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Report Excellent Passed Not Met Actual

Criteria Score
Percentage 100 points 60 points 0 points Percentage
□ Presented excellent review of □ Present in the report □ Not present in the report
the theory relevant to the
□ Properly cited at least five (5)
relevant published works (book,
Introduction 20% journal article) 0
□ Minimal grammatical and
typographical errors
□ Presented correct information in
logical sequence

□ Simple and direct statement of □ Present in the report □ No submission or not present in
objectives. the report
□ Stated in general and specific
terms the objectives of the
Objectives 10% □ Presented SMART (Specific, 0
Measurable, Attainable, Relevant,
Timely) objectives
□ Minimal grammatical and
typographical errors

□ Presented the scopes and limits □ Present in the report □ No submission or not present in
of the experiment in terms of the the report
variables/parameters to be
considered, and the experimental
Scope and Limitations 5% 0
□ Stated how the limitations will
affect the results of the experiment
□ Minimal grammatical and
typographical errors

□ Provided complete list of □ Present in the report □ No submission or not present in

materials, reagents and equipment the report
□ Enumerated the step-by-step
Methodology 20% procedure, and included a sketch 0
or a diagram of the apparatus.
□ Minimal grammatical and
typographical errors

□ Included all necessary data □ Present in the report □ No submission or not present in
sheets or tables for data collection. the report
□ Minimal grammatical and
Expected Output 10% 0
typographical errors

□ All in-text citations are listed in □ Present in the report □ No submission or not present in
the references the report
□ Minimal grammatical and
References 10% typographical errors 0
□ Acknowledged references in
correct APA format.

□ Included Title Page, Table of □ Present in the report □ No submission or not present in
Contents, Page Numbers the report
5% □ Adhered to all writing format 0
requirements (margin, font size,

Peer Evaluation 20% (based on the Peer Evaluation Rubric)

TOTAL 100% TOTAL 0.00

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