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Acuña club kickstarts

fishing tournaments ... Page 6A

Entrusted by the Queen City of the Rio Grande since 1884

Sunday, March 12, 2017 Home Delivery Price 46¢ | $1.50


Ride for veterans Improving services

coming to Del Rio
By RUBÉN CANTÚ duty — created a chari-
ruben.cantu ty for military veterans in Haskell, under Four
Horsemen Ranch.
While deployed in Af- “We just want to help
ghanistan Jeff Silba and military veterans to get
Margaux Gebers came out of the daily routine
up with an idea wanting and do something dif-
to honor and help vet- ferent, help them to stay
erans. They developed busy and away from
a plan, started working things that are bad for
on it, and as soon as them,” said Silba, who
they came back home, was interviewed some
to Ft. Hood, they started 20 miles east of Bracket-
the “Horseback Ride ‘N’ tville.
Ruck March Fund.” Gebers, who started
The ride, roughly the ride with Silba, is
550 miles long, start- now in charge of the lo-
ed in San Antonio and gistics of the trip, provid-
will continue on to El ing hay, electrolytes and
Paso. They will be going water for the horses, as
through Del Rio in the well as food for the men.
next few days. “We had trouble with
Silba originally from one of the horses and we Photo by Karen Gleason
Haskell, Texas, is an had to take him back,” Rocio Willits, left, an ultrasound and echocardiography technologist, and echocardiography technologist Margie Andrade
active U.S. Army, and she said. Without a pose by state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment in the Val Verde Regional Medical Center.
currently in his post-de- horse Silba walked for
ployment 30-day leave.
Silba and Gebers — of
Fairfield, Calif, and
also U.S. Army active
some 50 miles before
getting to Uvalde.

See RIDE Page 3A

Local hospital staff receives certifications
By KAREN GLEASON providing the services, Calderon said the faster, more accurate,
karen.gleason the technical guide- VVRMC has been diagnoses of medical lines and the medical working toward the ac- problems from blood
equipment utilized for creditation for months. clots to tumors.
The Val Verde Re- the services in each She said the process to Included in the ac-
gional Medical Center area,” according to a certify the CT began creditation are the
has earned accredita- press statement issued in November 2016, and VVRMC’s CT tech-
tion for three facets by the VVRMC. the process for the ul- nologists: Ana Alicia
of its imaging depart- “Our whole team is trasound began in De- Salinas, RT(R)(CT)
ment: computed tomog- working toward be- cember. (MR)(ARRT); Vickie
raphy (CT), diagnostic ing the hospital our “CT is a necessary Jimenez RT(R)(CT)
ultrasound and echo- community can trust, tool for diagnostic (M)(BD)(ARRT); Vidal
cardiography. and we don’t feel any- imaging, and here at Maldonado, RT(R)
VVRMC officials one in the communi- VVRMC we have the (CT)(ARRT); Clarissa
said the American Col- ty needs to leave here most elite technology Dillard RT(R)(ARRT);
lege of Radiology (ACR) to get health care. We to meet the healthcare Diane Cones RT(R)
Photos by Rubén Cantú awarded the three-year can deliver that health needs of our commu- (ARRT); Gilberto Ro-
Justin Camacho and Jeff Silba are riding along U.S. Highway accreditations for CT care here,” said Pina nity,” Calderon said, driguez RT; Manuel
90, raising funds for military veterans. and ultrasound follow- Calderon, director of noting the VVRMC has Prado RT(R)(ARRT);
ing “an extensive appli- radiology at Val Verde a GE Revolution EVO Mark Reyes RT(R)
cation and review pro- Regional Medical Cen- CT scanner that allows
WEEKLY POLL cess of the personnel ter. detailed imaging for See HOSPITAL, Page 3A


High school receives McTeacher’s Night funds


McDonald’s reward-
ed Del Rio High School
on Friday with a $750
check for participat-
ing in McDonald’s Mc-
Teacher’s Night.
Martha and Frank
Mendoza, who own
the three McDonald’s
in Del Rio, presented
the check to Del Rio
High School Princi-
pal Dr. Jose Perez and
DRHS instructor Ale- Contributed photo
Work through- Going out for Stay home and jandra Torres.
out spring break a few days rest McDonald’s local owner/operators present McTeacher’s Night donation check to Del Rio
Perez said the funds High School. Pictured, from left, are: Manuel Pacheco, Elena Pacheco, Dr. Jose Perez –
will go toward atten- DRHS Principal, Alejandra Torres – DRHS Instructor, Martha Mendoza and Frank Mendoza.
A majority of Del Rioans are planning to spend some time in
town and work throughout the spring break, per the results of dance incentives to
the online poll held by The Del Rio News-Herald during the keep the students in ly beneficial, it also This was the first the event to help raise
week. school. The San Felipe helped the students time the high school money for the school
The poll was active from March 3-10, and open for all visitors Del Rio CISD has em- and teachers commu- participated in the on Thursday. The na-
to the News-Herald website at phasized attendance nicate in a new way. McTeacher’s fund- tionwide event allows
Fifty percent of those voting in the poll said that they will have this year and has en- “We were seen in a raiser. In the past, teachers and admin-
to work through the spring break, while the second option couraged students different light,” Perez elementary teachers istrators to work as
was going out for a few days, which was chosen by 26.9 per-
with incentives in- said. “It’s all about have turned out to temporary McDon-
cent of those voting in the poll.
The third choice “we are going to stay home and rest” was cluding BMX shows, creating a positive help raise funds for ald’s employees in ex-
voted on by 23.1 percent of the voters. pizza parties and mov- culture here at school their schools. change for 20 percent
Thank you for participating and keep on voting. This week we ie matinees. and I think we were About 30 DRHS of the total sales made
would like to know your opinion regarding the Daylight Saving Perez said while the able to accomplish teachers and adminis- during the time they
Time. event was monetari- that.” trators participated in work.


Del Rio
Vol. 87 No. 50
Copyright 2017
SUN. MON. TUE. Ida Nell “Ike” Fonville, 91 Del Rio News-Herald
Glenda Capps Ray, 74 It is time for Spring Break ... Where are you
going and what do you plan to see? Be sure
to look for the Pecos Trail Signs ...
— Texas Pecos Trail Region
68° 51° 77° 59° 78° 58°

Page Two 2A Opinion 4A Acuña 6A Sports 7A & 8A Fun and Games 9A Entertainment 11A Classifieds 11, 14 & 15A
Del Rio

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Glenda Capps Ray Ida Nell “Ike” Fonville
Sept. 5, 1942 — March 10, 2017 Dec. 3, 1925 — Feb. 22, 2017
Friday evening jah Ray. Her great “Ike” Fonville, 91, gospel/country on
at about 9:45 pm, grandchildren: passed peacefully Feb the radio in Texas.
Our Team Entrusted by the Queen City of the Rio Grande since 1884
March 10, 2017 in Del Malachi, Isabella, 22, 2017, in Granbury, Ike and Roy spent
Rio, TX, Glenda Ray Isaiah, and Abigail TX. She was born the last 18 years near
Your Team slipped away into Green; Jackson, El- near Beaumont, Dec 3, Lake Amistad, Del
SANDRA CASTILLO the presence liot and Ray- 1925. Ike had 3 Rio where Roy
GENERAL MANAGER/ADVERTISING DIRECTOR of her Lord. lynn Green; brothers; 4 sis- died Mar. 2016.
830-703-3020 G l e n d a Alissia, Ala- ters. She was Their daughter,
was the sev- nah and Adri- married to Roy Jonell Vann,
CLAUDIA DE LEON enth child of an Green and A. Fonville, Jr, passed away
Forrest and Avery Grace 68 years. They Aug 2015. Ike
CLAUDIA.DELEON@DELRIONEWSHERALD.COM Mae Capps of O’Harrow. lived for years and Roy will
Green River Funeral in Cisco, TX, be interred at
MANAGING EDITOR North Car- Service to before retir- Oakwood Cem-
830-775-1551 EXT 282 olina. They were a commemorate her ing and traveling via etery in Cisco, Sat.,
RUBEN.CANTU@DELRIONEWSHERALD.COM farming family who life will be conduct- RV around the US, Mar 18 at 1 pm. Sur-
JOSIE GARCIA sang and were mu- ed at Victory Baptist Canada and Mexico. vivors: brother Ted
CIRCULATION DIRECTOR sically talented at Church in Del Rio, Ike could sew, knit Herrington and wife
830-775-1551 EXT 235
very young ages. Texas on Tuesday, and quilt beautiful- Dolores; 18 nieces and
She is preceded in March 14, 2017, at ly. When young, Ike nephews; many rela-
ALMA NUÑEZ death by her parents 12:30 p.m., with buri- and sisters, The Her- tives and friends who
830-775-1551 EXT 227 as well as broth- al to follow at Sun- rington Trio, sang love and will miss her!
ALMA.NUNEZ@DELRIONEWSHERALD.COM ers Bill and Lonnie set Memorial Oaks
Capps. Cemetery.
MAILROOM MANAGER Glenda met and Funeral arrange-
830-703-3024 married Paul Ray ments with G. W. The Letter to the Editor published Friday,
in 1961. They were Cox Memorial Fu- March 10, titled “Make America godly again”
PETE SALAZAR married 55 years neral Home, of Del was submitted by Marian Casillas, not by Mary
DISTRIBUTION and had 4 children: Rio LTD, 114 Fletch-
830-719-6432 Louise Dickehut.
Cynthia King of Del er Drive, Del Rio,
Rio, Timothy Ray Texas. 78840 Ph:

Today in history
BRIAN ARGABRIGHT and wife Brenda 830.775.2000
830-775-1551 EXT 282 of Hendersonville, To share in Memo-
of Hendersonville, Ray, please visit our THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the “Truman Doc-
PAGINATOR/REPORTER N.C., and Sybilla website at trine” to help Greece
Today is Sunday,
830-775-1551 EXT 300 Baker and husband coxmemorialfuner- and Turkey resist
Shane of San Ange- Communism.
of 2017. There are 294
KAREN GLEASON lo, TX. Including her
REPORTER days left in the year.
children, she is sur-
830-775-1551 EXT 247
vived by her grand- On this date:
children: Matthew, Today’s Highlight In 1857, the original
Paul and Anthony in History: version of Giuseppe
830-775-1551 EXT 300 Green, Zane Ray, On March 12, 1947, Verdi’s opera “Simon
MEGAN.TACKETT@DELRIONEWSHERALD.COM Cameron and Mi- President Harry S. Boccanegra” was poor-
SELENE RODRIGUEZ kayla Baker, Isaac, Truman announced ly received at its pre-
ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Gabriela and Eli- what became known as miere in Venice, Italy.
830-775-1551 EXT 252

