Weathering-Washes Filters and Oils

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MAGAZINE Z— WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS VIODE I L ERS 2 ta be ] “1h ¢~/ FOR AL vin FA The official Airfix Model World magazine is your complete guide to the world of scale modeling. making it essential reading for modellers with all levels ‘of experience Focusing on model aircraft Airfix Model World also features cars, ships, scifi and space, armour and figures. AVAILABLE FROM: ee me ae Gre Late 45.5.6, 6 fe foe car) 2 it ak et xeon i by el cod mr Ooh 210 Ail mand Spy psec Serge Resco oid gong ome eur or: eps ne ccc Ce pce ey Seog on Cary se Blind oy fay Rng THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE by ———__ by META ‘vino of hig simenez SS Copyright 2016 ge ‘of many yeats these three words have accompanied many modelers during their long painting sessions. r . Many of them have searched for their meaning in an Internet browser, or better put what they realy are | and what they are used for. More advanced modlrs ersinly use all tree almost without giving t 2 thought. Because inthe end these three terms almst represent the essence of panting scale mode, They are basic concepts and techniques that wl aways go hand in and wth our hobby, no matter how much chang 5. Weshes for exemple have existed almost since the very beginning af scole modeling, as tsa very simple technique used to enhance the deta of our models. Italy, highly thinned black paint, or another dark color was used fr ths, but nowadays there are many ready-to-use wash products availble in the market. Fiers on gta mer 1 the other hand, area more recent development | used the term “fter® for the first time in 1995, when | was writing my fist modeling articles. At the time I hed to look fr a word for the technique tht distinguished it from the more treitional general washes, because -athough similar in essence- the application methods and in i et der ited ets were very dere fr many er elaine tv eae love te wor, But even 0 ths dy ery novce males stil denned the ifeece ad the tems inerchangerl, Hee Editorial Management you wil be able to find the most detailed, ultimate explanations. Caos cst fd alo paints nobe nd tation meu sed forces in At ht as eo benin ve sce the ery ors fl nding, artlyin gure patng shy tlend reso cee Hs Neb linen ‘and shadow effects. And it is here, in this issue, where we are going to unveil one of the greatest innovations to the world of model pints with a new format for ol paints in a brand new presentation. You wil learn lots tapout Of cifferent things that can be done with the medium and the spectacular effects we can achieve. Painting “Antonio Alonso ‘chema Pelljero techniques ae one the basic piles of modeling, but abo of The Weathering Magazine, and this is probably the most eagerly awated issue to date, ite Asian fain Hamitton Mo Jimenez ‘Aketsiva Photographer José rin “tying & Community Manager Elizabeth Wiese ‘Model Bérbara A olaboraters Mig Jimenez IMaxd Fernandez Sergiusz Peczek Konrad balk Pat Johnston Graziano Ghettt Translation Iain Hamilton az ON ‘ ay “ey Green * a Blettt poe ISSN 2340-289X ‘October 2016 2016 INTERNATIONAL AIRBRUSH COMPETITION WINNERS Congratulations to the winners and a huge THANK YOU to all participants and judges ! Hobby / Model: |2 Ghostbusters Ecto Veli Vahap Salk 2) Milan Radulovic - Shengyang F-6 3. Ivan Drond - Model 134-76 Fine Art: Hobby / Model: 12 First Ride of the Spring 1% Ghostbusters Ecto a r A ») Joe Giannetto Cristian Silva 2: Cristian Silva - Surfboard 2) Andrew Slattery - Sin Bin 3% Steve Gathercole - Mallard Duckling 3% Holly Hughes - Star Wars Car kee MRR Ne ened ela Render e Ko Re eee ere ieee u eaten SPONSORS: © Alroras SNS, @ _ SrMoeIc irre Vacuum estar ENAMEL, SbourLes> THINNER £ oilbrusher | INDEX S WASHES, FILTERS AND FILTERS WASHES ANDOILS | OILDOT TECHNIQUE OUTSIDE THE LOFT | *™"ON'wt AIRCRAFT ag. 4 0g, 28 ag. 30 OIL HIGHLIGHTS & COMBINED GRIME STARDUST SHOWS ‘OLD scHooL ‘THE FORGOTTEN ACRYLICS ON NO MERCY NEVER DIES ‘WORKHORSE WASH DUTY pag. 42) pa. 46 ag. 50 pag 54 pee. 60 Mig Jimenez — Filters are amongst the most popular techniques of recent years , in addition to being one of the ‘easiest to apply. Although | developed this paint= ing technique in 1995, it was from 2002 onwards that it’s use to add the first tonal variations to ‘our models really kicked in. The main goal of a filter is to subtly alter the base color of our model to better match the I real tone. For instance, if we're painting a green vehicle but ‘the shade used is too dull and subdued when it, should have been more vibrant or