InFusion Engineering EnvironmentCourse5612 Participant Guide

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InFusionTM Engineering Environment

Participant Guide

Course No. 5612

InFusionTM Engineering Environment


This manual was written and prepared by the Invensys Learning Services Organization.
ArchestrA, I/A Series, and InFusion are trademarks of Invensys plc. All other product names
may be trademarks of their respective holders.
Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.
All rights reserved
No part of this manual may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage
and retrieval system without permission in writing from Invensys Systems Inc.
The control schemes, displays, trends, etc. described and illustrated in this manual refer to
the simulation software used in this course. They are for training purposes only and not
intended for implementation. Your actual system will differ depending on how it was built
and configured by your engineering personnel.

Participant Guide iii

InFusionTM Engineering Environment

Table of Contents
Course Introduction
Using This Guide ..........................................................................................3
Course Objectives.........................................................................................4
Course Agenda..............................................................................................5
‘Hello’ Exercise.............................................................................................7
Documentation References ..........................................................................8
InFusion Engineering Environment Overview
ArchestrA and the InFusion Engineering Environment ........................13
Control Configuration Workflow .............................................................47
InFusion Hardware Editor
InFusion Hardware Editor Overview ......................................................51
Hardware Definition ..................................................................................51
Bulk Generate Hardware Configuration .................................................59
InFusion System Management
Introduction ................................................................................................67
Module Objective .......................................................................................67
System Management Components............................................................68
InFusion Engineering Environment
Overview of InFusion Engineering Environment ...................................97
Accessing IEE .............................................................................................98
Equipment Unit ........................................................................................102
Attaching a Control Processor ................................................................104
Deploying an Equipment Unit with a CP...............................................107
LABS – IEE Part 1 ...................................................................................109
“Stumpers” Activity.................................................................................126
Creating a Toolbox set .............................................................................127
Creating a Compound..............................................................................129
Creating a Strategy ..................................................................................129
Creating a Block Template......................................................................134
Configuring a Strategy.............................................................................139
Assigning a Strategy to a Compound .....................................................144
LABS – IEE Part 2 ...................................................................................145
Deploying a Strategy ................................................................................184
Live Data ...................................................................................................187

Participant Guide v
InFusionTM Engineering Environment

LABS – IEE Part 3 ...................................................................................189

‘Fast Grab’ Activity .................................................................................203
Importing A SaveAll ................................................................................204
Galaxy Maintenance ................................................................................208
LABS – IEE Part 4 ...................................................................................215
Programmable Block Editors
What are Programmable Blocks?...........................................................247
PLB Ladder Logic Editor........................................................................249
Sequence Block SFC Editor ....................................................................259
Sequence Block HLBL Editor .................................................................273
Logic Block RPN Editor ..........................................................................280
LAB - Ladder Logic Editor .....................................................................281
Sequential Function Chart Editor Lab ..................................................290
High Level Batch language Editor Lab..................................................301
Group Activity – Bingo ............................................................................307
InFusion Appearance Object Editor
Appearance Object Editor Overview .....................................................311
Strategy .....................................................................................................311
Forward Engineering and Backdocumentation ....................................313
Block Template Appearance Object.......................................................320
Modifying the Appearance Object..........................................................324
Creating a New InFusion Appearance Object.......................................334
Creating a Custom Appearance Object .................................................335
SAMA Symbols Library Visio stencils ...................................................337
Examples - Control Loop Drawings .......................................................338
LAB - Appearance Editor........................................................................341
InFusion Application Server
Overview of InFusion Application Server .............................................353
ArchestrA Objects Types.........................................................................353
LAB – InFusion Application Server .......................................................355
InFusion Engineering Environment Course Wrap-Up
Review - “Jeopardy” activity ..................................................................399
Evaluation - SPAM Activity ....................................................................400
Glossary Terms and Definitions..............................................................403
Job Aid – ICC – IACC – IEE Comparison Table .................................405

vi Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusionTM Engineering Environment

Job Aid – Best Practices: Importing a Saveall for IEE ........................406

Job Aid – InFusion Galactic Security.....................................................409
Action Plan................................................................................................411

Participant Guide vii

Course Introduction
Course Introduction

Table of Contents

Using This Guide ..........................................................................................3

Course Objectives.........................................................................................4
Course Agenda..............................................................................................5
‘Hello’ Exercise.............................................................................................7
Instructions ...........................................................................................7
Documentation References ..........................................................................8
Wonderware® Documentation .............................................................8
Invensys InFusion Documentation .......................................................9

Participant Guide 1
Course Introduction

Using This Guide

The purpose of this Learner Guide is to provide you with a resource to support the following
• Performing learning activities in class, when prompted by the facilitator
• Lab Guides, for use when performing hands-on activities in class
• Taking Notes, during interactive discussions and facilitator presentations
• Creating an Action Plan, that can be used to improve your performance on the job
• Answering Review Questions, to reinforce knowledge of information
• Referencing External Data Sources, to provide information about the topic outside of
• Using Job-Aids to improve performance
• Using Training-Aids to improve the learning experience

Participant Guide 3
Course Introduction

Course Objectives
On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
1. Identify InFusion Software components and their use.
2. Configure an InFusion system using the Hardware Editor.
3. Navigate the panes of the System Manager and perform functions for equipment
change, vital counters, system alarms, and printing.
4. Configure a strategy using the InFusion Engineering Environment (IEE).
5. Use the Ladder Logic, Sequential Function Chart, High Level Batch Language,
Reverse Polish Notation, and Appearance Object editors.
6. Perform Bulk Generation of InFusion Control objects.
7. Use the InFusion Application Server.
8. Implement the InFusion Security model.


4 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

Course Introduction

Course Agenda
This training course has the following components.
Overview of Course Modules

Module Title Time Description

EMM165EA-00 Course Introduction (Day 1) The facilitator welcomes learners and conducts an
1:00 initiating activity. A pre-test assessment is given to
measure learner entry-level knowledge

EMM166EA-00 InFusion (Day 1) Provide an Overview of the InFusion System,

Engineering 3:30 identifying capabilities to be covered.
Overview 0:30 Lab

EMM167EA-00 InFusion Hardware (Day 1) Examine the Hardware Editor capabilities and
Editor 1:00 build hardware in the lab.
0:30 Lab

EMM168EA-00 InFusion System (Day 2) System Manager functionality including equipment

Manager 1:00 information, performance of stations, equipment
change actions, responding to alarms and
print/save data contained in system manager
EMM169EA-00 InFusion (Day 2) Graphical Block Editor capabilities including zoom
Engineering 1:30 and pan, creating a CP, Equipment Unit, working
Environment with strategies, as well as deploy/undeploy.
1:30 Lab
Add Hardware to Control
1:30 Lab

Build First Strategy

(Day 3)
Download and Test Strategy
2:00 Lab
Automation Object Import
Bulk Generation Lab
3:30 Lab

EMM170EA-00 InFusion (Day 4) Details of the specific editors in the InFusion

Programmable Block 1:00 system: PLB Editor, HLBL Editor, SFC Editor,
Editors RPN Editor.
1:00 Lab
1:00 Lab
1:00 Lab

Participant Guide 5
Course Introduction

Module Title Time Description

EMM142EA-00 InFusion Appearance (Day 4) Navigation of the Appearance Editor, modification
Editor 1:00 of a block appearance, strategy appearance,
configuration of SAMA library objects.
1:00 Lab
EMM172EA-00 InFusion Application (Day 4) Using the Application Server to read and write to
Server 1:00 I/A control blocks.
1:00 Lab

EMM147EA-00 InFusion Galactic (Day 5) ArchestrA security model, mapping users,

Security 1:00 changing security on an object, InFusion view
login, access to Galaxy.
1:00 Lab
EMM173EA-00 Course Wrap-Up (Day 5) Course Conclusion, Action Plan, Post-Test
1:30 Assessment, “Jeopardy” Activity


6 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

Course Introduction

‘Hello’ Exercise
The purpose of the ‘Hello’ exercise is to find out the following information:
1. Course Expectations - What are you looking forward to in this training session?
2. Experience level - How much and what type of experience do you have that is
related to this Course topic?
3. Current projects - What are you currently doing in your job to which you plan to
apply your new skills and knowledge?

Use the following instructions to prepare for the ‘Hello’ exercise:
1. Participants use a blank sheet of paper, and have a writing instrument available.
2. Follow the Instructors instructions on what to write on this piece of paper.
3. There will be five (5) questions to answer/write on the paper in specific locations.
4. The goal is to interview participant(s) and ascertain information related to the
Participants will have a pre-determined amount of time to perform the following activities:

Activity Time Allowed

Answer the five (5) questions 5 minutes

Process data from all participants 5 minutes

Interview Participants 5 minutes

Present the findings 1 minute each

5. To finish, facilitator will discuss findings at the end of each report-out.

Participant Guide 7
Course Introduction

Documentation References
The InFusion technical documentation set includes the Wonderware and InFusion

Wonderware® Documentation
The Invensys Wonderware documentation includes the following:

Wonderware® FactorySuite A2 Deployment Guide
Wonderware® Industrial Application Server User’s Guide
ArchestrA™ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) User’s Guide
Wonderware Tech Note 368 “Network Setup for AppEngine Redundancy”
Wonderware Tech Note 401 “Fine-Tuning AppEngine Redundancy Settings”


8 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

Course Introduction

Invensys InFusion Documentation

The Invensys InFusion documentation set includes the following:

Title Document Number

InFusion™ Appearance Object Editor, Control Edition B0750AE Rev. B
InFusion™ Bulk Data Editor, Control Edition B0750AF Rev. B
InFusion™ Common Graphical Editor Features, Control Edition B0750AG Rev. B
InFusion™ Block Configurator, Control Edition B0750AH Rev. B
InFusion™ IA Series System Control Database Deployment, Control B0750AJ Rev. B
InFusion™ PLB Ladder Logic Editor, Control Edition B0750AK Rev. B
InFusion™ Sequence Block HLBL Editor, Control Edition B0750AL Rev. B
InFusion™ Sequence Block SFC Editor, Control Edition B0750AM Rev. B
InFusion™ Strategy Editor, Control Edition B0750AN Rev. B
InFusion™ System Manager, Control Edition B0750AP Rev. B
InFusion™ IEE Configuration Utilities, Control Edition B0750AZ Rev. B
InFusion™ Deployment Guide, Control Edition B0750BA Rev. B
InFusion™ Hardware Configuration, Control Edition B0750BB Rev. B
InFusion Logic Block Editor and Troubleshooting Tool, Control B0750BL Rev. A
InFusion™ V1.1 Release Notes, Control Edition B0750RF Rev. A

Participant Guide 9
Course Introduction


10 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering
Environment Overview
InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Table of Contents

ArchestrA and the InFusion Engineering Environment ........................13

Application Object Processing ...........................................................20
A Brief Review of the term “Object” .................................................21
Evolution to IAS .................................................................................23
Multi-User Development Environment ..............................................24
InFusion Engineering Environment....................................................27
Template and Instance ........................................................................29
ArchestrA Objects ..............................................................................31
Tool Bar Usage Description ...............................................................32
More ArchestrA Tools........................................................................35
Viewing Object Properties..................................................................37
Configuring User Information ............................................................38
Galaxy Status ......................................................................................40
Viewing your License Information.....................................................41
Object Viewer.....................................................................................43
Control Configuration Workflow .............................................................47

Participant Guide Page 11

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

ArchestrA and the InFusion Engineering Environment

The InFusion Engineering Environment is based on the ArchestrA Industrial Development
Environment (IDE)
• All Functions Available in the IDE are available in IEE
• List of Objects, when InFusion has been installed
• What in IDE is used and how
ArchestrA is not a product; rather it's a structure, a framework, a way of doing things. It was
developed by Invensys to provide a single, unique architecture across all layers of
ISA/Purdue Reference Model (Automation / Information Pyramid).

Automation/Information Pyramid

Participant Guide Page 13

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

ArchestrA fills gap between ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems and control

ArchestrA helps to create a Unified Plant System


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

ArchestrA provides infrastructure for simplifying

• development
• deployment
• lifecycle maintenance
• administration
of distributed automation applications.

Invensys/Microsoft & Invensys/SAP alliances extend ArchestrA which enables

manufacturing collaboration across enterprise.
ArchestrA architecture provides:
• Framework: supports common services and core set of system objects
• Domain Objects: industry specific objects
• Application Objects
• Device Integration Objects (DI Objects)
• System Objects
• Object Development Toolkit: 3rd parties create new domain objects customized for
specific needs
… or in other words:
• a way to do things
• a basic set of pre-configured objects
• a toolkit to customize to fit something else

ArchestrA Configuration and Deployment Related Components

• Centralized object repository
• Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
• Object Deployment services (ArchestrA bootstrap)

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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

ArchestrA Runtime Components

• Platforms
• Engines
• Objects

All of these ArchestrA components are centrally deployed and administered from the
Galaxy Repository (GR).

ArchestrA Architecture


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

ArchestrA Bootstrap Installation

• Installed during the Installation of the InFusion Workstation
• Installed from the Industrial Application Server (IAS)
• Establishes the Message Exchange Communication

ArchestrA Bootstrap System Requirements:

• 2 GHz or Higher Processor speed
• Minimum 1 GB of RAM
• 8 GB of hard drive space
• Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

Enabling the ArchestrA communication Channel – What happens?

• InFusion Install
• Build Galaxy Repository
• Deploy GR Node
• Deploy Client Platforms

Enabling ArchestrA Engines

• Engines run ArchestrA Objects
• Device Integration Objects
• Application Objects
• Deploy ArchestrA Engine to Nodes
• I/A All InFusion Workstations get at least 2 ArchestrA Engines

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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Enabling Device Integration

• Needed to connect outside the ArchestrA architecture
• I/O, OPC and DA Servers
• Device Integration Objects
• Run in an ArchestrA Engine
• Deploy ArchestrA Device Integration Object to Nodes
• I/A All InFusion Workstations get at I/A Device Integration Object

Enabling ArchestrA Objects

• ArchestrA Objects must be contained in an Area
• Analog, Discreet, String, and User Defined
• Build from ArchestrA object toolkit
• Deploy ArchestrA Area with Objects to Nodes
• I/A All InFusion Workstations get ArchestrA Objects


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

An ArchestrA Node

An ArchestrA System

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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

ArchestrA with I/A Control Node

Application Object Processing

• Objects have data and methods (Processing)
• Speed of object processing is determined by the engine
• Objects have attributes (the equivalent of parameters in an I/A block for those who
are familiar with I/A)


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Application Object Processing

A Brief Review of the term “Object”

• Related to Object oriented programming
• A self contained entity

Object Attributes and Procedures

Different names for object characteristics
• Data and Methods
• Attributes and Procedures
All our objects are stored as separate components in the "Galaxy Repository".

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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

An Application Object

ArchestrA Application Objects bring all the aspects together in a self-contained entity:
• I/O
• Logic
• History
• Security
• Alarms


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Evolution to IAS
Use of Objects in IAS
• Encapsulation in objects
• Derivation from templates
Easy creation of objects
• One global name space
• Security at data level
• Thin presentation layer
• Drag and drop
Deployment of Objects
• Plant model
• Centralized Management
• Multi-user development
• Scalable deployment
• Robust IT topology

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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Multi-User Development Environment

Roles determine what users can do

Configure Security


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Checked out objects can be modified externally and checked back in with changes

Export Automation Objects

Objects can be saved without being checked in to avoid deployment before the objects are

Keep Checked Out

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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Check ins\Check outs are tracked and can be commented

Check In


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

InFusion Engineering Environment

Starting Archestra IDE

Connecting To The Galaxy

To connect to an existing Galaxy

1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, Wonderware and click ArchestrA IDE. The
Connect to Galaxy dialog box appears.
2. Do the following:
• In the GR node name list, select the name of a computer you previously connected
to. Click the Browse button to browse and select from the available domains and
nodes on your network.
• In the Galaxy name list, select the name of the Galaxy on the GR node.
• Click Connect.

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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

If the selected Galaxy has security enabled, the Login dialog box appears. Type your user
name and password and click OK.
The Galaxy opens in the IDE. You are ready to start working with your Galaxy.

Description of IEE panes

IEE Panes
• Template Toolbox: Contains object templates from which instances are created or
other object templates are derived.
• Model View: This pane defines the object relationship to the automation scheme
layout. The objects are organized into Areas to represent the physical plant layout
(Only ArchestrA objects can be seen in this view)


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

• Deployment View: This pane defines the object instance relationship to the PC that
the object code is running on. It represents the hosting relationship of the objects.
• Derivation View: This pane displays what the derivation path is from is from Base
Template to Instance. All templates and instances are displayed in this view.
• Network View: This pane display system definitions. This is an InFusion pane

Template and Instance

• Templates and instances are BOTH called objects
• Instances are deployed to the run-time environment
• Templates exist in the development environment and cannot be deployed
Before you start modeling your application in Industrial Application Server, you must
understand templates and object instances.
Templates are elements in Industrial Application Server that contains common configuration
parameters for objects instances that you use multiple times in your application.
For example, you might create a template for valves. You configure the template with all the
unique attributes for valves. You use that template to make object instances of valves. You
can further configure and customize each object instance to represent a specific valve.
Object instances are the specific devices in your environment, such as diaphragm valves or
very complex devices, like a reactor. You create an instance from a template and then
customize the specific instance as needed.
Instances are deployed to the run-time environment. Templates exist in the development
environment and cannot be deployed.
Creating templates and instances is very similar to object-oriented programming. For
example, templates and instances have a parent/child relationship that involves inheriting
attributes. There are differences, however, between object-oriented programming and
creating templates and instances in Industrial Application Server.
Collectively, templates and instances are called objects. The following graphic shows the
different kinds of objects and how they are organized.

Propagation of Changes
Parent and child relationships are a tool to help manage the propagation of changes.
Objects are related to each other through parent/child relationships. For example, you can
create a template for a generic valve that includes the basics of every valve in your
environment. Then you can create a child instance of that derived template that includes the
specific attributes of diaphragm valves.

Participant Guide Page 29

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Using the Diaphragm valve template, you can quickly create a Diaphragm valve instance
when you need another Diaphragm valve in your application.
If you need to change something about all diaphragm valves, you can change the template
for the Diaphragm valve and all diaphragm valves in your application inherit the changes,
assuming the attributes are locked in the parent template. This makes it easy to maintain and
update your application.
It is important to manage the granularity of changes. Changing something requires an
undeploy/deploy of each changed instance. There is a trade-off between the ability to make
changes over a number of instances and the effects of undeploying/deploying control objects
in an operating plant.

Parent/Child Relationship


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Propagating Parameters
The green open padlock is used in block templates and blocks contained in a strategy
template to indicate that the value is unlocked and can be changed in this block. You can
lock the parameter by clicking the icon.
A grey open padlock is used in block instances to indicate that the value is unlocked and can
be changed in this block instance, but the locked status cannot be changed.
The closed padlock is used in block templates and blocks contained in a strategy template to
indicate that the value is locked by the current object.
When a value is locked, the parameter cannot be changed in any block derived from the
When a value is locked, any change made to the parameter is propagated to the blocks
derived from the template.
Click the icon to unlock the value.
The grey double padlock icon indicates the field is locked by a parent object and cannot be
changed. Changes made to the parameter in the parent object are propagated to this block.

ArchestrA Objects
Before you start modeling your application in Industrial Application Server, you must
understand templates and object instances.
Templates are elements in Industrial Application Server that contains common configuration
parameters for objects instances that you use multiple times in your application.
For example, you might create a template for valves. You configure the template with all the
unique attributes for valves. You use that template to make object instances of valves. You
can further configure and customize each object instance to represent a specific valve.
Object instances are the specific devices in your environment, such as diaphragm valves or
very complex devices, like a reactor. You create an instance from a template and then
customize the specific instance as needed.
Instances are deployed to the run-time environment. Templates exist in the development
environment and cannot be deployed.
Creating templates and instances is very similar to object-oriented programming. For
example, templates and instances have a parent/child relationship that involves inheriting
attributes. There are differences, however, between object-oriented programming and
creating templates and instances in Industrial Application Server.
Collectively, templates and instances are called objects. The following graphic shows the
different kinds of objects and how they are organized.

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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Tool Bar Usage Description

Change Galaxy – Open another Galaxy in with the IDE
Import Automation Objects – Import exported ArchestrA technology
Open – This opens the selected object in the ArchestrA workspace
Save – This saves an object in the workspace and is available after changes to an object
Find – This allows the user to find an object in the Galaxy the meets criteria selected
Check Out – This reserves the current version of this object to a user allowing for closing
the editor and not replacing existing objects with an edited version of the object
Check In – This replaces the current object in the Galaxy with an edited object. This can
only be done by the user that checks out the object


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Undo Check Out – This is done by a user that has permission to check in an object has been
checked out by a different user
Properties – Information about the object selected
Deploy – Allow for runtime connections to the object
Undeploy – Move the object out of the runtime
Delete – Removes the object from the Galaxy
Customize toolsets – Allows user to view/hide toolsets
User Information – Individual user settings
Galaxy Status – Object counters

IDE Menus

Participant Guide Page 33

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

How to Open the Views Pane

ArchestrA IDE Views


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

More ArchestrA Tools

Find Tool

The Find dialog box has the following options:

Search by Name group
Do a search based on the object’s name, either tagname or hierarchical name. Use the Which
Name group to specify whether your search is for a tagname or hierarchical name. Use the
Search Criteria group to specify whether the Find What text must be matched exactly or
Find What
Use this text box to enter search criteria for the name of the object. Depending on your
selection in the Search Criteria group, enter the entire object name or part of it. You can also
select from previously-entered search criteria by clicking the down arrow and selecting from
the list.
Find button
When all search criteria is set, click to start your search.
Which Name group
Use this group to set your search for an object’s tagname or hierarchical name.

Participant Guide Page 35

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Search Criteria group

Use this group to set whether the contents of the Find What text box meets the following
Restrictions Contains, Exact Match, Starts With, or Ends
With Search Scope group
Use this group to limit your search to objects hosted by a particular WinPlatform or
AppEngine. Select WinPlatform or AppEngines on the current node or select All to search
all objects.
Only Show Objects group
Use the That Are Quarantined and That Are OffScan check boxes to limit the search
scope to only those objects that meet those criteria.
Hierarchical Name list
You see the results of your search.


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Viewing Object Properties

You can view the properties of an object by right-clicking and clicking Properties. Object
properties vary, depending on the type of selected object and whether it is a base template, a
derived template, or an instance.
In the example below we can see a log of all the changes that have been made to an object.

Change Log

Participant Guide Page 37

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Configuring User Information

Configure User Information

To configure user information:
1. On the Edit menu, click User Information. The Configure User Information
dialog box appears.
2. In the Prompts area, do one or more of the following:


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

• To be prompted to type comments when checking in templates and objects, select

the Ask for ‘Check In’ Comments check box. This lets you provide text about the
changes you made.
• To see a prompt that tells you if you are opening an instance or template as read-
only, select the Warn before launching an editor for a read-only object check
box. This lets you know if you open an instance or template while someone else
is working on it. If someone else is working in the instance or template, you
cannot make changes.
• Select the Initial scan state for deployed objects. You can select On Scan or Off
Scan. You can change this setting on an individual basis in the Deploy dialog
box when you deploy.
• Select the Scan state defaults when undeploying or redeploying instances. Force
Off Scan forces the target object to go off scan when you deploy. Don’t Force
Off Scan does not force the target to go off scan when you deploy.
3. Make your Auto context selection.
4. In the User defaults area, provide the following object names of Framework objects
you select to be defaults with respect to assignment relationships.
• Type the Platform name.
• Type the Application Engine name.
• Type the Area name.
• Type your Security Group name, if any.
5. When you are done, click OK.

Participant Guide Page 39

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Galaxy Status
You can see an overview of the condition of your Galaxy before you deploy. This lets you
know if you have objects that are in warning or error status.
To determine the status of a Galaxy
1. Connect to the Galaxy.
2. On the Galaxy menu, click Galaxy Status. The Galaxy Status dialog box appears.

Galaxy Status
You see information about total instances, total templates, deployed instances with
changes, undeployed instances with changes, objects that have an error or warning
state, objects that are checked out, and object you have checked out.
3. Click OK.


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Viewing your License Information

Use the License Utility to view information about your license. Until any problems are
resolved, you cannot:
• Open the IDE
• Connect to existing Galaxies
• Create new Galaxies
After you update your license, you can connect to your Galaxy and open the IDE with no
further problems. For more information about updating your license, see Updating your
License on page 167 of the Industrial Application Server User’s Guide.
To view your license information
1. Double-click the License icon in far right of the status bar. The License Information
dialog box appears.

License Information

2. From the Type list, select the license you want to view.
3. In the License Information area, check your Expiry date.
4. Select App Server License to view:

Participant Guide Page 41

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

• In the Platform area:

Current Count Number of deployed WinPlatforms in your Galaxy.
Max Count Maximum number of deployed WinPlatforms allowed
by your license. If your license has no I/O and
Platform Count feature line, N/A appears.
Status Relationship between the current and maximum
WinPlatform count values.
You see one of three states:
• OK: Everything is fine.
• Exceeded: Deployed WinPlatform count exceeds the
maximum allowed by your license.
• DEV: Your license has no I/O and Platform Count
feature line.

• In the IO Point area

Configured Count Number of configured I/O points in your Galaxy.
Max Count Maximum number of configured I/O points allowed by
your license. If your license has no I/O and Platform
Count feature line, N/A appears.
Status Relationship between the configured and maximum
I/O point count values.
You see one of three states:
• OK: Everything is fine.
• Exceeded: Configured I/O points count exceeds the
maximum allowed by your license.
• DEV: Your license has no I/O and Platform Count
feature line.


Page 42 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Object Viewer

How to Launch the Object Viewer

Right click on the Object of interest and select View in Object Viewer from the menu.

