The New Yick Times January 2015

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Yick Wo Elementary School | San Francisco, January 2015


By Sabrina Abuzaid Francisco State University.
New Yick Times: Where did you NYT: Are you married? Do you have
teach before you came to Yick Wo? children?
Ms. Fernandez: Harvey Milk Civil Rights Ms. Fernandez: No.

Photo by Sabrina Adnani

Academy. It was a 4/5 split class here in San NYT: Have you always wanted to be a
Francisco. I taught there for two months. teacher and why?
NYT: What college did you attend? Ms. Fernandez: My mom was a teacher
Ms. Fernandez: U.C.S.C., which and I went to work with my mom. I
Ms. Stephanie
stands for University of California at always loved working with kids.
Santa Cruz for my (undergraduate) and NYT: Where were you born?
I got my teaching credential from San continued on page 2


By Kiki Huang
There are going to be new gardens
inviting. Ms. Slater and Ms. Lipscomb
are also growing plants in their class- SCHOOL
blooming in Yick Wo. Hopefully we are rooms. When asked why she grows a
going to have one in front of Yick Wo garden in her classroom, Ms. Lipscomb
and maybe one in every class. We are go- said, “We grow a garden so the kids
ing to plan a school garden to make the can understand the complete life cycle By West Middleton and Gigi McMillan
school look better and teach kids about of the bean plant from seed to regener- Ro, sham, bo...rock, paper, scissors ro,
growing plants. ated seed.” sham, bo... rock, paper, scissors...That’s
According to Principal Young, we are Hopefully the plants will grow big and exactly what it feels like trying to get
not planting a garden yet, but we are strong, and we will see gardens bloom into middle schools in San Francisco.
going through the greening process with in every classroom in Yick Wo. Actually you do have a choice but it de-
the district to plan for a green school pends on the lottery, finances, siblings,
Front Row (l-r): Adam Belayadi, Kristen Wong, Bella Jayanti, Andy Liang, Christian Perez-Ibarra, Mia Gale garden. Also, Ms. Young said we are and maybe a bit of luck.
Second row (l-r): Zuzu Bikahi, Carmen Chen, Atticus Hansen, going to work with the greening consul- So what should students and parents
Third row (l-r): Brooke Saverkrubbe, Chloe Hu, Himardri Mandal, Frankie Liang, Lina Deng tants to learn which plants will grow the think about when choosing a middle
Fourth row (l-r): Kiki Huang, Sonya Straus, Shirley Liang, Sinclair Wessling, Sabrina Abuzaid, Victoria Duran best in our school, but we are not going school? According to Yick Wo Principal
Last row (l-r): West Middleton, Gigi McMillan, Ellie Aronica, Fiona Tan, Carson Beale to plant seeds for another year or two. Stephanie Young, “Families should try
Absent: Brenner Wessling, Cheyanne Chow I also interviewed Ms. Fernandez to take tours to learn about the middle
because we are growing a garden in her school and see what they have for the
class. She said it is important to plant usual subjects like reading and writing
Special thanks to:
seeds because we get fruits, vegetables, and math and social studies and science.”
Ms. Susanna and Principal Young for their support

Photo by Kiki Huang

Ms. Stephanie for sharing the computer lab
and spices from plants. She said plants They should also look for electives, sports
Copyright 2015
Andrew Middleton & Antea von Henneberg for underwriting the printing costs are pretty and they make a room more and clubs, she says.
Yick Wo Elementary School Across the street from the main
Parent volunteers: 2245 Jones St. Ms. Lipscomb in her Francisco Middle School building is a
Bob McMillan, Natasha Lavine, Suzanne Hansen, Tamara Straus, Kate Beale San Francisco, CA 94133 classroom with the bean plant. continued on page 4

THE CASE OF THE JELLY BEANS GALORE device mixes the ingredients together.
The sugar is poured onto the a bean-
shaped molder, forming millions of jelly

By Fiona Tan jelly beans to the costumers? beans each day. The beans are then sent
BeanBoozled, Jewel Collection, Anthony: A high class jelly bean to the drying room where they stay for
Tabasco beans, Belly Flops, Bertie Bott’s made from all natural flavors. 24 hours.
By Sinclair Wessling don J. Lau School after a Every Flavor, and Fruit Gems. NYT: What is the most exciting part This leads the beans to the next step:
I was walking on Clay Street one day famous Chinese-American Everybody has eaten Jelly Bellys or of working in the factory? building the candy shell. The jelly beans
when I saw a familiar character painted civil rights leader who was has heard of them but nobody really Anthony: Doing tours and seeing the are then put in a drum that rolls them
on a school wall. It was a cartoony panda the first Chinese-American knows how these amazing jelly beans reactions on people’s faces when they see around while they’re sprayed with sugar.
holding a book. It looked like just like elected to the San Francis- started or how they are made. I went all the exciting things that happen here. This process is repeated four times to
the Yick Wo panda, our official school co Board of Supervisors. to the Jelly Belly Candy Company to The Jelly Belly Candy Company produce the candy shell. In the last step,