yellowish, an ‘ochre filter can be applied to remedy the prob- lem. We can apply filters in any color, as long as they serve one purpose as explained above. In WHEN TO APPLY FILTERS Filters have to be applied right at the beginning of the process, just after placing the decals or transfers on our model. This is 10 ‘many instances, with the base already laid on, ‘we notice the shade is not quite like the original color, so one or more filters need to be applied. Each successive filter layer irremediably changes the base color, so it’s better to apply them lit- tle by little until the desired finish is achieved. These transparent layers of paint work like pho- ‘tographic filters, hence the name. Filters alter the base color in a subtle and preciso manner with- out affecting the surface details as a wash would do. They add color variaty to the model, creating a deeper and more interesting finish. It also can be used to achieve the opposite: blending to- gether camouflage colors with harsh contrasts. say: filters are the first weathering technique to be applied. Filters are especially important on clean or new vehicles, like tanks that have seen very little to n0 action, or spaceshios with subtle color variations. It's not really necessary to use filters if you intend to add heavy weathering and fading effects to the model such as - dust, drt, mud and rust- as they surely cover and nullify any subtle variation created by the filters It is @ technique best suited for tanks in military exercises which are relatively new or well kept- and planes, a subject where the modeler can’t go wild applying extreme or heavy-handed weathering, HOW TO APPLY A FILTER The best surface for the application of filters isa matt one, asthe filters will spread itself over it uniformly due to capillary action. But in most cases we'll be using satin bases as they are a good compromise for the different techniques. In these cases you must try to avoid the filter flooding the surface and accumulating in recesses and around details, as vel asin joints and panel lines. The filter has to be thinly and uniformly distributed across the surface, without letting it flood the surface. The best too! for this fsa large, wide brush. The brush has to just moisten the surface with the exact amount of product. 6 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS This picture stows the cortect application ofa fite, just moistening the And here we have the wrong way todo it, accumulating too much paint surface uniformly ‘ard flooding the ave. Filters are highly diluted and transparent paint, and this s the appearance they should have. We can also add different filter colors In different areas, thus creating more tonal variety and color richness, for a more realistic and visually attractive finish. DRYING PROCESS When applying a filter it dries to the touch in a few minutes, but we'll need to wait at east 12 hours before adding a new filter on ‘0p of the previous. Filter products don t affect the underlying surfaces painted using acrylics or lacquer-based paints; but we have 0 be careful wien they're applied over enamel paints, as they could pee! off or damage the base coat. Its also very important 10 shake the container of filters really well before use; otherwise the crying time and other properties could be altered. WHICH FILTER SHOULD I USE? Usually, filter products are designed to work best over certain camouflage colors, although we can always use almost ary filter for many different purposes. For example, there are 3-color sets dedicated to some of the most common vehicles, like AFUS in green camouflage, German three-tone schemes, winter washes, etc. But, a5 the filter depends on the specific base coat, ultimately we are the ones who should decide which filter to apply for each surface. For this reason its especially ‘important to study real refer- ‘ences and then decide which color t0 use in order to correct ‘or improve the base color As an example, we can use ochre, grey, or brovm filters over the same sand color, and the result- ‘ng shade will be quite different. In conclusion: there is no fixed ‘rules to help us choosing the right filter for each specific sce rrario, only you can decide the exact tone youre looking for with each model. Next, we'l see a few examples of filters applied over some of the ‘most usual camouflage colors. Some of AMMO's iter sets for spectic subjects Wo, One ofthe most common colors 5 the classic Getran Datk Yelow or Dunkelae, 2 The set for German vehicles includes three fier colors for al Pil German camoufleces, from Perzer Grey to three-color schemes. AiG 1511 flteris