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1, FEBRUARY 2013

Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimation of

CFO, Noise Power, and SNR in OFDM Systems
Michele Morelli, Senior Member, IEEE, and Marco Moretti, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Estimation of noise power and signal-to-noise ra- derived by assuming ideal frequency synchronization. On the
tio (SNR) are fundamental tasks in wireless communications. other hand, the theoretical analysis presented in [10] indicates
Existing methods to recover these parameters in orthogonal that frequency-domain estimation of noise power and SNR is
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) are derived by follow-
ing heuristic arguments and assuming perfect carrier frequency prone to significant performance degradation in imperfectly-
offset (CFO) synchronization. Hence, it is currently unknown synchronized OFDM systems. To solve this problem, one
how they compare with an optimum scheme performing joint may adopt a pragmatic approach wherein the noise power
maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of CFO, noise power and and the SNR are recovered only after the CFO has been
SNR. In the present work, the joint ML estimator of all these compensated for using one of the frequency synchronization
parameters is found by exploiting the repetitive structure of a
training preamble composed of several identical parts. It turns schemes available in the literature. This prompts two funda-
out that CFO recovery is the first task that needs to be performed. mental questions. The first is whether the pragmatic approach
After CFO compensation, the ML estimation of noise power and entails a remarkable loss or not with respect to the joint ML
SNR reduces to a scheme that is available in the literature, but estimator of all unknown parameters. The second is related
with a computational saving greater than 60% with respect to the to the computational complexity of the pragmatic scheme as
original formulation. To assess the ultimate accuracy achievable
by the ML scheme, novel expressions of the Cramer-Rao bound compared to the ML architecture.
for the joint estimation of all unknown parameters are provided. The purpose of this work is to answer these questions.
Specifically, we consider an OFDM transmission and derive
Index Terms—Frequency recovery, SNR estimation, noise
power estimation. the joint ML estimator of CFO, noise power and average
SNR. In doing so we exploit the periodic structure of a
training block composed of several repeated segments and
I. I NTRODUCTION carrying unknown symbols [11]. Since such a preamble is
STIMATION of the average noise power and signal-to- adopted by many commercial systems, in most cases the
E noise ratio (SNR) are fundamental tasks in orthogonal
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) applications. While
resulting scheme does not require any extra overhead. Our
study indicates that CFO recovery is the first task that must
SNR knowledge is required for mobile assisted hand-off be accomplished. Surprisingly, after CFO compensation the
and power control, knowledge of the noise power can be ML estimator of the noise power and average SNR leads
exploited to improve the performance of carrier frequency to a novel implementation of the periodic-sequence scheme
offset (CFO) and channel recovery schemes [1], [2]. The derived in [8] through heuristic reasoning but with a significant
problem of SNR estimation is well studied for single-carrier computational saving with respect to the original formulation.
transmissions over frequency-flat channels and several so- To assess the accuracy of the ML method, we also derive
lutions based on either the maximum likelihood (ML) or the relevant Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRB) for the joint
minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterions are available estimation of the CFO, noise power and SNR, which is not
[3], [4]. Recently, research has focused on the problem of available in the literature. The contribution of this work is
SNR estimation for OFDM systems using pilot symbols or threefold: i) derivation of the ML estimator of all the unknown
suitably designed training preambles [5]-[9]. In particular, the parameters; ii) validation of the optimality of the scheme
preamble employed in [8] comprises several repeated parts illustrated in [8] in the absence of any CFO; iii) novel CRB
and exhibits a comb-type structure in the frequency domain, formulation for the investigated estimation problem.
wherein pilot tones are separated by a specified number of The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Next Section
null subcarriers. The latter are exploited for estimating the describes the system model and formulates the estimation
noise power, while SNR information is retrieved from the pilot problem. In Sect. III we address the joint ML estimation of the
subcarriers without using any knowledge of the transmitted unknown parameters and illustrate the relationship between the
data. This method is further extended in [9], wherein the resulting scheme and the method proposed in [8]. Simulation
significant path selection approach is employed to improve the results are presented in Sect. IV, while conclusions are offered
channel estimation accuracy. However, such an improvement in Sect. V.
requires knowledge of the transmitted pilot tones, which is not
always available. All the aforementioned methods operate on II. S YSTEM M ODEL AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
the receive discrete Fourier transform (DFT) output and are
We consider an OFDM system with N subcarriers sep-
Manuscript received July 10, 2012. The associate editor coordinating the arated by Δf in the frequency domain. The transmission
review of this letter and approving it for publication was D. Huang. is organized in frames and each frame is preceded by a
The authors are with the Information Engineering Department, Università
di Pisa, Italy (e-mail: training block, which is divided into M identical parts, each
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/WCL.2012.100912.120508 containing P = N/M samples. In practice, the training block
c 2013 IEEE