Photo by Sinclair Wessling

mascot. But here it was, painted on the Yick Wo School is also interview Anthony, a current worker at started out as a small candy store called with 124,000 jelly beans in each pan, hot
wall of Gordon J. Lau Elementary School named after an import- the factory. the Herman Goelitz Candy Company. syrup is added to the jelly beans pol-
in Chinatown. Could this school have ant Chinese-American New Yick Times: How long does it In 1976, David Klein requested a jelly ishing them. When the jelly beans rub
stolen our mascot? civil rights leader. But take to come up with a new flavor? bean made with natural ingredients to against each other it forms the shiny top
My prime suspect was the principal it got that name and Anthony: Workers and visitors always be sold in single flavors. Fruit purees layer. Then the pan stops spinning and
of the school, Dr. Dennis Chew. I knew the panda mascot in suggest new flavors. Kiwi took us a and juice concentrates were mixed lets the beans sit and air dry for 24 hours,
I had to interview him to get to the 1983. Before that, it was Which elementary school mascot came first, Gordon J. Lau’s really long time to get a flavor that tastes into the natural ingredients, and the allowing the glaze to set. From there they
bottom of this mystery. known as Sarah B. Cooper or Yick Wo’s? similar. It usually takes a few months first Jelly Belly was born. It was later drop to the packaging department, ready
I emailed him, asking for an appoint- School, and did not have any to mix flavors that taste like what our brought west when Ernest Rowland for you to eat!
ment. To my surprise, Dr. Chew replied Chinese history. American heritage, I think Gordon J. customers expect. and Alyose Rowland, along with their
that he would be happy to talk to me So, I am not really sure who displayed Lau most likely beat us to it. That’s OK, NYT: What unsuccessful flavors did son Herman G. Rowland, came upon
about the school and its mascot. At the
interview, I asked why they chose that
the panda mascot first, but with almost a
100-year head start and a Chinese-
because one thing that is no mystery is
that sharing is a very good thing.
the factory decide to stop making?
Anthony: Honey, Jalapeño, Peanut But-
Fairfield and opened the Jelly Belly
mascot, and he said “The panda is one of
the most culturally significant animals in
ter, Peppermint Stick, Cafe Latte, Caramel
Apple, and Ice Blue Mint.
The process of making jelly beans is
complicated. It starts off by cooking the OF HALLOWEEN
Chinese culture, and it is certainly a be- Ms. Fernandez became clear to them. NYT: What was the idea you were candy. Liquid sugar is heated to 347
loved animal for the kids of this school.” continued from Page 1 NYT: What is the most interesting trying to give when you presented the degrees Fahrenheit and an agitating By Brenner Wessling
That might be true, I said, but which story you ran into while teaching? Do you ever wonder where Hallow-
school had the panda first? Asked when Ms. Fernandez: I was born in Santa Ms. Fernandez: At Harvey Milk een came from? Do you think it was an
their school opened, he handed me a Monica, Calif. Civil Right Academy, I met a teacher American holiday?
blue piece of paper which told the histo-
ry of Gordon J. Lau Elementary School.
NYT: What elementary, middle, and
high school did you go to?
who biked across the United States to
better understand people’s perspectives HOW CHRISTMAS BEGAN If you did think that, then you’re
wrong! Halloween was an ancient Celtic
From 1895 to 1906 it was called the Ms. Fernandez: I went to Corpus on education. festival named Samhain (pronounced
Chinese School. It was called that because Christi School from kindergarten to 8th NYT: What additional contribution By Lina Deng Do you celebrate Christmas on sow-in), celebrated by the Irish and
back then people were segregated accord- grade. I went to high school at Mary- do the parents of the PTO do? Have you ever wondered how Christ- December 25? If you do, then have you Scottish. Celtic priests called Druids lit
ing to their race.  But all the teachers were mount in Los Angeles. Ms. Fernandez: I’m so lucky to have mas began? Christmas is a popular ever wondered where your presents big bonfires and wore costumes to scare
white! Then from 1906 to 1948  it was NYT: Did you play any sports in three room parents who help plan field holiday. But why do you celebrate that came from? If you lived in the third cen- away ghosts they believed had returned
renamed the Oriental School so Kore- elementary? trips, donate books, provide snacks, and holiday? Is it just for fun? tury, a guy named Saint Nicholas went to Earth to haunt them. The day was
an and Japanese kids could also attend. Ms. Fernandez: When I was four help with book groups. Christmas began in Rome, but no out every Christmas and gave presents later turned into a Christian religious
Believe it or not, speaking any language years old. I started playing soccer, and I NYT: What do you think of the new one actually knows when Christmas to everyone. Saint Nicholas is also holiday named “All Saints Day” by Pope
on the school grounds apart from English played until I finished college. remodeling at Yick Wo? began. Christmas was called “Pagan known as “Father Christmas” and “Kris Gregory III. When it came to America,
was against the rules. NYT: What other sports did you play? Ms. Fernandez: I really like the Holiday”, but now Christmas is called Kringle.” Saint Nicholas is called “Father however, it changed quite a bit.
After World War II, the name was Ms. Fernandez: My favorite sport cheerful colors and that the library and “Christmas.” Other people call it “Mid- Christmas” because he’s the person who Nowadays, people go out at night,
changed to Commodore Stockton School was soccer, and I also played basketball, the computer lab are separated. winter” too, because Christmas is in gives all the presents on Christmas. dressed in costumes and getting candy,
in honor of a famous U.S. Navy hero, volleyball, and softball. NYT: What additional improvement the middle of winter. Christmas began Today we call him Santa Claus. He’s and sometimes go to Halloween cos-
and Alice Fong Yu became its first Chi- NYT: What is the most enjoyable would you like to see at Yick Wo? because of Jesus. Some people think a wonderful person and you should tume parties. Instead of being really
nese-American teacher. In the 1960s the things about your job being a teacher? Ms. Fernandez: In general, I think all Jesus was born on December 25, but remember what he did. scary or religious, it’s more about having
school was opened to kids of all races. Fi- Ms. Fernandez: When I see students’ schools could be improved by having some religions do not believe that he Christmas is a magical holiday, and fun. You probably celebrate it this way,
nally in 1993 the school was named Gor- eyes light up because a skill or concept smaller class sizes. was born on that day. I hope you get fantastic presents! too, unless you’re a Druid!