applied cn the tur. "et. Nate how the color changes in e subtle manmer, the effec is ‘more noticeable on the loft sie ofthe ture, FILTER | NO FILTER FILTER | NO FILTER For the clssc late wer German thice-tone camouflage we ere cing to 5} ALMIG 1510 is a perfect reference fer blending the three- se a diferent filter produc. tone camoutlage colors together. Observe once again how the right hand sie changes withthe application of the iter. 8 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS Panzer grey was another ofthe standard GGexman camoutage colors during WH Usually, modelers tend to find the base ‘olor toe dull and neutral, end are aay leoking for a colder bhish tn. FILTER | NO FILTER In this case, a bluish fie tke AMG 1509 gives the desired look, enhancing the neutral crey ofthe base. The range avaiale for green vehicles is especially felevant, a most military vehicles around the globe «are painted in some shade of green. It doesn't mater IF solve drab or Russian green: you cen use these fiers fo ary gree tone ED Here we ate going toy the tive fites on ‘a medern Russian green coler Notice how the turret base color as been eltered with each fier tone. Observe the effects in the right, center, end eft parts of the tures. Every flker ves a differant tonality to the base coir, dapending on te intended result we're after. Ofcourse, you can alko combine them, apphing one on top of ‘the othe, by using oiferent ites in efferent areas, ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS / 9 i q ‘Another casi isthe variety of dasert su Jets: We can use ftess to alter the color i in certain areas and thus avciding a uni- form, dul, and boring finish The filersare tested on a tank turret painted ina ight send color. (Once again, we can se the subtle tonal changes achieved with each ofthe three fer colors n three parts ofthe tet. tis quite remarkable thet we could {get sucha nch color varation with a technique a simple a5 this. ‘And finaly, vehicles painted white ke winter washes and UN livros: requite a specific teat iment, different from the ces, as white gets city and stained very easy Fiters ate perfect fr these effets, Filters are first tested on a uniform vite surace, as would be the case with 2 UN vehi 10 / THE V/EATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND O1tS Now we can see how the fiters alter the white base color subsantaly, making it more grayish or dry, depending on the intensity ofthe effect we want to add to our model Now it & bme to ty the fiters on a test turret painted in a worn vahite wash, Ike the one pie cally seen on WW vehicles inthe Eastern Front. For this we have created a chioped paint eect, to better appreciate how the filters affect both the white wash end the underlying camouflage coor. Notice how the filters blend the two colors together, but they abo give a more realistic winter wash effect, creating the lusion of adity appearance produced by the continuous operation. THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS /11 As a final example we'll see the application of filters fon a well kept vehicle in peace time, in this case an ‘Argentinean AMX-13/105. These tanks were well kept most of the time, and didn’t show a worn down cr dirty appearance like {is normally the case with combat vehicles. For this reason, a few subtie filters will help to add contrast ‘and visual interest to an othervvise quite simple and plain camouflage. The model ws painted with slightly ‘matt paints, and we'e going to use thee dfferent fiters appied over ‘three differant areas We stat applying one of the fiter colors in some areas of the mode! A more greenish iter fora green area. This wil add contest to this smal In ths cese i's en ochre tone, Notice how the base color changes im- coves. meciatey The vehicle before and aftr the selective filters: nsteae of apoyng a single fiter Color on the modal, we have used diferent colors i eifaent areas such 3s pan 5, docs, and hatches to add volume and coor valety to the flvsh, Obviously, this appearance wl be toned down with the subsequent weathering steps, tke washes ois, 2s wel a dust and det effects 12 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS STEEL s MODELS UMS SALOME UROL AME ASC RSet) aCe) 75€ Wy /< ovr inte EXCLUSIVIST FOR ITALY Meeks PP een eee Cy Tel +39 049 8955008 - Fax +39 049 710579 e-mail: - website: ‘Alter letting the primer dry for 24 hours, the base color is airbrushed. Here sete painting an Argentinean AWX-13/105 repotenciado, These vehicles were ‘orginaly painted in en olve drab tone. The chose 14. | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS Today there