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Oak Forest Elementary

EMPOWER Values Handbook

1401 W. 43rd St.

Houston, Texas 77018
Our Empower values will be used as a proactive approach to encourage an
environment of self-reflection. Campus-wide and in classrooms, we recognize students
for their efforts to become better citizens through demonstrating these values. When a
student makes good choices, our staff uses the Empower values to exhibit how the
student excelled. If a student makes a bad choice, the teacher will show the student
how in the future they could use a core value to make better choices.
We are EMPOWERed through these core
Consequences of Poor Choices
If a student makes poor choices, the following consequences are followed by the
classroom teacher:
E ffort
Level 1: Class Verbal Reminder
Level 2: Nonverbal Cues (Stop and Think)
Level 5: Time Away (in- or out-of-class)
Level 6: Parent Conference/Note M otivation
Level 3: Student Specific Reminder/Modification Level 7: Administration/Referral
Level 4: Private Conference (Stop & Think Reflection) P erseverance
In the event a student has made an extremely poor choice (violent threat/fighting),
staff may send students directly to the office.
O wnership
Threatening to physically harm or kill another student either verbally, written, or through W isdom
actions are serious violations of the HISD Code of Conduct. Teachers and administration
will investigate the intent and seriousness of the violation before deciding on a E mpathy
consequence. All consequences are measured based upon the intent. In grades
prekindergarten-second grade, lunch in the office is the first level of consequence for
threatening to harm another student. In grades third-fifth, the consequence could
R espect
range up to a suspension.

We encourage you to join us in using the EMPOWER value words at home when
speaking with your student about their choices. It is also important that every student
Being empowered for success begins
understands the EMPOWER guidelines. Please read and discuss these values with your
child. After reading about our EMPOWER values and you have questions, please see your
with effort and is founded upon respect.
child’s teacher.

I agree to follow the Empowerment Handbook and will be an EMPOWERed Bobcat.

Student’s Name Student Signature (3rd-5th) Date

I have read the Empowerment Handbook and will join you in this effort to make Oak Our campus philosophy is to focus on developing students
Forest Elementary a safer learning environment for my child and others. I agree to
support my child’s teacher and assist if any concern arise. academically and behaviorally to become well-rounded citizens.

Parent or Guardian Signature Date

Parent or Guardian Signature Date

Stay EMPOWERed Bobcats
Grade _______ Homeroom
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Definition: A serious attempt to learn assignments, complete work, take risks,
problem solve and engage in learning.
I show EFFORT; I do my best and more!

Pre-K – 2nd Examples 3rd -5th Examples

Students will practice reading and Students will choose appropriate
testing on High-Frequency Words. problem-solving strategies and
apply the strategies.
Students will be engaged while Students will reveal answers and
listening to a story. apply knowledge in creative

Your only limit is you.

Melodee Bagby


Definition: To be eager and excited to do one’s best.

I have MOTIVATION; I am eager to learn!

Pre-K – 2 Examples 3-5 Examples

Students will be excited to read Students will practice multiplication
and explore literature at home tables every day.
and school.
Students will encourage peers to Students will be excited to learn
make good choices. and collaborate with others.

I love both working alone and with classmates. I look forward to showing what I
know and to learning something new. School is an adventure waiting to be
explored. Where will my learning take me today?
Shannon Cones

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Use this page to share ways to show you are EMPOWERed.
At Home At School In my Community
Definition: To not give up.
I will PERSEVERE; I keep going!

Pre-K – 2 Examples 3-5 Examples

Students will practice their High- Students will practice reading,
Frequency Words every day, even writing, and math strategies to do
when frustrated. their best.
Students will ask for help when they Students will try their best to
don’t understand and not give up. understand and complete the

Perseverance is working hard toward your goal to the point you feel you can't
go on, but then finding the strength within yourself to go even further and
achieve your goal.
Christopher Rodriguez


Definition: To take pride in what you do or believe.

I take OWNERSHIP for my actions; I must have self-control!

Pre-K – 2 Examples 3-5 Examples

Students will use a goal setting clip Students will generate questions
chart to create individual writing about a text while reading to be
goals and track their progress. shared during a literature circle.
Students will treat others with Students will make amends when
respect and accept responsibility. mistakes or poor choices are

I am invested in making positive choices and having a great attitude. I will

take pride each day in my actions as an engaged and reflective learner.

Rachel Folse

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Wisdom Respect
Definition: The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment. Definition: Caring enough about others’ feelings before acting; a feeling or
I use my WISDOM to make good choices; I think before I act! understanding that someone or something is important, and should be treated
Pre-K – 2 Examples 3-5 Examples I RESPECT myself and others with my words and actions!
Students will admit it when they do Students will know when and
not know. “who” to ask for help. PreK-2nd Examples 3rd -5th Examples
Students will stop and think about Students will stop and think about Students will positively encourage Students will come to class
the best choice. the best choice and consequence others when they make mistakes. prepared and ready to learn.
if needed.
Students will respect different Students will be open to other
Wisdom is not just about what we think, but more importantly, how we act. I points of view. peoples’ right to look, think, or act
show wisdom when listening to my peers and make the best choice for all. differently.
Tiffany Dewalt-Osborne
Respect each other’s likenesses, differences, privacy, and property.
Jennifer Rogers

Definition: The ability to understand and share feelings of another.
Our Empower values were developed based on our current campus’ needs to
I show EMPATHY; I care about my world! support students throughout Oak Forest, higher education, and life challenges
by strengthening their foundation on self-discipline strategies.
Pre-K – 2 Examples 3-5 Examples
Students will use kind words when Students will show patience when Students are not limited to display the examples of the values above, and some
talking to our classmates. solving problems with friends. examples can be exhibited throughout other Empower values.

Students will include all classmates Students will consider body

in play or group work. language and word choices in any Teachers will use the Empower values not as a punishment, but an opportunity
situation. to teach social-emotional skills. At the end of every nine-weeks, students who
consistently exhibit an Empower value will be recognized at the Empowerment
To feel a part of the world a person must strive to understand the feelings and ceremony.
experiences of others in order to make connections.
Nancy Llamo
Parents, encourage your students to use this handbook as a foundation on how
they can be an EMPOWERed student.

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