2 2
is generated by transmitting a sequence of pilot symbols with (ε̃, σ̃w , ρ̃) denoting a trial value of (ε, σw , ρ). Since
c = [c(0), c(1), . . . , c(P −1)]T on the subcarriers with indices H
rank{A(ε̃)A (ε̃)} = P , the (N × N )-dimensional matrix
multiple of M , while setting the others to zero. The pilot A(ε̃)AH (ε̃) has N − P null eigenvalues. On the other hand,
sequence is typically selected among a specified number of observing that AH (ε̃)A(ε̃) = M IP , it is easily seen that the P
possible choices so as to univocally identify the base station non-zero eigenvalues are all equal to M , with the P columns
and the cell sector. For this reason, it must be considered of A(ε̃) being the associated eigenvectors. Accordingly, from
as unknown during the synchronization stage. In this work (4) it follows that matrix B(ε̃, ρ̃) has N − P unitary eigen-
we assume that {c(p)} are statistically independent PSK values, while the other P eigenvalues are equal to 1 + M ρ̃.
symbols with power C2 = |c(p)| . At the receiver, the Recalling that the determinant of a matrix is the product of its
samples belonging to the training block are organized into eigenvalues, we may deduce that det B(ε̃, ρ̃) = (1 + M ρ̃)P .
M consecutive segments, each containing P samples and Furthermore, by virtue of the matrix inversion lemma, we have
corresponding to one of the repetitive parts in which the ρ̃
block is divided. In the sequel, every segment is identified B−1 (ε̃, ρ̃) = IN − A(ε̃)AH (ε̃). (6)
1 + M ρ̃
by an index m = 1, 2, . . . , M . Bearing in mind that the
repetitive parts of the training block remain identical after Substituting these results into (5), after standard manipulations
passing through the channel except for a phase shift induced the LLF takes the form
by the CFO, we may write the mth received segment as 2 2 N
Λ(ε̃, σ̃w , ρ̃) = −N ln(πσ̃w )− ln(1 + M ρ̃) − (7)
xm = ej2π(m−1)ε/M s + wm (1) M
(1 + M ρ̃ − ρ̃) x − 2ρ̃Γ(ε̃)
where ε is the CFO (normalized by the subcarrier spacing), 2 (1 + M ρ̃)
s = [s(0), s(1), . . . , s(P −1)]T is the useful signal component
and wm = [wm (0), wm (1), . . . , wm (P − 1)]T accounts for the where we have used the identity AH (ε̃)x = x +2Γ(ε̃),
noise contribution. The latter is a circularly-symmetric com- with
plex Gaussian random vector with zero mean and covariance 
matrix σw2
IP , with IP being the identity matrix of order P . Γ(ε̃) = e R(m)e−j2πmε̃/M (8)
The entries of s are expressed by m=1

