Macro Teaching Reflection

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PRKA3012 Lesson Planning


During our PRKA3012 lesson planning, I have been given a chance to create a lesson
plan a doing a macro teaching activity using my lesson plan with my classmate. During the
session, two of my peers was observing me and was giving me their opinion on my strength,
weakness and also ways to improve my lesson.

My strength during the lesson is that I have managed to create an interesting activity
which is a shopping list. According to my peers, this allows maximum interaction among the
pupils. Other than that, I have also managed to create a lesson plan that have a good
continuity throughout the lesson. This can be seen when the pupils are learning about fruits.
First, they are told to trade fruits and after that, they were then told to complete a worksheet
in making a fruit salad. This continuity makes the lesson generally easier for the pupils to
follow along.

One of my most notable weakness was an error in the teaching aid that I have used,
the shopping list that I have made states two bananas but I have printed three. Other than
that, I have also mistakenly conducted my lesson plan during the practice activity. All the pupils
should be given two of the same fruit so that they will have all the fruit after they trade the
second one, but I instead only give them one fruit for each of them. Other than that, during my
presentation stage, I have prepared a series of question and answer to help the pupils with
the fruit trade later. I have managed to prepare a question and a positive answer but failed to
give a negative answer for the pupils to use when the fruit that their peers asked for is not

After analysing my weakness, me and my peer has taught of a way to overcome my

weakness and help me to make a better lesson plan in the future. The first one is that I really
have to double check my teaching materials before using it in a lesson. This is because a
faulty or wrong teaching materials will create a situation where the pupils will either
misunderstand the purpose of the teaching materials and its relationship with the rest of the
activity or the pupils won’t be able to participate fully in the activity. Other than that, I have to
test my teaching materials first before using it in a classroom situation. This will help me to
find errors in the teaching materials and make proper amendments afterwards. Other than
that, regarding my presentation stage, I should also have provided the pupils with a negative
answer just in case when they want to decline an offer on inquiry. This is important to make
sure that the pupils will be able to follow the lesson more smoothly.

As a conclusion, my strength is that I have managed to create a good lesson plan with
great fluidity and also lesson flow. However, I failed to make sure that I have everything in
check, in terms of teaching materials and also slideshow presentation. In order to overcome
PRKA3012 Lesson Planning

this, I will have to double check my materials and also my slides and also have a test run on
the teaching materials to make sure that there are no errors in the teaching materials.

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