Launching the Object Viewer

Object Viewer provides you with diagnostic information on Application Objects that helps
you detect performance parameters, resource consumption and reliability measurements.
In addition to viewing an object’s data value, data quality, and the communication status of
the object, you can also modify some of the object’s attributes for diagnostic testing.
Modifications can include adjusting timing parameters and setting objects in an execution or
idle mode.

Participant Guide Page 43

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Object Viewer


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InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Watch List
Object attributes may be selected and added to a Watch List. This feature permits the user to
observe the attributes changing in real time. It is a useful diagnostic tool.

Watch List feature of the Object Viewer

The watch window at the bottom of Object Viewer’s main window provides a separate
window to view an attribute or a group of attributes apart from the entire list of attributes.
The attributes in the watch window are listed by their AttributeReference, which shows
which object the attribute belongs.
For example, the AppEngine_001 object contains AlarmOnCnt and AlarmUnAckCnt
attributes. When you add it to a watch list, the object’s tagname is appended to the reference
To view selected attributes in a watch list
5. Select an ApplicationObject from the tree view. A list of its attributes appears.
6. In the Details pane, right-click an attribute to place on the watch list. Click Add to
Tip Optionally, you can right-click in the watch window and click Add Attribute Reference.
In the Add Attribute Reference dialog box, type the attribute name in the following format:
Object Reference.Attribute Reference. For example, enter SystemArea.ScanState to view the
ScanState attribute of the SystemArea object. The attribute in the AttributeReference format,
along with its data, appears in the watch list.

Participant Guide Page 45

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

7. To add a block of attributes to the watch window, Shift+click while selecting the first
and last attribute of the block. To add a random list of attributes to the watch
window, Ctrl+click while clicking attributes.

Watch List Features

Add other Attributes
Rename Tab…
Remove from Watch Window

Watch List Menu


Page 46 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview

Control Configuration Workflow

• Start with Base Templates
• Create Derived Templates for each of the following
• ECBs
• Blocks
• Strategies
• Compounds
• Bulk Data Objects
• Capture Block Parameter Data in Spreadsheet
• Use the Bulk Data Object to generate instances

Creating Instances

Participant Guide Page 47

InFusion Engineering Environment Overview


Page 48 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Hardware Editor
InFusion Hardware Editor

Table of Contents

InFusion Hardware Editor Overview ......................................................51

Hardware Definition ..................................................................................51
Bulk Create .........................................................................................58
Bulk Generate Hardware Configuration .................................................59
Procedure to use the BulkData Object................................................60

Participant Guide Page 49

InFusion Hardware Editor

InFusion Hardware Editor Overview

Reference documentation: InFusion Hardware Configuration Control Edition B0750BB
Hardware Configuration is an activity which precedes any other configuration activity
within IEE. Using Hardware Configuration, the user is able to create and modify the
hardware modules which define the network topology for that particular configuration. For
any specific piece of hardware, the user can optionally specify values for a variety of
software that runs on that hardware, including the operating system itself.
Once Hardware Configuration is completed, the user performs a validation process which
validates the hardware as a legal configuration. If the validation is successful, the user may
proceed to produce a Commit diskette, which is used during the Software Install process
when installing I/A Series® software.
Once installation is complete, the user can then reconcile the installation status of all the
software packages.

Hardware Definition
This portion needs to be done prior to Installing I/A software on a workstation
B0750RA – The InFusion Installation document documents how to load InFusion Software
build a Hardware definition, Make an I/A commit Disk, Save the Galaxy Repository, Load
I/A, Load InFusion, Restore the GR used to create the Commit disk, complete the Galaxy
This can be done on a Stand Alone Configuration station or on an InFusion Engineering

Order of Build
• Build AW Stations
• Build Control Processors – FCP270 and ZCP270
• Build Switches
• Build Field bus Communication Modules (FCM100)
• Configure Software parameters
• Connect switches to switches
• Connect Stations to switches
• Validate Configuration

Participant Guide Page 51

InFusion Hardware Editor


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InFusion Hardware Editor

Hardware Definition Utilities

Network Menu – Only found in InFusion Control Edition Editor
• Validate – Verify Software, hardware, rules of configuration
• Commit – Used to make a commit disk for I/A installations
• Reconcile – Used to get runtime status of software install into database
• Options – Change software status, UTC, IP for hardware definition
• Bulk Create – Used to start building the configuration

Participant Guide Page 53

InFusion Hardware Editor

System Editor “Hardware Validation”



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InFusion Hardware Editor

System Editor “Hardware Report”

Software Summary Report

Participant Guide Page 55

InFusion Hardware Editor

Hardware Editor Options

The user can configure the first and second octets of the stations’ IP addresses.
In this example 151.128.XXX.XXX will be the format. The user has chosen the system time
as UTC.

Network Options


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InFusion Hardware Editor

Install Status

Selecting a Station Name

Participant Guide Page 57

InFusion Hardware Editor

Bulk Create
Create Stations and Modules from Bulk Create tool

List of Stations and Modules


Page 58 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Hardware Editor

Bulk Generate Hardware Configuration

• InFusion System configurations can be built from 2.8 system definitions or
Hardware Editor
• Can Import an Exported System Definition into the Hardware Editor
• Use a Bulk Data tool to do this Import

Reference Document: InFusion Bulk Data Editor Control Edition B0750AF

Accessing the BulkData Template

Participant Guide Page 59

InFusion Hardware Editor

Creating a new Derived Template

Procedure to use the BulkData Object

1. Create a new Derived Template from the BulkData Object.
2. Select Object, Right Click, New, Derived Template
3. Rename the Object
4. Double Click New Object to Open


Page 60 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Hardware Editor

5. Select Import

Hardware Tab of BulkData Object

Participant Guide Page 61

InFusion Hardware Editor

6. Select the I/A Series Sysdef Export

7. Select Next

Import Bulk Data Wizard


Page 62 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Hardware Editor

8. Select Generate

Grid for Hardware Attributes in BulkData Object

This will start the Generation of the IEE Network view. We are in phase one of the
product so all non-phase one stations and software will be disposed of at this point.
This is normal for the IEE, don’t be concerned with these errors, during phase two
most stations shown on this system will be supported.

Errors and Warnings in the Output View

Participant Guide Page 63

InFusion Hardware Editor

9. Newly generated hardware is added to the Unassigned Hardware area.

Network View of New Hardware


Page 64 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion System Management
InFusion System Management

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................67
Module Objective .......................................................................................67
Enabling Objectives............................................................................67
System Management Components............................................................68
What Gets Done?................................................................................71
Accessing System Manager................................................................72
Navigation Pane..................................................................................74
Information Pane ................................................................................78
Toolbar Buttons ..................................................................................82
Accessories Pane ................................................................................83
Access Summary ................................................................................92

Participant Guide Page 65

InFusion System Management

System management is the function that keeps track of the health of the components of the
system. The hardware has many statuses and values available indicating this health, and
there are various functions available to the user to operate the modules and to diagnose and
repair problems. There are several parts to the system management function as shown
below. For the purposes of this module we are also going to take a later look at the Station
Block as it provides some indications of control station health.
Reference materials include:

B0750AP InFusion System Manager

B0700AG CP270 Integrated Control Software Concepts
B0193AD System Maintenance

Module Objective
Describe System Manager components and how to use them

Enabling Objectives
• List major parts of the system management function
• List the parts of the System Manager function
• Perform various functions
• Set the system time and date
• Determine how to locate a failed device
• Inhibit device alarming

Participant Guide Page 67

InFusion System Management

System Management Components

The Station Manager in each station
-- reports to a System Monitor in a workstation at least every 30 seconds, and as events
or status change request responses occur
There are one or more (up to 30) System Monitors in the system, each one serving a
maximum of 64 stations.
The System Monitor
-- reports to an InFusion System Manager Server in a workstation
There can be one or more of these servers. The Server interrogates all the system
monitors and prepares it for client access.
You should not configure more than a few workstations to have a System Manager
Server due to loading considerations on all the stations that would have to be
interrogated by these servers.
The InFusion System Manager Server
-- interfaces with an InFusion System Manager Client in a workstation.
Each workstation desiring to display System Manager data must have a client loaded.
The InFusion System Manager Client
-- produces the display that user sees


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InFusion System Management

This part of the picture is true for all versions of I/A software.

This part of the picture involves InFusion’s System Manager.

Participant Guide Page 69

InFusion System Management

Note that workstations have Station Managers also.

If they report to a System Monitor that is running on themselves, there is a potential for missing
information when the workstation is not healthy.
Thus it is a good idea to set up your system so that there is “cross-monitoring” of workstations.


Page 70 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion System Management

What Gets Done?

This mechanism provides various functions, both incoming and outgoing:

Equipment health – is the station healthy or not
Station configuration information – how is the station configured
Performance counters – what are the values of internal and communication counters
System Monitor logs – what status and error logging information has been reported

Alarm on error conditions – when something happens notified someone
Inhibit alarm notification; acknowledge alarms – if the error condition is normal, inhibit it
Report alarms to printer and log -- who is notified

Performing equipment changes e.g.

Reboot station
Change active Fieldbus
Update EEPROMs in station
Run diagnostics, on-line and off-line

Setting System Date and Time

Participant Guide Page 71

InFusion System Management

Accessing System Manager

The System Manager Client can be accessed from the InFusion View header bar or from the
Windows Start menu. From InFusion View, pick “SysManager”.

If this is the first time this has been called, a “Configurations” dialog box is brought up. It
displays a list of the available stations that have System Manager Servers running on them.
• If a Server is not running, it can be started from here.
• Decide which Server to use, select the letterbug of the station.
• Decide on the other configuration items.
• Press OK.
If you later decide to change settings, you can access this display via the Options menu
button and pick Configure.


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InFusion System Management

The System Manager display will be invoked.

There are four main parts as shown in the figure.

The Toolbar gives buttons that help you to perform various actions that are necessary.
The Navigation Pane provides a navigation hierarchy that displays stations and their health
and lets you select the stations for further information about them. Some stations have
lower level elements. For instance the Control Processor has Fieldbus Modules as sub-
modules. From the Navigation Pane, you can drill down to these lower levels.

Participant Guide Page 73

InFusion System Management

In the Information Pane you will find more detailed status and performance counter
information about the selected module. This information is sometimes presented as a
numeric, and sometimes as a character string.
The Accessories Pane is provided to display messages and alarms. A “watch list” may be
set up here to monitor a set of counters of your choice.

Navigation Pane

The Navigation Pane supports displaying the stations grouped either by

• System Monitor, or by
• Network Switch
You can switch back and forth between the views. In some cases it may make more sense to
use the Smon view; in others, the Switch view.
You can traverse the tree in several ways. You can just click on the signs in the tree.
Additionally there are arrow keys at the bottom of the Navigation Pane and the arrow keys
on the keyboard.
(Being an introduction, Switches are not discussed any further in this module.)


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InFusion System Management

To each item on the tree there is attached a set of status icons. This example shows what might
be attached to a System Monitor and what might be attached to a CP.

There are many statuses. Fortunately, there is a screen available to help you out with a Legend
… no not about Paul Bunyan, but with the meaning of the icons.
Look in the user guides for the particular station and for system maintenance for assistance in
interpreting the statuses.

Participant Guide Page 75

InFusion System Management


Setting Date and Time

You set the date and time by clicking on the clock button on the top toolbar. This brings up
a display where the date and time can be set. Note that some systems will be obtaining their
time via a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system and will not need to have the time set.

Module Actions
Most of the rest of the actions are module specific.
To access the available actions, go to the Navigation Pane and select a station with a left
mouse click. (A right-click will also work.) Right-click anywhere in the navigation pane
and you will see the available actions for the module.
If an action is not appropriate for the module type, it will not be shown. For instance,
eeprom updates for an AW70 are not possible.
If the action is not possible because of the module status, it will not be shown. For instance,
if alarming is disabled, you will only see the action to enable alarming.


Page 76 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion System Management

Here’s an example of how the

Action menu relates to the
level that is selected in the tree.
The System Monitor only has
the choice to acknowledge
alarms. The control processor
reporting to that monitor has a
number of choices.

This example shows how the

available actions are keyed to the
context – to the module’s status.
After picking “Acknowledge
Station”, that choice is no longer
After picking “Inhibit Alarming”,
that choice is replaced by “Enable

Here’s an example of an
action being carried out
… in this case, rebooting
a CP. The message log
from the Accessories
pane is shown.

Participant Guide Page 77

InFusion System Management

Information Pane
The pane will have several tabbed pages, depending on what type of station you are looking

Each one will have at least the “General” tab and the “Counter” tab.
Modules that have children, such as printers for a workstation or FBMs for a control
processor will have a “Connections” tab.
The “Ports” tab is shown only for switch modules.
The following figure show how the tabs and information varies for various items on a
control processor. The CP itself has one set of information, the FBM0 another set, and the
FBMs have still another.
The diagram also shows how the Connections tab can point to lower levels.


Page 78 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion System Management

“General” Tab
The General Information tab is made up of three parts: Equipment Status, Equipment
Information, and Switch Connection.
If a value in the Equipment Status section changes, the text will be shown in green to
highlight the status change to the user. The text color will return to black when the System
Monitor sends a new status, which could be 2 seconds or 5 minutes.
For example, in the figure below in the “Failed Acknowledged State” field, the word
“Acknowledged” is green indicating that the field was changed to Acknowledged when the
user acknowledged an alarm. If several minutes later, the same or another user enables
alarms, the Alarming State field will change from Inhibited to Enabled (in green) and Failed
Acknowledge State will change from Acknowledged (in green) to Acknowledged (in black).
Depending on what is happening with the equipment, a status field may remain green for
several seconds, several minutes, or even for the remainder of the session.
In the “Equipment Information” section, however, the text will be colored green when the
value changes, but will revert to black in 10 seconds if there is no change detected on the
next scan of the equipment information.
The “Switch Connections” section shows information about the network switch that the
module is connected to. (Being an introduction, Switches are not discussed in this module.)

Participant Guide Page 79

InFusion System Management

“Connections” Tab
Devices connected to the upper-level device are shown on the Connections tab. Clicking on
one of the devices will take you to an Information Pane for that device.
In this example, the FBM0 and FBMs are shown on the Connections tab for a CP.

“Counters” Tab
Here is an example of the Counters tab for a CP. Four sets of counters are available: MAC
Sublayer, Transport Layer, Application Layer, and Loading Parameters.
If a counter differs from the previous reading, it is shown in green. Counters update every
15 sedonds.
Previous, maximum, and minimum values are shown.


Page 80 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion System Management

The buttons on the left provide several actions which are possible with the counters. You
can reset or read selected counters after clicking on the desired counter. To select multiple
counters to read or reset, press Ctrl as you click each additional counter.

Participant Guide Page 81

InFusion System Management

Toolbar Buttons

We’ve already looked at “Set Date and Time”.

The Acknowledge buttons are self-explanatory.
The Accessories Pane and Information Pane buttons add or remove those panes from the
The GoTo button lets you access a particular station directly.


Page 82 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion System Management

Hierarchy Field
When a station is accessed, the tree hierarchy to get to that station is shown in the Hierarchy
Field of the toolbar at the top, next to the buttons. To get to one of the items in the
hierarchy, just click on it in the Hierarchy Field.

Accessories Pane
The tabs on the Accessories Pane are and what is displayed on the tab.

Messages - - Module Status changes

Alarms - Module alarms
Inhibited - Modules with inhibited alarms
Search - Find station(s) by name and type
Watch - Make list of interesting counters
Smon Log - System Monitor log

“Messages” Tab
This tab shows a three-column display listing of system messages showing the message
index, a timestamp when the message was received by thje System Manager, and the
message text.

Participant Guide Page 83

InFusion System Management

When System Manager starts, it begins accumulating system messages in a list, and makes
these messages available to the Messages tab. When there are 500 messages in the list,
incoming messages replace older messages on a first-in, first-out basis. The message index
is not reset until the list is cleared.
Messages are cleared from local memory when the System Manager session ends.
Messages may be saved in a file, however.

Several functions are available using the

buttons provided on the right


Page 84 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion System Management

“Alarms” Tab
Here is a sample of what you would see on the Alarms tab, along with the action keys that
are available

“Inhibited” Tab
The inhibiting of the alarm is performed in the Navigation Pane.
This tab shows a list of devices for which system alarm notification has been inhibited,
From this window you can enable alarm notification on the device again.
Note that it is the notification of the alarm that is inhibited … the alarm is still detected and
would be seen if you looked at the Navigation Pane, but it would not appear on the printer,
or on the System Alarms pane of InFusion View.

Participant Guide Page 85

InFusion System Management

Search Tab
System Manager also allows you to search for the station you are interested in. ON a small
system this might not be necessary, but on a larger one, this function can take you to the
station easily.

Watch Tab
Use the Watch tab to monitor up to 25 counters for different pieces of equipment. The
counters are selected from the Counters tabs for the equipment to be monitored.


Page 86 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion System Management

Note that counters located in the Loading Parameters table for workstations and control
stations cannot be added to the Watch tab as their values are static.
The counter is identified by name and the equipment letterbug. The current, previous,
maximum, and minimum values are copied from the Counters tab, but, once copied, these
values can be read and reset from the Watch tab.

Participant Guide Page 87

InFusion System Management

Each System Monitor checks for the existence of a file on its host computer’s file system
If that file exists, system monitor messages are put into that file. These messages are useful
for troubleshooting issues.
If the file does not exist, no messages are written.
The SMON Log tab allows you to specify a System Monitor and to view the log file for that
monitor. If the file does not exist for that monitor, you are asked if you want to create the


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InFusion System Management

Participant Guide Page 89

InFusion System Management

Alarm Panel
From InFusion View you can call up an overlay that displays the most recent System alarm
messages. This overlay has many capabilities for sorting and filtering. The top of the
screen includes a field showing the most recent unacknowledged system alarm.

When your system is configured you have the option of specifying which stations are going
to receive alarm messages (to be displayed in the Alarm Panel)
• Per System Monitor, configure
• Up to 6 System Notification Workstations
• Up to 6 System Monitor Workstations
• Unconfigured Workstation
• Can view hardware conditions
• System Notification Workstation
• Receives alarm messages from System Monitor


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InFusion System Management

• Can view hardware conditions

• Cannot make equipment changes
• System Monitor Workstation
• Receives alarm messages from System Monitor
• Can view hardware conditions
• Allowed to make equipment changes
You need not configure a workstation as both a Notification and a Monitor. If you configure
a workstation to be a Monitor workstation, it is automatically a Notification workstation.

Participant Guide Page 91

InFusion System Management

Access Summary
We’ve seen several ways to get to a device in the hierarchy. Here’s a summary of what
we’ve talked about.


Page 92 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering
InFusion Engineering Environment

Table of Contents
InFusion Engineering Environment.....................................................................7
Overview of InFusion Engineering Environment ...................................97
ICC-IACC-IEE table ..........................................................................97
Accessing IEE .............................................................................................98
Starting Archestra IDE .......................................................................98
Connecting to the Galaxy ...................................................................99
Description of IEE panes ..................................................................100
How to open the Views Pane............................................................101
InFusion Engineering Environment..................................................101
Opening the Deployment View ........................................................101
Equipment Unit ........................................................................................102
Creating an Equipment Unit .............................................................102
Equipment Unit Location .................................................................103
Attaching a Control Processor ................................................................104
Adding a FCM ..................................................................................105
Adding an FBM ................................................................................105
Attaching a CP to an Equipment Unit ..............................................106
In the control area, the CP serves as:................................................106
Deploying an Equipment Unit with a CP...............................................107
LABS – IEE Part 1 ...................................................................................109
Lab 1 – Starting InFusion Engineering Environment.......................109
Lab 2 – Creating an Equipment Unit................................................115
Lab 3 – Attaching a CP to an Equipment Unit .................................116
Lab 4 – Adding a FCM and FBM.....................................................120
Lab 5 – Deploying an Equipment Unit.............................................123
“Stumpers” Activity.................................................................................126
Instructions .......................................................................................126
Creating a Toolbox set .............................................................................127
Creating Derived Templates .............................................................128
Toolset Usage ...................................................................................129
Creating a Compound..............................................................................129
Creating a Strategy ..................................................................................129
Building from a Strategy template....................................................130
Building a Strategy Instance, Derived templates..............................132
Creating a Block Template......................................................................134
Parameters of a Block.......................................................................135
Configuring Parameters ....................................................................137
Modifying the Appearance of a Block..............................................138
Configuring a Strategy.............................................................................139
Changing contained name in the Template ......................................140
Configuring Parameters ....................................................................141

Participant Guide 93
InFusion Engineering Environment

Making connections between blocks ................................................141

Execution Order................................................................................141
Closing Archestra Editor - Options ..................................................142
Closing and Saving the Strategy.......................................................143
Assigning a Strategy to a Compound .....................................................144
LABS – IEE Part 2 ...................................................................................145
Lab 6 – Creating a Compound..........................................................145
Lab 7 – Building a Strategy Template..............................................148
Lab 8 – Building an Instance Strategy..............................................151
Lab 9 – Deleting a Strategy ..............................................................154
Lab 10 – Configuring a Strategy ......................................................156
Deploying a Strategy ................................................................................184
Undeploying a Strategy ....................................................................186
Live Data ...................................................................................................187
LABS – IEE Part 3 ...................................................................................189
Lab 11 – Assign a Strategy to a Compound .....................................189
Lab 12 – Deploying a Strategy .........................................................192
Lab 13 – Undeploy a Strategy ..........................................................196
Lab 14 – Live Data ...........................................................................200
‘Fast Grab’ Activity .................................................................................203
Instructions .......................................................................................203
Importing A SaveAll ................................................................................204
Importing Bulk Data .........................................................................205
Bulk Data Generation from Excel Spreadsheet ................................207
Galaxy Maintenance ................................................................................208
Save the Galaxy ................................................................................209
Restoring a Galaxy from a Backup...................................................210
ArchestraA Logger ...........................................................................211
Saving Configuration Objects...........................................................211
Restoring Automation Objects .........................................................212
Other IEE tasks .................................................................................212
Deployment Utilities.........................................................................213
LABS – IEE Part 4 ...................................................................................215
Lab 15 – Importing a Saveall............................................................215
Lab 16 – Bulk Generate Configuration ............................................228


94 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 17 – InFusion IEE Import Lab...................................................233

Lab 18 – Export/Import a Strategy ...................................................237

Participant Guide 95
InFusion Engineering Environment


96 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Overview of InFusion Engineering Environment

IEE is a client-server application. The engineer as a client uses IEE software on a
workstation accessing the configuration data database, otherwise known as the Galaxy. All
of the control configuration information is contained in this Galaxy. The server-class
machine on which the Galaxy resides is called the Galaxy Repository (GR).

The following table provides a comparison between the different configurators:

An outline of the configurators is listed below:

• Run-time configurator, writes to your database file and CP when you select done.
• Compound, block, parameter hierarchy.
• No templates or inheritance, but block-copy available.
FoxCAE – German development, has extensive features that IACC or IEE does not have
but very cryptic and unknown here.
IACC – corporate sponsored
• CSD – Control Strategy diagrams.
• Hierarchy – CSD, followed by compound and then by block.
• Templates – Scripting to run Bulk Generate.

Participant Guide 97
InFusion Engineering Environment

• Database – Object-stored database could only have so-much information.

o Workfiles on CP host.
IEE – built to leverage Archestra technology
• Strategy – Multilevel (strategy within strategy).
• Inheritance and templates – power of this configurator.
• Database is MS SQL server.
• Downloads information to the CP.

Accessing IEE

Starting Archestra IDE

There are two ways to invoke IEE
• The simplest is to select Tools in InFusion Viewer and select Archestra IDE from
the list.


98 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

• Alternatively IEE can be started from the Windows Start menu. Select Start >
Programs > Wonderware > Archestra IDE
Note: Do not start InFusion View with the Window Viewer icon.
The user is presented with a popup that requests information to Connect to Galaxy. Select
the station that is the Galaxy repository (GR) node.

Connecting to the Galaxy

Reference: Industrial Application Server User’s Guide
Selecting an existing Galaxy lets you open a previously created Galaxy so you can work in
it. If security is enabled for an existing Galaxy, you cannot open it without logging in. If you
do not have log on rights to a Galaxy, you cannot log in to that Galaxy.
To connect to an existing Galaxy:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs > Wonderware and click ArchestrA IDE.

2. Do the following:
• In the GR node name list, select the name of a computer you previously
connected to. Click the Browse button to browse and select from the available
domains and nodes on your network.
By default, at 8.x I/A software the Browse feature is turned off.
The following documentation provides more information on the enable Browse
o P92 System Administration Guide (B0400HE), Section 2, Using Browser
o P91 System Administration guide for Servers (B0700BX), Section 9, Using
Brower Services.

Participant Guide 99
InFusion Engineering Environment

• In the Galaxy name list, select the name of the Galaxy on the GR node.
• Click Connect.
If the selected Galaxy has security enabled, the Login dialog box appears. Type your
user name and password and click OK. The Galaxy opens in the IDE. You are ready
to start working with your Galaxy.
You can also browse for a Galaxy node. In the Browse Node window, select the
Galaxy Node name.
For more information on connecting to the Galaxy, refer to the Industrial Application Server
User’s Guide.

Description of IEE panes

Template Toolbox:
Contains object templates from which instances are created. Other object templates are

Application Views:
Displays the Galaxy configuration based on how an object is related to other objects.

Model View:
Defines the object relationship to the automation scheme layout. The objects are organized
into areas to represent the physical plant layout. Only ArchestrA objects can be seen in this

Deployment View:
Defines the object instance relationship to the PC that the object code is running on.
Represents the hosting relationship of the objects.

Derivation View:
Displays what the derivation path is from is from Base Template to Instance. All templates
and instances are displayed in this view.


100 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Network View:
The InFusion Network View has been provided within IEE to allow the user to view and
interact with hardware components during the configuration process. The Network View is a
tree control dedicated to the display of hardware components. Control elements (i.e.,
compounds and strategies) do not appear within the Network View.