Page 2 Page 11

RICK RIORDAN: FROM BAD Jackson and the Olympians series. He got
it published, and that’s how he became WHERE IS COACH CRAIG? WHO IS
STUDENT TO BESTSELLING AUTHOR the star he is today. Once he finished the
Percy Jackson series, he made the Heroes By Himadri Mandal Coach Craig does not do Playworks MS. BALL?
of Olympus series, and that was also a big Coach Craig Bostwick was Yick Wo’s at Spring Valley. Coach Craig started
By Carson Beale his teacher thought he should try to pub- hit. The last book in the series, The Blood popular Playworks teacher. Last year he to work at Spring Valley in August. By Bella C. Jayanti
You may think Rick Riordan was a lish it. He sent it to publishers, but he was Of Olympus, came out this year. left the school. The kids over here won- Coach Craig misses Yick Wo. He still There’s a new coach at Yick Wo. We
good student or that he got his first denied, nicely at least. When he graduated Don’t worry! He’s still writing books! dered where he went. He went to work plays the same games. The Spring call her Ms. Ball. Ms. Ball has taught
book published right away, but that’s not school, he sent in another book and it was His new series is called Magnus Chase at Spring Valley Elementary School. Valley kids are funny. Coach Craig me a lot of new and different games.
the case, according to the author, who accepted. It took him 19 drafts to finish. and the Gods of Asgard and is based on gets to help kids. He says that the kids’ One of the games I like is scarf juggling.
came to the Fox Theater The book he first published Norse mythology. By the way there are favorite games are switch and knock She teaches P.E at other elementary
in Redwood City, Calif., to was Big Red Tequila, a book no spoilers here. You’re probably think- out and — for the younger kids — schools. Another elementary school Ms.
talk about his life. for adults. ing that the last name Chase is familiar. cookie monster. “We also play a lot of Ball teaches at is Cleveland Elementary
Riordan was always the When Rick Riordan gradu- Well it is, because it’s Annabeth’s last kickball,” he says. School. In the past Ms. Ball taught at
student in the back who did ated from college, he became name from the Percy Jackson and the He runs the after-school program. Lafayette Elementary School and Chi-
nothing, never raised his a teacher and got married. “I Heroes of Olympus series. The Magnus Over 100 students are in the after- nese Immersion Elementary School. Her
hand or never was called loved being a teacher,” said Chase series will also feature characters school program. Spring Valley has favorite sport is Muay Thai kick boxing.
on. “I hated middle school,” Riordan, and he also made it from the Percy Jackson series. 350 students. Each yard there has a New Yick Times: What did you do

Photo by Ava Dubois

said Riordan, “and back fun by wearing costumes to Until Magnus Chase and the Gods of play structure and a garden. He says before you came to our school?
then there was nowhere to school and teaching his kids Asgard comes out, I would suggest read- a group of 3rd graders in particular Ms. Ball: I went to other elementary
hide. Back then we didn’t kung fu. One day while read- ing his other books: love to laugh and tell jokes. Coach schools.

