Improving The Productivity of An IT Organization: Paul Hookham

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Improving the Productivity

of an IT Organization

Paul Hookham

Abstract: When I ask the question “What is meant by

productivity improvement?” the standard response is
around getting “stuff” out of the door quicker than the
competition. Often, an image of people rushing around
like headless chickens springs to mind. This does not
­apply to technology functions and probably not ­anywhere
else either. This article explores a n
­ umber of ways that
productivity can be improved, drawing from the author’s
coalface experience. They are not i­mmediately obvious.

Keywords: Constraints, DevOps, Flow, Lean, Mean

time to repair, Metrics, Minimum viable product,
Monitoring, Process improvement, Time to market,
Value stream, Work in progress

Paul Hookham is a highly experienced For as long as I can remember, executives have
and successful IT delivery executive
­retained a laser focus on productivity. This is perfectly
with an outstanding track record
working for some of the world’s most understandable. They need to understand what their
demanding customers. bang per buck is in order to satisfy their stakeholders
He is passionate about quality and and, if applicable, their shareholders, that their ­company
believes that people do their greatest is moving in the right direction.
work in an empowered, blame-free, Sadly, I have witnessed very few instances where the
supportive, and learning environment. data they are presented with actually means anything.
He is comfortable working in The graphics and balanced scorecards may be visually
software development, application pleasing but not much else.
support, or infrastructure delivery
For me, productivity is not just about efficiency—
and is an evangelist for continuous
improvement. whether it be an individual, a team, or an organization.
Significantly more important is the effectiveness of the
Paul is also a master practitioner of
neurolinguistic programming (NLP), an
work being done. Is everybody working on the right
NLP master coach, a published author, things? Are we delivering real value to our customers?
and an experienced speaker. Are we delivering what they need as opposed to what
He can be contacted at they want (these may be one and the same thing, of course).

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94819-850-9 (2018) Expert Insights

Improving the Productivity of an IT Organization

This is the area that is often ignored. One tongues wagging about redundancies, and
could then argue that there is good and it seemed to satisfy the assembled masses,
bad productivity. It is pointless to simply at least initially.
speed up delivery as all that will happen is But then—the process started and it all
that the wrong thing will be delivered a lot changed.
faster—not much help! It turned out to be a bureaucratic night-
Quality is another area that cannot be mare, involving a huge amount of form
­ignored as even if your organization is both filling, number crunching, and ­searching
efficient and effective, it won’t be thanked back through old change requests and
if the delivered product is riddled with ­defect reports. Twenty-page questionnaires
defects. had to be completed and handed over to
For the purposes of clarity, the d­ efinition an external consultant (and I use the term
of productivity as it is used in this article “consultant” loosely).
comprises effectiveness, efficiency, and What should have taken a few days
quality. ended up taking a month, and this
If one of these components is missing, ­included w ­ orking evenings and ­weekends
then the organization runs the risk of not to m ­ aintain delivery commitments. It
satisfying its customers, and with such would not have gone down well with the
fierce competition around, they may well ­customers if they were told that their next
vote with their feet and move to a d ­ ifferent release was being delayed because the
supplier who can demonstrate better, teams were counting lines of code and
cheaper, and faster and not just faster. ­filling out forms instead.
After what seemed like an age,
IT Productivity Insights the  ­ exercise was completed, all forms
Let’s start with a war story on how I’ve were s­ ubmitted and then keyed into some
seen IT productivity measured in the past. top-secret a­pplication by the c­onsultants
The same thing happened at two major UK (notice they have become ­plural). A ­findings
­corporations, arguably leaders in their field report was automatically ­ produced and
and well established in the top 100 leading presented to the organizational grown-ups
shares (FTSE-100). behind closed doors. It took a while before
I will leave it to you to decide whether anybody got to see any white smoke.
the experience was good, bad, or ­indifferent, The executives did keep to their word
but there may be an element of leading the and presented the outcome, which
witness, although I don’t think I’ll have to. ­included a comparative study of where
You will not be surprised to learn that each part of the organization stood against
a large consulting firm led the charge. their ­competitors in the sector. In one
It would have been unthinkable to even ­organization, ­production support turned
­consider for a minute that the IT teams out to be the most productive—which is
themselves would know where to start, quite an achievement for an area that
wouldn’t it? doesn’t write any code. To this day, I am
To give credit where credit is due, the IT not sure what happened there.
management team in both ­companies stood The productivity measure was based
up in front of everybody and e ­xplained on the average number of uncommented
why it was felt necessary to complete the lines of code that were produced by the
exercise and what would be done with the ­organization over a 12-month period. It’s
results. There would be no secret meetings, not the sort of thing that is easy to bring
and the development processes were b ­ eing into any conversation, nor is it easy to
measured and not the people. This was ­defend among a peer group who actually
a critical piece of communication to stop understand what the outcome is telling