Output View:
Displays the errors and warnings when you run a task in IEE.

How to open the Views Pane

There are icons on the menu bar using which you can open the different views described
Derivation View

Model View Operation View

(Ctrl+Shift+M) (Ctrl+Shift+O)

Deployment View F1

Template Toolbox

InFusion Engineering Environment

After you open a Galaxy, the IDE opens and shows you different views of your Galaxy.

Opening the Deployment View

The slide displays the following:
• Template toolbox view: The Template Toolbox lists template toolsets, which
contain object templates. The Template Toolbox shows a tree view of template
categories in the Galaxy.
• Work area: Editor workspace
• Deployment view: “Software” hierarchy, contains created objects and shows how
objects are packaged. In the deployment view you can view the deployment status.
Different icons represent different deployment states.

Participant Guide 101

InFusion Engineering Environment

Equipment Unit
Reference: Hardware Configuration for the InFusion Engineering Environment (B0750BB,
Rev. A).
Equipment Units have been created to model plant locations such as rack storage units.
Using Equipment Units, the user can organize their hardware components into logical
groupings that best model their specific configuration. Equipment Units can host hardware
components, such as Workstations, Controllers and Switches.
All of the CPs in your plant can be under a single Equipment Unit, or there can be multiple
Equipment Units with the CPs assigned to them in some logical fashion, such as by building
or by plant area.
The CP grouping, Compound grouping and the Strategy grouping is visible in the
Deployment view. The hardware grouping is visible in the Network View.
Note: If the System is built without an equipment unit, the control strategy will not deploy.

Creating an Equipment Unit

Right-click on the $Equip_Unit base template located within the Invensys toolset in the
Template Toolbox, and select New > Instance. You are prohibited from making a derived
template from $Equip_Unit - you can only create instances. When this action is performed,
the new Equipment Unit appears as one of the top-level nodes within the Network View.
You may either leave it where it appears, or drag it to another Equipment Unit to form a
nested Equipment Unit structure.


102 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Equipment Unit Location

The sole purpose of the equipment unit is to organize CPs. The new equipment unit appears
as one of the top-level nodes within the Network view. The equipment unit in the
Deployment and network view is shown below:

Participant Guide 103

InFusion Engineering Environment

Attaching a Control Processor

Reference: Hardware Configuration for the InFusion Engineering Environment (B0750BB,
Rev. A).
You may also drag either the $FCP270 or the $ZCP270 base templates into the Network
View, and drop it. When dropped, a new Controller instance is created under the Unassigned
Hardware node within the Network View. As before, you may then drag it to the desired
Equipment Unit to establish its location.

When an instance of a $FCP270 or $ZCP270 is created, IEE also automatically creates the
following control-related objects:
• Station compound
• Station block
• ECB compound
• Primary ECB
Please refer to the document InFusion Block Configurator (B0750AH) for more detail on
how these objects should be accessed and configured.


104 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Adding a FCM

Reference: Hardware Configuration for the InFusion Engineering Environment (B0750BB,

Rev. A).
Right-click an instance of the FCM and select New > FCM. This displays the Bulk Create
dialog box allowing you to select as many FCMs as you wish. The FCMs get assigned to the
Controller from which the Bulk Create dialog box was invoked.

Adding an FBM

Reference: Hardware Configuration for the InFusion Engineering Environment (B0750BB,

Rev. A).
Right-click an instance of the FBM and select New > FBM. Displays the Bulk Create dialog
box allowing you to select the FBMs you wish to create. The FBMs get assigned to the
Controller from which the Bulk Create dialog box was invoked. The default ECB for that
FBM also gets created automatically.

Participant Guide 105

InFusion Engineering Environment

Attaching a CP to an Equipment Unit

When you add the CP to the Equipment unit, it displays in the Control and Network areas of
the window.

In the control area, the CP serves as:

• Container for Compounds
• Builds Station compound
• Builds ECB compound

In the Network portion, the CP serves as:

• Container for FCMs, FBMs and associated hardware


106 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Deploying an Equipment Unit with a CP

Reference: Deploying Control Objects, in I/A Series® System Control Database Deployment
(B0750AJ, Rev. A)
Pick the level from which you want to deploy. You will have a choice of only deploying that
level, or deploying at that level and objects below it. So you can select the CP and deploy
the CP and all the Compounds (and Strategies and their Blocks). Or you can select a
Strategy and only deploy the strategy.
The deployment process only deploys what was changed by the IEE. Therefore, if you
deploy a Strategy with four blocks, and later add a block to the strategy and deploy it, only
the fifth block will be deployed (along with any connections into the existing four blocks).
You cannot deploy an object
• If the container is not deployed
• If the object is checked out
So if you have a strategy open in the Strategy Editor, you will not be able to deploy the
strategy. If you are trying to deploy a compound, and the CP has not yet been deployed, you
will not be able to deploy it.
The deployment process involves sending the Compounds and Blocks from the Galaxy to
the CP. Additionally any Ladder Logic or Sequence Code is placed on the AW host for
access by operations displays. CSA is updated; it assures no duplicate compound names
exist in this system
The Deploy window displays the status of the Equipment unit and everything under it.
In the Deployment View you can see what has been deployed already and what has not. The
figure shows the icons for Strategies.

Participant Guide 107

InFusion Engineering Environment

When an object in the Galaxy is being worked on, it is checked out. A little checkmark
appears next to it in the tree. When the work is done, the checkmark goes away. This is a
protection against two users modifying or manipulating the same object.

To deploy the control compound:

Refer to page 5, Deploying Control Objects, in I/A Series® System Control Database
Deployment (B0750AJ, Rev. A).
Checkpoint disabled is a good option to select for CP60. This is an option available with
In a self-hosting FCP270, which has to move the checkpoint file from the host very slowly
across the network (the CP is not available at this time):
• Select this Checkpoint Disabled option
Note: Use the Print Screen key on your keyboard to capture the error messages.


108 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

LABS – IEE Part 1

This section covers Labs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Lab 1 – Starting InFusion Engineering Environment

Option 1 – InFusion Window Viewer
1. Select the Tools option in the menu bar and choose ArchestrA IDE from the pull-
down menu.

Participant Guide 109

InFusion Engineering Environment

Option 2 – Start Menu

2. Select Start -> ArchestrA IDE


110 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Option 3 – Classic Start Menu

3. Select Start Æ Programs Æ Wonderware Æ ArchestrA IDE

4. If this is the first time that IEE is launched, the computer name will appear in the
GR node name box.

Note: If you wish to browse the network to create a Galaxy or connect to an existing
Galaxy on a different computer, click the Browse button . If you choose a
different computer, it must have the InFusion Software installed.

Participant Guide 111

InFusion Engineering Environment

5. Select the Galaxy Repository (GR) node and Galaxy Name and click the Connect
6. Select the View option and select the Template Toolbox to open the Template
Toolbox window or press the Ctrl+Shift+T keys simultaneously.


112 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

7. Click the plus sign to expand the contents of the Galaxy.

8. Select View and select Deployment to open the Deployment window or press the
Ctrl+Shift+D keys simultaneously.

Participant Guide 113

InFusion Engineering Environment

9. The Deployment window will appear below the Template Toolbox window.


114 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 2 – Creating an Equipment Unit

(Do this Section on the Server)
10. In the Template Toolbox, expand the Invensys folder. Select $Equip_Unit, right-
click and select New -> Instance.

11. A default name is assigned to the new Equipment Unit.

Participant Guide 115

InFusion Engineering Environment

12. To rename the new Equipment Unit.

Select the new Equipment Unit and right-click. Select the Rename option and
rename it to TAC_LAB_EQUIP_UNIT.

Lab 3 – Attaching a CP to an Equipment Unit

(Do this section on the Server)
13. In the Deployment pane, expand the Unassigned Host folder.


116 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

14. Select the FUSECP Control Processor and drag it to the



15. The new CP will appear under the TAC_LAB_EQUIP_UNIT unit.

Notice that the XXXXXX_ECB and XXXXXX_STA compounds will be created
automatically, for each CP270.
XXXXXX - letterbug of the CP270.

Participant Guide 117

InFusion Engineering Environment

16. Select the Z27010 Control Processor and drag it to the TAC_LAB_EQUIP_UNIT


118 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

17. The new CP will show up under the TAC_LAB_EQUIP_UNIT.

Notice that the XXXXXX_ECB and XXXXXX_STA compounds will be created
automatically, for each CP270.
Where: XXXXXX is the letterbug of the CP270.

Participant Guide 119

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 4 – Adding a FCM and FBM

(Do this on the Server Only)
18. To add an FCM to ZCP270, select the ZCP270 and right-click. Select New ÆFCM.

19. Check the box for the FCM, define the number of FCMs and click OK.


120 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

20. In the Network View, select the FCM, right-click and choose Rename Contained
Name option.
21. Type the new name in the Rename Contained Name box and click OK.

22. To add a FBM to FCP270:

Select the FCP270, right-click and select New Æ FBM.

Participant Guide 121

InFusion Engineering Environment

23. Check $FBM201 and $FBM204 and click OK.

24. Open the correct View to locate the FBMs.

25. Rename the FBM201 as FBM001 and the FBM204 as FBM002.


122 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 5 – Deploying an Equipment Unit

(Do this on the Server Only)
Note: Unassign the Z27010 Control Station, the Lab does not include a ZCP270 before
performing a deploy action.
Note: The process of deploying the Equipment Unit and CP needs to be performed only
once. Therefore, only one learner needs to perform it either from the Server2003 or
XP station.
26. Select the TAC_EQUIP_LAB_UNIT unit, right-click and choose the Deploy
27. In the Deploy window, expand the TAC_EQUIP_LAB_UNIT unit to view all

Participant Guide 123

InFusion Engineering Environment

28. Click the Add Cascade button, all objects will be moved to the Objects to be
processed box.

29. Select the All Message option, and click the Prepare All button. The results will
display in the Object Preparation Result window.


124 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

30. If no errors exist, click Deploy.

31. When the operation is complete, click Close. The yellow square will be removed
from the UNIT and CP.

End-of-Lab (Labs - Part1)

Participant Guide 125

InFusion Engineering Environment

“Stumpers” Activity
The purpose of the ‘Stumper’ exercise is to review the material learned so far in the course,
with particular emphasis on today’s topics.

Use the following instructions to prepare for the ‘Stumper’ exercise:
1. Participants are divided into teams
2. Each team is asked to review the content covered today.
3. Each team prepares a set of five difficult questions related to this content – with the
idea that it is expected to “stump” or be difficult to answer by the other teams.
4. The first team is asked to read one of their questions.
5. The other teams write the answer on a piece of paper (without using any reference
6. The asking team determines if each team has the correct answer.
7. A correct answer yields a point.
8. Another team now asks one of their questions. Repeat steps 5-8 until the activity is
Participants will have a pre-determined amount of time to perform the following activities:

Activity Time Allowed

Review the subject materials 5 minutes

Write five (5) questions on the subject material 5 minutes

Ask one question, review answers, repeat this process 15 minutes

Review any unresolved material 5 minutes


126 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Creating a Toolbox set

Reference : Refer to the Invensys Wonderware document, Industrial Application Server
User’s Guide, Chapter 4, Working with Objects.

When you start the project, you get the P&ID from the customer – the list of instruments and
their locations:
• Identify the blocks are you going to use.
• Make derived templates – allows you to modify parameters.
• Develop the sub-level blocks that you can re-engineer.
• Make Flow-loops that you can reuse:
• Model your common loops – Reusable engineering –power of this technology.
• Reusable market advantage.
Toolsets are the high-level folders shown in the Application Toolbox. Toolsets contain and
organize templates. You can create a toolset to hold your own templates. You can move a
template by dragging it to another toolset. You can also show or hide toolsets to make the
workspace less cluttered.

To create a new toolset:

1. On the Galaxy menu, point to New and click Template Toolset.
2. Type a name for the new toolset.
A new toolset appears and is in focus in the Template Toolbox. Now, you can drag
templates into the new toolset.

Block Template

Participant Guide 127

InFusion Engineering Environment

Creating Derived Templates

Reference : Refer to the Invensys Wonderware document, Industrial Application Server
User’s Guide, Chapter 4, Working with Objects.
Derived templates are templates with a parent template. All templates you create are derived
templates. A derived template inherits attributes from the parent template. You cannot
change the attributes in a base template.
After you create the derived template, you can customize and modify the attributes in the
template you created. If you change the attributes in the parent template, the changes
propagate to the child template.
After you create derived templates, you can create instances of the templates. You can
change and modify attributes in the instances, making adjustments to meet the needs of the
specific object you are modeling.
For example, your plant processes can use several models of a pump made by a single
vendor. Each model has unique characteristics that map to different attribute values of the
DiscreteDevice base template. After you create a derived template, you can customize it.


128 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Toolset Usage
Toolsets contain and organize templates. You can create a toolset to hold your own
templates. Template toolbox allows you to model, reorganize using Reusable engineering.
You can create derived templates from the parent template.
Toolsets help organize the following Objects
• Blocks
• Compounds
• Strategies
• Custom A2 Objects

Creating a Compound
Reference : Block Configurator (B0750AH Rev. A), Chapter 3, Configuring Compounds.
You can create a control compound instance from the base template or any template derived
from it. Station and ECB compounds are created automatically when the control station is
added to the database.
Use the procedures in the reference document listed above to create a compound.

Creating a Strategy
Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Strategy Editor
(B0750AN, Rev. A).
Strategies are objects in ArchestrA that contain the logic to control a single entity. A
strategy consists of one or more interconnected I/A Series blocks and I/O variables that
enable connection of the strategy to other control elements. A strategy can also include other
strategies connected to blocks or other embedded strategies via their I/O variables.
Figure below shows a strategy opened in the Strategy Editor that includes analog input and
output blocks, a PID block, and a nested strategy. Each of these items is represented in the
Strategy Editor by a Visio® drawing object called an appearance object. The appearance
object displays selected object parameters, provides a means for connecting parameters to
attributes in other objects, and identifies when the object is executed within the strategy.
A strategy is assigned to a compound, which in turn is assigned to a control processor. After
the strategies have been configured, the compound and the blocks in the strategy are
deployed to the control environment. When the compound and blocks are running in the
control processor, you can view live data using a display in the Strategy Editor.

Participant Guide 129

InFusion Engineering Environment

Building from a Strategy template

Reference documents:
• InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Strategy Editor (B0750AN, Rev. A)
• InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Block Configurator (B0750AH, Rev. A)
Strategies can be created from the base strategy template ($Strategy) in the Invensys folder
in the Template Toolbox or from a strategy template derived from the base template.
Derived templates can be configured with blocks and other strategy templates. Instances
created from the derived template inherit the block configuration contained in the defining
template. Locking features in the templates enable propagation of changes made in a
defining template to objects already derived from the template. These changes are made in
the runtime environment when the strategy instances are re-deployed.
• The first step is to build a derived template from the base template.
Note: Do not use the base-level template.
The derived template contains the blocks and the I/O.
• Next create lower-level instances from the derived template:


130 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

• Instance #1
• Instance #2
• Instance #3
Note: Blocks cannot be added at the Instance level.
If you need to add a block, it needs to be done at the template level. To add a block
at the instance level you need to break the template instance, and then make changes.

$AIN 6

PNT_NO : 1
$AIN 2 PNT_NO : 1

IOM_ID : Override
PNT_NO : 1

Instance #1

Instance #2
Instance #3
Locking and Template Propagation
When an instance or another template is derived from a strategy template, a link is created
between the derived object and the defining template such that changes to the template are
propagated to the derived objects. Thus, when you add a block to a template, the same block
is added to all templates and instances derived from the template. Likewise, when a block is
deleted from or renamed in a defining template, that change is propagated to all the derived
templates and instances. And, as long as the link is maintained, blocks and strategies cannot
be added to, renamed in, or removed from a derived object directly.
Similar locking and propagation rules apply to adding nested strategies, and to the execution
order set in the defining template.
Note: A strategy cannot be renamed or deleted if it has derived templates or instances.
I/O declarations can be individually locked in a template, so that the reference cannot be
changed in derived templates and instances. marks the variable in the Declarations tables
when it has been locked in a parent strategy template. Propagation of block parameter values
is controlled within the configuration of the individual blocks. Refer to Block Configurator
(B0750AH) for information on locking and unlocking of parameters in block templates and
block instances within a strategy.

Participant Guide 131

InFusion Engineering Environment

Building a Strategy Instance, Derived templates

For detailed procedures on building a strategy instance from a template and creating derived
templates, refer to the following reference documents:
• InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Strategy Editor (B0750AN, Rev. A),
Chapter 1
• InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Strategy Editor Bulk Data Editor (B0750AF)
• Industrial Application Server User’s Guide, Rev D, Chapter 4, Working with
There are three ways to create strategy instances:
• Derive an instance using a strategy template’s context menu.
• Create multiple instances of selected strategies using the Bulk Create dialog box.
• Generate strategies from referenced templates and other specifications in a bulk data
object, as described in Bulk Data Editor (B0750AF).
To derive a strategy instance from a template, right click the strategy template Right-click
the strategy template ($Strategy_001 for example) in the Template Toolbox and choose
New > Instance from the pop-up menu.


132 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

The instance is displayed in the Unassigned Host folder in the Deployment View and in the
Derivation View under the defining template. If neither view is open, IEE opens the
Deployment View to display the new object.
The strategy is listed using a default name consisting of a sequential number appended to the
defining template name. The strategy icon is marked with a yellow square to indicate that it
has not yet been deployed.

Derived Templates
Derived templates are templates with a parent template. All templates you create are derived
templates. A derived template inherits attributes from the parent template. You cannot
change the attributes in a base template.
To derive a template from another template:
1. Select the base template you want to use as the parent template in the Template
Toolbox or Derivation views pane.
2. On the Galaxy menu, click New >Derived Template.
A derived template is created in the same toolset as its parent and placed in name
edit mode. The default name is the same as the parent template followed by a
numeric sequence.
You can create another derived template by repeating the steps above, or you can
customize your new derived template.

Participant Guide 133

InFusion Engineering Environment

For more information, refer to the Wonderware Industrial Application Server User’s
Guide, Rev D, Chapter 4, Working with Objects.

Creating a Block Template

Reference documents:
• InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Block Configurator (B0750AH, Rev. A)
Developing process control for an I/A Series system in IEE involves constructing strategies
in the Strategy Editor by adding and interconnecting I/A Series blocks.
A block is a software module that has one or more inputs/outputs and performs a predefined
process function that has been specified by an algorithm.


134 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Templates for standard I/A Series blocks are provided in a toolset folder in the Template
Toolbox. These include continuous, sequence, and ladder logic block function types, which
can be mixed and matched to satisfy your integrated control needs.
The IA_Blocks folder in the Template Toolbox contains templates for the standard I/A
Series system blocks. A block instance is created when one of these base templates, or a
template derived from a base template, is dragged into a strategy opened in the Strategy
Editor. The block instance is defined by the selected template. The block can then be
connected to other blocks in the Strategy Editor and configured in the Block Configurator.
IA_Blocks is the default location for the standard blocks and the templates derived from
them. However, any of these templates can be placed in another toolset folder in the
Template Toolbox, including user-defined folders that also contain strategies, bulk data
objects and other project-related resources.
Expand the IA_Blocks toolset folder in the Template Toolbox to display the existing
Refer to the InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Block Configurator, Chapter 2, Using
Block templates for the procedure to create a block template.

Parameters of a Block
Reference document: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Block Configurator, B0750AH,
Rev. A.

Participant Guide 135

InFusion Engineering Environment

The Block Configurator can be used to edit a block in a strategy instance or template or to
edit a block template. When a derived block template is opened in the configurator, the
editor includes a tab for modifying the block’s appearance object, and there are certain
parameters that are read only.
To edit a block instance:
1. Open the strategy that contains the block in the Strategy Editor and locate the block
in the diagram in the Strategy tab.
2. Double-click the block to open it in the configurator.

A padlock icon to the right of each configurable parameter indicates the locked status of the


136 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

For more information on setting block parameters, refer to Chapter 1, Configuring Blocks in
InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Block Configurator, B0750AH, Rev. A.

Configuring Parameters
Reference document: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Block Configurator, B0750AH,
Rev. A.
The Block Configurator can be used to edit a block in a strategy instance or template. When
a derived block template is opened in the configurator, the editor includes a tab for
modifying the block’s appearance object, and there are certain parameters that are read only.

Participant Guide 137

InFusion Engineering Environment

For more information, refer to InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Block Configurator,
B0750AH, Rev. A.

Modifying the Appearance of a Block

Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Block Configurator, B0750AH, Rev. A
When a block is added to a strategy, the block is depicted in the Strategy Editor by an
appearance object, which identifies the block’s input and output variables in the left and
right port areas respectively. These parameters enable the block to be connected to other
blocks in the strategy, as well as to I/O declarations and attributes of nested strategies.
You can modify the appearance object, using the Appearance Object Editor, which is
presented as a tab page when a block or strategy is opened in IEE.
The Appearance Object Editor is a Visio control that runs within IEE and is made available
as a tab page on any block or strategy template.


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InFusion Engineering Environment

To access the Appearance Object Editor:

3. Double-click the object in the Template Toolbox or one of the Applications Views to
open the object in IEE.
4. Click the Appearance Object tab.

To add a parameter to an appearance object, refer to InFusion™ Enterprise Control System

Block Configurator, B0750AH, Rev. A, Chapter 2, Editing Appearance Objects.

Configuring a Strategy
Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control Strategy Editor, B0750AN, Rev. A, Chapter 2,
Building a Strategy
To add a block to the strategy:
5. Select the block in the Template Toolbox and drag the object into the Strategy tab.
As you drag the object onto the drawing canvas, the block icon and name at the
cursor position is replaced by the block’s appearance object, which you can then
position on the canvas relative to other objects already in the strategy.
6. Position the block’s appearance object and drop it on the drawing canvas.
Each block definition has one or more appearance objects, which are configured in
the block definition using the Appearance Object Editor, as described in Appearance
Object Editor (B0750AE).
If there are multiple appearance objects defined for the block, the strategy editor uses
the object defined on the first page control when the block definition is opened in the
Appearance Object Editor.

Participant Guide 139

InFusion Engineering Environment

Changing contained name in the Template

Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control Strategy Editor, B0750AN, Rev. A, Chapter 2,
Building a Strategy.
• When a block or strategy is added to a template:
• The editor assigns a contained name to the object by appending a numeric suffix
to the object type.
• The contained name is displayed in square brackets at the top of the appearance
• When blocks and nested strategies are created in an instance:
• The editor uses the contained names in the template to name the blocks and the
nested strategies in the instance.
• The default name for each block is displayed above the contained name at the top
of the appearance object.

The contained name cannot be changed in a template or instance that is still liked to a
defining template. When the contained name is changed in the defining template, the change
is propagated to the derived objects.
Right-click the object and select Rename Contained Name.
Note: The contained name cannot be renamed if the block is deployed, or if its strategy is
linked to its defining template


140 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

For more information on changing the contained name, refer to InFusion™ Enterprise
Control Strategy Editor, B0750AN, Rev. A, Chapter 2, Building a Strategy, Page 30.

Configuring Parameters
Reference document: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Block Configurator, B0750AH,
Rev. A.
The Block Configurator provides various tools for setting individual parameters including
check boxes, combo boxes, and browsers, as indicated by icons to the right of the value
• When the value field includes a pull-down list (High High Absolute Alarm Group in
Figure 1-5), use the list to select among the allowed options.
• For string parameters such as the Block Name or an alarm text (there is no icon to
the right of the field), enter the string directly into the field and then select another
The configurator checks the entry for the correct syntax and presents a dialog box if
there are an error such as too many characters.

Making connections between blocks

Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control Strategy Editor, B0750AN, Rev. A, Chapter 2,
Building a Strategy.

For more information on Making connections, refer to InFusion™ Enterprise Control

Strategy Editor, B0750AN, Rev. A, Chapter 2, Building a Strategy, Page 32.

Execution Order
Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control Strategy Editor, B0750AN, Rev. A, Chapter 2,
Building a Strategy.
The order of execution of blocks and nested strategies is initially determined by the order in
which the objects were added to the strategy. Each object’s order is indicated by a number in
the lower right corner of the title bar of the appearance object.

Participant Guide 141

InFusion Engineering Environment

All objects in a nested strategy are run before the next object in the parent strategy executes.
The Execution Order tab lists the order of all blocks in the strategy including those in nested
The View menu in the Strategy tab provides two options for revising block execution order:
• Choose View > Auto Set Execution to have the Strategy Editor automatically order
the blocks according to the preferred order for sequence and continuous control
blocks and input and output blocks.
• Choose View > Manual Set Execution Order to set the order using the appearance
For more information on setting the Execution Order manually, refer to InFusion™
Enterprise Control Strategy Editor, B0750AN, Rev. A, Chapter 2, Building a Strategy, Page
Note: The strategy determines the block sequence within the strategy. The blocks’ execution
order relative to blocks in other strategies is determined in the compound to which
the strategies are assigned. Setting block execution order at the compound level is
described in Block Configurator (B0750AH).

Closing Archestra Editor - Options

These are the icons available to close the window

• Keep checked out – To keep the object checked out, select this option before closing.
• Configuration Help – Help is available for Archestra security. For InFusion Control
blocks or hardware help not available
• Save and Close the editor – Save and exit allows you save and check in the work
before you exit.
• Exit – Gives you the option to just exit or save and exit.


142 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Closing and Saving the Strategy

Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Strategy Editor, B0750AN, Rev. A,
Chapter 2, Building a Strategy.

To end a Strategy Editor session, click . IEE saves changes made to strategy and
presents a dialog box so you can enter comments that will be saved with the object as it is
checked in to the repository.
For the procedure on Saving Changes and Check In, refer to InFusion™ Enterprise Control
Strategy Editor, B0750AN, Rev. A, Chapter 2, Building a Strategy, Page 48-49.

