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Rachel Rockecharlie
22 March 2018
Diverse Learners—3rd Block
Mr. Conway

Annotated Bibliography
(2009). Healthy eating during pregnancy. Retrieved from


This article is definitely a valuable source for facts and statistics regarding basic nutrition

during pregnancy. Not only did this article provide additional information regarding the

basic nutrients a mother must consume during pregnancy, but also it highlighted the

necessity of taking vitamin supplements during pregnancy. In addition, it unpacked some

common myths regarding nutrition during pregnancy, which is particularly useful.

Furthermore, the article speaks about food cravings and certain common illnesses that are

especially detrimental to a pregnant woman, such as listeriosis. By reiterating the

difference between folic acid and folate and providing information regarding potential

complications that could arise from a lack of folic acid, the article further underscored the

importance of having a well-rounded, balance diet. Finally, the article explained why

Body Mass Index is the most useful tool to use when deciding how much weight is

appropriate for a pregnant woman to gain. Rather than relying on mere height and

weight, this tool takes into account body fat. All in all, this article contained a wealth of

information regarding basic nutrition, BMI, food-borne illnesses, and the effects of

caffeine on fetuses during pregnancy. Altogether, this information is of high quality for

this topic.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2017). Nutrition during pregnancy.


Retrieved from


This article is very helpful in that it proves the reader with a general, easily

comprehensible summary of nutrition during pregnancy. Although this article was

relatively long, it covered a myriad of topics from food allergies in pregnant women to

the necessity of consuming enough iron and folic acid while pregnant. The article also

unpacked the different food groups, and it provided many examples of the proper foods

for a pregnant woman to eat. Furthermore, it also touched on weight gain during

pregnancy, which is especially important. Whereas proper nutrition and eating healthy is

universal for all pregnant women, weight gain will be different for each individual

woman. The amount of weight a woman gains is dependent upon a variety of factors,

and it is necessary to consider all of these factors—such as initial weight and whether or

not the pregnancy is of multiples—when determining how much weight is acceptable to

gain. In addition, this article touched on food poisoning and food borne illnesses, which

is especially helpful for research on this topic because such a specific type of illness is

often overlooked. All in all, this article was extremely helpful due to the fact that it

delved into a variety of different topics that all relate back to how nutrition ultimately

affects pregnancy.

Brown, L. S. (2011). Nutrition requirements during pregnancy. In Essentials of life cycle

nutrition (1). Retrieved from


This article is a significant asset research on the topic of nutrition during pregnancy. Not

only did the article discuss all of the different vitamin and mineral supplements that an

expectant mother should be taking and in what quantities, but also it delved into the

problems associated with nutrient deficiencies. This information is extremely beneficial

for research on this topic because instead of just listing necessary supplements, it actually

explains them. Furthermore, the article also included a section on low-income expectant

mothers and the challenges they face regarding nutrition; this information is important

because that topic is often forgotten about. Additionally, the article stressed the

importance of preconception nutrition and its role in a mother’s later pregnancy, which is

also significant because it speaks to the idea that nutrition during pregnancy cannot be

examined out of context from the rest of a woman’s life. Altogether, the information in

this article contributes to answering a variety of questions regarding misconceptions of

women’s nutrition during pregnancy, and it goes on further to explain how best to change

these misguided beliefs.

Cox, J. T., & Phelan, S. T. (2008). Nutrition during pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology

Clinics of North America, 35. Retrieved from


This article is a significant asset for information on this topic. Not only did this article

discuss the benefits of enlisting the help of a registered dietician during pregnancy, but

also it focused mainly on weight gain during pregnancy. It unpacked the necessity of

gaining the appropriate amount of weight given one’s Body Mass Index, and it touched

on the differences that exist in weight gain for ethnically diverse women. Furthermore,

the article explained the problems that can ensue for both mother and baby if a mother

doesn’t gain enough weight during pregnancy or gains too much weight; this explanation

is important because it emphasizes that there is so much more to health during pregnancy

than counting calories. In addition, the article touched on prenatal vitamins and why they

are more encouraged for “high risk” pregnancies than “regular” pregnancies, which is

meaningful because such an angle is rarely ever considered. Finally, the idea that a

woman’s pre-pregnancy weight is a strong predicator of her pregnancy weight will play a

vital role in catalyzing more research on this topic.

Demissie, T., Muroki, N., & Kogi-Makau, W. (1998). Food aversions and cravings during

pregnancy: Prevalence and significance for maternal nutrition in Ethiopia. Food and

Nutrition Bulletin, 19(1), 20-26. Retrieved from



Despite the fact that this article focuses on Ethiopian women, its findings are relevant for

pregnant women around the world. Not only did this article explain how food cravings

and aversions in pregnant women are not related to poverty or hunger but rather occur in

both developed and developing countries alike, it also unpacked the differences that exist

between aversions and cravings. Pregnant women are bound to experience cravings or

aversions at some point, and this article found that pregnant women with food aversions

tended to be healthier overall as compared to women with food cravings. In addition, the

information stressed the necessity of analyzing aversions and cravings together, as only

through understanding both of these issues is it possible to truly understand their impact

on a pregnancy. Overall, due to its thorough explanation of cravings and aversions

during pregnancy, this article speaks to the idea of misconceptions that exist regarding

nutrition during pregnancy and provides high quality research on the overarching topic of

nutrition during pregnancy.