830-775-1551 EXT 240
To contribute an item to the meeting place, calendars, send
ASHLEY.LOPEZ@DELRIONEWSHERALD.COM the information (who, what, when, where and contact infor- HEALTH FAIR AND
mation) to Brian Argabright at brian.argabright@delrione-
ONGOING Deadline is 4 p.m. for the next day’s edition
DONATIONS or 9 a.m. Friday for, Sunday and Tuesday editions. Items are Grab lunch at the Fit
830-775-1551 EXT 700
Throughout the month
published on a space available basis. Bar and enjoy booths
of March, Casa de la at the Losano Fitness
ALBERT TREVIÑO held March 16 at the Del BORDER BASS Center from 10:30 to 1:30
CLASSIFIED SPECIALIST Cultura will be holding a Rio Civic Center from 9 BATTLE
830-775-1551 EXT 222 drive benefiting the local p.m. Open to all base
ALBERT.TREVINO@DELRIONEWSHERALD.COM a.m. to 4 p.m. The theme The Del Rio Chamber personnel and families.
crisis center, survivors of of this year’s seminar is of Commerce and Rudy’s
JOHNNY VASQUEZ sexual assault and do- “Women Empowering Country Store and BBQ
830-775-1551 EXT 600 mestic violence. You can Women.” Keynote speak- present the Border Bass MARCH 23
JOHNNY.VASQUEZ@DELRIONEWSHERALD.COM help by donating feminine ers include Lt. Wende O. Battle March 18 at Lake
hygiene products such as Wakeman from the Texas Amistad. Register online
PRODUCTION MANAGER sanitary napkins, tam- Rangers, Deputy Chief at or call
pons, menstrual cups at Gloria Chavez from U.S. 830-775-3551 for more
Casa de la Cultura, 302 Border Patrol, and Dot info. MONTHLY MEETING
Cantu St. from 9 a.m. to 1 High Steed, a life coach The Del Rio Hispan-
Submission Contacts p.m. and 3 through 6 p.m.
For more information call
and business consultant. MARCH 19 ic Chamber of Com-
NEWS TIPS Tickets available at the GOSPEL CONCERT merce will be holding
at (830) 768 2287. Del Rio Chamber of Com- its March monthly End Spring Break on a
SPORTS merce for $10. positive note. New Hope meeting at 7 p.m. at MONDAY Christian Church in coop- the San Felipe Del Rio
SPRING BREAK BOOKS4LUNCH eration with First Baptist CISD administration
RETAIL ADVERTISING Books4Lunch and Spring break at Sul church are proud to pres- building, 315 Griner
Ross State University Rio More will meet Thursday ent a gospel concert fe- St. School superinten-
ANNOUNCEMENTS March 16th, 12:10 pm, at dent Carlos Rios will
Grande College is set turing “The Dunnemans.”
for Mar. 13-17, 2017. No Val Verde County Library Doors open at 5:30 p.m., be the guest speaker.
LETTERS TO EDITOR classes will be held those to discuss the book The event is open
and the concert begins at
dates and the University America’s First Daughter 6:00 p.m. Childcare will to the public. Light
CLASSIFIEDS & LEGALS will be closed Mar. 15-17. by Laura Kamole and be provided and refresh- refreshments will be
RGC will reopen at 8 Stephanie Dray. Every- ments will be served after served.
OBITUARIES a.m. Mon., March 20 and one is welcome! the concert. The event
classes will resume their will be held at First Baptist MARCH 25
regular schedule. FRIDAY Church, 301 Ave G. WOMEN’S
CREEK Casa de
CLEAN-UP MARCH 21 Casa de la Cultu-
la Cultura RETIREMENT ra will be holding an
Texas Mural Bike International Wom-
Parks and SEMINAR
Missed Your Paper? Subscription Rates
Tour will be The seminar Un- en’s Day conference.
Wildlife and held starting a 5:30 p.m. “Adapting to Change
To subscribe or if you have missed Home Delivery: Three Months $30
Casa de la Cultura will be derstanding Teachers
delivery of your paper please call us Six Months $60 - One Year $120 The tour will be offering Retirement Issues will be Through Empower-
by 5PM weekdays and 9:30AM Monthly - $15 holding a creek clean up 12 mural stops with brief ment” will be held at
Sunday at (830) 775-1551 Ext 235 Mail delivery call for prices. at 10 a.m. Meet at Casa held from 5:30 p.m. to 7
history. Meet at Casa de p.m. at Liberty Tax Office, Casa de la Cultura, 10
de la Cultura. Clothes la Cultura, at 302 Cantu a.m. through 3 p.m.
COPYRIGHT 2016: Entire contents of the Del Rio News-Herald are fully
to get in the water, trash 304 Margaret. Teachers’
protected by copyright and cannot be reproduced in any form, for any St. BYOBike. For more retirement, Social Security For more information
purpose without the expressed permission of Southern Newspapers Inc. bags, nets, gloves, etc. information call at (830) call at (830) 768 2287.
are welcome. and income in retirement
(USPS 151700 POSTMASTER) 768 2287. will be addressed. Space
The Del Rio News Herald is published Tuesday through Friday afternoons and
Sunday mornings by Southern Newspapers Inc. at 2205 Bedell Ave, Del Rio,
is limited. Employees MARCH 28
Texas 78840. Mail correspondence to Del Rio News Herald, 2205 Bedell from all area schools RIBBON CUTTING
Ave, Del Rio, Texas 78840. BREAKFAST SEMINAR and districts are invited Scrappy Doodles
POSTMASTER: Send change of address notice to the Del Rio News-Herald, EXCHANGE Texas Rio Grande Le- to attend. Please RSVP will have its ribbon
2205 Bedell Ave, Del Rio, Texas 78840. Periodicals Class postage paid at Del Rio, Texas Chick-fil-A will host a gal Aid, Inc. will be holding at 830-775-4800 ask for cutting at the Chamber
free business-to-business the educational seminar Shaela Zuniga. of Commerce office at
networking event at its “Have an Emergency
4 p.m.
location from 8 a.m. to 9 Plan in Case of Having
a.m. Build relationships to Contact with Immigration” MARCH 22
build business. Compli- at 3 p.m. at Val Verde BLOOD MARCH 30
mentary breakfast will be Community Center, 1690 DRIVE BUSINESS AFTER
DRNewsHerald DRNewsHerald
provided. Open to mem- Cienegas Road. Val Verde HOURS
2205 Bedell Ave • Del Rio, TX 78840 bers and non-members. Regional Del Rio Chamber of
Medical Commerce will host
(830) 775-1551 • Fax (830) 774-2610 SATURDAY Business After Hours
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM THURSDAY Center will host a blood
drive on Wednesday, at Gorzugis, 2101
A proud publication of Southern Newspapers Inc WOMEN’S SEMINAR
March 22, from 10 a.m. Dodson Ave. from 5 The 5th Annual
to 3 p.m., in the hospital p.m. to 7 p.m.
Women’s Seminar will be
SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2017


Family Escapes Injuries National show features local art

Special to the News-Herald
The American Plains
Artists has accepted
artwork by Pam Bunch
owner of Lee-Bunch Stu-
dio Gallery for inclusion
in its 2017 APA “Art of
the Plains” Signature
Show of Small Works
will be held at the Ole’
#1 Firehouse Art Cen-
ter, 118 1/2 W. Main,
Pawhuska, OK, March Contributed photo

24 — May 7, 2017. The Pictured is “The Crossing”

“By Invitation Only” oil painting by Pam Bunch.
Donor’s Meet & Greet, sculpture--depicting the
Opening Reception, American Great Plains
Barbecue, and Western region--its landscape,
Entertainment for this wildlife, people, and
prestigious art show way of life in historical
will be March 24th from or modern times.
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. The Ole’ #1 Firehouse
Fifty-four artworks Art Center in Pawhus-
from twenty-five Signa- ka is open Tuesday
ture artists from across through Saturday, 10
the nation were accept- a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission
ed into this show. Pam’s is Free. For more infor-
painting, an oil, titled mation about Preserv-
“The Crossing” was ing Arts in the Osage
accepted into this pres- (hosting organization)
tigious show. Congratu- or the APA and to see
lations to this fine artist. the show online March
The public is invit- 25 — May 7, please go to
Photo by Rubén Cantú
ed to attend this cele- http://www.artsintheo-
A family traveling from Round Rock to Del Rio for the spring break escaped injuries after suffering an accident Saturday after- bration of “Art of the and www.
noon on U.S. Highway 90 in Kinney County, some two miles west of the Val Verde County line. Plains” featuring realis- americanplainsartists.
Two adults and two children were traveling westbound in a Kia Sorento between Brackettville and Del Rio. The vehicle was tic and representational com Please RSVP for
hauling a travel trailer. The driver said that the vehicle started pulling over to the left, into the oncoming traffic lane, and when artworks by nationally the Opening Reception
he tried to correct he lost control of the vehicle and went off the road and into the ditch. recognized, award-win- and festivities by email-
The travel trailer rested on its right side and lifted the rear axle of the SUV, which nearly made a 180 to end up facing east. The ning artists in tradition- ing Bruce@tallgrassgal-
two minor girls and a couple traveling in the vehicle escaped injuries and did not require medical attention.
al media-painting and

RIDE funds will be directed HOSPITAL

“The accreditation
constant commitment
to providing high-qual-
“We are very proud
of our achievements.
From Page 1A to Semper Fi Fund, From Page 1A assures patients that ity patient care in This accreditation
which is a charity that they are getting the echocardiography. represents the highest
helps veterans of all highest-quality care,” (The accreditation) standards of quality of
Justin Camacho, branches of the mili- (ARRT); Felix Sabro- said Ana Salinas, a CT is comprised of a de- service, equipment and
of San Angelo, joined tary, not only the Ma- so CNMT (CT)(ARRT) and MRI tech at the tailed self-evaluation personnel . . . I have
Silba and Gebers in rines; 20 percent of the BSC RT; and Rick Go- VVRMC. followed by thorough consistently worked
their adventure, and funds will go towards mez RT(R)(ARRT). The VVRMC echo- review by a panel of towards providing the
now rides with Silba the 3rd Cavalry Asso- The accreditation cardiography was ac- medical experts,” the very best services to
along U.S. Highway ciation,” Silba said. also includes the credited by the Inter- VVRMC press release our community. I have
90, following the Low- The 20 percent re- VVRMC’s ultrasound societal Accreditation states. always known our ra-
er Trans Pecos Trail maining will be divid- technologists, Nora Commission (IAC). For patients, Cal- diology department
as close and safely as ed equally among the Carillo R(RT), Lori Her- “This prestigious ac- deron said, the accred- is outstanding. Now
they can. “After do- Valhalla Ranch in Col- nandez R(RT), Vickie creditation awarded to itations mean local we have the backing
ing some research we orado, a safe place for Jimenez RT(R)(CT) the VVRMC Imaging patients can rely on of these national orga-
decided it was the per- post war veterans to (M)(BD), Paola Rangel Department demon- the VVRMC to provide nizations to prove it,”
fect route since we are unwind which is run RDMS and Rocio Wil- strates the facility’s state-of-the-art care. Calderon said.
part of the 3rd of Cav- by Matt and Kristen
alry,” Silba said. Littrell, and Silba and
The route was es- Gebers’ charity Four
tablished by the U.S. Horsemen Ranch.
Army in the 1850s to Silba explained
distribute messages that Four Horsemen
and supplies between Ranch has been help-
San Antonio and El ing military veterans
Paso. since 2015, by arrang-
All three of them ing hunting trips with
spend the night wher- local farmers and
ever they can. They ranchers in the Has-
have stayed in a hotel kell area.
room, under a bridge “We talked to local
and on the side of the farmers and the allow
road, riding for about us to take the veterans
20 miles every day. mostly for hog hunt-
Silba, who just came ing,” he said.
back from his fourth The drive, which
tour of duty to the has raised about $2,500 March 24-April 2: Amusement Carnival (Shelby Park)
Middle East, has been in donations, is active
with the Army for 10 at Go Fund me under March 24: “Abrazo” Ceremony (Int’l Bridge #1, 5:30pm)
years. He has been RideAndRuckFund,
twice to Iraq, once to they also have a pay- March 25: “Flamenco Night” (CC Winn Auditorium, 7pm)
Egypt, and once to pal account at paypal.
Afghanistan. He said me/FourHorsemen- March 26: Amistad Bowling Tournament (Desert Lanes, 1pm)
that the ride is raising Ranch.
funds which will be di- You can follow the March 30-April 1: “Noches Mexicanas”, (Shelby Park)
rected to four different ride on Facebook at
“Sixty percent of the
Horseback Ride ‘N’
Ruck March Fund.
April 1: Parade “Fun at the Circus” (Downtown Eagle Pass, 11am)
Dial (830) 773-3224, for more information.
(This is an event of the Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the City of Eagle Pass,
Eagle Pass Lions Club, EP/PN International Good Neighbor Council, and Eagle Pass Arts Council.)

