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Acuña club kickstarts

fishing tournaments ... Page 6A

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Ride for veterans Improving services

coming to Del Rio
By RUBÉN CANTÚ duty — created a chari-
ruben.cantu ty for military veterans
@delrionewsherald.com in Haskell, under Four
Horsemen Ranch.
While deployed in Af- “We just want to help
ghanistan Jeff Silba and military veterans to get
Margaux Gebers came out of the daily routine
up with an idea wanting and do something dif-
to honor and help vet- ferent, help them to stay
erans. They developed busy and away from
a plan, started working things that are bad for
on it, and as soon as them,” said Silba, who
they came back home, was interviewed some
to Ft. Hood, they started 20 miles east of Bracket-
the “Horseback Ride ‘N’ tville.
Ruck March Fund.” Gebers, who started
The ride, roughly the ride with Silba, is
550 miles long, start- now in charge of the lo-
ed in San Antonio and gistics of the trip, provid-
will continue on to El ing hay, electrolytes and
Paso. They will be going water for the horses, as
through Del Rio in the well as food for the men.
next few days. “We had trouble with
Silba originally from one of the horses and we Photo by Karen Gleason
Haskell, Texas, is an had to take him back,” Rocio Willits, left, an ultrasound and echocardiography technologist, and echocardiography technologist Margie Andrade
active U.S. Army, and she said. Without a pose by state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment in the Val Verde Regional Medical Center.
currently in his post-de- horse Silba walked for
ployment 30-day leave.
Silba and Gebers — of
Fairfield, Calif, and
also U.S. Army active
some 50 miles before
getting to Uvalde.

See RIDE Page 3A

Local hospital staff receives certifications
By KAREN GLEASON providing the services, Calderon said the faster, more accurate,
karen.gleason the technical guide- VVRMC has been diagnoses of medical
@delrionewsherald.com lines and the medical working toward the ac- problems from blood
equipment utilized for creditation for months. clots to tumors.
The Val Verde Re- the services in each She said the process to Included in the ac-
gional Medical Center area,” according to a certify the CT began creditation are the
has earned accredita- press statement issued in November 2016, and VVRMC’s CT tech-
tion for three facets by the VVRMC. the process for the ul- nologists: Ana Alicia
of its imaging depart- “Our whole team is trasound began in De- Salinas, RT(R)(CT)
ment: computed tomog- working toward be- cember. (MR)(ARRT); Vickie
raphy (CT), diagnostic ing the hospital our “CT is a necessary Jimenez RT(R)(CT)
ultrasound and echo- community can trust, tool for diagnostic (M)(BD)(ARRT); Vidal
cardiography. and we don’t feel any- imaging, and here at Maldonado, RT(R)
VVRMC officials one in the communi- VVRMC we have the (CT)(ARRT); Clarissa
said the American Col- ty needs to leave here most elite technology Dillard RT(R)(ARRT);
lege of Radiology (ACR) to get health care. We to meet the healthcare Diane Cones RT(R)
Photos by Rubén Cantú awarded the three-year can deliver that health needs of our commu- (ARRT); Gilberto Ro-
Justin Camacho and Jeff Silba are riding along U.S. Highway accreditations for CT care here,” said Pina nity,” Calderon said, driguez RT; Manuel
90, raising funds for military veterans. and ultrasound follow- Calderon, director of noting the VVRMC has Prado RT(R)(ARRT);
ing “an extensive appli- radiology at Val Verde a GE Revolution EVO Mark Reyes RT(R)
cation and review pro- Regional Medical Cen- CT scanner that allows
WEEKLY POLL cess of the personnel ter. detailed imaging for See HOSPITAL, Page 3A


High school receives McTeacher’s Night funds


McDonald’s reward-
ed Del Rio High School
on Friday with a $750
check for participat-
ing in McDonald’s Mc-
Teacher’s Night.
Martha and Frank
Mendoza, who own
the three McDonald’s
in Del Rio, presented
the check to Del Rio
High School Princi-
pal Dr. Jose Perez and
DRHS instructor Ale- Contributed photo
Work through- Going out for Stay home and jandra Torres.
out spring break a few days rest McDonald’s local owner/operators present McTeacher’s Night donation check to Del Rio
Perez said the funds High School. Pictured, from left, are: Manuel Pacheco, Elena Pacheco, Dr. Jose Perez –
will go toward atten- DRHS Principal, Alejandra Torres – DRHS Instructor, Martha Mendoza and Frank Mendoza.
A majority of Del Rioans are planning to spend some time in
town and work throughout the spring break, per the results of dance incentives to
the online poll held by The Del Rio News-Herald during the keep the students in ly beneficial, it also This was the first the event to help raise
week. school. The San Felipe helped the students time the high school money for the school
The poll was active from March 3-10, and open for all visitors Del Rio CISD has em- and teachers commu- participated in the on Thursday. The na-
to the News-Herald website at delrionewsherald.com phasized attendance nicate in a new way. McTeacher’s fund- tionwide event allows
Fifty percent of those voting in the poll said that they will have this year and has en- “We were seen in a raiser. In the past, teachers and admin-
to work through the spring break, while the second option couraged students different light,” Perez elementary teachers istrators to work as
was going out for a few days, which was chosen by 26.9 per-
with incentives in- said. “It’s all about have turned out to temporary McDon-
cent of those voting in the poll.
The third choice “we are going to stay home and rest” was cluding BMX shows, creating a positive help raise funds for ald’s employees in ex-
voted on by 23.1 percent of the voters. pizza parties and mov- culture here at school their schools. change for 20 percent
Thank you for participating and keep on voting. This week we ie matinees. and I think we were About 30 DRHS of the total sales made
would like to know your opinion regarding the Daylight Saving Perez said while the able to accomplish teachers and adminis- during the time they
Time. event was monetari- that.” trators participated in work.


Del Rio
Vol. 87 No. 50
Copyright 2017
SUN. MON. TUE. Ida Nell “Ike” Fonville, 91 Del Rio News-Herald
Glenda Capps Ray, 74 It is time for Spring Break ... Where are you
going and what do you plan to see? Be sure
to look for the Pecos Trail Signs ...
— Texas Pecos Trail Region
68° 51° 77° 59° 78° 58°

Page Two 2A Opinion 4A Acuña 6A Sports 7A & 8A Fun and Games 9A Entertainment 11A Classifieds 11, 14 & 15A

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