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Week One: March 12-16, 2018 Blue = part of the integrated curriculum

Monday, 3/12 Tuesday, 3/13 Wednesday, 3/14 Thursday, 3/15 Friday, 3/16

8:30AM - Calendar update - Calendar update - Calendar update - Calendar update - Calendar update
- Monday share - Animal habitat sort activity - Read aloud: Ocean - Read aloud: Desert - Read aloud: Grassland
9:00AM - KWL chart - Read aloud & video: Rainforests - Short video: Ocean - Short video: Desert Short video: Grassland
- Powerpoint + discussion about - Introduce literacy centers - Introduce literacy centers
animal habitats

9:30AM - Intentional read aloud Habitat booklet activity Literacy/Science centers Literacy/Science centers Lunch/Recess
- Finish KWL chart - Read with one group - Read with one group

10:00AM Habitat booklet activity - Introduce expert group project

- Assign groups, start reading/re-

10:30AM Word wall Word wall exercise Work on dioramas

11:00AM Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess


12:00PM - Read aloud (just for fun) - Read aloud (just for fun) - Read aloud (just for fun) - Read aloud (just for fun)
- Writing workshop: Duck! - Writing workshop: opinion writ- - Introduce next step of expert - Introduce next step of expert
12:30PM Rabbit! Opinion writing ing groups groups
- Students work in expert groups - Fill in graphic organizer #2 (stu- HALF DAY
to take notes on graphic organiz- dents plan what their dioramas
ers will look like, what plants/ani-
mals to include)

1:00PM Math - whole class lesson Math - whole class lesson Math - whole class lesson Math - whole class lesson

1:30PM Specials Specials Specials Specials

2:00PM Math - centers Math - centers Math - centers Math - centers

3:00PM Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal

Week Two: March 19-23, 2018

Monday, 3/19 Tuesday, 3/20 Wednesday, 3/21 Thursday, 3/22 Friday, 3/23

8:30AM - Calendar update - Calendar update - Calendar update - Calendar update - Calendar update
- Monday share - Class discussion about endan- - Read aloud - Read aloud - Read aloud: endangered spe-
gered animals cies articles

9:00AM - Read aloud: Many: The Diver- - Short video: Endangered Species - Give directions on animal diora- Guest speaker: Schuylkill Center - Finish dioramas
sity of Life of Earth - Introduce Endangered Species mas for Environmental Education - At this point, depending on
- Give instructions on animal activity (partner work) - Work on dioramas how many students are fin-
dioramas ished with their dioramas,
students could work on an
“All About My Habitat”
9:30AM Work on dioramas Students work in partners on endan- booklet
gered species activity
10:00AM Work on dioramas

10:30AM Word wall Word wall exercise - Read aloud: endangered animals - Introduce “gallery walk”
- Video: Brain Pop Jr. Endan- concept
gered Species - Students do a “gallery walk”
to get a chance to see every-
one’s dioramas

11:00AM Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess


12:00PM - Read aloud (just for fun) - Read aloud (just for fun) - Read aloud (just for fun) - Read aloud (just for fun) - Read aloud (just for fun)
- Writing workshop: What if - Writing workshop: Continue An- - Writing workshop: Introduce - Writing workshop: Finish - Finish “good copy” of En-
12:30PM you had animal teeth? Opinion imal Teeth writing assignment Endangered Species writing as- graphic organizers, continue on dangered Species writing
writing from Monday signment followed by class dis- “good copy”
- Students work on graphic organ-

1:00PM Math - whole class lesson Math - whole class lesson Math - whole class lesson Math - whole class lesson Math - whole class lesson

1:30PM Specials Specials Specials Specials Specials

Monday, 3/19 Tuesday, 3/20 Wednesday, 3/21 Thursday, 3/22 Friday, 3/23

2:00PM Math - centers Math - centers Math - centers Math - centers Math - centers

3:00PM Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal

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