are two ps all modelers. One of them -washes- has been in use for decades. twas this most basic painting technique, which allowed us to give volume to the model and enhancing details rather easily. Applying only a base coat resulted Ina far too dull and uninteresting finish, so those ear- ly modelers started to apply alittle diluted black point around details and in recosce. n many instances this was the only weathering applied, but back then it was com- sidered extremely realistic and impressive. But more than 30 years later washes have evolved into a more complex, precise, and delicate technique. Pure black paint is sel dom used nowadays, and today thero are raady-made ‘wash jars available that offers an easier and more conve- nent alternotive to the modeler. Enamels have always been the paint type of choice for vwoshes, and although some manufactures have tried to create acrylic washes, they don't werk as well, as they lack the properties needed for a wash to be applied eas- ily. ut more than 30 years Inter washes have evolved into a more complex, precise, and delicate technique. Pure block paint is seldom used nowadays, and today there are ready-made wash jars avallable that offers an easier and ‘more convenient alternative to the modeler. Enamele have always been the paint type of choice for washes, and although some manufactures have tried 10 ‘washes, they don't work as woll, a5 they lack the properties needed for awash tobe applied easily. lori ined in with 40% Tarsparator to get a thiner and more transparent part, On the other hand, oll paints have always been present fon the modeler’s bench. They are relatively cheap and can be used to create many diferent weathering effects. Somuch that they were used for elmost everything: from wathes to rust streaks and dirt and dust stains. But oil paints have also been considered a chore, dificult to ap- phy ond messy. The main problem lies in the container: oll tubes are notoriously messy and prone to have thelr caps stuck if not carefully cleaned after each use. Besides this, we also needed to apply a small amount onto a pal ente, a plece of cardboard, or other surface that resulted in many accidents and dirty hands while the unused paint went to waste. Luckily, over time, pacific products wore developed for the different techniques and effects, and oils were pushed aside in the background, Today ols are mainly used to create highlights and shadows, adding volume, and making the shapes of the model stand out -2 process sometimes known as rendoring.. But cil tubos are still messy and awkward for modeling purposes. For this reason, AMMO hes developed a special line of oil paints designed with modelers in mind, a unique inno- vation presented for the first time in the present article. From this moment on, modeling oils recive a complete ‘make-over, becoming an easy and fun medium to work vith. Surely many of you already use oils for many differ tent things, so you may be intarested inthis revolutionary new presentation, But let's move on now to see how to apply these two ‘techniques washes and oll. step-by-step, Priming is an essential stop for all of our models. The new primer ONE SHOT is an outstanding pro% leaving a smooth and fne surface, perfect fox applying the base cat on top that covers perfectly vith Justa Single cot, [After applying a layer of chipping fuid, we apply the fest camouflage color -Argentin- ‘ean sand, loving the factory fnih in the areas later painted with the much lighter Argentinean green Now, we airbrush the Argentinean green color over the spaces lft green. You can See t's much lighter than the original olve diab, This was done 10 create chipping ef- fects revealing the dark olive color under neath After creating mary tiny chigs with a moBtened brush we sir to apely the fst washes. In this case a dark wash is used. It should be notes that we have alo applied some fiers in advance, 35 explained inthe article about fiers in ths isu. Using a fine brush, we start applying the wash in the pane! lines, You can also apply the wash in a larger area and walt a litle before other recesses, and around ried detais tweaking it ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS / 15 once the wash & dy tothe touch after 2 ‘or4 minutes, wv start blending ard soft ening te regular edges ofthe wash. This s better done vihen the wash has cried a ite Bt butstll remains workable. Acrylic ashes do not work as well 3s enamels for ths reason, so they are best avoided, [ij withthe tip ofa brush moistened in Odoross Enamel Thinner we start rmmaving the excess wash and refining the iregulasies. We must create a