 −1 and
1 N
s(k) = √ ej2πkε/N c(p)H(pM )ej2πpk/P (2)
N p=0
R(m) = x(k)x∗ (k − mP ). (9)
where H(n) is the channel gain over the nth subcarrier, which
is modeled as a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and Maximizing the LLF in (8) with respect to ε̃ and σ̃w yields
unknown power σH . Since the quantities {c(p)H(pM )} are
ε̂ = arg max {Γ(ε̃)} (10)
statistically independent and Gaussian distributed with zero ε̃
mean and variance C2 σH , it follows from (2) that s is a zero- 2
(1 + M ρ̃ − ρ̃) x − 2ρ̃Γ(ε̂)
mean Gaussian vector with covariance matrix σs2 IP , where 2
σ̂w (ρ̃) = (11)
σs2 = C2 σH 2
P/N is the average signal power. We define the N (1 + M ρ̃)
average SNR as ρ = σs2 /σw 2
. Then, arranging the M received and plugging these results back into (8) produces
segments into an N -dimensional vector x = [xT1 xT2 · · ·
xTM ]T , from (1) we have (1 + M ρ̃ − ρ̃) x − 2ρ̃Γ(ε̂)
Λ(ρ̃) = N + N ln N (12)
π(1 + M ρ̃)(1−1/M)
x = A(ε)s + w (3)
where the noise vector w = [w1T w2T T T
· · · wM ] which achieves its global maximum with respect to ρ̃ at
has covariance matrix Cw = σw IN , while A(ε) is 2Γ(ε̂)
a matrix of dimension N × P defined as A(ε) = ρ̂ = . (13)
 T (M − 1) x2 − 2Γ(ε̂)
IP , IP ej2πε/M , . . . , IP ej2π(M−1)ε/M . Our goal is to ex-
ploit the observation vector x for jointly estimating the un- The ML estimate of the noise power is eventually obtained by
known parameters (ε, σw 2
, ρ) by means of ML methods. replacing ρ̃ by ρ̂ in (11), yielding
σ̂w = . (14)
AND SNR N (M − 1)
From (3) it follows that x is a Gaussian vector with zero Expressions (10), (13) and (14) provide the joint ML estimator
mean and covariance matrix Cx = σw B(ε, ρ), where (JMLE) of the CFO, SNR, and noise power. The following
B(ε, ρ) = IN + ρA(ε)AH (ε). (4) remarks are in order:
i) From (10) we see that the CFO estimate is computed
The log-likelihood function (LLF) for the joint estimation of first and it is then exploited to get the noise power and the
the unknown parameters (ε, σw , ρ) is thus given by SNR. This provides a theoretical justification of the pragmatic
   xH B−1 (ε̃, ρ̃)x approach, wherein CFO recovery is the first step that is
2 2 N
Λ(ε̃, σ̃w , ρ̃) = − ln πσ̃w · det B(ε̃, ρ̃) − 2 accomplished before proceeding to the estimation of (σw 2
, ρ).
(5) It is worth noting that the CFO estimate (10) has been

previously obtained in [12] and later extended to multiple- CRB M=4
input multiple-output (MIMO) OFDM systems in [13]. MME M=4
ii) Let y(k) = x(k)e−j2πkε̂/N be the received 10
−2 CRB M=8
frequency-corrected samples and denote by Y = MME M=8

[Y (0), Y (1), . . . , Y (N − 1)]T the N −point DFT of

y = [y(0), y(1), . . . , y(N − 1)]T . After standard computations

(details are omitted for space limitations), the estimates (14)

and (13) can be reformulated as −6

N −1 

2 1 2 2
σ̂w = |Y (n)| − |Y (pM )| (15)
N − P n=0 p=0 10

−10 0 10 20 30 40
SNR (dB)
1 2 1
ρ̂ = 2
|Y (pM )| − (16)
N σ̂w p=0
M Fig. 1. MSEε vs. SNR for JMLE and MME with M = 4 and M = 8.

