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Answers to summary 17 protons melting (or boiling) point; Zn is

questions A1–6 electrons are negatively charged; malleable but S is not (is brittle);
17 electrons Zn is ductile but S is not; Zn has
metallic lustre but S is dull; Zn is
1 a A = melting, B = freezing, neutrons have no charge; 18 neutrons
sonorous but S is not; Zn has high
C = boiling/evaporation/
8 a C = 2,4, Na = 2,8,1 density but S has low density.
vaporisation, D = condensing.
9 a atoms of the same element b Positive ions, arranged regularly
b A and C. Energy is required to
containing different numbers of and close to each other, electrons
break bonds between particles / to
neutrons between ions
overcome intermolecular forces.
b number of protons + neutrons in 13 a AlCl3(s) + 3H2O(l) →
2 Solid: particles regularly arranged,
an atom Al(OH)3(s) + 3HCl(g)
close together / touching, only
vibrate / do not move. c the mass of an atom on a scale in b CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) →
which an atom of carbon-12 has a CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
Liquid: particles irregularly arranged, mass of 12 units exactly c Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2KI(aq) →
close together / touching, move
d different forms of the same PbI2(s) + 2KNO3(aq)
slowly / slide over each other.
14 a Cl2(aq) + 2Br–(aq) →
Gas: particles irregularly arranged, far
10 a KCl has a high melting (or boiling) Br2(aq) + 2Cl–(aq)
apart, move rapidly.
point but water has a low melting b Cu2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) →
3 a substance containing only one type (or boiling) point, KCl conducts Cu(OH)2(s)
of atom / substance that cannot electricity when molten but water
c Ba2+(aq) + SO42–(aq) →
be broken down to any other does not (to any significant extent),
substance by chemical means KCl is solid at r.t.p. but water is a
b substance containing two or more liquid at r.t.p. 15 Molar mass of butane = 56
atoms chemically combined b K ion is 2,8,8, Cl ion is 2,8,8, single moles butane = 5.6/56 = 0.1 mol
c substance which dissolves another + charge on K ion, single – charge 1 mol butane → 4 mol CO2
substance on Cl ion
So 0.1 mol butane → 0.4 mol CO2
c Bonding pair of electrons between
4 a C, b B volume of CO2 = 0.4 × 24 = 9.6 dm3
each H and O, 2 lone pairs of
5 Colloid: particles are between 1 and electrons on O atom 16 a 0.50 × 36.5 = 18.25 g
1000 nm / are smaller than particles of b 0.20 × 164 = 32.8 g
11 a Differences: diamond has
suspension but larger than dissolved
tetrahedral (pyramid-like) structure c 0.015 × 142 = 2.13 g
particles; particles scatter light.
and graphite has layered structure;
Suspension: particles are larger than in diamond each C atom is 17 a 1.2/160 = 0.0075 mol
1000 nm / can easily be seen with a connected to 4 others but in b 19.2/160 = 0.12
microscope; particles can be filtered graphite each C atom is only 0.12 × 2 = 0.24 mol
off; particles scatter light. connected to 3 others.
c 79.17/95.3 = 0.831
Solution: particles are smaller than Similarities: both covalently
0.831 × 2 = 1.66 mol
1 nm / are smaller than those of a bonded, both giant structures /
colloid; particles do not scatter light / both macromolecules. 18 The amount of substance that
transparent. b There are many strong bonds / contains 6.0 × 1023 specified particles
there is strong bonding in three of that substance.
6 The crystal dissolves. Forces between
dimensions; a lot of energy is 19 a mol Fe = 28/56 = 0.5 mol
particles in the crystal weaken.
needed to break the bonds.
Particles from the crystal are mass of FeCl2 = 0.5 × 127
surrounded by water molecules. c Diamond used for drill tips because = 63.5 g
Diffusion/random movement of it has a high melting point and
b mol H2 = 10/2 = 5 mol
molecules of solvent and solute has strong bonding throughout.
Graphite is a lubricant because the mass Fe = 5 × 56 = 280 g
causes particles to spread out. The
(bulk) movement of solute particles layers can slide over each other 20 Halogen higher in group reacts with
is from where they are more easily. halides lower in the group, halogens
concentrated to where they are less 12 a Any 4 of: are better oxidising agents further up
concentrated. the group, because they more easily
Zn conducts electricity (or heat) but
capture electrons
7 protons + neutrons + electrons S does not; Zn has high melting
protons are positively charged; (or boiling) point but S has low