1800 Thread Count Sheet Sets

LUXURY Do not fade, shrink, wrinkle

“or get little pills or beads”

Choice of 24 Beautiful colors

Twin $30.00
Twin XL $30.00
Photo by Rubén Cantú Full $35.00
Margaux Gebers co-founder of the charity, is now in charge
of the logistics of the ride. Queen $40.00
King $45.00
TUES., MARCH 14TH, 2017 California King $45.00
7am to 6pm Split King $50.00
WEDS., MARCH 15TH, 2017 All Brand New
7am to 2pm All Complete Sets

Located: We also offer: Bamboo Pillows,

Val Verde Regional Blankets, Quilts and More
Medical Center
Call 775-1551 to get your 801 Bedell Avenue
We accept: Cash, Checks, All Major Credit Cards
Del Rio News Herald delivered daily! Del Rio, Texas Proceeds benefit: VVHC Volunteer Projects.
Del Rio

Sunday, March 12, 2017 |


of Floridaman
File this under Only
In Texas.
The other day, on
Interstate 10 on my
way to San Antonio,
I happened to pass a
late model Corvette
convertible with duct
tape and electrician’s Bill Bouldin
tape holding in a sheet
of what appeared to be er quickly locked the
Saran Wrap in place of doors to prevent the
the rear window. candy thief’s escape,
The juxtaposition of whereupon the woman
such an up-scale sports went on a 10-minute
car and such a down- rampage inside the
scale repair amused store. Surveillance
me, and reminded cameras caught her in
me that Florida is not the act of pushing over
alone in the field of display racks, scatter-
remarkable human ing products, smashing
behavior. bottles and ransacking
But Florida surely coolers. To prevent
retains the crown. further damage to the
I am still trying to store, the manager
run down the authen- unlocked the doors and
ticity of a report that the woman escaped on
surfaced late last year foot.
of a Florida man who Without getting into
is said to have died in too much salacious
a meth lab explosion. detail, headlines tell
According to accounts the tale of the further EDITORIAL
— as yet unverified adventures of Florida-
— the explosion was
touched off when the
man and Floridawom-
Energy company boosting regional economy
unfortunate victim SENATE CANDI-
MMEX Resourc- refinery will be locat- state-of-the-art refin- form of the creation
attempted a “Blue DATE TOOK MONEY
es Corp., an energy ed 20 miles northeast ery along the region’s of approximately 400
Angel” exhibition. You FROM WISE GUYS.
company focusing on of Ft. Stockton, near existing railway jobs during the con-
can Google the term for The mobsters were
acquisition, develop- the Sulfur Junction infrastructure, we struction phase, while
yourself, but I can tell careful to abide by
ment and financing spur of the Texas hope to bring a local additional indirect
you it involves passing contribution limits,
of oil, gas, refining Pacifico Railroad, in a and export market for jobs are expected from
gas and a cigarette though.
and infrastructure 250-acre facility. crude oil and refined catering, workforce
lighter. SENIOR
projects in Texas and MMEX’s intention products which will housing, construction,
Never- BUST-
South America, an- is to utilize the ex- add substantial job equipment and other
theless, ED IN
nounced last week its isting railways net- and economic growth industries.
Florid- SHUF-
plans to build a brand work to export diesel, to West Texas.” Once operation-
aman FLE-
new $450 million refin- gasoline, and jet fuels; The construction al, the refinery is
and his
ery in Ft. Stockton. liquefied petroleum of the plant is expect- expected to provide
trusted BOARD
The announcement gas; and crude oil to ed to start by early an estimated of 100
compan- RAGE
of the new energy proj- western Mexico and 2018. MMEX plans to permanent jobs.
ion Florida- INCIDENT.
ect is already creating South America. surround the refinery Headquartered in
woman have been as He was 81, wielded a
buzz among regional “The Permian Basin with an additional Austin, the MMEX
busy as ever in recent shuffleboard cue.
businesses, which is the largest contin- 250 acres of buffer management team
months, and continue COPS: MAN USED
have been has more
activity at their accus- 7-11 COOLER AS RE-
affected than 30
tomed haunts — Wal STROOM.
by fluctu- years
Mart, convenience Says he couldn’t find
ations of of expe-
stores and fast food the urinal.
interna- rience
joints. SUSPECT: I’M NOT
tional oil build-
Back in October, a A PEDOPHILE, I’M
prices and ing and
350-pound Ft. Lauder- JUST A PERVERT.
a general managing
dale man reportedly Apart from that,
downturn gas pro-
bolted from his neigh- claims he was “law
of the oil cessing,
borhood Wal Mart abiding citizen.”
industry. pipelines,
carrying not one, but UBER DRIVER
Once the permits uous oil discovery property and leverage power plants, refinery
two 40-inch flat screen ARRESTED AFTER 5
and financing sides in America and has state-of-the-art emis- and oil and gas opera-
TVs, valued at $298 A.M. CREEP ACT.
of the operation are experienced expo- sions technologies to tions in Peru and the
each which he neglect- Followed female
covered, the plant nential gains in daily minimize the environ- United States.
ed to pay. passengers home.
will have a capacity production volume mental impact. The company’s
His getaway was SIBLINGS BUSTED
of 50,000 barrels per recently. The existing It also expects to management an-
complicated by a FOR ROBBERY OF
day. The refinery will facilities and pipeline feature closed-in nounced that it will
wardrobe malfunction, GIRL SCOUT.
be the first of its kind networks are largely water and air-cooling establish local offices
when his pants fell to Cookie monsters
to be built in over 40 unequipped to handle systems, which will and representatives to
his ankles as he ran stole $200 from 12-year-
years in the U.S. and this growth and are require very little keep the surrounding
through the parking old.
and will be refining limiting where prod- local water resources. communities in-
lot. Police reports say COPS: MAN
the West Texas Perm- ucts can be transport- The refinery is expect- formed throughout the
— and surveillance DRIVES SIX MILES
ian Basin oil. ed,” stated Jack W. ed to start operations construction phase
cameras confirm — he WITH WIFE ATOP
Ft. Stockton is locat- Hanks, President & in 2019. and once the refinery
literally ran out of his CAR.
ed 185 miles northwest CEO of MMEX Re- The good news is fully operational.
pants and left them at Suspect said he
of Del Rio, along U.S. sources Corp. for south and west
the scene. didn’t know she was on
Highway 90 West. The “By building a Texas comes in the
Interestingly the roof.
enough, the abandoned And so it goes in the
pants contained the Sunshine State.
which enabled author- HOLIDAYS THIS
ities to arrest him on WEEK: March 13th
felony charges of grand – Jewel Day. Also
theft in short order. Ear Muff Day. 14th –
But Florida police National Pi Day, 15th
are still searching for – National Everything
a woman who was You Think Is Wrong
observed by a Jackson- Day. Also Dumbstruck
ville convenience store Day, fittingly. Enjoy.
manager of stuffing $11
worth of candy bars in — Bill Bouldin is a
her purse. The manag- local columnist


Donald Trump John Cornyn Ted Cruz Will Hurd Greg Abbott
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. 370 Russell Senate Office Dirksen Senate Office Build- 431 Cannon House Office Bldg P.O. Box 12428
N.W. Washington, D.C., 20500 ing, Suite SDB-40B Washington, DC 20515 Austin, Texas 78711
Washington, D.C., 20500 202-224-2934 Washington, DC 20510 202-225-4511 512-463-2000
202-456-1111 (202) 224-5922 online

LETTERS POLICY limitations, we ask that the writer list no more than 10
names of people and/or organizations.
or Del Rio News-Herald.
n Letters to the Editor; 2205 N. Bedell. Del Rio, Texas
n If it’s sent by email, a hand-drawn signature isn’t
required — no PDFs, please — but the letter must include
n Letters should be no more than 350 words. 78840. the first and last names of the writer and a phone number
The Del Rio News-Herald provides this space for public
n The News Herald does not publish anonymous letters. n Include a telephone number with your letter. as specified above.
discussion of the issues of the day. We encourage spirited
n Letters must include the first and last names of the n The number is NOT published; it is used solely to verify n If you have questions, call Managing Editor Rubén
debate, but we do not allow name-calling or gratuitous
letter writer. identity and to clarify, if necessary. Cantú at (830) 775-1551 ext 282 or send him an email at
Names are verified. n If a hard copy of the letter is sent by mail or brought in
n “Thank you” letters are published but due to space
n Send your letters to person, it should be hand-signed.
Del Rio

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Yes, you can make this the

last March to spring forward
I was heartened this you know folks who
when I read the fol- annoy- live somewhere else
lowing in a Star-Tele- ance in Texas, invite them
gram (Fort Worth) and/or to contact their own
article by Anna M. bur- Representative and
Tinsley: den of Senator. Or you can
“[Rep. Dan] Flynn adjust- Willie Braudaway do like I did. Write
noted that he received ing our every single Repre-
texts, calls and emails clocks every Novem- sentative and Senator
from tens of thou- ber and March? Are yourself and then fol-
sands of Texans about you one of those who low up with emails or
[ending Daylight complain but think phone calls. (Hint: Be
Saving Time]. And in there is nothing you sure to speak serious-
recent weeks, [Rep. can do about it? ly with the legislative
Jason] Isaac said he’s You can! Visit, call, aides – they have the
received more than email, or write Rep. power to influence a
20,000 responses. Poncho Nevarez ask- vote in your favor.)
“’This is one of ing him to vote “Yea” Can you imagine
those things that ev- for HB 2400, the new how good you will feel
eryone has an opin- bill to end DST intro- to be counted among
ion on,’ Flynn, who duced by Rep. Jason those thousands who
signed on as a joint Isaac and cospon- actually spoke up?
author of Isaac’s bill, sored by Rep. Dan This year could be the
Photos submitted by Earleen Jimenez Jalomos
has said. ‘When you Flynn. You can track one that finally lets us
Along with the season came the rain, along with the moisture the Texas Blue Bonnets
have so many people the progress of this live according to our
started coloring the fields in south Texas. These beautiful Texas Blue Bonnets were pho-
tographed growing among the weeds along South US Highway 277 on Eagle Pass Hill, responding, you have bill at https://legis- body clock – all year
across from Nueva Vista Estates. to react.’ around.
“Isaac HB2400/2017. Life Story Question
said he You can of the Week: Has
HEALTH MATTERS doesn’t do more! there ever been an
know if Visit, issue about which

Brain injury awareness

the bill call, you felt passionately
to end email, enough to contact
day- or write someone who could
light-sav- Sen. do something about
March is Traumatic others caregiver can happen ing time Carlos Uresti it? How did that
Brain Injury Aware- know suddenly, without will pass or even asking him to vote work out? (Remem-
ness Month. The how warning. The person reach the House floor “Yea” for SB 238, the ber, write as little or
Center for Disease they with the injury may for consideration this companion bill to end as much as you want
Control (CDC) reports feel. look the same but session. DST introduced by – just write some-
that over 2.5 million Fast think and behave “But he hopes it Sen. Jose Menendez. thing!)
emergency room vis- Facts: Diana del Monaco differently. And when does. You can track the
its, hospitalizations or Men one member of a fam- “’Daylight-saving progress of this bill at — Willie
deaths in the United are ily changes, the entire time has become an Braudaway strives to
States are associated three times more family changes. Pro- annoyance at best and TX/bill/SB238/2017. make life better as a
with traumatic brain likely to die from viding and coordinat- a burden to our state You can do even librarian, genealogist,
injury (TBI). a TBI compared to ing care can be over- at worst,’ Isaac said. more! Urge your and member of vari-
Traumatic brain in- women and the rate is whelming. You should ‘It’s time to let the sun friends, family, and ous community orga-
jury or TBI is caused highest for persons 65 know that there are set on daylight-saving neighbors to do the nizations. Contact
by a bump, blow or years or older. Falls plenty of resources time.’” same. Or start a her at librarywillie@
shock to the head or a in the elderly are the out there to help you. Are you fed up with petition! Oh, and if
penetrating head in- leading cause of TBI You can reach out to
jury that disrupts the and death. Motor your primary doctor
normal function of the vehicle crashes are for help, contact the
brain. TBI are often the leading cause of Brain Injury Associ-
due to falls, uninten- TBI for children and ation National Help
tional injury with an young adults ages 5-24 Line: 1-800-444-6443 or
object, traffic/car ac- and assaults are the by checking out the
cidents, sports-related leading cause for TBI Family Caregiver Al-
injuries, war-related in children ages 0-4. liance website www.
injuries for our re- TBI is a major cause
turning soldiers, and of death and disability matic-brain-injury
physical assaults. The and contributes to 30
severity of a TBI may percent of all injury — Dr. Cardenas
range from “mild” (i.e. deaths. In fact, more del Monaco is a 1994
a brief change than 5 million Del Rio High School
in mental Americans graduate. She attended
status or today nursing school in San
con- are Diego, California and
scious- living earned a Bachelor of
ness) to with Science in Biology in
“se- trau- 2004, a dual Master
vere” (i.e. matic in Public Health and
an extended brain Master in Business Ad-
period of uncon- injury (TBI)-re- ministration in 2008,
sciousness or memory lated disabilities. and a PhD in Epidemi-
loss after the injury). Every day, 138 people ology in 2014.
Most TBIs are mild, in the United States Dr. del Monaco runs
commonly called con- die from brain-related the Clinical Affairs
cussions. injuries. Those who department for a
Physical signs and survive a TBI can face Texas-native neurosur-
symptoms of TBI effects lasting a few gical medical device
include loss of con- days to disabilities company. She has been
sciousness, state of be- that may last the rest published in various
ing dazed, headache, of their lives. Effects peer-reviewed nation-
fuzzy or blurry vision, of TBI can include: al and international
nausea or vomiting, impaired thinking, scientific and health
dizziness, sensitivity memory, movement, journals. She proudly
to light, balance prob- sensation (e.g., vision serves as Captain in
lems, or feeling tired or hearing) and emo- the Texas Medical
or having no energy. tional functioning (e.g. Brigade TXSG.
Some symptoms ap- personality changes, She also enjoys writ-
pear right away, while depression). ing and supports her
others might not be These issues not hometown newspaper
noticed for days or only affect individuals as a local volunteer
months after injury. but can have lasting columnist where she
Children with a brain effects on families and likes to focus on im-
injury can have the communities. When portant public health
same symptoms as a loved one sustains topics that will help her
adults, but it’s often a traumatic brain fellow Del Rioans live
harder for them to let injury, becoming a better, healthier lives.
6A Acuña
Del Rio