Participant Guide 143

InFusion Engineering Environment

Assigning a Strategy to a Compound

Assigning a strategy to a compound places all the contained blocks (including those in
nested strategies) in the compound and establishes when those blocks are executed relative
to the blocks added from other strategies.
To assign strategies to a compound:
1. Select the strategies in one of the Application Views, right-click the selection, and
choose Assign To from the pop-up menu.
2. Use the pull-down list in the Assign To dialog box to select the compound and click
You can also assign the strategies by dragging them from the Unassigned Host folder in the
Deployment View and dropping them on the compound.
Use either the Assign To dialog box or the drag-and-drop method to assign a strategy to a
different compound.


144 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

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LABS – IEE Part 2

This section covers labs 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.

Lab 6 – Creating a Compound

(Each learner creates their own)
1. Select the Control Station (FUSECP), right-click, select NEW and choose the
Compound option.

2. Check the box next to $COMPND, define the number of compounds to be created
and click OK.

Participant Guide 145

InFusion Engineering Environment

3. The IEE configurator assigns a default name to the new compound(s).

4. Select the new compound, right-click, and choose the Rename option.


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InFusion Engineering Environment

5. Type the new name and press Enter. For this lab session, use the name CMPXX
where XX is your initials.

Participant Guide 147

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 7 – Building a Strategy Template

(Each learner creates their own)
6. In the Template Toolbox, expand the Invensys folder.


148 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

7. Select $Strategy, right-click and select New Æ Derived Template.

8. The new strategy template displays under the parent strategy template with a default

Participant Guide 149

InFusion Engineering Environment

9. Select the new Strategy, right-click and choose the Rename option. Use the new
name Strgy_XX where: XX is your initials.


150 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 8 – Building an Instance Strategy

(Each learner creates their own)
10. In the Template Toolbox, expand the Invensys folder.

11. Select $Strategy, right-click and select New Æ Instance.

Participant Guide 151

InFusion Engineering Environment

12. The new strategy instance is displayed under the Unassigned Host folder located in
the Deployment pane.


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13. Select the Strategy, right-click and choose Rename.

14. Rename the new strategy to Strgy_XX 1.

Participant Guide 153

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 9 – Deleting a Strategy

(Each learner creates their own)
15. Select the Strategy to delete, in this example it is Strgy_XX 1.


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16. Right-click the strategy and select Delete.

17. Click Yes when the Delete applet appears.

Participant Guide 155

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 10 – Configuring a Strategy

(Each learner creates their own)

Creating A Block Template

18. In the TemplateToolbox, expand the IA_Blocks. Select the PID block, right-click
and select New Æ Derived Template.


156 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

19. The new PID block displays under the parent PID block template with a default

20. Select the new PID Template, right-click and select Rename.

Participant Guide 157

InFusion Engineering Environment

21. Rename the new PID block template as PID_WAVES_XX.


158 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Creating A Toolset
22. Select the Galaxy, right-click and choose New Toolset.

23. Rename the New Toolset as LAB_ToolSet_XX.

Participant Guide 159

InFusion Engineering Environment

24. Expand the Invensys ToolSet, select the $Strgy_XX and drag it to the


160 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

25. Expand the IA_Blocks ToolSet, select the PID_WAVES_XX block and move it to
the LAB_ToolSet_XX.

26. The LAB_Toolset will have the $Strgy_XX and $PID_WAVES_XX templates.

Participant Guide 161

InFusion Engineering Environment

Modifying Historized Values to the Block Template

27. Expand the LAB_ToolSet (if it not already opened), and double-click the


162 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

28. Select the History tab on the $PID_WAVES window.

29. Select the down-arrow, and check History Enabled for the MEAS and SPT

Participant Guide 163

InFusion Engineering Environment

Modifying the Appearance Of A Block Template

30. Expand the LAB_ToolSet (if it not already opened), and double-click


164 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

31. Click the Appearance Object tab to the view the default parameters of the
$PID_WAVES template.

32. Click the Edit button. Select the PID_WAVES, right-click and choose the Add
Parameter option.

Participant Guide 165

InFusion Engineering Environment

33. Select the parameter to add, for this example select the INT parameter and drag it to
the block template.

34. Repeat the above two steps to add the FBK parameter. When you finish, close the
Select Parameter window.


166 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

35. Select the RSP parameter and move it out of the PID_WAVES block.

36. Move the parameters up and down to order them as shown in the figure below.

Note: Save all the changes and close the $PID_WAVES editor.

Participant Guide 167

InFusion Engineering Environment

Adding Blocks To A Strategy

37. From the LAB_ToolSet, select Strgy_XX and double-click to open the strategy.
38. Select the Strategy tab. Select the PID_WAVES block and drag it onto the drawing
canvas area.


168 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

39. The PID_WAVES block displays in the drawing area. Select the PID_WAVES_1
block, right-click and select the Rename Contained Name option.

40. In the small box, type PERIOD, which will be the new name. Click the block to
accept the new name.

41. Repeat the four steps above to add three more PID blocks for a total of 4 in the

Participant Guide 169

InFusion Engineering Environment

42. Double-click the PERIOD block to open its properties window.


170 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

43. Provide the correct values as listed in the table below. Rename each PID block.

Table 1


HSCI1 100 100 100 100
LSCI1 0 0 0 0
SPT 50 50 30 45
MODOPT 1 2 1 2
PBAND 0.1 630
INCOPT 0 1 0 0
KBIAS 1 1 0 1
MEASHL 65 60

45. For each block, save the changes and close the Parameters window.

Participant Guide 171

InFusion Engineering Environment

Making Connections
46. Select the block. Yellow diamond shapes will appear indicating the parameters to be

47. Select the OUT parameter and drag it to make a connection with the BCALCI


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InFusion Engineering Environment

48. Add the rest of the blocks as shown below and make the appropriate connections.



Participant Guide 173

InFusion Engineering Environment

Modifying and Deleting Connection Lines

49. Select the connection line. It will be divided into segments by grab handles which
you drag horizontally or vertically to reshape the line.


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InFusion Engineering Environment

50. For this exercise, the output lines of PERIOD block will be moved, as shown below:

51. Select the line from OUT to BCALCI parameter. Right-click and select
Format Æ Line.

Participant Guide 175

InFusion Engineering Environment

52. The Line window displays. Specify the color, weight, shape, etc. of the line.


176 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

53. Change the color from black to blue and the corners from round to right-angle as
shown below. Click OK.

54. Modify the line from the OUT parameter of the PERIOD block to the INT
parameter of the COSINE block.

Participant Guide 177

InFusion Engineering Environment

55. To delete a line connection, select the connection line, right-click and choose the
Delete option.


178 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Execution Order
56. The order of execution of the blocks is initially determined by the order in which the
blocks were added. Click the Execution order tab to see the execution order of the

57. To set a manual execution order, select the Strategy tab. Select the View pull-down
box (at the top), select Manual Set Execution Order Æ Begin.

58. In the Begin Sequence window, select the order number (use 1) and click OK.

Participant Guide 179

InFusion Engineering Environment

59. Select the block to which you want to assign the number 1 (specified in the previous
step). For this example, select the SQUARE block. Modify the sequence according
to the drawing below or refer to Table 1.
60. Select each block, starting with the block that will be number 1 and ending with the
block that will be number 4 in the sequence.


180 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

61. To exit from the execution order, click VIEW and select
Manual Set Execution Order Æ Exit.

62. Click the Execution order tab and compare the results with the results obtained on
first step of the Execution order section.

Participant Guide 181

InFusion Engineering Environment

Saving the Strategy

On the upper-right corner, the Title bar will have the following buttons
Option 1

63. Click the button.

64. Enter comments in the Check In comment box (My first Strategy) and click OK.

65. When the Check In process is finalized, click Close.

Note: The Check In comment box will not display if previously the button was
selected. A check mark appears in the button when this option is set.


182 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

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Option 2

66. Click on the button.

67. Click Yes option to save the strategy.

Option 3

68. Click (located in the IDE toolbar) or press the keys Ctrl+S simultaneously to
save the Strategy anytime. This procedure will not close the strategy.


Participant Guide 183

InFusion Engineering Environment

Deploying a Strategy
Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System I/A Series System Control Database
Deployment (B0750AJ).
Deploy option - For undeployed objects, adds the objects to the CP database, updates CSA,
Security and History, and marks the objects as deployed in the galaxy database. For
deployed objects, updates the CP database and other affected targets with attribute values
that have been modified since deployment.
There are three targets updated in the deployment:
• Compounds and blocks are downloaded to the CP. On completion of the download
the Compound Summary Access (CSA) and the checkpoint file on the CP’s host
workstation are updated.
• Security access settings for compound and block attributes are loaded into InFusion
• InFusion History application objects are updated with the collection points
configured in the compounds and blocks.
A yellow marker is used with a Plant Unit, CP, compound, or strategy icon to indicate when
it is not yet deployed, and a black and yellow marker is used when the object must be re-
deployed, as illustrated by the three strategies in the Figure below.

For more information on Deployment, refer to the Introduction chapter in I/A Series System
Control Database Deployment (B0750AJ).


184 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

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When you deploy a strategy, a strategy itself is not downloaded to the controller but is
marked deployed to enable contained blocks to be deployed.
For the procedure to deploy the control objects, refer to page 5, Deploying Control Objects,
in I/A Series System Control Database Deployment (B0750AJ).

Deploying – graphical view

• During deployment a checkpoint file gets written to the host.

• The IDE workstation deploys through the Galaxy repository.

Participant Guide 185

InFusion Engineering Environment

• The IDE station makes an IPC connection through the CP to the CSA host.
• All of the following three units must exist to deploy:
• CSA host (IP address of the workstation that hosts the CSA)
• CP host (where the checkpoint file needs to be issued to)
• CP (control processor)
• In Version 1.1, the checkpoint file gets written to the CP.
Following the list of files in the host that are used for Deployment:
• Dbinstl
• Dbquery
• download

Undeploying a Strategy
Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System I/A Series System Control Database
Deployment (B0750AJ).
Undeploy option - Removes the selected objects from the CP database, updates the other
targets, and marks the objects as undeployed in the galaxy database


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For more information on the procedure to Undeploy, refer to Undeploying on page 12, in I/A
Series System Control Database Deployment (B0750AJ).

Live Data
Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System I/A Series System Strategy Editor
(B0750AN, Rev. A).
When the strategy has been deployed, the Strategy Editor can be used to selectively display
values for block parameters from the I/A Series system, and to update the values in IEE, the
I/A Series system or both.
For more information on Live Data Displays, refer to page 51, Live Data Displays, I/A
Series System Strategy Editor (B0750AN, Rev. A)

Participant Guide 187

InFusion Engineering Environment

The editor enters Live Data Mode, in which it displays values from the runtime environment
for any parameter displayed on a block appearance object and for any attribute displayed on
a child strategy. The live value is displayed outside the appearance object and adjacent to the


188 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

LABS – IEE Part 3

This section includes labs 11, 12, 13, 14.

Lab 11 – Assign a Strategy to a Compound

1. Expand the LAB_Toolset, select the Strgy_XX strategy and drag it to the
Unassigned Host folder.

Place the $Strgy_XX directly on the – sign of Unassigned Host folder.

Participant Guide 189

InFusion Engineering Environment

2. Rename the Strategy as Strgy_XX _1, right-click and choose the Assign To option.

3. Use the drop-down menu from the Scope box and select the FUSECP.


190 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

4. Use the drop-down menu from the Assign To box and select the CMPJG

5. The Strgy_XX _1 strategy displays under the CMPJG compound. Click Assign.

Participant Guide 191

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 12 – Deploying a Strategy

6. Select the CMPJG compound, right click and choose the Deploy option.


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7. Expand the CMPJG and the Strgy_XX _1 to the blocks included in this strategy.
Click the Add Cascade button.

8. The CMPJG and the Strgy_XX _1 will be moved to the Object to be processed
box. Check the All Messages option and then click on the Prepare All button.

Participant Guide 193

InFusion Engineering Environment

9. The result of the validation will display in the Object Preparation Result window.
Click on the Deploy window. (Compound may need historian location to deploy

10. When the deploy operation is completed, click the Close button.


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11. When the yellow square no longer displays against CMPJG and Strgy_XX _1, it
indicates that the compound and the strategy has been deployed.

Participant Guide 195

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 13 – Undeploy a Strategy

12. Select the Strgy_XX _1 strategy, right-click and choose the Undeploy option.


196 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

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13. Expand the Strgy_XX _1 strategy and click the Add button.

14. The strategy will display in the Objects to be processed box. Select All Messages
and then click Prepare All.

Participant Guide 197

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15. The results display in the Object Preparation Result window. Click Undeploy.

16. Click Close when the undeploy process has completed.


198 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

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17. When the yellow square displays against the strategy, it indicates that the strategy
has not been deployed.

18. Now re-deploy the Strategy Strgy_XX _1.

19. Open the Detail Display and ensure that the Compound is ON.
20. If the Compound is ON, open each Block Detail Display on the InFusion View
screen, and change the SPT of the block PERIOD to 1.
21. Verify the operation by opening the Trend Details. You should see a Sine wave,
Cosine wave, and a Square ware.

Participant Guide 199

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 14 – Live Data

Note: Deploy the Strgy_XX _1 strategy again.
22. Open the Strgy_XX _1 strategy, click the drop-down on the View button, select
Live Data and choose Start.


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23. Select any block, right-click and select the Live Data Setting option.

24. Check the Show Live Data option and click Apply.

Participant Guide 201

InFusion Engineering Environment

25. Click each block, and then close the Live Data Settings applet. Live data displays
on each block.

26. To stop the live data, use the drop-down on the View button. Select Live Data and
choose Stop.



202 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

‘Fast Grab’ Activity

The purpose of the ‘Fast Grab’ exercise is to review the modules recently covered.

Use the following instructions to prepare for the ‘Fast Grab’ exercise:
1. Participants review the material covered since the last review.
2. Participants count off by 1, 2, 3 until each has a number (depending on number of
teams desired).
3. All 1’s move to a new group around a table, all 2’s move to a new group, etc.
4. The facilitator will read a question and the first contestant to grab the soft-toy in the
middle of the table can answer the question.
5. Contestants holding the soft-toy state their answer to their group members.
6. The facilitator will read the correct response.
7. Group members determine if the respondent’s reply was correct.
8. A correct answer yields a point.
9. Return the soft-toy to the table for the next round of questions.
10. Contestants with the highest accumulated points win
Participants will have a pre-determined amount of time to perform the following activities:

Activity Time Allowed

Review the material 5 minutes

Assemble into groups 2 minutes

Participate in the activity of “Fast Grab”

15 minutes

Clarify any topics/questions 5 minutes

Participant Guide 203

InFusion Engineering Environment

Importing A SaveAll
Reference : InFusion™ Enterprise Control System I/A Series System Bulk Data Editor
(B0750AF, Rev. A)

Bulk Data Object

Bulk data is stored within an object in the database referred to as a bulk data object. The
base template for this object ($BulkData) is located in Invensys toolset folder in the
Template Toolbox. There can be multiple bulk data objects within the same Galaxy
Repository, derived from this base template.
A bulk data object can be used to store various types of information. For example, one bulk
data object may be used to store control data and another can be used to store hardware. The
granularity and content of the data contained within any single bulk data object is up to the
Bulk data objects cannot be instantiated; they can only exist as templates within the Galaxy
Once the object is created, it can be opened in the Bulk Data Editor, where you can enter
control-related and hardware-related data.
You can also import the data from any of the following sources:
• Exports from other bulk data objects
• I/A Series SaveAll files
• I/A Series System Definition (SysDef) Export files
• I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) XML exports
• Microsoft® Excel® worksheets
• Delimited text files.
To create a bulk data object, refer to Chapter 1, page 2, Creating Bulk Data Objects, in
InFusion Enterprise Control System, Bulk Data Editor (B0750AF, Rev. A).


204 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Importing Bulk Data

The Import Bulk Data wizard, which is called from within the editor, supports a variety of
formats in addition to the XML format for copying data from one bulk data object to
another. Imports from SaveAlls, SysDef Export files, and IACC XML exports provide a
migration path from earlier I/A Series configurators to the InFusion Engineering

Importing a SaveAll
The compounds contained in an I/A Series SaveAll can be imported into a bulk data object,
providing a migration path for control systems configured with the Integrated Control
Configurator (ICC).
The import extracts compound and block data from the SaveAll, and creates strategies in the
bulk data object based one of four user-selected block assignment schemes. The import also
offers the option of adding data to the hardware tables to later generate the controllers and
modules referenced in the SaveAll data.
A SaveAll import can be invoked from either the Control tab or the Hardware tab, and the
data can been appended to the existing control data or replace the control tables in the
To import compounds and blocks from an I/A Series SaveAll:
1. Click Import in the lower left corner of the Control tab to open the Import Bulk
Data Wizard.
2. Use the pull-down list in the Select input source type field to select I/A Series
Saveall (Control only). Click Browse to browse for and select the folder containing
the SaveAll data.

Participant Guide 205

InFusion Engineering Environment

3. Check Clear all Control Tables before importing to replace the data in the bulk data
object; un-check the option to append the imported data to control tables.
4. Click Next to display a wizard page for specifying how strategies are to be created
from the imported data.
5. Use the pull-down list to select one of the four assignment methods:
One Strategy Per Compound to create a single strategy from each unique
compound found in the SaveAll data.
Use LOOPID to create strategies based on the LOOPID parameter in each block.
Use this option with care as engineers use the LOOPID field for different purposes
Analyze Connections to have the import process analyze the connections specified
for each block contained in the SaveAll and then build strategies containing the
blocks that are closely related in terms of connectivity and signal flow.
Manually Assign Blocks to use another dialog box to specify block assignments.
When this option is selected, the Start With field is displayed to the right with a pull-
down list of the other three strategy assignment methods
6. Specify one of the following actions to take in the event of a name conflict:
Skip (the default action) to not import objects in conflict.
Replace to overwrite the object in the bulk data with the imported object.


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Rename Existing Object to rename the object in the bulk data and allow the object
being imported to assume the original name.
Rename Imported Object to rename the imported object and allow the object in the
bulk data to maintain the original name
7. Check Search All Directories for SaveAll images to select compounds and blocks
from the subdirectories; un-check the item to select from the top-level directory only.
Note: This option can be used for importing multiple SaveAlls in one pass. Place the
SaveAlls under a single folder and import the parent folder with the option
8. Check Create matching entries for CPs, FBMs, FCMs to add the equipment names
referenced in the SaveAll to the Hardware data view; un-check the option to add
required hardware later.
9. If the SaveAll being imported contains sequence blocks, specify the HLBL Includes
and/or SFC Includes library into which the include files are to be imported.
If no library is specified or the specified has not yet been created, the files are not
imported. The files must be imported in order for the sequence blocks to be
compiled. The library names are case-sensitive.
10. Click Next.
If you selected Manually Assign Blocks, the editor presents a dialog box for making
the assignments, as described in the next section. If any of the other three schemes
was selected, the editor imports the data, and displays the results in the Output view
(which opens automatically if was not already open).
For details on this procedure, refer to Chapter 4, Infusion Bulk Data Editor, Control Edition
(B0750AF, Rev. B).

Bulk Data Generation from Excel Spreadsheet

In addition to the import formats from Invensys applications, the Bulk Data Editor supports
import of data from Excel worksheets and delimited text files.
This capability can be used to enter data from tag lists, equipment tables and planning
documents. The import allows you to import all columns in the source file or map only
selected columns. The import can be selected from any of the three tabs.
To begin an import from a spreadsheet file:
1. Double-click the destination bulk data object in the Template Toolbox if the object is
not already open in the Bulk Data Editor, and click the Control, Hardware or
Devices tab to select the intended tables for the import.
2. Click Import in the lower left side of the editor window to start the Import Bulk
Data Wizard and use the pull-down list in the Select input source type field to
specify the type of file to be imported.

Participant Guide 207

InFusion Engineering Environment

For details on this procedure, refer to Chapter 4, Infusion Bulk Data Editor, Control Edition
(B0750AF, Rev. B).

Galaxy Maintenance
Reference: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Deployment Guide (B0750BA, Rev. A)
There are several types of data that should be backed up as recommended by best practices,
such as:
• The entire Galaxy Repository
• Selected objects in the Galaxy
• Runtime databases
• InFusion View application and data
• Deployment Guide


208 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

To be sure that all data is backed up and nothing is missed, it is recommended that you
periodically create images of your hard drive using drive imaging software. This software is
readily available and in common practice today.
Typically, this process requires shutting down the computer that is being imaged and saving
the image to an external drive.

Galaxy Data
There are several ways to save data from a Galaxy and it is important to understand the
differences and implications of these features. First of all, some features are available in the
ArchestrA IDE window and some are available in the System Management Console (SMC)
window. The following table summarizes this.

Save the Galaxy

Periodically, you should back up your Galaxy. Backing up your Galaxy helps if you have a
computer failure or other problem. If there is a failure, you can restore your Galaxy from the
Use the Galaxy Database Manager to back up and restore your Galaxy. The Galaxy
Database Manager is part of the suite of ArchestrA System Management Console utilities.
The backup function of the Galaxy Database Manager archives all files and configuration
data required to recreate the selected Galaxy in an empty Galaxy Repository. This includes
the ArchestrA security information you have configured.
To backup an entire Galaxy:

Participant Guide 209

InFusion Engineering Environment

Refer to Chapter 10, page 74, InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Deployment Guide
(B0750BA, Rev. A).
To backup an entire Galaxy:
1. Invoke the Galaxy Database Manager. Click Start > Programs > Wonderware >
System Management Console. Expand the Galaxy Database Manager entry in the
left pane.
2. Right-click on the name of the Galaxy to be backed up and select Backup from the
Note: This can only be performed by a user that has Administrator privileges.
3. Read the warning message. Note that no write operations are allowed to the Galaxy
Repository while the backup process occurs. If write activity is occurring, you
should back up at a later time. Click Yes to continue backing up and No to terminate
the backup function. If you click Yes, continue with the next step.
4. Enter the path and filename (.cab extension) of the backup file you want to create.
Either type the path and filename or use the browse button to explore for a file and/or
5. When the backup function is finished, click OK.

Restoring a Galaxy from a Backup

To restore a Galaxy from a backup .cab file, a Galaxy of that name must already exist. If it
does not exist, you must first create a Galaxy with that name.
To restore an entire Galaxy:
Refer to Chapter 10, page 75, Restoring A Galaxy, InFusion™ Enterprise Control System
Deployment Guide (B0750BA, Rev. A).
When you restore the Galaxy:
Note: Restoring a Galaxy in this manner will overwrite the entire Galaxy by that name. Do
not perform this operation unless you intend to restore the Galaxy to a previous state.
All changes made to objects in that Galaxy since the backup was performed will be


210 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

ArchestraA Logger
Everytime you log into an InFusion/Archestra/Wonderware application, an entry is logged.
A message sent to the ArchestrA Logger. The Archestra logger can be used for

Saving Configuration Objects

Reference : InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Deployment Guide (B0750BA, Rev. A).
You can export some or all of your Galaxy objects. When you export, you are exporting the
objects’ associated templates, configuration state, and containment state of those objects.
The information is saved in an .aaPKG (or .aqPKG) file.
After the Galaxy objects are exported, you can import into the same or another Galaxy. If
your objects have scripts associated with them, you need to export the script library
separately. For more information about exporting script libraries, see “Exporting Script
Function Libraries” in the Industrial Application Server Scripting Guide.
Before you start, make sure all objects you want to export are checked in. If an object
selected for export is checked out, the checked in version of that object is exported instead.
This can lead to old versions of objects being exported. Exporting an entire Galaxy is
different than backing up the database. Unlike with backups, change logs for the objects are
not exported. When you export objects, only the related security information for the specific
object is exported.
To export selected automation objects:
Refer to page 76, Exporting Selected Objects in InFusion™ Enterprise Control System
Deployment Guide (B0750BA, Rev. A).

Participant Guide 211

InFusion Engineering Environment

Restoring Automation Objects

You can reuse objects from one Galaxy in another Galaxy. This saves you a lot of time if the
objects are already set up in another Galaxy. Importing instances previously exported from a
Galaxy retains previous associations, when possible, such as assignment, containment,
derivation, and area.
You can import objects from exported .aqPKG files, .aaPKG files, or from an .aaPDF file.
(An .aaPDF file contains the configuration data and implementation code for one or more
base templates. It is created by a developer using the ArchestrA Object Toolkit.)
Before you start, you cannot have two objects with the same name or more than one copy of
the same version of an object in the same Galaxy. When you import an object, these
conflicts are identified and you can manage them.
To import selected automation objects:
Refer to page 77, Importing Selected Objects into a Galaxy in InFusion™ Enterprise
Control System Deployment Guide (B0750BA, Rev. A).

Other IEE tasks

• Break Link to Template
• Enables configuration changes to instance
• Check Out / In /Override /Undo
• Create Template From Instance
• Rename
• Contained Name
• Upload Runtime Changes
• Synchronize Views


212 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Deployment Utilities

Selective Upload
Reference : InFusion™ Enterprise Control System I/A Series® System Control Database
Deployment Guide (B0750AJ, Rev. A)
Changes made to a deployed compound or block in the CP or in IEE result in differences
between the CP database and the galaxy database. A redeployment of the modified blocks
implements changes made in IEE but may overwrite operator changes that have been made
to tune system, while Upload Runtime Changes overwrites any un-implemented changes
that have been made in IEE.
The Selective Upload/Deploy dialog box enables you to compare values in the two
databases for selected compounds and blocks, and then align the databases by uploading
and/or downloading individual parameters.
To compare and align the two databases:
Refer to page 15, Selective Upload/Deploy in InFusion™ Enterprise Control System I/A
Series System Bulk Data Editor (B0750AF, Rev. A).