which coincide with the noise power and SNR estimator

proposed in [8]. This result is quite surprising as the estimates generated at each new simulation run and kept fixed over the
(15) and (16) were derived in [8] following a heuristic line training block. Without loss of generality, we set ε = 10−3
of reasoning. On the other hand, our investigation indicates throughout simulations. The training symbols c(p) belong to a
that the joint ML estimation of the CFO, noise power and BPSK constellation and their amplitude is chosen such that the
SNR is achieved by first recovering the CFO from (10) or training block has average power σs2 = 1. The CFO estimate
through the approximated approach outlined in [13]. Then, ε̂ is obtained with the low-complexity method proposed in
after compensating for the phase rotation induced by the CFO, 2
[13]. The accuracy of ε̂ and σ̂w is measured in terms
 of their
the noise power and the SNR are retrieved as indicated in [8]. 2
mean-square-error (MSE) values, say MSEε =E (ε − ε̂)
iii) By invoking the asymptotic efficiency property of the   
2 2 2
JMLE, the accuracy of the estimates (ε̂, σ̂w 2
, ρ̂) is expected to and MSEσ =E σw − σ̂w , while the accuracy of ρ̂ is
approach the corresponding CRB for large values of N . In measured by thenormalized  MSE (NMSE), which is defined
Appendix A it is shown that as NMSEρ = E (ρ − ρ̂)2 /ρ2 .
3M (1 + M ρ) Fig. 1 illustrates MSEε as a function of the SNR with
CRB(ε) = (17) M = 4 or M = 8 segments. The results are compared with
2π 2 ρ2 N (M 2 − 1)
those obtained by the Morelli and Mengali estimator (MME)
2 M σw proposed in [14]. For a further comparison, we also report the
CRB(σw )= (18)
N (M − 1) CRB in the estimation of ε as given in (17). We see that both
(1 + M ρ)2 algorithms attain the CRB for SNR values greater than 0 dB.
CRB(ρ) = . (19)
N (M − 1)
Fig. 2 shows MSEσ as a function of the SNR for M = 4.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the bounds (17)- Here, JMLE is compared with a pragmatic scheme (PS)
(19) are not available in the literature. Actually, a bound for wherein CFO recovery is firstly accomplished using the MME
SNR estimation is provided in [7] for OFDM transmissions 2
algorithm, while σ̂w and ρ̂ are subsequently obtained with
over a frequency-flat fading channel and it is expressed by the Zivkovic estimator proposed in [8]. The curve labeled ZE
CRBAWGN (ρ) = ρ(2 + ρ)/N . Comparing with (19), we see represents the accuracy of the Zivkovic scheme when applied
that it is different from our bound, which applies to a more without any prior CFO compensation. We see that JMLE and
general frequency-selective scenario. PS perform similarly and they show little or no degradation
iv) The computational requirement of JMLE can be as- with respect to the CRB shown in (18). The situation is
sessed as follows. Evaluating the correlations R(m) for 1 ≤ different with ZE, which exhibits a large error floor even at
m ≤ M −1 needs 4N (M +1) floating point operations (flops), small SNR values due to the uncompensated CFO.
while additional 8M flops are required to get the CFO estimate Fig. 3 displays the results for NMSEρ as obtained in the
using the simplified approach of [13]. Then, computing ρ̂ and same operating conditions of Fig. 2. Again, the difference
σ̂w from (13) and (14) involves 4(M + N ) flops, whereas between JMLE and PS is minimal and they are close to the
N (12+5 log2 N ) flops are needed if the JMLE is implemented normalized Cramer-Rao bound (NCRB), which is obtained
as indicated in (15) and (16). dividing the CRB in (19) by ρ2 . In contrast, the performance
of ZE rapidly deteriorates as the SNR increases, meaning that
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS accurate CFO compensation is necessary before proceeding
The considered OFDM system has N = 256 subcarriers and to the estimation of σw and ρ. At this stage, it is interesting
operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. The discrete-time to compare JMLE and PS in terms of system complexity.
channel impulse response is composed by 16 channel taps, Implementing the JMLE as indicated in (13) and (14) needs
which are modeled as independent and circularly symmetric 4(N M + 3M + 2N ) flops, while implementing PS as orig-
Gaussian random variables with zero-mean (Rayleigh fading) inally suggested by (15) and (16) approximately requires
and an exponential power delay profile. A channel snapshot is N (3M + 14 + 5 log2 N ) flops. Substituting N = 256 and

PS In the following we highlight the major steps leading to the
CRB in the estimation of unknown parameters η = (ε, σw , ρ).
The components of the Fisher information matrix F are
∂ 2 Λ(η)

[F]k1 ,k2 = −E 1 ≤ k1 , k2 ≤ 3 (20)
∂η(k1 )∂η(k2 )
where Λ(η) is the LLF given in (5) and η(k) is the kth entry
of η. Substituting (5) into (20), after standard computations
we get

−10 0 10 20 30 40 ⎡ 2π2 ρ2 N (M 2 −1) ⎤

SNR (dB)
3M(1+Mρ) 0 0
⎢ 4 N ⎥
F=⎣ 0 N/σw σw2 (1+Mρ) ⎦ . (21)
Fig. 2. MSEσ vs. SNR for JMLE, PS and ZE with M = 4. N MN
0 σ2 (1+Mρ) (1+Mρ)2

0 The CRBs for the estimation of (ε, σw , ρ) are the diagonal
elements of F−1 . Observing that
PS ⎡ 6(1+Mρ)

ρ2 N M(M 2 −1) 0 0
⎢ 4 2
(1+Mρ) ⎥
F−1 = ⎢ ⎥
Mσw σw
⎣ 0 N (M−1) − N (M−1) ⎦
σw (1+Mρ) (1+Mρ)2

− N (M−1)

0 N (M−1)
we eventually obtain the results (17)-(19) in the text.

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