Sunday, March 12, 2017 | An in focus page dedicated to covering Acuña

Abre Club Bass Fishing

la temporada de pesca
By GERARDO RODRIGUEZ tercer lugar en categoría
News-Herald adulto; Martin Negrete,
Special Correspondent empata en tercer lugar
en adulto; Santiago Ríos
ACUÑA, México – El González, tercer lugar
Club de Pesca Acuña categoría infantil.
Bass Fishing A.C. cele- Respecto a cómo se
bró el pasado 26 de febre- organizan los eventos,
ro el primer torneo de lo Marentes manifestó
que será un calendario que son por categoría,
lleno de actividades. la libre que es para los
Francisco Javier Mar- adultos y la infantil que
entes Serrano, quien es para todos los niños
recientemente fue menores de 12
nombrado presi- años, estos son
dente de la organi- aceptados siem-
zación, habló so- pre y cuando acu-
bre el torneo que dan con un adulto
fue realizado en y la femenil para
la Presa La Amis- mujeres y niñas. Photo by Gerardo Rodriguez
tad, y sobre las Francisco Hace poco Marco Antonio Esparza obtuvo el primer lugar de la categoría adultos del primer torneo de la temporada de pesca del Club
actividades que se Javier Mar- menos de un mes Bass Fishing de Ciudad Acuña.
desarrollarán a lo entes que Marentes fue
largo de este 2017. designado pres-
De esta forma se idente del Club Bass
abrió la temporada de Fishing A.C., el cual
Bass Fishing Club kickstarts tournament season
torneos de pesca que se dedica a organizar By GERARDO RODRIGUEZ tournament will be on March adults, children are 12 and un-
organiza el club, el cual “torneos de orilla”. News-Herald Special Correspondent 26. der and must be accompanied
tiene programados 10 El dirigente del club Marentes said that during by an adult, and the women’s
eventos durante el año. aprovechó para hac- ACUÑA, Mexico – The the February event winners division encompasses women
El próximo torneo será er extensiva una in- Acuña Bass Fishing Club A.C. were Marco Antonio Esparza, and girls.
el día 26 de marzo. vitación a los residentes held on February 26 the first first place in the adult division; Marentes was named pres-
Marentes informó de Del Río, Texas, y tournament of what will be a Alba Cervantes, first in the ident of the Bass Fishing A.C.
que en el evento real- áreas circunvecinas, no year filled with activity. Fran- women’s division; Eduardo Club a little over a month ago.
izado en febrero los ga- solamente a que asistan cisco Javier Marentes Serra- Rios Gonzalez took first in the The club is dedicated to orga-
nadores fueron Marco a presenciar este tipo de no, who was recently named children’s division, followed nizing “shore tournaments.”
Antonio Esparza, prim- eventos sino también a president of the organization, by Angel de Jesus Santillan; He took the opportunity to ex-
er lugar en la categoría que participen, así tam- talked about the tournament Alonso Crispin and Martin Ne- tend an invitation to the res-
adulto; Alba Cervantes, bién invitó a todos los held at Amistad Lake, and grete tied for third in the adult idents of Del Rio, Texas, and
primer lugar en la cate- residentes de la región about the activities that will division; while Santiago Ríos surrounding areas, not only to
goría femenil; Eduardo como Sabinas, Zarago- take place throughout 2017. González was third in the chil- attend to the events but also to
Ríos González, primer za, Allende, etc. añadi- The club kickstarted the dren’s category. compete in the tournaments.
lugar en categoría in- endo también que ya se fishing season, which has a Regarding the organization He also invited all residents
fantil; Ángel de Jesús ha contado con partici- total of 10 events scheduled of the events, Marentes said from nearby cities such as Sa-
Santillán, segundo lugar pación de pescadores de throughout the year. The next that the open division is for binas, Zaragoza, Allende, etc.
infantil; Alonso Crispín, Saltillo, Coahuila.

Reconoce consulado a pianista mexicana

STAFF REPORT Young talent recognized
La talentosa pianista mexicana Danie- The talented Mexican pianist Danie-
la Liebman participó en el concierto de- la Liebman participated in the concert
nominado “Bond and Beyond”, el cual fue “Bond and Beyond,” which was held in
celebrado en la ciudad de San Ángelo el the city of San Angelo on March 4. Lieb-
pasado 4 de marzo. Liebman y la Orquesta man and the San Angelo Symphony Or-
Sinfónica de San Ángelo, dirigida por el chestra, led by musical director Héctor
Maestro de origen mexicano Héctor Guz- Guzmán, performed at the McNease Con-
mán, se presentaron en el Centro de Con- vention Center.
venciones McNease. The Consul of Mexico in Del Rio, Carlos
El Cónsul de México en Del Rio, Carlos Obrador Garrido, who was visiting the
Obrador Garrido, quien se encontraba de city of San Angelo, presented a plaque to
visita de trabajo por la ciudad de San Ánge- the remarkable artist “for her outstand-
lo, entregó un reconocimiento a la destacada ing artistic talent and to be a worthy am-
pianista “por su talento artístico y ser una bassador of culture and the arts of Mex-
digna embajadora de la Cultura y las Artes ico,” which was very apreciated by the
de México”, el cual fue muy bien recibido musician and by the public.
por la interesada y el público en general.

Health officials to focus in prevention Es prevención el principal objetivo

second time.
“We received in-
developed consisting
of “frequent trainings,
de Jurisdicción Sanitaria en Acuña
Special Correspondent structions from Gov- a concern is to have By GERARDO siste en “ca-
ernor Lic. Ruben the whole population RODRIGUEZ pacitaciones
ACUÑA, Mexico – Moreira for us to get healthy, to eradicate News-Herald frecuentes, una
The Sanitary Jurisdic- close to the people, to diseases and to allow Special Correspondent preocupación es
tion in Ciudad Acuña reduce disease rates, the support of the state tener a toda la
will focus its efforts in all the infectious types government to be re- ACUÑA, México – población sana,
fighting infectious dis- that can cause health flected in the health of La Jurisdicción Sani- erradicar las
eases, as well as reduc- problems from one the community”. taria en Ciudad Acuña enfermedades
ing chronic disease person to another,” Questioned about enfocará sus esfuerzos y bueno que se
rates such as diabetes said Faz Rios. complaints regard- en el combate a las vea en todas es-
and hypertension, “In general, reduce ing the lack of doc- enfermedades infec- tas acciones que
said Dr. Hervey Faz the disease rates includ- tors at the General to-contagiosas, así esta la mano del
Rios, who is holding ing obesity, hyperten- Hospital, especially como en reducir los gobierno estatal
the office as head of sion, among others”. during weekends as índices de enferme- puesta en el sec-
the department for the He said a plan was well as the medica- dades crónicas tales tor salud para
tions shortage, the como diabetes e hip- apoyo de la co-
health official ac- ertensión, así lo man- munidad”.

knowledged that the ifestó el Dr. Hervey Al cues-
problem exists. Faz Ríos, quien por se- tionársele re-
“We are some doc- gunda ocasión asumió specto a las que- Photo by Gerardo Rodriguez
tors short, of course, el cargo al frente de la jas de algunos El doctor Hervey Faz Ríos se encuen-
and there are times dependencia. usuarios del tra al frente de la Jurisdicción Sanitar-
Para Sus Preguntas de Dinero when doctors are “Hay indicaciones Hospital Gen- ia por segunda ocasión.
scarce, the situation del señor Goberna- eral en torno al
• Planificación de Patrimonio • Planes de Retiro:
here is that there are dor Licenciado Rubén faltante de médicos, ta nos hemos visto ya
• Seguro de Vida IRA, ROTH, SEP, Etc. not enough doctors in Moreira, de que este- sobre todo los fines beneficiados porque
• 401k, IRA 403b • Los Fondos de Inversión the city or in the state mos cerca de la gente, de semana, así como hemos realizado una
• Los vuelcos/Transferencias • Planes Personalizados to cover the vacancies. de que disminuyan la escasez de medica- calendarización de
“However we have los índices de enfer- mentos, el funcionario los médicos y hemos
LOS CONCEPTOS DE DINERO CENTRO DE PLANIFICACIÓN FINANCIERA already made a medades, sobre todos reconoció que el prob- tenido fíjate te voy a
schedule for the doc- las de tipo infecto-con- lema existe. decir una cosa, cero
tors and I will say tagiosas que pueden “Fíjate que sí hay quejas ya del hospital,
one thing, we’ve had causar algún proble- faltantes, lógico yo no el cual está funciona-
zero complaints of ma de salud de una te puedo decir que no, ndo normal y hemos
the hospital, which persona a otra”, in- y hay veces que esca- visto un progreso para
Gilbert Mercado is working normal dicó Faz Ríos. sean los médicos, la bien la gente es bue-
RFC, CFS, RTRP, CSA, CBC and we have seen a “En general en todo, situación aquí es que na y quiere trabajar
progress for good, disminuir también el no existe la cantidad y con el apoyo que les
1200 Avenue C, Del Rio, Texas 78840 people is good and índice de obesidad, de suficiente de médicos brindemos yo creo es
Oficina: (830) 775-4800 • Fax (830) 775-4850 • Célula: (830) 719-2587 want to work and hipertensión, entre en la ciudad o en el es- suficiente para que • with the support we otras”. tado como para cubrir ellos desempeñen sus
Todos los Valores a través de Money Concepts Capital Corp., Member FINRA/SIPC provide.” Para esto, dijo, se las necesidades. funciones adecuada-
hizo un plan que con- “Sin embargo ahori- mente”.
Del Rio | Sunday, March 12, 2017


Rams playoff hopes intact

Del Rio beats United, 2-1, in final home match of 2017

It’s going to come

down to the final week
of the season to deter-
mine which four teams
make the playoffs in 29-
Del Rio kept its play-
off hopes alive with a 2-1
win over district-lead-
ing Laredo United Fri-
day night in the Rams’
final home game of the
Laredo LBJ still holds
a three-point lead over
the Rams and the Eagle
Pass Eagles for the final
playoff spot with one
match remaining. Del
Rio and Eagle Pass will
meet Tuesday in Eagle Courtesy photo by Sammy Torres

Pass in the final regu- The Del Rio Rams soccer team gathers for a photo following its final home match Friday night. Behind goals from Tyler Hopkins
lar season match for and Mark Limon, the Rams defeated the Laredo United Longhorns, 2-1.
both teams. The match
is scheduled to begin at later when Leo Lomas Chavez was in the right Fernando Rangel to United assistant was is- but Rodriguez made a
7:30 p.m. took on United’s goalie spot to clear the ball head the ball into the sued a yellow card and diving save to keep the
It was a physical one-on-one and tried to from the near side of the United goal for a 2-0 Del then a red card for argu- Rams in front. It was
game that saw United chip the ball over his goal to keep the Rams in Rio lead. ing after one of his play- the last big challenge he
earn two red cards and head. Lomas’ chip was front at halftime. Del Rio’s defense con- ers was given a yellow would face on the night
three yellow cards and too strong and it cleared Del Rio nearly struck tinued to come up big card for unsportsman- as the clock ticked away
three Rams earn a yel- the goal as well, keeping again off the opening as United tried to climb like conduct. the last few minutes and
low card each. the game scoreless. touch of the second half, back into the game. Al- The Longhorns re- the Rams celebrated the
Del Rio’s defense The game remained but the Rams’ attack berto Martinez, Ramiro grouped and cut into the win.
came up big early and scoreless until Tyler was denied due to an off- Rodriguez and Adrian Rams lead with 11:35 left In other district
often in the first half. Eli Hopkins swooped in side call. Muñiz worked to keep to play as the United at- matches this weekend,
Carranza made a sliding and finished off a Rams The penalty didn’t the heat off goalie Mike tack found the far post Laredo Alexander beat
save on a well-struck attack late in the first slow down the Rams Rodriguez. and the net to make it a Laredo United South,
ball at Del Rio’s goal 15 half to put Del Rio up 1-0. as just a few minutes Meanwhile, the frus- 2-1 game. 2-1; Laredo LBJ beat
minutes into the game. United nearly netted later Del Rio struck for tration United felt in With four minutes left South San, 5-2; and Ea-
The Rams nearly took the equalizer right be- its second goal as Mark being unable to score United seemed to be fo- gle Pass beat Southwest,
the lead three minutes fore halftime, but Eloy Limon used a pass from began to take its toll. A cused on the equalizer, 1-0.

