Do You Know About Aurora

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Do you know about aurora? Can you tell me how aurora occurs?

Well, let me
explain it. An aurora (Latin word mean “sunrise”) is natural light display in the sky
in the poles (north and south) caused by the collision of energetic charged particles
with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere. In the northern latitude, the effect is
known as aurora borealis (aurora: the goddess dawn, borealis: north wind). While
in the Antarctic region, the effect is known as aurora australis. They illuminate the
northern and southern horizon as greenish glow or sometimes faint red,
occasionally blue but most often in fluorescent green. Auroras can be seen at night
because their light is not as strong as the light of the day.
The aurora phenomenon occurs when the sun produces solar wind. Solar wind is
a stream of electrons and protons which are released from the sun due to the high
kinetic energy. These particles are charged and contain energy, which means they
contribute to electricity. In other way, our planet is surrounded by a super-sized
magnetic sheath which is usually called the Magnetic Field of the Earth.
Sometimes this solar wind hits the Earth. Some of these charged particles lead to
the poles of the earth at a speed that keeps growing. The collision between these
particles and atoms present in the earth’s atmosphere, it releases the energy that
causes the formation of colorful auroras at the poles of the earth, which looks like a
big circle around the pole.
Why Aurora is only found in the earth’s poles? This is because the north and
South Pole magnetic field is very strong compared to other regions. The poles of
this magnetic field pull the protons and electrons from the solar wind. So the
phenomenon is more common in the Polar Regions.
However, sometimes the Aurora can also appear at the top of the mountain in a
tropical climate, but this phenomenon is extremely rare. Aurora phenomena have
been observed on other planets than Earth that have a magnetic field, such as
Jupiter, Saturn and more recently Mars. It is believed to be a widespread
phenomenon in the Solar System and beyond.

Teks Penjelasan
Bagaimana Fenomena Aurora Terjadi

Apakah kau tahu tentang Aurora? Bisakah kamu memberitahuku bagaimana Aurora
terjadi? Persilahkan saya untuk menjelaskan. Aurora (Dalam bahasa latin berarti
"Matahari terbit") adalah penampakan cahaya alami di utara dan selatan langit yang
disebabkan oleh tabrakan dari partikel energi dengan atom di atas atmosfer. Di lintang
utara, efek ini dikenal sebagai aurora borealis (aurora: dewi fajar, borealis: angin utara).
Sementara di wilayah Antarctic, eefek ini dikenal sebagai aurora australis. Mereka
menerangi bagian utara dan selatan secara horizontal dengan cahaya hijau atau
kadang-kadang merah (samar-samar), kadangkala berwarna biru namun lebih sering
berwarna hijau. Aurora bisa dilihat pada malam hari karena cahayanya tidak sekuat
cahaya pada siang hari.

Fenomena Aurora terjadi saat matari memproduksi angin solar. Angin solar adalah
aliran elektron dan proton yang dilepaskan dari matahari dikarenakan oleh energi
kinetik yang tinggi. Partikel-partikel ini diisi dan menarik energi, yang berarti mereka
mengkontribusi kan elektrisitas. Dalam kata lain, planet kita dikelilingi oleh sarung
magnetik berukuran besar yang biasanya dipanggil Medan Magnet Bumi. Terkadang
angin solar ini mengenai Bumi. Beberapa dari angin solar ini mengisi partikel yang
mengarah kepada kutub-kutub bumi, yang kelihatan seperti lingkaran besar yang
mengelilingi kutub.

Kenapa Aurora hanya ditemukan di kutub-kutub bumi? Ini karena medan magnet pada
kutub utara dan selatan sangat kuat dibandingkan dengan daerah yang lain. Kutub-
kutub dari medan magnet ini menarik proton dan elektron dari angin solar. Jadi
fenomena ini lebih sering dilihat di daerah kutub.