Checkpointing saves a CP database to a file on the controller’s host workstation. The
checkpoint file is the database saved in the form that is loaded from the host to the control
station when that station is rebooted.
The CP is automatically checkpointed after each deployment and undeployment (if the
checkpointing was not disabled in the Deploy or Undeploy dialog box).
Checkpointing is also available on demand in addition automatic checkpointing. Checkpoint
CP can be invoked from the CP itself or from any of its compounds or their strategies.

Participant Guide 213

InFusion Engineering Environment

To checkpoint a CP:
Refer to page 16, Checkpointing in InFusion™ Enterprise Control System I/A Series System
Bulk Data Editor (B0750AF, Rev. A).

Synchronize Deploy Status

The Synchronize Deploy Status utility, which enables you to change the deploy status of
selected objects, is for use in recovery procedures. The utility should be used with great
caution and in consultation with an Invensys service representative, as it may result in the
galaxy database being out of alignment with the CP database. Consult with an Invensys
service representative.
• Use Synchronize DBs for routine synchronization of the deployed states.
To synchronize the Deploy Status:
Refer to page 17, Synchronize Deploy Status in InFusion™ Enterprise Control System I/A
Series System Bulk Data Editor (B0750AF, Rev. A)


214 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

LABS – IEE Part 4

This section includes labs 15, 16, 17 and 18.

Lab 15 – Importing a Saveall

(Done only on one station)
1. In the Template Toolbox, expand the Invensys folder. Select $BulkData, right-click
and select New Æ Derived Template.

2. The new BulkData gets a default name.

Participant Guide 215

InFusion Engineering Environment

3. Select the new BulkData, press the F2 key or right-click and choose Rename.
The new name will be SaveAll.

4. Move the BulkData SaveAll to the LAB_ToolSet folder.


216 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

5. Double-click on the SaveAll BulkData to open it.

6. Click on the Import button to open the Import Bulk Data Wizard applet.

Participant Guide 217

InFusion Engineering Environment

7. Click the down-arrow next to the Select input source type box and choose the I/A
Series Saveall (Control only) option.


218 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

8. Click the Browse button, select the D:/LAB/TANK1_COMP folder, and click the
OK button.

9. Click on the Next > button.

Participant Guide 219

InFusion Engineering Environment

10. Choose the Analyze Connections option, if it is not already selected.

11. Leave the rest of the options as default and click the Finish button.


220 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

12. Click the Strategy button to view all the strategies names to be imported.
Repeat this step for the rest of the options (Compound, Strategy I/O, Blocks and

13. Click the Generate button to open the Bulk Generation Wizard applet. Click the
Next > button.

Participant Guide 221

InFusion Engineering Environment

14. Check TANK1_COMP under the Select Compound Instances To Generate box
and click on the Next > button.

15. Check TANK1_COMP under the Select Strategy Instances To Generate box and
click the Next > button.


222 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

16. Click on the Next > button.

17. Click the Next > button.

Participant Guide 223

InFusion Engineering Environment

18. Click the Generate button.

19. Use the Output View to check the results.

20. The imported saveall will show up under the Unassigned Host folder.


224 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

21. Double-click the TANK1_COMP_001 strategy to check if the import is successful.

If the connecting lines are through the blocks, moving a block will fix the lines.

22. You may have to move the blocks to get the Alignment correct. Close the Strategy

Participant Guide 225

InFusion Engineering Environment

23. Drag the TANK1_COMP_001 into Strategy Strgy_XX 1. This will fail.
24. Right click the Strategy Strgy_XX 1, and select Break Link to Template. Drag the
TANK1_COMP_001 into the Strategy Strgy_XX 1, and you have a Nested


226 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

25. Double-click the Strgy_XX 1 Strategy and make a connection between the input of
TANK1_COMP strategy with the output of SINE PID block.

26. Deploy the changes to the Strgy_XX 1 strategy.

27. Ensure that all blocks are functioning.
28. Troubleshoot the alarm condition by using InFusion View Detailed Displays.
Hint: Source is found by selecting a Point and clicking the question mark tab on the
InFusion View window.

Participant Guide 227

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 16 – Bulk Generate Configuration

(Done only on one station)
29. Import Template Object Flowloop.aqPKG from D:/LAB/CONTROL into the IDE.
30. From the Invensys Template Toolbox, select BulkData Object, right-click and select
New Derived Template.
31. Rename this Object to Data_Create.
32. Open the object Data_Create, select Import. Change the input source to
Import/Generate Mappings (*.xml).


228 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

33. Browse for the file called Bulkdata_002 in the D:/Lab/Control directory.

34. Select Next and on the wizard (Step 2 of 2) and select Finish.

To generate a configuration from an Excel spreadsheet:

35. Select Import, change input source to Excel Spreadsheet.
Click Browse to go to D:\Lab\Control\flowloop.xls, and select Next.

Participant Guide 229

InFusion Engineering Environment

36. In the wizard Step 2 of 6, select Change Use Column Mappings to

Spread_sheet_map, select Next.

37. Ensure that the Compound Mappings exist, and select Next.


230 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

38. Ensure that Strategy Mappings exist, and select Next.

39. Ensure the Block Mapping exist, and select Next.

Participant Guide 231

InFusion Engineering Environment

40. Ensure that Input /Output Data is correct.

41. Select Finish.

42. Verify that all the information from the spreadsheet is in the Block, Compound,
Strategy fields of the BulkData object.

43. Select Generate.

44. Verify the output, it should be 3 compounds, 3 strategies, and 9 blocks.
45. View instantiated information under Unassigned.


232 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

Lab 17 – InFusion IEE Import Lab

(Server only)

The learners will learn how to import an automation object into the Galaxy Repository using
the IEE.
The alarm test object named ALARM_CMP will imported. This object will be used in the
labs that follow to generate alarms to demonstrate the alarm handling capabilities of the
InFusion system. The automation package contains a compound named ALARM_CMP.
The ALARM_CMP contains a single strategy name ALARM_STRAT which in turn
contains a single AIN block name AIN_1.

Lab Objectives:
Learners will learn to import an automation object.

Participant Guide 233

InFusion Engineering Environment

Automation Object Import

Import an automation object (Do this on the Server Only)

46. Launch the InFusion IEE.
a. Launch from InFusion View, as shown below.

b. Launch from the Start menu, as shown below.


234 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

47. This will display the InFusion IEE. Select GalaxyÆImportÆAutomation

Object(s) to display the object Import Dialog box.

48. The Import dialog will appear.

Navigate to the location of the ALARM_CMP.aqPKG in D:/LAB/Alarm directory
package, select it, and click Open to import.

49. The Import Preferences dialog will appear. Do not change the default values, click
OK to proceed with the import.
Note: By default the import will be skipped if there is a version conflict or a name
conflict between the objects being imported and the objects already in the

Participant Guide 235

InFusion Engineering Environment

The import process will now begin. Messages will display in the Import dialog box
reporting the import status of each object in the package. The overall import status
will also be reported.

50. Expand the TAC_Lab folder in the Template Toolbox and note the new templates
that have been imported: $ALARMTEST_CMP and $ALARMTEST_STRAT.
51. Expand the FUSECP object in the Deployment View and note the new objects that
have been imported and assigned: ALARM_CMP and ALARM_STRAT.
52. Deploy ALARM_CMP and the objects that it contains.


236 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

53. Using Block Select, verify that ALARM_CMP has been deployed and that the
compound is in the ON state.

Lab 18 – Export/Import a Strategy

Exporting A Strategy
(Ensure that the Strategy being exported has been checked in)
54. Expand the LAB_Toolset.

Participant Guide 237

InFusion Engineering Environment

55. Select $Strgy_XX and right-click to select Export Æ Automation Objetc(s).

56. Use Explorer to create the D:\IDE_Export folder. In the Save in box, select the
IDE_Export folder. For this example, accept the default name $Strgy_XX and
click Save.


238 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

57. Click Close when the process has been completed.

Participant Guide 239

InFusion Engineering Environment

Importing A Strategy
Note: Before starting this procedure, rename the $Strgy_XX strategy as
$Strgy_XX 1
58. From the menu bar select Galaxy Æ Import ÆAutomation Object(s).


240 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

59. In the D:\IDE_Export folder, select the $Strgy_XX .aqPKG file to be imported and
click Open.

60. Click OK to initiate the Import process.

Participant Guide 241

InFusion Engineering Environment

61. Click Close when the procedure has been completed.


242 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

InFusion Engineering Environment

62. The imported strategy displays under LAB_Toolset (This is the location it was saved
from. If this location does not exist it would be created)

Participant Guide 243

InFusion Engineering Environment


244 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

Programmable Block Editors
Programmable Block Editors

Table of Contents
Programmable Block Editors ...........................................................................245
What are Programmable Blocks?...........................................................247
Block Types – Configurable and Programmable..............................247
Programmable Block Types .............................................................248
PLB Ladder Logic Editor........................................................................249
Creating a PLB Template .................................................................249
Editing a PLB ...................................................................................250
Building a PLB Ladder.....................................................................251
Configuring Ladder Elements...........................................................252
Defining Contacts .............................................................................252
Configuring Coils .............................................................................254
Sequence Block SFC Editor ....................................................................259
SFC Editor Tab .................................................................................259
Building a Sequential Function Chart...............................................260
Adding Steps.....................................................................................260
Creating SFC Transitions .................................................................265
Declaring Block Variables................................................................267
Declaring Constants..........................................................................268
Declaring Macros..............................................................................269
Declaring User Labels ......................................................................270
Sequence Block HLBL Editor .................................................................273
HLBL Editor Tab..............................................................................273
HLBL Template................................................................................274
HLBL Editor Toolbar .......................................................................275
Compiling HLBL Code ....................................................................275
On-demand Compilation ..................................................................279
Logic Block RPN Editor ..........................................................................280
Logic Editor Tab...............................................................................280
LAB - Ladder Logic Editor .....................................................................281
Building Ladder Logic with IDE Tutorial ........................................281
Ladder Logic elements .....................................................................281
Process Description ..........................................................................282
Input/Output and Parameter Connections.........................................282
Procedure ..........................................................................................283
Building the PLB block ....................................................................283
Building the Ladder Logic................................................................286
Compile Validate and Download to CP............................................287
Testing and Operating the Ladder Logic ..........................................288
Using the PLB Detail Display ..........................................................289
Using the AIN Detail Display...........................................................289
Sequential Function Chart Editor Lab ..................................................290

Participant Guide Page 245

Programmable Block Editors

Objectives .........................................................................................290
Create a Simulation Compound........................................................291
Invoke SFC Editor and Create Block Logic .....................................291
Verify Sequence Block Operation from SFC Display Manager ......299
High Level Batch language Editor Lab..................................................301
Module Objective: ............................................................................301
Enabling Objectives:.........................................................................301
Creating Sequence Blocks and Sequence Code................................301
Creating HLBL Code........................................................................303
Compiling HLBL Code ....................................................................305
Group Activity – Bingo ............................................................................307
Instructions .......................................................................................307


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Programmable Block Editors

What are Programmable Blocks?

Block Types – Configurable and Programmable

Control blocks may be divided into two broad types: Configurable and Programmable. Each
block type has a fixed set of parameters associated with it. The parameter set can be viewed
as the “outside” of the block – what goes in and what goes out. The algorithms that a block
type executes can be viewed as the “inside” of the block – what it does with the parameters
we give it.
For a Configurable block type such as a PID block, the algorithms it can perform are fixed.
We can choose them via parameters, deciding for example whether the block should execute
Proportional control or Proportional plus Integral control, but we can not alter their
calculation methods.
For a Programmable block type such as a PLB block, the algorithms it can perform are
programmed by the user with an editor. We can decide whether a given PLB block will have
the ladder logic necessary to start and stop a motor or to inhibit the alarming of another
block based on some combination of contact inputs.

Configurable Blocks
Fixed set of parameters (the outside)
Fixed set of block algorithms (the inside)

Programmable Blocks
Fixed set of parameters (the outside)
Block algorithm can be programmed (the inside)

Figure – Configurable Block Type

Participant Guide Page 247

Programmable Block Editors

Programmable Block Types

There are three groups of programmable block types:
Ladder Logic
Each group has an editor for programming the blocks. In the case of Sequence blocks, there
is a choice of two editors which can be selected on a per block basis:

Ladder Logic Blocks - PLB

Ladder Logic Editor

Sequence Blocks - IND DEP EXC MON TIMER

Sequential Function Chart (SFC)
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)

Calculation/Logic Blocks - CALC CALCA MATH LOGIC

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)


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Programmable Block Editors

PLB Ladder Logic Editor

Creating a PLB Template

To create a PLB template:
1. Expand the IA_Blocks folder in the Template Toolbox to display the existing
templates. The folder is the default location for the base PLB template ($PLB) and
any templates derived from it. (Any template can be moved to another folder in
Template Toolbox, including user-defined project folders which may also contain
strategy templates, bulk data objects and other resources). You cannot edit the base
template. However, you can derive templates from $PLB, and configure the block
parameters and enter ladder logic in the derived templates. You can create additional
templates from the derived templates. When you derive a new object, it inherits
contents of the defining template. You can edit any of these objects if its defining
template is unlocked.
2. Right-click $PLB and choose New > Derived Template from the pop-up menu
(Figure). The new template is added to the folder and the Derivation View with a
default name consisting of the defining template name and a sequential number. In
the Figure below, for example, $PLB_001 and $PLB_002 in the Template Toolbox
and the Derivation View are the first two templates to be derived from $PLB, while
the selected command creates $PLB_003. The new object is selected in the Template
Toolbox indicating that you can change the name to something more meaningful.
3. Press Enter to accept the default name, or type a new name over the default and
press Enter. Do not enter the $, as that prefix is automatically added to the template
name. You can change the name later by right-clicking the object in the Template
Toolbox or Derivation View, and choosing Rename from the pop-up menu.

Participant Guide Page 249

Programmable Block Editors

Figure - Creating a PLB Template

Editing a PLB
To edit a PLB that has been added to a strategy template or instance:
1. Double-click the strategy template in the Template Toolbox or the instance in the
appropriate Application View if the object is not already opened in the Strategy
2. Double-click the PLB’s appearance object in the Strategy tab to open the block in the
Block Configurator. The Figure shows the configurator opened from the block
PLB_ESP_1 in the strategy instance Strategy_001_001. The configurator opens to
the PLB Editor tab, which displays the ladder developed in the defining templates.
The ladder can be modified if the unlocked icon ( ) is displayed in the upper right


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Programmable Block Editors

corner of the tab. The ladder cannot be modified if the ladder is locked in a defining
template ( ).

Figure - PLB Editor

Building a PLB Ladder

A rung is represented by a single horizontal line connecting the left and right power rails of
the ladder that allows power to flow from left to right.
Rungs are numbered from 1 up to 100, incrementing by one each time a new rung is added
to the ladder logic. Rungs are renumbered whenever a rung is inserted or removed. The
number of the rung is displayed immediately to the left of the left power rail. Branches are
not numbered in the diagram, but are counted in the total number of rungs and branches
allowed in a single ladder diagram.
Once a rung is added to the ladder it can be populated with contacts, a coil and branches,
and labeled with rung comments that will be available in the runtime system.
The final rung in the ladder must be empty, that is, have no contacts, coils or branches. A
rung is automatically added to the end of ladder when the first element is added to the final
To add and populate rungs:

1. Drag from the PLB Editor stencil and drop it on the ladder at the desired
location, at either the beginning or the end of the ladder, or between two rungs.

Participant Guide Page 251

Programmable Block Editors

2. Drag from the PLB stencil and drop it on the rung to add a contact. The
contact snaps to the left side of the rung.
3. Drag additional contacts to the rung and drop them before or after the elements
already on the rung.

4. Drag from the PLB stencil and drop it on the right end of the rung to add a coil.
A rung can have up to seven contacts and one coil. The coil must be the last (right-
most) element on the rung. A red marker is added to the left side of the ladder when
there are more than eight elements on the rung.
5. Double-click each element on the rung to define the contact or coil.

Configuring Ladder Elements

The PLB Editor allows the placement of up to eight ladder logic elements on a line, all of
which must be inputs, except the last element which must be an output symbol.
The contact added from the PLB Stencil window is of the type normally opened; the coil
added from the stencil is an energize coil. This section describes how to complete the
configuration of these elements by changing type if needed, specifying Tech IDs, labeling
the element, and for certain coils, specifying preset and reset values.

Defining Contacts
To define a contact:
1. Double-click the element to open the Edit Contact dialog box. The Figure below
shows the dialog box opened for the second of two contacts on a rung. The first
contact (IFL_1) has been configured already. Some changes have been applied to the
selected contact (CIN_5); the dialog box is being used to add a second label to the


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Programmable Block Editors

Figure - Edit Contact Dialog Box

The default contact type (IFL_1 in the above Figure for example) is normally open, that is,
power flows from left to right when the named signal (Tech ID) is present (true).
2. If necessary, click the Closed radio button to define the type as normally closed, that
is, for power to flow from left to right when the named signal is absent (false). A
slash is inserted in the contact symbol (CIN_5 in the Figure). The Tech ID assigned
to the contact indicates the source of the input. The available IDs are listed in the
following table:
Technical Identifier Description
CIN_1 through CIN_32 Physical inputs
CO_1 through CO_16 Physical outputs
IFL_1 through IFL_32 External input flags
OFL_1 through OFL_32 External output flags
TC01_S through TC16_S Timer or counter coils
TC01_S through TC16_S Timer or counter status contacts
TC01_O through TC16_O Timer or counter overflow contacts

Participant Guide Page 253

Programmable Block Editors

Technical Identifier Description

INT_01 through INT_32 Internal flags
INIT Initialize flag
POWERF Power fail flag
COMMF Communications failure flag
FAILSF Fail-Safe flag

Table – Defining Contacts

3. Select the ID type from the left column in Tech ID and the specific ID in the right
column, and click Apply. The Tech ID is displayed above the contact symbol. You
can assign the same ID to multiple contacts.
4. Enter text in Label 1 and/or Label 2 to identify the function, and click Apply. The
labels are inserted below the contact symbol in the ladder diagram. Each label can be
up to seven characters long. The labels are visible in the runtime system in operator
displays and can be accessed by I/A Series system applications.
Note: Labels are associated with the Tech ID, not the contact. If multiple contacts have
been assigned the same Tech ID, changing a label for one changes that label in all contacts
with the ID. The Edit Contact dialog box remains so you can select and define other contacts
in the ladder.
5. Click Close to remove the dialog box (or select a coil to switch to the Edit Coil
dialog box).

Configuring Coils
To define a coil:
1. Double-click the element to open the Edit Coil dialog box


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Programmable Block Editors

Figure - Edit Coil Dialog Box

2. Select the coil type from the list on the left side of the dialog box, and click Apply.
The symbol for the type is inserted in the coil in the ladder (TON in the above
Figure). The coil types are listed in the following table:
Symbol Name Description
-( )- Energize Outputs a signal to the FBM on the channel identified
in the Tech ID.
-(L)- Latch Coil Sets the Boolean value representing coil status true if
the rung has a power flow path. If the path is lost
after the coil is set, the Boolean value remains true
until the Unlatch Coil with the matching Tech ID is
-(U)- Unlatch Coil Unlatches an output that was previously set by a
Latch coil with a matching Tech ID.
-(CTU)- Up Counter Increments a counter on off-to-on transitions.
-(NCR)- End of Master Control Marks the end of the MCR conditional group of
Relay Zone rungs. This symbol must be alone on its rung.

Participant Guide Page 255

Programmable Block Editors

Symbol Name Description

-(ZCL)- Zone Control Logic Enables the rungs between this symbol and the
NCL symbol to execute normally if the ZCL run
condition is true. If ZCL is false, the rungs in the
zone are not executed and the outputs are held at
their last state.
-(NCL)- End of Zone Control Marks the end of the ZCL conditional group of
Logic rungs. This symbol must be alone on its rung.
-(RTO)- Retentive timer-on delay Indicates the rung has been true (POWER TRUE)
for at least the specified delay period.
-(RTF)- Retentive timer-off delay Indicated the rung has been false (POWER
FALSE) for at least the specified delay period.
-(TON)- Non-retentive timer-on Same as RTO except that when the rung is false at
delay any time, the accumulated time is zeroed.
-(TOF)- Non-retentive timer-off Same as RTF except that when the run is true at
delay any time, the accumulated time is zeroed.
Table – Coil Types
3. Select the Tech ID type from the left column in Tech ID and the specific ID in the
right column, and click Apply. The ID is placed above the coil symbol in the ladder
(TC01_S in the Figure). Do not assign the same Tech ID to multiple coils, except
when configuring a latch and unlatch pair.
4. Enter text in Label 1 and in Label 2 to identify the coil function, and click Apply.
The labels are inserted below the contact symbol in the ladder diagram. Each label
can be up to seven characters long. The labels are visible in the runtime system in
operator displays and can be accessed by other applications.
5. Enter values in the Preset and Reset fields if the coil type is a timer or counter, and
click Apply.
• Preset is the target value for the timer or counter.
• Reset is the initial value for timers and up counters.


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Programmable Block Editors

The Preset and Reset values select a maximum value of 65,535 counts for counters,
or 0.1 seconds for timers. Preset and Reset values for counters and timers appear to
the right of the coil, in the form nnnnnP and nnnnnR respectively. The dialog box
remains open so you can select and configure other coils in the ladder.
6. Click Close to remove the dialog box (or select a contact to switch to the Edit
Contact dialog box).

Participant Guide Page 257

Programmable Block Editors

Sequence Block SFC Editor

SFC Editor Tab

The SFC Editor tab provides all the tools necessary to developing a sequence block program.
A program is developed by first building a sequential function chart for the main routine.
You build the chart by dragging SFC elements from the stencil on the left and dropping
them between the Start and End placeholders on the drawing canvas. The chart divides the
routine into steps, with each step containing programming statements, and transitions, loops,
jumps and divergences that define the flow between steps.
Once a chart has been started, the editor allows you to do any of the following to complete
the program:
• Create subroutines, select sequence block exception (SBX) routines, and configure
these routines by building a sequential function chart for each
• Double-click a step to open it in the ST Editor to add program statement and
• Configure transitions using an Expressions Editor or the ST Editor
• Set properties of any routine or SFC element. Properties include name, operator
remarks and programming comments
• Declare program-wide data items such as variables, constants and macros, and well
as local parameters and variables for individual subroutines
• Add data declarations and routines by referencing items in an SFC Includes library
• Copy SFC elements and structured text from an SFC Snippets library
• Validate and compile the sequence block program
• Document the program by printing the sequential functions charts, program
statements and listings of data declarations.

Participant Guide Page 259

Programmable Block Editors

Building a Sequential Function Chart

To add an SFC element to a routine:
• Drag the element from the SFC stencil and drop it in the desired location between
Start and End.
If you drop the element near but not on the diagram, the element snaps to nearest location on
the diagram. The editor does not add the element if you drop it before Start, after End, or too
far to the left or right of the diagram.
Once an element has been added to the chart, you can do any of the following:
• Drag the element to a new location on the chart.
• Right-click the element, choose Cut or Copy to place it on the clipboard.
You can then right-click a new location on the chart and choose Pastefrom the pop-up menu.
You can also use Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to cut, copy and paste.
• Use the toolbar buttons to change line color, fill color and other graphic properties to
add emphasis. Certain element properties are protected and cannot be changed.
• Right-click the element to choose the editor or properties dialog box associated with
the element type.
• Double-click a step, transition, or comment to open the object in the editor for the

Adding Steps
A step is a section of code in the routine that can contain up to 200 structured text statements.
Steps can also contain program comments and operator remarks in the step header (added
using the Edit Step dialog box) and within the ST statements (added using the ST Editor).
To create a step:

1. Drag onto the chart and drop it at the desired location.


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Figure - Adding a Step to SFC

The step is instantiated with a default name such as Step1, Step2 and so on to ensure that
the name is unique within the routine. Step names can be re-used in another routine within
the same program.
2. Right-click the step and choose Edit Step from the pop-up menu, or double-click the
step, to enter structured text statements and optional operator remarks using the ST

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3. Right-click the step and choose Edit Properties from the pop-up menu to to change
the step name and set other properties.

Figure - Step Properties Dialog Box

4. Click a radio button in the Display group to select one of the display options
illustrated below:


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Icon with

Figure – Step Editor Functions

• Click Step Name and enter a name below the option button to replace the default
name supplied by the editor.
• Click Step Description, click Edit Desc if the Edit Step Description dialog box does
not open, and enter a description in the field provided.
• Click Step Code to display the statements contained in the step. The step displays
the name if there is no code.
• Click the Icon radio button to use the selected icon and title to identify the step.
To change the icon:
• Click the Icon button, choose a symbol from the Attach New Icon dialog box , enter
a two-line title in the Step Title dialog box, and click OK to close both dialog boxes.

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Figure - Attach New Icon Dialog Box

To select a single display option for all steps in the routine:
• Choose View > SFC Options from the left end of the SFC Editor title bar, check
Switch Steps To, click the radio button for one of the three display options, and click
All steps are identified with the same method. Steps configured with icons maintain the
image with the step name, description or code. To remove the icon:
• Right-click the step, choose Edit Properties from the pop-up menu, and click
Remove below the Icon option, and click OK.
5. Use the Edit Step dialog box to insert program comments and operator remarks to
the step header.
Comments are maintained with the program to document the engineering but are not
accessible in the runtime system.
Operator remarks are visible in the runtime system through default block detail
displays and other I/A Series applications.