clean and smoeth finish lice this Another example of how to remove the pin wash excess around raised deta E) Once again, the excess is cleaned with a bush molstened in Odor less Thinner [We leave thin soot Ine ony acu the contours ofthe deal 16 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OLS The highes ports of raed areas can be dened with a wash deening i too! from Mr. Hobby or Gainctes. It sa type of absorbant foam attached E to a handle that allows clearing all 0 kind of surfaces with precision FE) Once the washes are applied, our model nll have much more contest and lcok much sharper. The process can be repeated later to add further contrast and detiniton, THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES FILTERS AND OILS / 17 THE OIL REVOLUTION ‘As we hinted at before, the revolution in modeling oils comes in the shape of a new container with a brush applica- tor. The new OILBRUSHER replaces the old tubes with a new presentation which is much more practical, cleaner, and easier to use. To begin with, the see-through container allows you to quickly pick out the desired color. In addition to this, the paint is already thinned to the required consistency, so it can be applied straight from the jar instead of having to deposit a small amount on a piece of cardboard for a period of time to get rid of the excess oil, as happens with old oil tubes. But best feature of all is the new brush applicator that allows you to apply the paint directly from the container, saving a lot of time by not having to use an extra brush to pick up the paint. Last but not least, this unique design cleans the excess oll as you pull out the brush, evoiding ‘waist and a mess. There are21 colors avalable in the Oibrush range. We chose a grenish tone for the fist shadows in the green camouflage paiches. % oF ~~ SG i) The tensparent container alows us to ealy selec the right color, 1 contrast the old-fashioned opaque oil tubes, where it’s not alas that easy to see the colored band which isnot always ac 5 5 wate =i Ae you urscew the cp, the dip Hop deons mort of the 2 ess paint from the rod, thus aiding messy accidents and paint 3 vee 9 wa 7D) Now we have te applicator bith ready 50 Uo, andl of tis with nothing going o waste @ 18 | THEW/EATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OLS xh 9 3 Z 2 e g = 5 S 2 5 es Now BUFF cols used over the sand areas, but in this ‘eccasion to add highlights tothe different elements Ly ned to unscethe ap and apy the oo seg fom he nt syst as before, you only nee 7 2 In this cas the paint applied on the areas that would be drety exposed iter blending the ols wth a dean brush mostened in Odorless Thinner tosunlight and elong some ede. the finised espect should be ie ts 20 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS _ Oilbrush hho green camouflage patches with a mix of the fst green tone and buff. The fishes Finally, we apply highlights. sodel has gained lots d volume, 22 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS THE WEATHE 24 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS ERS AND O'S / 25 MAGAZINE / WASH 26 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS / 27 Maybe this is the most popular weathering technique using oils in the modeling scene, due to its simpli ity and good results, It basically consists of covering a vertical area with small dots of different oil tones and blending them a together, creating a rich surface with many subtle tonal variations. This effect can represent discoloration and fad- ing caused by exposure to sunlight and the elements. The results are very good and it’s really easy to do. Although ) ithas been explained many times, et’s see how to apply this simple technique once again. Normal 4 or § oi tones matching the bate color are used at most. They a¢ blended together using a at brush maist- ened with Odorless Thinne Remember the new il colors in the ilbrusher range can be appied crac from the contziner with tne applicator prush attached to the cap Oilbrusher i t Wie cart applying an ochre coor, di ting the small of dots uniformly acoss the surface 28 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS Oilbrusher’ Gi Z} White do's ere exrerely important, as they represent faded paint, but don't overdo it youll end up with a chalky finch Next, a brown shade is apie tothe upper areas and near raised details The blue color the tikist, because the base color will become too dark if t00 much of is ade, espacaly an the ight areas like the sand color in ths example, Analy dots in shadow areas and the deepest nooks and ven How its time to blend all the dots together For this