Namun, terkadang aurora bisa terlihat pada puncak gunung di iklim tropis, tapi
fenomena ini sangat jarang terjadi. Aurora telah di observasi pada planet lain selain
bumi yang memiliki medan magnet, seperti Jupiter, Saturnus dan yang baru-baru ini,
Mars. Hal ini diyakini menjadi fenomena yang tersebar paling luas pada tata surya dan
Do you know about aurora? Can you tell me how aurora occurs? Well, let me
explain it. An aurora (Latin word mean “sunrise”) is natural light display in the sky
in the poles (north and south) caused by the collision of energetic charged particles
with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere. In the northern latitude, the effect is
known as aurora borealis (aurora: the goddess dawn, borealis: north wind). While
in the Antarctic region, the effect is known as aurora australis. They illuminate the
northern and southern horizon as greenish glow or sometimes faint red,
occasionally blue but most often in fluorescent green. Auroras can be seen at night
because their light is not as strong as the light of the day.
The aurora phenomenon occurs when the sun produces solar wind. Solar wind is
a stream of electrons and protons which are released from the sun due to the high
kinetic energy. These particles are charged and contain energy, which means they
contribute to electricity. In other way, our planet is surrounded by a super-sized
magnetic sheath which is usually called the Magnetic Field of the Earth.
Sometimes this solar wind hits the Earth. Some of these charged particles lead to
the poles of the earth at a speed that keeps growing. The collision between these
particles and atoms present in the earth’s atmosphere, it releases the energy that
causes the formation of colorful auroras at the poles of the earth, which looks like a
big circle around the pole.
Why Aurora is only found in the earth’s poles? This is because the north and
South Pole magnetic field is very strong compared to other regions. The poles of
this magnetic field pull the protons and electrons from the solar wind. So the
phenomenon is more common in the Polar Regions.
However, sometimes the Aurora can also appear at the top of the mountain in a
tropical climate, but this phenomenon is extremely rare. Aurora phenomena have
been observed on other planets than Earth that have a magnetic field, such as
Jupiter, Saturn and more recently Mars. It is believed to be a widespread
phenomenon in the Solar System and beyond.

Teks Penjelasan
Bagaimana Fenomena Aurora Terjadi

Apakah kau tahu tentang Aurora? Bisakah kamu memberitahuku bagaimana Aurora
terjadi? Persilahkan saya untuk menjelaskan. Aurora (Dalam bahasa latin berarti
"Matahari terbit") adalah penampakan cahaya alami di utara dan selatan langit yang
disebabkan oleh tabrakan dari partikel energi dengan atom di atas atmosfer. Di lintang
utara, efek ini dikenal sebagai aurora borealis (aurora: dewi fajar, borealis: angin utara).
Sementara di wilayah Antarctic, eefek ini dikenal sebagai aurora australis. Mereka
menerangi bagian utara dan selatan secara horizontal dengan cahaya hijau atau
kadang-kadang merah (samar-samar), kadangkala berwarna biru namun lebih sering
berwarna hijau. Aurora bisa dilihat pada malam hari karena cahayanya tidak sekuat
cahaya pada siang hari.

Fenomena Aurora terjadi saat matari memproduksi angin solar. Angin solar adalah
aliran elektron dan proton yang dilepaskan dari matahari dikarenakan oleh energi
kinetik yang tinggi. Partikel-partikel ini diisi dan menarik energi, yang berarti mereka
mengkontribusi kan elektrisitas. Dalam kata lain, planet kita dikelilingi oleh sarung
magnetik berukuran besar yang biasanya dipanggil Medan Magnet Bumi. Terkadang
angin solar ini mengenai Bumi. Beberapa dari angin solar ini mengisi partikel yang
mengarah kepada kutub-kutub bumi, yang kelihatan seperti lingkaran besar yang
mengelilingi kutub.

Kenapa Aurora hanya ditemukan di kutub-kutub bumi? Ini karena medan magnet pada
kutub utara dan selatan sangat kuat dibandingkan dengan daerah yang lain. Kutub-
kutub dari medan magnet ini menarik proton dan elektron dari angin solar. Jadi
fenomena ini lebih sering dilihat di daerah kutub.

