and will not require Every year requires more
set. The current methods
nic nutrient it is not available
the increase of fertilizer inputs inputs than the year before to the plant; period. It means
are not working for modern
for plant life. It has a rich earthy and the achievement is ever that chemical products high
NPK farming and agrilcultu-
diminishing yields. Each year in salts and chlorides are loc-
smell and produces healthy brings a new army of pest
re and we all must strive to-
king up carbon and nutrients
plants with high brix that are gether to get our soils back
and disease that are resistant and decreasing water uptake.
disease and pest resistant. to their original healthy living
to pesticides and insectici- Solutions that are extremely
state. It’s the only answer.
Most sustainable soil farmers des. New varieties of weeds
Pests are your friends and are
high in pH will kill soil biolo-
produce high production are plaguing fields. Today
the governor of sick vs healthy
gy! Achieving higher yields is
crops with zero NPK inputs. farmers are brewing custom about making better choices!

18 / B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa B lu eG o l d A l fa l fa / 1 9
What you see depends on how you view
the world. To most people, this is just dirt.

To a farmer it is potential. DOE ZANTAMATA

Today, as a modern company Eden Solutions still believes in old fash-
ioned customer service. We are a family-owned business with rev-
olutionary products that save fields and operations. We are results
driven and we treat you exactly the way we would like to be treated.

Our time is yours.

Co n t a c t Us :
1 (877) 732 5360 (ext 103)

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