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We are Kevin and Amanda Roberts, a blend- purchased the cheapest New King James Bible I

ed family that in God’s timing have been put to- could find, and went home to read the book of
gether beautifully. We John. In that very instant my
have 3 children, Gabriel, life was changed forever! I
7; Keaton, 6; and Naomi, prayed before that “...if you’re
4. Kevin was born to real, God, then open my eyes
Dennis and Penny Rob- to see this truth...” My eyes
erts (also members) and were certainly opened. For the
raised here in Rolla Mis- first time in my life I “felt”
souri. He was brought up love.. in all my brokenness..
in a Christian home with with all my history.. I was
his sister, Kelly, and has loved! I asked Jesus into my
been saved since he was life that night! I told everyone
7. He was involved in a that I knew of my new-found
near-death car accident faith. God has seen me
when he was 17 that put through all the situations I
him in the hospital for have found myself in over the
months and many more past 9 years, and His greatest
in rehab. Through many struggles, he main- blessing has been putting my children and me
tained his faith but rededicated himself to God in into the arms and hearts of the Roberts family!
2016 when he first started attending church here For our first “date” Kevin asked me to help
at First Assembly. him volunteer for the First Assembly Alcoholics
I (Amanda) was born and raised in Oregon Victorious program. We still volunteer here to-
state. My dad moved to Florida when I was 14 gether every week. It is in both our hearts to give
and after 6 months, I followed suit. I have been and serve the people we love. You will find us at
in Missouri for the last 8 years. The only blood many other church functions as well. Outside of
relation I have here is my dad, Dan, and I consid- church, we are both bowlers! (It’s how we first
er his wife, Betty, my mom. I was raised in a sec- met.) We bowl leagues and tournaments all
ular home without much grounding and living on around Missouri. We both love to read. In nice
my own by 17. My dad was saved as an adult weather, you will find all of us going for walks,
and moved from Florida to Missouri. I was living playing at parks and creeks, or any activity out-
a very worldly life, I thought I was a “good” per- side!
son; but what is “good” outside of Christ? My dad Gabriel is our brainiac, Keaton is our sports
started to encourage me to seek God. I wanted fanatic, and Naomi is all sass and imagination!
nothing to do with it. Fast forward to him All of them attend Sunday school and children’s
“encouraging” me enough that I wanted him to church here.
stop talking about it. I went to a local Goodwill; Amanda Roberts
The Biblical account of Noah’s Ark and the flood creatures buried together. They didn’t live together,
which covered the whole world (Genesis 6-9) contin- but they were buried together. Many fossils are ex-
ues to fascinate people. What evidence is there in quisitely preserved, showing catastrophic and rapid
God’s world that confirms this account in God’s destruction and burial. Fossils do not form by slow
Word? There is much, including: and gradual processes. Scavengers, oxygen and bac-
A. Fossils of sea creatures are found in rock lay- teria would destroy them first. However, fossils can
ers covering all the continents and at the top of near- be formed by sediments covering and burying them
ly every mountain range on earth, including the Him- quickly which would have happened during the Flood.
alayas. This makes sense because the flood waters C. There appears to be little or no erosion be-
covered the high mountains. See Genesis 7:19, 20 tween many of the sedimentary rock layers. This is
B. There are huge fossil graveyards around the especially true at the Grand Canyon. If there were
world, many with land-dwelling and sea-dwelling millions of years between deposited rock layers, the
top layer at the time would be subject to erosion.
There would be gullies and an uneven landscape. In-
INTERIM YOUTH PASTOR stead, we often see flat, smooth boundaries, indicat-
ing continuous deposition of sedimentary layers with
Interim Youth Pastor Su- no time for erosion.
san Lawson and her husband D. There are sedimentary rock layers that are
are both originally from Illi- folded or bent without fracturing. Some of these are
nois. They have been mar- in the Grand Canyon area too. This could only happen
ried for 31 years and have 2 if they were folded while still wet. Normally rocks are
grown children Leah and brittle, and break if subject to force. Some geologists
Shane. They currently live in have theorized that it was heat and pressure which
St. James. They have been members of Rolla First folded them; however, the heat and pressure would
Assembly of God for 5 years. have changed them from sedimentary to metamor-
Pastor Susan was saved, baptized and filled with phic rocks. The folded rocks are still sedimentary, so
God’s Holy Spirit at 15. Never underestimate when they had to have been folded at the time just follow-
God will put a call on your life. God called me to be- ing the Flood when they were still pliable.
come a licensed pastor with the Assemblies of God in E. Polystrate Fossils (“Poly” means “many” and
2010. Youth Pastor was the very last area of ministry I strata” are “layers”.) Polystrate fossils are tree fossils
wanted to lead. God had other plans. I have spent the which span many layers of rock strata. This could not
past 10 years serving youth ministry as well as Teen have happened over millions of years, but only if the
Challenge. Overall, I am thrilled that God has allowed layers had been formed over a short time.
me the opportunity to lead Forge Youth Church. I F. Over 250 cultures worldwide have some kind
can’t wait to see God work! of flood legend, many with amazing similarities to the
Biblical account.
G. The Colorado River could not have formed the
Grand Canyon because its headwaters are lower than
the top edge of the Grand Canyon by nearly a mile.
Water flows down, not up. The narrow walls of the
Grand Canyon and the lack of debris or talus at the
bottom of the Canyon indicate that a great amount of
water carved it out in a short time and removed the
debris as well. This could have happened as the
Flood receded, or if a natural dam contained, then
released, a tremendous amount of water following
(Flood continued on page 4)
Tuesday night, April 17, at 6:30 pm, we will be Watoto Children’s Choirs have toured since 1994
hosting an event like you’ve never experienced! Signs as ambas-
& Wonders presented by the Watoto Children’s Choir sadors of
celebrates the joy of salvation. The choir, whose millions of
members are orphans and other vulnerable children, African
present worship music from Watoto Church in Uganda children in
and invite audiences to expect an encounter with God. need of
Through song, dance and stories the children proclaim hope. Their
the good news of the salvation that is available for all. audiences
They share testimonies of how their lives have been come from
changed, and how they have been called into a life of all walks of
purpose to transform their communities. life includ-
ing the