Namun, terkadang aurora bisa terlihat pada puncak gunung di iklim tropis, tapi
fenomena ini sangat jarang terjadi. Aurora telah di observasi pada planet lain selain
bumi yang memiliki medan magnet, seperti Jupiter, Saturnus dan yang baru-baru ini,
Mars. Hal ini diyakini menjadi fenomena yang tersebar paling luas pada tata surya dan


Aurora is an electro-static phenomenon, characterised by a bright glow and
caused by the collision of charged particles in the magnetosphere with atoms in the
Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Ultimately, the source lies in the solar wind, a fast-moving stream of

particles constantly flowing from the Sun that carries the Sun’s magnetic field out
into space. The solar wind, typically moving at 250 miles (400 kilometers) per
second, flows past Earth’s magnetic field and molds it into an elongated bubble or
cavity, compressing its sunward side and stretching its night side far beyond the
Moon’s orbit.
Under certain conditions, the solar wind’s magnetic field can merge with
Earth’s, creating electrical currents that drive protons and electrons into the polar
atmosphere. Powerful events occurring on the Sun can drive enormous changes in
the solar wind, increasing both its speed and density and enhancing its effect on
An aurora is usually observed in the night sky, particularly in the polar zone. For
this latter reason, some scientists call it a “polar aurora” (aurora polaris).

Aurora Coloured light in the night sky near the Earth’s magnetic poles, called
aurora borealis (northern lights) in the northern hemisphere and aurora australis
(southern lights) in the southern hemisphere.
Contoh Explanation Text About
Tornado Terbaru

Contoh Explanation Text About Tornado Terbaru – Apakah kalian

masih ingat apa yang dimaksud dengan Explanation Text?
Explanation Text merupakan teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang
digunakan untuk menjelaskan proses terjadinya suatu
fenomena. Berikut adalah contoh Explanation Text mengenai
Tornado is a fast rotating column of air that forms the
relationship between a cumulonimbus cloud or in the rare event
of a cumulus cloud base to the ground. Tornadoes come in
many sizes but are typically in the form a visible condensation
funnel, whose narrow end touches the earth and is often
surrounded by a cloud of debris.

Most tornadoes have wind speeds of 177 km / h or more with

the average reach of 75 m and employ several kilometers
before dissipating. Several tornadoes that reached wind speeds
of 300-480 km / h stretch more than a mile (1.6 km) and can
survive on surfaces with more than 100 km.

Although tornadoes have been observed on every continent

except Antarctica, tornadoes are more common in the United
States. Tornadoes are also commonly occur in southern Canada,
south-central and eastern Asia, east-central Latin America,
South Africa, northwest and central Europe, Italy, western and
southern Australia, and New Zealand.

Baca Juga: Materi Tenses: Past Perfect Continuous

Types of Tornado
Multi-vortex tornado
Multi-vortex tornado is a type of tornado in which two or more
columns of air which clot rotating around the center. Multi-
vortex structure can occur in almost any circulation, but it is
often observed in the devastating tornado.

Satellite tornado
Satellite tornado is a term for a weak tornado formed near large
powerful tornado that occurrs in the same mesosiklon. Satellite
tornado appears on the “orbit” of massive tornado (as the name
implies), which shows a form of multi-vortex. However, a
satellite tornado is a distinct funnel, and is smaller than the
main funnel.

Tornado is officially described briefly by the US National
Weather Service as a tornado that crosses the waters. However,
researchers generally characterize waterspout “the weather is”
derived from the tornado tornado. Tornado weather is a little
destroyer but it is far more common and has a dynamic similar
to dust devils and landspout. They are formed as the rows of
towering cumulus clouds congestus in tropical and semitropical
waters. These winds have relatively weak winds, smooth-coated
walls, and generally drove very slowly. These winds are very
common in the Florida Keys. Tornado is a literal term for
“tornado that crossed the waters”. These winds can be formed
across the water like a tornado mesosiklon, or become a
terrestrial tornado that comes out of the water. Since this wind
is formed of thunderstorms destroyer and can be much more
powerful, faster, and last longer than the tornado weather is,
the wind is considered far more dangerous.