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Creating SFC Transitions

A transition sets a condition after a step to determine whether the program continues to the
next step, or when there are multiple paths after the step, which path is to be taken.
A single transition can be inserted after a step and before the next step in the code. When a
loop, divergence, or jump is inserted after a step, a transition is inserted on the main path
and the branch.
The transition code is edited with the Expression Editor if it is enabled; otherwise, the code
is edited with the ST Editor.
To toggle the Expression Editor on and off:
• Choose View > Use Expression Editor from the left end of the SFC Editor toolbar.
To create a transition:

1. Drag into the SFC diagram, and drop it on the step after which it is to be

Figure - Adding a Transition to SFC

The transition is instantiated with a default condition of TRUE, which is displayed to the left
of the symbol if Show Transition Code is checked in the SFC Options dialog box.
2. Double-click the transition to edit the transition using the Expression Editor.

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You can also select the editor by right-clicking the transition and choosing Edit Transition
from the pop-up menu.

Figure - Transition Properties Dialog Box

Note: The Expression Editor and the ST Editor do not check for errors in syntax or content.
These types of errors are caught by the SFC/ST compiler.
3. Right-click the transition, choose Transition Properties from the pop-up menu,
enter program comments or operator remarks in the Transition Properties dialog box
and click OK.


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Figure - Transition Properties Dialog Box

Declaring Block Variables

To declare a block variable:
1. Click the Block Variables tab if it is not already displayed, and click Add to open
the Edit Block Variable dialog box.

Figure - Edit Block Variable Dialog Box

2. Enter a variable name and use the pull-down list in the type field to select a data type.
See “Data Types” on page 60 of B0750AM for a definition of the available types.
3. For arrays, enter the number of elements in each dimension in the Dimensions field
using the format: n,n. For example, 8,2 in Figure 3-2 specifies an 8 x 2 array.

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4. Enter optional Comments and Operator Remarks in the fields provided.

5. Click OK.
To edit a declared block variable:
• Select the variable, click Edit, make the desired changes in the Edit Block
Variable dialog box, and click OK.
To delete a variable:
• Select the variable and click Delete. There is no prompt to confirm the action.

Declaring Constants
To declare a constant:
1. Click the Constants tab if it is not already displayed, and click Add to open the Edit
Constant dialog box.

Figure - Edit Constant Dialog Box


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2. Enter a name and use the pull-down list in the type field to select a data type. See
“Data Types” on page 60 of B0750AM for a definition of the available types.
3. Enter the a numeric value or string in the Value field.
4. Enter optional Comments and Operator Remarks in the fields provided.
5. Click OK.
To edit a declared constant:
• Select the variable, click Edit, make the desired changes in the EditConstants
dialog box, and click OK.
To delete a constant:
• Select the constant and click Delete.
There is no prompt to confirm the action.

Declaring Macros
To set up a macro:
1. Click the Macros tab if it is not already displayed, and click Add to open the Edit
Macros dialog box.

Figure - Edit MACRO Box

2. Enter a name for the macro, and then specify the substitute text in the Replacement
3. Enter optional Comments and Operator Remarks in the fields provided.

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4. Click OK.
To edit a declared macro:
• Select the macro, click Edit, make the desired changes in the Edit Macro dialog
box, and click OK.
To delete a variable:
• Select the macro and click Delete.
There is no prompt to confirm the action.

Declaring User Labels

To create a user label:
1. Click the User Labels tab if it is not already displayed, and click Add toopen the
Edit Label dialog box.

Figure - Edit Label Dialog Box


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2. Enter a label name, and use the pull-down list in the parameter field to select the
block parameter to be labeled.
3. Enter optional Comments and Operator Remarks in the fields provided.
4. Click OK.
To edit a declared use label:
• Select the label, click Edit, make the desired changes in the Edit Labeldialog box,
and click OK.
To delete a label:
• Select the label and click Delete.
There is no prompt to confirm the action.

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Sequence Block HLBL Editor

HLBL Editor Tab

Click the HLBL Editor tab to display and modify the code for the selected template or

Figure - HLBL Tab in the Sequence Block Editor

The tab consists of:

• HLBL Editor Toolbar, which includes pull-down menus and icons for inserting code
• Edit window, which opens with a template for entering code specific to the block
• Output pane, which displays messages generated during compilation of the HLBL
• Click on the right end of the Output title bar to collapse the pane and show
only title bar.
• When the Output pane is collapsed, click on the right side of the title bar to
display the full pane.

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Programmable Block Editors

HLBL Template
The Edit window displays a template for entering statements for the specific block type. The
template consists of a header comment with the author and revision history, and then
comments showing syntax for specific sections of the code:
• Constants
• Variables
• User Labels
• Subroutines
• Block Exceptions
• Statements


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HLBL Editor Toolbar

The HLBL Editor toolbar provides quick access to a variety of editing tools.

Math Operators
Boolean Operators
Operator Remarks

Preprocessor Commands

Comparison Operators

Compiling HLBL Code

The HLBL Editor automatically compiles the HLBL code contained in the block each time
you save the object by doing one of the following:

• Clicking in the Block Configurator title bar to save the object and exit.
• Choosing Galaxy > Save or Galaxy > Save All from the IDE menu bar.

When you click in the IDE menu bar or in the Block Configurator, the editor
prompts you to save any unsaved changes.

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If you click Yes, the editor initiates compilation.

The compilation process includes the following steps:
• The HLBL code is extracted from the sequence block and the referenced include
• A pre-compiler checks the syntax of the extracted code. If there are no errors, the
pre-compiler assembles a source code module (.s file) for the HLBL compiler.
If there are errors, a dialog box prompts you to save or discard object.
• If you click Yes, the object is saved with the changes and a file that contains the
errors and warnings from the pre-compiler (.l file).
• If you click No, the object reverts to its last saved condition.


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Figure - Save Confirmation Dialog Box

• When there are no errors, the HLBL compiler compiles the source code module to
create the .i and .r files required to run HLBL on the I/A Series controller.
If there are compilation errors, any existing .i and .r files remain unchanged and the error
messages are included in a .l file to be associated with the block. The Block Configurator
prompts you to discard or save changes to the object. If you click Yes, the error messages
are saved with the object.

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To review the error messages saved with a block template:

• Right-click the object in the Template Toolbox or the Derivation View, choose
Properties from the pop-up menu, and click the Errors/Warnings tab in the
Properties dialog box:

Figure - Compilation Errors Listed in the Properties Dialog Box


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On-demand Compilation
You can compile the code at any time without saving the object or closing the editor.
To compile the HLBL code:
1. Click in the upper right corner of the HLBL Editor tab.
The editor extracts the HLBL code from the block and the include files, checks for
syntax errors and runs the HLBL compiler, as it does when you save and exit.
Errors and warnings are displayed in the Output pane at the bottom of theHLBL Editor
tab. If there are no errors, the Output pane displays Success.

Figure - Errors Reported in the Output Pane

For errors that are in the HLBL code being editing, the Output pane lists the block,
the line number, and an error description.
2. Double-click the error listing to position the cursor in the HLBL Editor tab at the line
number that contains the error.
For errors that are in a referenced include file, the Output pane lists the block, the
library object, the line number and an error description.
3. Double-click the error listing to display a message box that describes the location
within the library object.

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Logic Block RPN Editor

Logic Editor Tab

Click the Logic Editor tab to display and modify the code for the selected template or


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Programmable Block Editors

LAB - Ladder Logic Editor

This lab exercise consists of two parts:
Part One: A tutorial on how to build and compile ladder logic in IEE
Part Two: Testing the operation of the ladder logic.

Building Ladder Logic with IDE Tutorial

In this section of the lab exercise, you will use the IDE control database configurator to
build ladder logic to control fill tank cycles. You will also build a PLB block to interact with
the ladder. You will then use the validation and compilation functions of the control
database configurator to validate your work.
• The FBM used for running Ladder Logic is a FBM241 with ECB 8.

Ladder Logic elements

Contacts and Coils

Observe Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Ladder Logic

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Process Description
The operator starts the cycle from the operator display by toggling IFL_1 to ON. IFL_1 ON,
opens the inflow valve. When the cycle is started, the tank is empty, pump is latched ON,
outlet valve closes and the tank starts to fill. At 90.0% level, the AIN block HIABS is
tripped, pump unlatches and the drain valve opens. At 10.0% level, AIN block LOABS is
tripped, this will latch the pump back ON and outlet valve closes. The cycle will continue as
long as IFL_1 is ON. There is a retentive timer to time the ON cycles for pump maintenance

Figure 1-2 Functional diagram

Input/Output and Parameter Connections

IFL_1 START/STOP Cycle (toggled from operator display)
CO_2 OPEN/CLOSE Inflow valve
CO_5 OPEN/CLOSE Outflow valve
CIN_5 PUMP status


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Before you start working with the Strategy Editor in IDE, you should be familiar with
Strategy Editors Save control icons

Exit, will ask

you to save

Save and Exit

Building the PLB block

Opening IEE
1. Open IEE by selecting the Tools key in WindowViewer and then ArchestrA IDE
from the drop-down menu.
2. Select Connect from the opened dialog box.
IEE control configurator opens.

Creating the strategy tank_logic

3. In Deployment window, expand all folders.
4. In Template Toolbox window, expand Galaxy_Lab, and then the Invensys
templates folder.
5. Create a strategy by clicking and dragging $Strategy template from the Invensys
folder down to a blank area in the Deployment window.
6. The new strategy should appear in the Unassigned host folder. Rename it to
7. Double-click the strategy tank_logic to open the Strategy Editor. The strategy Editor
opens with a blank work area.
8. In the Template Toolbox, expand IA_Blocks template folder.
9. Add a PLB block and rename it LEVEL_LOGIC.
10. Save your PLB block edits.
11. Add an AIN block and rename it LEV_MEAS.
12. Save your AIN block edits.

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Figure 1-3 Strategy diagram

13. Add parameters HAI and LAI to the AIN block as shown in Figure 1-3.
14. Interconnect HAI and LAI from AIN to PLB as shown in Figure 1-3.


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Editing AIN block parameters

15. Change the AIN Alarm parameters for the following as shown in Figure 1-4.
• AIN HLOP = 1
• HAL = 90
• LAL = 10

Figure 1-4 AIN Alarming

16. Change the AIN IOMOPT from FBM 1 to 2 as shown in Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5 AIN Input

17. Save your edits.

Editing PLB block parameters

18. Assign FBM to the PLB block.
19. In the ECB Identifier, select the browse icon and browse to the FBM241 on your

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20. Save your edits.

Building the Ladder Logic

To add and edit rung elements you must follow the ladder logic diagram shown in
Figure 1-1.

Rung 1
21. Open the PLB Editor (Ladder Logic Editor) by selecting the PLB Editor tab in the
PLB_1 block.
22. Add normally open IFL_1 to the first rung.
23. Add coil CO_2 to the first rung.

Rung 2
24. Add IFL_1 and IFL_2 to the ladder.
25. Add the coil CO_1 Latch.

Rung 3
26. Add the branch containing the normally closed IFL_1 and the normally open IFL_3.
27. Add the coil CO_1 Unlatch.


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Rung 4
28. Add the normally open first element of the rung IFL_1.
29. Add the normally closed element CIN_5.
30. Add the Retentive On Delay timer TC01_S with its Preset (600) and Reset time (0).

Rung 5
31. Add the normally closed CIN_5 .
32. Add the coil CO_5.
33. Save your ladder logic and exit PLB Editor.
34. Save and exit tank_logic strategy.

Compile Validate and Download to CP

35. Open tank_logic strategy again.
36. Double-click the PLB block and open the ladder logic you have just created.
37. If this ladder logic is to run in the CP, you would have compiled it before you exited
the PLB Editor the first time. The compile icon is located in top right corner area of
the PLB Editor next to the printer symbol.
38. Compile your ladder and check the compile output window located at bottom of
screen. If compilation is not successful, make corrections and recompile until your
program is error free.
39. Save and exit the PLB Editor.
40. Save and exit the Strategy Editor.
To run and test the ladder logic after a successful compilation, you must assign the strategy
to a compound and then deploy the compound and its content to the active CP. The
FBM241c is available here to run the ladder to test functionality.
If more than one person has built the same ladder, ensure only one ladder at a time is
deployed to the FBM. This is because using the same parameters and testing the ladder will
have failures due to reuse of IFL’s and contacts.

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Figure – Input and Outputs

Testing and Operating the Ladder Logic

Using PLB_Monitor Display

41. Access the PLB_Monitor display
In the PLB_Monitor display, contacts that can pass current are yellow, and those that
are not are gray.
42. To demonstrate the operation, perform the following:
a. Open the Detail display for both the AIN and PLB block.
b. Select the magnifier glass – FLAGS and toggle IFL_1.
c. Verify that the Run rung has been made in the PLB Monitor.
d. Go to the AIN block and change Meas to 90, verify that the Pump is off.
e. Go to the AIN block and change Meas to 5, verify that the Pump is on.
43. Test that the tank level will cycle between the High and Low level alarms.


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44. Stop the cycle when you have become familiar with the PLB process and the
PLB_Monitor displays.

Using the PLB Detail Display

45. Access the PLB detail display and look at the block parameters status when the cycle
is running.
46. Select the Magnifying glass to get to IO, FLAGS, and CONFIG. Select a Flag and
Toggle is visible.

Using the AIN Detail Display

47. Access the AIN detail display and look at the block parameters.
48. Change MEAS by selecting and typing in a number.

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Programmable Block Editors

Sequential Function Chart Editor Lab

In this lab, you will create a simulation compound containing AIN, PID and AOUT blocks
for simulation purposes, and then you will add an IND block. You will then invoke SFC
Editor to create the graphical representation and the logic of the IND block. The logic will
simply manipulate a PID setpoint functions, modes, output limits and output.
You will then compile the block and then Deploy the compound and its content to the CP.
Verifying block operation will be done from SFC Display Manager sequence block display.

Utilizing all available documentation, the student will be able to perform the following:
• Build simulation compound of a feedback loop
• Add an IND sequence block to manipulate feedback loop parameters
• Invoke SFC and build the IND block graphical representation and logic
• Verify IND block operation using SFC Display Manager


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Create a Simulation Compound

1. Create a compound named DEMO.
2. Create a strategy and name it demo_01.
3. Add the following blocks:
AIN naming it LT101, PID naming it LC101 and AOUT naming it LV101.
4. Set the IOMOPT parameter of LT101 and LV101 to 2 (simulation).
5. Configure LC101 local setpoint to initialize to 50.0 and connect LT101.PNT to
6. Set LC101 MODOPT to 4 with Proportional Band = 30 and Integral time = .2.
7. Connect LV101.BCALCO to LC101.BCALCI and FBK.
8. Connect LV101.INITO to LC101.INITI.
9. Connect LC101.OUT to LV101.MEAS.
10. Connect LV101.OUT to LT101.MEAS.
11. Set LT101 filtering option to 1 and set the filter time of 0.1.

Invoke SFC Editor and Create Block Logic

In this part of the lab, you will add a sequence block, and invoke SFC to build the logic
graphical representation and code logic.
12. Add an IND block to your strategy and name it SFC_DEMO.
13. Double-click the IND block and select SFC to invoke the SFC Editor.

Build the Graphical Logic Representation

14. In the SFC Editor, the START step will be available in the initial window and
cannot be edited.
15. Click and drag the transition symbol from the stencil window and place it below the
START step.
16. Build the rest of the graphical logic of steps and transitions as shown in Figure 2-1.
17. To rename a step, right-click on the step and select step properties. Enter the new
name in step name field, select OK to exit the step properties.

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Figure 2.1 Block Logic Graphic

Defining Macros
18. Open the Data Declaration Editor by selecting the down-arrow to the right of the key
labeled VIEW, and then select Data Declaration from the drop-down menu. The
Data Declaration Editor window appears.
19. Select Macros, and then select the Add button to open the Edit Macro window.


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20. Add the macros as shown in the figure below.

Figure 2.2 Adding Macros

Defining Constants
21. In the Data Declaration Editor window, select Constants and then select the Add
button to open the Edit Constants window.
22. Add the constants as shown in the figure below.

Figure 2.3 Adding Constants

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Defining Variables
23. In the Data Declaration Editor window, select Block Variables and then select the
Add button to call up Edit Block Variable window.
24. Add the variables shown in the figure below.

Figure 2.4 Adding Variables

Defining User Labels

25. In the Data Declaration Editor window, select User Labels and then select the
Add button to call up Edit Label window.


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26. Add the user labels shown in the figure below.

Figure 2.5 Adding User Labels

27. Close the Data Declaration Editor window.

Defining Steps and Transitions Code

To define a step or transition code, double-click the step/transition, or right click the
step/transition and then select Edit Step or Transition. This opens the Step or the Transition
editor. Enter the code for a step or transition and select the curved arrow (Return to SFC
Editor) located on top right of screen after editing each step/transition. Repeat until all code
is defined.
The purpose of the wait statement in the code is to allow you to see the result of the step or
transition execution when testing your block in SFC Display Manager.
28. Make sure the graphic diagram is displayed. The START step does not have any
29. Double-click the first transition below the START step.
30. The code should read TRUE, if not enter TRUE. This will transition the program
flow from the START step to the next step (INITIALIZE) automatically.

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31. Double-click the INITIALIZE step and enter the code shown below.
32. This step sets LC101 to remote and AUTO, stores setpoint mode and block state,
and then waits 30 seconds.

Figure 2.6 Initialize Step

33. Double-click the transition to the SET_SP step and enter the code shown below.
This transition waits until LC101 is in REMOTE and AUTO.

Figure 2.7 SET_SP Transition


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34. Double-click the SET_SP step, and enter the code shown below.
This step sets LC101 to LOCAL, waits until next cycle, sets SPT value to 65 and
then waits 30 seconds.

Figure 2.8 SET_SP Step

35. Double-click the transition to the SET_OUT step, and enter the code shown below.
This transition waits until local setpoint is greater than or equal to 60.0.

Figure 2.9 SET_OUT Transition

36. Double-click the SET_OUT step, and enter the code shown below.
This step sets LC101 to MANUAL, waits until next cycle, sets the variable out to
80.0 and writes it to LC101 output.

Figure 2.10 SET_OUT Step

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37. Double-click the transition to the SET_LIM step and enter the code shown below.
This transition waits until the output of LC101 is greater than 75.0.

Figure 2.11 SET_LIM Transition

38. Double-click the SET_LIM step, and enter the code shown below.
This step sets LC101 hi limit to 90.0, low limit to 10, switches LC101 to AUTO and
waits 30 seconds.

Figure 2.12 SET_LIM Step

39. Double-click the transition to the END step and enter the code shown below.
This transition waits until LC101 is in AUTO

Figure 2.13 END_PHASE Transition


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40. The END step does not have any code.

Compiling and Downloading to CP

Your program must compile free of errors before you can download it to the CP to execute.
41. After editing your logic, select the compile icon to compile the program logic.
42. Wait for compilation results in the compilation Output Window, typically located on
the bottom part of the SFC Editor screen.
43. If there are any errors, correct and recompile. Repeat until your program compiles
free of errors.
44. Save and exit the SFC editor and then save and exit the Strategy editor.
45. Assign the strategy to the compound DEMO.
46. Assign DEMO to the CP
47. Right-click the compound DEMO and Deploy it along with its content to the active
48. Minimize IEE.

Verify Sequence Block Operation from SFC Display Manager

In this section of the lab, you will test the operation of the sequence block you have defined
in SFC lab. You will open the SFC display manager and activate the block SFC_DEMO.
49. From the HMI screen, switch the compound ON.
50. Open LC101 Faceplate/Detail Display and verify that your simple feedback loop is
operating correctly.
51. Set LC101 to LOCAL and enter a setpoint value of 40.0.
52. Wait until the loop is settled.
53. In BlockSelect/FoxSelect, double-click the sequence block SFC_DEMO. Wait until
the SFC Display Manager brings up the SFC block display.
54. Activate SFC_DEMO.
55. Call up the detail display of LC101 and verify that your sequence block performs the
functions specified in the code.
56. Run your SFC_DEMO again, but this time call up SFC Display manager and
observe the SFC functional Chart display. While the block runs, view step and
transition code and experiment with manipulating the state of the block between
Auto and Manual.
You may save/export your compound on a diskette.

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Programmable Block Editors

High Level Batch language Editor Lab

Sequence blocks are created in IDE, and programmed using HLBL language to perform
several functions in a control strategy. You can edit Sequence blocks using the HLBL
Editor, as follows:
• IND, DEP, and EXC blocks can use all of the HLBL statements.
• MON blocks use a limited set of statements.
• TIM blocks do not use HLBL statements.
In this lab, you will create a DEP sequence block, write HLBL code and then compile. Upon
compilation, if there are any compilation errors, you will make the necessary correction and
then recompile.

Module Objective:
Utilizing all available documentation, the student will be able to write HLBL sequential
control code using the IDE interface.

Enabling Objectives:
The enabling objectives that support this module objective are as follows:
1. Create sequence blocks and use HLBL to write sequence code.
2. Compile HLBL code, access and correct compilation errors when present.

Creating Sequence Blocks and Sequence Code

A Sequence Block can be created in IDE, by instantiating it from the IA_Blocks template
folder located in the Template Toolbox window. The procedure involves clicking and
dragging the specific sequence block template from IA_Blocks folder onto a new or
previously existing strategy. Here, you will create a new strategy and a compound
specifically for this portion of the lab exercise.

Creating a Compound and a Strategy

1. Open the IDE control database configurator.
2. In the Deployment window, expand Galaxy and then the Unassigned Host folder.
3. In Template Toolbox window, expand Galaxy.

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4. Create a new strategy and rename it Reactor as follows:

• Expand the Invensys folder located in the Template Toolbox Window.
• Click and drag $Strategy template down to a blank area in the Deployment
• Wait until it appears in the Unassigned Host area and then change its name to

Creating a Sequence Block Instance

5. Open the Strategy Editor and double-click the Reactor strategy.
6. Add a PID block to the Reactor strategy and name it TC3001.
7. Add a MON block and name it ALARM_MON.
8. Add a DEP block to the Reactor strategy and name it HEAT_CYCLE as follows:
a. Expand IA_Blocks folder.
b. Click and drag the $DEP (DEPENDENT) block template from IA_Blocks folder
into the Strategy Editor screen. See Figure 1-1.
c. Note the appearance of the DEP Sequence block in Reactor strategy.
d. Double-click the DEP block and select HLBL from the dialog box.
e. Select the General tab from the menu at the top and enter Reactor in the I/A
Name field.


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Figure 1-1 HEAT_CYCLE Block

Creating HLBL Code

The HLBL Code Editor is used to enter HLBL code.
9. Select the key labeled HLBL Editor from the strategy editor top menu.

Figure 1-2 HLBL Editor

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Programmable Block Editors

10. Which section of the template is used for constants?

11. Which section of the template is used to assign names to Boolean inputs and
12. Which section of the template is used to enter HLBL code?
13. Scroll down to STATEMENTS section of the block and type the following code:
(You could use the function menu for some of the HLBL statements)
(This code has errors in it intentionally, so you could see an unsuccessful
compilation result with types of errors generated by the compiler. You will then
correct the errors and recompile successfully)
{Switch temperature controller to Auto and Local}
a. ::TC3001.MA : = TRUE
b. ::TC3001.LR : = Remote
{Set temperature setpoint to 200.00 and wait}
c. ::TC3001.RSP : = 200.00


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Programmable Block Editors

d. WAIT UNTIL ::TC3001.MEAS >= 199.00

{ Send message to screen and printer }
e. SENDMESSAGE ( “Temperature reached desired setpoint of 200.00”) TO
{Activate the monitor block ALARM_MON}

Compiling HLBL Code

Compiling sequence blocks

Your code must compile error free before it can be downloaded to the CP. If a compilation
produces any errors, you must correct the errors and recompile. An un-compiled code cannot
be downloaded to the CP to run. A Sequence block must be recompiled each time changes
are made and the compilation must be successful.
In this section you will compile the HEAT_CYCLE block. This block will not compile
successfully the first time because it contains errors. You will then look at the compilation
errors, make corrections, and recompile successfully (hopefully).
14. Ensure that the HLBL Editor is open for the HEAT_CYCLE block.
15. Select the compile icon from the top right corner of the editor screen (pass the cursor
over it first, it should say Compile). Enlarge the Compile Output Window located at
bottom of screen to view the error messages better. See Figure 2-1.
• Scroll the Compilation Output Window and describe the nature of the error

Participant Guide Page 305

Programmable Block Editors

Figure 2-1 Unsuccessful Compilation Result

16. There should be several errors in this code. By double-clicking an error, you can
access the error location in the code and make a correction. At this time, look at the
error types and double-click to locate the error.
17. Each error is well described, and one can make the correction with some knowledge
of HLBL.
18. Your correct code should be as shown below. Identify if you can spot the difference
between the two codes. Make correction to the code as follows:
{Switch temperature controller to Auto and Remote}
a. ::TC3001.MA : = TRUE
b. ::TC3001.LR : = TRUE
{Set temperature setpoint to 200.00 and wait}
c. ::TC3001.RSP : = 200.00
d. WAIT UNTIL ::TC3001.MEAS >= 199.00


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Programmable Block Editors

{ Send message to screen and printer }

e. SENDMSG (“Temperature reached desired setpoint of 200.00”) TO MSGGR1
{Activate the monitor block ALARM_MON}
19. Recompile after correcting the errors.
20. If you still have any errors, make corrections, recompile until your program is error
21. Save and exit HLBL Editor.
22. Save and exit Strategy Editor.
This is only a tutorial session for you to learn how to build, compile, and make
corrections to sequential logic. If this was to run in a CP, you would assign the strategy
to a compound like REACTOR_N, you will then assign the compound to a CP and then
Deploy the compound and its content.
23. Delete both the strategy Reactor and the compound REACTOR_N.
24. Redo the lab if you need to.

Group Activity – Bingo

The purpose of the Bingo exercise is a review of the recently discussed material. The subject matter
is material since the last review activity.