21 a Ca(s) + 2H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq) b Ca2+ and F− ion, 1 Ca2+ ion and 2 solution. Leave to crystallise and filter
+ H2(g) F− ions, electronic structure of Ca off the crystals. Wash the crystals with
b Mg atom is smaller than Ca atom, ion with either no electrons shown a suitable solvent. Dry the crystals on
Mg loses electrons less readily in outer shell or 8 electrons and F filter paper.
than Ca / Mg forms ion less ion with 8 electrons in outer shell
7 Add lead nitrate to a soluble iodide,
readily than Ca. (IGNORE: inner shell electrons).
e.g. sodium iodide. Filter off the
22 Metals are on the left and non-metals 26 a Al2(SO4)3, b Mg3N2, precipitate. Wash the precipitate and
on the right (and metalloids between c Fe2O3, d Mg(NO3)2 dry it in a warm oven or leave it to dry
these); melting points increase from in a warm place.
27 covalent, both C and S are non-metals
Groups I to IV, and Groups V to 0 have 8 Acidic oxides react with bases/alkalis,
much lower melting points; elements e.g. sulfur dioxide; basic oxides
are solids on the left and gases on Answers to summary react with acids, e.g. calcium oxide;
the right; metals form positive ions, questions A7–11 amphoteric oxides react with both
middle elements do not form ions acids and bases/alkalis, e.g. zinc
readily and non-metals on right form 1 mol = mass/molar mass oxide; neutral oxides do not react
negative ions; oxides are basic on the = 2/40 = 0.05 mol with acids or bases, e.g. nitrogen(I)
left and acidic on the right. oxide or carbon monoxide.
concentration = moles/volume in dm3
23 a Add water and stir (to dissolve the 0.05/ 0.05 = 1 mol dm–3 9 (NH4)2SO4 + 2NaOH →
salt), filter. Filtrate is salt (sodium 2NH3 + Na2SO4 + 2H2O
chloride) solution and sand remains 2 moles = concentration × volume
on filter paper. in dm3 10 Lime is calcium oxide, which is a
0.40 × 0.02 = 0.008 mol base. Moist calcium oxide reacts with
b Fractional distillation. This
compounds containing ammonium
depends on differences in boiling mass = moles × molar mass salts, such as fertilisers, to release
points: vapour from the liquid
0.008 × 101 = 0.808 g ammonia. Ammonia is a gas and it
with lower boiling point travels
escapes into the air, resulting in loss
further up the column and gets 3 a moles of H2SO4 = 0.10 × 15/1000
of nitrogen from the fertiliser.
into the condenser first; vapour = 1.5 × 10–3 mol
from the liquid with higher boiling 11 a making lime / mortar / cement /
b moles KOH = 2 × mol H2SO4
point remains in the flask or building stone
= 3.0 × 10–3 mol
condenses later. b food preservation
concentration of KOH
24 Any 3 of: = 3.0 × 10–3 × 1000/25 c plaster of Paris / for making medical
= 0.12 mol dm–3 casts
A mixture has variable composition
but a compound has a fixed c mass = moles × molar mass d food preservation
composition. 3.0 × 10 × 56 = 0.168 g
12 Put a known volume of alkali (or
A mixture has the appearance of both acid) of known concentration in an
4 a Acid has pH below 7; base has pH
Fe and S / mixture appears grey with insulated beaker. Put a thermometer
above 7.
yellow speckles, but the compound in the beaker and measure the
b Acid is a proton donor; base is a temperature. Add acid (or alkali)
appears the same colour throughout.
proton acceptor. slowly to the beaker in known
Components of a mixture can be amounts. Record the temperature
5 Weak acid: acid that is not completely
separated by physical means but after each addition. Continue to
ionised in water, e.g. ethanoic acid:
components of a compound cannot. add acid (or alkali) to obtain several
CH3CO2H CH3CO2− + H+
There is a heat change when a more readings after the temperature
Strong base: base that is completely begins to fall. Plot a graph of the
compound is made but no (or little)
ionised in water, e.g. hydrochloric temperature change/rise against
heat change when a mixture is formed.
acid: the volume of acid/alkali added.
The chemical reactions of the HCl → H+ + Cl– The break in the curve of the graph
mixture are those of the individual indicates the neutralisation point.
components, but a compound 6 Titrate with HCl using indicator in
undergoes different reactions. the flask. Stop when the indicator 13 a Oxidation is increase in oxidation
changes colour. Repeat, adding the number (of a particular atom);
25 a Two bonding pairs of electrons same amount of HCl as in the original reduction is decrease in oxidation
between two O atoms, 8 electrons titration, but without indicator. number.
around each O atom (IGNORE: Evaporate the mixture in the flask to b Oxidation is loss of electrons;
inner electron shells) crystallisation point / concentrate the reduction is gain of electrons.