Baca Juga: Contoh Explanation Text About Tsunami Terbaru

The question is, “How do tornadoes occur / are formed?” The air
layer change is the trigger birth of Tornado in this case if a layer
of cold air is above a layer of hot air, hot air rises at a speed of
around 300 km / h, air infiltrating from the side which causes
the swirling wind to form a tornado, and when it is perfect then
a tornado can have speeds up to 400 Km / h and the width of
the chimney between 15-365 meters. See the pictures below:

Tornadoes are among the most violent storms on Earth with the
potential to cause very serious damage.
The storm quickly developed – with rain, thunder and lightning.
When the soil temperature increases, hot and humid air starts
to rise.

When the temperature is warm, moist air meets cold dry air, it
lifted up, enter the upper air layer. A thunder cloud began to be
created in this phase.

Baca Juga: Contoh Explanation Text About Snow Terbaru

Air movement upwards very quickly. The wind from the side
leads in different directions and forms a vortex.

A cone of air is twisting round that results in starting to form

and looks from the cloud to the ground.
Vortex winds is vary in size and shape, and can be reaching
hundreds of meters wide. Tornadoes can last from a few
seconds to more than an hour and may move up to miles and
miles away to leave damage.

As with the earthquake that can be calculated the magnitude of

its passing scale Mercalli and Skala Richter, Tornado can also be
calculated but based on the level of damage it, because his
speed is relatively difficult to count, Level Tornado counted by
using a scale Fujita.
As we know now, global warming which is happening right now has a very big impact on natural
conditions, animals and humans. Well, do you know how global warming which has a particularly serious
impact on life happens? To know the process of how this phenomenon occurs, see the following

The process starts when sunlight shines the earth where most of the heat is absorbed by the earth and a
half of it is reflected back onto the air (atmosphere). Sunshine returning to the air is trapped by gases in
the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane, water vapor, and so on. This event is
known as the greenhouse effect.

Solar radiation on the earth's atmosphere makes ozone layer get thinner and makes the sunlight which
shines the Earth become hotter. The greenhouse effect also causes the sunlight which is reflected back
onto space is reflected back into the earth. This phenomenon causes the earth continuously getting
hotter. This condition is known as global warming.
The snowfall is always exciting, isn’t it? In the snowfall you can crunch through the snow, make
a snowman and play snowballs with your brother. Have you ever wondered how snow is made,

Snow occurs when water vapors in the air freeze before they can turn into water. This happens
when the temperature in the clouds is very cold. Snowflakes are made up of crystals of ice that
have formed around bits of dirt in the air. The snowflakes start out very small and grow. Each
snowflake is different and might contain up to 200 crystals.

Salju selalu menarik bukan? Saat hujan salju Anda dapat berjalan dengan menimbulkan bunyi
berderak melewati salju, membuat boneka/manusia salju dan bermain bola salju bersama
saudara laki-lakimu. Akan tetapi, apakah Anda pernah bertanya-tanya bagaimana salju

Salju terjadi ketika uap air membeku sebelum ia bisa berubah menjadi air. Hal ini terjadi ketika
suhu di awan sangat dingin. Kepingan salju terdiri dari kristal es yang telah berbentuk kepingan-
kepingan kecil di udara. Kepingan salju mulai keluar sangat kecil pada awalnya dan kemudian
tumbuh. Setiap kepingan salju berbeda dan mungkin berisi hingga 200 kristal.

How does Rain Fall?

Rain is one of the main sources of fresh water for almost all people in the world. It provides
suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems. It is also used as hydroelectric power plants and
crop irrigation. But, do you know how rain happens?

The rain’s phenomenon is actually what we often call as “water circle.” The concept of the water
cycle involves the sun heating the Earth’s surface water and causing the surface water to
evaporate. Then the water vapor rises into the Earth’s atmosphere. The water in the
atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow bigger and heavier and
fall to the earth as precipitation.

However, not all rain can reach the surface of the earth. Some evaporates while falling through
dry air. This is what we call as “virga”, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert

Bagaimana hujan terjadi?

Hujan adalah salah satu sumber utama air bersih untuk sebagian besar manusia di dunia.
Hujan menyediakan kondisi yang sesuai untuk ekosistem yang beragam. Hujan juga digunakan
sebagai pembangkit listrik dan irigasi tanaman. Namun, tahukah anda bagaimana hujan terjadi?