SHINE CONFERENCE Queen of England; President George Bush; the UK,

Australian, Canadian and Scottish parliaments; and
Our annual Shine Conference is coming up May 4! the greater public; warming many hearts wherever
It starts at 6 pm with a special tea party in the gym. they go.
The doors for the concert at 6:30 pm. Our special We are also looking for approximately 10 people
guest this year is Jasmine Murray. who would like to host an adult along with a few of the
Best known for her powerhouse children that night after their performance. Meals will
vocals as a finalist in season be provided by the church, so look in your heart and
eight of “American Idol,” Jasmine see if this is something that the Lord would ask you to
has worked hard to overcome do.
and achieve so much at a young Please contact Beverly Feller (712-326-4530 or
age. Named Miss Mississippi and or Felicia Berry (573-263-1027 or
placing in the top 10 in Miss for information about
America 2015, she paid for col- helping out with this amazing experience!
lege entirely with her contest
earnings. Now she’s inspiring au-
diences with a fresh pop sound
and a profound message of hope as an artist and
songwriter. Now at age 25, Jasmine’s experience con-
tributes to the wisdom and poise she carries.
She’s on a mission, and she’s just getting started.
“I feel like I’m on a journey, and it’s a privilege to be
able to share that with people,” she says. “I know this
is my purpose. I’m where I’m supposed to be. I want to
reach people with the message God’s given me.” To
learn more about Jasmine, visit http://
The theme of this year’s camp meeting is “Singing song on the southern gospel music charts and will
into His Presence”, and we will do just that! God has bless your heart
always used music as a way to lead his people into His with their music.
presence for ministry and strength. Former U.S. Attor- Don’t forget
ney General, U.S. Senator, and Governor of Missouri, about the great
John Ashcroft, will start our meeting on Wednesday food, fun, and
night with a special program he presents on the value fellowship of be-
of singing hymns. Ashcroft is a member of the As- ing together with
semblies of God church. Ashcroft has long enjoyed friends from
inspirational music and singing. He has written and across the South-
recorded a gospel record. With fellow U.S. senators ern Missouri District. We will have the Olympic
Trent Lott, Larry Craig, and Jim Jeffords, Ashcroft events, fishing tournament, and special singing (start
formed a barbershop quartet called The Singing Sena- practicing now). Bring your instruments, fishing poles,
tors who performed at social events. You will be in- hobbies (items to sell are welcome). We will also
spired by his ministry in music and comments. Thurs- have some special speakers for our chapel services,
day night we will feature a bluegrass group, Highway choir singing, giveaways, and most of all some pre-
32, and their testimony and music will have you tap- cious times in God’s presence.
ping your foot and praising God for His power! Friday For more information or to register, call Nancy at
night will feature a great southern gospel group, The 417-881-1316, or go online to https://
Voice of Truth. They have had the number one gospel