• Learners are divided into teams.
• Each team receives a bingo card. This card has the numbers 1 to 25 randomly
arranged in a 5x5 grid with the words BINGO across the top.
• During the first 5 minutes, each team reviews the Learner Guide material on Infusion
View, Access Manager, and Appearance Object Editor.
• The Facilitator asks the first question.
• Learners write the correct answer on a piece of paper (along with the name of the
team), and hand it to the Facilitator.
• The Facilitator reads the correct answer.
• Facilitator randomly selects a BINGO number between 1-25 (both numbers
• Teams with the correct answer mark the square with this number on their bingo

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Programmable Block Editors

• The process is repeated:

• Read a question, ask teams to hand in their answers to the expert, read the
answer, select a random number, and ask teams that gave the correct answer to
mark the appropriate square.
• At the end of the session, team scores are calculated based on:
• All/maximum number of squares marked in the bingo card
• Plus one bonus point for each row, column, or diagonal that has all five squares
• Learners can yell out the word “BINGO” when traditional BINGO has been
achieved – a full row, column, or diagonal of 5 squares marked off.
Activity Time Allowed

Review the material in the Learner Guide Modules 5 minutes

Play the game: questions asked, answered, scored 15 minutes

Discuss relevant material, topic questions 5 minutes


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Appearance Object Editor
Appearance Object Editor

Table of Contents
InFusion Appearance Object Editor...............................................................309
Appearance Object Editor Overview .....................................................311
Differences between ICC, IACC and IEE ........................................311
Strategy .....................................................................................................311
Strategy Editor Window ...................................................................312
Forward Engineering and Backdocumentation ....................................313
Forward Engineering ........................................................................313
Backdocumentation ..........................................................................314
Block Template Appearance Object.......................................................320
Inserting a block into a Strategy .......................................................321
Block Connections in a Strategy.......................................................322
Strategy Appearance Object .............................................................323
Modifying the Appearance Object..........................................................324
Appearance Object Editor Components ...........................................324
Toolbars Icons ..................................................................................326
Shapes Window ................................................................................327
PortAreas Master Descriptions .........................................................328
Editing an InFusion Object...............................................................329
Scaling and Positioning ....................................................................329
Editing an InFusion Object - Adding Parameters.............................329
Adding Text ......................................................................................331
Adding Graphics...............................................................................332
Creating a Hyperlink.........................................................................333
Creating a New InFusion Appearance Object.......................................334
Creating a Custom Appearance Object .................................................335
SAMA Symbols Library Visio stencils ...................................................337
Examples - Control Loop Drawings .......................................................338
Boiler Control Loop Drawing CAD Format.....................................338
Boiler Control Loop Strategy – Default IEE Block Appearance .....339
Boiler Control Loop Strategy – SAMA symbols in IEE Editor .......340
LAB - Appearance Editor........................................................................341

Participant Guide Page 309

Appearance Object Editor

Appearance Object Editor Overview

Reference documentation:
• InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Appearance Object Editor
(B0750AE, Rev A)
• InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Strategy Editor (B0750AN, Rev A)
• InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Common Graphical Editor features
(B0750AG, Rev A)

What’s an appearance object?

Appearance objects are Microsoft® Visio® objects that represent I/A Series blocks and
control strategies in IEE. During configuration, appearance objects enable you to insert
blocks into a strategy, connect parameters, embed one control strategy into another, and
connect strategy attributes to declared variables.

Differences between ICC, IACC and IEE

A comparison is available in the InFusion Engineering Environment module of the Learner Guide.

Reference documentation: Refer to Chapter 1, InFusion™ Enterprise Control System
Strategy Editor (B0750AN, Rev A)
• Strategies are the objects in IEE that contain the logic to control a single entity.
• A strategy is logical model of the single entity.

Participant Guide Page 311

Appearance Object Editor

• A strategy consists of one or more interconnected I/A Series blocks and variables
that enable connection of the strategy to other control elements.
• A strategy can also include other strategies connected to blocks or other embedded
strategies via their I/O variables.

Strategy Editor Window

The Figure below shows a strategy opened in the Strategy Editor that includes analog input
and output blocks, a PID block, and a nested strategy. Each of these items is represented in
the Strategy Editor by a Visio® drawing object called an appearance object. The appearance
object displays selected object parameters, provides a means for connecting parameters to
attributes in other objects, and identifies when the object is executed within the strategy.


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Appearance Object Editor

Forward Engineering and Backdocumentation

Different application engineering software is being used to:
• fully automate development of I/A Series Control Database.
• enhance engineering productivity, enabling you to create and document control
programs in a graphical environment.
• simplify maintenance and documentation including backdocumentation.
Historical evolution includes: ICC, FoxCAE, IACC, IEE.

Forward Engineering
General concept in CAE, IACC and IEE:

Participant Guide Page 313

Appearance Object Editor

• Backdocumentation is a process of loading (uploading) an existing CP database into
the FoxCAE, IACC or IEE and organizing the Compounds and Blocks into Control
loops, CSD’s or Strategies for easier documentation control database maintenance
and validation purposes.
• Different rendering of the Loops, Control Strategy Diagrams and Strategies are being
generated as an output from different Application Engineering Configuration tools.

FoxCAE Loop Drawing

The following figure is a sample of a FoxCAE loop drawing which displays the connections
between the blocks in a loop.


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Appearance Object Editor

Participant Guide Page 315

Appearance Object Editor

IACC Control Strategy Drawing (CSD)

The following drawing is a sample of a Control Strategy Drawing (CSD) in IACC, showing
the connections between the blocks in a loop.


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Appearance Object Editor

IEE Control Strategy default IEE Blocks Appearance

The following drawing displays the Control Strategy in IEE.

Participant Guide Page 317

Appearance Object Editor

Typical Functional Diagram SAMA Symbols

The following drawing displays the SAMA symbols.
SAMA – Scientific Apparatus Manufacturer’s Association, which is a Standard used in
power companies (heavily in Germany).


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Appearance Object Editor

IEE Control Strategy SAMA symbols in IEE editor

The control strategy diagram in IEE (IEE Control Strategy default IEE blocks appearance)
translates to this picture (SAMA symbols in IEE editor).

Participant Guide Page 319

Appearance Object Editor

Block Template Appearance Object

Reference documentation: Refer to Chapter 1, InFusion™ Enterprise Control System
Appearance Object Editor (B0750AE, Rev A).
Each block and strategy template listed in the Template Toolbox contains a default Invensys
defined appearance object. When a new template or instance is created, the new object
inherits the appearance object from the defining template. The following figure shows the
default appearance object for a block template derived from the template $PIDA.


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Appearance Object Editor

Inserting a block into a Strategy

The following figure shows how the appearance object is used in the Strategy Editor to
represent a block. In the example, a PIDA block has just been added to a strategy template.
To add a block to a strategy:
Drag the template name from the Template Toolbox and drop it in the Strategy Editor

Participant Guide Page 321

Appearance Object Editor

Block Connections in a Strategy

Other blocks (and strategies) can now be added the strategy, and parameters can be
connected to other block parameters or to declared variables. The following Figure shows a
second PIDA block added to the strategy. Four declared variables have been connected to
the block inputs and outputs, and the blocks have been connected so that the second PIDA
provides back-calculation input to the first block. The present order of block execution
reflects when the blocks were inserted into the strategy, and can be changed in the Execution
Order tab.


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Appearance Object Editor

Strategy Appearance Object

The strategy has its own appearance object to represent it when it is inserted into another
strategy. The appearance object can be viewed and modified in the Strategy Editor’s
Appearance Object tab. The following figure shows the appearance object for the strategy
depicted in the previous figure.

Participant Guide Page 323

Appearance Object Editor

Modifying the Appearance Object

Reference documentation: Refer to Chapter 1, InFusion™ Enterprise Control System
Appearance Object Editor (B0750AE, Rev A).
There are three ways to modify the Appearance Object:
1. Edit the default InFusion object in order to:
• Modify scaling and position of the Object
• Arrange Parameters
• Add Parameters
• Add Text
• Add Graphics
• Create Hyperlink
2. Build a new InFusion appearance object
3. Create a custom appearance object

Appearance Object Editor Components

Reference documentation: Refer to Chapter 2, InFusion™ Enterprise Control System
Appearance Object Editor (B0750AE, Rev A).
The Appearance Object Editor is a Visio control that runs within IEE and is made available
as a tab page on any block or strategy template.


Page 324 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

Appearance Object Editor

The Figure below shows the appearance object for a template derived from an Invensys
PIDA block and identifies the major components in the Appearance Object Editor tab. (Note
that the image has been modified to show multiple components that normally are not
displayed simultaneously; for example, the Default and Edit command buttons, which are
mutually exclusive, are both shown as active.)

Participant Guide Page 325

Appearance Object Editor

Toolbars Icons
Toggles Display of 4 toolbar menus Pencil Tool. Freehand Lines

Opens Stencil dialog box Rectangle Tool.

Changes the cursor to pointer Ellipse Tool.

Insert Picture

Restores most recently undone edit Insert Hyperlink

Horizontal/Vertical Alignment
Zoom in

Even Distribution Tool

Zoom out

Horizontal Flip Tool

Current Scale

Vertical Flip Tool

Comment Tool

Line Tool. Straight Lines Rotates 90 cw

Rotates 90 ccw

Bring to the Front

Bring to the Back

Group Objects

Ungroup Objects


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Appearance Object Editor

Shapes Window

Participant Guide Page 327

Appearance Object Editor

PortAreas Master Descriptions

Title Area: This rectangle containing the Name and Execution Index areas is used at the top
of all default Invensys-defined block and strategy appearance objects.
Info Area: This rectangle, which is placed at the bottom of all default Invensys-defined
block and strategy appearance objects, is used for showing parameters values. The height of
the area expands automatically as parameters are added. The area cannot be used for
connecting parameters.
Left Port Area: This area is used for connections on the left side of the appearance object,
usually but not necessarily, for input (or sink) parameters. Only connectable parameters can
be added to this area.
Right Port Area: This area is used for connections on the right side of the appearance
object, usually but not necessarily, for output (or source) parameters. Only connectable
parameters can be added to this area.
Top Port Area and Bottom Port Area: These areas are used for connections on the top
edge and bottom edge of the appearance object respectively. Only connectable parameters
can be added to these areas. The parameter names are displayed on end (rotated 90°
counterclockwise). You can expand the height of the area after it has been dragged onto the
drawing page but before the Finish Frame button is clicked. Make sure that the Top Port
Area is placed above all other masters on the page before clicking the Finish Frame button.
Likewise, the Bottom Port Area should be below other areas on the page before you click
Finish Frame.
Left Right Port Area: This master, which is used on all default appearance objects for
blocks and strategies, combines the left and right port areas.
Left Info Right Port Area: This area combines the Info Area with left and right port areas.
The height of the three areas is automatically adjusted as parameters are added to one of the
Name Area: This area enables display of the name and type of the block or strategy
anywhere in the appearance object separate from the title area.
Execution Index Area: This area enables display of the object’s execution order anywhere
in the appearance object separate from the title area.


Page 328 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.

Appearance Object Editor

Editing an InFusion Object

When a block or strategy is opened in the Appearance Object Editor tab for the first time,
the editor displays the appearance object as inherited from the defining template. When the
inherited object is the default Invensys defined appearance object, the only active commands
in the toolbar are the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons and the view scaling combo box. The
Edit and Create Frame command buttons are active.

Scaling and Positioning

A variety of scaling and positioning tools are available when you select the object.

• Move handles on the top and bottom edges of the object. Drag a handle in any
direction to move the object on the drawing page. The object maintains its size and
aspect ratio.
• Resize handles on the center of the left and right sides. Drag the handle on either
side to adjust the width of the object. The opposite side remains anchored as the
object’s aspect ratio changes.

Editing an InFusion Object - Adding Parameters

1. Right-click the appearance object and choose Add Parameter from the pop-up
menu to display the Select Parameter dialog box.
The dialog box displays the object’s parameters that are not already shown in the
appearance object.

Participant Guide Page 329

Appearance Object Editor

2. Use the check boxes in the Parameter Attributes group to filter the list displayed in
the Parameters list box.
A parameter is included in the list if it has at least one of the checked attributes.
3. Drag the parameter to be added from the dialog box and drop it into one of the areas
in the appearance object.
Only connectable parameters can be placed in a port area. Any parameter can be
added to an information area.
The selected parameter is removed from the dialog box.
If necessary, the port or information area is automatically expanded to include the
new parameter, which appears below those already in the area.


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Appearance Object Editor

The Figures below show a block appearance object before and after three parameters
were added to the information area.

4. Add other parameters to the object and arrange the order as needed.
5. Click Close or in the Select Parameter dialog box.

Adding Text
To add text to the appearance object:
1. Click T in the toolbar to select the text tool, click a position on the drawing page to
create a text box, and enter the text in the box.
The editor adds the typed characters using the default settings for font, size,
alignment and the other text attributes.
2. Format the text by selecting the text and using the appropriate tools in the toolbar.
Note that you cannot modify the text attributes of any Invensys defined features
(such as a parameter name in a port area). When the text tool is active, the editor
displays the following message if the appearance object is selected:
Shape protection and/or layer properties prevent complete execution of this
For more information on Adding Text, refer to Chapter 2, InFusion™ Enterprise
Control System Appearance Object Editor (B0750AE, Rev A).

Participant Guide Page 331

Appearance Object Editor

Adding Graphics
For more information on Adding Graphics, refer to Chapter 2, InFusion™ Enterprise
Control System Appearance Object Editor (B0750AE, Rev A).
To add graphics to an Invensys defined appearance object:
1. Click Invensys: Edit if the editor is not already in edit mode.
2. Use the appropriate drawing tools in the toolbar to add lines, rectangles, and other
elements to the drawing page.
3. Use the formatting options in the toolbar to change the line weight, fill color and
other attributes of an element.
4. Click the picture icon in the toolbar to open the Insert Picture dialog box. Use the
following figure to browse for and place an image on the drawing page.

The image is pasted into the drawing, not imported by reference. Once pasted onto
the page, the image can be scaled, oriented and positioned using the tools in the
5. Click the arrow in the toolbar to select the pointer tool.


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Appearance Object Editor

6. Select and position the drawing objects using handles on the object and the graphics
buttons in the toolbar.
7. Click Invensys: Update to add all elements on the drawing page to the appearance

Refer to Common Graphical Editor Features (B0750AG) for additional information

on adding and formatting drawings and pictures in the IEE graphical editors.

Creating a Hyperlink
For more information on Creating a Hyperlink, refer to Chapter 2, InFusion™ Enterprise
Control System Appearance Object Editor (B0750AE, Rev A).
Configure hyperlinks in the appearance object to make instructions, planning documents and
other files accessible from the appearance object in the Strategy Editor.
1. Click the Hyperlink icon in the toolbar to open the Hyperlinks dialog box.

2. Use the dialog box to browse to and select the target file, and click OK.
3. Right-click the appearance object and choose the file name from the popup menu to
test the link.

Participant Guide Page 333

Appearance Object Editor

Refer to Common Graphical Editor Features (B0750AG) for additional information

on adding hyperlinks in the IEE graphical editors.

Creating a New InFusion Appearance Object

For more information on Creating a new InFusion Appearance Object, refer to Chapter 2,
InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Appearance Object Editor (B0750AE, Rev A).
To create a new InFusion appearance object:
1. Click Create Frame in the Invensys group. The selected page is cleared and the
Shapes window displays the PortAreas stencil.
2. Insert drawing elements by dragging each selected master from the stencil and
dropping it into the editing window.


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Appearance Object Editor

The editor automatically aligns and joins the elements when you click the Finish
Frame button.

3. Arrange the copied masters vertically, and, if desired, adjust the height of top and
bottom port areas.
4. Click Finish Frame.
The editor stacks the elements according to their top-to-bottom order on the page,
aligns the elements vertically and sets a uniform width.

Creating a Custom Appearance Object

For more information on Creating a Custom Appearance Object, refer to Chapter 2,
InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Appearance Object Editor (B0750AE, Rev A).
The Appearance Object Editor supports the creation of custom appearance objects to
represent blocks and strategies. The editor converts an image that you create into an

Participant Guide Page 335

Appearance Object Editor

appearance object (a finished frame). After the image is converted, you can add parameters
and edit the object as you would an Invensys appearance object. You can use any
combination of the following methods to create the image:
• Assemble the image using graphics and text tools in the editor tab.
• Develop the image using Visio or a similar application, and then import the image
into the Appearance Object Editor.
• Copy one or more masters from the PortAreas stencil. When you start a custom
object, the PortAreas stencil is displayed in the Shapes window. Masters from the
PortAreas stencil can be included, but they are not required.
To create a custom appearance object:
1. Click Create Frame in the Custom group. The selected page is cleared and the
Shapes window displays the PortAreas stencil.
2. Insert drawing elements by dragging each selected master from the stencil and
dropping into the editing window.

For detailed information on Custom Appearance objects, refer to Chapter 2,

InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Appearance Object Editor
(B0750AE, Rev A).


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Appearance Object Editor

SAMA Symbols Library Visio stencils

The following Figure displays the list of Visio stencils in the SAMA symbols library.

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Appearance Object Editor

Examples - Control Loop Drawings

This section provides examples of Control loop drawings using the CAD format, in IEE
Block Appearance and IEE SAMA symbols Appearance format.

Boiler Control Loop Drawing CAD Format

The following Figure displays a Control loop drawing in CAD format.


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Appearance Object Editor

Boiler Control Loop Strategy – Default IEE Block Appearance

The following Figure displays the same Control Loop Strategy using the IEE Block

Participant Guide Page 339

Appearance Object Editor

Boiler Control Loop Strategy – SAMA symbols in IEE Editor

The following Figure displays the same Control Loop Strategy drawing in IEE using SAMA
Appearance objects for the blocks.


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Appearance Object Editor

LAB - Appearance Editor

Objective: Use the Appearance Editor and its tools.

1. Open IEE.
2. Create a Derived Strategy as shown below.

3. Rename the new Strategy Appearance_XX where XX is your last initials.

4. Create a new Derived PIDA block as shown below.

5. Rename the new block, PIDA_XX where XX is your initials.

Participant Guide Page 341

Appearance Object Editor

6. Open the Derived Strategy created earlier and drag the Derived block to the editor’s
window. Make sure you drag the block entering the editor’s window from the top or
left sides.
7. Repeat the above step so that you have two blocks in your strategy.
Arrange parameter locations and make the connections shown below. Make sure you
use the + in the Input and Output Declaration fields.
Note: To make the connection, click the Object with the mouse and join the two
desired points together. Remember the Reverse Icon in Visio.

8. Select the Appearance Object Tab and verify that Strategy’s inputs and outputs are
If the Appearance Object has not changed from the default, you must go back to the
Strategy Tab and select the Save Icon shaped like a Diskette on the IEE button bar.
Now Check the Appearance Object Tab. Do not Close the Strategy.
9. Double-click the Template PIDA_XX, and select the Appearance Editor tab.
10. On the bottom Tab of the Appearance Object Editor right-click and select Add
Appearance Object. Right-click again and rename this tab to PIDA_Edit. Select
First Tab, right-click and rename this tab default.


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Appearance Object Editor

11. Select the tab PIDA_Edit and select Edit in the block editor. Select the Block and
right-click to select Add Parameters.

12. Modify the Block Appearance adding new parameters as shown below:
a. From the pop-up window, select the following parameters: HHALIM,
HOALIM, LLALIM, and LOALIM and drag them to the block’s information

Participant Guide Page 343

Appearance Object Editor

b. Add the parameters as listed below. The appearance of the object will be similar
to that shown below.

c. Select the IEE Save Icon for the PIDA_XX. Select the Tab at the bottom of the
Strategy work area called Appearance_XX and ensure that the Strategy Tab is
selected. Select the PIDA that is executed first. Right-click and select the
Appearance Object.


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Appearance Object Editor

d. Select the Update Button on the Appearance object.

e. Select the Tab PIDA_EDIT and OK. Now the First PID is different from the
second PID. Correct? _________
f. Go back to the PIDA_XX Tab. Delete one parameter by dragging it off the
block’s area. Select the Save in IEE.
g. Select the Tab Appearance_XX and select the first PID, right-click and select
Appearance Object, Update appearance object, select tab PIDA_EDIT and
OK. Now is the first PID is different than before? _____
h. Go back to the PIDA_XX tab, add the deleted parameter back.
i. Move the input parameter BCALCI to the output side by dragging it. Move the
output parameter BCALCO to the input side of the PIDA.
j. Save and bring the changed PIDA appearance object into both PIDA blocks in
the strategy.

Participant Guide Page 345

Appearance Object Editor

Working with Custom objects:

SAMA stands for Scientific Apparatus Makers Association. SAMA diagrams are one of the
most widely used standards for process control application planning. The SAMA
architecture is used to describe and document control strategies and systems for industrial,
utility, and boiler systems. The SAMA diagramming environment is popular because of its
ease-of-use and ability to clearly describe the application process.
13. Make sure SAMA.vss file is available in your system. The SAMA.vss file on your
system will be in D:/LAB.
14. Open your derived block PIDA_XX, select tab Appearance Object.
15. Create a new tab in the appearance editor called SAMA_PIDA.
16. Open Microsoft Visio as shown below.


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Appearance Object Editor

17. Using Visio, locate and launch the SAMA.vss file. You will have something similar
to the following:

18. Select the SAMA_PID tab. On the Custom area, click Create Frame. Select a
SAMA PIDA called PID2 from the SAMA stencil and drag it to the window. Make
the PIDA connections as shown in next two pictures. Add the MEAS to the top and
the OUT to the bottom.

Participant Guide Page 347

Appearance Object Editor

19. You need to understand SAMA to make the connections. Here is an easy way; Select
the object and ensure that the MEAS area and OUT area are brought to the front.


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Appearance Object Editor

20. Now use the object and stretch the MEAS big enough for letters as shown in the
diagram below. This is done by using the text, and typing in the word MEAS and

21. Open the Tab Appearance_XX, select the first PID, right-click and select
Appearance Object. Select Update, select SAMA_PIDA tab and click OK.

Participant Guide Page 349

Appearance Object Editor


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InFusion Application Server
InFusion Application Server

Table of Contents

Overview of InFusion Application Server .............................................353

LAB – InFusion Application Server .......................................................355
Make a new Engine / Area to host the new ArchestrA Object.........356
Build ArchestrA Objects: Here Build a Digital and Analog Object.357
Configure the ArchestrA Analog Object, to write remote setpoint (RSP)
Configure the ArchestrA Discrete, to write remote set point switch (REMSW)
Assign and Deploy the New Objects ................................................363

Participant Guide Page 351

InFusion Application Server

Overview of InFusion Application Server

Reference: Wonderware Industrial Application Server User’s Guide

ArchestrA Objects

ArchestrA Objects Types

Component Objects
These objects are common components in a system. Examples include: valves, dryers,
motors, pumps, clarifiers, centrifuges, etc.
Logical Objects
These objects encapsulate complex calculations and other math-intensive functions which
are common to specific vertical markets. The Totalizer is included in this category.
This category includes the ArchestrA Bulk Import Utility, source code examples and other
useful items.
Network Objects
These ArchestrA Objects provide connectivity from field devices to the ArchestrA
environment. Examples include PLCs, fieldbus devices and smart instruments.

Participant Guide Page 353

InFusion Application Server

Process Objects
The Sequencer and the Defined Object are in this category. These objects allow the user to
customize programs and define manufacturing steps.
Proxy Objects
These objects provide ArchestrA connectivity to third-party products and related
All ArchestrA Quickstarts are now available for download via the Wonderware Tech
Support website.
Utility Objects
These objects are useful for backup, failover, and other functions.


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InFusion Application Server

LAB – InFusion Application Server

This lab enables learners to work with the InFusion Application Server.

Lab Objectives:
In this lab, the learners will do the following:
• Make a new Engine / Area to host the new ArchestrA Object
• Build a digital object
• Build an analog object
• Configure these objects to read and write I/A data
• Assign and deploy the objects
• Bring faceplates/detail displays/trend overlays into InFusion View though InFusion
View Block Select.

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InFusion Application Server

Make a new Engine / Area to host the new ArchestrA Object.

1. Open Folder System in the Template Toolbox

2. Right click AppEngine Æ New Æ Instance
3. Right click Area Æ New Æ Instance


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InFusion Application Server

4. Rename these in the Deployment View under Unassigned Hosts to the following
Engine A2IA
Area A2IA_Area
5. Drag the Area under the Engine

Build ArchestrA Objects: Here Build a Digital and Analog Object.

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InFusion Application Server

6. Open Application in Template Toolbox

7. Right click Æ AnalogDevice Æ New Æ Instance
8. Right click Æ DiscreteDevice Æ New Æ Instance

9. Rename the AnalogDevice / DiscreteDevice as show above

10. Drag the 2 objects into the A2IA_Area


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Configure the ArchestrA Analog Object, to write remote setpoint (RSP)

11. Open the Analog_A2IA object and enable analog output

12. General tab select box for output as above,

13. From I/O PV input source, Select browse feature.

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InFusion Application Server

14. Navigate to I/A Series Browser, ensure that the DI & Extensions have been
expanded and point to a DI Server as shown above.
15. Select Parameter RSP in your WAVES.SINE block
16. Select OK, save, and check in.

Configure the ArchestrA Discrete, to write remote set point switch (REMSW)

17. Open the Discreate_A2IA object and enable analog output

18. General tab select box for Enable output as above.


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19. In the states tab change the Second Active state to Local Setpoint and the First
Active state to Remote Setpoint

20. Select the Outputs tab, browse from Output 1 Destination Reference and Navigate to
I/A Series Browser Select Parameter REMSW in your WAVES.SINE block.
21. Select the browse from Output 2 Destination Reference and Navigate to I/A Series
Browser Select Parameter LOCSW in your WAVES.SINE block.