Photo courtesy of Rick Riordan

Author Rick Riordan
have social media. We ing to his students, they told • The Percy Jackson and the Olympi- Craig misses everybody and plans on NYT: Are you happy working at our
didn’t have cell phones. We him to write kid’s books, but ans series stopping by soon. “I can’t wait to see school?
didn’t have the Internet. Or cable TV. that’s not why he wrote Percy Jackson. • The Heroes of Olympus series Coach Craig has moved from Playworks to everybody and play some more four Ms. Ball: Um, yes, I guess so.
We didn’t have video games.” Rick Riordan then had a son. As his • The 39 Clues series teaching at Spring Valley Elementary. square,” he says. NYT: Why?
There were two things to do, which son grew up, he told him stories about • The Kane Chronicles series Ms. Ball: Well everybody seems
were play sports or read. Since he hated Greek myths. One day he ran out of sto- • Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods happy and not sad.
the outdoors, he chose to read but he still ries to tell him, so he made up the Percy Have fun reading them all. DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEM TO THE RESCUE NYT: Why did you choose this pro-
disliked reading. His first favorite book fession?
was The Lord of the Rings. “That was pret- By Shirley Liang said the following about the Dewey Ms. Ball: I had really great teachers
ty awesome. You had dwarves and elves
and magic and monsters and dark lords
LIFE ON ANOTHER PLANET? Have you ever gone to a library and
not been able to find the book you
Decimal system:
New Yick Times: When did you learn
when I was a little girl.
NYT: Which university did you go to?
and awesome stuff,” Riordan said. By Carmen Chen planets are way too hot for life forms, wanted? about this system? Ms. Ball: Louisiana State University.
He heard one of the honors teachers Astronomers from NASA recently because they are too close to the star. The Dewey Decimal System is a Ms. Krajewski: When I was in ele- I hope she keeps it up.
did her masters thesis on The Lord of found an earth-sized planet that just Kepler186f orbits around its star every system that helps people find books mentary school.
the Rings and he wanted to be in her might support life! 130 days, and its neighbor planets are easier when they are in the library. It NYT: Do you like this system?
class. So you’re probably thinking Rick On April 17th, 2014, scientists an- so much closer they orbit the star every was created in 1876 and named after Ms. K: Yes.
Riordan must have had As to get into nounced their amazing find. The research- 3, 7, 13, and 22 days. Melvil Dewey. Dewey created this sys- NYT: How does this system work?
her class and publish a book, but that’s ers at NASA say that Kepler186f is just Astronomers say that this distant plan- tem in the United States to help people Ms. K: You use decimals to find books
incorrect. Here is what really happened. a little bit bigger than Earth, and orbits et is exciting because it’s in the “habitable find the books they need. The classes around the library.
He had never been an honors student, so around a star called M Dwarf. This planet zone” like Earth, referring to the range of (categories) range from 000 up by hun- Now I am going to show you how
he went to see the principal about it. The is 490 light years away from earth, and is distance from the star where liquid water dreds to 900. They cover categories the Dewey Decimal System works.
next day in front of his whole class, his in our solar system, the Milky Way. might pool on the surface of an orbiting from general works to philosophy to First choose a book. Say you want

Photo by Bella C. Jayanti

teacher asked him, “Can you tell me what Kepler186f ’s star is classified as an planet. They think that the planet is history and geography and everything a planet book. All the planet books
is irony, please?” and he said, “Irony is M Dwarf or Red Dwarf, a class of stars rocky, like Earth, which would also make in between. are in one category. Planet books are
the fact that I can’t think of the definition that makes up 70% of the Milky Way life possible. This system was created for libraries found in the science category. Science
of irony right now.” He admits he was galaxy. They found that the star hosts “The discovery of Kepler186f is a to keep the library books organized. It is 500s and within the 500s all the
surprised when he got into her class. at least five planets, which are called significant step finding worlds like our helps people find books so they don’t planet books are under 523. Then find
This teacher taught him how The Lord Kepler 186c-Kepler186fe. But only one planet Earth,” said Paul Hertz, NASA’s have to search around in different your book and that’s it — it is that
of the Rings had to do with Norse mythol- is thought possible of having life. Astrophysics Division director at the places to find their books. Ms. Kra- easy! Now you can use this system in Yick Wo’s new coach, Ms. Ball, has a lot of
ogy. Also in honors he wrote a book and Researchers say that the other Kepler agency’s headquarter at Washington. jewski, the Yick Wo school librarian our school library. experience with elementary school kids.