Queens lose lead late to South San
By BRIAN inning. Then, South until the bottom of the
ARGABRIGHT San scored three runs third inning. Brianna
brian.argabright@ and held Del Rio score- Renteria started the at- less the rest of the way bat off with a double to
to hand the Queens a 4-2 left fielder. After Eliza-
One big inning let the loss. beth Rodriguez reached
visiting Lady Bobcats The loss drops Del on an error, and Blan-
escape Del Rio with a Rio to 0-4 in district play ca Bustamante laid
win. and 9-8 overall.
The Queens led 2-1 Del Rio trailed 1-0
until the top of the sixth See LATE, Page 8A

HIGH SCHOOL TRACK “Proud to serve

Queens win relays title in Eagle Pass Del Rio and all
By BRIAN gle Relays. process. surrounding
areas with their
ARGABRIGHT The Queens won the The Rams finished
brian.argabright@ team title, out-pointing third, finishing behind
pet boarding and fellow district teams meet champion Eagle
Laredo Alexander, Ea- Pass and runner-up
Del Rio’s varsity gle Pass, Laredo United
track teams came away South, Laredo United
Laredo United.
grooming needs!”
with a pair of top three and Laredo LBJ in the
finishes at Friday’s Ea- See TRACK, Page 8A
Texas Houseof
House of Representatives

PONCHO Nevárez
Recently the Maverick County, Culberson County, Presidio county and Kinney County delegations visited the
Capitol on their respective county days. It was an honor and privilege for Representative Nevárez to recognize
these unique committees with a resolution read on the floor of the House of Representatives and to host them in

VIP Complete
On these county days the delegations travel to Austin to discuss their area’s legislative priorities with a variety
of state agencies and other legislative office. Representative Nevárez met with each delegation to discuss issues
and strategize on how to address them during the legislative session. Finally, the delegation has an opportunity
to experience the tastes and sites of the city of Austin and tour our beautiful State Capitol. All four counties had

Pet Care
productive visits and Representative Nevàrez and his office staff enjoyed hosting, spending time with, and getting
to know each delegation.
The legislature hit the 60 day mark of the 85th Legislative Session on March 10th, which is the last day that bills can
be filed. Committee hearings are in full swing. Only local bills can be filed after the first 60 days of regular session.
All four committees that Representative Nevárez serves on, the Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee,
the Natural Resources Committee, the Calendars Committee and the General Investigating and Ethics Committee,
all met this week. The committees hear invited testimony from state agencies and listened to summaries of bills.
Usually, a bill is heard in committee and then voted out of committee the next week. Representative Nevàrez chairs
the Democrat Caucus Steering and Policy Committee meeting, which holds weekly meetings to discuss strategy
and the direction of the Democrat Caucus throughout the legislative session. 107 Brian Avenue
Governor Abbott declared the child welfare system as one of four emergency items during his State of the State
address. Legislators from both chambers tackled the issue and unanimously passed bills that addressed the states
broken child welfare system. House members passed House Bill 4 with a vote of 145-0 to allow monthly payments
Del Rio, TX 78840
for relatives caring for children in their families who have been neglected. The House also passed House Bill 5,
which would make the Department of Family and Protective Services a standalone agency. This was a major victory Office: (830) 775-5000
Fax: (830) 775-5004
for Texas children facing abuse and neglect in a broken system that is moving towards the direction of reform.
All constituents are invited to come visit the Capitol. The Capitol office can assist in setting up a tour. Please reach
out to the Capitol office with any concerns or opinions about state legislation, or if we can assist you in any issues
with a state agency. Our phone number is 512-463-0566.
Capitol: P.O. Box 2910 - Austin, Texas 78768-2910 - (512)463-0566 - Fax (512) 463-0220
District: 1815 Williams Street - Eagle Pass, Texas 78852 - (830) 773-0860
Counties: Brewster, Culberson, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Kinney, Loving, Maverick, Pecos, Presidio, Reeves, Terrell & Val Verde
Del Rio

Sunday, March 12, 2017 |


Cowboys add two more defensive players Spurs’ Aldridge out
rival Philadelphia, is
A&M and former high
school player in the
ond-year player with
the New York Giants,
with heart arrhythmia
A person with getting a $10 million, Dallas area, is getting who drafted him. ASSOCIATED PRESS dridge’s ailment shocked
knowledge of the deals three-year contract, a one-year contract. Carroll has eight the team and Popovich.
says the Dallas Cow- the person told The The Cowboys worked interceptions in sev- SAN ANTONIO — “Somebody says a
boys are adding two Associated Press on him out during train- en seasons, including Spurs forward LaMar- heart, you start think-
more defensive play- Friday on condition ing camp last year but three in the 30-year- cus Aldridge will be out ing a little more pos-
ers in free agency in of anonymity because didn’t sign him. old’s three years with indefinitely due to a mi- sible long-term kind
cornerback Nolan Car- the deals haven’t been The 24-year-old the Eagles. nor heart arrhythmia, of stuff, that’s a little
roll and defensive end announced. Moore has 10 sacks — the latest occurrence of scary,” Popovich said.
Damontre Moore. Moore, a 2013 third- in four seasons, in- Schuyler Dixon re- heart issues for the five- “But you don’t go there
Carroll, who comes round pick out of Texas cluding 5½ as a sec- porting from Dallas time All-Star. yet. They’re doing tests.
Coach Gregg Popovich They did some tests to-
said Aldridge informed day and they’re going to
the team “he felt a little
LATE odd” during San Anto-
continue it on Monday.”
Aldridge has had
From Page A7 nio’s 112-102 loss at Okla- heart issues in the past
homa City on Thursday, and was diagnosed with
leading to the diagnosis. Wolff-Parkinson-White
down a sacrifice bunt on an error and later inning and take the action Tuesday when The Spurs are dealing syndrome — an abnor-
to move both run- scored on a Renteria lead. they travel to Laredo with injuries to start- mality that can cause a
ners over, Christiana single. Del Rio was able to to face United South ers Kawhi Leonard and rapid heartbeat — as a
Saenz smashed a dou- The score remained put runners on base at 6 p.m. Tony Parker, but Al- rookie in 2007.
ble to score Renteria 2-1 until the top of in the bottom of the Del Rio’s next home
and tie the game at the sixth. South San sixth and the sev- game will be Thurs-
1-1. used two hits, includ- enth, but the Queens day as they host the
The Queens took ing a single, and took couldn’t get the runs Laredo United Lady
the lead in the bottom
of the fourth as Jas-
advantage of a pair
of Queens errors to
they needed.
The Queens are
Longhorns at 2 p.m.
at the Queens Softball
mine Valdez reached plate three runs in the scheduled to return to Field.
From Page A7

QUEENS the 300-meter hurdles

(47.48), was second in
Del Rio’s squad the 100-meter hurdles
earned first place fin- (16.69), and was third in
ishes in four different the triple jump (33 feet)
events, but the star of and the high jump (5
the meet was Amiah feet).
Parson. Anahi Romo claimed
Parson took first in the Queens’ other first
the 100-meter hurdles place finish, crossing
in 15.12 seconds and the finish line in the
first in the high jump 3,200 meters ahead of
after clearing a height the field in a time of
of 5 feet, 4 inches. She 11:40.29. She was also
also earned a pair of fourth in the 1,600 me-
second place finishes in ters in 5:32.21.
the 300-meter hurdles Priscilla Verastegui
(48.43 seconds) and the earned third place in
triple jump (33 feet, 6 the 800 meters in 2:31.13
inches). and the 1,600 meters in
Parson also picked 5:30.26.
up another second Rivera, Rodriguez,
place finish as part of Valentina De La Cer-
the 1,600-meter relay da and Nataly Gonza-
team. She teamed with lez took third in the
Daniela Rivera, Bailey 800-meter relay in
Barnett and Arianna 1:51.57.
Rodriguez to finish in Gonzalez also took
4:14.82. fifth in the triple jump
Barnett also had a with a leap of 31 feet, 7
strong showing at the inches.
meet. She took first in Rebecca Morales also
earned points as part
of the Queens White
team, taking fifth in the
discus with a throw of
98 feet, 6 inches.

The Rams earned a
pair of first place fin-
ishes among its ath-
Raymon Gonzalez
took first in the 1,600
meters in 4:28.32. He
was also third in the
3,200 meters in 10:00.04.
Jonathan Lowe was
first in the 3,200 meters
in 9:55.43.
Armin Silva was sec-
ond in the 800 meters
in 2:00.57. He was also
sixth in the 400 meters
in 52.68 and joined Or-
lando Venegas, Thom-
as Placido and Brian
Beto in taking sixth in
the 1,600-meter relay in
Ivan Martinez fin-
ished second in the
high jump, clearing a
height of six feet.
The team of Isaac
Orozco, Jacob Kea-
ton, Beto and Ronaldo
Bailey was third in
the 800-meter relay in
Max Smith was
fourth in the 1,600 me-
ters in 4:33.79.
Victor Valdez was
fifth in the 100 meters
in 11.11 seconds.
Corey Pottard took
fifth in the 200 meters
in 23.32 seconds.
The team of Jose Al-
bert Vasquez, Aaron
Felix, Beto and Bailey
was fifth in the 400-me-
ter relay in 43.66 sec-
Sam Pippen was
sixth in the 300-meter
hurdles in 42.17.
Del Rio

