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Project Overview

Implementation of the
National eHealth Electronic
Health Record System
Validation (NEHEHRSV) and
eHealth Subscription
General Objectives

1. Implementation of a centralized national health system for public and private

hospitals. In collaboration with the DOH, DOST and also other health


2. Define guidelines and procedures for the implementation of the NEHEHRSV

and eHealth Subscription

3. Define advantages and benefits of the eHealth Subscription and integration


Scope and Limitation

The eHealth system will be provided by the software company and will be the
entity to implement the reporting requirements for the integration with the NEHEHRSV.
The eHealth will be managed by the software company and clients (Health
Centers/Offices) will be the subscribers to the eHealth system
Project Overview

Nation eHealth Electronic Health Record System Validation (NEHEHRSV)

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

Centralized health records for all Standard requirement of an existing

Hospitals EHRS should pass the requirements of


Application is free of charge (However If the EHRS shall be developed in-

future maintenance and sustainability house, subject the developed EHRS to

might be charged) the NEHEHRSV

Convenient for hospitals, hospital staff, Implementation in rural areas, public

patients and doctors because patient hospitals, provincial hospitals and other

records are pulled straight from the government funded health centres that

system no matter which part of the are not that modernized ( Having EHRS)

country need to comply to apply for the

, rural or urban areas. NEHEHRSV

Pulling the records of patients from the Implementation of the NEHEHRSV

NEHEHRSV would lessen the process would mean longer integration and

of obtaining health records of patients encoding of existing hospital records

that have been admitted in multiple and EHRS.

Project Overview
Project Overview

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