2 © Business Expert Press 978-1-94819-850-9 (2018) Expert Insights
Improving the Productivity of an IT Organization

them. Who wants to know, and what on and everybody needs to work in multiskilled
earth could you possibly do with the data? autonomous teams in order to achieve the
Needless to say, the natives became even organizational goals. This i­ ncludes not
more restless. They could see no b ­ enefit only the technical areas such as software
from their labors. ­development, application ­support, quality
What did it matter if Company X ­produced assurance, and testing but also security and
more lines of code than ­Company Y? Does the business product owners themselves.
this make it more ­efficient? Aren’t apples One of the first things to analyze is the
being compared with bananas? Should way the work flows through the system;
Company Y be penalized for producing from business idea generation through
less code? What if their code was more to the realization of the benefits in the
efficient? ­production environment. This is the value
In the end, absolutely nothing was done stream and can be any end-to-end process
with the recommendations, and the whole such as opening an account or setting up
process fell into disrepute. I’m certain the a pension; anything of real business value.
consultancy firm will be re-engaged in the It is an eye-opening exercise to take a
future to help with things they are good at, paddle upstream, walking together as a
but in my experience, benchmarking isn’t multifunctional team. It gets everybody
one of them. on board in their understanding of how
My story ends with an apology, as I did the work gets done. Some key people will
say I would leave it to the reader to d ­ ecide be met  along the way, so questions can
whether the experience was good, bad, or in- be asked about their issues in the way
different. My view is that it was ­unproductive, the work works. It will highlight where
measured the wrong thing, and caused many the b ­ ottlenecks are, and for the first time,
initiatives to lose m­ omentum. However, it ­everybody will begin to see the big picture
did become the subject of much amusement and not just their piece of the action.
in the local bars and restaurants. In fact, At the end of the walk (it may be
morale improved—there’s always a positive, ­necessary to do it more than once), it will
isn’t there? be possible to draw a map that highlights
The moral of the story is that one cannot all the work in progress along with the time
judge the productivity of an IT o ­ rganization it takes to get from one stage to the next.
on the basis of the number of lines of code
it produces, controversial as this may seem. Where are the delays?
It’s only a short step away from ­ putting Where are the dependencies and handoffs?
photographs of lions on the office walls and Why are they happening?
informing your people that “the customer How does the work actually work?
is king.” What action needs to be taken to remove
Having cleared away the dishes from the the constraints?
starter course, it’s now time for the entrée.
How can productivity be improved? A number of reasons will be identified,
How do you know if it’s improving? What which could include some of the following:
impact is it having on the bottom line?
I do not believe that IT can be solely ■■ Vastly elongated wait times at various
responsible for improving productivity. It points in the stream
can’t do it on its own. ■■ Late engagement by key functions such
That may sound a little strange, but it as security and support
will need every area involved in the flow ■■ Overreliance on a limited number of
of work to play its part. The silos that exist subject-matter experts who have become
in many organizations need to be flattened, single points of failure

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94819-850-9 (2018) Expert Insights


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