Fenomena hujan adalah sebuah fenomena yang sering kita sebut sebagai “water circle” / siklus
perputaran air. Konsep siklus air melibatkan matahari yang memanaskan permukaan bumi dan
menyebabkan permukaan air menguap. Kemudian, uap air naik ke atmosfer bumi. Air di
atmosfer mendingin dan mengembun menjadi cairan tetesan air. Tetesan tersebut tumbuh
semakin besar dan semakin berat dan kemudian jatuh ke bumi sebagai curah hujan.

Namun, tidak semua hujan dapat mencapai permukaan bumi. Beberapa menguap saat jatuh
melewati udara yang kering. Inilah yang kita disebut virga, sebuah fenomena yang sering dilihat
di daerah gurun yang panas yang kering.

Respiratory System
Do you know how your body gets oxygen from the air and removes carbon dioxide from your
body? Right! It’s because of the respiratory system. Do you know how it works? The following
explanation is written to help you understand the process clearly.

The first phase of respiration is breathing in or inhalation. This process brings air from outside
the body into the lungs. From the lungs, the oxygen moves through blood vessels to the heart
which then pumps the oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body. Oxygen then moves from the
blood-stream into the cells, which completes the first phase of respiration. In the cells, oxygen is
used in a separate energy-producing process which produces carbon dioxide as a byproduct.
The second phase of respiration begins when the carbon dioxide moves from the cells to the
bloodstream which carries carbon dioxide to the heart. Then, it pumps the carbon dioxide-laden
blood to the lungs. In the lungs, breathing out or exhalation removes carbon dioxide from the
body, thus completing the respiration cycle.

Sistem pernapasan

Apakah Anda tahu bagaimana tubuh Anda mendapatkan oksigen dari udara dan melepaskan
karbon dioksida dari tubuh Anda? Benar! Itu karena sistem pernapasan. Apakah Anda tahu cara
kerjanya? Penjelasan berikut ini ditulis untuk membantu Anda memahami proses tersebut
dengan jelas.

Tahap pertama dari system respirasi adalah inhalasi. Proses ini membawa udara dari luar tubuh
ke paru-paru. Dari paru-paru, oksigen bergerak melalui pembuluh darah ke jantung yang
kemudian memompa darah yang kaya oksigen ke seluruh bagian tubuh. Oksigen kemudian
bergerak dari aliran darah ke dalam sel, yang melengkapi tahap pertama respirasi. Dalam sel,
oksigen digunakan dalam proses pemisahan penghasil energi yang menghasilkan karbon
dioksida sebagai produk sisanya.

Tahap kedua dari respirasi dimulai ketika karbon dioksida bergerak dari sel ke dalam aliran
darah yang membawa karbon dioksida ke jantung. Kemudian, jantung memompa darah yang
berisi karbon dioksida ke paru-paru. Di paru-paru, helaan nafas keluar atau ekshalasi
melepaskan karbon dioksida keluar dari tubuh, sehingga menyelesaikan siklus respirasi.

Digestive System
The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into small pieces by
the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by glands in the mouth. Saliva contains digestive
juice which moistens the food, so it can be swallowed easily.
From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into the stomach. Here, the food
is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for several hours. Then the food enters the
small intestine. All the time the muscular walls of the intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving the food

In a few hours, the food changes into acids. These are soon absorbed by the villi (microscopic branch
projections from the intestine walls) and passed into the bloodstream.

Sistem Pencernaan

Proses pencernaan pertama terjadi di mulut. Makanan yang kita makan dicacah menjadi potongan-
potongan kecil oleh gigi, dicampur dengan air liur, sebuah cairan yang disekresikan oleh kelenjar di mulut.
Air liur mengandung cairan pencerna yang membasahi makanan, sehingga dapat ditelan dengan mudah.

Dari mulut, makanan melewati esofagus (lintasan makanan) ke dalam perut. Di sini, makanan dicampur
dengan cairan yang disekresikan oleh sel-sel di dalam perut selama beberapa jam. Kemudian makanan
memasuki usus kecil. Sepanjang waktu tersebut dinding otot dari usus meremas, mencampur dan
mendorong makanan ke proses selanjutnya.