Sunday, March 12, 2017

PEACHY Los Angeles Times

By C.C. Burnikel
LOS ANGELES Crossword Puzzle
ACROSSPEACHY Los Angeles Times
1 Baloney By C.C. Burnikel
64 Don Juan
65 Bairns
1 Flix alternative
64 Closer to being
raw PUZZLE Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
6 Novelist Evelyn 66 MLBer with 696 2 Sideline shouts 66 “Same for me” Sunday
11 “The Sound ofACROSS home runs 64 Don Juan 3 Post-examDOWN 67 Game64 Closer
inside a to being
1 Baloney 65 Bairns 1 Flix alternative raw Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
Music” high6 points 68
Novelist Evelyn
Subtleties66 MLBer with 696
exultation 2 Sideline shouts
Narragansett beer
66 “Same for me”
15 Risk being11burned, 71
“The Sound of Unbelievable one
home runs 4 First African-
3 Post-exam bottle cap
67 Game inside a
in a way Music” high72points
Like some 68 spore
Subtleties American Bestexultation 69 “Rabbit” series Narragansett beer
19 Impressive15 Risk being burned, reproduction
71 Unbelievable one Actor 4 First African- author bottle cap
dwelling in a way 75 Worms, 72 Like some spore
to robins 5 Ocean birdAmerican Best 70 Starbuck,69 “Rabbit”
for one series
reproduction Actor author
20 Press the19 Impressive
76 Deep pit75 Worms, to robins
6 Baby monitor alert
5 Ocean bird
72 Conspire with
70 Starbuck, for one
21 One with 20 kidsPress the 79
pointSoup for76 toddlers?
Deep pit 6 Baby monitor73
7 Folksy Guthrie “Got it!”
alert 72 Conspire with
22 One-eyed21Norse 81 Marshland
One with kids 8 Hard on 7theFolksy
79 Soup for toddlers? eyes Guthrie74 Demonstratively
73 “Got it!”
deity 22 One-eyed 82 NorseDraws off,81as Marshland 9 “Seems 8to Hard be theon the eyesromantic 74 Demonstratively
23 Large retailer’sdeity 82 Draws off, as case” 9 “Seems to be77theRodeo mount
maple syrup romantic
23 Large retailer’s maple syrup case” 77 Rodeo mount
overexpansion, 86 Outback86
native 10 __ Majesty
Outback native 10 __ Majesty
78 “__ out!”78 “__ out!”
perhaps? perhaps? 87 To have,87to To have, to11
Henri Ottoman
Henri 11honorific 80 Blue state?
Ottoman honorific 80 Blue state?
25 Georgetown 25 Georgetown 88 Grace starter
88 Grace starter 12 Not all there 81 Maker81
12 Not all there of fancy
Maker of fancy
hoopster hoopster 90 Its PAC 90 is the
Its PAC is the 13 Cable option notebooksnotebooks
13 Cable option
26 Sign word26evoking
Sign word evoking Political Victory
Political Victory 14 Visit overnight
14 Visit overnight 83all“I’llthe
83 “I’ll take take
helpall the help
days of yore Fund Fund 15 [“That stinks!”] I can get”I can get”
days of yore27 Watch kids
15 [“That stinks!”]
91 Campbell-Martin of 16 Go off-line? 84 Urge
27 Watch kids 28 Is too sweet91 Campbell-Martin of 16 Go off-line?
“Martin” 17 Move crab-style 84 Urge 85 Right in the head
28 Is too sweet29 Welcome summer “Martin” 94 “A mouse!” 17 Move crab-style 18 Helped a tot 85 tie aRight in
89theBighead bore
29 Welcome summer cold snap?94 “A mouse!” 95 Hawk’s claw18 Helped a tot tie a say89 Big bore
shoelace, 92 Gets tough
cold snap?31 In __ of 95 Hawk’s claw 97 Synthetic silk shoelace, 24 say
Single-serving 93 “Never Wave at
92 Gets tough
On the road24 Single-serving coffee choice93 “Never Wave __”: Rosalind
31 In __ of 33 Terrier of old
97 Synthetic
101 Holiday pantomime 29 Bit of a belly laugh
Russell movie
old “Oh, sure!”99 On the roadgame?
33 Terrier of 35 coffee choice
30 Atkins of country __”: Rosalind
95 Screening org.
mysteries36 Measure101 Holiday104
of stress Colombian 29
pantomime Bit of a32
export belly laugh
Time Russell96movie
line divisions To blame
35 “Oh, sure!” inflicted by a game? 108 Blockheads30 Atkins of Winery cask 95 Screening
34country org. woman?
98 Spider
crowd’s roar?
36 Measure of stress 104 Colombian 109 export
“My stars!” 32 Time line 36 divisions
Ground-up bait 96 To blame100 “Java” trumpeter
110 Necklace for34a Winery 37 Fanfare and 98 thenSpider 102woman?
“__ b?”: “Which is
inflicted by41a GPS displays
108 Blockheads
42 Monster slain by macho heartthrob?
some it?”
crowd’s roar?Hercules109 “My stars!” 112 Curly-tailed dog36 Ground-up bait
38 Come again 100 “Java” trumpeter
103 Pick up
41 GPS displays 110 Necklace
43 Printer brand 115forMinuteClinic
a 37 Fanfare39and “Julie 102 “__ b?”:
then& Julia” 104“Which
Name on is Re-Nutriv
42 Monster slainownedby by Seiko macho heartthrob?
operator some director it?” products
Hercules 44 Black Friday 112 mo. 117 Ceramic
Curly-tailed dog piece
38 Come again 40 Major course 103 Pick 105up Site of the Cave of
46 Autocrats until
115 118
MinuteClinic “Terrible” Russian
39 “Julie & 45 Ref. for 104 Name on Zeus,
Julia” Re-Nutriv in myth:
43 Printer brand1917 ruler wordsmiths Abbr.
owned by50 Seiko operator119 Little bird wielding
News-selling org. director47 Where to find fans products
106 Calculus pioneer
44 Black Friday Resort in117
51 mo. the Ceramic piece an ax? 40 Major course
48 Stairway piece 105 Site of 107theGlide
46 Autocrats untilCaucasian 118Riviera
122Russian 45 Ref. for49 They’re unlikely to
Genesis setting Zeus,111in myth:
Calls off
1917 53 Stout holder ruler 123 Like Gen. Shinseki, wordsmithspass the bar Abbr.113 “... __ a puddy
55 Copacabana former Secretary
47 Whereof 52 Slugger
to find fans Mel106 Calculus tat!”
50 News-selling org. 119 Little bird wielding Veterans Affairs 53 Fresh 114 Merged news
beach locale
51 Resort in 56the Dole (out) an ax? 124 Forearm bones 48 Stairway Spokane-to-107 Glide on blades
54piece agency
Sour 122 Genesis125 Well-timed 49 They’re unlikely
setting to dir.
Edmonton 111 Calls116 off Move quickly, as
53 Stout holder 123forLike Gen.
59 Storage unit 126Shinseki, pass the57bar
Pair near your hair 113 “... __ a puddy
Modeling adhesive clouds
55 Copacabana spray bottles, former 127 52 Slugger59MelLost cause
Secretary tat!” 119 “Breaking Bad”
Frets 53 Fresh 60 Goofy collectibles? baddie Fring
beach locale trowels, etc.? Veterans 129 Requiring a lot of 61 Lift
114 Merged news
120 Nonpro?
62 __-Canada: Esso
56 Dole (out) competitor 124 Forearm bones attention 54 Spokane-to-
63 Cabinet dept. agency121 Very important
58 Sour 125 Well-timed Edmonton dir. 116 Move quickly, as
59 Storage unit for 126 Pair near your hair 57 Modeling adhesive clouds
spray bottles, 127 Sailing ropes 59 Lost cause 119 “Breaking Bad”
trowels, etc.? 128 Frets 60 Goofy collectibles? baddie Fring DRS. OZ AND ROIZEN TIPS-OF-THE-WEEK
62 __-Canada: Esso 129 Requiring a lot of 61 Lift 120 Nonpro?
competitorBY STEVEattention BECKER 63 Cabinet dept. 121 Very important Time for an email that people who lim- heaviest president
detox ited their email time ever, weighing in
In the 2008 film “The reduced their stress at 340 pounds. But
Devil Wears Prada,” level; ended up in a he’s also recognized
Andy Sachs (Anne better mood; improved for something more
Hathaway) is the sleep quality; felt more positive: He’s the only
epitome of a stressed- (not less) socially president who went on
out employee at the connected; and, in an to become a Supreme
never-ending beck and unexpected twist, had Court justice. Taft’s
call of her ultra-de- higher self-perceived biggest achievement,
manding boss (Meryl productivity. however, may have
Streep), the editor of So try to cut back on been his impressive
a high-fashion maga- your email obsession. weight loss. Between
zine. At the end of the Give it a week and his one-term presi-
movie, as Andy quits see if you feel more dency and taking his
her job, she sends her relaxed and get more seat on the SCOTUS,
phone sailing into a done. he lost 70 pounds, and
fountain. Free at last! 1. Check email after kept it off for the next
We bet you, too, 6 p.m. as infrequently 18 years! How’d he
know the feeling of as possible. do it? With effective
being tethered to your 2. Set a limit on lifestyle changes: He
work morning, noon how many times a eliminated red meats,
and night. That’s day you check work bread, potatoes, alco-
because work-relat- email: first thing in hol and tobacco.
ed emails come in at the morning, once Unfortunately, be-
all hours -- on your midmorning, once at fore his death in 1930
phone, your tablet, lunch, once midafter- at age 72 he suffered
your laptop! noon and once before two heart attacks. At
Interestingly, the you go home. almost 6 feet tall and
French government 3. End of the day: 270 pounds, he was
recently determined Answer all the emails still obese.
that the 24/7 work- you need to, then turn
place is unfair to em- off your notifications.
ployees. It’s now the
law there that employ- High-fat diet is
ees cannot be expected presidentially and
to answer emails out- supremely bad for
side of business hours. your heart
We say, smart move! William Howard
One study published Taft was elected
in Computers and Hu- America’s 27th presi-
man Behavior found dent in 1908, and he’s
known for being the




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SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2017

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY attention, you’ll get every around today like some you
(MAR. 12). It’s a solar year social cue. You’re good this know. When a person likes
of greater options. You’ll way. you, you figure it out fast.
thrive where influences are GEMINI (May 21-June You’ll manage the attention
varied and vibrant. This is 21). You’ve learned a lot, well, too!
the happy month for wrap- and you’re still learning. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.
ping up projects and getting So what if you have a long 23). Adaptability is one of
paid. You’ll start anew in way to go? As with all far-off your strong suits, but be
April. Dabble first; not ev- destinations, you’ll cover careful with your bendy
erything should be pursued many, many lands between ways. Maybe your way
to its conclusion. Research here and there. really is best for all. If you
and learn this summer. CANCER (June 22-July believe this, you’d be doing
You’ll make an inspired 22). You’ll be wrestling the others a disservice
financial move in July. Can- questions about exactly by depriving them of your
cer and Leo adore you. Your what and how much you strong stance.
lucky numbers are: 9, 40, should create, endeavor SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
22, 28 and 46. and endure for the team. 21). Power can present
ARIES (March 21-April And though you’re not a itself in numerous guises,
19). You’ll feel as if you’re selfish person, being clear most notably in a gracious,
the judge in court with about what’s in it for you will soft-spoken voice. This is
feuding parties trying to help to guide your deci- the strongest way power will
convince you of their cor- sions. show up today; its requests
rectness and the other’s LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). and warnings are best
wrongdoing. If you can The down time isn’t really heeded.
avoid issuing a decision, it’s leisure as far as you’re con- SAGITTARIUS (Nov.
advised. Your best role will cerned. You’re using it to set 22-Dec. 21). If you dare to
be neutrality or absence. yourself up for a successful follow a different road, it will
TAURUS (April 20-May week. You’ll do less than take a great deal of cour-
20). You felt free before you you had planned but more age, trust and a willingness
knew there are unspoken than you’ve done before, so to be different. But it will still
rules governing this place. give yourself props! be easier to do this than to
You’ll look around and won- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. try to turn an old situation in
der what you shouldn’t say. 22). You’re not oblivious to a new direction.
As long as you’re paying the vibes that are zinging CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-
Jan. 19). When is the right
time to be assertive? There
may be no perfect moment
to request the thing that’s
going to make the situation
better for you, but the longer
you think about it without
saying it the more awkward
it will get.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-
Feb. 18). You love human-
ity, and right now you are
likelier to become interested
in a whole series of people
for platonic and intellectual
reasons than you are to
settle in easily with just one
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). When you delve deeply
into a hobby and take steps
to move to the next level of
proficiency, this may cost
you. However, ultimately
your relationship with mon-
ey, work and/or your body
will improve as a result.

HINTS BY garage? Check the floor often to look for HELOISE HINT: Do you get stressed Don’t let your anger grow and turn into
drips of oil or antifreeze/coolant. Clean while driving in heavy traffic? Car safety road rage, which can be deadly.
HELOISE them up ASAP. They can be dangerous to experts say to try to chill by taking a few
Send your hints or questions to HELOISE@
pets and children. deep breaths or turning up your music.
HELOISE HINT: Park your car in the

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ald begin here!!! Free Estimates Call for a Free begin here!!! Salinas Designs by Call Patty at 830- Classifieds
830-775-1551 (830)775-1551 830-719-8718 Quote 830-765-5657 (830)775-1551 Cruz 775-1551 (830) 775-1551

711 Kings Way Del Rio, Texas 78840

Telephone (830) 774-0698 FAX (830) 774-0959

A life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

This has been the founding principle of
La Vida Serena Nursing and Rehabilitation since its inception,
and has made us an outstanding provider
of skilled care services in Del Rio and the surrounding area.
We believe that caring for the elderly is our highest honor.
Rehab-to-Home : Respite : Hospice & Palliative Care : Long Term Care
24/7 Skilled Nursing : Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy
IV Therapy : Trach Care : Wound Care
Daily Activities : Social Services : Beauty Salon & Barber Shop Services
Excellent Dining Services & Modern Facilities including Central Heating/AC
* * * * 4-Star Overall Rating * * * *
Paym ent Met hods: Medicar e, Managed Car e, Com m er cial, Pr ivat e Pay, Medicaid Pending
SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2017


