Condition Monitoring Program

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Condition Monitoring Defined:

So what is condition monitoring? Condition monitoring is perhaps the most

misunderstood and misused of all the plant improvement programs. Most
users defined as :

“ A means to prevent catastrophic failure of critical rotating machinery “

“ A maintenance scheduling tools that uses vibration, infrared or
Lubricating oil analysis data to determine the need for corrective
maintenance means”.

The common theme for all these definitions is that condition monitoring is
solely a maintenance tool. Because of these misconceptions, the majority of
established programs have not been able to achieve a marked decrease in
maintenance, cost of repairs, or a measurable improvement in overall plant

Condition Monitoring and Management:

Condition Monitoring is much more than a maintenance- scheduling tool

and accordingly it should not be restricted to maintenance management. As
part of an integrated, total plant performance management program, it can
provide the means to improve the production capability, product quality
and overall effectiveness of our manufacturing and production plants.

We must remember that the output of a condition- monitoring program is
data. Until this data is communicated and acted upon to resolve the problems
revealed by the program, plant performance cannot be improve. What this
means is that a commitment from senior management to ensure full co-
corporation from all the plant areas is imperative for the program to succeed.

Why then, do so many condition- monitoring programs fail? The fact is that
predictive technology is not adopted as a core operating philosophy by
senior management of an organization and only becomes the pet project of
one or more local engineers.

Unfortunately, in many companies, maintenance is still viewed as essentially

a technical activity, rather than a legitimate management discipline. This
is prejudice by two factors, the first is that the maintenance department
becomes highly visible only when it is administrating emergency first aid to
some malfunctioning machine. Secondly, maintenance managers often see
themselves as “fire fighters” or technical experts rather than an integral
component of the whole production process.

As a maintenance management tool, condition monitoring can provide the

data required to schedule both preventive and corrective maintenance tasks

on an as needed basis instead of relying on industrial average life statistics,

such as Mean Time To Failure (MTTF). The condition-monitoring program
can minimize unscheduled breakdowns of all mechanical equipment in the
plant, and ensure that repaired equipment is in acceptable mechanical
condition. The program can also identify machine train problems before they
become a concern.

The condition-monitoring program can be invaluable to production
management by the information it can provide in being able to increase
production capacity, product quality, and overall effectiveness of the
production function. Remember condition-monitoring can provide the data
needed to achieve optimum and consistent reliability.

So before we even begin to consider the type of condition monitoring we

might implement, the commitment of senior management, production
and maintenance is imperative, without it the program will have little
chances of success.

Gaining Management Commitment

To survive in the long run, a condition-monitoring program must have very

knowledgeable, consistent, first level of leadership backed by strong
management support at least to the level of general or plant manager. A
program champion should be recruited at the highest level in the
organization. So what ingredients do we need to gain and ensure the
continuing support of senior management?

As most senior managers are responsible to ensure a certain level of

efficiency is maintained, that efficiency can be determined by the inputs as
compared to the outputs, if the outputs exceed the inputs management would
be inclined to commit.

So how do we convey this efficiency? Unfortunately as stated earlier senior

management only hears about maintenance problems when there is a
detrimental affect on the bottom peso/dollar. Does senior management hear
about the wins that occur? No, purely because there are no mechanisms in
place to inform them of these potential cost savings.

Today’s companies are implementing a management concept called the

‘learning organization’. One of the elements of this concept is the sharing of
information. Reports to senior management should summarize a period of
time showing faults found, rectified and the cost savings. This will give the
management a clear picture of what has been happening as well as providing
continuing justification for the program. Summaries should include an
annual end of the year analysis on the contribution of the program presented
in a forum that is educational biased rather than survival based.

As we have noted throughout this section senior management support is
crucial for the success of any condition-monitoring program.

Which machines to monitor?

Once a commitment from management has been gained the first step would
be to determine what machines will be monitored and what monitoring
techniques will be employed to monitor these machines. Below is an
overview of typical monitoring techniques.

Monitoring technique Equipment monitored

Visual observations Virtually any machine

Performance trending Pumps, motors, compressors

Vibration analysis Rotating machinery; pumps,

motors, compressors,
turbines, gearboxes

Oil analysis Lubrication/hydraulic systems,

compressors, turbines,

Wear particle analysis Lubrication/hydraulic systems,

compressors, turbines,

Thermographic analysis Boiler, furnaces, electrical

switching, motor control

Ultrasonic analysis Steam systems, plant air


Motor current analysis Induction and synchronous


In determining what machines to monitor generally start small rather than
going plant wide, in essence “get the runs on the board”. Starting small
minimizes the drain on resources, especially in the beginning where data
collection techniques and procedures are being fine tuned. The initial list of
machines may have a higher critical rating or machines that have chronic
problems. Remember the term critical may relate to machinery that would
limit production capability, as well as equipment with high initial or
replacement cost. Using a small number of critical machines with chronic or
serious problems are most likely to show immediate benefits. These benefits
can be used to build support during the program implementation.