Dalam beberapa jam, makanan tersebut berubah menjadi asam. Asam ini segera diserap oleh villi
(proyeksi cabang mikroskopis dari dinding usus) dan melewati ke dalam aliran darah.

A geyser is the result of underground water under the combined conditions of high temperatures and
increased pressure beneath the surface of the earth. Since temperature rises approximately 1 F for every
sixty feet under the earth's surface, and pressure increases with depth, the water that seeps down in
crack and fissures until it reaches very hot rock in the earth interior becomes heated to temperature in
excess of 290 F. Because of the greater pressure, the water shoots out of the surface in the form of steam
and hot water. The result is a geyser. In order to function, then a geyser must have a source of heat,
reservoir where water can be stored until the temperature rises to an unstable point, an opening through
which the hot water and steam can escape, and underground channels for resupplying water after an

Favorable conditions for geyser exist in some regions of the world including New Zealand, Iceland, and
the Yellowstone National Park area of the United States. The most famous geyser in the world is Old
Faithfull in Yellow Park. Old Faithfull erupts almost every hour, rising to a height of 125 to 170 feet and
expelling more than ten thousand gallons during each eruption.

Geyser adalah hasil dari air bawah tanah di bawah kondisi gabungan suhu tinggi dan tekanan di bawah
permukaan bumiyang semakin meningkat. Karena suhu naik sekitar 1 F untuk setiap enam puluh kaki di
bawah permukaan bumi, dan tekanan meningkat dengan kedalaman, air yang merembes ke bawah di
celah dan celah hingga mencapai sangat panas batu di pedalaman bumi memanas sampai suhu lebih
dari 290 F. karena tekanan yang lebih besar, air mencul ke permukaan dalam bentuk uap dan air panas.
Hasilnya adalah geiser. Agar bereaksi, maka geyser harus memiliki sumber panas, waduk di mana air
dapat disimpan sampai suhu naik pada titik yang tidak stabil, celah terbuka dimana air panas dan uap
dapat menyembur, dan saluran bawah tanah untuk mengisi ulang air setelah letusan.

kondisi yang menguntungkan bagi geyser ada di beberapa wilayah di dunia termasuk Selandia Baru,
Islandia, dan daerah Yellowstone National Park Amerika Serikat. Geyser paling terkenal di dunia adalah
Old Faithfull di Yellow Park. Old Faithfull meletus hampir setiap jam, naik ke ketinggian 125-170 kaki dan
melepaskan lebih dari sepuluh ribu galon selama setiap letusan.

How Can We Taste A Food?

The sense of taste is one of a person's five senses. We taste with the help of taste-buds in the
tongue. The surface of the tongue has more than fifteen thousand taste-buds (or cells). These are
connected to the brain by special nerves which send the so-called 'tastes messages. Then, how do we
taste food we eat?

When the tongue comes into contact with food of any kind, the taste-buds will pick up the taste. The
nerves then send a message to the brain. This will make us aware of the taste. All this happens in just a
few seconds.

Indra perasa adalah salah satu dari lima indera seseorang. Kita merasa makanan dengan bantuan kulit
perasa di ujung lidah. Permukaan lidah memiliki lebih dari lima belas ribu sel pendeteksi rasa. Sel-sel Ini
terhubung ke otak oleh saraf khusus yang mengirimkan pesan / menterjemahkan “rasa”. Lalu, bagaimana
kita merasakan makanan yang kita makan ?