wel use a wade fat brush moistened in Odotless Thinner. Give seme very gente strokes in vertical motions, slowly lend: ing the colors. Dont press too hard and ty to Give several light passes instead of doing i in ane go. ‘You may need uo to three passes before the ols are blended smoothly. you use too much thinner and flood the sur face, mest of the ollwilbe removed and wellend up wth a uniform fiter cr wash Zyer: <0 use usta barely moist brs The final result has to be very soft and nuanced, the dots baroy noticeable. f thoy are stil too evident, maly contin te blencing ther unt achieving the deste cok. fe sure to lett dry fora few days before proceeding with the next weathering sters, 7 , THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS / 29 j Model: HobbyBoss AAvp-7a1 Now we continue with the exterior areas of the AAV7A1 whose interior was featured previously. The basis for the project is the HobbyBoss kit, AAVP-7A1 w/EAAK version. A wide range of acces- sories were neede from the manufacturers Legend Productions, LSG, Meng, Def Models, in order to depict a model in the Iraqi streets, where they were known as “Tuna Boats” and had seen extensive service since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, We have chosen an attractive camouflage scheme in NATO colors, but with the add-on armor in a sand color, as can be seen in reference pictures we found on the net. The sand color of the armor blocks was specifically chosen as it's better suited to show the applica- tion of oils, filters and washes, the featured subject of this issue of TWM. The idea behind this is show how to add variety and interest to single color schemes using these techniques and paints. Maxi Fernandez 30 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS After priming the model, NATO Green base olor A.MIG-084 was ap pied. Then the eamoutlage colors were sireruched free-hand. The tight soft edges were acheved by thinning the pamt and loaering the ai pressure The base coat is now sealed and protected witha gloss coat before the weathering stages. Gloss varnish also improves the flow of the shes and fers. Tan (A.MIG-1510) fier is applied to add variation and depth to the camoutiage colors and blend them together 2¢ wel THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS / 31 8 D By sing several fiter tones, we can enhance tonal varation to the side armor medules, adding nuances and interest to a singe color for a more attractive finish. Once dry, we can repeat the process in cenain areas. ‘Washes help to enhance and define detais and the shapes of the ‘mel. Pn washes have boon used hereto avoid darkening the sate face too mach This especialy important wth ight color. The frst stop is moistening the surface with enamel thine ‘We use Dark Wash (A.MIG-1008) forthe green armor blocks. A smal amount of protuct is app to the detail tying nt to flood the surrounding area ‘Then excess of the wath is removed with a brush mostened in ‘enamel thine. ‘US Modein Vehicles Wash (A, MIG-1007) used in the same fashion ‘to make the deal of the sand blacks stand out. Jn this case, the excess wash removed with a make-up sponge applicator, which is very effective tool for this task, ‘Dark Wesh (A.MIG-1008} suse forth vertical Imes, Hore we tyto \sualy demarcate the armor blocks “The ol at technique is used to represent faded pant five to sunexposure. Usinga fine ped brush we2P- pied small quantities of cilsin a random way sore blended by draggina them dow hime’. For henzontal ates, 6. Ty todean J On vertical surfaces, the ol dot ns svar wth a rus mised in enamel thinness. Fox Pt ‘is are blended using round brush and cular mov up the brush between passes IE) The side armor blocks are highlighted with ois For this, we use © IRA HE WEATHERING mincazmne. WASH, FILTERS AND O's renee Fife: te PO Cer ITC ES eine Eom ro Mes ‘web: email:info@bookworldws.cok ‘erste ics wv oe MTT ‘usta 9128 a tise rm ‘AMOUFLAGEC WARNES HO TERRES 20 STRAT srr ara coesTIcrnGe Pane bein TEMIRGNCNENER MEGA MIF HOFING In Ta ceva. Pee nee ul CAN VISIT OUR WEBSITE: no se ) Dan ea es ay CEST OIL; OM HIGHLIGHTS; &, “COMBINED GRIME | EF EF FECTS Sergiusz Peczek il paints have been widely used in modeling from its origins, and are still in use for many applications = one of them is shading. Another option is enamels which offer a different set of characteristics - they can be used separately Or in combination to achieve the desired look. In this step-by-step we will explore the techniques used to enhance the high- lighting with oil paints, and make both grime and rain streaks using a com- bined acyclic-enamel technique. ‘As an