Another feature of starting with a small amount of machines is

familiarization. Condition monitoring is more than data collection, it is
determining acceptable and unacceptable operating levels. A smaller
machine list will allow sufficient resources to gather and determine the
operating characteristics of these machines.

We must remember that we have not limited the size of the machine list, but
rather put together a sizeable list that will show the benefit condition
monitoring quickly without tying up valuable resources. Once the program
has been established to increase the database size will be relatively easy.

Condition monitoring techniques

Once the initial machine list has been established the appropriate monitoring
Technique is applied. Arguably the simplest and most cost-effective method
of condition monitoring is the visual inspection. The main advantage of
visual inspection is that it is cheap, and can be carried out by any operator.
No matter what type of conditioning monitoring method, the use of all
human senses should be an integral part of any program. The negative side
of using visual inspections is the subjective nature of the observations.

Probably the most common of all condition monitoring techniques is the

vibration analysis. It’s implementation benefits from the use of non-intrusive
transducers and its wide range of applications. This means many measures
can be taken, which results in a wide coverage for very little equipment cost.
Vibration analysis can take the form of three specific method:

Spectral analysis: uses the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to convert the raw
signal (waveform) into its individual frequencies and positive amplitudes.
The FFT uses a long mathematical algorithm for the calculations. Spectral
has the advantage of being able to pin point faults using the these individual
frequencies (bearing, gear, structural, and process faults). Spectral analysis
involves the use of software and hardware. The software is used to build the
database as well as store and analyze the data. The hardware consists of a
data collector, which after the template (route) has been downloaded into the
data collector, it is used to collect the data as per the machine and point
description in the route. Once the data collection has been completed, the
data is then uploaded to the software for analysis and reporting.

Overall readings: similar to spectral analysis in the technique of data

collection, however there is no analysis of individual frequencies rather an
overall number is given. The overall number dependent on the frequency
range of the actual meter, most being 10-2000Hz. Although some products
allow the uploading of data to software, most products only give an overall
readout on the handheld meter. Analysis of this data is based on the trending
principle, utilization of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet allows for trending
models to be designed and tailored. Once trend passes though a predefined
alarm limit further investigation is instigated. This may result in the use of
external vibration analysis consultants.

Online condition monitoring: utilizes either overall readings or spectral

analysis to complete its analysis. Machines are configured in the software
With their associated measurement points and alarm and shutdown points.
Online monitoring or permanent monitoring as it is otherwise know,
monitors a piece(s) of equipment continuously 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. It is typically applied to critical machinery or machinery that have a
short duration failure mode that would normally not be picked up by a
routine vibration survey.

Oil analysis and wear debris analysis: in contrast, are restricted to circulatory
arrangements such as lubrication or hydraulic power systems. One of the
major financial benefits of oil analysis is monitoring of the physical
condition of the oil, this allows a condition-based oil changing policy to be
implemented according to additive depletion, contaminate build up and/or
other changes in its physical state.

One of advantages of wear debris monitoring over vibration monitoring is
that it can provide a much clearer indication of the source of a fault.
Whereas vibration caused by a fault can sometimes be masked by vibration
emanating from other components, wear debris analysis will only show
excessive amounts of a particular material when there is a fault present.

Although these three methods (visual inspection, vibration analysis and

oil/wear debris analysis) are shown as separate techniques, a successful
condition-monitoring program will implement all three techniques to
supplement each other. The techniques listed above all have their place in a
condition-monitoring program, their application however depends on
individual circumstances. For the purpose of this paper we will concentrate
on the three most common-visual; inspections, vibration analysis and
oil/wear debris analysis.

Determining Monitoring Frequency

Once we have determined our initial machine list and type of condition
monitoring technique that will be implemented, the appropriate monitoring
frequency must be determined. In some part the frequency will be dictated
by previous failures or more precise, the time between failures, criticality of
the machine, duty cycle of the equipment and actual speed of the rotating

Previous failures and the time between similar failures will help determine
the monitoring frequency. There is a number of studies into machine failure
modes and the interval between failure starting and actual failure.

One such method the ‘P-F interval’ uses the potential failure and functional
failure to determine the lead time to failure.

The P-F interval is also known as the warning period or the lead time to
failure. The frequency of checking must be significantly less than the P-F
interval if we to detect the potential failure before it becomes a functional
failure. Determining the P-F interval for age-related failure modes is fairly
as simple as the final stages of deterioration are linear. However, in the case
of random failures, we don’t know when the next failure mode is going to
start on its way down the P-F curve. So we if don’t even know where the P-F
curve is going to start, how can we go about finding out how long it is?

The most accurate and cost effective way is based on judgment and
experience. Utilizing personnel who have knowledge in the machinery type,
previous experience in monitoring particular type of equipment and the
operator/trades people who maintain the equipment will be able to establish
a realistic P-F interval. Remember we are trying to determine how quickly
the item fails rather than how long it lasts. The actual speed of the rotating
equipment will be factor in determining the survey schedules. Specifically in
slower machines, it would in most cases extend the P-F interval and thus
allow a larger duration in time between survey schedules.