Ketika lidah bersentuhan dengan makanan tertentu, ujung lidah perasa akan mendeteksi rasa. Saraf
kemudian mengirim pesan rasa tersebut ke otak. Inilah yang akan membuat kita menterjemahkan rasa.
Semua ini terjadi hanya dalam beberapa detik.
Contoh Explanation Text Full Materi (Purpose, Generic Structures, Contoh, dan Artinya)

The Purpose / Social Function of Explanation Text

The purpose of explanation text is to explain the process involved in the formation of a natural or social

The Generic Structures of Explanation Text

The generic structures of this text are divided into three parts as follows:

1. General Statement (this part consists of a general statement / general introduction of the
phenomenon that we are going to explain)

2. Sequenced Explanation (this part explains about some process involved in the formation of the

3. Closing (the concluding paragraph is presented in this part of explanation text even though it is
not a mandatory)

Language Features of Explanation Text

1. Using simple present tense

2. Using passive voice

3. Focus on natural and socio cultural phenomena

Contoh Explanation Text

Bagi sobat yang mencari lebih banyak contoh explanation text, silahkan lihat contoh teks
explanation lainnya di sini: 20 Contoh Explanation Text Beserta Generic Structure dan

How a Solar Eclipse Happens

A total solar eclipse is a rare phenomenon with stunning visual effects. Many people are so eager to see
this phenomenon when it happens since it can be considered as an extraordinary phenomenon. But, what
causes this extraordinary phenomenon?

Several things need to occur at once and in a straight line to create a total solar eclipse. A total solar
eclipse appears as the result of sequenced events. First, The Moon orbits the Earth once a month and
eclipse happens when it lines up exactly with the Earth and the Sun. The moon must be exactly in the
right size and distance to block the sun. Eclipse does not appear every month because the orbits of the
Moon and Earth are sometimes tilted at an angle. Next, the sun, moon, and Earth need to line up in a
straight line, with the moon between the sun and Earth. Finally, to see the full eclipse, you need to be
standing in the correct spot on Earth because not all of the sun shine is covered by the moon since its
size is 400 times bigger than the diameter of the moon even though it’s also 400 times farther away from
us than the moon.

Their different sizes and distances from the earth make the sun and the moon appear the same size and
when the moon is exactly in front of the sun, it seems covering the entire disc of the sun. Therefore, for
some areas which are located exactly under those two things will be dark because the sun light is blocked
by the moon. When moon passes in front of the sun at the day time, it begins to cast a partial shadow
(called the penumbra) onto Earth. At the height of the eclipse, the sun’s light is entirely blocked, and the
moon casts a full shadow called the umbra.

Bagaimana Gerhana Matahari Terjadi

Sebuah gerhana matahari total adalah fenomena langka dengan efek visual yang menakjubkan. Banyak
orang begitu bersemangat untuk melihat fenomena ini ketika fenomena ini terjadi, karena dianggap
sebagai fenomena yang luar biasa. Tapi, apa yang menyebabkan fenomena yang luar biasa ini?

Beberapa hal harus terjadi sekaligus dan pada satu garis lurus untuk tercipta gerhana matahari total.
Sebuah gerhana matahari total muncul sebagai akibat dari sebuah rangkaian peristiwa. Pertama, Bulan
mengitari bumi sekali sebulan dan gerhana terjadi ketika bulan berada tepat dalam satu garis bersama
bumi dan matahari. Gerhana matahari tidak muncul setiap bulan karena orbit bulan dan bumi kadang-
kadang miring pada sudut tertentu. Berikutnya, matahari, bulan, dan bumi harus berbaris dalam garis
lurus, dengan bulan berada antara matahari dan bumi. Akhirnya, untuk melihat gerhana penuh, Anda
harus berdiri di tempat yang benar di Bumi karena tidak semua dari sinar matahari tertutupi oleh bulan
karena ukurannya yang 400 kali lebih besar dari diameter bulan meski jaraknya 400 kali lebih jauh dari
kita daripada bulan.

Pebedaan ukuran dan jarak dari bumi membuat matahari dan bulan muncul dengan ukuran yang sama
dan saat bulan tepat di depan matahari, ia Nampak menutupi seluruh piringan matahari. Oleh karena itu,
untuk beberapa daerah yang terletak persis di bawah kedua benda tersebut akan menjadi gelap karena
cahaya matahari terhalang oleh bulan. Ketika bulan lewat di depan matahari di siang hari, ia mulai
memancarkan bayangan parsial (disebut penumbra) ke bumi. Pada puncak gerhana, cahaya matahari
sepenuhnya diblokir, dan bulan memancarkan bayangan penuh disebut umbra.

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