Levi, A. (2014). Opiates in pregnancy. Retrieved from


This article goes into great depth on the topic of opiates in pregnancy. Not only did it

shed light on the myriad side effects of opiate use during pregnancy for the mother, but it

also touched on the impact of drug use during pregnancy on the fetus. This resource

included information regarding why prescription painkiller problems are more prevalent

in women than men, and it also explained how heroin specifically effects a pregnancy. It

unpacked options for weaning a pregnant mother off of drugs, and it explained

information regarding methadone and buprenorphine in regards to their use for pregnant

mothers. Furthermore, this resource expounded upon how doctors can assist a pregnant

woman in managing her opioid addiction, and it emphasized how much riskier

pregnancies become when there is an opioid dependency. Finally, this resource also

delved into the importance of timing when it comes it decreasing a pregnant mother’s

dependency on drugs. Altogether, the information from this source contributes to

providing the reader with an increased awareness and level of knowledge regarding

opiate use during pregnancy.

Milman, N., Paszkowski, T., Cetin, I., & Castelo-Branco, C. (2016). Supplementation during

pregnancy: Beliefs and science. Gynecological Endocrinology, 32(7). Retrieved from

This article is extremely helpful in regards to the information it provided on the topic of

nutrition during pregnancy worldwide. This article discussed the World Health

Organization and the differences that exist in nutrient deficiencies between high and low-

income nations as well as developed and undeveloped countries; this information is


important because many people are unaware of the discrepancies that exist in prenatal

nutrition from country to country. Furthermore, the article explained that a deficiency in

iron and folate is universal among almost all pregnant women. In addition, it explained

that even the most educated women can be fooled by myths surrounding nutrition during

pregnancy, which fits in perfectly with answering the question of how it may be possible

to dispel misconceptions regarding this topic. Also, it emphasized that poor nutrition

during pregnancy can lead to placental problems, among other issues. Finally, the article

explained that nutrition during pregnancy can impact later fertility, which is an important

consideration for any expectant mother and her family.

Nutrition Information Centre University of Stellenbosch. (2006). Pregnant: What should I eat

and how much? Retrieved from


This article, although relatively short, is an asset in regards to the topic of quantity of

food that a pregnant woman is recommended to eat. In addition to explaining how a

healthy diet can affect a baby in the long-term, this article also touched on the best time

for an expectant mother to start gaining weight. Moreover, the article unpacked the

dangers of smoking during pregnancy, and it warned of the potential complications

associated with partaking in smoking during this time. Furthermore, there was a wealth

of information regarding why it is necessary to avoid foods made with unpasteurized

milk. Lastly, the article provided a variety of suggestions for what a woman should do if

she experiences nausea, hunger, or constipation during her pregnancy. This information

is relevant because such feelings and problems greatly contribute to a woman’s nutrition

and, in turn, her baby’s nutrition. Therefore, this article’s fresh perspective on the

dangers associated with certain activities during pregnancy as well as the information

regarding certain illnesses will ultimately be very beneficial for anyone interested in

research on this issue.

Sausenthaler, S., Koletzko, S., Schaaf, B., Lehmann, I., Borte, M., Herbarth, O., …Heinrich, J.

(2007). Maternal diet during pregnancy in relation to eczema and allergic sensitization in

the offspring at 2 y of age. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 85(2). Retrieved


Although somewhat confusing and relatively short, this article explained the potential

impact of a mother’s diet on the development of allergic diseases in her baby, which was

something that is not often looked into or considered. In addition, it discussed the idea

that the last four weeks of a mother’s pregnancy are especially important when it comes

to the fetus’s health, and it went on to unpack the idea that there are a variety of factors

that ultimately impact the development of allergic diseases. Nonetheless, the conclusion

that a mother’s intake of foods high in n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids during pregnancy

may increase the risk of allergies in her baby is important because it speaks to the very

relevant issue of childhood allergies. In a world where peanut allergies and dairy

allergies have become so normalized, it is essential to consider how a mother’s nutrition

relates to her child’s allergies. That said, it is interesting that the intake of foods such as

fish can decrease the likelihood of a child developing allergic diseases, and the article did

an excellent job in explaining both sides of the issue. All in all, this article explains not

only how nutrition affects pregnancy, but also how it can impact a child’s nutrition later

on in life.

Van Lee, L., Chia, A., Loy, S. L., Colega, M., Tham, E. K., Cai, S., … Chong, M. F. (2017).

Sleep and dietary patterns in pregnancy: Findings from the GUSTO cohort. International

Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(1409).


Although somewhat long, this article provided a wealth of information regarding

pregnant women’s sleeping habits and their relationship to nutrition. Because sleep and

nutrition are closely related, this article analyzed a study that found that sleep quality

rather than sleep duration has the most significant effect on a pregnant woman’s diet. In

addition, women who sleep soundly are also usually found to be more physically active

and more likely to make good choices in general when it comes to their diet. The

information found by the individuals who conducted this study is meaningful, as sleep

during pregnancy is an important topic to study. Since pregnant women often have

trouble sleeping due to pain, nausea, and other problems, it is necessary to better

understand to what extent sleep affects nutrition and, in turn, the pregnancy itself.

Altogether, sleep and dietary intake impact gestational weight gain and have implications

for the delivery of a baby. Therefore, this article is extremely useful in that it describes

an often overlooked—yet very important—aspect of nutrition during pregnancy: sleep


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