Page 10 Page 3
PLAY WORKS! yard. If there’s an argument at recess, and
the Coach is busy, a Junior Coach can help
solve the disagreement with ro sham bo.
By Zuzu Bikahi     
Playworks was founded by a teacher
disagreements, when those kids go back
to class sometimes they are hurt or sad.
Our new Playworks coach is Sam. When
we spoke last fall, I learned a lot about her.
CELL PHONES TRANSMIT • When the Board of Supervisors
tried to alert the public about
named Jill Vialet. Jill was tired of the same
kids coming into the principal’s office
during recess for fighting and arguing on
Playworks wants all kids to go back to
class with a smile on their face. They
encourage problem solving using rock
She became a coach because it looked like
fun to play with kids at recess. She went to
U.C. Davis. She’s had other jobs, but ours is
MORE THAN JUST MESSAGES cell phone radiation, the Cellular
Telecommunications Industry
Association (made up of the heads
the yard. She wanted kids to play during paper scissors: The person who wins the first school she’s worked at. Kickball is By Ellie Aronica • In the U.S., one third of 11-year- of major technology companies)
recess, so she had a meeting with the gets to chose the call, and there are no her favorite Playworks game, and she has You just got home from school and you olds own their own cell phones. threatened to sue, so the bill was
other school staff. Soon after the meeting, arguments on the yard. Any school with a lot of fun playing it. Outside of school need a rest so you clunk up to your room Most studies show that the young- dropped
she created a program called Sports4Kids. Playworks probably has fewer argu- Coach Sam loves running and archery. and flop down on your bed, but instead er you are the more radiation you When I asked Mr. Kunze what he
Sports4Kids is now called Playworks. ments then schools without Playworks.       She likes working with us because kids are of picking up a good old book you reach will absorb because your skull is would like our readers to know about
 Playworks believes in teamwork and  Playworks serves over 250 schools, and funny and fun to work with! over and grab your cell phone and call thinner and your brain tissues cell phones, he said “I think that
leadership. They want every kid in school one of those schools is ours. A favorite My opinion is that Playworks is a your friend. You end up loosing track of are more absorbent (see image, companies like Fisher-Price and Apple
to play during recess. They don’t want Playworks program we use is called Junior great program and that our school is time and chatting on your phone for an below). should stop marketing iPhone baby
kids sitting out because of problems or Coaches. Junior Coaches help out on the lucky to have it. Play works! Play works! hour. Then on top of having to do your • Every cell phone emits radiation. rattles and apps designed for toddlers
homework at 8:30 p.m., you also have just • Most cell phone manuals include because children absorb a lot more
been exposed to very harmful radiation information on radiation and how radiation from cell phones than adults.
Middle school cisco they can get in somewhere. Yick Wo schools that are serious about promoting that could cause cancer or other harmful to be safer from it, and that users Some children also don’t have the
continued from page 1 tracked 39 students from the 2014 graduat- their religion while also giving you a good effects such as headaches, sleep loss, sight should keep their phones at least 5/8 ability to read the cell phone manuals,
ing class and found that 62% of them went education. CSB has a couple of graduates loss, and memory loss. of an inch away from their bodies. which instruct users to hold the phone
small annex where you’ll find the gym- to Francisco. from Yick Wo. Former Yick Wo student Mobilize is a newly released (2014) One phone manual even said 9/8 about an inch away from the body. It’s
nasium, fitness lab, boys-and-girls’ locker Public schools are the basic choice for Milo Wetherall is a 7th grader there and he and fascinating documentary about cell of an inch away, especially from the just common sense.”
rooms, the cafeteria, and the music room. students in San Francisco. According to the says it is not much different from a public phone radiation. The movie shows many abdomens of pregnant women and Although more research is still being
Students in green and gray uniforms lift school district, 60% of the school-aged chil- school except for the religion classes. studies, most of which say that radiation the lower abdomen of teenagers. conducted, the World Health Organiza-
weights, run on treadmills, and pedal dren in San Francisco attend public schools. These are the kind of choices facing from cell phones could be a life or death • In 2010, The San Francisco Board tion and other credible sources say that
exercise bikes. The three physical educa- A special kind of public school is a Yick Wo 5th graders. The dice roll... problem. The filmmaker, Kevin Kunze, of Supervisors and former mayor there is definitely a chance that cell phone
tion teachers; Mr. Jung, Mr. Guenza, and charter school. When students apply for they land... you got into... that’s what goes on a hunt to see what radiation from Gavin Newsom passed a Right radiation is “possibly carcinogenic” and
Mr. Catalini all run the different sports charter schools in San Francisco, they are it feels like trying to get into middle cell phones really can do, and interviews to Know Bill to let people know that means that there is a chance that
teams. Not only does Francisco have a put in a lottery system just like the regular schools... the roulette wheel spins...the many credible sources including scientists about the potential harms of radi- radiation could actually cause the deadly
great sports program but it has a terrific public schools. Gateway Middle School cards shuffle... you pick one. and doctors. The movie gives viewers a ation from cell phones and how to symptoms I have already mentioned.
after-school program called BEACON was a popular school with lot of helpful facts, some of which are: use phones safely. Here is a list of precautions you can take
that has homework help, cooking, sports Yick Wo students last year. to protect your health:
activities, community service, and more. Gateway classes are smaller • First of all you should never sleep
Many students like the second-genera- so students are better helped with your phone under your pillow
tion Francisco graduate and principal Ken- by teachers, according to because the longer and closer the
nith Lee. “[What I like most about Francis- Ford Middleton, a former phone is to your head the more
co] is the teachers and the principal,” says Yick Wo student and an 8th radiation you could be absorbing.
Abby Burrell, a former Yick Wo student grader at Gateway. • When you do need to use a cell
and now a 6th grader at Francisco Middle Another option for phone it would be the best to plug
School. Another former Yick Wo student middle school is a private a headset into the phone to mini-
and Francisco sixth grader, Gino Moragan, school. Private schools in mize the time the phone is against
says he likes the way teachers teach at that San Francisco cost a lot of your head.
school and the physical education classes. money but there is financial • Try to text, not call!
Yick Wo is a feeder school for Francisco aid for lucky students who This picture • Don’t carry your cell phone in
which means that if you are a Yick Wo get scholarships. Cathedral from Mobilize your pocket!
student and you apply for Francisco you School for Boys is a private shows how As one cancer survivor in Mobilize
will almost certainly get in, according to school and happens to much radiation argues, following these precautions
Principal Lee. In fact, as long as a student also be a parochial school. is absorbed at could be inconvenient, but not nearly as
applies for any public school in San Fran- Parochial schools are private different ages. inconvenient as having a brain tumor!