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InFusion Application Server

22. Select the proper check marks for the proper output, 2 is Local, 1 is remote like the
example below.

23. Select the check box next to Remote Setpoint, select OK, Save and Check in.


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Assign and Deploy the New Objects

24. Drag the Engine below AW7001

25. Right click the A2IA and cascade deploy

26. Select Analog_A2IA, and enter Object Viewer

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27. Drag PV from Analog_A2IA and Cmd from Discrete_A2IA into watch list


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28. Change the Analog PV to 70 and Verify Changes on InFusion View

29. Double Click Cmd, Change to Remote Setpoint , Apply, Verify in InFusion View

30. Verify Change, in Object View and InFusionView

31. Change Setpoint to 10 and Verify Change in InFusionView

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InFusion Galactic Security
InFusion Galactic Security

Table of Contents

ArchestrA Security with IAS and InTouch ...........................................369

ArchestrA Security Model.......................................................................369
Security Model Classifications .........................................................370
Assigning Security Groups ......................................................................371
Security Roles...................................................................................372
User Security Assignments...............................................................373
Galaxy Security Model Diagram ......................................................373
IEE - Object Change Tracking ...............................................................375
Object History...................................................................................376
Changes Done to Objects Query in Galaxy Database ......................377
Block Editor Security Settings..........................................................378
Sync Server ...............................................................................................379
Resetting DA Server .........................................................................379
Synchronization Service ...................................................................381
Synchronization database .................................................................382
View of InFusionDeployedDb Security ...........................................383
InFusion View Security............................................................................384
InFusion Framer Configuration Security ..............................................385
InFusion Framer Security Permissions..................................................385
Break Security in a Galaxy......................................................................386
Change to a known password ...........................................................387
LAB - InFusion ArchestrA Security.......................................................389

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ArchestrA Security with IAS and InTouch

Reference documentation: Chapter 11, Wonderware® Industrial Application Server
User’s Guide
ArchestrA security is designed to prevent users from performing unauthorized activities.
This includes users of:
• IDE when configuring and deploying objects
• System Management Console (SMC) when performing maintenance and system
administration functions
• View (or other GUI client applications) when performing runtime operations
including monitoring, control and data entry functions.
• Other future ArchestrA utilities
• All Control of Users is from the Galaxy Database

ArchestrA Security Model

Reference documentation: Chapter 11, Wonderware Industrial Application Server User’s
Before you open the security editor for a Galaxy, make sure:
• No other user is connected to the Galaxy.
• All objects in the Galaxy are checked in.
• Your user profile has configuration permissions to change Framework
configuration/Modify Security Model, if security is previously configured.
If you try to open the security editor before these conditions are met, a warning message
appears and you are denied access.
Other users who try to open the Galaxy while you are configuring security are denied access
to the Galaxy.

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InFusion Galactic Security

On the Galaxy menu, click Configure and then click Security. The Configure Security
dialog box appears.

Security Model Classifications

IEE Security Settings

• InFusion has either none or Galaxy security available
• No other user can be connected to Galaxy when editing security
• All objects are checked in
• Table object in Galaxy database lists checked-out objects
• Your user profile needs to have configuration permissions
• No one can access Galaxy when security is being configured
Chapter 11 of Industrial Application Server User’s Guide is the guide for security. This is a
Wonderware portion of InFusion there are no IPS Documents.

Objects Runtime Settings

• Security settings available
• These are described in Block Configurator (B0750AH)


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• The Operational Permissions that can be associated with a role: Can Modify
“Operate” Attributes: Allows users with operational permissions to do certain normal
day-to-day tasks like changing setpoint, output and control mode for a PID object, or
commanding a Discrete Device object.
• Can Modify “Tune” Attributes: Allows users to tune the attribute in the runtime
environment. Examples of tuning are attributes that adjust alarm setpoints and PID
• Can Modify “Configure” Attributes: Allows users to configure the attribute’s
value. Requires that the user first put the object Offscan. Writing to these attributes is
considered a significant configuration change, for example, a PLC register that
defines a Discrete Device input.
• Can Acknowledge Alarms: Allows users to manually acknowledge an alarm in the
run-time environment.

InFusion View
• How to configure which security is used by InFusion View. The default is ArchestrA
or Galaxy security.

Assigning Security Groups

Reference documentation: Chapter 11, Wonderware Industrial Application Server User’s
Every object in the Galaxy belongs to only one security group. You can create and manage
security groups that make sense for your organization. These security groups are mapped to
roles on the Roles page.
• Add Security groups
• Limited to 32 characters
• All objects need to be configured to one security group
• I/A Compound Objects are the security object used by ArchestrA security. All
strategies and blocks in the compound will have the same security as the I/A

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Security Roles
Reference documentation: Chapter 11, Wonderware Industrial Application Server User’s
You can create and manage user roles that apply to your organization’s processes and work-
based authorities. Two roles are defined by default: Administrator and Default. You can
specify General and Operational Permissions for each role:
• General permissions relate to application configuration and administration tasks.
• Operational permissions relate to the security groups listed on the Security Groups
page. By default, the Administrator has all permissions.


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InFusion Galactic Security

User Security Assignments

1. Create a new user by clicking the Add button. If you selected the Authentication
mode as Galaxy, type a name for the user.
2. Select the user, use the + sign, and set up a password. Assign a role for the user

Galaxy Security Model Diagram

Reference documentation: Chapter 11, Wonderware Industrial Application Server User’s
The default Galaxy Security model includes:
• Two users: DefaultUser and Administrator, both with full access to everything.
• One security group named Default.
• Two security roles: Default and Administrator, both with full privileges.

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InFusion Galactic Security

The security matrix defines a cascading model of users associated with specific roles that
are associated with specific security groups that are associated with specific objects. User
run-time permissions can vary from object to object, action to action, and process to process.
The security icons associated with object attributes map directly to control points in the
ArchestrA security model.


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IEE - Object Change Tracking

IEE by design always tracks any edits:
• Tracks when and who has checked out an object
• Tracks when and who has checked in an object
• Comment field comes up when object is checked in
• Can be found individually from properties of object
• Can be found in a SQL Query of the Galaxy of all known objects
SELECT t.tag_name, l.change_date, l.user_profile_name
FROM gobject t, gobject_change_log l
WHERE t.gobject_id = l.gobject_id
AND l.change_date > '6/2/2006 00:00:00 AM'
ORDER BY l.change_date DESC

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InFusion Galactic Security

Object History
Object History can be accessed by right-clicking the object and selecting Properties. Select
the Change-log tab.
Change Log details the object’s history with the date, time and user for actions such as
check-in and configuration updates.


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Changes Done to Objects Query in Galaxy Database

Query in database to view changes done to objects. The query displays on the upper half of
the screen (shown below). The Query results from the database available from the lower half
of the screen. The database that you are querying is on the left.

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InFusion Galactic Security

Block Editor Security Settings

Reference documentation: Chapter 1, section Controlling Access to Parameter Values, in
InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Block Configurator (B0750AH, Rev. A)
The Block Configurator allows you to specify user access to individual settable parameters
in the I/A Series system based on the user’s log-in information. By default, the settable
parameters are set to Operate, which allows operators to write to the parameters.
To specify access privileges for settable parameters:
1. Click the Security tab to display current security setting.

The tab consists of a seven-column table with each column listing the parameters assigned
to a specific access level:


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InFusion Galactic Security

Sync Server
Reference documentation: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Access Manager
(B0750AD, Rev. A)
To login to Sync Server:
1. Select InFusion > InFusion Access > InFusion SyncService Utility.
2. In the dialog box that appears, enter the Server name.
3. If the password has been changed, click the Log On tab.
4. Type in the Galaxy name and the new Administrator Password, click Log On.

Resetting DA Server
Reference documentation: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Access Manager
(B0750AD, Rev. A)
The Galaxy Sync Service maintains all configuration data and client states inside a SQL
Server database. The IEE can instruct the Galaxy Sync Service to perform a reset of the
database. The IEE Galaxy menu item Refresh History and Security Database forces IEE
to refresh every deployed CP cascade, populates the galaxy with new history and security
objects, and activates the Galaxy Sync Service.
Note: The refresh process is NOT intended for casual use. Rather, it is designed for use
after a system has been initially configured (that is, near the end of system
commissioning) or substantially re-configured (that is during a shutdown or
maintenance period). It may also be used after a catastrophic failure has occurred
that caused a database corruption or other similar problem.

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InFusion Galactic Security

To refresh history and security objects:

1. Open the galaxy in IEE, preferably on the galaxy repository server, if it is not already
2. Make sure all objects are closed.
3. Select the galaxy node at the top of the Template Toolbox or one of the Application
4. Choose Galaxy -> Refresh History and Security Database from the main menu.
The refresh feature works for systems configured with the IEE. It does not work for systems
configured with other tools such as IACC.


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InFusion Galactic Security

Synchronization Service
Reference documentation: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Access Manager
(B0750AD, Rev. A)
The Galaxy Sync Service reads history and security configuration data from the galaxy
when activated by the IEE control database deployment package and creates XML files
containing the data read from the galaxy:
GalaxySecurity1.xml ... GalaxySecurity20.xml
GalaxyHistory1.xml ... GalaxyHistory20.xml
These files are stored in the framework bin directory at:
These files, which are cyclically overwritten each time a deployment occurs, may be viewed
between deployment operations.

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InFusion Galactic Security

Synchronization database
Reference documentation: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System Access Manager
(B0750AD, Rev. A)
The Galaxy Sync Service maintains all configuration data and client states inside a SQL
server database (IADeployedDb). The MS SQL database can be both viewed and queried
using the SQL Server Management Studio.


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InFusion Galactic Security

View of InFusionDeployedDb Security

In the SQL server, view the security database, all the security information for each
compound, block, and parameter.

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InFusion Galactic Security

InFusion View Security

Reference documentation: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System InFusion View User’s
Guide (B0750AQ, Rev. A)
You can log on, log off or change your security password with the Security Logon dialog
1. Click the Listed User in the title bar, or select File > Logon to open the Security
Logon dialog box.
2. Enter a user name and password. Enter a Domain name if required by the configured
security model. Click OK.
The field goes blank if you use an invalid entry or don't have correct user
permissions. Login is only allowed if Security has been enabled in the Galaxy.
After a successful logon the user name appears in the Title Bar.


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InFusion Galactic Security

InFusion Framer Configuration Security

Reference documentation: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System InFusion View Framer
and Alarm Management (B0750AR, Rev. A)
Launch InFusion View Framer (as shown below), and select the Configuration tab to view
the Security settings.
Various InTouch environment settings are consolidated in the Configuration object. These
settings are associated to Workstation Settings in InFusion View Framer.

InFusion Framer Security Permissions

Reference documentation: InFusion™ Enterprise Control System InFusion View Framer
and Alarm Management (B0750AR, Rev. A)
Permissions are set for each user role of InTouch users, such as Operator, Engineer and
Administrator. They control access to applications such as Block Select, and standard
actions such as minimizing and shutting down InFusion View. User roles are configured
initially in the InFusion Engineering Environment.
To edit the properties of permissions:
1. In the Configuration Explorer, open the Properties tree.
2. Select Permissions. A spreadsheet appears with a column for each user role.
3. To create a new user role, right-click Permissions and select New.
4. To rename this role, right-click it and select Rename. Type the new name and press

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5. For each property row in the spreadsheet, check the appropriate box in each cell.
Save the changes.

Break Security in a Galaxy

• From the IDE create a new galaxy.
• This will create a default database for a new galaxy
• This will have Administrator with a blank password
• The password change is done in Microsoft SQL server studio
• Database will be the Galaxy with the unknown password
• Database that will supply password is the database that has been created as a new
• When you are able to enter the old Galaxy, the new galaxy can be deleted


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Change to a known password

• Table user_profile has password_hash column
• This entry needs to be replaced with a known entry
• from the new galaxy that has been created
• Select File and Save and now the password is known.

Participant Guide Page 387

InFusion Galactic Security

LAB - InFusion ArchestrA Security

Setting up Galaxy security is a complex task as too much or too little security will pose
problems to plant operations.
• In this lab you (service engineer) will enable a galactic security model for a small
• This plant also has users who are operators, instrument technicians as well as
• You will setup security for a group of users who each have different assignments in
the plant.
• After you create the security, you will deploy a pre-created strategy that has each of
these security options.
• Next, you will log into InFusion View and test the newly created security.
• After the security is verified you will view the security files on the hard drive, MS
SQL database files.

Enabling Objective
• Enable the service engineer to implement a customers InFusion Security model.
• Enable the service engineer to enter a locked Galaxy Repository

Lab Objective
To enable learners do the following:
• Add users in the Galaxy Security Model
• Develop a Galaxy Security Model
• Deploy Security Model
• Test security features by changing users in SMC, IDE, and InTouch
• Check files and Databases to check security settings
• Reference documents: (available on InSQL CD)
• Wonderware FactorySuite A2 Deployment Guide

Import the exported object Security.aqPKG (this section is only done on the Server
1. From IEE, select Galaxy -> Import -> Automation Objects.
2. Navigate to D:\LAB\Security Lab, and select Security.aqPKG.

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InFusion Galactic Security

3. Select Skip in the Object Version Conflict and Object Name Conflict fields as
shown below, and select Ok.

4. Move the Compound Security from the unassigned folder into FUSECP.

Review Security settings of security_lab strategy:

5. Open the Security Strategy, open each block, and verify Security options for the SPT
of each of the following PID blocks:
6. PID1 SPT is ____________________
7. PID2 SPT is ____________________
8. PID3 SPT is ____________________
9. PID4 SPT is ____________________
10. PID5 SPT is ____________________
11. PID6 SPT is ____________________

12. Deploy the Strategy and compound Security.

Enable ArchestrA (Galaxy security):

13. Open the IDE, select Galaxy -> Configure -> Security


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InFusion Galactic Security

14. Most common to get the following message:

15. You need to find the Templates/Instances that are checked out. Use one of the
following two methods:
• Find the checked out object in IDE
• Go into MS SQL SERVER STUDIO and find the checked out object.
In this lab you will use the second option as this is very useful in a large GR.
This Query can be found in D:/Lab/Security Lab/SQLquery1.sql
a. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Login as sa, with a password
b. Under File select the New Query tab. You may have to log back in to run a
c. Type the query listed below. Note: what database are you trying to Query?

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d. The output should appear as follows. Otherwise, ensure that you have the galaxy
database selected.

e. Ensure that all the Editor windows are closed and no objects are open on the P91
or P92 prior to checking in the objects.
f. Check in the objects by navigating to the proper View. In the above example this
is the Network View. The checked out object is hardware. Once the red-
checkmark indicator is found, right-click the object and select Undo Check Out.

g. Continue until all objects in the list have been checked in.
h. Now go back to step 13 at the beginning of Enable Archestra (Galaxy Security).


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16. By default the security is None. Select Galaxy and then the Security Groups tab.

17. From Security Groups tab select the plus sign to add a Security Group.
18. Name the group SECURITY.
19. Select default security group and drag the compound named SECURITY containing
the Stratagy_Security into the SECURITY group.

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InFusion Galactic Security

20. Select the Roles tab. Add the following Roles with the permissions listed below.
Role Name Security IDE SMC Level
IA_Conifg Ack, All All 900
IA_Tune Ack, Tune Some Start only 800
IA_Operate Ack, Oper Start Start only 700
IA_View Ack Start Start only 600
Default Ack Start Start only 0

Some roles for IDE include, Start, General Configuration, System Configuration, and
Application Configuration. Remember to change the Default to limit all other access.
Question: What is the IDE selection that will prevent a user from being able to
Disable Change? ___________________________________________________

21. Select the User tab. Add the following Users, with the corresponding Passwords and
listed roles.
User Password Roles
Tom t IA_Operate
Nichole n IA_Operate
Bob b Admin, IA_Tune
Hugo h IA_View
Juan j Admin, IA_Config
Default No Passwd No other
Administrator No Passwd No other

22. Select OK.

23. Log back into the galaxy, as an Administrative user.
24. If you select OK before users have been set up, you can log into the GR as
Administrator (as there is no password).


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25. Any Compounds/ Strategies that are dirty or undeployed, deploy these objects again.
26. Exit the IDE.

Bring Display into Window Maker - Import Display Security (this section can be done
on both Stations)
27. Right-click display
28. Select Windows scripts
29. Select Convert
30. Select Local
31. Save Display

Test Security (can also be done using Detail Displays)

32. Log into InFusionView as Juan
33. Open display Security
34. Test Each Slider
35. What PIDs should Juan have access to?_____________________
36. Log into InFusionView as Bob
37. Test Each Slider
38. What PIDs should Bob have access to?______________________
39. Log into InFusionView as Hugo
40. Test Each Slider
41. What PIDs should Hugo have access to?______________________
42. Log into InFusionView as Tom
43. Test Each Slider
44. What PIDs should Tom have access to?_______________________
45. On Validate X2 whose name did you need to use?_______________
46. Why did you need to use someone else with Operator permissions?_____________

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InFusion Engineering
Course Wrap-Up
InFusion Engineering Environment
Course Wrap-Up

Table of Contents

Review - “Jeopardy” activity ..................................................................399

Evaluation - SPAM Activity ....................................................................400

Participant Guide 397

InFusion Engineering Environment
Course Wrap-Up

Review - “Jeopardy” activity

Accumulate the highest amount of points possible with your team, by providing appropriate
questions to the answers on the playing board.

Activity Preparation
• The facilitator will act as the game host.
• Each of the learners (contestants) will be split up into 2 or 3 teams (depending on the
size of the class).
• Each team will elect a captain, to choose topics during game play.
• The game board will contain a variety of topics and questions, each worth a different
amount of points (100-500).

Playing the Game

• Through an objective method, the game host will decide which team chooses the first
• When the answer is revealed, each contestant may raise their hands to provide a
question for the answer (the response must be in the form of a question).
• A correct response provides the relative amount of points to your team’s score.
• An incorrect response takes points away from your team’s score.
• When the response is given, the host will show the correct answer. Therefore, no
secondary questions may be given.
• The game continues until no answers are left on the board.
• The winning team is the team with the most points.

Participant Guide 399

InFusion Engineering Environment
Course Wrap-Up

Evaluation - SPAM Activity

This is a method of evaluation called Socialized Procedure for Application Measurement
(SPAM) put-together by recognized legend Thiagi (aka Sivasailam Thiagarajan). It requires
the use of email. This method of evaluation focuses on the learning outcome and application
of new skills and knowledge.
• Ask each learner to write their name and email address on a piece of paper.
Distribute index cards if necessary.
• The Facilitator pairs one learner randomly with another learner (buddy).
• A week from the course, learners:
• send the facilitator an email with information on what they liked/disliked about
the course
• what needs to be improved
• When learners get a chance to apply their skills they send an email to their buddy
and copy the Facilitator on:
• how they applied their skills
• the Measurable results
• If you do not receive an email from your partner send them a gentle reminder
• Emphasize the importance of follow-up



400 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.


Table of Contents

Glossary Terms and Definitions..............................................................403

Job Aid – ICC – IACC – IEE Comparison Table .................................405
Job Aid – Best Practices: Importing a Saveall for IEE ........................406
Job Aid – InFusion Galactic Security.....................................................409
Action Plan................................................................................................411

Participant Guide Page 401


Glossary Terms and Definitions

Term Definition
Application When referring to InFusion View software, this is the
collection of windows and related configuration files that
make up the HMI as viewed within InTouch® software.
DA Server Data Access Server
DI Object Device Integration Object
Galaxy This is the database used by ArchestrA® architecture. All
ArchestrA objects and configuration data are stored in this
database. Also referred to as “Galaxy Repository.”
Historian The historian for InFusion system uses Wonderware’s
IndustrialSQL Server™ historian also known as the InSQL™
HMI Human Machine Interface
IADAS I/A Series® Data Access Server
IDAS InSQL Data Acquisition Service. This is a software
application that accepts data coming from one or more I/O
Servers and forwards it to an InSQL Server historian.
IDE ArchestrA Integrated Development Environment
IEE InFusion Engineering Environment. Engineering and
configuration tools built on the ArchestrA Integrated
Development Environment (IDE).
Letterbug A six-character name given to an I/A Series station. In the
case of a workstation or server, it is its computer name.
NAD Network Application Development. This refers to the
InTouch mechanism for centrally developing an InTouch
application and then distributing the application to client
workstations. This is the mechanism used for making the
InFusion View application available to multiple clients on a
Terminal Server workstation.
Node A workstation or server. Do not confuse this with the
definition of a node in an I/A Series system which is “a Local
Area Network (LAN) comprised of a grouping of hardware
and software components.”

Participant Guide Page 403


Term Definition
Object This term can refer to standard ArchestrA objects (e.g.,
platforms, application engines, areas, floats, ints, etc.) or I/A
Series objects (compounds, control processors, etc.).
Point A data item. Also referred to as a “tag” or a “parameter” or a
“compound:block.parameter” or “C:B.P” in I/A Series
SMC ArchestrA System Management Console.
Stand-alone A station not connected to an I/A Series network.


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Job Aid – ICC – IACC – IEE Comparison Table

Participant Guide Page 405


Job Aid – Best Practices: Importing a Saveall for IEE

1. Make proper Savealls at customer site:

a. Upload current parameters at site
b. Make Savealls

2. Check for libraries and includes at customer site:

a. /opt/fox/ciocfg/seqinclude
b. /opt/fox/ciocfg/seqlibrary
c. /opt/fox/ciocfg/plblibrary
d. /opt/fox/ciocfg/sfcinclude
e. /opt/fox/ciocfg/sfclibrary
f. Any other user folder containing library files

3. Create Custom toolbox to contain customer objects:

a. In the template toolbox view select the galaxy
b. Right-click and select new toolbox
c. Rename a name that can be found
d. Select the new tool box and make sub toolbox’s
e. IABlocks, IAlibrary, ….

4. If libraries exist need to import each type of library into IAlibrary object
a. IAlibrary object is a template toolbox utility found in the template toolbox of the
same name IAlibrary
b. Need to create a derived template for each type of Include / library object that will be
imported into the appropriate IAlibrary object.
c. This IAlibrary object is a template tool that will never be instantiated into an
ArchestrA runtime environment
d. Use the appropriate manual for this procedure
e. Move library objects to customers custom toolbox

B0750AK A PLB Ladder Logic Editor 11/30/06 3.9 MB

B0750AL A Sequence Block HLBL Editor 11/30/06 3.6 MB

B0750AM A Sequence Block SFC Editor 11/30/06 8.1 MB


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5. Import of Saveall into Bulk Data Object(BDO);

a. This BDO is found in the Invensys toolbox in the template toolbox view
b. Select Right-click and create a new derived template
c. Rename the derived template
d. Open the new BDO
e. If hardware has been generated continue the import of saveall, if hardware has not
been generated this step must be done now. Other wise continue to import savall.
ECBs are not created via BulkGeneration, only updated. So for proper Bulk
Generation including ECB parameters, all hardware corresponding to the savealls
must exist in the Galaxy before Bulk Generation.
f. All Savealls must be imported into the same BDO (InFusion 1.0 and InFusion 1.1 )
to maintain all peer to peer connections between CP’s. If All Savealls are not
imported into the same BDO, peer to peer connections could be lost.
g. Import options are Analyze connections, Loopid or One strategy per compound.
i. Analyze connections give you in a compound blocks that are interconnected
will end up in the same strategy. This can cause 1 block or >400 blocks in a
strategy. Still working on the fix for this.
ii. All Inter compound connections will be strategy input / output
connections with names that consist of the compound they are contained
in and the Block parameter they are connected to. These are non
descriptive names and changes may behoove the user at this point. Note
that changes to the names of these strategy input/output declarations
does not automatically update with the BDO. So any changes to the
declaration names will also have to be updated anywhere they are
referenced by other strategies.
iii. All strategies made below each compound will have the names
COMPOUND_001 – 0XX, it would behoove the user to change the
names to descriptive names at this point. Again, changes to compound
names will be reflected in the Blocks and Strategy I/O tables in the BDO,
but Inter-Compound references will not be automatically updated.
iv. Compounds maintain the same name and are in the CP that they were saved
from. If the CP name has changed may need to change these at this time.
v. Blocks all have the type tied down to the type of block used in ICC. Problem
here is that this will prevent forward engineering in the system due to the
parent template being read only.
vi. Here is the point that a proper engineered job would make derived block
templates. This will allow for building base level block templates,
compound templates so that the parameters can be set at the template
level before generating the configuration. The block appearance and
parameters for the derived templates can be customized as well as
locking down parameters for future propagation.
h. Additional import option: Specify the Library names where sequence, SFC, and
PLB libraries were imported in step 4. This will fixup any #include references in
any imported HLBL, SFC, and PLB source.
i. Export the BDO information into an XML file

Participant Guide Page 407


i. Right-click in the BDO and select export and export in XML format to the
directory of your choice.
ii. Edit the XML replace <Type>AIN</Type> with your custom block template
iii. After edits, import the XML file back into the BDO, ensure that the “Clear
Control Information” has been checked.

B0750AF A Bulk Data Editor 11/30/06 4.2 MB

6. After all changes have been performed you will then generate your compounds, strategies,
blocks into the Application
7. Bulk Compile each Block that needs to be compiled, PLB, SFC, HLBL blocks.
a. This can only be done with a tool called direct access which is only available to
internal engineers.


Page 408 Copyright © 2008 Invensys Systems Inc.


Job Aid – InFusion Galactic Security

Synchronization Agent Process Systems

is How points get added to Historian

Objects Have Strategies Synchronization TBLoad of xml

Security –History Being Deployed Agent Creating Files to Database
Information in Synchronization Files of Security – History
I/A Strategies Service Reading Security – History Information
Security – History Information
Information \ProgramFiles\ArchestrA\Framework\
Bin\Invensys\ Access\SyncSevice

Synchronization InFusionDeployedDB

DBinstall Can also writes these files to
Writes If
Galaxy Database InFusionDeployedDb and the User has
Historian Primitive Object Proper
IADAS Reads updated
Database Opens OM Lists
IADAS Integration
Service Object

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Participant Guide Page 409


Action Plan

Create a list of actionable knowledge/skills
You WILL use back on the job….





















Participant Guide Page 411


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