14 a +3 b +5 c +4 d +5 e –2 20 time = 85 × 60 s on left and products on right,

reactant level above product
15 a Oxidising agent is Cl2; reducing charge = 0.2 × 85 × 60 = 1020 C
level, ΔH correctly labelled with
agent is I–/NaI.
2 mol electrons required per mol of downward pointing arrow, energy
b Oxidising agent is ZnO/Zn2+; copper deposited = 2 × 96 500 = ‘hump’ with activation energy
reducing agent is CO. 193 000 C labelled
c Oxidising agent is H2O2; reducing
mol Cu deposited = 1020 / 193 000 25 a A known volume of water is placed
agent is I–.
= 0.00528 mol in an insulated cup/beaker. Record
16 a I– ; it loses electrons / OxNo of NaI/I– the temperature of the water, then
mass = moles × atomic mass = add a known mass of potassium
0.00528 × 63.5 = 0.34 g nitrate and stir. Record the lowest
b ZnO; it loses oxygen / Zn decreases
21 time = 40 × 60 s (or highest) temperature reached.
in oxidation number / Zn2+ gains
electrons. b density of solution = density of
charge = 2.5 × 40 × 60 = 6000 C
water, specific heat capacity of
c H /H in H2O2 stays the same / stays
4 mol electrons required per mol of solution = specific heat capacity
at +1.
oxygen formed = 4 × 96 500 = of water, no heat losses from
17 a The solid does not conduct because 386 000 C apparatus
the ions cannot move. Molten LiCl
mol Cu deposited = 6000 / 386 000 26 Add a solution of iron(II) sulfate to a
conducts because the ions can
= 0.0155 mol solution of potassium manganate(VII)
and record the colour change.
bi Anode: oxygen volume (dm3) = moles × 24 = Potassium manganate(VII) changes
4OH → O2 + 2H2O + 4e
– – 0.0155 × 24 = 0.373 dm3 from purple to colourless.
ii Cathode: hydrogen 22 a the change in concentration of 27 a substance that leads electricity into
2H+ + 2e– → H2 reactant, or product, with time (at or out of an electrolyte
a stated temperature).
c Anode. Oxidation is loss of electrons. b positive ion / ion which travels to
b a substance that speeds up a the cathode in electrolysis
18 a Hydrogen is below sodium in the chemical reaction but remains
electrochemical series, so H+ ions unchanged at the end of the c breakdown / decomposition of a
gain electrons more readily than reaction substance when an electric current
Na+ ions. is passed through it
23 a labelled diagram of a gas syringe or
b Cl– ions are present in higher upturned measuring cylinder over 28 a Diagram showing two electrodes
concentration than OH– ions, so are water, apparatus airtight with no dipping into a liquid, circuit
more likely to be discharged, even gaps, calcium carbonate and acid complete with power source,
though OH– ions lose electrons in a suitable reaction vessel. pure silver anode, nickel spoon
more easily if the concentrations is cathode, electrolyte labelled as
are equal. b measuring loss of mass of reaction soluble silver salt / Ag+
mixture at various time intervals
19 Inert electrodes: oxygen is produced bi Ag → Ag+ + e–
c i decreases rate
at the anode, because OH– ions ii Ag+ + e– → Ag
release electrons better than SO42– ii increases rate
c prevents/reduces corrosion, makes
ions. The electrolyte becomes lighter iii decreases rate article look better/makes surface
in colour / lighter blue, because Cu2+ d volume of gas on vertical axis and shinier
ions are deposited at the cathode but time on horizontal; curve eventually
not replaced at the anode. levelling out, rate of reaction rapid 29 a CuO + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + H2O
at first because the slope of the b Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl →
Active/copper electrodes: copper
graph is greater / rise over run CaCl2 + 2H2O
is removed at the anode / anode
decreases in size. fastest at start, slope of graph c NaHCO3 + HCl →
decreases with time as rate of NaCl + CO2 + H2O
Cu(s) → Cu (aq) + 2e
2+ –
reaction decreases
/ Cu releases electrons since it is low
in the electrochemical series. The 24 a Exothermic because ΔH is negative.
electrolyte stays the same colour b The energy required for bond
/ remains same intensity of blue, breaking is less than the energy
because the Cu2+ ions that are given out in making new bonds.
deposited at the cathode are replaced c energy on vertical axis and reaction
by those going into solution at the progress on horizontal, reactants


SECTION A ii An atom is a particle which has e Calcium carbonate is used to make

Practice exam questions no charge (i.e. neutral); an ion is cement.
an electrically charged particle.
11 a Reactions in which both reduction
Multiple-choice questions iii A cation is an ion that has a and oxidation occur simultaneously.
1 b positive charge; an anion is an
bi Cu is the reducing agent as it
ion that has a negative charge.
2 c caused silver’s oxidation number
iv K atom: 2,8,8,1; K ion: 2,8,8
to decrease from +1 to 0.
3 a
10 a CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) +CO2(g) ii 16.88 g
4 c b Water and carbon dioxide gas 12 a 1.06 mol dm–3
5 a c X is hydrochloric acid bi –57 kJ mol–1
6 c di Calcium sulfate ii This value is very close to the
ii Vigorous effervescence at first, expected value of –57.1 kJ mol–1.
7 d which soon stops, leaving the iii There is no heat lost to or
8 b solid CaSO4 in the solution of gained from the external
acid. environment; the density of
Short answer questions iii Calcium sulfate is only slightly the solution is the same as the
9 a i Condensation soluble and cannot be prepared density of water; the specific
using the solid + acid method heat capacity of the solution is
ii Diffusion
as the salt coats the surface the same as that of water.
iii Sublimation of the solid and prevents any
bi Fractional distillation further reaction between the
ii Simple distillation acid and the solid. Calcium
chloride on the other hand is
iii Filtration
a soluble salt which dissolves
c i An element is a pure substance away from the surface of the
composed of one kind of atom solid, allowing for further
whereas a compound is formed reaction to occur. This reaction
when two or more different continues until the maximum
elements combine chemically. amount of salt possible is

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