Page 4 Page 9
THE OLD SOURDOUGH SMELLS A little boy giggles as he sees a sour-
dough teddy bear on an old wagon. A

THAT FILL FISHERMAN’S WHARF young woman reads the humongous

book about Isidore Boudin. An old cou-
ple glance at the many different types

By Chloe Hu Even after the Gold Rush, the Boudin of bread that Boudin produce. All of
Everyone knows about the unique Bakery’s business still flourished. In them have one thing alike. They are all
Boudin Bakery from the crocodile 1906, the San Francisco earthquake and smiling and enjoying themselves while
baguettes to the sky lining basketsful of fire greatly affected the Boudin French tasting the unique sourdough bread and
fresh delicious bread. It’s obviously one Bakery. Luckily, Louise Boudin saved learning about the fascinating history of By Cheyanne Chow (his mother) decided to
of the main reasons why people visit the “mother dough” or starter from the this great establishment. Have you ever eaten a piece of purchase the Ghirardelli
Fisherman’s Wharf. Everyone thinks burning depths of the bakery. Ghirardelli chocolate? If you have, site. Together they turned a
that Boudin is just a very successful Since that time, Boudin has contin- have you ever wondered about the chocolate making compa-
bakery, but it ‘s way more than that.
Gold was discovered in California in
ued to flourish. People from around the
world sit at the Boudin Bistro enjoying MAKING A BIG history of Ghirardelli? Well, wheth-
er you have or have not let me tell
ny into a courtyard with
specialty shops and nice

1848. Thousands and thousands of adven- the unique taste of sourdough tacos. you about how it was created. It all restaurants, which turned
turers from around the world squished Upstairs, many adults sit at the bar started when a man named Domingo the area around the square
into the tiny town of San Francisco. Most talking while Boudin staff refill their Ghirardelli came to San Francisco into a neighborhood with a
of these people suffered from a lack of de-
licious bread. They all had to live on hard
empty glasses of margaritas and marti-
nis. In the far back, the Boudin Museum BIG PARK in 1849 during the California Gold
Rush to try and make a fortune by
vibrant atmosphere. Ghirardelli Square
opened in 1964.
tween Polk and Larkin. After eating all
that chocolate be sure to take a walk to
tasteless bread for a whole year. But soon, sits. There is a long line of families, cou- selling chocolates. In 1965 San Francisco declared that burn off all your chocolate calories.
the Boudin French Bakery was established ples and loners alike, waiting for their By Kirsten Wong In 1893 Ghirardelli bought the Ghirardelli was an official city land-
and their fresh delicious bread won the turn to get into the exhibit. Inside are Located at Lombard and Columbus Pioneer Woolen Mill (an entire San mark. Ghirardelli has been granted Na-
hearts of all the people who dwelled in the
tiny town San Francisco.
many diverse things to learn about, such
as the ways Boudin trained their bakers.
Avenue between Fisherman’s Wharf
and Chinatown, the North Beach Joe
Francisco block) so that he could make
the headquarters in the Ghirardelli
tional Historic Register status to ensure
its preservation for future generations.
DiMaggio Playground will soon have a
new look.
Company bigger. In 1895 the Ghirar-
delli Chocolate Company relocated to
Today Ghirardelli sells chocolate, hot
chocolate, sundaes, ice cream, hot choc- SHIP TERMINAL
HELP SAVE THE The Playground is currently being reno-
vated. The new renovations will include a
Ghirardelli Square. Then in the 1960’s
the Golden Grain Macaroni Company
olate powder, chocolate covered cookies,
souvenirs, and more. Most people love By Brooke Suverkrubbe
larger children’s play area relocated next to purchased the Ghirardelli Company. Ghirardelli chocolate (see chart above), Did you know that when you go on a