Program encourages students to eat together at lunch

DEAR ABBY: It’s lonely to eat started a program therapist so they are argument. How can put her mind at ease.
Schoolchildren, espe- lunch by yourself. called “No One Eats not isolated. This I approach this with- Dear Abby is written
cially middle school or Please encourage your Alone” that teaches creates a safe space out causing friction? by Abigail Van Buren,
high school students readers to consider students how to make for autistic children. -- GRANDMA S. IN also known as Jeanne
who may not be so- this. -- SOMEONE friends at lunchtime Regardless of how NEW YORK Phillips, and was
cially adept, often eat WHO CARES IN -- which can be the these lunches are or- DEAR GRANDMA founded by her moth-
lunch alone because SAN DIEGO most painful part of ganized, the presence S.: Your daughter-in- er, Pauline Phillips.
they don’t know what DEAR SOMEONE the school day. It’s of a trained adult is law is a brand-new Contact Dear Abby at
to do when it comes WHO CARES: I’m their most popular paramount. mother. Many new
to joining other kids glad to do that. The program, and schools DEAR ABBY: My parents are nervous or P.O. Box 69440, Los
at the lunch table. My pain of social isolation in all 50 states par- son and daughter-in- about their babies be- Angeles, CA 90069.
grandson, who is on can last far beyond the ticipate. For more law recently had a ing exposed to germs. What teens need to
the autism spectrum, elementary and mid- information about the baby girl. My daugh- A way to approach know about sex, drugs,
is one of them. dle school years and work they do, visit ter-in-law and her it would be to talk AIDS and getting
Classmates would color a person’s ex- www.beyonddiffer- family have extreme with your daughter- along with peers and
be doing a great ser- pectations of rejection OCD and are afraid in-law in a non-con- parents is in “What
vice if they said, “Hey, into adulthood. Much It might be helpful of germs. I wash my frontational way and Every Teen Should
‘Josh.’ Come sit with of it could be avoided if an adult family hands all the time, tell her you have seen Know.” Send your
me.” It’s a small way if parents took the member discussed but still she seems her reaction when name and mailing
to help others, and time to explain to your grandson’s isola- to cringe when I or you hold your grand- address, plus check
they could serve as ex- their children how tion with a counselor anyone in my family daughter. Explain or money order for $7
amples/mentors. Kids important it is to treat at his school. Some holds the baby. that you are careful (U.S. funds) to: Dear
with autism or some others with kindness. schools have started I want a relation- about hand-wash- Abby, Teen Booklet,
other challenges can In recent years, programs in which ship with my grand- ing, and ask if there P.O. Box 447, Mount
learn socialization attention is finally children who sit alone daughter. I have is anything else she Morris, IL 61054-0447.
from helpful peers being paid to this. A are gathered together expressed my concern feels you should do. It (Shipping and han-
who are good in this national organization, at lunchtime with a to my son, but I don’t might make her feel dling are included in
arena. Beyond Differences, teacher or a school want to cause an more in control and the price.)


By Dave Green
2 6 7 8
3 2
2017 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

1 4
6 3 7
9 7 3
5 6 1
9 2
4 8
Difficulty Level 3/12

Sudoku is a
puzzle based
on a 9x9 grid
with several
given numbers.
The object is
to place the
numbers 1 to
9 in the empty
squares so that
each row, each
column and
each 3x3 box
contains the
same number
only once.




14A | DEL RIO NEWS-HERALD Sunday, MARCH 12, 2017

Val Verde County The CITY OF DEL RIO is currently taking applications for the following position:

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Communications Operator (Dispatcher)

For Architectural and Engineering Services Department: Police FLSA: Non-Exempt Hire Pay: $938.40
The Val Verde County Commissioners Court is soliciting firms for the development of a Sports Complex. Bi-Weekly
Supervisor: Communication Supervisor Classification: 14 Benefits: Full
Firms interested in providing professional master planning services, designing and engineering of a sports Benefits Package
complex, with preference given to firms with experience in municipal and collegiate level projects, should
submit their statement of interest and qualifications by Monday, March 20th, 2017 @ 2:00pm. JOB SUMMARY:
Under general supervision, operates a radio dispatch system using public safety classification
SCOPE OF SERVICES codes. Ensures that radio contact is maintained with officers in the field acting as a life line and
providing support as needed. Questions individuals requiring assistance to determine assistance
Val Verde County Sports Complex and all related infrastructure is to be located in Del Rio, Texas. The needed. Informs and dispatches officers. Performs other related duties as required.
complex location is on the East side of U.S. Highway 90 West, across from Agarita Drive. This parcel of ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS:
land has some potential issues including Flood Zones and possible geographical issues, which will need • Receives requests for police, fire and other emergency assistance through the 911 system.
to be addressed with the development of the project. Professional services will include master planning, Screens incoming calls to determine necessity, priority, and type of response required;
schematic design, geotechnical and environmental documents, all utilities infrastructures, construction monitors other radio frequencies to be aware of incidents elsewhere that may affect City
documents, public workshops as required, construction management and project inspection, and any police operations.
other items necessary to successfully develop the project. • Provides general information to the public; as necessary, refers callers to appropriate
agencies; calms angered or distraught callers; maintains calm in radio transmissions during
STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS hectic, tense, and dangerous situations.
The statement of qualifications shall include: • May assist citizens and police officers with translation related needs.
1. Firm name, address, phone number, and persons to contact regarding the statement of qualifications. • Focuses work efforts to maintain the City’s Customer Service philosophy.
Include names of sub-consultants, addresses, and contact person. • Maintains confidentiality of information learned.
2. Qualifications and recent experience of the firm and key personnel relative to the performance of
similar services comparable to the proposed project with dates of project, and information regarding MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:
cost overruns on previous projects. Provide Chart A, attached. Education and Experience:
3. List of in-state references including the name, address and phone numbers of the persons closely High School diploma or GED required.
associated with the firm’s prior similar park project performances. Other:
4. Availability to commence services immediately after successfully negotiating a contract for services, Must be at least 18 years of age (TCLEOSE requirement)
and to complete said services within the period specified after award of contract. Understand and speak the Spanish language preferred.
5. Familiarity with the geographical area of the project. Valid Texas Drivers’ License
Must maintain current all certifications required by TCLEOSE during employment.
6. Brief summary report of your approach and the factors you will consider in accomplishing the Prior to appointment, applicant must submit the following documentation as required by
project. TCLEOSE regulations:
7. Dollar amount of contracts awarded to you by Val Verde County during the year prior to date of this 1. Copy of High School Diploma/GED
RFQ. 2. Birth Certificate
3. Applicant must be fingerprinted
CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING 4. Copy of DD214 (if prior military service)
The following criteria will generally be used in evaluating consultant’s submitting proposals: Background:
1. Capability to perform all or most of the services required for the immediate and future projects. Subject to an intensive background check. Applicant must meet the background requirements
2. Recent experience in projects comparable to the proposed project with date of completion of status pursuant to TCLEOSE regulations.
of project. Deadline: March 15, 2017
3. Reputation for personnel and professional integrity and competence. A skills test will be administered on March 22, 2017 to qualify for this position.
4. Professional background and caliber of key personnel.
6. Capability to meet schedules and deadlines. • One year verified prior experience in public safety dispatching or,
7. Capability to complete projects without having major cost escalation or overruns. • A valid TCLEOSE (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education)
8. Qualifications and experience of outside consultant’s regularly engaged by the consultant under Telecommunications Operator license
9. Quality of projects previously undertaken. THE SKILLS TEST.
10. Familiarity with the geographic location of the project. APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 15, 2017
11. Capability of a branch office to perform independently of the home office when being considered or,
conversely, its capability to obtain necessary assistance from the home office. For the complete job description, please visit our website:
Interested consultant firms should submit five (5) original copies of the proposals in a sealed and marked THE CITY OF DEL RIO IS AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER
envelope labeled with.the RFQ name and mailed or hand delivered to:
Val Verde County
Purchasing Department
400 Pecan Street, 3rd Floor
Del Rio, Texas 78840
RFQ’s will be received until 2:00 p.m. on March 20, 2017. Proposals received after this time and date will
be rejected.
Val Verde County will form a committee to analyze and evaluate the submissions based on statement of
qualifications and criteria listed.
Firms submitting statements of qualifications should be ready to negotiate a professional services fee
within ten (15) working days after notifications of recommendation for award.
Construction plans by recipient of award are to be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer
and/or architect licensed to practice in the State of Texas.
Questions and responses in reference to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) should be directed to Roy
Musquiz Jr., Purchasing Agent at or visit online at www.valverdecounty. and are available at the address below:
Roy Musquiz, Jr.
Val Verde County Courthouse
400 Pecan Street, 3rd Floor
Del Rio, Texas 78840
Val Verde County reserves the right to waive or reject any and all proposals or any and all irregularities or
informalities in said proposal, to accept the offer considered most advantageous to Val Verde County or to
decline all offers.
The County of Val Verde is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. In accordance with
12 U.S.C. 1701 u Section 3, the County of Val Verde encourages Section 3 residents and businesses to
participate in training, employment, and contracting opportunities in Texas Community Development
Block Grant Projects.


Rogello R. Musquiz, Jr.

