Server Rules and Regulations

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Server Rules and Regulations

General Server Rules

1. Do NOT Disrespect Server admins or Others.
2. No building near clay pits.
3. Again respect each other.
4. Take Screenshots or Video of everything.
5. No Salt in General chat or in Discord text.
6. You have to RP during the day, Except on PVP Island.
7. No, Fighting in GM are. (Excludes arena)
8. Players will be allowed 2 Characters on the server.
9. Uproot all Stumps use all logs. (bears will be dropped on you)
10. Please use Pickaxes on claypits, DO NOT USE SHOVELS!
11. Land bridges may not be dug up to troll someone.

Character & Claim Creation

1. No Title in your name, do not use a famous name.
2. If you have 1 person in your guild you may not Advance any higher than a tier 2
3. Personal Claims must be in your guilds claim or attached to it. (If your not in a guild this
does not apply)
4. NO TREE WALLS! No Glichy Terra forming! (if you build them we will cut them down
and destroy logs.)

Role-playing & Metagaming

1. ALL RP interactions should be done in local chat. (If going out of RP –State out of RP-
2. Do not meta game or ignore RP
3. Global is used for OOC you may make announcements in it. Ravens are not suggested.

Hierarchy and Titles

What is a vassal and what do you need to become one?
A vassal is a claim sworn to Allegiance to ally and fealty another claim

 Must have 2 or more members

 All Alliances and Vassals must be stated in the Diplomatic Chat

Combat Rules
1. Aggressive actions are to be considered fighting actions. (Horse bump, Threats, Tableing up
someones wall, pushing horse carts off claims)
2. Combat log is not allowed.
3. Permadeath is allowed if both sides agree.
4. Tables and horse jumping are acceptable as long as they follow the rules of gravity.

Rules of War
1. The only people that can declare wars are kings. Kings may only declare war on other kings.
2. The declaration of war must be put in the appropriate admin request chat. Both sides must agree
to the war.
3. Judgement hour will be set and battles may take place between both sides.
4. Once the war is over there is to be a two week peace period between both parties.

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