RESTAURANT ON WHEELS! the North Beach Swimming Pool accord-

ing to Gregory Scott, Aquatics Facility
They sold it and relocated it to a new
modern facility across the bay in San
so if you haven’t tried their chocolate
before be sure to try it. Now.
cruise ship or go to a cruise ship termi-
nal and you flush a toilet it could be rain
Supervisor. Fifty new trees, plantings and Leonardo. In 1962 William P. Mat- Ghirardelli is located in Fisherman’s from the roof of the terminal? Because
By Atticus Hansen named Matt Cohen, who tried to have shade areas will be added to the park. son Roth and Ms. William P. Roth Wharf on 900 North Point Street be- they collect water from the roof!
My favorite restaurant is a restaurant a food truck and failed, brought a New deck, seating, picnic tables and I asked Susan Renals, the director of
on wheels, but it may soon be gone from small group of friends with food trucks benches will be included. They will even the port some questions. The first thing I
North Beach unless we help. Off The
Grid has different trucks serving food
together to make a mobile market of
wonderful food. Four years later the
add new places for seniors to gather and
exercise. For people who like sports, more THE SAN FRANCISCO DUNGEON! asked her was why they built a new termi-
nal. Susan said that it was because the last
from around the world all together in business has grown to hundreds of basketball hoops and new tennis courts one was out-dated. She said it cost $100
one in our neighborhood! trucks all over the city. Off The Grid has will be added. By Christian Perez-Ibarra each day to take the tour. It takes about million to build the new one. It was ready
The Off The Grid team chose Joe doubled in size in the last 6 months! Mr. Scott said, “The new changes will The San Francisco Dungeon is a place an hour to complete the tour of the San and opened September 2014. I asked
DiMaggio as the best possible place to You may wonder why Off The Grid is make it safer for the children.” The reno- where the people can get a good look at Francisco Dungeon. You will experience her how many cruise ships are going to
be because it’s central to our communi- outdoors, it’s to have a different experience vation is expected to be finished by the San Francisco and see the history of the nine live-actor shows and a boat ride come this year and she said that 85 ships
ty. Sadly, when the construction starts than you can anywhere else. On an average end of 2015. city. It’s also dark and scary place kids while inside. The Dungeon experience are going to come visit the city. Our new
in January, Off The Grid well be gone Wednesday night, 50 people at any given The North Beach Park was founded in and people can be scared about! It will covers more than two hundred years of terminal is called the James R. Herman
for a while. People are trying to find a time are eating and playing at Off The Gird. the early 1900’s to provide recreational give you the chills and goosebumps and San Francisco history! Cruise Ship Terminal and that it took 25
new place to hold Off The Grid in North They usually serve 400-500 diners a night. activities for ordinary and under-privi- the feeling that you want to go back At the dungeon, they have stuff that years to plan it and 3 years to build it.
beach, but for now, no one knows if it If you have an idea for a new place leged kids. In 2000 the park was re- every time you visit! you can buy or you can buy things at I think that it was good that they built
can continue. Off The Grid can call home, they would named after the famous baseball player The San Francisco dungeon opened the place right next to it that you can a new terminal. I know because I live
The first Off The Grid event was in love to know. Call or email them and for the New York Yankees, Joe DiMag- six days after the wax museum closed. remember forever. Recommended for across the street from the terminal. But
2010 at Fort Mason Center. A man help save our restaurant on wheels! gio, who grew up in the neighborhood. One hundred or more people go there ten years and older. it is a little loud.

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CHINATOWN BART IS In 2012, the Federal Transit Administra-

tion, which is a national organization,
announced it would provide $942.2
GOOD FOR CHINATOWN million for the project under its New
Starts program. Money has also come GETS BREAKFAST TREE IS FALLING
from the State of California.
By Andy Liang and will stop at three stations along the In the future, the line may terminate By Sonya Straus things, which provoked Bonnie to bite By Frankie Liang
I am walking by the Chinatown way. It will allow many people from in North Beach or extend to Fisherman’s Jarrod Willis holds out a square metal him on the foot. Bonnie was sent back to I was sitting in my dad’s car. I heard
BART. This massive underground con- our neighborhood to go to different Wharf to connect with the F Market. If pole with a square grill at the end. He Florida and Claude remains alone. a crack and I saw the tree fall down.
struction project started in 2010, and places in the Bay Area, such as Oak- that happens, more people will ride the lures the alligator in to feed him the furry Claude’s habitat is on the first floor of It broke the front of the truck. It was
is the second part of the San Francisco land and the San Francisco Airport. subway, and fewer people will be in buses black and white object in the plastic bag. the museum in a sunken swamp. The huge and tall. The tree had a lot of
Municipal Transportation Agency’s The project has been planned for a and cars. That will mean more visitors It takes 10 minutes to get the alligator into swamp consists of a heated rock, many branches. It fell in the truck’s seat and
Third Street Light Rail Project. It will long time. In 2008, the San Francis- to our neighborhoods, but probably less the perfect position on the rock. Suddenly, swamp-like plants, water, snapping it was over the street. Nobody got hurt
take until 2019, five more years, to co Municipal Transportation Agency street traffic. And people will be able to Willis pulls the creature out of the bag. It turtles, and fish. The scientists at the from the tree. It broke the glass from
complete the extension of the line. Board of Directors voted to extend the get places quicker. Overall, the new sub- is a rat! The alligator lifts his head, opens museum made this place for Claude so the truck. The wheels came off.
The new BART station is on Stockton subway line. But the project was too way line and the Chinatown BART will his toothy jaws, and swallows the rat he would feel at home. They also give The city of San Francisco has
and Washington Streets in Chinatown, expensive for the city to afford by itself. be good for the neighborhood. whole with a satisfied look on his face. him yearly checkups. If all goes well, he about 105,000 public trees. There are
which is the most populated part of the This is how Willis, a senior biologist at is expected to live to 80 years old. more than 226 types of trees in the
city. The 1.7 mile line goes all the way the California Academy of Sciences, gives Does Claude feel like he is at home? city. We don’t how many trees will