PINEWOOD DERBY (Flood continued from page 2)

the Flood. If you go to
Boys and Girls Ministries and type in “Grand Canyon Facts” in the search bar,
will be holding our annual you will be able to access a 4:18 video that explains
Pinewood Derby on Satur- succinctly how the canyon was formed. Other arti-
day, April 28 from 1 – cles in that website go into much more detail.
2:30 pm. We will start H. With the recent (1980) Mount St. Helens vol-
working on making our canic eruption, we see a modern-day example of
cars on Wednesday night, how catastrophe can tremendously alter the geologic
March 14, at 6:30 pm, if landscape in a short period of time. Following the
you would like to join us. eruption, layers formed in a few hours. Two years
We will have tools availa- after the eruption, a mud flow carved out the Little
ble, as well as any other Grand Canyon of the Toutle River, 1/40 the size of
supplies you may need to the Grand Canyon, in ONE DAY. It doesn’t take mil-
build your car, so feel free to join us for the fun. As lions of years for these things to form.
always, on race day we will be offering snacks and I. Why is this important? Observational science
drinks for sale, with all proceeds going towards BGMC. shows us that it does not take millions of years to
Come have a great time and cheer on our racers! create geologic features – many can be formed rap-
(Flood continued on page 6)
On July 1, we will have our annual patriotic cele- We will have a special speaker and the choir will
bration in a combined service at 10:00 am. be presenting a patriotic musical
Each year, we invite everyone, and specifi- celebrating America. It is always a
cally veterans, and city and county officials very special service.
to attend this service. City and county offi- In addition to this presentation, we
cials are offered preferential seating, and all will recognize all veterans, both cur-
veterans will be recognized and receive a rent and retired, with a special col-
small gift. lectable commemorative coin.
We will continue the tradition of handing There will also be a display of mili-
out small flags to attendees to wave tary photographs in the foyer. If you
throughout the service. The congregation is have photos to share of yourself or
encouraged to wear our national colors of red, white family, please drop them by the church office or email
and blue, and our veterans, both current and retired, them to
are encouraged to wear their uniforms if possible. Betty May