Purchasing Agent


CITY OF DEL RIO, TEXAS - is soliciting Best Value Bid (BVB’S) for selection of a well drilling firm for
construction modification of the Agarita Water Well. BVB’s will be received by the City Secretary, Alma
Levrie, City Secretary City of Del Rio Texas, 109 West Broadway St., Del Rio, TX. 78840 on March 30, PUBLIC NOTICE
2017 until 3:00 PM, Central Standard Time. Late BVB’s will not be accepted for any reason. FOR REAPPOINTMENT OF
Bid Security: Each BVB must be accompanied by a bid bond naming the City of Del Rio as oblige and MAGISTRATE JUDGE
duly executed by the Bidder as principal and having as surety thereon a surety company approved by DEL RIO, TEXAS
the Owner, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid price (including base bid(s), option(s) and Del Monte Foods Inc., una Embotadora
The current term of the office of United de Ejote, Chicharro y Elote estará
alternate(s)). ALL BID BOND FORMS MUST CONTAIN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE(S). States Magistrate Judge Collis White is due buscando empleados temporales para
to expire on October 23, 2017. The United una variedad de posiciones, Junio a
The successful Bidder must furnish Performance and Payments Bonds each in the amount of 100% of States District Court is required by law to finales de Septiembre o principios de
establish a panel of citizens to consider the Octubre. Las posiciones están
the contract price from an approved Surety Company holding a permit from the State of Texas to act as reappointment of U.S. Magistrate Judge disponibles en las facilidades de
Surety and acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the White to a new eight-year term. Cambria y Markesan, Wisconsin.
Secretary of Treasury of the United States, or other Surety or Sureties acceptable to the Owner. A full public notice for the magistrate Estaremos aceptando solicitudes,
judge position is posted on our web site haciendo entrevistas y ofreciendo
at: empleo temporal a candidatos selectos.
Instructions to bidders: BVB packets (Specifications, Plans and all required forms) are available on
the City Web Site at or Contractor may also request Notice_White.pdf Del Monte Foods Inc. proporciona
condiciones de trabajo seguro, pago de
information to download the bid packet from the project Point of Contact: LBG-Guyton Associ- Comments are invited from members tiempo extra después de 40 horas por
ates, 12702 Toepperwein Rd, Suite 212, San Antonio, TX 78233. Phone: (210)590-1331. Email: bstein@ of the bar and the public as to whether semana, pago de turno diferencial,
U.S. Magistrate Judge White should disponibilidad de vivienda, hora de be recommended by the panel for comida pagada, conexión de Wi-Fi
reappointment by the Court. gratis, comida de apreciación de
NOTE: All forms included must be printed, completed and submitted in a sealed envelope. It is the empleados y entrenamiento de trabajo.
All comments should be directed to U.S.
responsibility of the bidder to submit any forms that may have been issued by addendum. District Court, Ms. Lorre K. Kukla, Director Solicitantes interesados deben pasar
of Human Resources, Attn.: Magistrate por la locación mencionada arriba. Del
Optional Pre-submittal Conference: An optional pre-submittal conference will be held on March 24, Reappointment Panel for Judge White, 727 Monte Foods Inc. es un empleador que
E. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd., Suite A-403, San ofrece oportunidades de igualdad.
2017at 10:00 AM, Standard Time at the City of Del Rio Council Chambers, 109 W. Broadway, Del Rio, Todos los aspirantes cualificados
Antonio, Texas, 78206. Please mark envelope
TX 78840. A site visit will be included as part of the pre-submittal conference. This may be the only Personal & Confidential. Comments must be recibiran la consideración para el
received no later than March 17, 2017. empleo sin distinción de raza, color,
opportunity for potential respondents to view the project site before submittal of BVB’s. religión, sexo, orientación sexual,
The United States District Court is an Equal identidad de género, origen nacional,
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all BVB’s and to waive formalities. In case of am- Opportunity Employer discapacidad o estado de veterano.
biguity in stating the price in the BVB, the City reserves the right to consider the most advantageous
construction thereof or to reject any BVB’s. Also, the City reserves the right to accept the low BVB
Misc. For Sale Help Wanted: Help Wanted:
based on the tabulation of any one, combination or all of the base BVB and additive alternates based on 0120 0280
the most advantageous project bid that is desired by the City Department involved and that the City of
Large Round Bales Chinto's Now Hiring Now Hiring For
Del Rio in their sole judgment determines what is in the City’s best interest and benefit. No BVB may of Hay. Coastal waitresses full / part
Growing Company!
be withdrawn within ninety (90) days after the date on which bids are received. Bermuda Weed time, with great atti-Teachers for
Free tude stop by 400 E.
preschool & youth
Neither Contractor nor its employees, agents, representatives or subcontractors will assist or Fertilized 6 St. center. Competitive
$60.00 Per Bale, salary, paid
cause Del Rio employees to violate Del Rio’s “Conflicts of Interest Policy”, provisions described by Del $50.00 Per Bale for holidays, vacations
Rio’s Standards of Conduct Guide, or applicable state ethics laws or rules. Contractor represents and 2 or more Looking for and fringe benefits.
830-775-5547 or experienced Handy- Experience in a
warrants that no member of the City of Del Rio Government has a direct or indirect financial interest 830-719-2477 man/gardener for school or daycare
in the transaction that is the subject of this Agreement. local residence. setting necessary.
call 830-9774-2950 Must be friendly,
0150 Pets patient, creative and
Se solicita persina a team player.
Personals Free Lost con experiencua de High school or equi-
0040 0050 0070 0120 Misc. For Sale 0120 Misc. For Sale BLUE/RED HEEL- mantinimiento de valent a must, col-
ER PUPPY jardineria para resid- lege in CDA pre-
0120 Misc. For Sale WANTED FOR encia local. por fa- ferred. Apply now at
Se busca compañera Free Seats for 2001- LOST WALLET Hewlett Parkard
de entre 35-45 anos 2005 Trail Blazer Large Bifold Book Conspiracies printer, paper shred- RANCH vor de llamar Kids Connection 109
de edad. Que este in very good condi- With DL,Personal & Brainwashing for der, 2 adding ma- Square Bales of Hay (830)309-9044 830-774-2950 Fletcher Dr.
en buena forma física
tion. Call (956)286- Info lost att Exxon sale online $11.95. chines. all in work- Coastal Bermuda No phone calls
que sepaconcine, y Nuclear war is inev- Please
que le guste ayudar 3659 or Pass by 312 agarita and Veter- ing cond, a tripod, Fertilized Weed
Quail Creek Dr. ans. Pleas call itable & lifetime classical mu- Free Under Barn Put extra dollars in
en le limpieza. Soy un Pet Sitter available!! your pocket, sell
hombre ya retirado. (830)775-3738 imminent! (CH. 6) sic collection make $7.00 per bale
interesadas, enviar NO QUESTION an offer Boston Farm Will watch your pets something with a Want Results!?
texto y fotografia al Garage Sales ASKED Call 775-2302 830-775-5547 or in your home. low cost Classi- always rely on the
(830)282-5551 o begin here!!! 830-719-2477 ANA fied Ad 830-775- Classifieds
1(877)129-9819. (830)775-1551 Call (773)441-1793 1551 (830) 775-1551
Sunday, MARCH 12, 2017 DEL RIO NEWS-HERALD | 15A

TEXAS 528 ROADRUNNER ST. - $549,000 0280 Help Wanted:

Customer Service
Real Estate Representative
Helping you sell Ventura Inc., is
or find your home in seeking a highly mo-
FOR SALE OR RENT BEAUTIFUL HOUSE BY When Honesty & Integrity Count tivated Customer
Del Rio & Lake Amistad 7439 Texas R2 Condo #103 BUENA VISTA PARK Jim Wacaser ................... 830-734-2670 Service Represent-
Please call the office $1,900/month or $255,000 103 Fiesta Drive - $133,900 Cathy Wacaser ............... 830-734-7370 ative. Must be a de-
or one of our Realtors This 3 bed/ 2 bath luxury condo Pride of ownership shines through Andy McCulley ............... 830-719-2635
detail oriented team
sits at the edge of beautiful Lake in this well-maintained 3 bed/ 2 Connie Arreola ............... 830-765-0504
for more information: Amistad. It showcases a spacious bath Alta Vista home. It’s all in Danielle Heubel .............. 832-591-4685
player with excep-
Lake Luxury at its finest! This, recently tional communica-
Clay Ellis 830.719.6077 living, dining, and kitchen area. The the details from the landscaping, Debbie Ammons ............ 830-313-0043
kitchen boasts high-end appliances, beautifully updated kitchen with remodeled, stunning 5 bedrooms, 3 1/2 tions skills. Re-
Lisa Garcia 830.734.2978 Dina Dixon ...................... 830-765-5438
Clay Sewalt 210.241.0232 granite counter tops, and solid wood granite countertops, dedicated bath home is perched on 4.5 acres of sponsibilities in-
custom cabinetry. The large master laundry area, walk-in master George Salinas .............. 830-719-9497 rolling hills and spectacular views of clude providing all
Harvest King 830.313.1851 suite opens to the 36 x 10ft clear-span shower, added storage space, and Hettie Neighbors ............ 830-719-0593 Lake Amistad. You’ll love the porches customers with the
Whitney Babineaux 337.257.3942 porch that offers incomparable views more. Energy efficient upgrades Laura Rojas .................... 830-734-2945 and covered backyard entertainment
Marie Perales 830.734.1721 of the lake. The private, gated resort include Andersen Low-E windows highest quality ser-
style pool/cabana is just another & doors throughout, extra thick R-30 Ray Rivas ....................... 210-867-2500 garden. Handmade kitchen cabinets made vice & immediate at-
Mary Lee Taylor 830.719.1908
addition to the many amenities insulation, Amana high-efficiency Sandra Castillo .............. 830-469-2225 of knotty alder. 3 supersized garages, 1 ANDY tention to all inquir-
Javier Calderon 830.313.3142 16 SEER two-stage air conditioner. ies regarding time
offered. Call Lake Amistad Realty Melissa Perez ................. 830-734-7609 huge game room and work area to easily MCCULLEY
Natasha Hartsfield 915.269.9900
Sonia Vargas 830.469.8662
today to set up your appointment! Call for an appointment today! contain a motor home. Must see!
critical situations via
phone, email, fax,
Angela Cooper 512.287.9138 7439 W. Hwy 90, Del Rio, Texas 78840 • 830.778.5253 • etc.
2116 Veterans • Boulevard Ste 8 • Next to Subway • (830) 775-0700
If you have work ex-
perience in a fast
paced environment,
1906 SAN PEDRO – $199,000 multi-task, college
Basse Truck Line experience, bilin-
gual & have good
computer know-
is now accepting ledge, please mail or
deliver resume to:
applications for City Drivers Ventura Inc.
501 W. Pierce
with a Class A CDL. Street. Del Rio, TX
Must be 25yrs old or older.
Acreages &
Great views of the lake from almost every room in this Hazmat cert with 2yrs 0330
spacious tri-level home in the San Pedro Estates. Plenty of
space for everyone with approx. 3,657 sq. ft., lots of amenities or more of experience, 1.6 Acres For Sale
including marble floors, 5 bedrooms, 4 1/2 bathrooms and a 3 weekends off, paid in Lake Ridge
car garage. Won’t last long at this price!! Ranch 28k OBO
If you are thinking of selling your house, we are here to help you!
bi-weekly and full benefits. 830-734-4914
Denise Bowers ..... (830) 719-0076
Brenda Hunter ...... (830) 703-6621 Come by Basse Truck Line 2+ acres overlook-
Michaelanna Hunter(830) 703-0957
Sonia Salinas........ (830) 765-5933 for application. ing Lake Amistad,
about 1500 ft from
2602 Veterans Blvd. Del Rio, TX 78840 (830) 775-8518
Serious Inquires Only. Black Brush boat
ramp. Borders Black
Brush park road for
374 feet. Property
has a well, pump,
tank and well house,
Office Phone: 830.775.3704 City of Del Rio electricity, meter
base and a house
4218 Veterans Blvd Recruitment Notice for the Position of pad 45k. (830)775-
Rhonda Montgomery Dawn Clayton Cesha Hernandez
Hunting, Retirement,
Rhonda@ Dawn@ Cesha@ 20-60 Acres In The
Applications may be obtained at City of Del Rio, 109 West Broadway, Del Rio, Texas 78840. If Following Counties:
Amanda Stanford Marcela Garza Robbins (Se habla espanol) Edwards, Kinney,
Realtor® Realtor® you have any questions, please contact the Civil Service Director, Mary Canales, at (830) 774- Concho, Coke, and
512.587.3017 804.614.7700 8792. You may also visit our website at Menard. Scenic
Views, Native Game
With Free Ranging The employment process will include a written examination, physical agility test, background Exotics In Some
investigation, Countries.
Starting At $2,916
oral interview, drug screening, physical examination, and psychological examination. Down, $485/mo.
• 18-45 years old (at time of Entrance Examination)
• Must reside within a 45-minute response time.
• High School Graduate or equivalent LAKE RIDGE
RANCH 1 & 2 acre
• Must be able to read and write the English language and meet all legal tracts out Hwy. 90
requirements for future certification by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection. West towards the
• Must be a U.S Citizen lake. Just before the
new loop on the left
side. Nice neighbor-
STANDARD BENEFITS hood with good re-
Starting Salary - $33,048.00 annually strictions. Price in-
cludes water meter
Longevity - $6.00 per month for each year of service (maximum $150 per month) & septic. Non-Quali-
Insurance - Employees are provided with paid Health, Dental and Life Insurance fying Owner Finan-
Retirement - Automatic enrollment into TMRS Retirement System cing with $1,000
down. 1 acre lots for
Vacation/Sick Leave - Accrue vacation and sick leave per year depending on $250/mo. including
years of service taxes, $25,000 loan.
10.25%APR for 30
Holidays - The City of Del Rio offers 14 paid holidays per year and one years. No pre-pay-
Personal Day ment penalty. Short-
Education Pay - Associate Degree: $ 75. monthly additional pay er terms avail. Own-
er/Broker. Call Gary
Bachelor Degree: $125. monthly additional pay at:
Uniforms - Furnished (830) 900-4848,
Se Habla Espanol.
In order to take written examination, applications must be returned with the requested docu-
mentation or the application will be considered incomplete and the application will not be Tired of watching
your property de-
accepted. Return applications no later than: value because of a
Date: Monday, April 3, 2017 junky neighbor, who
Time: 4:00 p.m. can't pass an old
sofa on the side of
Place: 109 West Broadway, City Hall Bldg, Human Resources Office the road without
bringing it home?
WRITTEN EXAMINATION: Our 1 acres lots are
6 or 7 times the size
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 of a regular city lot
Place: Civic Center – Pecan Ball Room, 1915 Ave. F, Del Rio, TX and have restric-
tions that keep the
Time: 9:00 a.m. neighborhood nice.
Give your family the
AGILITY EXAMINATION (for those candidates who pass the written examination): quiet enjoyment they
deserve. 1 acre lots
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 in LAKE RIDGE
Place: Northside Fire Station RANCH with water
Time: 1:00 p.m. meter, septic and
electric for $25,000
w/$1,000 down,
• Eligibility list for this Entry Level – Fire Fighter Examination will remain in effect for 12 $215/mo. plus $35
months. taxes. 10.25%APR,
30yrs.. Shorter
(830) 900-4848,

Spring Clearance EVENT SALE

$199 34 MPG
A MONTH on all Hatchback Fiats


$19,225 $22,210 $21,360 $28,825 $21,710

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$18,725 $20,115 $21,710 $33,345 $30,540

F24977 F24907 F24973 F24889 F24808

Ram Country
3611 HWY 90 WEST • DEL RIO, TX

TOYOTA 830-775-7577
3617 HWY 90 WEST • DEL RIO, TX
OF DEL RIO See store for details

439/MO NEW

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23993 3993 12992 14994

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17997 $
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T26263A T26449J T26087A T26222A

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