The criticality of the machine, both in the context of potential loss to

production and the cost of replacement/repair of the equipment will have a
large affect on determining the survey schedule. Typically the more critical
the piece of equipment, the shorter the duration in time between monitoring

The duty cycle of a piece of equipment will be another major factor

determining the monitoring frequency. Machinery that have full redundancy
or short duration cycle times (4 days a month for example) can typically be
placed a longer monitoring frequency interval.

When determining the monitoring frequency we must above all factor the
account, not one factor alone can dictate the frequency. The last factor that

we must consider, and one that may over ride all the above resources. If the
resources are hard to come by, which seems to be problem in industry at the
moment, attempting to monitor a complete plant on long monitoring
schedules may be worthless when compared to monitoring a smaller amount
of machines using more realistic schedule, and actually picking faults before

Setting Alert and Alarm Limits

Once we have set our survey schedules remember different pieces of

equipment can be placed on different monitoring schedules, we can
approximate the alert and alarm limits. As stated by Ron James P/PM
technology “experience indicates that machine condition monitoring is
not an exact science, there are a lot of judgment calls to be made”.

Experience shows that whatever the limits that are set initially these will
need to be tailored further down the track. The main point here is not to
overly worried on setting accurate alert and alarm limits. Although
manufacturers will give tolerance limits, these will normally be excessive
when compared to the actual machine vibration resulting in miss of critical
fault. On the other hand many new comers set limits to conservatively
resulting in the flood of maintenance work orders and causing frustration
when no faults are found. Purely relying on alert and alarm limits can be
dangerous and can even lead to the failure of a program. Machines reported
with faults and no faults found is as detrimental to the program as faults
missed, both will incur a cost and depending on the repair may cost more
than a run to failure. Unfortunately that the risks we must factor in, they can
however be minimized through training, familiarization with the equipment,
external support from experts and comparing like equipment.

There are number of severity tables published using machine sized and
running speed to determine acceptable and fault limits. These are ideal as a
basis to start with, however they should not be relied on 100%. Ideally the
start of a condition monitoring program should have the survey frequency,
set frequently say no more than monthly, after the first three months the
frequency is re-evaluated and the alert and alarm limits can have their first
pass of tailoring. Tailoring should then occur at the twelve-month mark after

there is sufficient data. Tailoring of the alert and alarm limits should not
become stagnate rather an ongoing process in pursuit too developing an
efficient and reliable database.

Managing the First Year

At this stage we have the program up and running, data is being collected
and analyzed and faults are reported and repaired. What is crucial during this
first year is the feedback from the operators, maintenance personnel and
contractors. For the program to grow and mature, the feedback from these
personnel regarding repairs, failures, modifications and process alterations is
essential to correlate the data from the program to what is actually
happening out in the field. Faults found through the condition monitoring
program should be followed through and correlated with the actual repairs

This will allow the technician to determine:

a) the severity, was the call too early or too late

b) was the call correct
c) what caused the fault to occur and recommend remedial action
d) use the information in the reports to management.

Writing the case histories and getting them circulated throughout the
company are perhaps the most important, and yet underused tools available.
These perform three essential functions:

a) develop and ensure continued support

b) used an education tool and reference
c) employee recognition

The first year will be the foundation of the following years to come. Time
invested in training personnel, ensuring adequate resources, setting
procedures and ensuring the continuation of management commitment will
help the program succeed. To many programs fail in the first year due to
these four factors not to be addressed resulting in the equipment being

It is important to look forward past the next 1-2 year window, to the next 3-5
years. Emphasis need to be put on succession planning, as manning the
group will continue to be an ongoing issue. Using specialists or trained
personnel will keep the Condition Monitoring Team fixed cost low and will
allow key activities to be completed. There is a need to market our results to
show the Condition Monitoring function will and will still adds value.


It has been emphasized that condition monitoring is more than a tool, it

focuses on the dissemination of information that can result in the increase in
efficiency plant wide.

While historically condition monitoring was a tool of the maintenance area,

we are seeing a shift away from this thinking and more of a senior
management focus.

Having a clear purpose and vision by which the priorities of activities can be
set, is a way that the Condition Monitoring function can still move forward.

The output of from a condition monitoring is only good as its input. A

program starved of resources, knowledge and commitment will not survive.
Condition monitoring offers so much more than purely the maintenance
aspect, a successful condition-monitoring program sees the integration of
aspects from production, maintenance and management.

In a time where downsizing the work force has become necessary for
companies to be viable, condition monitoring should be on the lips of most
senior managers, in an effort to minimize down time and increase plant
efficiency, thereby increasing plant productivity.


Monitoring technique Equipment monitored

Visual observations Virtually any machine

Performance trending Pumps, motors, compressors

Vibration analysis Rotating machinery; pumps,

motors, compressors,
turbines, gearboxes

Oil analysis Lubrication/hydraulic systems,

compressors, turbines,

Wear particle analysis Lubrication/hydraulic systems,

compressors, turbines,

Thermographic analysis Boiler, furnaces, electrical

switching equipment
Swbd/Panels and
motor control centers

Ultrasonic analysis Steam systems, plant air


Motor current analysis Induction and synchronous



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