example, we'll use a mode! of German Sd.Kfz 251 Half-Track painted in three tone, hardedge camouflage. Work stars wth electing a suitable color palette, related to the models Bits nota dassc use ofa “dot technique” to combine @ max of cokers base color Then the smal dots of ol paint in tones corresponding tothe on the surface at once, work with small fragments within a single coor. base colors are applied. As you can See I work with only ene color at 2 Here using around brush moistened in enarrel thinner have bended the time. light tones to acreve overall faded look 42 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS <} Then | drew a line long the weld, enhancing the vehicles shapes, creating a more thee-imensiona| look. J Inthe next step, the blending oocedute repeated with an almost dry and clean brush whichis akey pot in blending. Teo much thin ‘er wl un the work and tho effec. Another elements of the Half-Tack are highlighted. The work is completed moving sow pane by panel Hore another example - the raised wheel en deta are coated with a small arountof ol paint. ‘And then lbegan to blend the paint with completely ry rush. The res isa delicate hightghting of tho highest points “Another treatment appied fon the model sain and ‘grime steaks | leave oi paints fora moment and ‘witch 10 acrylics. At fist, a thin and almost vansperea layer of Wesheble Dust color it apaled with an aitorush. ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS. ‘Then usinge pointed Taye cotton bud moistened n water taced ‘vertical marks removing some ofthe dust color. The fast drying time (of acrylic allows you to move on tothe next color immediately Next the Browin Wash for Geren Dark Yelow A.MIG-1000 is used to imitate streaks on the vertical amour surfaces. The effect is ap plied with a fine brush ina quite accurate way Once the weathering enamel is ky to the touch, | softened the streaks with 2 wide flat brush lightly mostened in thinner. I the resut i not satisfactory, we can apply ancthe layer - you can se 4 ifferent color this time fora more layered and realstic effect. ‘And again with an almest dy flat bush, and using vertical motions, the steaks ae blended to desired look 44 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS Discover our renewed megane, mare pos forthe me price, 72 pages wit all the moter you need to perform your vehicles ond dioromos. You can get in your hebby shop or through our website: ‘ ‘Also available in digital version: won diciad Il MIL-~SPE brush-Ready Durable Accurate wk 7 2 marae Ee ‘3 NEW SETS NOW AVAILABLE? AALCESETOO1: Early War RAF Fighters & Bombers / ALCESETOO2: Late War RAF Fighters & Bombers / ALCESETOOT: USM WWII Aircraft ‘We are proud introduce me rst tree convenient colour sets in he Ae produced by Acid l-a name synonymous with quality andthe industry benchmark in metallic lacquers: Oteniated but never {very colourhas heen extonsiveyrescarched a Fi roa eon You | 7 Glue Tube iy mman Veatearbestce Rey Email: Sones os u onc The Millennium Falcon is one of the best known star ships from Star Wars. Originally a Corellian 'YF-1300 light freighter, the ship has been modified to hit record speeds. The version | have chosen ‘comes from the last episode, when it was already heavy weathered and tired with long life, which means much more fun for us. With the easy to assemble and well detailed kit from Bandai, it's a pure pleasure for painting and weathering, in this article I'll shaw how to create weathering on this kind of model subject, using classic techniques such as filters, washes, and oils, to create a dynamic finish with minimal effort. "Konrad Dzik 446 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILIERS AND OILS ‘The tan and dark orey panels | delberaely sep the inal stages of painting so tat we can focus on weathering effets. Here you can see base for weathering a paints application, highlight When aopiing 2 fite load the brush ied sig a round brush ver appy th th your brush and capilary actions should do the Alter few the alow eround the fussege THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS /. 