Have you ever wanted to raft the Colorado River a leader named Noah at the present day Ark Encoun-
through the Grand Canyon? And better yet, see evi- ter. This DVD includes a strong evangelistic presenta-
dence of Noah’s Flood there? Well, now you can, at tion by Ray Comfort.
least vicariously. On Sunday, April 8, at 6:00 pm, Finally, on Sunday, September 23, at 6:00 pm,
Ralph Flori will share about his nine-day, eight-night the Floris will present “Aliens, UFOs and the Bible” by
187-mile rafting trip on the Colorado River through Gary Bates (65 minutes). Belief in alien life is incredi-
the Grand Canyon in April, 2017, with two dozen other bly popular in our culture. How do we explain the un-
adventurers. The trip was led by Dr. Andrew Snelling, a explainable UFOs? What is the evolutionary connec-
creation geologist from Answers in Genesis and Jon tion to the alien hype? Is there life on other planets,
Albers of Canyon Ministries. In addition to learning or is our earth unique? Gary Bates will shed light on
about the geology of the Genesis Flood, you will enjoy this mysterious topic.
many breath-taking views of the Grand Canyon in less Beverly Flori
accessible side canyons as well as on the main water-
On Sunday, June 10, at 6:00 pm, Ralph and Bev-
erly Flori will present two excellent and enjoyable vide-
os that are shown multiple times daily at the Ark En-
counter in northern Kentucky. The first, “The Noah
Interview” (21 minutes), is an interview with the origi-
nal "Noah" from a cynical reporter of that day. It gives
an abundance of information about the original Ark.
The second, “As In The Days of Noah” (25 minutes), is
an interview from a modern day cynical reporter with
Forge Youth ministry with SMYM will once 2018. The cost of this year’s camp is $157.00. The deadline
again be participating in a week long summer for camp registration is Sunday, May 6, 2018. All paperwork
camp at Cross Pointe Camp on the Lake of the plus fees must be turned in by that time. If your student is
Ozarks. Youth camp will run from June 18-22, interested, please see Pastor Sue Lawson.
If your child is between the ages of 8 and 12 years old,
(Flood continued from page 4) they are invited to have the best week of their summer. Kids
idly in a matter of days, months or years follow- camp is July 23 through July 27 and our
ing catastrophes. The Flood of Noah in which camp theme this year is emoji and titled
water came from the springs of the great deep “Happy Camper”, with our verse for this
(fissures in the earth), as well as the rain, was year being Psalm 16:11, “…You will fill
the worst catastrophe the world has ever seen. me with JOY in your presence.” The cost
It caused massive geologic changes about of Kids’ Camp will be $157, plus an addi-
4500 years ago. There is tremendous evidence tional $5 fee for the nurse if your child
for the Flood of Noah, and once again we see has medications that have to be administered every day.
that God’s world matches what God’s Word Parents can start making payments towards camp any time,
says. The Flood is one of the clearest exam- so see Pastor Brian or Mrs. Beverly for details. We will open
ples in the Bible that God hates sin and judges registration as soon as the material become available to us.
sin, and that He will judge sin and sinners at
His Second Coming. It also shows God’s mercy
and grace to those who will come to Him in the
way He prescribes.
J. Jesus treated the Old Testament as real
history. He believed in the Flood of Noah. See
Matthew 24:37-39. So should we.
Beverly Flori
Russ Miller, The Cost, Creation, Evolution and Science
Mike Riddle, “Creation/Evolution: Does it Matter What
We Believe?” DVD, Answers in Genesis
Andrew A. Snelling, “Geologic Evidences for the Genesis
Flood, Part I: An Overview”, A Pocket Guide to the Global
Flood, Answers in Genesis

Chuck Whitmire

Lead Pastor
Ray Cook
Associate Pastor
Brian Feller
Children’s Pastor
Sam Parker
After School &
Missions Pastor
Sue Lawson
Interim Youth Pastor


Mark Berry Facility Manager
Karen Turner Administrative Assistant
Sandy Schmid Business Administrator
1 Easter Sunday 3 Last Day of KidCare 2 Pastor Chuck on call this weekend
No Evening Service
4 6p Shine Conference 3 6p Greg Mundis speaking
7 Pastor Chuck on call this weekend
8am Servant Saturday 5 Pastor Chuck on call this weekend 6 6:30p SPARK summer program begins

8 Quarterly Week of Prayer begins 6 College Graduate Recognition 7 Royal Rangers district powwow begins
6p Grand Canyon presentation 10 Board Meeting 8 Prayer watch

12 Board Meeting 11 Prayer Watch 9 Pastor Brian on call this weekend

13 6:30p Wild Game Dinner 12 Pastor Brian on call this weekend 10 6p Faith on Film: Noah DVDs

14 Pastor Brian on call this weekend 13 Pastor Ray’s Birthday 14 Board meeting
Girls’ Ministry Spring Tour Mother’s Day ( No Evening Service)
16 Pastor Ray on call this weekend
15 Baptism & Building Fund 16 50+ Camp Meeting
National Youth Day 5p Family Feast 17 Father’s Day
Life Groups Baptism
17 6:30a Men’s Breakfast at Penelope’s No Evening Service
17 7p Watoto Children’s Choir in Concert
19 Pastor Ray on call this weekend 18 Youth Camp begins
18 5p Family Feast 9:30a Ladies’ Brunch
8:30a Phelps County Food Distribution 20 5p Family Feast
19 6:30a Men’s Breakfast at Penelope’s
20 High School Graduates Recognized 21 6:30a Men’s Breakfast at Penelope’s
21 Pastor Ray on call this weekend 6p Life Groups
Pastor Brian’s birthday 23 Pastor Sam on call this weekend
26 Pastor Sam on call this weekend
22 Cradle Roll 24 5p Burgers and Brats at Kokomo Joe’s
27 Combined service (No Evening Service)
28 Pastor Sam on call this weekend
1p Pinewood Derby 28 Church office closed

29 Tween Week Begins


1608 N Oak St
Rolla MO 65401-2342

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