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Lesson TITLE and GRADE Level: Multiplying Rational Numbers, 7th grade math


CA Common Core Math Standards:
7.NS.1: Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers;
represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram.

7.NS.1.c: Understand subtraction of rational numbers as adding the additive inverse, p – q = p + (–q). Show that the
distance between two rational numbers on the number line is the absolute value of their difference, and apply this
principle in real-world contexts.

Pose questions that elicit elaboration and respond to others' questions and comments with
relevant observations and ideas that bring the discussion back on topic as needed.

1. The students will demonstrate their understanding of multiplying negative and
positive integers by correctly answering 8 out of 10 questions on the Nearpod quiz.
2. The students will discuss how to multiply negative and positive integers successfully
with their shoulder and face partners.

21st Century FLUENCY Skill: Information Fluency

 Nearpod lesson (already created)
 1 to 1 Chromebooks OR enough Chromebooks for the students to share a
 Printed out half sheet of math notes that correspond with the lesson (already created,
see below.)


 (Review the “Bell Ringer” math problems that are used as a warm-up on the board.
Walk the students through the first two questions, and ask the students to share the
solution to the last bell ringer with their shoulder partner. Ask the students to hi-five
their shoulder partner when they have finished.)


 If you can hear me clap once. (Continue until the students are quiet, this should be no
more than about a thirty seconds for them to quiet down.)
 Hello students! Today we will be learning how to multiply negative and positive
integers! (Cheer. Encourage students to cheer and pump them up!)
 Please take out a pencil to take notes, and open your Chromebooks and go to
 Enter the Nearpod code that is on the board, while I pass out the notes for today.


Today, students, you will demonstrate your understanding of multiplying negative and
positive integers by correctly answering 8 out of the 10 quiz questions at the end of this
Nearpod. This is going to be easy for you because you are smart and capable!

RELEVANCY (1 minutes): Multiplying negative and positive integers is a skill that you
can use anytime you are shopping and dealing with money.


(30 minutes):
 (Make sure all students have a copy of the notes and they are all logged into the
Nearpod. Play Nearpod to simultaneously as I fill in the notes under the document
 Okay, ladies and gentlemen! Let’s discover the rule about multiplying by completing
this table.
 (I will fill in the table in the notes while the students follow along. Students with
special accommodations will have notes that have been mostly filled in so they can
follow along.)
 (Once the table is almost completed, ask the students to call out numbers and fill in
the last of the numbers. Reward students who are participating with tickets and
 Good work! Did you discover the rule?
 (Students respond, provide feedback as necessary. The rule is: two negative numbers
make a positive, and a negative multiplied by a positive makes a negative number,
and two positives make a positive product.)
 Multiplication is communicative, ladies and gentlemen.
 Please repeat “communicative” after me.
 Good. Does any one know what communicative means?
 (Call on students who raise their hands and provide feedback.)
 Communicative means that the order that you multiply the numbers in does not
matter, you will always have the same result or product.
 (Complete practice problem on the notes to explain this. Provide feedback as
 Please turn to your partner and share the answer: What does communicative mean?
(Praise students who are sharing well.)
 (Complete practice problem on glaciers on the notes and Nearpod.)
 You can use a number line to help you multiply and divide integers. (Complete.)
 If you understood how we got this answer please give me a thumbs up, or a thumbs
sideways if you are partially sure of how I got the answer, and show me a thumbs
down if you don’t understand what is going on.
 Thank you!
 Now, let’s find the product of -8(3).
 First, we need to look at the signs. Because we have a positive and a negative, what is
the sign that our product will have? (Negative.)
 Let’s put a negative sign after the equal sign so we can remember the product will be
negative. Now, we can simply multiply 8 and 3.
 Now, it’s time to work with your shoulder partner to solve the problem on the
Nearpod. (Students work with partners and I float around the room providing
feedback and support. Students with special needs will have a partner who writes for
them and will have a TA to assist them.)
 Good work, students!
 Remember, two negative numbers multiplied make a positive product.
 That means that this is a property of math.
 (Return to glacier problem on Nearpod and solve again using math property.)
 Good work students! Now its time to work with your shoulder partners again! Solve
to find the product of -11(-7). (I float around the room to offer feedback and support.)
 Fill in the “Read the Signs” on the notes. Remember to read the signs before you
multiply to find out what the product will be.
 Try this out on your own! (Problem is on the Nearpod. Provide support and feedback
as needed.)
 Think about it (on Nearpod. Teacher will model think-aloud as I solve it.)
 Excellent work, students!
 Are their any questions? (Answer and provide feedback as necessary.)
Independent Practice (10 minutes):
 The last thing to do today is to glue your notes in your math notebook. Then you will
take the TINY quiz on Nearpod.
 This quiz is easy because you are smart and capable!
 All you will be doing is multiplying negative and positive integers.
 When you are finished you may pack up.


lesson, see above.


 Objective 1 will be assessed verbally during the lesson when the teacher asks for a
specific response for the questions posted on the Nearpod.
 Objective 1 will also be assessed through the quiz at the end of the Nearpod.
 Objectives 2 will be assessed as I float around the room and monitor and structure student

Document all sources:

Preview of Nearpod:

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