47 j ofa oGNAMEL PouRLESS INNER Mic 2018 GB") THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / WASHES, FILTERS AND OILS Recessed areas around the hull, mechanical ele ments, and pipes have been treated with dark brown wash To enhance the chipping, | deciced to add some rust, For this | used thinned Streaking Rust Efect ‘2pplied ove the bigoest scratches. ‘Ato etting the effect ery for afew minutes, twas blended using fine brush moistened in thinner Next some rust steaks are applied. This effect ‘would cccur during a stopover on some planet ‘ith atmosphere, so the effect must flow down: ‘ards from the effects of gravity just ike here on Earth. Approximate shape end outline of future -srcaks were painted with smal brush ‘After 5-10 minutes they were blended mostly with vertical mevements, so that they ro longer look unnatural. Steaks from some features were cated in the ‘samme way This time the effet is applied in the die rection that they would occur when the starship isin fight. Using o diferent colour wil add variety are realism tothe eftec. |P2 Some general dt fom the inlets was done with Engine Grime. It PETC UTCg ww i i Panes Pee) V) = re ose] Der Sockelshay all AMMO products in stock OPEN 24HRS A DAY Online at = a) BT Este hel We ete) ted Oilbrusher © Oil paint with fine brush applicator for modeling A © © coc © Aue Escadron is the ultimate model shop In Brussels, the centre of Europe. Visit our “website for everything the modeller needs: Sale) models of aircraft, military vehicles, pcs tous, Dffer a huge range of paints, weathering _Prosicts glue, equipments, cecels,update-sets, accessoires reference works, . BA 162 Escadron also offers many hard-to-find k caleModelShop x gmsser 7 2 Fast Delivery, Live Stock Levels, 1000’s of Products Always In Stock - A MODEL) == WiWMEMODED LE DAU SKORNIG IDE: Nordenhamer Str.177 - 277! Imenhorst - Tel.: +49 (0)4221/28 90 870 - Alllyoulneec|fommodelling) asyoumhands OMPlETeAmnrorofiMig THE online mos irce shop: - 24h open online shop - more than 50000 articles listed - more than 150 manufacturers available - Plastic model kits, Diecast models, Military, Aircraft, Ships, Literature, Paint, Tools. Aftermarket Items, etc. - always fantastic special offers - high availability and BIG'steck = worldwide shipping - Complete english webshop By Mig Jimenez REAL ve seen things you people wouldn't balieve. Attack ships on fife off the shoulder of Orion. | watched c-beams gitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate; modulated models and ludicrous red oxde primer finishes. I've seen madels with a lighting scheme as if they had a Kght bulb inside, and even a 7-34 in an amazingly garsh green tone. All those moments wil be lost in time, ike tears in rain, Time to change.” Yes, my friends: believe itor not this wes the original Blade Runner's dialogue when, moments before dying, the reglicant Roy Batty speaks to Deckard under the rain. But the referonces to scale models were deleted inthe final cut by the Director, as he thought they were too fanciful {and hard o beliove. Those concepts were so fantastic and divorced from reality that spectators wouldn't understand them, Modulated models? Total fantasy Inaccurate coloss? The audience wor't tolerate it But nobody suspected the madeling world would be swiped by a global epidemic where these concepts took over and changed scale madels forever. From then on, a small group of resistance hobbyists continued to fight for realm, to create true-to-life mode's, as close as possible to the realty and based on pictures of the real vehicles; a no-fils approach; a plain and honest repica of the real world. And while it's all 00 true that TWM has always sided with the fist group you remember the “Styles” isue, It presented some of the most transgressive trends of resent years. Although many of these tends and styles were created precisely here, we assumed from the very beginning that these techniques ARE NOT REALISTIC but aesthetically pleasant styles enjoyed by many modelers, that also happen to win most medals in international shows. We have always encouraged creativty here, but this didnt meant that a more realistic approach is obsolete or wasn t valid, Actually, after a flooding and overdose of modulation, Black & White technique, a large and motley assortment of lighting techniques, and so many tanks painted in red ide finishes and fantasy colors, reais is more popular than ever although it ivays was fr the members of the modeling resistance. For thisreason now it time to devote an issue to realism... tlifelke models, these based on a phato where the modeler has simply tried to canture what he orshe saw, because, at the ond ofthe day, this very concept isthe origin of model making RM-5007= 1/35 SCALE Distributed by: Rye Field Model USIBY2AISPIRIT(STEALTHIBOMBER Waste Deen eee Cee arenes ene Ceerermene teenie Sern eer een ee Ey eects) ee eee teeta eet eterna raat eee rene rc) nen Coca) eer eee ee at een! eet ete Pee ee ener uae tent rn eee peer mee Stee eer ee een et ate eet pera —— ey Een OT eee ren Wid id Wad Peete ae Tet a ee near Secon &

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