to 4th and King in South of Market, Claude, a 19-year-old albino alligator, a Willis says Claude knows his name. So fall this year. If it happens near you,
special feeding every month. It is also part of maybe he does. it will be loud and dusty.
the three private training sessions the alliga-

WARRIORS ARE SCHOOL GETS A FACE LIFT tor receives from his trainer every week.
Since he arrived in San Francisco in
2008, Claude has been one of the main
COMING TO SF By Victoria Duran
Next year Garfield Elementary will
The remodel will change many things.
The doors will be lighter especially for
attractions at the California Academy
of Sciences. He was born in Florida on
By Mia Gale
As seen on the internet Reza Baluchi men on the boat to lean aft, to the back
By Adam Belayadi be playing in the school we were in last the smaller students because the doors September 15, 1995. Because he is albino, sits in his hydro pod, which is an inflatable end of the boat, while they were getting
I am in a car, driving by signs ad- year, Hancock Elementary, because are very heavy. Garfield is also going to a rare genetic condition, his vision is not bubble, eating a protein bar and figuring the line ready to throw across to the
vertising the new arena for the Golden their school is being renovated too. have new updates during the remodel- good and he is nearly blind. This condi- out the next step. This is not his first time sailboat. When the Coast Guard threw
State Warriors, Oakland's National Bas- Just like Yick Wo, Garfield is getting a ing process. After the remodel, it will tion also makes him white, white like a on the water, but he is trying to break a re- the line over to the sailboat, the two men
ketball Association team. The construc- face lift. have a better look, faster Internet, and greenish ghost. cord by floating 1,000 miles. Right now he hung on and were pulled to safety. About
tion crew hasn’t started it yet. I have Many of San Francisco Unified School other amenities. Just like Yick Wo, I’m Claude was taken out of the wild, and is 70 miles from Saint Augustine, Florida an hour later, the Coast Guard managed
been waiting all my life to see it because District’s school buildings are being sure the new Garfield will turn out to be given a safe place to live in San Francis- surviving only on protein bars, bottled wa- to get the sailboat out of the rocks.
I like basketball and I especially like the renovated because of Prop A, passed by really nice! co’s science museum, because he prob- ter, his GPS, and a satellite phone. Oh no, The Coast Guard have been around
Golden State Warriors. The arena will San Francisco in November ably would have been eaten or at least his bubble pops by the strong waves! The for a long time. They were first founded
be finished in 2018. It will hold 18,000 2011. The last portion of $1.3 unable to defend himself in the wild with Coast Guard come into action. They rescue in 1790. Coast Guard are one of the five
seats. Some critics say, with its bowl billion in bonds is being used his poor sight. For a few years, Claude him and bring him to shore. armed forces. The Coast Guard is made
shape, it looks like a toilet. to modernize and improve shared a tank with an alligator named Have you ever seen an orange and up of nearly 38,000 women and men
There have been a lot of arguments safety rules at SFUSD schools. Bonnie. Claude tends to bump into white helicopter rescue people from who are on active duty. Their jobs are
about where the arena should be located. In Some phases are completed a sinking boat? That is where the U.S. to enforce the law, protect the environ-
2012, the Warriors, who play in Oakland, and other projects are still in Coast Guard come down to help. The ment, save lives, and operate ports and
announced plans to move to San Francisco, progress. Coast Guard are trained to help peo- waterways. In 2012, the Coast Guard
below the Bay Bridge. But citizens com- Garfield was founded in ple that are in distress anywhere in the saved over 3,560 lives and responded
plained the arena would block Bay views, so 1852 and is located right water. They also patrol the coastline to to 19,790 search rescue calls. The Coast
Photo by Sonya Straus

the Warriors abandoned their plans and set- under Coit Tower. It was make sure boats are safe. Guard Reserve is a force of about 8,000
tled on the beautiful Mission Bay location. originally called Clarks Point About two years ago, I saw a boat stuck people that are specially trained, who
Fans probably won’t care whether Grammar School. Later the on the rocks in the Presidio. It took about work one weekend a month and 14 days
the arena is near the Bay Bridge or not. name was changed in hon- a minute or two for the Coast Guard boat a year. Next time you see a Coast Guard,
They’ll care whether it’s a awesome or of the president James A. Garfield Elementary School will be receiving a renovation to show up. The Coast Guard noticed the you might want to thank them for keep-
place to see basketball games. Garfield. next year. Claude at mealtime. tip was slowly sinking. They told the two ing our waters safe.

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